4 V REVOKED Br THE PRESIDENT. Special Itulo Tor llcsnlntlon mid Im provement of the Civil Service. The president hns Issued the following special rule for tho regulation nnd improve ment of tlto civil service: "Special rule No. 2, approved July IS, 1SS4, is hereby re voked. All applicants on any register for the postal or customs servico who, on the first dny of November next, shall havo been thereon one year or more, shnll, in conformity with rulo 10, bo no longer eligible for nppointinent from such register." Tho special rule which is now revoked pro vided that the names of those persons nn tho registers oT the commission, eligible for appoint m-nt prior to July Hi, 1.SS4, should not be tii ken off Bt tho end of tin-year of being entered thereon, but tdio.dd remain on tiie lvjjisters as eligible fur appointment for two years from that date, without written notice or examination. A reporter for the awuinted press called upon Commissioner Datoa in regard to the newspec'nl i-iiV. "W.n 1-e rule," asked thvp'Vl-r, "i.i.ido on tho recommenda tion ol t lie eniiiii. .un'."" Iwti'ii -"ii v;'.i.'' "Ifow l.m.: 1 a.l this subject been under considri.tt ion?'' "Iaiu-'it U-'l deHm'telv. I hnvedr.irts of a n;l i. 1 1" ii-i.j. r-r ih.i.'o in August, ! foro I letl 'n-!ii -i j t . it for my Mitnmer vu ration. Tl, iiiiif a.s laiieli tlisrunsei) by the c.' : h',,m." '"What el nt v. ill the rule f-crve?" "It iilt' nf," I !i regb tern fur roilifirv tion tine." nt a low.'r trade than the appli cants .l i kie revived appointments, lb can bo ril iv i" said that it will give those to lo hte;;f r examined any better chances tor Rotting iippointmonts, because every one is -erti;;ed for appointment on the basis u' his cr.ule and regardless ot the time of his rwneinntlon. In other words, the best of tho.-e on any new examination are sure- to be marked higher than those left from former examinations nfter the super ior ones have been appointed. And in wore recent examinations those competing arederided superiorto those who competed at earlier examination. The change now made will prevent the il'.-informed trom thinking that persons examined more than a year ago are retained on the registers in order to give them plneea. Until this last special rule was made tho persons exam ined from the beginning of the work of the commission have been retained on the reg isters, but all those left on the registers from the oarly examinations are marked so low that they would havo hail no chance for an appointment, oven had not tho now special rule been made." TIIE PASHA'S REFOIUI EYES. Sensational Discovery In tlio, manage ment of thu Tiiiklsli War IiiikIn. London dispatch: A dispatch from Con stantinople was rocoived this afternoon Baying that considerable consternation prevails in ofllcial circles over tho import ant discovery just mado by Alib Sahib Pasha, the now minister of war, immedi ately on being installed in his now position. Alib Sahib Pasha ordered nil tho depart ment commanders, to report tho strength of their respective commands, and their present condition, and detailed several ofli cers to inspect tho various posts. Their roports show that under the lato minister of war, who was dismissed Sept. 125, tho army was almost entirely neglected, and tho largo sums of money voted for military purposes wero used in other ways than those for which tlioy wero designated. Tho in quiry has revealed that tho Adrianoplo army, supposed to bo 15,000 strong, con tains not half that number. Soldiers have no uniforms and nro shoeless. Tho cavalry is unable to march owing to a lack of horses and necessary accoutrements. About 400 horses nnd 2,000 men havo been fullv equipped nnd nro under orders to march at an hour s notice. Four ironclads nro actively preparing for 6ca, but there aro only COO tons of coal available, and thoir doparturo may bo do layed on that account. yesterday Turkish troops fired on tho Roumeliau outposts at Mustapha Pasha, a town in Houmi'lia, twenty miles north of Adrianoplo. Tho outposts wero immedi ately reinforced and a skirmish ensued, in which tho Turks wore defeated and forced to retreat, cnrrying,with thorn a number of wounded. During, tho Inst two days heavy artillery firing lias been heard in tho direction of Pristina and Djakora. It is believed a desporato fight has been raging between Turks and Arnants. llashi-Biizmiks havo sacked and burned several villages in east ern liouuianiu. A TI.W TKAOEDY. lie row up in the iiiorntcjj Ihon He broke her lovoly henu ; lie was the very won-t of men, That patient lady said. EPASM ft. Sbn bought a pound of arsenic, anil She put it in lit- beer, lie Mid bo oou!d tint understand What made him feel so queer. bpasm ni. lie died that night ; Ills awful curso Uixra her head was heard; Hut she declared die felt no worse Aud married Major Third 1 Ho Preferred llio Gout. In tho following -written prescription, addressed by a medical man, resident at Roeniorshnuscn, in the district of Cas ed, to one of his patients, will bo fouud a now nnd somowhnt remarkable cure for gout : "1 havo measured your bap tismal name, nnd assured myself quite exactly that it exhibits fully an inch length of gout. This is deplornblo ; but, if you have faith in mv treatment, I pro pose, with God's help, to euro your malady for as long as you bhiilllivo. This I shall do on tho 15th, 10th nnd 17th of tho mouth. But, cro thoso dnys arrive, I bhall havo mitigated your suf ferings. This is what you will havo to do ujKjn tho days in question. Ton must not drink too much milk in your cofi'eo nor out pork ; upon no account must you btop across water, nor, indeed, meddle in any way with that liquid. Keen yourself nice nnd warm, prefera bly In bed ; tho more rapidly will you (jut Ixittor. You may drink a littlo wa tor, but it miikt bo drawn by souioliody tilbu. Hut, whatever muy ho promhxul to you in tho inutntimu, hnvo nothing to do witli it. Nothing utll do you uny good hut my truatiuuiit," Tho leuhiiuut of this oitruordiuary prtawriptiun. fiko a iuju iiuiiiitfuuhtHl iHiiiiumnii, who utui (Him u ueruiii hovel wiuw nttuuiiiiNiulwl j (o liim m wii idlWum) tnm uf warding ! oil' 14 Uiwiittiry tlitmMM, rn4iwl, in uf. I ijU "I Mvtr tU HMMU fdiiulm A ullM)llttaliialvh7'uf Allium ulr rWWlWifl mi'mt I'uru - wad (-ui il ium fM ti4 awv m ferw tu Uf in rW bj Ui m$u U fewMHVl sllli ftgiuuu Hil4 SOCIALISM IN AMKIUCA; ilodes by 'Which Its Apostles Hope to no generate Mankind II. fcclples Amouc All CIHS3CS. Ask a well-fed, well-apparolod, .lirh-cultivatcd American to dolino uiciahsin, and tho chanced aro that ao will reply: "Oh, thore'j no such .king in tho world; it's all bosh." sk tho satno question of a luingry jyod, savinro-looklnp tramp ami Ins .uiswer will doubtless be: "Socialism means that by hook or crook, by fair means or foul, thojiooro-t man will fonio day havo as bij; a share of God's panh us tho richest man on it." Fin ully, turn to a diviuo. a doctor, or any lympiithetic man whose duties or .nclinniions brinic him in contnci with .he poor, and ask him the amo ques ;ion. and it is not unlikely that his mswer will be: "My trend, social sm is the death-blow to human eot usne.s and cruelty, Hnd the only safe ruide to au earthly paradise." t'omiderably piu.lcil at hearing mch contradictory ropi er to a simple question, ft Jlermtl reporlir went in ticstof men who havo studied coeial-.-iu in all it ramilieaMons, who .know ts pood points and i's lail points, who lbhorin it all that is cii aud cleuve lot hat which they bel vu to bo jrood, lud who are do;nr mtu-li in a qu el way to spread their eheri died doi'triuo- Ihrotijrti'int the length and breadth of this continent. And from tliro men lite reporter succeeded in kBUinx no lower than three doiiuilion? of soeial fatn and a btranRO account of tho man per in whloh tlio apostles of this new pvced propose to re-rnoraU the hearts f American'?. Loaning hack in his rnichair, tho oldest nnd grarcst of tliero men said: 'Wly dear sir; thcro aro three kind rf soeial. am. The first nnd the worst kind 's synonymous wiih communism. it- advocates hold that the common wealth should ho distributed and lividoii among all, shaio and sh ire llike; that all robtfaints in regard to idiool, marriage, and tho state should 30 abolished, such being tho logical !otiseiuenoes of tho luixsez-1'aire irineiple, and that to aaiu tlieso ends ill moans aro pornrssilde. 