THE WEEKLY OREGON SCOUT. pNION. OREGON, SAT., OCT. 17. 1S33. Local Notes, Six prisoners arc at present confined (n the county jail. ' , A saloon keeper at Sparta djert vory 6uddeply a few days ago. : Tjio East bound passepger train was delayed several hours, Wcdpcscay rnprning. , Tic First National Baiik js having their yaujt constructed in the pew bank bilildipg. j The "Companion" mine at fine creek, owned by W. J. Comypgs and V. Talmer has peon purchased for $10,000 by S. S Bailey. Four tcatn.3 loaded with flour from the Victor mills of Sunnnerville, and bound' for Harney valley, passed Jhrough ' Jiorc Thursday, t Tho Mechanics Fajr this year is re ported to bo a very successful one in every particular. More'' interest has been taken tins year llnin ever before. : A. gentleman fronj over near Lewis toi, I. T.,. says lie found a very lino ledge of silver bearitig oro, in tho Big Creek section. What won't bo found j-ct? ; Tho vegetables raised in Ran. Moore's garden, which wero exhibited at the fair, elicited, the i)inst favorable commenjs from fcycry opo hi atten dance, ' i Thero arc nine State cases to come before the Grand Jury this tenp Qf court for hearing. No telling what , n (lay niify,,bnJn forth when the jury ceta to work.; ! Alex Jones is in Missouri, flying around at a lively riltn" Wo keep ing our pptic on Alex, and if he com mits any heinous oflence, which he is.liiiblq tq do at any "time, we intend jo 'give hipi away. ' Mrs. Ad. Edgar has opened a dress making establishment in this;city,i op positeWright's Hall. Ladies desiring Kiiy. worj: dopo in that line cannot do patter than call on .Mrs. Edgar., See her ad, in another cohpnn. . 1 That Metliodrst Festival comes off next Friday evening, at Wright's Hall. Supper will be ready at G o'clock. Turn opt and get a good square ineal for, t.he usual price, and have a good social time without extra, cost. IlighSv'ayrrycn are rt :bogihning to show up in theiPjne valley regiop. A gentleman coming'' frorii the mines a few days ago was held up, and ordered to deliver, but by putting spurs to his horse lio managed to get away. ' The' way tliis weather makes tho farmers smile, 'is a Caution, Just the tbing for his wheat basiling. Fall plow pig may be a little dry, but is being done in a manner that will surprise you, if you'll take a trip opt' through tjic country. . Bailny Roes lias pjaccd a partition Wall through the- State ' Land ofliee making his office have more of a bus iness air about it. lie fays he did hot agree to warm a whole township this winter. We don't know what his agreements aro, but we know ho can be fopnd now in his oflisc without scanning spiiec with a field glass. We learn frpm partecs just in from jlie mines, that a small extension of one of the ledges has been sold for $4,000, and that Allen & Cox have bonded another mine for $10,030. Mr. Frank Ballard, who has just returned from Pine','has secured an interest in four claims, 'two of w.hiei are good siU S'er bearing ledges. He thinks that pot many more mines will lie sold this fall, qwing to the lateness of the Fea- Jpp. He gives it as his opinion that next year, just as many good ledges Will be found as have been this. Ev erything continues to show that these mines will be the richest ever struck. We l,ear. Jt yrpporcd that two gapgs pf Clpnaineii, employed' on tho rail road near here, liave been discharged and told tp "go." Wo did pot learn Whether it was from the fact that their fervices were po longer required, or Whether it was that tjio war spirit Against them influenced tho railroad Co. tp bid them, a listing farewell or pot. It would seem from the prints throughout the stato that the Chinese pipst "go," Well wo supposo tlloy must, but