sun THIi WUHKLY .ORHOT SCOUT. i NlOtf OlUidON, MAT., ilQV, ?, J&;i5. jCrjoplf Rpfid. Tho sprvoyinrr parly cent put a Tvcuk rir s.o'ngo to ninii lon.aa lunch, titt )upsjb(i, fiiii) lowitc Mil! mail froju t "t I ,'iilloy Jo iio Pino itcjjU juiiio?., rp- unioi 'Jtjbt, Sip unlay, 'huyiti'; had a rery fnynrable lime. so far ns t lie lycallior wiiP i-ipicjiraed, foi;lie jrotp f'ulioti Of lliiff work. They xm l 'llint Roycviil iipportan. iihutigcs won; Tnado, iiikI yhilo in some jilucns .lo pulinjr ilic;;rriHjc fu as pot tp exceed n i'im) of Dioijo than (Op feet j.o thp hundred, tlio j'oad at jlipso pJnejR u',1b HoccHRiuily lenn'Jieiied, . they, fCained onsidurnldy jujdhpr pin l?r part situ ,cecdc( ii) fli(p;lpiiiu t lie load on lliti jwholoisiimpwp nr a,, fourth miles. pMiKiny liiulisiani'u from here, lo L'or piic())i:i, ffty.fnuriiid citic-lui Jf utiles. The building uf 1 1 io 'oiid j-i putitclv practicable, ii'id rompiirntivuly easy. The (;ot .i.if coiti ii.etitJii' will not vary jiiaturiallyj from. t,ho .fijjti i ;s sett ia a ormei'.rppurt.,,, tfiukurf Juivu been fcet it a (Ustuuen or tifty,tect apart ,.nluur ic; pou'e,,. ami cycrytliiu iefiiniiea- .lincgti o eoiii)iii! work at any jipc. !A biid&e wjihjiave. lo lie built aerois Ilijr Kiitflu .tci.-Ic.., which i), tlio . only stream if in y siy.c lo be ei'.opM'd, and tliis Itiide, tlicyilhliil; should lie. cou Btruclcd H'itl()it etay, asi tlii water k now lower than it has been known for several yours. Work dp- Kticli vasl lliporlanru to (lie county slptuld be IhVhed'nloii'f iii) rapidly us po-n'ilde. fiild as imli'li.woi k put (in the road he fore I he winter hoik in. iik ran he. Mr. Uiiffillntdu waiting, to oeo whnt fiction lilt) Copniy I'oiiiiiiis'jioiicin yill lake in the tiMt''er.'biifoi'u cundiiiK his report Hi fv'cneuil- Tannajt, apil the Hoard of 'Prnde'-in ll'oi l Itiiid . ' What lloafd of Ti'ad'u u'ill do for nfc in UiH loutler, we iulilj'ino will be "gov fcrlled by what tho-X,'ouidy 'rotlrt and tfilPrFlIieiiS'of' the eoiuily aC 'V'dlinjj o do fcJf Ihcineelvosi' The 8iiii Kranri iiirisci) 'Ai''r()iiM))t of the flrd irtsr. exiies.iWitK VIowH 'ielim ve to the Chinese (pie'siion, which we !jjink aid correct1. W"? 'bolieyo that yfiP? w'e'haVo liiiti-Chiiie'l'hVs, die ijlilu'rs wlid 'Will not. enforce lliem Mlbuld fold llfe"MI'oiig hand of tin licoplu heforb yioll!ife is o1'fer6.1 to iho lic.'itl'L'iS, who cjidIioI he idapicd or sinVin1 when they are permit tl'd to tiny. The ArmUU says; ''Now hnt we linvc tin anii'Cli1nin law. jiasiod' Vy "Conixiess and Inicrpielcd jy the cotirtw, )Vv would dit i'verytliini jdor the la'w lo siNtnin tho Jaw; we Ifopld I'tirn oul'eollcclors, yi! would PlPpiieli 3iidf,r'ew, we would reinjvc ivitli dlrace and ilishuiioi' evoiy tilli (Iftl