The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 17, 1885, Image 2

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Statement of (lie Public Debt on the 1st
of October.
Following is a recapitulation of the debt
statement Issued on the let:
Ilonds nt tJ per cont $ .TiO,000,00H 00
Ilonds . H per cont T!17,"!'l,4.V) 00
Bonds nt 3 per cont. 10t,llK),6(jO 10
ItciundluirccrtlllcQtcs at 4 por
cent 237,000 00
Navy pension fund nt 3 por
dent . H.ODO.OOO 00
I'ucillo railroad bond at 0 per
cent Cl.OStf.lii 00
Principal l,2fi0.7T?.4ra 00
Interest M.aM.TdS SJ
Total $l,878,l!.2l 83
Principal 5 3,B71, 20
Interest SS1,! 30
Total $ i.VXM" (A
Old ilomaud and leifal tender
nolos $ 34fl."3?.85rt 01
Cortillcntes or deposit St.lHfi.(XK) 0)
Gold certiflciiloi J18,i:i7.700 00
Bllvor cortlllcntis U3,fif0.71fi OD
Fractional cur ency lesi 8,37.Ki 00
Ustliniiled as lostor destroyed.. fl.SMI.10SJ hH
Principal 688,070,654 88
l'rlnolpnl $l,8iVJ,328,403 H
Intoroat 12,430.121 13
51,805,704,63 !T7
Lets ciihli Items aviilhililn for
re( uotlon of tho i.'oht $ 240,027,074
i.oss losi rve out tor io otnp
tlon of Unit. U Statu uotos.. . 100,000,000 00
Totnl $ 340,927,074 70
Total debt, less avallablo cash
Items fl.r,24,R37.448 67
Net cash In tl o trensurv C3,WO,MJ 30
Dobl, lesicnsh lu tlio treasury
Oct. 1. 1883 l,473,09-',307 63
Dccrenro of dolit durliiR niontli
ns shown by this Mitlcniont.. 12,767,055 26
Gold hold lor cold cortKlentca
nctliiilly i utiU. iltiifr 1118,137,700 00
Silver bold IVr silver err.ifl-
cutesne'utill) outstiindlliu'.... 03,050,710 00
United Stilton notes bold I'nr
ccr illcnt Hof do odt, actual-
lyoutH undintr 23,ia5,O0O 00
Cnsh bi'l I fur luatuiod debt and
Interest unpaid 6,045,000 71
Fi'koiIo ml eunoiiey y.&Ol ft"
Total nvn'lnbto for roduo
tlon ol debt f240,l)37.074 70
ltnsEitvn FUND.
Held for rcdornpl oi of United
States notes, net nt Jiihunty
14, 1876, m d .Tilly li, H8S $100,000,000 00
' I'NAVAlI.A 111.8 Hill ltUDUCTlON OK PHUT.
Frnctlouid silver coin tS!,MI,MKI 70
Minor colu W,m )
Total 521.138,710 05
Of rtiriontin bold nit oath f6 1,707,810 00
Not cinb balauoo on b ud...... Oy,OJ,106 DO
Ti'lal omli In treasury us
hhown by tioitsurtr'sn1 nersl
account 4R8,mi57 06
Tlio pnymoiits on nccotintof Interest due
on bonds amount to rtbbut $7,500,000,
which w ill reduce tlio decrease of the debt
to about $5,250,000.
Tlio president has issued nn executive
fader directing Dr. 10. S. Shakespeare, ol
Pennsylvania, to proceed, under direction
ol tlio Hon--t.i'-y ot state, to Spain and
other count i if i in Kuropo whore cholera
exists and make investigations ol the
causes, prngrcs .mil proper prevention and
euro of the tii,,.,,., in ordor that a lull re
port may be mado to congress during the
next session.
The not; t; tided assistant postmaster
general tin lulled upon posttuatera lor a
rpoitot 1 1. first week ol the special de
livery l)UKin .s. Tho oil) eors of the depart
Hunt ii i u not (llHcouriiKod by the compnnv
tm l.v hiii, i, biisiiiusit (lone the Hrxtduy at
tin' r i r ij . ml postolI1c't4. They IihiI that
tln mljiit lute not yet luid uir opportunity
to iu ii:ii titsolfwkli the tulvnutnijeti rtf
niltuifii m the use ol the now pluu ami
luiu vo it will utoadily grow In popular
I.i nr.
C'n.tuln rrv lM.Crandttll, ot the Twenty,
fourth infantry, lio boon directed by the
dopiirtinoiit tn c.irry ont the iiietruotlumi
of the Hfcrt I iry of the Interior concerning
tho of ini'iiithorUed portions on
tho ( hi rokio IiiiuIh in the Indian territory,
wi'xt of tli Ail-iwiHua river. Ilia orders
Ti'lcr part H iii, uiy to the removal of
"boomers" und Hiiuutters.
Jlr. Iloraio O. Jaenba, nsUUnt super
vlbing iiri'h.ti't of the trennury, h tsn.
