The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 10, 1885, Image 5

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Tho Board of Eqiml.ation will fin
ish their work to-day, Next week the
levy for 18S5 Will bo made.
The time for holding seriviecs at the
Episcopal church, has been changed
from -1 o'clock to 3 :30 p. m.
Our public school is fast filling up
tihd an increased interest on the part
bf the pupils, is being manifested.
Wedding in High valley to-morrow.
High life isn't it? We don't kiiow
who thcV are, but joy go With them.
Quito a number of immigrants have
passed through town, with teams, late
ly, come of whom will settle in this
. Dan. Moore picked a cluster of ripe
ptrawberries from his patch yesterday.
They were large and seemed" Well ma
tured. Our Methodist friends are preparing
for a social Festival, to be held at
Wright's Hall, oil the evening of
Uct. 23.
Experts, Outhouse and Bell will
have finished their labors before nii
blher week lias roiled by, except the
making up of their report.
Young men are proving to tho sat
isfaction of the county clerk, that
their girls are over the age of 18.
Wilson sighs, and Wishes he could do
Shcrifr Saunders is having the rooms
in the court house put iii clipper-trim
hapc, for the coining circuit court,
vhicli convenes on tho 19th of this
We noticed another Pino creek mill
ionare in town yesterday morning. He
looked well, but His horse looked like
the last days of a Jeruseluni rose
rather thin.
. .Tohn, Haynes presented this office
with a large early rose potato; large
unoUgh to drive starvation from the
door of our whole family, for a long
lime to come.
Several straiigers ith their fami
lies, have taken Up their residence in
Union. They are much pleased with
the prospects of the future of this thri
ving little place.
We suppose that every one in town
mows it rained yesterday afternoon,
tut as all our readers didn't come to
own ;yesterdav, we'll state that it
rained Friday afternoon,
. The county court ordered ti new sur
vey of the Pine creek i;oad, as the dis
hince can bo very materially short
ened, and Tomp. Carroll started, im
mediately for Cornucopia for Engi
neer 1). D. Grifliths.
; After all the fuss and talk about the
lease o,f the 0. 11. & N. railroad, the
jease has not been entered into. The
Jaws of the state do not give it the
'Authority to lease the road to corpora
tions outside the s.tate.
( Geo. M. 'Cham plan, of Hood river,
liccldentally shot Ceo. Boot his father-in-law,
last week, whiic out, hunting,
probably proving fatal. This is the
V'ccond occurrence of the same kind
within the last two weeks.
j Daii Moore shipped sonic monster
cabbages, to plucoi on exhibition at
the Mechanics., Pair, soon to beheld
(it Portland, ono bf theih weighing -11
lbs. They were the products of his
garden. Jones, his gardener, knows
how tb manage a garden.
, Tho Union Milling Co. iiad to shut
'down on buying wheat at present,
jiaviiig filled, to its utmost capacity,
their largo Ware-house. They are
gunning day and night and are not
lblo, to fill their, orders, being., about
twelve car-loads behind with their or
ilers. This speaks well for the Union
The thrill of better times has reach
ed us and in consequence of which we
till feel better. Tho general tone of
fnisincss is much improved and both
the merchant and the farmer have a
jnorc elastic step, and smiling counte
nance. The glum expression of all
thn- people throughout tho valley has
disappeared, wo hope nevcr to rdthrn.
I ThQ concert at the M. E. Church,
last-Sliiulay evening, was well attcn
Ued. Tho jtoung speakers all did very
well. Ono' fault, however, was notice
able, that none- knew their pieces as
well as they l(Bliouhl, thereby causing
thein to break down before they had
Huished. Tins' will bp remedied next
IJlno, as more care will lie devoted to
their training.