wli't.i'hli'nk'M'iliilV'' lii' thi? )Ua en jorceliient ot aiili-Cliiiici; lanv, and. jkvlien every lejrnl renledy fas, and ii s demoiihlriited lhat Ve ;i'inliiit stay lie inswei'pliiir tidi of harliuraiii, we yoiild f(ii orderly vigilance commit jips, sjieli as aii (''lancihco once or fljpizeil a'pid list Ihu crijiiinajs that in I'adei ' All s I'M I lu iiikI "other foreign iiiid; wo wotihl sel aside al court, nnd judges and all o(llnias as wc then did who eoiili not or would not ftdiuinister (lie law ; ye wop'hl n;l at leuance a iitithoiity of iho Slalo oi (neral jtfytM npient nf yji then did d ii an irre.Mi!ar iiiuuuiir wit would pppiycq tliji v j we tv'oijld show the world a spectacle of jiisiihirdiiiniioii n tl p jplpi Oft of tlx; ljlier law anij jlieM(liijiii-raliiui ol justice, we wou0 piiforce anil cim ry julo tixecption the PPM' 'r llll! lPHli'ClM'L' li'jjjslijlli'p. Ilnl juts honoritly ondenyoied to fiiiunl u roui this yjje iuva;ii. In tie inloi psls o! oir !uiii( of oiispvc, inn ( isti,iii ciyiliziliiii( our ivpuidici)i pil . mi( for tlm liiliit velture iI PHI' paliyn laud, we would have the pest fllizons of tlijs sttitp iiii) tlii-c ( piosfiilinu: flip iiitclljpijip mid wenltli of tills city, pipoll fhtiisel o. pud ii ipiuu (ayirlif arip tin iisclvc iiid wltoii the sun wa at noon ppH'I'h K) ie eteapii-lup dock mid sn (tl dip iiiiMiitijni: L'hluesu steamer, "jjlt bic lo Cliiiii), ui wu will lump J'nlir fiit!iin and place miother with iu(iliei' cipw on litmiil." woihl ljiinp; lluit captain on slime and ascpr piiu iiiulcr wlni-e inrucliois hp md puled in ioatin; the law, and, when ruciM lalucil, wc woil'd hold thii-eper-niiu and their propeity ic-popKible till' Ihci. ci iuifi-. iiuil for t ci iiuc WO would execute Ihem, TliN i whal Han J''iai.ciciMlid bcloie, and it wa Upheld mid Kiuiciioiicd by mi iulelll jjonl iialiouid opinion," Tilt: legislature conveneii iipdn on Jloudiv nex'l, mid the uiemheiK t this county lutenll taken their ( ep-ir-tuie lor ll.e .stale Cupllol. W'I.hI the reftilt of the scr-iou will he N liaid lit (leleinilne; hut It is lo be hoped that llio fui iv of lat winter will not be ic cilia ted. As the deiiioernlx are In the tlllnoiiiv , voiihlu'l il bu n yuod idea for llieai I't put lu Ibi'lr llmu tecilfv intf K I io inUlako of omUinii iiinlctiin Uitlloa lliiulo by (bo lofcdtlnliii'O nl lu i t nr.i.i lug mill 1. 