wo hope brutal outrages against tjteip will not 1)3 resorted to. Wo have po objection to tieir being induced to'-go," so Ions as the iuduco jpept is within tjie pales of the law. Mr. N. II. Orgreen, wlioo horses Were stolen, last week, at his plaeo pear Maud city, in eompanv with fherhf Boloy of Wall.i Walla succeeded in capturing the thieves, and recover ing the horses near Lines ferry, on the Snake river, Friday last. Mr. Orgrcon took chargo of tho prisonors, and was bringing them to this city to he lodged In jail, night came on and he was obliged to stop at a farm house on tho Band Ridge to rccuperato, ho took tin handcuffs oh" the prisoner to allow them to eat, and they watching their chance lit out, somewhat similar to the manner in which Bill Nyo'a cut went tlucmgh the window, and hae not been heard of since. Mr. Orgreen thinks they went in the direction of Wulla Walla. One of the men's name Wits CJo. West, the other Robt, Field. Wet in it half-breed, luu a Urge none, ttntight bJ.ick hair, wort dark clothe, nnd wm about five fwt eight inched in hulflit. Field in light coiiipUcM, i-Jiare made, btubby beard, nd light iiioiitfUclw, woio a lung brown ovr WU, (Mill Ufthout llie rialiw h' lKlit Wdsl. (irtiHt oradit i d Hoi id Hohy uiul hU deputy Mr LautfLiu fur the Oiiptmo of the thetvt In thMin'y. The jwrty oxjmwI U U iutt i flwt idaotf. ubwtit ten or twelve day, Cmjgljt on tho Fly llaywartl II.-,nd Grenades arc tho best. Roorps for rent. Enquiro nt this oflloe. Several new cqmcrs have located in town f6r tho winter. umcrops Portjaiplcrs have beep in town during tho week. Everything in town wears the im press of activity and thrift. Excellent stereoscopic views at stereoscopic views Five cents each. Jones Bro's. Miss., Lizzie Brown will opep a Bakery in this ity in a few days. Many of our people have attended the Mechanic's fair, at Portland, this week. J. L. Alberson will pay tho highest market price, cash', for wheat, oatsapd barley. Largo spcejmcps of Pine creek ore were brought in by Ferd. Bioc)i and Frank Ballard. Tho recent election in Ohio shows Foraker(Rop) elected by about 20,000 majority, for governor. The claims for losses in the recent rebellion in tho .Northwest Canada, will amount to about $2,000,000. Mrs Lou Ilinehart has gone on a visit to the Willamette valley. Mrs. T. It. Irwin also left for Corvallis. Dr. J. W. Strange has fitted up his dental xooms. with a view of comfort to hw customers, self. Rev. Mr. Booth deneo repainted, very handsome dprie. as well as to him- is having his rcsi It will present a jippearanec when Gapt. John Wolf, of tho O. R. & N. Co., (lied at Portland a few days ago. He was we known to Eastern Oregon travelers. ' " Mr. Shccly has opened a small va riety store an the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Montgomery, as a millinery shop, Mr. E. G. Patterson, traveling agent for the Orogon Short Line, was in towird tiring the week, lie gave this office a friendly call, , If you want a newspaper full of interesting news, subscribe for the ORF, Scout, The best paper in tho county to send abroad. , All parties indebted to mo aro re quested to call and settle, either by note or otherwise, ,by the 1st cf No vember next. J. L. Auiekho.v. Remember the great serial story by Jules Verne, to be published in this paper shortly. It. is his latest work, and best. Now is the time to sub scribe for the Scout. Regular services at tho Presbyteri an church next Sabbath morning; praise services in the evening, begin ning a 7 o'clock; first bell at 0 :UQ, Public cordially welcome. Governor Stevenson, lately appoin ted governor of Idaho, took the oath of office last Saturday, The appoint ment seems to meet tho approval of the