! General T. it. Taitnatl has returned
from his trip over this route, and left
Tuesday morning far Baker city,
Where ho vieWs anothqr routo from
there to tho mines. JIo will also in
vestigate tho lino from North Powder.
iUtier having finished this bitshiess he
ilill go to Portland, and report to the
ft'drtlaml Board of Trade. Of courso
ill of the above mimed poiiits are amn
ions to hear tho result Of lils examina
tions, and which routo, if inly, ho will
recoiniuend. '
' W. W. Chapman, jr., bf Bakor.ciiy,
has felt called Ufion to1 spread his
Valuable?) opinion upon tho road
iruastions, on papttr, and addressed,
through the Sago Brush, an open let
IjJi- to Gen. T. It. Tannatt, He doc
itt eay much of any thing, although
Ihoro is a. "olumn and a quart de
Voted to roads etc. There is not an
ounce oi argument in the hole tjiing.
though wonderful because they are ,
60 utterly fal-jo" His v ry method of
irravini; his ideas. Miows that V .-up-Jioses
himself to bo the great intc-llnt-al
luminary of Eastern Oregon
Caught on tho Flv
Many strangers are dropping in.
Ilaywnrd Hand Grenades are the best.
Look out for future developments.
Several parties left for Pine creek
this morning.
Booms for rent. Enquire at this
Heal Estate transactions are fair for
the week,
There is a surprise awaiting the
citizens of Union county.
Look out for the new story soon to
be published in Hie Scorr.
Excellent stereoscopic views at
Jones Bio's. Five cents each.
Town has been full of wheat ami
wood teams for several weeks.
J. L. Alberson will pay the highest
market price, cash, for wheat, oats and
The past, the present and the fu
ture. Keep your hats on gentlemen,
and don't get excited.
Clackamas county took the first
premium for grasses, and the second
for cereals, at the state fair.
There are thirteen vessels now in
the river at Portland, representing an
aggregate of 1Tj,270 toiis.
quicklv cured ly Shiloh's Cure. We gunr
antee it. For sale by 1'. 0. Groin, Union.
J. G. Stevens of Cove drug store,
went to Portland, Saturday, .lie will
bring back the latest novelties in
roller skates.
It you want a paper full of news,
and one that advocates tho interest of
Union county, subscribe for the Scout.
Only iFl.fcO a year.
From $250 to $500 reward arc oll
e red for Apache Scalps. The rewards
are only offered to persons not in the
military services.
All parties indebted to me are re
quested to call and settle, either by
note or otherwise, by the 1st. of No
vember next. J. L. Ai.iiiiitsoK.
Another mormon has been con
victed of unlawful cohabitation, at
Salt Lake, under the. Edmunds law.
The jury were out only ten minutes.
Jones Bro's have completed their
new Photograph gallery, in the rear
of their new store. It is nicely fitted
up with all the modern improvements
necessary to obtain first class pictures.
Go to Boskowit.'s store, Union, for
all kinds of Ladies', Gents', Misses' and
Boys' Dress Goods. He has just re
ceived them', and will sell them cheap
er than ever before sold in this county.
It is reported, that Judge Denny,
late Consul General at the port of
Shanghai, is to be appointed foreign
adviser at court, under the Corcan
government, at a salary of $1,000 per
Pratt Burr, a newspaper man of
Butte, Mont., has been ' arrested for
safe blowing. Evidence is strongly
against him. It seems hard that there
is no Garden of Eden, for newspaper
men to. bask in.
Mr. Baxter, an extensive coal mine
owneij from Iowa, accompanied by
his wife, arrived here a few days ago.
He is much pleased With Grande
Hondo valley. Mr. Baxter is a brother-in-law
of Mr. McWhirter, of La
H. J. Hogors was in town yesterday.
A. C" Huntington, of La Grande,
has ..been vending organi hero this
Dan. Moore returned from his placer
mine, Wednesday, and reports work
progressing finely.
Mrs, Dan F. Mooro has returned
from Baker Cty, where she has been
visiting her daughter.
Dr. H. B. Drake has removed to'his
now residence, near Bow Shields'
property, in North Union. .
!Dan. F. Moore, an old miner, from
Pine creek, is registered at the Cen
tennial Hotel, in this city.
Mr. Newberry, of Island city, pass
ed through town yesterday enroutc to
Pino valiey, to permanently locate.