1 iho ii'publktiu j'1'1 w,n w 10 WJ.0 ' u I lit 1 1 lift VfiiinlMiv 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1)11 u t'. i9 A tt. tie worji hiiml wished in fip'lho yii cral ,'iQ'od of f Ijc peojilo, wpld bo p. preofhied, ; j, JTuNt)P(:i)K qf millioos pi dollns arc tq-diiy earning Virgo dijdemh Jicrc fur tiiatura7.ed foreigners, nlcn tccs, who prijposR to eot?pnie tho fat of tpjs laud, and, nu far a pniptiua ble.'inake a second Ireland of ft,' ' Whole linen of railroads are con trolled by iipMinlniKiii. and a to work ed for tlin lienulit of KiiplUh cnpiiiil, with no refurcni.o to thp 'wolfaro Uf the people wito fnniiuli lliu trunio, ..Qur pudie lnii(s, whinli shoi;ld be itscrved for the poor solter, are Ink (Ml up in jiiillioaslnf neres for purpoji Os of uioijopoly by Kulibt) Jords, who stock them with herds pud Hocks, Votmr scions of ie aristocracy come over to Inara the trade andiaii the Ipisiuess, while (lie profits ;o back in imaea funds to Oreat Itrfliiiii . They are ciicl'isinp" lenmt'ps of ppblic. htnd witl) wire fence, keeping out the Auiurjcaii piofiper. and '.iaipudunfly defyiiip; the Government and public .-entiui.ent. . The' .capital pas come to stay; (lie dividends arc piled up at hipne to upike new capital for a farther Hpbju ratioi,iof the aptaral ic.soiirtr.n of Aiit'.rii;a. The uiiiieK of tlio I'ncky ((i:nitiiins aru uamopoli.ed (a a similar .way by Iliilish capiial,ISrijsh iniliicnne, Itit isli iiioiio'. I!riti;i)i iolie-. seek to control nd iililio all thups that vnlaable in Amtpica. The C'qbden Club sends emissaries to jreacli Hrit isli free ti'tide,i and there are Apieii euus that can he bought to work for the iillcreds of a foiu.':n nation, to break flown flic wagf.s of labor fo bhet ii'i) mildew 'lie Vpung but vigor ous eatprpiisee Unit jve employutpiil to our people and Miuld in the w''J" (,f Iho greed of foreipn eoiiiaerce aipl for eign iudm-try'. X. Telegraph. To the Firmc;p. Uulil further notice j we arp com pelhid by the demand tor excliiingc, to liniif Iho aipouut lo e.ieh jiersou, lo live bushelM of wheal. I'Yoni this dull) we will plve .'in lbs of oui slau du rd brand "Full Roller Raker's" Hour to tlio husiic) ot wheat . I'NION MILLING CO. I uioii, Oct 17, ia.r, tf. ! 1 MASON .t HAMLIN O rutins AND Piano: arc UNEXCELLED. Yoq can save From $f0 IwO, on the purchase of an in- st i ii men p bv biivinp through . 1'' WIt'H.l T, Agvt, Union. Ogi. Land Notice. Land Orricic, La (iiiavdk, OurooN', Nov. :ird.. 1SS,-), Nojicc l.s hereby riven that the following uniicd settler hn. I'd ! jiotice of his Inten inn to iiiake final pninj In Mtipporl of hi. 1 1 1 i in', and that s.iid proof will ln liuide he oio Ji')dster mid l'ei eiver nl l,a (irande, Ireglln, On' Dee. I'.'lh., ISS'i, a J. V. Nliiiiui'liN 0. S. Vo. m: lor the ,s I'-V.sWW f-'ee 2;iniu! 'i .NVt JVe 2H Tp. I S it 10 KWM. 7e linnet Jhe followlnt: witnesses to prove hi. 'oiitiiiiiiiiis reiideiiee upiiti, and cultivation f, Mtiiil land, viz: (i. iiniiimiH, IC. ) ni per, J, I'. Sniltli and It. Ii. Mplth, nil Ji.i in, Orcpon. ' ' ' S, O. no"-vQ. Iicuister I Oll kl 1 Jtljl 1.1 t. (Corrected Weekly.) WiiCAT-Valley. VI :P fcl.?-': Walla. 