'The advocates of t'he second kind )f socialism disciples of Karl .Marx, Lassalle, Uodbertus aud Engels mve exchanged the French notions of ho communists for a belief that tho italo should appropriate all the means )f production, in this way they hopo ,o do away with wago labor altoirotli- jraud make every individual an ollioial .villi salary and pension in case of IL-ability. They point to .state rail roads and state monopolies as models 'or o very industry. .J use as tho posL )llk'o is controlled by the nation, so hey maintain that all other industries iliould bo controlled. ly doing away ivith tho incentive to accumulate wealth they hope to gain the greatest Dossiblo amount ot human liberty lor ihe poor and at tho same time to de itroy in tho human heart a desire for iehes, such being considered by them ;ho most criminal oi all desires. This and of socialism, therefore, is not iily an equitable industrial arrango Diont, but a moans for elevating the liiman race. "Tho advocates of this system con less indeed that it can not ho easily jarried out. Truo, tho very idea that ,ho human race can bo buttered by he abolition of the institution of pri vate property in the means of produc- ;ion and tho removal of tho necessity 'or seeking a livelihood has stirred up eolings of fanaticism in many butler nformed workingmen, who, despair ng of Christianity as presented by the ihurohes, hopo by means of this very ilea to realize truo Christianity in its Dristine form. Hut it is in this very lact that tho danger lios. The battle jry is not, as is usually stated, for an ncrenso of wages, but for the.forma ,ion of a now society, ovor member f which must ho spiritually born igain. Now, sober minded citizens vill not bolievo in changing tho en ;ire nature of men, but will forever lold that half the nation should he ippoinlod ollieials for tho purpose of louing that tho other half works lard lor its sulary, and that laws of Jraeonian seventy will always bo locossary to overcome tho slovenli ness of mankind." "Although this ohject'on is solf ividuiit, it is w'onderful how few dou ;ors can see it. Doctors, divines, and ill who soo tho sorrows and degrada tion of tho poor and hear thu argu nents of tho Itiissez-luire school in re gard to the survival of the littest feel .heir hearts bleed at tho woful sights ind sounds, and, naturally enough, ,hoir sympathy overpowers" their ron ton. H'liile ilioy favor tho socialistic loctrine of the distribution of the A'orld's commodities, they altogether ose sinlit of tho problom how to pro luce that which is to ho distributed, in this respect tlioy are no hotter than heir antagonists, tho lntssczfaire intagonUt, who altogether forget tho iroblom how to distribute properly ,vhat is produced. "In the hopo of gotting round this liiliculty tho idea of state socialism ins been suggested. Now, stato ocialism proposes to hold inviolate ;ho idea of liberty and equality in hush loss and state, and, by proper legisla tion in all tho brandies of human life, ;i abolish tho privileges which aro sow connected with the possessions ol ivoalth. For example, in this country ;he incorporation laws would havo to 00 changed; the factory laws for the orhtcotiou of tho young would have to jo made more thorough; the means of 'oniiniiuiualiou would havo to hu iwned by the statu, to that tho com- 01 l o( the pooplu mijjht he uieruavud it thu expoiitiu of thu whole pooplu, i tnl all other monopolies would jnvo to ho nhnlhdiad. Akh'D, one of ,hu intuit Important dooti uiiw of stale ioiumIuiii I thu ollliiiul nwotfintkin of iidmiirial uiiioii. Only in ll) way, t IN mailltMIIId. (Hill tllH I'Mlil utMiulM ivur lot till) IWprMlltU4 ill liut hhUui li wuuuuiU "M1IUU4 ful'MHU llV(HM HtUr. iUlH MMiiulMui ttst iitdividunl tt MMH MMUUIMUI OtlUUuBi wf u HSVOI to fisltiu lUU IU a i i m ni f oi niiui i itu dU4l till ( l. Ui v lliH Sltll tl H. lO 0141D huutstl dttlllli ml i iio,J,iU,v M ill tllWkit tu II I I itH uj iu4U di'4l l.Uft socialism soeks to do reaso tho liberty 6f the strong and utisotttpulous by suitable legislation. "In F.tirope state foei;ilitn means a greater pr.rtie pation of the peoplo in tho atVairs of government, wlierons in America it is the carrying out of tho original intention of the f rumors of tho constitution that the people shall rulo in all things. While the public iu general look upon tho word stato so cialism as moaning concentrated despotism, it is really the most per fect distribution of tho power of tho state among all the clas-es of the peo ple. If it can bo carried into olVeet it will give rise to an ideal democracy. "Such, in ellect, nro the opinions, hopes, and aims of the lend tig social ists of this city and of America. Among them nro numbered many prominent men of nil callings. How widely their inlhieneo is spreading is proved by tho simple fact that within the past few weeks soe'eties have boon formed iu New York. Hoston, nnd Baltimore for the promulgation of the doctrines of &taie socialism. Sett) loi'k Jknti'iL 'ihe iiay Mount Man. Tho postmaster at Alav Uloo-n, who, several wcuks ago nddiv m.