The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 17, 1885, Image 1

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    The Oregon Scout.
1 alii j3
NO, 10.
An Independent wrckly Journal, Issuud everr
Saturdny by
VublUhcrs and Proprietors.
Ji. K. .Tones, 1
Editor, f
j B. CnANCET",
( l'oronan.
Ono copy, uno year $1 60
" Six months 1 (M
" " Threo months 76
Invariably cash inndvnnco.
IUtesof advertising mndo known on appli
cation. Oorrospondcnco from all parts of lo county
Address all communications to A. K. Jones,
"Editor-Oregon Scout, Unlnn. Or.
Lodge Directory.
QnAsn IIondb Vaii ev I.odok, No. CO. A. V.
and A. M. Meets on tho second and fourth
Saturdays of each mcmtli.
O.lMlEM., W.M.
C. E. Davis, Secretary.
fTjNios Lonc.n, No. H3. 1. O. 0. 1 Itejrnlnr
meetings on Friday cvcnlnjr of ench week at
llielr nail In Union. All brethren In nood
ctandlnir aro Invited to utloml. Ily order of
tho lodjru. W. 1.O.N0, IS. u
G. A. TllOMPSON.Sccy.
Cliircli Illrcotorj-.
at 11 a." rc anci" p. m. Sunday school at it p.
m. l'niyer meeting every Thursday evening
at0:30. hev. andkusojj, i-asior.
PiiEPtivTEmAK Chl'iicii KcRtilnr church
services every Sabbatli morning and evening,
l'rnyer meeting ouch week on Wednesday
evomng. Baunain fciiooi every cuuuiuimt uov. 11. vehson itiCE, l'asior.
St. John's Episcopal Ciiuncu Scrvlco
every Sunday at 11 o clock a. 111.
Hev. XV. IS. Powkix, Hector,
Coimty OfllccrH.
Judgo A. C. Craig
Slierltl a. 1j. snunuur
Clerk II. P. Wilson
Trensurer A. P. Ileuson
School Superintendent J. h. Hlndman
Surveyor E. Sin.onls
Coroner 13. II. Lewi
Geo. Ackles Jno. Stnnlov
Stato Senator L. 11. ltlnelmrt
F. T. Dlok E. E. Taylor
City Oirtcer.
Mayor D. n. Itoes
S. A. Pursol W. D. Tleidlcman
J. H. Elliott Willis fckiir
J. 11. Eaton G. A. Thompson
Hccorder J. II. Thomson
Marshal J. A.Dennoy
Treasurer J. D. Carroll
Street' Commissioner L. Eaton
Departure of Train.
Regular cast bound trains leavo at 0:30 a,
m. West bound trains lenvo nt 4:S) p. m.
J. It. CBiTES,
Collecting and nrobato nractlco snoclaltlcs
Olllce, two doors south of I'ostoilicc, Union
11. EAKIN,
Attorney at Law anil Notary Pule.
Odlco, ono door south of J. D. Eaton's store.
union, uregon.
Physician and Surgeon
Ofllco, one door south ot J. B. Eaton's store,
union, uregon.
A. E. SCOIT, M. D.,
Tins permanently located at North Towder,
wnerono win answer an cans.
Union, ... - Oregon.
Pliyttlcitm mid Surgeon,
Union, Oregon.
Offlco, Main street, ncztdoor to Jones Bros.'
variety storo.
ltesldonco. Main streot, second houao south
of court bouse.
Chronlodlscasos a specialty.
O. I ItliLL,
Notary Public and Convoyanccr. Olllce. 11
street, two doors east of Jones Uros.' variety
store, Union, Oregon.
Attorney nt Iuiv, Ileal fiHtatc
and Ollec'tlns; Agent.
Land Office Business a Specialty.
Offlco at Alder, Union Co., Oregon.
Will practice in Union, Baker, Ornnt,
Umatilla and Morrow Counties, also in the
Supremo Court of Oregon, the DUtrict,
Circuit and Supreme Court of thu United
Mining and Corporation business a spe
icalty. Olllce in Union, Orecon.
Tanner I'ost'n Succmi right AVltU his
Valuable Uoust.
Corrrvpomlcnco ot the Xw York Times.