citizens of that territory, Go to Boskowitz's store, Union, for all kinds of Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Boys' Dress Goods. He has just re ceived them, arid will sell them cheap er than over before sold in this county. The Scout reading room adjoining Jones Bro's store is supplied with a tho principal Pacific coast papers, and tho choicest reading matter of every description. Drop in and enjoy your self. Don't forget the Writing School to night. The class every afternoon is especially adapted to beginners. No extra charge for both lessons. Par ents should not fail to give tho little folks a chance. It is reported that Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartoris is seeking a divorco from her husband- Sartoris is said to bo a rough coarse-grained Englishman, and has ipade Mrs. Sartpris' life with him a very unpleasant one. Gov, Moody having called on extra session of tho legislature, Dr. Strange, as chief clerk of tho Senate, will at tend. His patients will bear this in mind, and those desiring doptal work, will call on him immediately, as le will leave for Salem, about Nov. 5th., to be gone about a month. Married. At tho residence of the bride's parents, Oct 11, by Willis Skifl', J. P., Mr. Robert V. Davis to Miss Viola V. Wilkinson, all of High valley. Tho happy couple start out on life's tempestuous sea, with blissful hopes of a bright future. Wo trust thoir wed ded lifo may have no thorns to mar their peace. Surveying I'.irty. Last Monday morning, surveyor D. D.Grifliths. accompanied by W. T. Carroll, Geo. Ficklin, Arby Holbrook, T. W. Shoan, Oscar Wirtz and two others, piled their baggago into a wagon, and left to rcMirvoy a new routa to Pino creek. Mr. Grifllths was insttucted to survoy and locato tho most practicable lino for a wagon road between hero and Cornucopia, Pine creek. The route juwt surveyed wae a good roadwny, and of oiuy grade, but the distance is somewhat farther than is necewary. The mnon of thi wan the viewer had certain oinU to which they w.tu to run w called for h) the jietiUuti. It wu nut the intent, ho over, f lite petitioner, to extend the Kind beyond tlw Ucnrat way, but nut being thoroughly Hcpuiiiti'l with th country through uhi h tl"- r"d Would IMUW. Were in error in fixing the tu.llll. ill, I......... II. i. ,i II.' I'avorfiMo Ilrport, Gon, Taiinatt, who was appointed by tho Portland Board of Trade, to ovnipiuo the; Pino creek tpiiiing dis trict, returped to that city, Tuesday. Ho reports having discovered a route to the mines, winch will bo mutually Hgrccablc to both Union apd Baker City. The roads from theso two pla cea will converge at a point about VI miles from the mines, iiul liq will ice oiipnond tho Board of Trade to con struct those 1'2 miles, nnd Icavo Un ion and Baker City to build their re spective roads to the point of conver gence. He exnrosscs a verv favorable opinion of the tiilurc prospers of this mining district nnd that jt will develop into a very fine mining country and be a great ad'vauiage tu Portland, if the Portlandors will only take llio interest thev nlioiild in the matter. Ho tool; in a largo amount of specimens of tho different ores, also some of tho lime from this count v. which nt the finest grade. He think that stamp milk: are better adapted to the working of the 'ires found so far, thifn smelting work.