( a lottor to the president, giving his reasons for not vacating li i iV.ice. haa sont the following to t he chief executive: "l am still hero. When a man trie to put me otreii niv hoiie he soon linds that he's uot a bteor on hau's. J hat feller ibalou 'p'nted in my plate oome over with a uiuger consta ble an1 tuck tho letters au1 mail-bag, but 1 ain't been put otiten the lions yit. Wife, she 'lows that I'm a good un, an' 1 reckon I nm. I don't ha l .ovo you was 'hvteil nohow, an' they tell mo that you ciin lio about n lih jes' liko a county jo lge. I're.sident! V'y, I wouldn't give threo hurr.ihs in the new ground for all sich presidents asott air. If I couldn't i-keor up a better nres'dotit than you, I'd ax some body to hold my coat while 1 run agin a beech tree. J wont over to llonutiy Hill tuther day to sec Garland about that postollico business, but it didn't 'peer to eonsarn him a blamed bit. He'd rnthor ketch a three-inch cattish than to sing hallelujah at a eamp nieutin.' I've still got tho bulge on you, ole hoss-lly. Tho new postinastor Iioro ain't got no place to keep tho let ters an' ho wants my box, but ho kain't git it. Fifty cents worth uv stamps come tho other day. but 1 got a holt uv them an' he ka'in't trit his. paw on 'em. I'm goin' to start iiji agin you, olo hoss-lly. I'll show on that you kain't ruii'this here community. I've, been liviu' here too long to bo put out by a man that i never seed. I don't' like to deeltir' war w'th a stranger, but then ou otigiitenter try to run my btis'ness. i voted for you an' kept a nigger front votin' fur that other fol ler, but of it was to do over agin, I would lloor you world without ond. Wall, 1 have said about all I'm goin' to say. 1 wanted to bo Montilied with, this 'ministration, an' havo showed vou that 1 ken pull when tho collar fits, but I kick when tlioy puts on mo without a collar. Hay, air so keen to help tho other jos' 'stabiish two' ollices hero mo havo one uv thorn. We'd un btis'ness, lot me tell vou. hamea of you, feller, an' lot whoop; When, he'il havo a letter to send oil' I'd skir-i niish round an' gic one, too, an' don'ti ou lorgit it. l natu to give up tins light, fur I am a mighty hard man ta down. Tins thing is &hapiu' down to a p'int, Mr. President, an' let mo say this: Mebby 1 kain't run a post ollico here as cheap as you can, but 1 ken make one six jos' as loud. The post-, oilice bus'ness is jos' into my line an' I am still on deck." Arkuumw Trav eler. A Nation of Dikes. Tho total annual revenue of Holland is, writes a Loiiisvtlle Uouricr-Journai correspondent, about $.r)0,000,OUO, and her total annual expenditures for tho. last lew years, owing to tho cxtraor-, dinary cost of building new dikes and repairing of old ones, has been about S.Vi.uOO.OOl). Mm pays $03,750 annually to her king and his housohold, ami au annual interest ot !?K),lol,lGUnii her public dopt. She has about 1,000 miles of dikes on her soncoasts and water courses and tho annual cost of keeping these dikes in repair is about Sl'.oOU.ODO. These dikes aro ininionso embankments, from ten to twenty-fivo feet high and as many feet broad, thrown up on Ihe soacoasls ami walor coursos to prevent the inundation of the entire country. On tho water sido they aro protected by stono or timbor 1 i ii ng, and on the to'p of tho land sido they arc covered with beautiful groon sod, bushes, inostly willows, largoly u-'od in their construction and fre quently by trees, and in many instan ces thoro aro line, shady roadways on tiie tops of those dtkos. When you stand on the land side of some of theso dikes, you can hear the waves of tho sea boating against the other sido from live to iifteon feet abovo your hoad. Tho entire kingdom of Holland is also interlaced aud intor&cctcd by thsusands of miles of canals. As to Children Treat them kindly. Don't preach politeness nnd proprie ty to them, and voilato thoir Jaws yourself. In other words, lot tho ex ample ou sot them be a ;'ood one. Never quarrel in their Jiesnnco. If you want to quarrel, unit until tho children aro gouu to bed. Thou tlioy will not see ou. Mint pur taps by that time you may tiuj. waul l quarrel. Never lull; "old folk" talk In tho pnuuneo of otilMien. Never niiunk llljiimntly of nulghborfl Iwfore olilldieii. I'linj may uiuut tho iioltflthum' olilhlieii, hu I have a talk atjuul it. 