Jered his n siinlion to take o fleet Oetolier
81st. 'Thin action was entirely voluntary
on hi part .mil whs talu'ii in i inter that lit
illicit iiiip,i i Ini iini .sii odor it.ia a Wiwli
Iiilou lliiii. Mr. .laiiibM Is a native ol
Maine anil li.i.i l n iu toe ti.ttuury lor
neatly twenty-mo yours. '
Ui'i:ititrl!,iw.'ciaMt him recommended that
the r.'uiint itiiiHi,l t'liarlen Neul aud Newell
It. WalUor, i hit fx of divntioim ot the regts
ter'a olllce, Ihi accepted to lake effect Sep
teintiir !t). Mr. Walker wan chief of the
tommciolivUion, whichdiviHiou wna merged bureau of navigation when that
bureau wan eMtabliHhed last year. Mr. Neal
was chief ot tha currency division, which
tho register now proposes to consolidate
with tlio coupon division.
Tho president has appointed Kdward A.
Btovenson, ol lloiso City, Idaho, to bogov.
emor of the territory of Idaho, and V. H.
Webb, ot Hillings, Montana, to be secrotary
ot tho territory ol Montana.
llou. John S, AVIno on Ills Itlucle A
Disorderly 42ulliorliiti.
Wilmington (I), a) dispatch: A very
largo crowd loft hero to-night to attend a
republican ineotlng at Alexandria, Va.
Among the passengers were tho Hon. John
S. Wise, republican candidate (orgovornor
of Virginia, who was to address tho meet
ing, and the lion. John Ambler Smith,
claim agent ol this city, and lorinerly mem
ber ol congress from the lUchmoud, Va.,
district. l"or some time past there has
been a bitter feeling between these to
goutlemeu. They occupied adjoining seats
in the smoking car, und when about two
miles from Alexutidrlu became involved In
a wrangle, In which Smith called Wise a
llur, lie had no sooner uttered the words
than he received a stinging blow in tho
mouth from Wise that drew blood aud
knocked him down, Wis follow ml up his
attack, but the crowd iuterleied ami
stopped the row. When Alexandria, wus
reached Wise went to Armory bull, whore
wsetlng was bold- The meeting was noisy
Irom the start and when Wise appeared on
Uie stage and began to speak he was Inter
ruptod by friend of Smith, who hud us
swhWd lu large numbers, with till manner
ol Insulting remark und wss dually lurciM
to Uv the stage and bull, und the meet
jg brake up In disorder.
IVIinl Science is Endeavoring io Accom
plish for Control of (lie Sninc.
liirorts l' tlio SlKiinl Service liurcnii
to I'recllct n Jrcut Morm.
Or lain, Xuttire and Particular Districts.
Washington dispatch: Tlio phenomena
1 tornadoes, totho scientific study ol
vliich Lieut. John P. Finloy, of tho signal
lorps, has devoted about eight years, aro
low so woll understood as to warrant tho
Belief tlmt trustworthy warning may soon
10 sent out to tlio iiihnhitnnla of localities
vhleb may bo threatened with tlio disas
trous visitatiotiH. Dnily predictions nre
11 fact being mude at present, having begun
Inst year and continued through the lor-
aado season mid resumed recently upon
tho return of Liout. Finley from an Inspec
tion tour in tho west. The peicentages of
roriflcatioiiB is nlrendy gratifying, though
iho predictions nro as yet largely oxperi
mental, mid aro embodied in daily pub
ished bullotiiiH of tho signiil oflico only
shell conditions favorable to the creation
jf tornadoes nre very pronounced. In
inch cases &ovoro local storms aro noted as
ruAiunns op tub toii.vado.
Lieut. Finley recently described tlio
mown phenomena of tornadoes and tho
mil towards which tlio present researches
iro directed. Theso h tonus have, distinctly
marked characteristics and aro by no
menus to bo confounded witli hurricanes,
"blizzards," cyclones, or '.'northeasters."
Their tracks aro novor nioro than a few
hundred yards ido and their forces aro
fenerally exhausted by tho time tlioy liavo
traveled the courso of forty or fifty miles,
though in tills latter respect they aro ipiito
mrinhlo, some having been traced by their
linos of devastation more than 180 miles.
l'lioir rotary motion, uliicli is Greatest to
ward tlio center, sometimes roaches tho en
ormous rate of 200 miles an hour, whiio
their forward movement, nlwnys from
louthcast to northwest, ordinarily doos
not exceed forty or llfty miles. They aro
usually uiiiiccompaniud by electrical dis
turbances aud are believed to bo iiniu-
tllionced by electrical conditions, thouuli
thunderstorms sometimes lollow them a,
low miles away.
riiero Is a distinct and curious relation-
sliio between tornadoes and tlio euiiernl
storm center, which is always apparent lu
Ihoir uniform relative positions tho tor
nado always occuiriiiK Honthvestwardly
from tlio center if low barometer and at a
distance ot from 100 to (100 miles. Tho
shape of tho general storm center, the direc
tion iu which its longest center lies, and the
appearance of the upper nnd lower clouds
enter ii minor elements in to the problem
out of Which the weather experts hopo to
work a complete system ol tornado warn
Tho visits of the tornado nre commonly
between 2 and 0 o'clock in the afternoon.
Its home is an area of which Includes the
whole, of Iowa, all of Missouri except the
so a tern comer, the northwestern cor
ner of Arkansas, the northeastern part of
Indian Territory, Kiistern Kansas, Lantern
Ktbmskn, Southern Minnesota, Southern
Wisconsin and Western Illinois. Here its
season extends from April to August Inclu
sive. It is a lieueub visitor to two or
tliree regions.