-, but when the mines aro fur thor developed and tho smelling ores are found more abundant, which ho thinks will bo the ca! in tho future then the project of constructing suiel ting works can bo bettor taken into coiiMderation , Next week lliu Gen- oral will sub it a full and complete report of hi investigations in this ami Baker count v, to the Board of Trade Ciilji'd nt 1 ait, After all the statements, that have been made that the Governor would call a special session of the legislating, for the purpose of doing what the re publicans failed tp do at the last, legis lature, viz : to elect a United State senator, and the contrary statements that he certainly would not hazzard his reputation of good judgement, by so doing, he has put these specula tions at rest by issuing a called session of pie legislature to meet November utl). ere the election of a U. b. sen ator the only thing which the extra session could do, wo certainly believe the "call" would bo of verv little bene fit to the state as compared "with extra expenditures which of necessity must occur. But tome of the laws passed at tjie regular session, need repairing and put in better shape, and if tins can and will bo done to the advantage of the state at large, the objection to the extra session, will bo at least par tially removed. Wq hope that the very best interests of the state will be taken into consideration, apd that no more such blunders will be made in the future. SIlH.OirS CAIiARKII REMEDY is a positive cure for Catarrh, Diph theria , and Canker Mouth. For sale by 11. C. Greig. Union, Oiegon. . AVrltti:-; Tho classes in penmanship organized by Prof. J. M. Garrison, yesterday af ternoon and evening, wero large, and surely s-peaks well for the educational sentiment of Union. Prof. Garrison is. teacher of penmanship at Pacific University, has been in the profession for twelve years, is an enthusiastic specialist, and fully up to tho inoderii methods of instruction. His work is heartily endorsed by all tho leading educators of Oregon and W. T., as well as by the press of the country. Those who need instruction shopld not allow this opportunity to pass. We bespeak for Mr. G. a generous patron age. ' - ARE YOU MADK miserable by Indigos tion Constipation. Dizziness, Lnsnf Appe tite. Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Yitnlizer is a positive cure. For sale by It. C. Gruig. Anioncli'il Sell: 1 The now edition of the school laws, ordered bv the legiclasivo assembly is now published. Full supplies for the upo of school olficers have been for warded by Ihe'Supcrinicndcnt o Pub lic Instruction . to the eovernl Counfy Superintendents, for distribution. Each school director nnd clerk i en titled to a copy, and will 5,c supplied by tho County Superintendent, TIIK ItHV. GKO, A. TIIAYKft. of Hour born, Ind.. says : "Until mvself and wife owe our lives to SIIH.OH'S COXSPMP TION CUltlJ." For sale bv it. C. Greig. IJr. iMUdiiBton. Proprietor of tho Eye nnd Ear in firmary and Sanitarium, Portland. Oregon, will bo at tjio leading Hotel in La Grande all day Wednesday Qet, 21st 1S85. His specialties are Rectal diseases, as idles, ulcers, fistulas, etc., Nervous ailments ip their multij le forms, and diseases of tho Eye in treatment of all of which ho is en dorsed by well known citizens all over Oregon and Washington territory. FOR DYSPEIVIA nnd Uvo- Compblnt, you have a piinled guarantee on every bot tle of Shlloh'n Vitnllzer. It never falls to cure. For sale by It. C. Orolg, Union, Or, AVI1 1 Cliorry nnd Tar. Everybody known the virtues of wild Cher ry and Tar ax a relief and euro for any affec tions of tho Throat and LungH, combined with thoAO two Ingredients aro a few simple, healing remedies hi tho composition or l)r. l!oanko'H Cough and Lung Syrup making It Jut tho article you should alwayn have In tho hoiiho for Coughs, Colds, Croup and nronohitlx. I 'rice W) cent and if I. .HmnploK froe. Sold by J. T. Wright, Union, Oregon. A CioaU Chance. C. Vincent, of the City Boot and Khoc Htore in now receiving ld full utock, which eonl..M of a large aaaortiueut of boot and shoe, over-shoe, gum ImjoU, etc. of the very bent quality, which he la aelllng chea per than ever, fur cah. Calf on bliu and I hj convinced. VmkIo Cooper Miop, H. II, Aylea. iiiiiiuifiMH iii-or of but tn barrel and kogn, hits always on baud a trood supply, of the best (jntll iy, Hiul will fcoll thm nt routioiinble it(no. Giro hltn 11 mil nt hU kliop, fcouth of UiokIiuuI hotui Tnlon. 