'JVmuIi thum think that I ho littlo buy in mg4 liiu u Utmrt in him In njillo ui thu rutfi mid K kioiuiM - la. nm, 'JVii ThKiii n th grww older, that n rMHMUtil 4iuiiiiir i u4hur. a MilllM IU (if UUltl, II 1 MI iJiUJIUHW Hub, mmimmuu mif , u hwiiiui pur tuQ u itt4ulriuu wim4i uru ht Ut thU lilMJf WM MdrUl, TUHUll ihiio thM Utlg futi mil iultilit imi. ilft. i4 e mJ tMiieMJUy r ni . .a.u ol lid uiidiM. J MAN tiukffl tllblA Uiif, Mit jm Imi imJ tfini wP) i glMff in U UM4l iiQ KWVrV T1IK AI.AHAMA COUItT. Intrcitlne lntorvh-w With .Iii Isp ltnrlanron ci'mliiR the Itocont Decision W lint the Court lias Done Slnca It Wn Organize!!. A reporter of The ItnrltngUm lfawk tfi has invaded the seclusion of Judge Jauie Harlan, presiding judge of the court of Alabama claims, and secured the .edge's views on the recent treas ury decis on. Judge Harlan says: "1 hae not seen the decision ami have no Dll'eial information on the subject. 1 iae. however, seen several news- mpiT articles which purport to stato t Mibstanoe, with the usual uewsv i oiniueiiis, some of them suggesting hnn ii,. improper etiinluet on the part if . enurl. (ueh as e.travagaiice, i.sni. and the like supposed of 1 infer frolu the slatiMnents ti these articles tnat tl;o lirst o'.ler has rejeiHed tiie vouchers d sbursinjr oilieer appointed by letary of Male lor tho court "H tho paiuent of the coinpeit- 'f nil f the O'wplwye ot the rot .speeitically nainod, in theast .-,-c.s under which the court was cd. such as watchman. ni"si- l's. ( until' I a 1 1 N l'Mei'l . it 1 cd by tin e cirt to tcstitv n ; i .ic :oV'mii inciii , and a-.st ,t;-cl (U eoiir-e d III siiccs.fiii Ia, lorn II' a con jf i th ro .V" o: as :: II o tin sln In;, u . ei . to , tit i'h ' tl.e ..I ii.! adheri'd to it Wiilirieallv re i i!i' traunactton of the business ! th-court, an I cpose tiie pap i ".-i r! . and other public proui'rly - iiict.on bv lire utid incend.AriMii empress shall provide a remedy. etily ollieials or helpers named in are tlu'ce i mures, a l ictu, a h ri liand reporter, au nttornev lor the government, and a depu'v mar lial. Tlio authority to appoint all 0! ii t necessary helpers by the court H'n- Miopoaod to he conferred bv the xener.ii nrovisions of th.e statute di recting tiie court what it should do, vl. eh it could not do without such u-ji-ianee, ami their compensation was 5ii:)u-ed to bo provided for in tho ioneral appropriation for nil necessary 3:it tiuotit expenses. Within six .nioiitlis after llio court eon relied, July I.'!. is-', more than A,7iK) cases were .loeketed. It was of couiso, literally 'iiiosible for the clerk with his own hands to ilo all tlio necessary clerical tvoi k incident to his otliee, to superin tend the necessary printiny, to stand jiuiid over this neeuiiiitlatiou of public jroperty day atTil night, to build tires, iweep anil serib, anil do the necessary tnes.icner-running for the court. It was eiiuallv impossible lor Ihe govern ment counsel in person to lake care of .he io eminent sido ol all ot these caM s within the tune limited by aw for iheir decision; or as fast as the onrt could dispose of them when jropcilv prepared. The court there oio authorized what seemi'd to it to ic only the necessary assistance to en able it and its ollieer.s to dispose of the business ollieicntly. promptly, anil just ly as congress appeared to have in tended, anil has succeeded within llio lirst threo years in disposing of more than -1,1110 casos, when if the court mil adopted the lirst comptroller's new of tlio meaning of tho law it 3oulil not possibly have disposed of more than two or three hundred per annum, and consequently could not nave closed its work iu less than twon y years from the date of its organiza tion." "Are tlieso vouchers which have been disallowed by tho lirst comptrol ler ilill'erent from those which have loretoforo been allowed and paid by .he treasury departments' 'Certainly not in their legal aspect, or in any essential particular, .lust such vouchors for the compensation oaid for the samo service, performed n largo part by the same persons, luring tho preceding three years fiavo boon examined ami allowed and paid by tlio treasury department without in ad verso suggestion, as far as I iiiow ami believe from any quarter." "Is tliis court sustained by any pro redouts iu its action in this respect P" Certainly it is by all llie courts of Ihe United States in a greater or Ions .legreo, and ospecally by all courts ivil commissions of a temporary char icter, and by tho action of all tlio de partments in the execution of laws I ire cling work outside of regular routine department business. In pro viding for llio expenses of the perma nent courts congress can ho more specific, because in