t fcj,iijuuiiiw-jaiUljg)j.u'jii'ia.J5iAuAjj:iu.i-jJiiui: THE WEEKLY OREGON SCOUT. UNION, OltKUON, SAT., OCT. 17, 18S5. Our Ilonrt Projects. So much 1ms been said of Into in re gard to tho proposed new road lead lngfrom here to the Pine Creek mines, mid so many suggestions offered, that It lias at least bucn amusing, if not profitable. One survey has already been completed) and although the I'OUlc has been favorably leported as U practical one, another Mirvcy Was ordered at the suggestion of Ti It. 'lannatt, who had the interests of all the points along the line of the O. It. fc N Co.'s railroad in VicW. The road call be shortened sonic eight or ten miles. The general impression is 1 that Gen. Titnnntt will recommend the building of the mountain district from some cdniniou intersection point for Union, North lW'der rtnd linker City) leaving these places to construct U road to the intersection from their respective points. This could not be iinfair to any onb of these points wo think. There is no doubt Of our part bf the road being built. It will pass Ihrough a most Valuable section of country, and the rdad crtn easily be built, notwithstanding the assertions bf our wotlld-bd-soniebody citizens, Hint the road could not bo built with out an outlay of $50,000 or 70,000. Asnmnttor of profit to the cdunly, Iherc can be no intelligent argument gainst It; As being a benefit to Un ion, wo expect it. AVo do not expect lo gather (lie golden harvest all to burselvcg, but avo anticipate a fan fare of tho trildc. With those- roads opened Into tho valiiablc mineral belt bf Union coilnty, they will furnish abundant outlets to tho different joints, ami will aid materially in tio li i . . I . i .... uovciopineni oi ino mines, tiic r- kourccs derived from the taxes on this portion of the county, will niuch liioro ;hiin repay any appropriation tho coun--y Hoard may inako. Union county s destined to ho one of the lliost wealthy counties i in Eastern Oregon, hnd her county scat will bo as Ihriv mg a town as lies casl of llic Cascade mountains. She will be nearer tho mines by a number of miles than Ba- 1;cr City; mid will obtain thb greater lorliou of tralllo and passenger travel rout the west'. She will not expect jnuch from tho eastern travel, as that nvlll naturally drop off io sliittons south of us', County liHloblodncsN. Sombtliilig over a year ago tin ar jcle was published in one of the coun ty papers, t making a statement that thti indebtedness nf (I jrcaeh tho vast sum of eighty thousand dollars. These- astonishing figures naturally eaiiaod much ctmi'mont up on tho management of the county of Jlcials, by tho tttx-payurs of (he coun ty. Tho officials wero accused of un certain transactions, and many honest nou bcliovcd that there was a ''click" ot county ofile.it'tls who were becom ing vastly, lioh by a well concocted (Uid curried out pian of robbing tho fax-payers of their money. Others believed that a "certain Vow" had Jierpetrated fraud, , wherqby largo (sums of money had been taken. Yes, Jhey wcrb suro of all theso things, or Syfoy wero tho taxes so high? With Mice numerous complaints and accu sations following the statement that ,mr indebtedness was so largo, camo ,i demand for the complete exhibit of pur financial standing, which, after punch tliiio, porploxlty, cUlnilnafed in ,lho appointment by tho County Hoard, fit,. T. Outhouse, who was to select poim; person to assist him, to make y and render a complete showing df "m ilimucial standing. The work ,,vas begun about throe months ago find has been pushed to completion .ns fast ita possible. Tho work