It lias a strip along the Cult and South
Atlantic, which takes in tho central por
tions of Alabama, Uoorin and South Car
olina, with termini iu Mississippi and North
Carolina, over which its devastation nre
confined to tho months ot January, Feb
ruary and March. Another includes a por
tion ol Southern nnd Central Ohio, a large
port i cm ot Pennsylvania, a small area In
Maryland, a strip across New York and the
ooruer each ot Massacbusutls and Connec
ticut when it is in season only during the
months ot August and September.
Lieut. Finley further snld: "While a
most interesting sclntl!lc question re
specting the otkin of tornadoes, t hit laws
which gooru Hu m nnd thi ir relationship
to other iiietoi olosjical phenomena remain
to lie Aiiswero'l, thu more practical ipies
tion ns to whim and where they are likuly
to appear seems to be ndviiui ing rapidly
toward solution, interests which are sub
ject to disaster from tornadoes are alivoto
the importance of the work In progrpH.
The intendinit nuroltHser of farms apply to
the si ;iial otliis for information reKctiug
the liability ol their selected locality to
disaster. To such are sent the records ol
the past as tar ns they are known.
Whenever Lieut, Finley travels in pursuit
ol his studies, farmers and villagers press
lor information. To theso ho says that
nothing raised by the hum! of inn u above
tho surface of the earth can withstand a
tornado. He advises them to seek their
ilin'oiits upon tho appearance of the por
tentous signs ot disaster, and there await
the passage ot the storm. For their prop
erly he advise insurance so that th losses
ot an iudiv Id u al may be shared by his more
tort una te neighbors, IiiMiiriinroeotiinanies
which last year "wrote" $ K),Oii.OU() in
tornado policies are eagerly awaiting the
completion of a map now in process ol
making, which is xpoetiil greatly
narrow the so-called tornado region, and
perhaps show that large portions ot them
nave never experienced u severe storm,
I' poll this map Liout. Finley proposes to
show Irom tho complete record of several
years and data, as far as obtained tor
many previous yours, the average number
ol tornadoes for each locality per annum.
(Jraut's Exonitlvo Ordor.
A Washington dispatch says the post
olllce department is In receipt ot u number
of inquiries relative to tho operation ot the
executive order niudo by President Grant
In 187:1, forbidding federal olllclats to hold
state or municipal olllees. Representa
tion aro mado that many of the newly ap
pointed postmasters nro members of tho
board ot supervisors and nhlormcii or hold
other small municipal olllccs that do not
niako heavy demands upon their time and
iiiiy little or no salary. In such cases.
where municipal olllees no not inturtere
with the duties ot the postmaster, it is
urged that the executive order might be I
where municipal olllees do not interfere
Indian Postmasters.
Complaints urs being received at
postotllre department from thu Indian Tor creditors to attach the salaries oi theh
ritory ol the working ot the recent decision 1 debtors who may be postal employes. Tin
of Attorney-General Garland to theelfeol postmaster nt New York recently informed
that Indians tire not eligible to appoint- the doiuiitineiit that attempt have best
incut us postmusUrs. Many ot the Indian made to KtirnUhee the salaries ul owploym
po.t masters at (he soventy tho olllics In in his olllce. and asked lur instructions
the territory who nre reputsd to be iutelli- Thu pustmssUr general dscidss that wilu
guilt, educated msn have sut iu their rvsig- ri ol postal eniidoyss ruuuut Its wKadukl
niitiuiis lu coiuitliiiius with tiiut ruling, lu lur tUbt ami ill ssml out lusliuilu.ui U
some pine it f luiiud Impossible (osmium ilUresurd atUvhuivut issued by Utli
white inmi who rv eligible and at the sunn courts, but to Mpar in oourt and staU
time cometent to fill thtw iilllvej, and it that lm is possessed ul do iiruisMly Isuoaj
isfsursd that the srlw may liedlsus- iug to the dstdor TUn iMUHss r tub
trotisly altvptsd through tho onfurml ill- refrdwd us Uuttsd titutus iuu4 uatii ttisj
i-utitliiuaucii ul sumsliupHrtaut Utu(i!&. (ruiu til bu4 ul liu iotMSUf UU
Ateisnqrr ii. Ann'MPu, co
IpeoUl dTi of the KewUjlcui oil
tui detlgnited JUreU lft u4 i& M M
liuur ijp.
Disastrous floods, covering an area ol
0,500 square miles, occurred in the presi
dency of Bengal, tho largest nnd most pop
ulous ot twclvo main divisions ot British
India. A largo amount of property was
destroyed nnd many lives lost. Many fnm"
Hies hnvo been inn do destitute. Houses,
crops, cattle antl portnble goods of every
.l.,. -.-I.,!!.... i. 1 .,,. ., I... Ik.
floods. The government authorities nre
distributing provisions nnd clothing and
doing all they can to relievo tho suffemrs.
raise Poita., which was thought to have
been the best harbor between Calcutta ami
Bombay, snfc, roomy and accessiblo to al)
snips, wns struck by n storm wave nnd
swept so completely that most ot the in-
habi tants perished.