1 '."JX. Fi.oliu sjtiiiidiiid braipls', ft 25othor.s .") ',U 73. ItCTTiai Choice dniry, 25e; country store, (u ISc. ItMii.iiv-Veed, I'ldVnlS; hrewhi;, 22. Kiiii IVr i.en. 2Vi!f(K-. I )at Choice feed. KfiOi.'ISlfc. I'oTvioi:' (Jnote 23(sil50c per l)ishcl; woets, lt-2c per lh. I. 1 I IAAH... I lin iMii, i iiv ripen ii.iiiix, nnani , iiiicon, Hv ; houlilerf., s0' a.-; country cured reuerally Hlc les; wp-turn hams, cliolce, t;iWn2le: liienkfiit Imepn I'JVie. eastern iji tins. UKU10M ; best NichI in palls, li(jtin'4i coiunion, Jo. Wool. Katcrii Or.. lninj clip, lllalOo. Hay IVr ton, tJO.WtSO. OXIOX8 .lobl.lnp at lal'c. Ciiiiksi Local cictiiucry 128 Up; impor ted. m I Ac. . ... Hi:ax Juict nt22S'c for best varieties. i?coAU .stmidv. (Junto ImrreU: liMra C.S l-Vc;Kohrn (', Se; dry pranuhitcd, !Kc; eiibu. criishcil, line iloand powdered. !) 1 "-V; half barrels Me ami boxes He udltloiial. I. oral tin ki't (CorrectoU Weekly.) Wiiet- IVr builiel Oats Vr bundrcil Hahi.uv l'er hundred... Mu.i. 1'iiKr lor ton ClIOITKll llAHMiV V tt ruioruv Sunu ) U 1'i.oea l'er Imriel. Ut ijuli y l'uicu-Oilier imnli IIiMiii pr , un fivit, It nfiN Per th, l!iu l'or ilioen Ciiickiuw- l'r dot . . PoTvrowi IVr (b ... Uxiok IVr , Uittbi !'r U Ciikiwi 1H I. un-- I'fi H Una, .. IlKKI tbalkltUl. Ml ITO 13fi6lp. Wc Ic. fit- tstsodsaa 106 I.V iSe. M v. U. atnUke. lUui. Fm it..--V fcamtU, 12 He icIim, i.v .niiioia. aw i hoaml w. ki i. u v It Hm i V, al4ti RoUen-U j 111'.'. nr k 4nuuua, 14C. i i ii. 1 1 1 VU' ' lti i .11 ui ..itii luuiiiN inr . to FANfOy GOODS, Tinware, MOTIONS, Wo.o(Iqivarc, .'are, etc, Ohoipor Ilia n ovov ofljorojj on tis uawf. CffT'Oiw. iloor south of millinery store, Mali) Street, I'liion, rrgon. jJNION $jo more Sencliyp offfyr Goods, im-w winiiiiJ-uaniiiumui rVf TVin Tnlilin I hayo J-1fy J- UUllCf one jnf GciieraJ Merclmndisc oyer brought goods at a great reduction mi N Vleo now J 1, 10, 18 yuVpor one tlolfar, I'dcc formerly 12, 1-t, ltj yds, pur onmlollar. P i '.. i Ginghams, Poplins, Cashmeres, Buntings. 1 WIIITJ'- GOODgS, otc., ia sfime proportion,' OITE -4. 3B a fv fin nlnllil 7.". ilt I'rlni. f.iti'n..l'K' 7". iiIe nnil .'.aII.i I'rlcc CLOTHING, tSuIts,) i'rfcn now $lf.,00, 12.00, f 15.00, $20,00'. Former priqi; 12.50, $15, $i0, f?5. i . Goods jU'iill our other lineS"iu same proportion. UohiR awarn of tlie fact that tlio people of th'n valley liavo 1'pen In tho habit of son illiiK Kat lor things nei:ilri in IliC'.piove lilies, owiiif,' to tlin disailvantat'os iiieiiuhaiiU havi! luliored uniliir, ns U) Cvi'nl IneilltlcM, i:ivu kpceial ratcx, and 'having uuiigni niy K(M),lh "'' (-'iiciipiu nicy run ue ouiiin, l am in a pouuou io hen mem ai POR .TLAND PRICES, I would call the attentioa of the pulillc to GETS WOLD'S ami OfJCJIS 1 am also n;(:nt forfioine of tho lu-st Fir? IiiMinmee Companies In llie world, vU; SOl'TIJ jlltl I I-ll .t N'ATlO.V.Vb, IIAMItlMtO & MAOpKIUMK.'