is now aiearlj completed sufiiciently sq ns to lObtain thoiimouut we are indebted up lo July 1st, ISW, which is over $77 WL This docs seem large, and. has ftnen amimululiug over n period of iuftecn yortw. lint oUr county hud J'o be developed, roads hail to bo'built , .bridge? spauniug our mountain tit remits hnd to bo constructed, county ibuildtngs had to- bo eroctsd , and courU and court attendants had to bo paid, (I'hp ptlteors of tho county received iJiuir pay from tho foes, and tho fotv I'ometlmos probably woro loe high, put thoy woro tho lcj;ltImiito foos by iixw ullowcd. Thouiauds uf drains wi re miulo upon (hu omuilv fur tii riwcwiry dovolupiueuU, and (ho te Uinli'3 of loud,, bi-idntw, bulldluf, whluli iuicV(iyrt m not lllusly io Inl.t Into niiihldoiwUiin , Nt iwuiy W llioin Imvt- ImU Uw iMiiit'r oi btlug (.uiily Ufliuiiittolauiiw, ov vwn hh -rtuiullng lb tMntkliii uinUr 111 h ilunril uMvii Imm im Uitui . Thr i wiirtj tiutu wli it Ui lumU (fllltt I'WMUl) ImmI Ul I mImi! Mil. r whIUii (lit uaWUi Ufttot) ttt im i ) , uiul Hltliirtijgl Ik ) Uivn I ii .i m '' If1 IMUlll lliti M(IlMMti V "-l Ilut (u iMtrlutf i huim u turcs. While our indebtedness is forge, wo do not believe that anything has been done on thd part of any of the official that would warrant any charges against them. So far as we have been able to learn, no fraud has been perpetrated. A bill should be passed bv our next legislature, granting counties the right to bond their debt, If Union county cotildbond her debt loduy, her bonds would be readily taken as a good in vestment. However, taking every thing into consideration, our debt is not so large that wo need have any fears of an excessive taxation. The future is briirht, and our legitimate expenses will not be so large 1h pro portion to our resources, as hereto fore. (lire for JMles. Pile are freuuontly preceded by u n'ii of weight In t lie baek. loin anil lower part of tho abdomen, cniiMiiir the lmtlent to miiii- pou Ik1 lias Mime affection of the Kidney or nt'iKliiioriii organ. At time, Kyiiiptoni of imugetftlon are proem, llatitleliov, imeav neSx of the Moinaoh, etc. A inolture like licr.ipinltion, prodiieinj; a very dls.'ifjrooabh neiiiiiL' alter trettinir warm, is a common attendant. Dliml, lllccdlnr. and Itcliin; Piles yield at onee to the application of l)r I5oanko, Pile UeinOdy, which nets direct I v iipon the parts effected, ahorhinr tin Tuniorx, illfayiiif; tlio intenc ilehiii'', ami effootiny a permanent cure. I'rlcojf.0 cent." Addre), Tiie l)n lin:iiiko Medicine Com pany; Ploila, O. Sold by J. T. Wright Union, Oregon. "Do you keep bivalves?" cmjttircd a refined young lady as she tripped into an oyster saloon. "No, ilium, rcpliec the waiter., "this is an ovsther house we don't kape nothing but oysthors." The refilled ycjuiig lady tripped out, looking somen lint anilovcd. On tin block above she filtered a similar place and said : "Y'tni inav brine; mo two doz,cn exlra sa'ddlerocks on the half shell." Notice, lo TrejnmnneiV. v ci iierson or lit'i-wiiiH. Imntimr. li.Mliinir. edinot- uift, tmppuiK, or otherwise trcspnstiiK on the property lielonuiiiH; to Mr.s. S. A. .M. Kreiich, at t'ovc, I nioii eoiinty, Oregon, Known an ine i ovo ranen. II. If. FKU.W1I, oclO-ml Aijcnt. 1'oi'llanil jMni'Uet. (Corrected Weekly.) Wiu:At Valluy, SI ::o fiil.'l: Walla Wallij. I 1 Ki,oi'iiv .Standard lirandh', i : otheH il'Si jz:t "5. ... HnTxi:u Choice dairy, 'c ; eritlntrV store, 8CflHe. Il.unuv- Keed, KlJ,'al8; lifewin. 