the course of years it can be known nioro certainly just what helps ate nooded. Congress has some to know almost exactly what number of clerks, messengers, watch men, etc., aro needed, anil provides for thoir payment specifically. Hut when this can not bo known iu atl advanco, and consequently is not specifically provided for in the lorms of tho law, tho court commis sion or executive ofl'tcer is compelled to let the worlc como to a stand still or to employ tho necessary persons to perform it and pay them out of the general appropriation under tlio head of necessary contingent expenses.' Tho principlo of 'interpretation of such laws may bo tersely stated thus: If congress by law directs au ollicer or a court to do some spocllio work within a given time, and appropriates a gross sum of money for the ptirnoso, and omits to designate Kpeeilieally the sub ordinate olllouil machinery for its ex ecution, the general authority thus conferred to ilo the work has always been so, and must continue to bo so to the end of time." "Can vou mention a specillu proco- dent covering this precise cusoP" "Certainly. 1 cotilii mention par allel cases almost without limit from my personal rneolhiulloii. Hut the former court of Alabama claims Is ex actly in point. It was organized un- lor nm nut ot .nine, im. inis noi iiovlilnd for thu appointment of live pulsus, a clerk, it government ultor liny, mill for Hid Nurviue of u iiininhwl, mid powlbly it thort-huiid rupmiur, ami nothing uioru by way of niiipluyiM. 1 lint noun wiu iiiieetiii ny urn hoi m hem uml iliuudu claim ur Iumwh cmiivuiI by thu uoiiftMlmute oriiUmrn AUUuiim, MuiIiIm, Mint kliHUMUdtMili Nil'Jt fl MtdlMMiiiH, mid ihtfT ! dtl. Tilt! MMiri UUllltJ' It M44 l puiubuil H ttttfbMIMii UilMMMIMM. Iltvltit. HUllii uwwitwl. iiimI priuiwr, mj ll UtliMf bVMtf l 1.) II llm- fy ui Wfi' i i" i i bo iu pM'mpi- ift.MII) IhM I'll "l. ml hi u mi i mm mi (hnn twenty-one hundred eases ah that wero docketed within the time limited by law, and adjourned sine the. Tlio'accounts for pay nieni of all this extra help wore audited, allowed, Slid paid IC tho treasury depart ment." "In what rosnect as to these em ployes did that court dill'er trom tli.s oourtf "In no essential particular. Tflc act of June, lt-'S'.', ttinier which thia court was organized, revived anil con tinued in force tho act of 1871, mulct winch tho former court was organized, leaving all ol its essential features iu full force. The net of 1SS:? diminished the number of judges to throe instead of live, and directed thfi appointment of a clerk, a government attorney, short hand reporter, and the detail of a deputy marshal, and speeilically i mentioned no other helpei s, as in the former, net. it directed this court to hear and decide claims for the destruc tion of property by any eonUHterate crui-er, mid also lor ay incut of war I premiums. The pres. ding jiuljro of i ilio former court was apjio tiled presi 1 d i'g judge of Ill's court. The govern 1 un lit counsel .if tiie iormcr ci.,i!t wn nl-o i' .ippoinicd, and ih -. e.uirt em l!oM!.l pi'Ciisely the same ciii-- of iic'pers as (he lornicr i ourl, lidding I only ep rt exii'iiine: s ol ivsur.iuce I companies' hooks and rccoids, who. r.fier such examinations, are called as vvitne-ses. both by cl iimants and in behalf of the srovernmeiit. When call ed by elaitnaiits, they niv p.iiil by ihe claimants; when called by th govern ment tlioy hnvo been paid bv the gov ernment out of this fund. At liit one only was so called by the government, but he not bo ng nolo to keep up with tho court in his examination of the books, papers, and insurance rec rds, others hnvo been added from time to time. They hold no ofllees. They aro simply government witnesses. Tlioy are paid iu the form of salaries, instead of a per diem aud mileage, oto., in each case in which they aro called, from considerations of conven ience and oeonomy of money and t me. Tho former court did not employ insurance experts because if is presum ed that court had no insurance cases to adjudicate." "Then, judge, how do you aeo unit for this decision of tlio first comp troller? Is it for political oftV'et, and from a desire to break up the court with a view to its reorganization witii democratic judges and other olll cers?" "I have not tried to account for it, ami have no suHieient reason to justify me in ascribing improper mot vos to that high ollicial. On the other hand, I entertain a high respect and regard for J 1 1 iii. We were boys together as students