Eklorville, Pa., August 22. Abrmn
Post, of this township, owns it blooded
bull, which has long been nn object of
terror to nil deployed on the farm,
owing to its fierco nnd aggressive dis
position. This bull htul always been
under the control of its owner, who
Jeelared that, bo long as any ono
stood tip boldly against the animal,
ao fear of its attacking him need ho
?ntertnined. lie urged this upon his
hired help, but ho never could employ
my man who would not put himself
in n safe place as soon as the bull as
sumed a belligerent attitude, nnd
Post's "wife frequently appealed to him
to havo tho animal killed, believing
that, sooner or later, it would rebel
ngainst tho authority of her husband,
and attack him. The beast was too
rnluablo an animal to be sacrificed,
nnd Post, ridiculing tho idea that tho
biill could master him, refused to part
with it.
On Thursday evening Post had fin
ished milking a cow in the barnyard,
and was returning to tho house when
ho noticed that the bull, which was in
yard, shook its head savagely as
ho passed by it, and had an unusually
vicious look in its eyes. Post passed
an, paying no attention to tno am
tnal. ilo had gono only a short (lis
tanco when he heard a quick step be
hind him and a low bellowing which he
know was made by the bull. Ilo turn
id quickly nnd saw tho animal bearing
iown upon nun. Jle grasped tho bull
with one baud by tho horns hoping to
prevent it from goring him, and tho
next instant lie was tossed in tno air
Ho fell on the bull's head and neck
nnd was tossed tho second time, this
time being thrown to tho opposite side
of tho barnyard fence, lie was badly
bruised and his clothing was torn by
Mio rough handling ho'had received,
but believing that if ho allowed tho
bull to remain master of tho field its
usefulness would bo gone and its killing
a necessity, Post determined to assumo
the offensive hnnselt anil uso every
effort to conquer tho savago animal.
Ilo is a largo and muscular man, and
arming himself with a heavy club, he
jumped over the fence nnd advanced
boldly upon tho bull, which was pawing
tno ground and oeiiowmg inriousiy.
The moment it saw Post in tho yard
it plunged at him with horns lowered.
Post met the bull with a terrific blow
with the heavy club across the fore
head. Tho heavy wood was broken
to pieces, but the blow had no effect
on the animal except to increase its
fury. Tho bull pressed upon tho farm
er, who jumped asidoand caught it by
one horn and ono ear, and endeavor
ed to keen its head turned away. Ilo
was thrown from side to side nnd his
hold broken. Tho bull caught him in
his horns and once moro tossed him
in the air, this time throwing him over
the fenco into nn adjoining held. Tho
maddened animal charged against tho
fenco nnd endeavored to knock down
tho barrier between it and tho object
of its race.
Still tho farmer was undismayed,
and, entering his barn, he armed him-
selt with a heavy threo-tmedpitchtork:
and returned oico more to tho barn
yard. The bull rushed again to tho
attack. Post stood Ins ground and
thrust tho sharp tines of tho fork into
the null's nose, supposing the ncuto
pain caused by the stabbing would
lorco tho animal to turn back and
make it nioro cautious. In this ho
Was mistaken. Tho animal rushed on,
and was forcinc htm aaainst tho fence,
where ho would havo been crushed to
death in a moment. To prevent this
Post threw himself forward, and, tho
bull s head beins lowered totlioground,
jumped astrido tho animal's neck. A
low plunges by the bull throw himlrom
that position, and ho fell on tho
ground close by. Fortunately he rc
tained his hold on the fork, and, rais
ing quickly to his feet, ho thrust tho
tines nfjain nnd again into tho ant
mars side and neck. Tho blood spurt
ed from every wound mndo by tho
lorir, and tho bull bellowed with
pain and redoubled its efforts to
catch tho farmar on its horns, but
his desperate situation had served
him to greater activity, and the beast
failed in all its efforts. Post continued
his assaults with tho pitchfork as ho
jumped from Bido to sido to avoid the
charnes of tho bull until both sides of
tho animal were dripping blood from
neck to flanks. Tho bull continued
tho contest for a few minutes, and
then turned and ran to tho other sido
of tho barnyard, bellowing with pain.