The Journal do St. Petersburg says tlur
is no question but that the conference of
, , . . .. , ,
ambassadors at Constantinople will nr-
range for united action toward Turkey and
Bulgarin to prevent a conflict between
Mu,n unit ilmii i,iii,ivtli.linrr) nt Mm ii,.,.
lin treaty time to discover a solution more
in harmony with tlio interests of Turkey
ntwl i lin linlntirn rif rutwor in MiMMtnt. n...
oral pence will bomaiiitained whon tboeast-
ern question is under tlio authority ol
Jitlrope. The pacilic tendency ol tlio pow-
.ru iiflmifa r1 Mm 1ir,rm Mm! Mm rriuio
not augmentnnd that, asat first appeared,
the (lilllcult problem wiU bo promptly
c,. m , tmii !,. i, ...
Sir Charles Dilke, flrat president of tin
local government board under uiadstono'n
administration, was married on tho 2d to
Mrs. Mark Pnttison. ntCholsea. The coro
monv was conducted ouietly and without
4i. .ii..t ii.. , i i 1..1.1
tuu iitaijiiiv unuiiiiv 11 i,Li;iiut;ii u 111 uinii lonii-
bio snrint v on Such an occasion. Tim
church was crowded with friends of the
brido nnd groom, many notable persons
being present..
Tho torles nre not yot ready to bogln tho
campaign for supremacy in tho next par
liament. Theirgovcrnmont liavo thoroforo
decided to postpono dissolution until tlio
7th of Decombor. Tho reason givon to tho
public for this nclion is that dilltcultlea
growing out of tho onormotis registration
under tho enlargement of tho franchiso ro
quros extended timo for adjudication and
Germany lins acknowledged Spnin's claims
to tho occupation of Yap. In return Spnin
has granted Oorniony free navigation of tin
wators in nnd nrotind tlio Caroline IslnndH, P8"ed. 1 no urst gayo rongious it erty to
togolhor with freo comnierco with tho in- tliree-tovrthsof tliolnsn people. 1 hat was
habitants and tho right of having a coulins the deed of tho tones. John Bright, tho
station nt one of tho islands. The media- most jiious nnd the least practical of lib
tlon of tho pope is now unnecessary ns Hit crals, only repeats tho tory minister, who
affair lins been settled to tho satisfaction passed the bill, when ho says it was extort
of both powers. i ed by the threat of civil war. The soconu
was tho disestablishment of the Irish
Forty nihilists, ircluding a number ol church. Mr. Gladstone, tho liberal ininis
nrofossors and other well-known nsrsonis. tor who accomplished it, has publicly con-
i,,. i. ,.-u,.i , varanw ., i....
of conspiring to murder tho czar. The ar
rests have eausod a great sensation.
Mr. Blaine writes, only live pages ot his
history daily.
Miss Charlotte M. Vongo, now sixty-four
years old, has written 100 books.
John Kelly has not yet lost his grip on
either Tammany or his tomahawk.
The return of the summer girl gladdens
the heart ot the couldu't-got-away young
Chip! Justice' VValto, according to the
London Times, is a bigger man than Lord
Red-haired girls can now rejoice witli ex
ceeding great joy, tor "strawberry blondes'1
are in fashion.
Colonel J. Armory Knox, one of the edi
tors of Texas Sittings, is said to smoke
twenty rigars daily. That's what makes
him Iee1 so funny.
J udflo Totirgeo wants to be a state sena
tor, aud his uoliticul opponents am mail
ing him copies of lot, rec ait lecture entitled
"01 vo Us a Rest."
"Knock Off Two" Is the name of an In
dian employed at one of the ovei ii iit'iitt
ii-,'tiieii'S in the w.'tt. He is said to be i, trad
of tfis own shadow. '
Ham Jon (, the reront t-io evnn-fp!i s ivs
he "wouldn't wi;, his f .ft on u b: - li.i'l
player." Ho might try it, but would get
"wiped out" ir ine round. !
Strauss does his composing in the morn
ing, hh bis nervousness interferes with his
labors in the aftcr-iooti. it it that
ha iluw-u't go out with tlio boys at nihu
riliMiily Ueed.s by Neroe sml
Lyxchlus; of four fllurdsrers.
KalelgU (X. C.) dispatch: Last night four
negroes Jerry Finch and wife, Leo Tyson
and John Pattishill wei-e lynched one mils
from Pittsboro, Chatham county. They
were taken Irom jail and their bodies found
this morning suspended Irom a tree near
the public road. This is tho smpiel of the
triple murder of the Finch family the night
of the 4th of hint July, and the murder ol
the Uimter family nour the same spot sum
eighteen month ago. Thure were two ol
the Much family, I'M ward aged 70 and his
sister aged M, They were found the morn-'
ing ,,f the 5th of July lying on the lloor
with tlu-ir throats rut. Near them lay
their servant, aged 10. All hail boon no
tacked in the head vrithuuux. Suspicion
early rested on a negro, Jerry Finch, and
lis was arrestei!. It was a great task from
tho lltxt to prevent lynching. Leo Tyson
wns afterwards arrested, and, some timo
after, John Pottishill was taken on tha
charge of being concerned lu the last mur
der, and possibly in tho first murder. Ho
was said to havo been seen near the spot
where the Guntra wore killed, and next
morning was in another county and told
tho tirst news known there ol tlio crime.