1 La Grand o Laepnics. Scero frost op Sunday niorning. Ke J in. thick. Te Ga7etto is under tljo temporary management of Owen Kuhn, of thU fjwn, Tho work of repairing and laying down fide valks at tjio new (own, Et ill continues steadily. Much business wa3 dono at tho stores on Tiursday-T-nioro than has been been dono for tomo tjtnc, Many ducks and chickepshavo been shot the last few days, tho tides, anj aro roadily disposed of in town. Wo observed a few miles from Un ion, the largest eagle wo ever remem ber to have spen. It must have meas ured at jeast 7 feet between the lips of its wings. The train of wagons hapling wheat, still comes steadily to the depot. Wo counted 25 wagoits waiting there to be unloaded, about 11 p'ejock on Thurs day afternoon. The dispute over the desert land in this valley, still remains unsettled, and the parties interested may be seen vissljng the land ollico at an" ear ly hour, and onjy returning as lato as po.-sibL'. Anson, the well known merchant of his towji, is building a fine new tesi dence, situated on the west side of the new town, When finished it will be one of the prettjest dwellings in the distiict. ' 1 On Wednesday tho public echools opened. Most of the teachers are new copiers to tho country, but as they are highly recommended and duly quali fied, we think they will prove perfectly satisfactory. ; The riends of the old town still maintain the supremacy of their town over t)io new one. Bloch declares he is quite sure ho look in more money before breakfast op Thursday morn ing than all tie merchants at the eld town took in all day. To a disinteres ted observer, however, the old town seems entirely dead. It is only a work of time bciforo tho lit nil and post-olli- ccs aro moved nearer the depot. Mean while, as a sort of conipioinise. the new school hpuso is placed half way between the two towns. B, Depot DotlelH. i Tho hotel ig doing a good business, in fact business of all kinds is'dooking up. A bear which resides up in the moun tains, concluded that as Pap Craig had ofiered a reward for his small uar ative, ho would retaliate, accordingly last Sunday night, he swooped down and killed one of Pap's sheep. Two of tho Clfiueso gangs of woik men have been layed oil'. The two gangs contain about ninety men. These heathens had a big tinio on Tuesday night, it being ''flee mason night, alio same inelicaii man." They had their flags flying all day. It sccmp that fomo of tho young men in the eastern part of Union arc not as hospitable as they might' be,, as the poor woman with a baby in her arms, can testify, whom they turned adrift caily one morning, without breakfast, to walk two miles to the de pot. Boys, you thought you were playing it fine, but tho whojo town was on to your gentle racket. ' Work on the enow sheds is progress ing as rapidly as lumber can bo pro cured, which is being shipped from below every day. Thero will bo four sheds, the total length of all nbout. 