I'ost did not move awny lor tsomo
time, and then went to his house, lie
was covered with blood, almost naked
and dripping with perspiration. Ho
washed himself, rested a moment nnd
then, against tho earnest protest of
his wife, went back to tho barnyard,
lie found tho bull standing in ono cor
ner of tho yard. Post walked briskly
up to tho animal, and it cowed at his
approach nnd stood trembling in fear.
The beast was completely mastered,
nnd walked sullenly into the barn at
Post's command. On tho fanner's re
turn to the house ho found that his
own injuries wero creater that ho had
supposed, and ho is now confined to
his bed under a doctor's care.
The number of inhabitants of some
of the principal cities of Europo in
1780 was: London 1,000,000; Paris,
800,000; Marseilles. 200,000; Dublin,
uu.uuu; Koine, 187,000.
tore n 11. Seloii IocrUe n Tight l'U
ho wns in Onco While Klcctlniieorinc.
Senator Warner Miller, with his
wife and daughter, and Secretary J.
V. Vroomnn of tho Republican State
Committeo nnd his wife havobeen pass
ing a fow days at tho Chautauqua as
sembly, and theSenatorwasin James
town on his way to Titusvillo and a
trip through the oil regions, under tho
pilotage of Dr. W. B Roberts of oil
well torpedo fame. On tho trip down
Chautauqua Lake thero was a party
of twelve or fourteen on board tlui
steam yacht, ono of whom was Loreii.
13. Sessions. '.
Tho members of the party told
stories, and Mr. Sessions' story was
this: . ;
"You never know how handy it is
to havo a brother until you are in n
fix and want some ono to stand for
you. I remember when I was nomi
nated for the senate I had novcr gono
into Cattaraugus county, nnd ns the
democrats thero that year, were as
lively as a cheeso in July, I concluded
I would run over. So I put on a clean
choker, and mndo my way to the
homo of an old deacon, who volun
teered to show me the school districts
in his vicinity. Hitching up his old
mare into a three-spring, tho deacon
drovo mo to his nearest republican
neighbor, and calling mm out to the
wagon, introduced us.
" 'Well, you needn't give us a knock
down to ench other,' said, our friend
who was beaming on me. 'i met Mr,
Sessions at Chautauqua this summer
I am glad to see you, and how is the
good work going on up there? How is
my Sundny school class?'
"I managed to make a reply that
satisfied my questioner nnd our mutu
al friend, and, after a little talk about
politics, in which my Sunday school
acquaintance promised mo ins Hup
port, wo said good day and drovo on
to Horse Corners, so called becauso
of tho unusual degree of interest taken
in that locality in all things pertaining
to horses.
"Now it chanced that whilo I was in
Buffalo a few days before, I found timo
hanging heavily, and did an unusual
thing with me went to tho races. In
the grand stand I saw a countrymnn
who had pool checks m his hand
'Let mo see what horso you aro hot
ting on,' I said, and then told him thnt
he wns wrong, and had hotter hedge,
as tho horso ho held for a favorite
would got beat. Ho followed my ad
vice, and by tho merest , good Hick
(hero Mr. Sessions gavoasidelonglook
that meant 'Maybo 1 didn t know what
horse wns slated to win, nnd mnybo I
did') the horso I named camo in first.
Tho man had put up his last dollar
and inado a purseful. Ho wanted to
hug me in tho presence of the crowd,
but I told him wo would defer that
"Well, to return to my drive through
Cattaraugus county with tho deacon,
who had becomo a firmer friend than
over since ho had heard of my zeal in
tho Chautauqua Sunday school. At
Horse Corners who should bo tho first
person I saw but my quondam friend
of tho race course. However much I
would have liked to avoid him at that
time, I had nothing elso to do but to
sail in and trust, to good fortune to.
savo my character from being wrecked.
Tho deacon stopped and said, 'Mr.
Blank, this is Mr. Sessionsof Chautau
qua county, our candidato for tho
"I reckon you can't tell mo who ho
is,' said my horsey friend. 'How nro
you, Mr. Sessions? Didn't wo scoop
those fellows out of a slick sum at the
Buffalo races? Thero ain't anything
too rich for you about here, if jou
don't see what you want, nsk for it.'