I Detective Walkor worked up the case and
, the verdict of tlio coroner's jury was long
delayed, they fooling that as It was adverse
to the prisoners they would bo promptly
lynched. The verdict, when rendered, was
against the prisoners. Tho majority ot the
people appear to be sntistled that these
' ,iM ' ' ...ntv of hoth murilers for the
lw0 Her notoriously connected.
Tlioy Cannot bo (inrtiUlieed.
The postmaster general bus rendered nn
interesting decision touching the light ol
thus q! m Ul.W.
IV PttJfUlH) (nt a Amsj
muuh ol vUjt iinuuttug
Entliusinstlo Meeting in RclinK of the
Irish Parliamentary Fund.
Speech by ' I5x-Prcldciit of the Nn
tlonul Iicngtio of America.
Ireland's Political Situation Jlevletced.
The mass meeting hold in Chicago for the
of raising funds lor the Parnell campaign
,VB8 well attended. Tho prominent feature
... . . ,. ... ,,
ot U,e occasion was thospeech of Alexander
Sullivan, ex-president ol tno iriBii national
league ot America. lie said:
Athotl),h the meeting is called by and is
,,. of men who need no explanation
of Parnell's policy, we nre aware thatsome
? ",,r cjlifeT Xn I'lh.vlT.!
r.dlow politics in Ireland, and who sympa-
thil0 .j,h wnilt they Intlieve to bo the
legitimate aim of the Irish jieonle self-gov-
crnment-doiibt whether Far-null jH prudent
iii his attitude toward rival Lnglisli parties.
For this reason, Mr. Chairman. I propose
to discuss l.rielly why 1'araell punislioil the
liberals. Americans aro liable to think
that tho Irish people owo fealty to one
lintish party moro than another, and that
tney owe somu opecim uuiijjiiuuu ..
(Jbiilstone. lletiioto from the scone of con-
"a t. they feel tho spell a majestic intellect
always casts upon contemporaries, aim iu
the just admiration which generous minds
na v to age and renown, they forgot that it most eminent of liberals' who, a
fe,v venrs act), was so short-sighted as to
predict tlio disruption of tlio American
""'"I1- n"(1 dellclont in tho morality of
genuine liberalism as to rejoice in t he va-
nuiiinrv conseuuences oi our ruin, iviuen
, , , . .
cans should not accept concern!!!
the oninions of a man who declared that in
the conflict between a slave-holding oli
garchy and free representative government
the south was fighting for freedom, tlio north
for power. They are prono tocstimato tho
historical relation ol tho tintlsii liberals
toward Ireland by oratorical professions.
The Irish people, whoso lives nnd destiny
are in the issue, must judgo liberals auu
torics alike by their acts. In political lit
erature thero is nothing moro auspicious
and enticing than the promises which tho
liberal party havo mado to Ireland Whon
we scrutinize tho performances that hayo
followed theso promises, littlo is found in
them that is not ineffectual or brutal. Tho
Irish parliament was abolished by force
and fraud in 1800. Since that timo two
great nets of remedial legislation havobeen
fessed that itwnsdone under the-menace of
l'Yiii.inislii. Thus, we find tlio account of
the British parties with the Irish people
! luiUi need, and the Irish peoplo wider no
j obligation to either. There is the land
legislation. That is to be classed assiinpl.v
ineffectual. The land question in Ireland
is not settled. Evictions, which Mr. Glad
stone pronounced death setences, proceed
under bis land act and all its anieud
im titans atrociously as ever. Landlords
a 'id tenants aro in the same plight thift
tliev have lieen in for two hundred years,
nnd they will remain in that plight until
the Irish nation becomes both landlord
n mi t 'liant of Ireland. If the liberal land
k'g'tlutlon has been ineffectual, the liberal
tin 0- of governing Ireland has been brutal.
Tor what shall Ireland thank Gladstone
i and the liberals? Forn course of practical
tyranny, compared witli which the oppres
sion ot theAineriran colonies was benign
1 imlerealism? For destroying all personal
I liberty t For imprisoning, in profound
peace, without warrant, a thousand
lilisens ot both sexes, including tlio
, high, si leaders ot tho people? For not
trai.tin,' them face to face with their accu
' i'ii-, I'vf'a before packed i .trios and tv p vr
tis:m nulicinry? For finally opening their
pi-so-i doors with sneaking key aud dis-
mis., n,' llioin without even informing tiieai
or tlio world of the crime ol which they
w,:io i harmed, ami without even tho poor
l't; 'i : t ;! i,l en apology? Foi taxation,
on their m ee-s-iou to power alter tho great
famine of 1S47, exceeding li; tifty-two per
cent the exorbitant burdens laid by their
lory predecessors? For presenting the
Irish landlords with millions ol money,
extort sometimes by military Toree, from
the f i lull tenantry iu tho .ifttim of a state
religion',' For using other portions of this
fund, tho Iowa church surplus, to carry
the people away from their own land to
poverty in other countries?