. IIAMIM'ltC.-HUR. MAN, iip.l tilCUM'A.N'lA, holloltii)' for tiu Also asent for tho fpllowhifj artlolpn pf the PARAFINE PAINT COS. CLOTH COMl'OCND.lhr elofh, niifva-.-. lope.'cle. l.fcA'l llHIt 1UK 1CUVATIVR, for IIarpes and (ill klinN of leather. JtUUFIXU, which is water proof, uuien!oiit, atd preervatlve, c N. j. Orderr. respectfully solicited from tlio interior, which will at all tijaes uip'et our prompt attention, 1 " ;esi3Ctfully vouns, i msr 1 www duns, lvovolvcrs, Call and eamine my f-ck ami pi ice., at but never follow, and dufy NEW IMPORTATIONS K.i route, from H-istem and Western m imif.ietiiries. Wo buy for CnsJ-, and will sell tho Choicest ' liOODS C'MluAl'Iil. THAN THE CllhAPKTS. An ItttttM-U-w x:ot'k or Drv'li od, CI Uirnx'.. ll til, runilshhij: Ci hhIh. Hoot aid ShOM, tWililurutii mul Orrtiou UUuk. ii., (Ir.Mvrle., !lrlrf, Cnnkery Totwifco ad CUiar., .sintloiieri, N.iilon, eh-., etc., coui:mil on hud. yyA odnllnl bu Itation tt.uuliHl to all I mull oa me. eaiii.ut ooiU, anit learn liriMa. Adolph Levy, Union OrD AHEAD Inst relurncd from Ban Francisco with 'the largest and h(st sujeeted stocks of to ITuion i-ounly, mid u now offer former pr'iccs. ' For example; i formerly "3 cts. and 'one dollar, i.' I the fact that I have the sole agency for J PATJUNT Lamp Fillers YjC6 Fov Union qnd Jtukcr Counties. Jjutual I.tfe liUurauce Co., ot-New ork, I A. BQSKOWITZ. JOS. AVRICJIIT, J(ii' Street, - L'uiou, Oregon. Dealer la Stoybs, Tin HarAware, The Celohratcd PAT, OVAL, CHURLS PF.OiiA and GLASS FUUIT ,j a us, Gi:AXri:- may ir.iA'A. sil'j:ii ir.i;;, ,te. CUTLERY and Annmition. the old stand of the late John Haras, euaipetitioa IN .MliKCllAXDltfi:. ! ia all oar dopiutiiioiits. Step lii Sir Atthoild IbMnard StStpil, Union, Oregon, Keep on hanj all kind'' of ii'ui h' rn i M.n Paints and Oils, ' pROCKERY. Tobacco and Oigars. IMeaso call and examine e;imdH and price". Fruit and Shade j? FI. E jty S ! 1 For I'l'll I), livery. 1 ! APPLE, PEAK, PI.U.M, PRUNE, PEACH, Al'HICOT, CHA13 APPLE, OIIEHUY, Shruhbery and Shale Trees Q ' well known varieties miitahlo for this climate. Can a so turn Mi fqreiun Mir at nne-lhlrd tho prlco asked by K.e-lpiip' I desire to sell trceV at' prluei. that t:e'ojdo can afford tq bliv. : , V ' ' L. J, IJOLsl-j. pelO-tf Cove, Oregon, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES AT- POWLES & IcDAXIlEL'S NEW STOR 17 JJi COVi:. UNION COUNTY, OCX jlnvinr Rtoeked their new and coin i i.