"The deacon's face blanched, and a
letter of withdrawal danced before mo,
but an inspiration came, and I replied
as readily as I could: 'I'm glad you
had good luck at Buffalo, but you aro
mistaken in tho party. It was my
brother Walter whom you mot there.'
It wns a mighty narrow escape, I want
you to understand, nnd I told Walt
when I got homo that ho would ruin
my character if ho didn't look out. I
was elected, though if it hadn't been
for my Chautauqua experience and for
Walt, I guess a democrat with my pre
tention i to being pious would havegot
A striking proof of tho necessity of
a uniform measure of time is furnished
by tho diversity existing in thocoun
tries bordering on tho Lako of Con
stance, there being no less than five
different systems, Tho Austrinnsconi-
nito by Prague timo, tho Bavarians
jy Munich, tho Wurtcmbergcra by
Stuttgart, the Badenors by Carlsruhe,
and tho Swiss by Berne timo. Tho
latter as compared with Austrian
timo is twenty-eight minutes late.
Tho following is a now technical de
scription of tho now "immediate deliv
ery" postago stamp: A lino engrav
ing on steel, oblong in form; dimen
sions 1-3 10x1 7-10 inches; color.dark
blue: design on tho left, nn arched nan-
el bearing tho figure of a mail messen
ger boy on a run, and surmounted by
tho words "United States;" on the
right, an oblong tablet, ornamented
with a wreath of oak and laurel sur
rounding the words, "Secures immedi
ate delivery nt a specinl delivery of
fice." Across tho ton of the tablet is
the legend, "Special postal delivery,"
nnd at the bottom tho words. "Ten
cents," separated by a small shield
bearing the numeral "10,"
"Maud, I wish you would not sny
that again. I tell you, onco for a!!, Mr.
Leo is, and cannot bo any thing nioro to
mo than a friend; so if you respect my
wishes in tho least you will not men
tion his nnmo to mo ngnin."
And Katio Lane flung back her bright
brown curls ns sho spoko, a little dis
dainfully, perhaps, and bent a liitlo
lower over tho picco of crocheting sho
held in her hnnds.
I will not stop to tell you that she,
my heroine, was handsome; suflico it
to say that sho was tho hello of tho
pretty yillago of M ; and, nsa mat
ter of course, wassought after and ad
mired by all tho young men of tho
place, not only becauso sho was witty
andaccomplishedjbut because old Guy
Lano was tho wealthiest man in tho
place, and would ono day letivo his all
in the hands of Katio, as the only legal
Maud Anthony laughed low and tri
umphantly ns sho returned:
"Really, Katie, you need not speak
bo angrily. Everybody thinks you
aro going to marry him, nnd for my
part, I tliink ho will mako somo ono a
kind husband. '
"Well, if you sco so ninny good quali
ties about him why don't you inarrv
him? When I seo fit to got married I
shall tako whom Ipleaso,dcspitowhat
overybody says.
Tho curls flow again, and tho spark
ling eyes glanced saucily at tho finish
ed coquotto opposite her.
"Oh, ho! so my pretty young lndy
is getting angry, eh? If that's thecaso
I must lleo. Only remember I havo
dono my duty. 1 thought you ought
to Know how people aro talking."
"You need not trouble yourself Miss
Anthony, to look alter my ntlairs;
you must havo enough of your own to
look after. When I need your advico
i will surely lot you know, bo 1 bid
you good afternoon."
Tho queenly littlo head roso proud
ly erectat this, and with ascornful ox
pression on her lips Katio walked
quickly away into tho shadow of the
shrubbery ot tho garden.
As sho walked hastily on a footstep
on tho other sido of tho hedgo checked
her flight, and ma moment Wilkes Leo.
tho subject of tho littlo conversation
under tho elms, scrambled up into
-1-1- - A1 1 . I
Bignc, witnouc seeming to navo seen
Katio, and hastened away.
Tho strango littlo heart of Katiegavo
a sudden start as sho recognized hor
old friend and lover, nnd sho paused,
"I wonder if ho heard what wo said?
I wouldn't havo had him for nil tho
world. A plnguo on Maud Anthonyl
She forced mo to say it. Isunpososho
is glad, too; for now sho thinks I don't
caro for hun. "
For a moment Katio was Bilent ns
sho worked nervously nt tho pretty
diamond ring that encircled that
chubby forefinger. It was a gift from
Wilkes, a betrothal ring.