Professor It'Lon Cross' Portage Falls
on a MopsA Narrow Ksck )a froni
A Buffalo (N. Y ) dispatch says: At Port
ago. Prof. J. K. Irt-l.ori, of Springfield, Ohio,
succeeded iu crossing the gorge on a tight
rope. The r pe, which was an inch in thick
ness and 750 feet long, was stretched from
bank to bank at a height of i!O0 feet about
hill way between the bridgo aud tipper
Portage Falls. The professor was clear
and cool when he started from the east
bide, but when near tho center of the river
his throat lifwiuie parched, and he was
obliged to stop for several secon ls. Re
covering himself he continued until
about 100 feet from the west bank,
when he backed up as far as the center
ot the river again, where he per
formed several feats. Dropping his balanc
ing pole lie let himself down to twosw iuging
rings which were suspended about ten foot
below the rope, and just above tho dam at
the edge of tho river. Hero ho went through
several gymnastic teats, at last sliding
down to Hie dam on a rope. When ho
reached a point about thlrtv-tlvo feot from
Hie bed ot the stream he signaled to the
man holding the rope to give him a littlo
slack lu order to allow him to turn over
and descend headforemost. Misunder
standing the request the man let go tho
rope allowing Hie professor to swing over
the stream. The latter, in order to save
himself, slid down the rope to about fifteen
feet from the river and as he swung toward
the dam made a leap for It. He landed
safely, but suffered a slight sprain in his
right ankle, his hands being atso badly toru
Irom the rope. Fully 6,000 people wit
uvskdd the exhibition.
Tlio llloodj Aparliri.
Gov. Til tie, ol Aritoiia, und Gov. Ross,
of New Mexico, at a conference rettently,
puiikldered the Indian kttuntluu. It was
ilsteriuluml to put the intuitu of th two
terrttorlv Into the listd to so oprutwith
out refstetUHi to the Unitorial UuudrU
It was uUo dmUstl to om upy. as ussriy s
pottfiMti uri sttUritttf pi Ih tblmuW
UiffetMJ liuirUte
Tuisoii 4iottlJi via rewtsd Io
di that yu'iiti4 siooHsu a istoU
killtd vlvidy li Apskiiu in hi .-bo..-
IKv iu I4U ol ItlSftioti in "
uoilii ,4 tiiJJit )' 4 Ui. I'
III US il tm te I'lt. It it. ,
btilif Tho. i ir .4 ii
i 1.
IAi'l (( J with Lis
Ii IN lu W r9M Uta-T.
Sarah McLaln, a girl ol 15, is under ar
rest nt Lansing, Mich., on a charge ol
"Why pay a shilling lor lamb when you
can have the Lamb ol God lor nothing?" is
the neat and reverent query mado in a
handbill distributed by the .Salvationists
in London.
Sinco tho outbrcnk ol cholera in Spain
there havo been over 100,000 deaths Irom
tho disease.
At East Aurora, Frio county, N. Y., n
cho has been turned out whirh weighs
...'too pounds. The milk used in its manu
facture woighod 16 tons.
The three-bundred-inile rnce between tho
English cutter Genesta nnd the American
pchooner Dauntless, for the Brenton's reel
challenge cup, was won by the former in 43
hours 7 minutes nnd 50 seconds.
A great sensation was created In society
circles at Xew Haven by the announcement
that Honors, youngest daughter of Dr.
Kdwin Harwood, rector of Trinity church,
and one of tho most prominent citizens of
that city, had eloped and mnrried n rich
New lorker named Trumnn Hemingway,
nnd sailed for Europe. Besides, tho elope
ineiitsensation is mngnifled by tke fact that
invitation.- have been sent out and cxton
sive preparations mado for the young
lady's man iago at a inter dato to a Mr.
Bruyii, son of tho lnte Hon. John V. L.
Ilruynj of Albany, a mlllionniro. Both
were suitors for her hand at the same time.
The tirst knowledgeof affairs was conveyed
in a note from her to her parents.
The Ministerial Union of Philndclpliii.
passed resolutions protesting against the
action of tho postnaster-general in order
ing letters to bo delivered on Sunday, un
der the inimcdiato delivery system, as an
infraction of thoSnbbnthnotconteinplated
in Hie act under which tho system is being
Cablegrams havo been received nt St.
Louis from Lqndon, England, stating that
Samuel V. Brooks will soon start for St.
Louis to ascertain definitely whether tin?
mnn now held in jail thero ns tho murderer of
C. Arthur Preller, and known variously ns
Hugh M. Brooks und Walter H. Lennox
Maxwell, is his son. It is said if such
should be tho case, Mr. Brooks will bo pre
pared to present some documentary ovi-
dence for the deienso.
Charles McCarter, n Chicago North-sido
rough, got into a quarrel with his brother
James, in the courso of which ho pulled a
revolver and fired. Tho bullet missed Hie
intended victim and almost instan'ly
killed Jeremiah McCarter, the young men's
father, who was standing near.
The attorney-general of Pennsylvania
proceeded against nearly a score of mutual
insurance companies in tlmt state to show
cause why their business should not be
suspended. They wero ail proceeded
against tn loHiJ, out Iiail proceedings
stopped on account of the claim that they
were complying witu the law. It is now
the intention ot the attorney-general to
break up all ol them.