Geo. B. Small, agent fbr the Baker
City Sage Brush and Democrat, was
iii toivti this week. Ho reports biz.
Atty. T. II. Crawford returned Wed
nesday, front Baker city, wlroro' ho
has been attending circuit court at
that place.
John Denny and wife, and E.. H.
Clingan wore in town. a fow' days this
week from Pino valley, whoro they
have pormanoptly loeatod.
Green .Arnold was over from La
Grande the fore part of tho week. Ho
didn't stay long, Too lively in Union
foi him, ho likes a quiet town.
Mr. Hal e of the firm qf Smith it
Hale, railroad couthietol-s, ii( tho
Yakhhrt country, ''returned Monday
last' looking as halo ns could bo.
Mr. Wright apd family, of 'Wiisoii
county, Kausns, brothor of Mr. Dun
ham Wright, bf tho Cove, arrived last
week. Mr. Wright had not seen his
brother for ovor twenty yeafu. Wo
leurn ho intends to make thin coast
his future home. .
farmer, mid Mm'Iianlc-. ,
.Sue mont v bil clnrt or hill, liillnr our
Mother, he. nd sNtm by timely pur-
S rup, best mown remody for Oiii Cohfi
( loup nnd ,llrun idal affection lfilleu
(hildrcuof irouii in one iilulii; may fan
you liiuuln (Js ut dollar. Price .Vj teiitxand
.Tl.Oo. umple free Sold bj J T bright
Lalou, Ort ;en
Mining Notos.
I'rain Our I'tnu Crcerk Corrc-lioiulcnt.
Cornucopia, Oct. (t, I.W,
It is Retting quite cool at this point, and
one Joes not feel in a very happy mood to
write, evening, out in the open nir. with n
smoking, nickering nitd rudely impro
vised lamp for a light, and having a ino
hoguny set-rotary, constructed of pine clap
boards, the edges of which seem inclined
to turn toward the enmp tire which often
gives us the benefit of heaving volume of
smoke, causing us to shed more tour drops
than we are accustomed to do.
New ledges are almost daily located, some
of which have the usual appearance of the
general richness which have charsctomcd
the majority of the ledges heretofore men
tioned. The only important transaction this
week, so far. is the bonding of the. Forrest
Queen, Extension and Lone Star, owned
by Mr. Fowler. There have been doubts in
tlie minds of some, whether Mr. Xeunor
really meant business or not, but the fact
that he has paid down Jl.OOO. and contracts
to sink a shaft to the depth of fifty feet,
wilt certainly dispel nnv doubt of his lid li
es ty of purpose. Those mines are bonded
for CO days.
There are now over 100 locations in this
district. As a mutter of fact most of the
parties owning ledges, have not sulllcient
means to develop their ledges. The chan
ces for selling them at possibly fair tlguros
are not great, and if bonding to develop
them is offered, the terms required are us
ually so exorbitant that the oiler to bond
is withdrawn. This is due to the fact the
owners are principally men who have but
little, if any practical knowledge of ores,
or the value of ledges, and induce them
selves to believe their mhie a very valuable
one. This, of course, may be the case, but
the. days of jumping at conclusions of the
wonderful richness of a mine, and accep
ting thoe conclusions as facts, without any
show of development, have long since past.
Dan. Moore, President of the Placer
Mining Co., has been in the district for
some time, building a dwelling and a'nx
iously watching the progress of his cut.
So far they have not succeeded in reaching
thebed-rock, but expect to before the fall
is over.
Gen. Tannatt, who wa sent out by the
Portland Hoard of Trade, arrived a few
days ago, having come over the route pro
posed from Union to this place. Of course
ho keeps his own counsel, and, perhaps, it
would have been folly to have interviewed
him upon any of thosu vital points, which
arc of so much importance to either Union
or llaker City, lie took specimens of ore
from the principal ledges, which ho will
exhibit to the ifoard of Trade at Portland.
Suciw Sllcds, etc.
The Work on the snow sheds is being
pushed forward as rapidly as possible.