"I don't care!" Katio at last broko
out, poutingly. "Now, that I'vo said
it, I'll show Mis Anthony I mean it.
There!" sho said, as sho drow tho dia
mond from her lingor and cast it away
into tho bushes, "thero, lio thero nnd
rust, for all I caro. Much good may
it do you, Maud, too. You can catch
him, I know, but what do I caro?"
Moro than you think, my protty
heroine; wo shall seo.
A moment Knto stood thcrolooking
in tho direction of tho hedgo; then
clapping her hands to her faco sho
burst into a quiet shower of tears.
On tho other sido of tho hedgo Wilkes
Leo strodo quickly away, saying sheep
ishly: "Well, well; a protty scrapo you
camo near getting into, my boy. Didn't
mean to bo nn eavesdropper, certainly;
accidents will happen, you know. So
sho don't caro for you, eh? Wo'll seo.
I'll warrant sho don't know hor own
heart now. I think I'll run away a
fow days, and let her got over her fit."
And tho young man disappeared in
tho underbrush that lined tho rond,
leaped over tho fenco, and was soon
lost to view in tho distance.
Katio waited patiently for many
days for tho visit of her onco ardent
lover, and then, concluding that ho
had not only overheard what she said
that day in thegnrdon, but had taken
her at her word, commenced not to
look alone, but to mourn him as lost
to her, indeed.
And Maud Anthony, to whom all
this was duo, rejoiced that Wilkes
seemed to havo suddenly ceased to
visit tho Lanes, and strove with ro
nowed efforts to entnnglo tho hand
some young fellow for Wilkos Leo
wns considered tho best catch tho vil
lage afforded. But with all tho pleas
ing ways bIio could effect, Wilkes scorn
ed impregnnblo to hor nttemps. In
deed, no ono know that ho oven no
ticed her, savo Katio, who looked on
jealousy, thinking sho could no longer
hold a placo by hor sido. Jn Katio s
presenco alono did Wilkes seem to caro
in tho least for tho flirt. After a whilo
ho cast oven her off, and disappeared
entirely. Ah, Katie! tho battle was
moro than half fought when you cast
tho lovo of a man, puronnd undivided,
from you. Thin was only a little
strugglo before the atual d efeat,
Thero was a great ball ot tho An
thony's; positively the affair of tho
season, those said who ought to know.
Of course all the fashionablo people
would be there; no one would miss
ttuch a chnnco to show themselvoa as
this ball masque afforded. Tho Lano
carriage was in nttcndancc.nnd Katio'
was thero looking prottii'i than over; a
triflo paler than usual, no doubt,
though for tho world sho would not
havohad tho sharpstghted gossipssur
miso tho real cause.
Tho ball was in full blast whe: the
closo carriago of tho Lees was whirled
up to tho door, and tho occupants on
costume, announced, rso ono doubt
cd. oven for a moment, that that tall,
distinguished Iookfng fellow, with n la
dy leaning heavily on his arm, was
Wilkes Lee: but who was his compan
ion who was sho? This was all t ho
t homo of wondor; nono tho less with
Katio than with tho coquette Maud
Anthony. Somo said 'twas his wife;
perhaps ho had married in a loreign
land. Somo said no; Mrs. Leo had
said only to-day that dues wan
coming homo unmarried.
And so.-whilo all wondered, no one
know. Katio's wandering littlo heart
sank still lower as sho saw what care
and attention tho young man bo
stowed upon his companion. 'Twas
well her laco was concealed bcncnU'
tho simple milk-maid's dress; other
wiso somo might havo said sho still
cared for him.
And, think you, this verdict would
havo been wrong? I vory much stir
miso it would not.
Tho mask seemed not to havo any
eyes or ears for anything savo the
lady beside him. And lower and low
er sank Katio's poor littlo heart as
the evening woro on, and still wiluos
mndo no effort to distinguish her
from among tho crowd. At last, when
sho could constrain herscll no longer,
sho quietly slipped away from tho
throng and went out into tho moonlit
garden nnd wept alono in a scat un
dor tho trees.