2-J0D feet. Thero will bo nbout 15 miles of snow fence between this j lace and North Powder, but from appear ances now, they will have to have about four men to tho panel to keep it in its i lace, as soino of it ban been blown lown already. . C. G. J. Los tine Locals. Plonty of rain and mud. Three more week's threshing in tho Wallowa, Rev. Shields is building a barn on Wallowa street. John Perkins and family took their departure a few days ago for Umatilla county, whore ho will ongago in farm ing. Frank McCulley opened a new storo at Lostine, on tho 8th hist. Bob. Rershaw is manipulating the yard stick. Mrs. Jennie Brown hai returned from a visit to Mrs. Lon Eaton, nnd relatives apd acquaintances in Grando Ronde. Soveral parties have roturned from their harvest work in the Walla Walla country. Among them, "Gorman John." IIo looks as "bad"nn over. J, K. Reador will soon conunonco tho erection of a new residence at this place, also Ira Patter Ikih mado somo neat Improvements on his residence, on Water street. John Alexander and Miss Julia Thornton were married a few day ago. Another wedding id expected as toon a a certain gentleman hero can find lifs band of hoives. The Loatino correapondeut of (he Scout, has been abaent for romo time in Omndo Rondo Valley. Um hit return he fliuU the iwuple reconciled to that younger, who ia gutting along nici 1 , hut the ruiuimervtlle uoriotqioU' d - nt mm n t to lie goltiiiL' along tu w1Ib i , oiwht to, PraTwlily yrlMi oaroful tatinoiit lie will recover, Will. Circuit Court Dockoj;. (October term, 1S5 civil nocKlrr Heilner. Ottcnhcitiu c v Co vs Jno. Furman fcinios Wilson v U. .1. Hofrora et al Hale A Smith vsT- P lleapl ct al U. Ottenheitnof iV Co. vs faml. Newman Luther l'lnee vs John Fnrnian (has. CnodnoiiKh vs.T. A. Miirehlson T. U. Irwin et al vs i. P, Howard it al llacrt Church v,i J. A. Miirehlson Albert, Good vs .lamps Mr Coy James WtKli vs ('. F. CarsaU et al K It. Flk va Kuhl & Martin Mary Furmnn vs A. I., launders Jacob N'owman vs A. L. Saiindcrs et nl H. W- Gfivor vs U. Griggs ct al ' Clias. Colin & Co. ys V. If. Murry W m.Tllmnn vaX, II. Or'reon .1. I,. Alberson vs. Inn, Green .Ino M, Welch vs 8. S. Newman nioch llros. va II. V. Ncssley Hiram l'ifiord .vs.Iohn llakjir V. C. Pellon vsJolin llaker .Iphii I'. Itrowncll vs Krank Jf. Knunory P. Haehe ,t Co. vs C. O. Stewart P. It. Collins vs A. h. S'anndors .1. It. Dawsiin v IJ. C. Jlrainard V. V. Procbstel vs li.J. Hogers and S. 11. Williamson Whilttier Fuller & Co. va K. C. PrainaJd Joseph Palmer vs William Trotter M. A. Mitchell et al vs W, H, Campbell H. S. MeComas et al vs (ten. Steele et al .1.1. Case A- Co. vs W. 11. Campbell M. Andrea vs John A. Cliildera C W. Atkinson vs I). P. ltees et a W. .1. Knndfjrass vs A. Covlor Murphy Cirant iv Co. vs 1). 11. Kens otal It. c. snsett is .1. A. A. Wilson ctal II. P. howls Vs p. P. (loodall A. ,1. Harris vs. It. .1. ltogcrs Dan Crowley et al vs 0. II, Fay Jnhii Dobbins et id vs Phobc C'atcs J. It. Dawson vs II. 1), (Hover (1. W. ,v F L. Thomas vs Jackson Wright M. M. Ulofh vs It, L. Newman Dan Marx vs A. h. Saundors S. F. .Strickland vs Henry Kuhl Jacob Collins. Admr. vs J. M. Foredicc and J. P. ChildoM. W. H. Cainpbell, Assignee vs Wesley Titus James Ihitterlield vs I,, h. HolbroolJ. Illoch llrov. v.s S. H. Williamson floin M. Pby v.s II. P. Stewart M. (i. t'olclitt vs H. Aldrieli' Kloriiula Chandler vs Dan Chntullcr James York v.s T. P. U. C.reen W. W. Armstrong vs JJaniel Tarter C. Aarvill v.s Dave hifrlelleld S. H. MehaiiKblin vsKimpp lhirreKtCoct al Pratt Dros. v.s Krank Pros. KIJUITV DOCKHT. hirst Nil. Bank vs A. C. Craig ct a) W. H. McCopias vs Sanipel and Ma ry Rrpoks. W. II. McCoipas vsJ. M. Foredicc ot al State o Oregon vs A. Morrison et al Hamilton Vance vs Elizabeth Vanco Jennie Harris vs Thus Harris ' T. II. P.ransard vs Carrie Brapsard IIuhah Maley Maley das. C; Kogqr vs E. F. Kogor L. Ferguson vs Thus: V. Rich J. A. A. Wilson ctal vs'M. M, Bloch Clara B. Dean vs W. .1. Dean I. A, Boskowitz vs T. P, Beard Qt al do E. L. Cochran ot al J. II, Slater vs C. L. Fox, Admr. Fred Page Tustin do Win. Roth vs Geo, lleiniugcr Jno Hale vs Dan F. Mooro ot al Marv Jones vs J, J. Jones D. McCulley vs E 'l'hJ Sehloui' S, C. Montgomery vs J;. II. Mpnt goniery M.. A. Beiison ct nl ys Dan. F. Mooro et al Assignment vs II, B. Glover and J. l' Baker, Assignee S. H, Wnlluco vs M. A, W. Wallace ct al, . . . . 