There arc now about one hundred men at
work, and this winter, the storms may howl,
the winds whistle their shrillest tennor
notes, the snow may fall to its deepest
depths; but when it (lies and drifts, and
drifts and llies, and plays "hide and seek,"
the chances are, for this winter, that the
trains will start anil stop, and stop and
start, and pull' and blow, and whistle and
shriek, and strain, and tho engineer willl
curse and get mad, and pull his lever, and
then leavc(?) his pull, get out of his cab.
and look, o? .try to look through the blin
ding snow, blow his fingers, get into his
cab and blow his whistle, and then he'll
have toget out to see if the blamed thing
bio wed ; get mad again and then say sonic
harsh words against the storm, pull his
lever, and about the time lie thinks he's
going to go he don't. 5y this time the
fireman, the conductor, and the brakcincn,
have found out the snow is on a big spree,
and gets into their ears and eyesj ami spits
into their faces, as a gentle reminder that
they are in ihe Pyle canyon, where snow
sometimes piles up thick and fast, and
they "let their angry passions rise," and
get back on the train to consult their spirit
ual guide. About the time they think they
are gltting along through, and tho snow
stops for a few minute to blow its fingers,
thoy find the train is getting along finely,
having ttone just exactly Id Toot in ID min
utes Then that fireman, thai engineer,
tho conductor and the brakcincn will get
oil' of that "lightening express" and settle
right down to expressing their profound
sympathy for the author of "lieiiuliful
Snow." and divide and twist the Luglish
language into a greater variety of express
ions thai it over Was before, or over will be
again. After working about 2,'J hours out
of i, they find themselves not Verv far
frotn nowhero, but thrco milos iroin supper.
WILL YOU SUFFI5U with Dvspopsia
and Liver Complaint? Shiloh'd Vlliifier
is guaranteed to euro you.
Heading Itomn,
The Jones llro's have Jilted up a
veiy heat and cosy reading room
at thoir store, where will bo On file all
state and Pacific coast journals.
There also a library jn connection,
consisting of histories; cyclopedias,
novels and romances, all by ho most
popular uu thorn, for tho benefit of
their patrons. This is something that
has long been needed and will be
highly appreciated by their patrons.
CATARUIf rVlU'A), hcalth'aiid Mreet
breath cecured, Uy Hhiloh's Catiirrii lieiue
edy. Price .0 cents. .Na,al Injictor Free.
rropti Treatment fur QoiigliN.
M'Iioj Ihiii ixllhulu ltl. ..iiiihiil .M...KJ unifilli
-4 ."v Hf,a v!uiiii ti 1 1 ii puivhu uiiiiun
M elllcacloui, enter largely iulo Or. I to. mi
ko's Cough and I, ting .S)rur, thus making It
one of (lis iuom rolhtblu now on thft inurkct.
Prlee, fit) anut and $1.00, .Samples free. Sold
by J. T. Vt fight, Union, Otcgon.
1 Good Chauori.
t . Vnicint nf the rilv I iii'.i Hlioe
U,, ,, i , rr, nu j,-. f ,, , K A,)j4.ll
:"' r '""V-' -" ' ", ' 1 "' '""l
shoe iivisr-alioeH, gum, oot m of tlie
t bi-t '(uulitv, ,Uit l! he i Ming tu a-
ot than ' cr. lui" i.i-h ' all n loin nnd
m i m hi 41 1
Tlnit ttioreailorinav fully Uiiiler.staiidwliit
tiigtitutg u good ough aild Lung h'yriip,
we Will say that Tar and M ild Cliorfy U f lie
Covn, Oregon, Oct. 7th., lSSo,
Married. Oct, .t, at the residencp
nf the bride's parents, bv Bow J. B,
Dolby, Mgel Coffniiin to Miss Delia
Soldi r.
Mi.-so Fnima Jones nnd Mary Shar
on arrived from Pendletod, this Meek
and entered the Ascension school,
The Hew Mr. Wilson hits niuivcd
from the Fast and taken a position as
assistant teacher in the Leighton
Messrs. Geo. Foster, Sherman Hee.o
and Vni Shoemaker stiu tctl for the
l'lni' mining district, Wednesday.