20. Hons - Per ilozeil,- iWaliOe. Oath- Choice feed, i'AGiilV.fa, Pot vrous - (Juolo IMOil'Oc per lui.shel; MWeels, lc per Hi. 1'uovihionh- City cured limits, lOPtllc: liaron, SJe ; xhonlder.S, 7('jHe j country cured generally yfriU' less; easlern hanis, 'choice, lanllci tneakfast iiaeon le. . liAiui- Ilest eastern in tins. 10C 10'; best local in pails, 10(f'10W; common, Hp. Wooi- lOasteni Oregon, line, L'flca $1 LV), 1 1 ay- Per ton. JdfiOfril'. O.NloXHJohliliif,' at lalKc Chi:i:hi: Local creaniury ('.'cite; imiior ti'd, PJOH.V. 1!i;an (Jniet at2(rf,l."r for hest varieties. St'u.vits .Steady, (Junto harrels: Kxtra C, s;-,'; golden C. 7K'; dt'y (,'rauulated, tie; eulie. crushed, line do and powdered, M'e; half barrels J'y and Ikiacs Je additional. I.oeitl MiiiTtrt (Corrected Weekly.) 'lli:T- Tei' husliel 0 t h - Per hundred ll.Mti.UY- Per hundred... M i i.i. Kni:n-- Per ton . , IfiCVole. COc. M)e. f8(3IO. le. . . . . . fie. ... ft fii). ..... j:..-. ... J01."K! ilOc. ... ' i&m. . . I a ike. '.' '.' J80e. aoc. ... : l. Ciioi'i-mi JIaiim: "fi ll Ti.Mornv ar.i:i V ll . ... ,i Ki.ot'ii-- Per barrel. 1M iitiality,, luiuu Other grades IIoo--Por lli. on foot, . ... Ilu'o.v Per Ih, (scarce,) lCous Per doun Ciik'Kiins Per do. Potato i:h Per lh ... O.mo.ns Per It IluiTint -Per Ih Cui:i:si:- fMli ' liMiD-Ten Ui lins llr.KF-V IbiUdliop to l2Hc Half 1 0e. Diilun l'iit'iT -J lli applex, iic; iioaehef, lAc ipluniM. i!0e pears, iMe. Sen mis - ft. Uxlrit C. , 12 1-Jk-; gulden C, 11 l--c; drV graniilaltd, IJc. Con ci:- T If ; Kle. ltu-i; -v ih . , , la i-ae. Salt Kxtra family, Vtbaei dairy, a l.'Je Wood cord, .... $1. Coai. On,- gallon ftuc 30,000 CASES OF RECTA, DISEASES AS- lMhKS. lli'Al'AL 1I.CKI5S, f. SUlMiS, riJl'UITLS-AX'l PIS TUhAS IN A Ns), POLYPUS IfKCTI, Krc, Uti,, Cureil In Nix Yeiu'i li.V tin' Ill Ull.nl' lioll' Syntoio. hr, .1. H. I'llkliijston, ploprh tor of the Ko and Ilur lullrimu). and ."-n'lltatluni for Nervoun lllseuken, lm lieen Hini'ilutml aitPtit uml plijslclun for thU t.tcm In Oregon nml WakliliiMtoit tenitoi) . No Heveie SukuIciiI Diieratlon. 'o 1'uliu No !... of lll.ioil. . In two niulithi' have cured M'uml ritxen. who have lipfoin tuhlujttod to KeM re opeiti llon, nml iiuly lei ohed Injury. MA per milled to vofer trt Mr. .Iio.. V Weutlierford, "drtncsliit, foiimiily of .Saleiiti .V. Frank (ipritnur, Jlachliiot; .Mr. U. A. lUmpey, llnriNliurtc, And others, I will mwt putleiiU bt I he lending liutil. Nt U (Jrande, all tiny W'diiidrtyi 0ttiUr IM., 1Sn I'or inirtleiiliiii., pauiphlirt rtis, diliii ,h)l. PlhinyOTOX. Mk j). I'ailUiul, Ui ticon. If lUilti find Bluu4o T R E S 1 V V IVlnr. iTi.r. PKAIt, JH.lfW, VHVXK, i'K ii. irnu ur, i Mil- A I T! l -II MIC Ii V HIiruhhiM j mill HhmU- 'i '! I- I . . ..( I. , l ' I 1 III illtllli ' til lullli'll t"llf l ! ' till 1 lit ill. .. k.'l )!. ... Notice I'or 1'iilillciitloit. I. S. I.vxn Ornn:. La Iump., Omiox. ivut. mil. isKi. Xotlee 1 lierehy jrivi n that tnn following limned wttler ha filed notice of Ills inteii- timi to nuike liunl proof in onpjMirt of hi claim, anil that mum proof win in- iiihuc Mini proof will in- nintie ne- fore ItCKistcr and Iteceiver at La inutile, Oregon, on (Jet. aith., IX, viz: .Ii scjih I!nett e lid. Xo. HOfi, for theHF SKv,' See. an XH XK See. a!) and X X W See as Tp.' S It -10 KWM. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Hubert llas sett. llcnjamin Macie Warren Fra.ierand William lllakeslee, all of Teloeasett. Or. S. O. .SWAClvIfAMF.lt. s.l-Wl KeKNter. llorri l of i:(UaIlznl Ion. XoTICUis hereby jjiven that the Hoard of F.iptali.ntiou will meet on the first Mon day In October. l.Wi, at tlie Clerk's office. In Ciiioii. rniou county, Oregon, and will continue in session from day to day. for one week. Ail persons who may feel them selves aggrieved at their assessment, will please appear before the Hoard autl show in what respect their assessment is Unrea sonable or unjust. Xolice is further giv en that all persons failing to so appear be fore said Hoard of Kiiuali.ation, will not afterwards be allowed any rebate on as sessment. J. If. McCt'ltlllX, Assessor of rniou County, Oregon. NEW GOODS ' N AT & 3ruI)AXIELS OOWLES 1? iiu COVE CXIOX Odl-'NTV, 0(IX; Having Stocked their new and eoili lModious store room with an im mense assortment of goods, of ovry imaginable descrip tion )iirclinsed at bot tom prices; and in many lines Direct From the Manufacturer, are prepared to. ell better goods lit lower ligures than ever befdie. i tinners will find it to their interest to ex amino these goods, anil learn pri ces; Thoy mean what they say; at COWLKS it MeIAXIKIS, COVK, OflX. Union, Oregon, Keeps on hand the largest and best se lection in (irande Hondo Vttllev, of Drills, Medicines, Chemicals, and cVervtbing in tlie line of STATIOXl'JItY atid TOILHT A UTIC'LHS. Particular attention is invited toourstoek of SI'KCTACLKS and FV K CLASSICS, whicli are ackhowledged to bo superior to all others in tlie city. 'ur hue of ancy doocls; Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery, Fine Soaps, etc,, is selected witli great care, and will be found uneipialed in extent and variety. , ffiJ-Careful attention given to Physi ian's Prescriptions and Country lteeeipes, WILLIS SKIFF, - - IMiOPJtlETOH, At tho old llrainard Stand, Union, Oregbn, Keeps on hand all kinds of ROCEEJES, Paints and Oils, A Weekly JotUnal, dixotod to the lutccsts of F.asttTn Orejriii, and iiattlenlarlj Culon canity. INDEPENDENT IN EVEHYTIliNti It will bo found uiiclng the Koiitllnonls Im"I ealeulMt4 to mm'vo the mtlk of Triith and Justice, utld an ilnconiproniisinx ciic my of donuiirouo-, i'lliuoi imd rln(js. Iiomluatod hv no iwrlv, hcot. uY oornor.i lion, It will Vo CONIitVrF.l) II Y TIIK lMIOFItlUTOUS, fur tho benefit of the lieonlo. iSuhscnptiou, 1.50 a year, eileli. in adcliee, in it ine ('iin.ri&sT cm xrv IIU puhlMied im the Faoltlc lat. ITH MICHLLANY 1 "(nWully iNjlfolid Tor idublo Inform.! Ion, nd the limt IntcrpktliHj llifrun uuiier. ITS LOCAL 1'AUJS. f tMv ivltli vewhh f IntJNiil tnu4- mruur m Ti m Mtad' kimwu n utlul(uu. ' . 'Hi ! 'itltl I1 I. .. ,. J t . . I . I ). I .III . I II. I I , ,.. .1 I hi PROVJSiO 1 ' MRDWARE AdoIpSi Levy5 Union .Or. CROCKERY, os. which; Tobacco and Vigors. HiSI Jh,!n svccl' ' ' ' ' n'""' !m' , . , , . Ai5Bte!55&3saaKM Dealer in 1 lease call and examine goods and ini i - f f?!'' Emm Mm, ir& m - advertiser; s i ' ! I .(.i Mill I., ,.! I il UNION No move Sending off for Goods. To The Public: I have one of Oencral 3Ierchandiso ever brought goods at a great reduction on J'rlee now 1 1, 1(5, 1 yds per one dollar Ginghams, Poplins, W1IITB GOODK, dtc, Price now 50 ets ilnd ".") els, Price formerly 7.1 etsi and olie dollar, CLOTHING, tMlit t) Price now .flO.OO, 12.(10, .-,.00, (Joods in all our other Iti'lilg aware of the fact that the. people of tlib Valley have been in tlie luiiil of sen ding Fat for things ncetled in the aboe lines; owilig to thb disadvantages lilereliitnts nave lanoreu umier, a- io lreignt raellltles, 1 have obtailied siieelal rates, and linVIng bought my goods as cheap as they can be bought, I am in a position to sell them at POPvTLAND PRICES. would call the atteiltion of the pitblie to the fact that 1 have tlio solo agency for GUIS WOLD'S PATENT Lamp Fillers tnd MACJUXJJ OILEIIS, Fo? Union and Maker Counties. I aili HMi agent for some of the best ! fe ll Til KKl l'lsii ,v .XATIU.XAI,, HAM P.Clili. & M AfiDFHUItO, HAM IllJHCi-HItF MAN, ami OFItMAXlA. Solicitor for the Mutual Life Insurance Col, of Xew VorlC. ANo agent for the following articles of tlie PARA FIN E PAINT GO'S. Cl.OTII COMPOITXI), for eloth, ean lis. rone. etc. LFATHKIt IMtKSUltVATl VF. for Harness and all kinds ()f leather. HOOFIXO, which is water proof, convenient, ahd prescivativo, . 