'HIACKMETACIC" n lusting and fragrant pclfiiine.. Price 2.w. andOOo. For salo by R. C, Grcig, Union, Now Millinery (jooils, A larjjo i'nvoico of "UnderwAre. Ilosjery. Jersey's, and Millinery Ooods, of the ycry latest styles, just received at Mrs. Corbin's. which will be sold at Kastcrn iirices. sSnjLOirS CURE will immediately relieve Croup. 'Whooping cough and Rronehitis. For sale by It. C-Grcig. lIlUll TtlllfN, Whlo money is elope, wnges and prices low, expenses rhonld bo'eilt own In every household-' ICeoninnv, tli6 watchword for Mothers, head off ifoutnr blls, by always keeping In the lioiiso a'liotths of Dr. Itosaii ko's Cough and Lung Syrup. Stops a cough Instantly, relieves eoiihiimption, cures Croup and palii In the Chest In one night. It Is Just I he romcdv for hard times. Price M ctH. anil ,fl. Samples Xrce, Sold by J. T. yrlght, L'ldou, Oregon. A NASAL INJECTOR frcn with each hoitleof Sliiloh's Catarrh Reme dy. PricooOc. For sale bv R. C. G. John Wright, our rtru tfist, hns just roccivod tho finest lot of coal oil ever brought tp town. It is di rect from Chicago, 175 lire tost. Try it. REPORT OP Till CONDITION pf Tim rh-Kt Natl'iml Itiinlc, nt 1'nl'iii, In tlio Kttlo of Ok'coii, nt tint Close of lltoilnuss, Out, 1st,, Jbfl.". iii:souuci:s. Loans and discounts f riS.ZWAZ V. H. Ponds to secure circulation 1L',00,00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages 10, ISfl.OI Due trnni iqiiiroved reservo agents 003,27 Due from oilier National Hanks (117.03 Due from State Hanks and bankers 1JIH5,8(I uoai ostato, lurnlturc nnd iixtures Current expenos and taxes paid Premiums paid . . Cheeks aiidothor cash Items,. Hills of other Hanks ,., Specie Legal tender notes Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas urer (3 per cent of circulation) Duo from u. H, Treasurer, other than !i per cent redemption (mid Cfiffljid 70'i,8o I, -100,00 m,oo il.fiffl.OO II. (11 1,K0 a.iao.oo 070.00 1,000,00 Total MAIIUITUil. Capital stock paid hi Surplus turn! Undivided profit . ..... National Hank uotooiitiitaniling Individual dupojdU subject to cheek Demand certificate of doMlt Due to othwr National llnnkn fioiao ? 50,000,00 a.wjo.oo a,(wi,io P.CJO.OO Cfl.oK0.7l 1.UI1.17 Total fiy-'.oiL'jo o Stath or Oheoov. i County or UnluiiJ 1, V, T. Wrfght, Ciuhlerof tho nbovo luiiiiwl bunk, do Sfilemniy swear that the above utitUMiioiit U true to the boat of my 1;iiua I.mIkc nnd LolW. W. T- WHKUIT. Canhlor. f-.uU. rll.n uiul nvvorn to bafore me thu I'Kti i.iy m m., It?5. Itoiuntr Kaki.v, Notary l'ubllo fur Orguil. II. M. U'HinilT.V niroutors. Jofuiiih eJottings, Hoalth good, Weather lyarm apd plcarant. Farmers ncarjy dono threiing. Wo notice Eovcral ncw-comcra jq the valley some op a visit, and Epmo to slay. Vc have np alnmdapt crpp pf ev erything except potatoes, whicji aro rather fcarco, ' The price already i$ U c, per lb. 1 1 Settlers aro taking land every day, men arc hiiildjng ' homes and barn? everywhere. Towns aro' being built, All are hopeful. The crops of grajp of all kinds in, tjie Wallowa valley this -year, was ncv or c.cilcd ip apy country, tho general average per aero running very high. The mining boom is still raging. Our local prospectors arc goipg down oiuevend ledge?, apd they nrq i-how-in'g up much better, The puirhlo in dijstry is also receiving duo attention, The indications aro that nuirbU) wilj be found jn great abundance, Mix. La Okanob, Or