-.odious f-tore room with an im- -incite assort uient of iroods, of cv ry ininjijiiaiile desiirip tiou. purchased nt hut tun i prices, ami in many line Direct From tlie Manufacturer, a, e prepared ' ' to sell better oods at lower iijriirc. than ever before, armors will find it fo their interest lo ex amine tha-e'il'joiU. and Ifcarn pri ces. They ipeau what thliy ,-ay. nt cowbKs it Mc1)anii;is, covi:, ov,'. nDCPfLllMjJlSO Mrs, Ad. Hdgar, A Street, opposite Wiight's Il.dl, In ion, Oregon, In prepared to do plain scwiinr, and DUKSS JIAKINti in tlie host style. A share of the public patronrse rekpeetfully solicited. ' ocl7-tf From j'nion to the Cove, J. F, Elliott, Puorr.inTon. Leaves Pnion at 10:,10 A. M. riinl returns at 2::;0 I'. M. every day except Sunday. Fare from depot to Covo . . . .7f Kjiuiul trip fl.2o Passengers will be takpn from tho depot tbroiiKli to the Cove, via I'liion. ,. W, STJ1ANOE. DENTIST , OFFr-K-Corncr 5b!i and A Slreots, ITalon, Ort'ion, ALL W01JK STI'fCTLY FJUST CLASS, "".'liaises reisoiiable. Depot o'ie!. A. C. C'n.wc, - - : I'uoi'KU.xoit, (Pnion, Depot, Oregon.) Splendid iiecoiuod'iljpns for connnei -eial men. Tables always supplied witi j'.ic ppst'tlie' market affords. 7Hor and Cot.i Mixr.itAL Iiatii?. NEW BAKERY! .lust Opened. On Main Street, opposite IJoskowit's Store. FP.ESII DREAD, CAKES and PIES AUv.lys ( Hand. M:n Lliy.K It ; v;f. - - I'nor FOR SALES Fine Grain and Stock Farm, UN'K HILt: SOl'TII irMMKKVII.I.U, Known us the JOHN UIXKIIAKT PAl.M. roHtuir. 880 aciDs, all under feiirt'; 200 aero ta vultlvatton. and I'-O cn of tln paluru laiul, with .v Ifr on it the )ar rouiul: liott, Want and orchnrd on farm. TttiixKn ri.y Part cah and Ualauuf n I.iiik Oui". I r furtlu:!' infu;iHntloii. call mi rr ail (tr: n. It. llAltlti-. octi-tf. lumnurulK', ur. GROCERIES PROVISIONS 1 v Daily Stan p. Notice J herrhy piven. thnt I forbid any i pemia )r iterKons, ininimw, ihiiiiiK, t.i'iot- inr. tr.ippini?, or ouierwise iriMpas'sinK on the property btloiiKinir to 'Mrs. H. A. M. Krencli. ut Cove, I'ainp cpmpy, Oregon, known' hi the Cove rancli. ll.'ll. PltEJCTII, oclO-ml Anciit. Land jiiticp, Land Office. l. OitAxnn, )ni:noN. . . Oct. ii'jrd. 18,-;-), Notico is hereby plvrnlhM "'e followinj;. nnmed settler jitis tiled notice of his Inten tion to ninlii' (iji'al iiroof in support of hii iJfaini, niiiftijat said proo yl) he iimde lie. fire Itenlsfer and Receiver , -if l.u (irandn. (IrcKon, oil Dee. .Mb., l.sftf, j lit: .Irn)i4 V Junf ii Ii. S. N'o, t.'tlt.'for tlioK 1.2 N;W N'W' SK V S: SWV, See 2STp. !1 S it 10 KWM. Ho names tho followbif; wltuoes to prr ve bis contbnioiis rryldr nrtMipoii, cultivation of. xiiiil land, viz: Ami, Ttiindell. John Wilkinson. I.iirenzn I'nn. i.a.t'k'.i Mill I llPf all of rujiiii county. Orouoil. " . ' KM KU'llVHIlllMl o(,Sl-wO f ,. (i IteKtstor. tl ' ' Land police. I.::n Orrcr, I.a GitAxnn Or.poox, Oet,f).ltb., 1HN'. N'otico is hereby pi veil that tie followiiif". named