at the same college, anil 1 havo, of cour.se, followed his career ever since, aud as far as 1 know ho has been a worthy, capable, and up right man iu all the reial ons ot Me. I ilo not believe he would be inllu enceil consciously in the discharge of iiis ollicial duties by a political or any unworthy motive. I do not doubt that ho has 'done what ho conceived to be his duty in the premises. Hut lie is new in his olliee, ami of course un familiar witli the settled ministerial method of interpreting tiio statutes, mil ho may havo been, and probably was, misinformed as to the actual facts of the case." "What does tho court propose to tlo about ill'" "I suppose nothing whatever. Tho members of llio court have hail no consultation oyer the mutter, mid I can only state my own impressions. The department ollicors have no juris diction over tho court as to its judg ments, .decisions, rulinos, and orders, anil the court has no jurisdiction oyer tho accoiintiiigoflicets of the treasury. Their ollicial' functions are separate, ami distinct, aud ought lo remain so. The court will do its duty as it under stands it. The .first comptroller will doubtless within his legitimate sphere do the same. If- he has erred in this mutter no doubt ho will modify or change his ruling. And if he shall not become so convinced ho will, 1 suppose, adhere to it, ami the matter will have to wait until congress shall in its discretion limi nnd apply a remedy. Iu the meantime, 1 sticpose the court will proceed, with such help as it can legally employ, with the per formance ot its judicial duties." 'Hut in that ciusu will not the court he greatly crippled and retarded, and eaii it dispose ot insurance cases with out exports?" "It will not bo exactly crippled, but greatly retarded. Vos," It etui try and decide Insurance cases without the aid of experts, if that should become ne cessary. U'l id individual judges can personally examine insurance books and papers ami compel by stibpoMia tho attendance of exports as witnesses. In this method the court would bo reduced In thu necessity of proceeding slowly." "Hut if the first comptroller should adhere to his decision and congress fall to enact remedial legislation, what would thu court ilo?" "J suppo-o it would go right along as well as it could under thu exist ng conditions, ami on the 111st of next December, when the law expires, quit work, anil ouch of its judges and ollicors respectively go about his own business and let the responsibility of tho failure of claimants to got there legal dues rust with thu first comp troller or with congress. All Uiireasoiiithlo Man. About the most unreasonable man I have heard of this year Is a resident of Torre Haiile, linliiiiiii. The lui7 of Hint oily snyj; "A business man of this city kicks beoau.e an attorney charged him 1H for collecting a bill of $111. Have attorney no rights that hiuiuod men nm hound to iepnel?" In the ii ti in u of all nm. on, what did the Homier iiiuruliiuit ex pool P Ilo kIiiiiiIiI iwliililnr hlniMlf III ureal luuk not to he uliiirguil $lu hy Ihe Hlloiimy fur eolliMituig it hill of IW. Thai would have liunn u iipiuril, nnti chil ly if tiiti uUuriiM miumI liim fur the VlU twIuHUtf Tim riA uf I lunula miu ny U iu lU Ui Mil hi ffttfn vmIuv mi Uutlr Itm fur MulltMtUug- - lU'jM ffcwy Matur 4ty Jt' iMttk fttTftli Mft! kJtf ill) HOUSKHOIjD niNTS. A newspaper is profcrablo to a ortish for polishing a stove. If salt is strewn over carpets boforo they aro swept it will tend to froshon ihe colors. Water in which prunes have boon loaked over night makes a vory ac :cptablo acid drink. A dish of colli water placed in an jvcu that is too hot for baking will ipoodily reduce the temperature An eU'ectivo design for a wall pockot s '.onvcntionalizeil yellow jessamine vorked in Kengsington stitch on dead leaf" sal con or .sorgo. Fating a. low pieces of common itareh will Mmietmios sottlo a weak itomnch. (ium arahic is also a good remedy, aud it will relievo tickling iu .he throat. Tho white of and esrg Is the best up. jliention for soothing bums .m l iealiN. It may tie j otired overthi round, aud forms at once a vann-ii iiidi excludes the air. Him. copper or t'n vessels -ho'ii I lover he used in i i h act on of the .ic I'll es poison. A p t i i vessel is be i '.r pll'lvll Mlt'v or ri ' .i i iia'viii '. iT on I i ' I o prevent in on il I i .ri el' c-. pour a 1 til.' nir'h top. It u ,d p ir r larden i;.' li in' d i i1 n when it N. and it e.m l i anil it c.i n in bo saved .i I-. 1 v. 