15. Orders respectfully solicited times meet our prompt attention. 1 KS l'ECT IX AIEKCIIAXDISE. AVolead, but never follow, and defy competition in all our departments. NEW IMPORTATIONS En route from Eastern and Western m mufaclurios. t W6 l)iir for Cash; and .will sell the Choicest ' GOODS CHEAPER TIIAX.T1IE CUE A PETS. An Immense Mock or pr floods, Clolhlng,, Gents, Furnishing Good'., hoots and Shoo'?, California and Oregon Hlankets, (irocerics,' llardware, Crockery TobaeW) and Cigai's, Stationery, Xotlons, ete.i etc., eonstuntly on haml JjyA cordial iiMitatlon extended tu all to call on hip. examine goods, and leavn prices. (jIurs, Rovoh'ors, Call and eamiuc m stoi k and pi n es tit From I nioii to the J. S, HbblOTT, . l'llOPUTR. l'r. from d MH n rlir(l Uouiitt trip .Hi RiilK-r lll be lktft lKt tlu iImmM . . W, H1HAXOE, DENTIST , Daily Slap lint, ' 1 1, 4 AHEAD ! just returned from San Francisco with tlio larrcst and best so eetnd stocks of to L'nion county, and we now offer former prices. ' For example: Trice formerly 12, 1 1, 115 j d. jitr one dollar. Cashmeres, Buntings . , in same proportion i ,2.00. Former price .12.r.O, lines in same prdportioiu ?ir., 20, ?2.-,. ire tnsurahee Companion in tho World, viz: fronl the interior, iiich will at all FUL LY V OUKS , I'L'UIIA and GLASS UtUlT J. I IIS, lUiAXl'VJi. II OX Il'Jfii, ffiLVEJt irAJW, ,Cc. OUTLBBT and Amuuition. the old stand of the late .lohn P.tirhs, Tvnuity Ilorsos Wanted ! TO SHOli, AT. ( FHANIv JOHNSON'S Blacksmith Shopl (.'or. jtnlnniidU Street, I'hloh, Ore-jiili. Now bct(r tlir h ever );remred lit do uil uUof I luekMiiitli Hork l thc.liiet rti . Uoi'BO Sliorlnjj: n HiHitiinVly. JjySoii hut Hie Ust workmen mi- Ii)'INt, Hlld (III ''ik V VbHlKTKH to kit CONK AM) HKli Mli., e Horn. i ( l,4i. "l ull U, , "limn i I I ... )lt ll'lbl U LBOSKOWITZ, THE COLUMBUS BUGGY Company Have appointed the MERCANTILE and MILLING CO., of I&hml City, their agents, and have shipped to them the first CAW LOAD of Billies, AND- Hacks, The Columbus lUiggy Company Wero aw'nrdell tho GOLD MEDAL at the World's Fair, Netf Orleans, on the BEST DISPLAY of light BUG GIES, C Alt Bl AGES, etc., over sixty competi tors. All that want 16 buy, 6'r tonkin plate buying ahd ail others who want lo see a Striciiy So, .1 WlitekS Arc Hcspeetf'nliy invited to call examine thenr. The Mercantile -AND llliiil Go, -OF Carry onebf tho largoVt stboks'oi eheral RiefchahdisS Ever in this euiliity. C'o'nsistrnc iA laH, of DY GOODS, CLOTHING, GUOCEIUES. STOVES and TINWAJtW. 1 HON and STEEL, HOUSE SHOES, ( HOUSE NAirA BAttll) WiE -AND i fJleneral atJo'rtihoiU , bf BUGGtSS1, HACKS, OAiUTSj oto. Ta mtwt tAWiBslly invite nil lo $A ami d.vniiiine our stoulT, and tind oixv pricfei b'efort purolfiSii Whor'i. Ml) hfcVo boms to ithr". aud Xi ybur tmdo. snd if liQiiomUla m5" in ttud 1.6 ItV ftuuBS W'tupll4 weWll Imvo lt riU uwmU'. tike old GOCf AoUllHt 1BLAND CtTY HTOiff CARTS QUM l PITY r k'' 11 ."' Uli,, I' I t rt, la, ii. ' U' III! II tiiblmi Millrd Mlih iUd l l I do Iii4lli'l tt fwn u, i .... j4i 4 l i .,i it.,. I VIA o.l.l, I IM- I u. u U si i, i ii isi n p. I I tft 1 I.HI U' I ttil V V II CITY .