The latest thing lu bogus butter is glycer
ine, one pound ot which will absorb more
than its weight of water.
cheese dealer . states that much of tho
so-called English cheese is made in this
country and shipped to England, whence it
is returned, enhanced in value by the soa
Postmaster-General Vilas bos rendered a
decision tlmt the salaries ol postal em
ployes can not bo attached lor debt.
The penalty lor selling a cigarette to a
boy or girl under sixteen years ol ago in
New Hampshire has been made $20 lor
each offense.
Coleman S. Adams, lato cashier ot the
Frftsninhnm (Mass.) savings hank, who
otnmitted suiculo last month, prove to
havo been a defaulter lor $2:28,000.
Emory Storrs enjoyed an income of S8fv
000 to $50,000 a year earned at the Chi
cago bar, and yet ho was always out of
money nnd in dent, it is said that be
habitually drew on Samuel W. Allorton, a
millionaire mead, wno never lolled, turn iu
his frequent emergencies.
The cotton crop of Arkansas has been
somewhat damaged by wet weather, and
there will be loss to potato-raisers in
rio county, New York, ol 7S,000 irom
tho same cause.
Archbishop Walsh has issued a circular
giving minute directions to the Irish clergy
ns to tneit- course in uie parliamentary
Immense swarms ol locusts have Invaded
Mexico and ore devouring the ungathered
A bill for the gradual abolition ot slavery
l a passed both houses ot the Brasilian
The produce exported from New York the
past woek was valued at $3,010,253.
The English authorities in India are
taking slops looking to the annexation of
The Kiw York Daily Commercial Bulletin
of October (! estimates the tiro loss ot Sep
tember nt SU.52o.000, which is S!L700,000
less than in September, 1SS1, "nil some
$1100,000 less than tho average September
tiro wns ol tho last ton yours.
An important suit" botweon Col. B. II.
Evers, of London, England, nnd Thomas
Wilson, ol Chicago, involving tlio owner
ship ot 1,000,000 acres of land iu Missis
sippi, lias been liiinlly disposed ol in tlio
United States district court at Oxford by
tho decreo of Judgo Hill, in which nil lands
are awarded to and revert back to their
original owners, Col. Ever und associates.
A prize fight took placo near Syracuso,
N. Y., between John Sheridan, of Chlcngo,
and Thomas Gillespie, ot Philadelphia.
Six rounds were fought. Sheridan was
knocked senselesi. in Hie lust round. Tlio
tight gave Gillespie a belt, Both contest
uuts were badly punished.
The custodian ot the Salt Ste. Mario re
pJrts to Gen. 0. M. Poe that the business
ol the Canal was greater during tho mouth
of Ssptember thuu any month In Its his
tory. txsdiug that of tli previous mouth
by l.tloo tun. Au iMtsTusUNg (net in list
ronK'tluH U, Uott the tr lilt lur themouth
hummm) eedsd that id the Suvi ruusl
usuriy NU.UtH) tows.
The twHiit4oar ul 1U IomI wtNc bos
Uwil luUMWsd Uial U i(mhUmm ui it. I"
llwonly, MH lUftWuHaa, wagr ul
aw AisauMM Um4 u4 IU ioiups,
..illj kuuiUtM al ltfr ul f"iula
lisnJuLul mUm tuwf Uw iHtbtit lausk
si ui tw oimsI smomoim B4iklr AJI
.4 lit toyUwii U fk m ssff 1um1
t- uM mtUAm i bw kNbir mm UtM m
fsi MU ' M IB HUM " Ut, uNMsf vwm
lUMli iWm lu Ui ul t4wa
Services In Memory or Goii. flrnnt
Held In Washington.
Ren, Logan's IJulojr r Die Greatest
Soldier of modern Time.
irint JIMory Will Say of Itlm.
Services In memory of Gen. Grant were
held in Washington on the evening of tho
2d, under the auspices of tho local com
mniidnry of tho GrnmbArmy of the Repub
lic, in the Metropolitan church, at whkh
Gen. Grant was a regular attend.-' nt, during
his presidential terms. Gen. Logan, orn
tor ot tlio occasion, was introduced and
warmly welcomed with clapping of bands
by the audience. Ills speei h was fiequeut"
ly interrupted by the plaudits of the audi
ence, which broke out nt mention of the
nnmes of favorite commanders nnd nllti
iions to the mors conspicuous evmtsin
Hie story of Oen. Grant's carver. Gen.
Logan's nddress ombodlod a recital from
tho standpoint of a personal observer ot
tho military history of Gen. (irant. He
began with his own first meeting with
Grant nt Springfield, 111., where tho latter
was assisting tho governor of his state to
organize volunteers under the llrft call ol
Piesident Lincoln, touched briefly and
with littlo elaboration or comment upon
tho steps in tho upwnrd progress of tho
Bubject of his eulogy, tho battles fought
and won, and campaigns plnuncd und car
ried out.