'coved. Ii i- 1 i,.i:n next n'..3on tSavealls made of tissue pap t -.Tprosont rose of chrysaulhi m-nn ire very convenient, Tlioy s:te i o onstant washing of tho glass o mil may bo changed whenever a -pot )f caudle grease appears. One who knows from expei- em o inysthalif pooplu will ilrink butt " oiilk "crow's feel" and wriuMcs a 11 )e kent in abeyance. Ituttcrmilk n ;v refreshing drink, and as its ImmuuI'v ngipialities are vouuhod for it ou,iit o become popular. Unique and curious panels nro mado by inking etched plates ami lie u '.aking the impression by covering .hem wllh lhpiid plaster of Paris, iho nk is transfoirod to tho plaster as n-r-'eetly as if it were carefully printed. I'hosu pttuoles may he framed. It's to bo hoped tint no one will ilo ts a fashion journal says, anil keep tho aillows in a closet through tho day. Xcop the pillows on the bod, whether it be fashionable or not, unless a closet .villi a window which permits tho 'reo access of puro air bo available. An excellent method of administer ng castor oil to children is arrived at ly pouring the oil into a pan over a aioderate lire, thou breaking an egg .n to it and stirring well. Flavored villi a liltlo sugar or current jelly, ;lio mixture will not bo d sagreeablo. For polishing stained Hours uso a iveighted br.ish with long handle. Hues wax gives a very much better polish than varnish, as" the latter will ihow overy scratuh of tho boots or jha rs tipo'ii it, and will soon look liko in old lor. Do not hogin with var nisli, but use Ihe wax polish from tho ist. An oniolet pun and pancako grid Jlo, says an old cook, ought never to Do washed. Thoroughly rub tho pan ind L'rhldlo after and" boforo using, with a clean, dry cloth. Of course those dishes, if so handled, are never to bo used for any other purpose than jinclets and pancakes, and thoro will no no trouble with either sticking to (ho pan or griddle. From ton to twonty drops of bro mine dissolved in au ounce of ohvo oil is claimed to bo an oU'ectiial rem !ily for the eruption caused by con vict with poison oak, ivy, oto. It is used by rubbing gently on tho au'oetcd part threo or four tlinos a day, and .'specially on going to boil at night. I'lio bromine is so volatile that tho solution should bo renewed within Iwenly-four hours. Heinenibor that ono of tho vory aleest, if not tho ni.-cst, way to pro uire pumpkin for pies is us follows: Uu'ulho pumpkin In half, put it In a dripping pan, skin side down, (after mo sueds are removed) in a slow oven; baku until nil the good can bo easily scraped from the rind with a spoon; if it is as brown as nicely baked bread, all the bolter; mash llnoly, and :o ouo quart add a quarter of a pound of butter, while hot. Thou maku up iftor your usual formula. Husked hoad and milk i3 a now Jisii, very fashionable at city lunch tables, ami a groat help to the house keeper in disposing of stale bro id. IS ii t perhaps you do not know what rusked bread 'is. It is simply bread dried quickly in tiie oyon till it is a light brown," thou pounded till about is lino as rice. It is "just delicious" witli milk and berries, better than oread or oraokors; and wo suspect might servo as foundation for a deli yious pudding to replace tho usual "broad pudding." Few cooks appreciate as tlioy should tho noceislty of draining and airing ill canned vegetables. For entitled peas (in tin), beans, tomatoes, or anv jthor, always open them three hours boforo they are wanted. Drain oil' all Jio liquor and throw It away. Turn out the vegetables to evaporate and a rupon a ilut dish. Stir them up so that the all may reach them all through. A little trouble, to be suro; hut It makes this kind of food much wholcsoinor; It gets rid of any gnsos that may havo boon formed iu the can, as well as any uf the corroded lohler that may have dissolved out with the liquor. Ktiili'ml green peppers nro prepared iu this way, Take large giouu pop. pars, wash t hum and cut two thirds urniiiiil the slum, that It leiiitiltu sttiu hoii to the popper, uml rominu till thu needs. Make a stiillliig ol two qiiiM't uf llliely chopped eubluL'o, half a cupful of grutoil hni-uritil all, tlll'UU labluHpooiiftiU of onlniy noeil, ouu cupful of in ti t u il (need, iiinl twu lnbliupimilliiN of null- Fill the pen. pr wllh the mixture, milling Intu iwudi pupiiMr ouu tliiy n iu umbo!' uml !jiiul oiilniii leiiluuu lliu uleni lUlll tuiluull wllli Wflilnif rul Iho (lepiiDH u u laru.u iiiiluwl jur, uuvur Ilium yvub umIiI luw uil nm uw I'M wTiL t t m o mural !iiHf!r;Uwd