A long timo sho sat thus, when, with
tho thought that sho would bomisscd,
sho started up.
A hand wns laid gently on hor arm.
"Stay a moment, Katio. I want to
speak with you a moment."
'Twas Wilkes Leo's voico, and Katie
struggled to got fiom tho grasp that
detained her.
"Katio, I hoard what you said that
day under tho elms; did you mean
His warm breath touched hor faco.
"No, Wilkes, I did not, I wns pro
voked," camo faltering, hesitatingly,
from Katio's rosy litis. What if, after
all, ho had been truo to her? She
could not help thinking of it.
"And you lovo mostill?"
"I havo always loved you, Wilkes."
"When you own up that you aro de
feated. Katier'
"But what of that lady who is with
your bho is your '
"Mother, my darling; nndyouaroto
bo my wilor
Sullico to Bay a fow days after there
was a wedding soinowhoro, and some
ono, which means Katio, was married
to Bomo ono, winch means Wilkes Lieo,
tho ono who bo unwillingly became
once a participator in Katio'B defeat.
PliotoK-rnphiiifr n Cyclone.
What would mako a finer panorama
than a series of pictures of a Kansas
town struck by a cyclone, showing it,
first, in its ordinary stato; second;
with tho big black cloud which nresag'
cd tho storm in tho background; third,
with tho inhabitants fleeing for sholtei
to their cyclono pits; fourth, with the
buildings hurling wildly through the
air and tho fow inhabitants who did
not reach cover in timo mixed ur
among tho flying debris; and last, witt
tho houses and stores mostly in rums.
nnd tho people cautiously crawlingout
of tho pits to viow tho wreck? If, in
stead of five, COO viows should bo tak
on a fow seconds apart, tho wholo could
bo arranged, on tho samo principle as
a well-known children's toy, in aswift
ly rovolving series, so as to represent
tho whole Bceno just as itoccureu. The
only difficulty in making sots of viowi
liko theso would bo to havo tho photog
raphor ready with his camora and a
sot of plates just at tho right moment,
and to prevent him and his machine
from blowing away with tho rest of the
things. But surely modern science can
easily solvo such a trivial difficulty ua
tins. Tho possibilities ot instantane
ous photography aro just beginning to
bo developed. Now York Mail and
A Wonelerf ul Hog".
From the Elbcrton (Oa.) Leader.
It is truly wonderful to note the do
grco of intelligence often elicited by tin
hog. I hoard a man remark thoothei
day that ho had noticed that hogs will
go all the spring whilo thero is nothing
in tho fields for them to eat and make
no attempt to got in, but just as soon
as tho corn began to ripen thoy began
to look for places to break in. I heard
another man not long since Bay ho had
an old sow which would steal into the
field nt night and como out before day,
This may sound rather wonderful, but
a moro rcmnrkablo caso than this has
just lately fallen under my notice
This is of somo hogs which will go into
a watermelon patch, carefully select
tho ripo melons nnd leavo tho green,
offaco their tracks, and substitute
others in tho exact shapo and appear
nnco of human tracks, leave no rooted
ilaces or munched pieces of rind, &t
togs generally do; but oflin thobushw
at some distance may be discovered a
pile of rinds cut in regular plecwi just
as if they had been done with a knife
Benton's Brnff.
'rom the Youth's Companion.
Fifty years ago strangers, on enter
ing tho United States senato chamber,
iskcd that Clay, Webster, Calhoun nnd
Benton might be pointed out to them.
They were the four leading statesmen
sf tho day, and tho personal appcar
inco of each ono justified tho gnzo of
ais admiring pnrtisans.
But neither of tho first three, not ev
in Webster, was moro striking in fig
aro, fnco, or head than Benton. Ho
.vns conspicuous physically, dressed
neatly, bore himself with dignity, savo
ivhen irratated, and delivered instruc
tive and edifying speeches upon such
mbjects ns ho investigated.
His senatorial brethren used to dis
,iko his dictatorial manner, and tho
pcoplo thought him pompous and ego
tistical Mr. Benton's bearing was
not conciliatory. Ho was as dogmntio
townrd his colleagues as if they wero
pigmies nnd he a giant. In nddrcssing
a populnr assembly, ho threw mod
esty nsido nnd spoko boastingly of
himself nnd his deeds.