settler lias tiled 'potlco of his inten tion to make linnl oroof in suiinort of 1 i i i claim, ipjd that jsaid proof will bit tnado liefon; ItcKlster and lteceiverat ba Grande, Or., onl'Noveinher 21st., 1SS.V, viz: O.'ilip I II. Hd. Ko. 1S2.1 tor'tlie S 1-2 SV. 1-t and N 1-5 HUH Fw.U Tp. (i sun i;y.M. Ho names the foljow in,' to prove ins continuous rc'rhlciice upon, and en Jt i yntioti of, said land, l!ii'liard''l)unt:ni. Win, Martin. Wallace liovlrsiili'dJustiee Wrii-ht, ..ii e t-..! , i. ' an ui u 1 1 if j 1 1 eoi,iii(v, vivi''ijoi , , , I ' ' S..O. ftVV.C!ijMI'.ll, oc.J7-wO Hefji.ster. Land Notice. Land Orrie;:, La Oiiami:, Onr.oox, Oct. 12th.. 1'5. Kotke is hereby iriven that the following named settler ins tiled notice of inten tion to make llii'al proof in sunppit of hit claim, nnd tbtit'snd troof will, he mada before Itejristcr and lteceiverat ,a Qpuule, Or., on Xov. 2.jtli., isS.), viz: J. II. Ti ImhIus PS No. (llO.- for tlio NW'h SWK See. .r N 1-4 SK SIC Si;i Sec. (i Tp. S S K AO KWM. lie names tlie following' witnesses to provo bis continuous vevide-jjee upon, and eui'is Viition of. said land, ,V4,'.: H, , H,' (iavlord, Thonia.s N. I'mUlt. Charles .'rones and'Kree man Steele, .all uf Piny, Valley, Ore-ion. S, 0. SWACKIIAMKlt, oc. 17-wO. HeKtster. i i . Photograph Gallery ! Cmner .Main and C Streets, Cnion. All kinds of photoprai liie work doao in a superior Manner, and ueeor diu,; to Hie 1 (tttt and mobt ajipnived methods.- Views of residences takeu on application,' JT"A11 work warranted tp ive sat irfactlon. .1 ONES HHO'P. Props. ' A weekly juirii'd, devotod to tlio intcreett ' of llantinn't)!"'-'!)!!. and particularly " "nioti County. INDKPKNniCNT IN WyTlUNQ It will bo found voIc'iik the sentiments liet ('aW'uhited to i-orve tlie ends ot Trull) ami .ni'tlee, anil an tiucomprouiis:ite; eup? my of deniairotrue., el.(iies :jud rings. Dominated by no part v. "Pet. or porpnra Hon, it win iii coND'ccTp.n 'it y 'tub PKOP.iUjmitS, for the bijnMit of tlw peoyie. - ' '" ' Subscription 81.50 a year, eah in ailvenee, Makiinrlt the CJIKAPLVr COl'NTY PA 1'Klt puhLJhed oirOie Paellip (-'oast .1 r- ITS M I SCULL AN V Is q.trofullv selected for valuable liformsi "''ion, and the nnist litufciUii l.'ter.irv lnatiir. rrs i.oca iiaok Ig replete with evervlhln' of intere.t trqnjj piijij; hi tio eoipily. " KeasQiiablc ratu to ADVERTISERS, Tpnui made knuwii on appl.eatIo, -OP II JOB OFFIOE ! In oor.neetln w!ih Ihi paper, wo ari nvc panid to do all k'nd- of job pr.ntbi. muil ai I. .11 hpiidh, I.mipr liwul. Noto head, titatemetit., Hand llll. po.tiirs, L'aiel.ii k. lia'l tickets, Ac, at iiuuouable rati . .JONES fc OIIANCKY, lVodrloiora. Tin: onr.uoN scow HUT Adjoining Jonw llro' b'torc. DKOP IN AND UK SOCIABLE. hiss 'sir ROOM DMJJJ t