.1. O. Smith, Harvey and Tod. Blue
liar!, accompanied by Misses Annie
Hinihart, Maggie Armstrong, Parker
and McCoy, of Summerville, spent
Sunday in Cove.
Ni w students, continue to arrive at
the boy.-' school. It may be necessa
ry to build new additions to tho acad
emy, soon.
Mrs. Nettie ICelley and daughter,
Louise, visited several days in the
Coc, (hit. week.
A very largo crowd attended the
rink, Saturday evening, conspicuous
among tho good skaters being several
from Union. After skating a few
hours, all participated in a hop.
Kcinillard's new building is ap
proaching completion.
las. Payne and wi,fe, also Mi's. Lou
Payne, went to Portland, Tuesday, to
be present at the Mechanic's fair.
A Hock of geese were Hying over
town, Monday, and a general rush
was made for guns. Tlie one shot,
proved to be a tame goose.
La Gka.vdi:, Oct. Gth., 18Sf.
The city of New La Grande bai ta
ken a very quiet "tumble to liersels,"
since the fair.
There is not so much grain being
delivered here, as was a short time
Nearly all the carpenters of this
place, have gone over to Union to
work on the snow .heds, for the O. B.
it X. Co.
Mr. Snider, our hardware man, is
not feeling the best, and is talking of
taking a trip to the mountains for his
Our first boot-black ilppearcd on Ihe
streets, this morning and look1"! very
much disgusted. 1 ain thinking he
will not llnd very much to do here.
Engine No. IT), which has been
standing here on tho fide track, for
Mime time, has been run into the
shops, for repairs.
School is progressing at the Univer
sity, and public school will open in the
new building, about the 12th lust.
The skating rink is getting old. The
boys don't like the idea of skating
J'mi.b SnAiti'.
Noktii Powimit, Oct. 7, 1885.
Weather fine, but too dry.
Business is improving, and the pros
pects for fall trade are good.
Quite a number of prospectors pass
ing through to Pine valley.
Ducks arc coining in quite plenti
fully, and our local ninirods rejoice
North IJowder is soon to be lighted
by electricity. Powei, treadle, sup
plied by. tramps.
T,he surpriso party givon our popu
lar landlord and lady, of the North
Powder hotel, was Well attended and
The Scout has the principal circu
lation in this place, and yet our cony
is loaned out so much wo cull hardly
get time to read it.
A representative of the Bedrock
Democrat was in town this week, look
ing alter tho interests of that journal.
He. did not give us n call. .Perhaps
wo looked too poor to pay for it.
Mr. Chas. Hughes, of this place,. and
Mr. Allen, of Pino valley, have boon
doing some extonsivo prospecting in
tho neighboring mountains- lately,
though with what success we have
not learned.
Baker City's efforts, to obtain tho
proU'etonee with reganl to tho Pino
valley road, uro simply 'aughubld. Her
journals go fo far as lo threaten with
drawal of trade from Portland, if they
do dot get it. What a catastrophe
that would bo, Poor erritters. Port
land would have to shut up shop.
Wilisicnv Ciihkk, Oct. i 1885.
Wo have boon having bountiful
Weather for feoverul days. i
Two babies, both gh1s, withiii (ho
last, two weeks, J run if lleskot and
Louts Hunter, aro tho liappy fathors.
Thoro, Jiiib boon j-ovoral 'parties
around hunting laud, lutely. No sides
made or claims taken up, so far.
Mr. "Mitchell, of Alder, is talking of
moving his eaw mill from ijear Aldor,
into tho timber on the head of Whis
key creoit, Ho could not liid a bet
ter location.
Mors. Huricr mid Nobles ld-urned
front a prospecting tour to Pino crock,
u few days ago. Mr. ilarporsays'lhiJy
found n ledge twelve inches in .tliiek
uoss, which looked like good tfuartK.
Hi! intends to jotilru as soon as pos
sible, aild develop it.