Tho speaker described briefly, but In glow
ing terms, tlio events of Grant's civil career
nnd honors showered upon him by our peo
ple nt homo and by men niiil mi lions
ubrond. "From Belmont to tho seigo ol
Vifksburg," said Gen. Logan in his sum
ming up, "I wns near him in ncat-'y nil his
mnrches, campaigns nnd battles, being per
mitted by him to take possession of Viuks
burg with my command, on nccount of its
having approached nearer the enemy thaii
any other. During my term ns commander
of that city I was with him ulniost overy
liny and from tlio timo whon, nt the bead of
that glorious old army of the Tennessee, ol
w hich ho was tho first commander and I its
last, I marched by his reviewing stand at
the national capital, down to tho last pain
ful days of his memorable life, I was with
him very olton. During all this timo I was
a close observer of him. Grant wns tisttnlly
Known and recognized ns a quiet and silent
mnn, but when engaged in conversation on
any subject in which ho felt nn interest
there wero few who excelled him ns a con
versationalist. Ho wrote tersely and well.
and at times moatoloquently. The nation
was at (tilieront times thrilled by ins terso
epigrammatic sentences. Whon he wrote
to Btickner, tlio commander nt Fort Don
elson, "No tonus other than an uncon
ditional and immediate surrender can ba
accepted; I propose to move immediately
upon your works.'' his words burned with
a glow ot patriotic tiro in tho heart of every
loyal freeman. When he had fought tho
battle of the Wilderness and wrote to tha
president: "I propose to light it out on
this line if it takes all summer," be Infused
into the people nml his troops a pnrt of
his own tenacity and faith in final success.
In his short speech to tho committee wlio
awaited upon him, informing him of his
nomination, mndj by the republicans, ns
chief magistrate, be used the memorable
words in his conclusion, "Let ns have
peace." Those words fell upon the people
with electrical effect. His coolness, his per
ception, bis aptness in using the right
words lu the right place, and doing ths
right thing at the right time, were nt the
bottom of his success as civil magistrate,
just as his gront faculty tor doing the right
thing at the right time and place, and
sometimes in the most unexpected manner,
wns at tbe bottom of his military success.
Tito speaker described the subject of bis
eulogy as a man of great strength ol
intellect ond remarkable common sene,
coolness, self-possession ntul tenacity;
a true friend to those woiily of hi
friendship, and the kindest and best ol
husbands and fathers. It-had 1"
en snid
that he was not a strate i.-t.
speaker's belief lie wns wi'leo t
either as a Btrntr-'i-t or co ,i, ;
In tht
a riwil
'er. He
i'er than
i. Mail
i -del it-It.
wns greater us n military oi.ot . -Washington,
Napoleon, V,'. .,'
boro, tlio Prima of Dm , I
t hai Ienmgno, Hnniiihal or f-Vipio Airicanue
and, in tho ep '.-'.ker'B belii f, con n- centu
ries would give him rank e't.: l, if not
superior, to Julius Ca-sar, anil 'ian tho
mists thrown around hisehil inlministia
tion by partisan enemies should b dispi li
ed, they would equnl in glory any .ldmims
tratiou ol the past. Duly was with him n
living prluciple. Nothing could i-verve him
from the courso ha believed ri lit. He wns
conscientious, just, truthful, courageous
and magnanimous. Hostood by hi i friends
and forgave his enemies. He fought not for
glory but to save his country. When criti
cised and censured; when the clouds of
ralutnny hung about him, he stood with
folded srms amid the thunders, witneHMiii
tho wrath of his enemies, but he spoke not
in his own defense. Time finally dispelled
tho clouds and let in thesiumhine of honest
judgment. Then his heart was found hi
pure as the dewdrop which hung upon
the lips of tho velvet rose. He believed In
tho justice ol God and that, sooner oi
Inter, He would, by some means, guidt
hii'n, ns commander ot our armi-s, to tin
line where justieo would take tho place ot
wrong and "man's inhumanity to man" h
properly rebuked. "But," continued th
speaker, "his race has been run. When
the great and good man went upon tht
mountains to die, the attention of tin
whole civilised world was directed to the
spot. His glory was not that of his coun
try alone, but of tho civilized rnees of mnn.
When tho news ot his (loath went treinbliiij
over tlio wires to the uttermost parts ol
tho oartb, tho peoplo of overy nation and
tonguo stood with bowed bonds. Grant
had in life ascended to tho topmost heights
of mortal famo. The grentest renown wu
his tho glory of man's greatest achieve
ments shone around and about him. God
called him and he stepped from his high
pedestal on this earth into the presence ol
the great white throne, where he wni
crowned with Hie immortal glory that
shinoth on forever."
Number oMtonds In Progress ml Pro
posed O'iO l'otal.11lleui;o 4 1,303.
The Chlcngo Railway Ago, in nn article in
the Issue of October 1, says:
Surprising awakening activity In regard
to railway building becomes evident. 1 lie
year opened with gloom and depression in
Liisiutus circles, but the record ul he past
nine months shows the total number of
new roads in progress and 1lrul,,.MM,1l" "
t'nitwi State to be Olid, with a otal mile
ug ol 4-l.auii. This milouii? 'V,,.U l,rf
posed new rond. and thu. already In pro.
tm ol construetlou I distributed as Ui.
UKw linglsnd, HIS: middle slut. OHS
ST.lMiO, Wifll .VH.T: . .M
Us tfistt
sra lu Us itturi
. I 1
I lUttM HM, iii-wiw Willi
riiiullr ilssUlMle ul nal
i i v ui
Its CslTuMbaj, Qsorsis
nwi &i Tw??. .tig i
s im