Though fond of tnlking about him
self, prompted by a Btrango freak of
modesty, ho rarely used tho pcrsonnl
pronoun "I," employing the third per
son instead, as "Benton said this," or
"Benton did that."
"Citizens," eaid ho onco, in a publio
address, ho rarely said "fellow-citi-rens,"
"no man since tho days of Cic
ero has been abused as has Benton.
What Cicero was to Catilino, tho
Uomnn conspirator, Benton hns been
to John Caldwell Calhoun, tho South
Carolina milliner. Cicero fulminating
his philippics against Catilino in tha
Uomnn forum; Benton denountin
John Caldwell Calhoun on tho floor of
tho American senato. Cicero against
Catiline; Benton against Calhoun."
"Colonel, I beliovo you have made an
impression on these pcoplo," said a
friend to him, after ho had ended his
speech. ,
"Alwnys tho caso, Bir," replied tho
egotistical but sincero mnn; "always
tho case, Bir. No ono opposes Benton
but a fow blnck-jack prairie- lawyersj
fellows who aspiro to tho ambition of
cheating somo honest farmer out of a
heifer in a suit beforo a justico of the
pcaco, sir; theso nro tho only oppo
nents of Benton. Benton and tho peo
ple, Benton and democracy aro ono
and tho Bamo, Bir synonomous term,
sir, synonomous terms, sir.
Two of Benton's nctivo political op
ponents wero Jones a statesenator and
Birch, a judge of tho Biipremo court.
Thoy followed him in his canvassing,
and replied to his speeches.
"Citizens," said tho amazed states
man, "I havo been dogged all over
this stato by such men as Claudo
Jones and Jim Hirch. Pericles was
onco so dogged. Ho called a servant,'
mado him light a lamp, nnd show tho
man who had dogged him tho way
"Bit it could not bo expected of mo,
citizens, that I should ask any ser
vant of mino, oilhor whito orblnck, or
any frco negro, to perform nn offico of
such humiliating degredntion as gal
lant homo such men as Claudo Jones
and Jim Birch, and that with a lamp,
citizens, that passers-by might seo
what kind of company my servant
A Very Tough Story.
From tho San Francisco Post.
A vory tough story which is vouched
for, after a fashion, is going tho rounds
and given for what it is worth. It is
related that Mr. S M was sitting in
his back yard talking to somo friends
when his attention was called to alien
with a brood of young chickens and a
largo rat that had emerged from its
holo and was quietly regarding tho
young chickens with tho prospect of a
meal in viow. As tho rat camo from
his holo tho house cat awoke from her
afternoon nap and caught sight of tha
rat. Crouching low she awaited devel
opements, and stood prepared to
spring on his ratship. At tho appear
ance of hisi ancient enemy, tho cat, a
Scotch torrior, which had been sunning
itself in tho wood-shed, pricked up its
ears and quietly mado for tho placo
whero tho cat stood. At this moment
a boy camo upon tho Bceno. Ths
chickens wero not cognizant of being
watched by tho rat, nor did the rat
neo tho cat, nor tho feline tho dog, who
had not noticed thecoming of thoboy.
A little chick wandered too tiigh and
ho was seized by the rat, which was In
turn pounced upon by tho cat. and the
cat was caught in the mouth of the
dog. Tho rat would notecase his hold
on the chicken, and tho cat, in spite of
tho slinking sho was getting from the
dog, did not let go tho rat. It was fun
or the b jy, and m high clco ho watch
ed tha contest and tho strugglo of each
of tho victims. It scorned to him that
tho rat was about to escape after a
time, and getting a stono, he hurled it
nt the rodent. Tho aim wus notgood.
and tho stono struck tho doc right be
tween tho eyos. The. terrior released
its grip on tno cnt and fell over dead.
It had breathed its last before the cafe
in turn lot go tho rat and turned over
and died. The rat did not long sur
vive the enemy, and besidothe already
dead chicken he laid himself down and
cave up the ghost. The owner of the
uog was so angry at his death thatit is
said to have come near making the
story complete by killing the boy thnt
killed the uog that shook the eat that
caught the rat that bit the uklakea ia
the yard on tr eet. y . '