Catching b ni seems pi he the itylu
iloV. ' Geo. Crc'gu bile goillg to -Los-tiiui,
last Week, found one on the prai
rie, and lassoed il. He snubbed it up
to a rond stake nnd ncld it until help
came. Ho then tied the rope around
the bear's neck and started tor Los
tine, leading it. t On the way the bear
ran tinder his hoix' and frightened it
so hat it came near "spilling" George
oil". He then got a wagon nnd took
bruin to town. Mutt Johnston has ta
ken the bear to La Grande, and it is
understood that he intends starting a
menagerie with it.
A. I AX.
Hicnt Vai.u:v, Oct. Sth., ISSf".
The ineasels are still on the ram
page, with eleven new cases in full
working order.
Threshing is finished for tho sea
son. Tlie entire crop in this section,
fell short of last year's yield, fully a
thousand bushels.
Doe, DeBoard and Al. Mittiiick
killed s large Cougar, Hear the dwell
ing house of the latter, lately. It
measured six feet in length.
The citizens of High Valley are be
coming notorious as a shooting team
On Saturday they turned out to have
a shooting match for a fat beef and
some turkeys. After 5)0 rounds had
been fired, the Simmon Bro's. got first
and third choice; Geo. Page second;
Meritle Wilkinson fourth and B. Hates
fifth. Kd Bobinette won three tur
keys, and Andy Wilkinson two. Dark
ness coming on, the match broke up,
to meet again Oct. lOth. and have n
shooting match for fat hogs, mid the
rest of the turkevs. City, Oct. n, 1885.
Clear and beautiful.
Victor Miller arrived here last Sat
urday and remained visiting among
friends and acquaintances until this
morning when he departed for Ash
land, lie will go to Salem iii a few
days and resume his studies.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Horner, afo, now
teaching in the public school at Hose
burg, of which Mr. Homer is priuci
pal. The Lane county fair, held here
last week, was a success in every re
spect. During the fair last week the city
was full of "mipeat" and "tin horn"
gamblers. Several arrests Were made,
but without ellcct.
Many of tip? exhibits of tho Lane
county fair will be sent to the Me
chanics Fair of Portland"
Last Thursday two large , cans of
gun powder exploded at the large
ware-house at the depot, around
which draymen were alwork handling
freight. Oren Moore, a .truckman,
had his beard and nearly all his
clothes, either torn or burned oil".
Although seripusly injured it is
thought bo will recover. Several oth
ers were slightly burned.
L. i.V.
Pronehitis immediately relieved by Hhiloh's
Cure. Por sale by It. C. Oreig, Union.
At Jones Bro's can bo seen sonic
mammoth potatoes, of the "Pride of
tho field" and the "White elephant"
varieties, raised by Mr. H. J. Gcer of
the Cove, They are huge, solid, and
of a delicious llavor. Mr. Gcer raised
frolu one eight of an acre, one hun
dred bushels. Gentlenieil, how does
that speak for fertility of Grande
Hondo soil?
, u .
Xow Mlllliiury (lomls.
A largo invoiep of Underware. Hosiery.
Jersey's, and .Millinery Goods, of the very
latest styles, just" received at .Mrs, Corbin's,
which will be sold at Eastern prices,
L. J. House returned last Week from
tho Willamette, where he had bceh to
buy fruit and shade trees of Varieties
that could not he obtained here. His
visit to tho State fair, tho nurseries
and orchards of. the Willamette, and
Walla Walia, also tlio. principal or
chards of this county, qualifies him to
gi.vo information Iii regard to hardiest
and best lariefics of fruits, valuable to
persons intending to plant trees. See
his ad. in another column.
For Initio back, side or chest, uso Sliiloli's
Porous. Master. Price 2f cents. For Sale nt
the drug utore of . C. Grelg, Union.
- . -
notice to Ti-orinnHHorri,
Notice is hereby given, that 1 forbid ahv
person or person, hulitingi fishing, shoot
ing, trapping, or othttrwinu trespassing on
tho prrperty belonging to Airs. H, A M.
Frolich, at Cove, Union, coaulty, Oregon,
known Us tho Cove ranch.
oclO-inl , Agint.