Oct. Kith, lSSfi. Hpow has mado its appearanco on the turrouuding mountains, and tho, nights are getting qpito cool. J, IT. Shapibaugh, tho newly a pojnted postmaster at this place, took chargo of the ofllco on Sunday. The new puhjio school building is now completed, and school will opep Wcd'ncMlaV, the Mth, with Prof. Cur ry and wife as ' teachers. The first ward or old town, again boasts of two hotijs. Tjio Star Hotel has opened up again to the public, and is, doing a llourbhing business. The lcgitlatpre last winter having failed to elect a U. S. Senator, tho question is often asked, "What is tho governor tp do about it? Testipiony is still being taken at tho U. S. Lapd oflicej op tio celebrated desprt land case. , . C. P.'Hadly, after two or threo at tempts, has. decjdul tp givo tip $7 extra, and is pn bin w(iy East rejoic "Si i Chiuey Ladd and wifp, l'avo re turned from the Pcndlelop fair, nnd report rather a dull time, F. T. Dick has jitst ' received a largo and coinpj.ctc. stock, of groceries, from Portland, and will thereafter carry a full lino pf these gOQds. Times ral)ier qiiiet. Prospeota ol bettea-, next summer whein tip) Pino creek mines arc opened up. ! . , ,, 1'iii.q SpAitr. r WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh'j Cure will give Immediate relief. Prion 10c. oOe and if J. For Sale by It. ( Oreig. Union, M. J. Haley, special Timber Agent for tho government, has tept jn a re port to the Washington authorities, to tho effect that the Northern Pacific raijioad Coi apd thu Montana Im provement Co. havo cut from tho pub lic domain '15,000,000-. feet of lumber and bridge timber, 81 ,744 railroad ties, 15,400,000 shingles, 132,035 cords of wood and 200,000 cedar ) osts, amount ing in value to fG13,402, and theso figures do not represent iill the depre dations, but only such as he was abld to geti 116 pionounces t)io Montana Impiovcmcnt Co, an piucioupulou; corporation. ' To the runners. Unlil further nojico, yvo aro copi nellcd I))1 the 'deifApi'd for c'xcluingo, t6 limit tho iinioiin't td oach jtursun, td live bpshelH Of wheat. From tliiti date wo will give !!) lbs of otu tlnn- dard hralid "Full Roller1 Rliker' llotir to tho bushel of wheat . UNION MILLING CO. I nion, Oct 17, im, ' ' if. T-inud Notice. Land Prrcn, La GiiANpn.OnraoN. Oct. ltth., 16P5. Notlco is hereby given that the following; named settler has filed notice (if Ids hiten: tion to make final proof ip support of hii claim, and that said proof will be made before Itcghdcr and Receiver at Ln Qrapdo, Or,, qn November 2tst., l8fl, viz, ' Daniel II. I.ce lid. No. 1S23 for tho S 1-2 NK 1-t nnd N 1-2 SMJ-l See. II Tp. (1 S H -11 1JWM. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation, of, said land, yh: Hieliard Dp neap. Win. Martin. Wallace Hoyles uiul Justice Wright', all of Union county, Oregon. H. f). SWACKUVMHIl, oc.l7-w0 Itegisfer, JiHiul Notice, Orrici?, J.a OnAsnn, Onnoos, Oct. 12th.. 1683, Notice Is hereby piventhnt the following, named settler has filed notice of hs intuit tion to make final nroof in sunnort of Ida claim, and that said proof will bo mado neioro jiegisicr ami iieceiverat La urnmio, Or., on Nov. 23th., 18H5, viz: .1. II. Ttbrnlna DS No. 0103 for tho NWK KW'X See. fl N 1-2 Kli SH HICK Sec. (I Tp. 8 S It 10 KWM. lie names the followlnc witnesses to ni ovo his continuous residence unon. and culti vation of, said laud, vizi K, H, Oaylord, 'rilfltmia V 1'rnlUf flinrlnQ fmwiu n,,fl uutn Steole, ullof i'iuo Valley, Oregon, S, O. SlVACUllAJIEn. oc. 17-w0. Hegister. Mrs, Ad. litlgar, ,V Street, oppof.Ro Wright'H Hall, Un ion, Oregon, Is prepared to do plain sewing, and DJtlSjM .M ,M 1 ,M i III HIP IH'flf Hiyi" pluiro of tho piddle patrwureo rvupcttfully Ocl7tW BHMKMG