1t, C, Bloomfiold, mi Englishman,
manager of tho Arkansas Lund ami
Cattio company, lias recently been
convicted of . fraudulent land entries
upon bublio lands. All tho cow-boys
in his employ were fproii'd tb make
entries in his behalf, lie also paid
I' newspaper men to publish the names
oi persons as entries who never liau
an existence, His transactions have
beoii of a most audacious character.
Governor 'A. F. Moody has.itccejitcd
the fish ladder, built ittthu Wiliamiitto
Fulls, at Oregon City, in Cluckaiitas
county, in behulf of tho Stnto, Tho
ladder is said to bo bfiilt in it good sub
stantial nlannOr In every respect upd
works satisfactory to the builder mid
coliunissiouer, Alreuily tho ttalmoii
arc usci tiding the ladder, also thous
ands of smaller fish. There should bo
some protection allordcd tho fish, While
they me tlius elevating thotnsolves to
higher Stations in piscatorial life, If
left ulono perliapft somen! thm will
i llnd their way into'tlw- legislative halls
I -r. ... . " i .
at tlie Hluto i .ipiio), .1 goon salmon
Is inclined to have high aspirations,
and the people li log near tho streams,
in tho Willunu tte Valley, will be thank
ful to the legislature' for his introduc
tion into their society
Iii Idaho.
IlltcroMliif; Letter I'rom Our
Doisc City. Oct. 3. 18K3.
Kn. fVor-r.
Slowly niul beautifully tho folingc is ni
sinning the vnrious utitiimunl tints that
innrk the approach of winter, and we are
lost in admiration of the golden glory
wrought by the inngicnl hniid of nature.
The honest farmer lins neither the titiiciioi1
inclination to "commune with nature in
her various Inoods." While wheat is otily
00 ets. per. biHiel, with only a a distant
proiqieet of a higher pried, and until that
Ivetter tiny arrives, "a primrose on the riv
er's brtiti, a yellow primrose is to him, and
it is nothing more." An agent of a Chi
cago linn is buying nil the wheat he can at
the above rales. If they depend on thd
growing of cereals, the farmers of llolsi
Valley canliot innko even a livelihood, and
by force of necessity Will have to turh their
attention to other branches of industry!
As fast as their menus will penult, they ard
now converting their fields Into meadows
of clover, timothy nnd alfalfa, and stocking
their places with a view of raising blooded
stock hull choice beef for the Fasten! mar
ket, li farms are (int down to hay as fast
in the future as in the prtst two seasons,
live years hence we will have to import our
bread stull", anil I have no reason to doubt
but what tiiis can be done at a profit over
raising the same ourselves, Idaho, liter
arily speaking, is not a grain producing
territory, ie it cannot compare with the
abundant productiveness of Cregoti. But
on the olherhatid, her pnstorlnl resource
are Incxhaitstahle, and we can market a
three-year-old beef at a profit, wlieto ill
other localities it would prove a loss A
recent shipment to this city of ninety
thoroughbred btills llolstelns, Jersey's,
Ayeshiers, llerrefords, etc is a move ill tho
right direction and argues well for the fit
tore excellence of our beef and butter,
llesldes this we are producing some of the
fastest colts on the const, among olhcrii is
notably, "Stephens' .Saxe." ,a thorough
llniniltoniliii, raised by Dr. J. b. Stephens,
of lloiso City, aild recently sold in ISnii
Francisco, for ?5,00Q. "Arondnlc," owned
by Fenner A: Co., of this place, is niiothcr
Idaho horse that is winning laurels on the
California turf, Takeli all to getliCr, libi
do and Kastern Oregon ought to prove im
portant factors in the production of good
horses and euttlo.
A dispatch received from lliiii. John
llnlley, M,. C, announces the appointment
of Hon. H. A. Stevenson ns Governor of
Idaho, niid the rejoicing is grent through
out the territory. doV. Stevenson is nn Ox
member of the Oil. legislature, cx-presldcnt
of the Coiicil of Idaho legislature, a pioneer
of tho const, and at the tiino of Ids appoint
ment, was chairman of the Democratic
Territorial. Central Committee, lie Is the
first Democratic governor Idaho over liaij
and also the first appointed frolti llliidhg
her ovn ptoplb,
A recent 'pulling," by the police, of a
Chinese opllim joint, resulted in the hrrcst
of seventeen celestials undone "melican
uiaa." They each, coplrjbuted to the city,
exchcqUe from ifW to $00, ; which was ul
paid without a lriurmey. . If they Could bo
pulled every night in the week, tlie fhcH
woulll support our city, schools and ilrq
department,, besides .doing an ine'stiulablo:
amount towards the morality of the com
niunity, . . i
Money matters arc gradually improving"
and a look of business activity Is reaninia
ting our streets, it is tlnic. We were sUre
Iy dropping into an aimless existence, ti 14
Hottentot, but witli the vanishing bf the;
summer dust and heat, , tho. inertia fiatf
bedit replaced by a vory pleasing momen
tum in cverv branch of trade. . ,
V. Fia,
Dr. l'lIkliiKtiin.
Proprietor of tho liyo and liar iii
Urinary and Sanitarium, Portland;
Oregbn, will bo I at tho leading Hotel
in La Grande all tiny- Wednesday oof
21st 1885. His specialties are Hectu!
diseases, as piles, ulcers., fistulas, etc
Nervbils .ailments in their rihtUipbf
fornls, mid discuser of tlie! 13ye in
treatment of all of which o cm
dorsed by well known citizens all over
Oiegon and Washington territory.
, . l.KITICIt MST j
nclnnliilng uncalled for tho month cribng
Kept. IJUth.. 18S5.
Ahdrn Jot-mirth rtxrnosJ W
Buyer .h If (card) t-.Mrs buzson
iiiu-iierJoiin u
Lepra D.G
MtCoililellT P
I laird 0 0
Ilean Mrs Kntio M Nash W M 1
Hrown Mrs V, (card) Nuckols Miss Nasi
iiomiv n tcnni) iewoorry .urn joiuj
Oiaft'Chau F (2) (Jileener J 11 (2)
Carr John ) lteang O M
Davinor V S (card) Scott (Jed M f' tird)
Dixson Mlsd Mlny Taylor F aJ .
Flunory Mis'! M Tnllent ,1 IV .
George UoDt Thomas H J (card)
IItzl Mri . Vandyke J t
J lerilos, l.itnl X'antfno John 11
IIiiljbaidJH WaliMA
Kciiyoii John , White D .W
Wnjjilqt a ,
Vofton calling for above lottcts, vh,
ploitsb su'v "advertised."
. piio. F. HAH., P. M.,tlTnioii, Or,
l'oirdor Kxpliiiluu nt J'tigtimi,
Ab,out ten 'c'Vieli ycslorday morn
iug wliilo t 10 station agiMit and trUck
moil ivero tnlouding a t'ur of frolghj
oil 'tho1 p at form at tho' northeast
comer of tlie, froight depot two "2
11 tin eatw of ppwiier w'nich bad bccrl
piadei about threo feet frojii tVio .south
east corner of the huildint; wero ex
plodcd, silppbsed lo havo been Caused,
bv it hbavy liar of ifoit Which 'Oreii
Moblo throw dowit dlHkiifg brtdi of tho
eAns". Mr. 3rooro was frotn4 fdnr to
five feot distant from tho cans at tho
limo j his clothing was badly torn, hi
hair, beard and eyebrows burned to a
vrh and his body bunted atid hruiseU
seriuttbly; Ho was conveyed tb Will
kin's Ding Ktoro where Dr. Shtoltbn
dressed ids injuries, after which h'
vVub tnkon tojjis Jionip. Ho i suttwi
ing gk'nt pain but jt is hopod that jil
Is hot ijoriopsly injured. Jfr. JinH
Eaton who Was Witliin a foW feet W
also considerably- bnrneih Mr. fxt
Farri'lgton and Mr, Jeaso, Grow t$H
also rather violently elmkon buft
not seriously injured. Hegiater.