The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 10, 1885, Image 1

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    The Oregon Scout.
NO, 15.
An independent wrekly Journal, issued overy
Saturday by
Publishers and Proprietors.
, K. Jones, 1
Editor, f
Ono copy, ono yenr $1 CO
" " Plx months 1 00
" " Threo months 75
Invariably cash In advance
Itates of advertising mado known on appli
cation. Correspondence from all parts of U9 county
Address all commuiTlcntlons to A. K. Jones,
Editor Oregon Scout, Union, Or.
Lodge Directory.
Grand Rondb Valley Lodoe, No. Bfl. A. P.
nnd A. M. Meets on tho Bccoud and fourth
Saturdays or each month.
O. F.Belt., W.M.
C. E. Davis, Secretary.
Union Iawge, No. it!). I. O. O. F. Itemilar
meetings on Friday cvenlnjis of each week at
their hall In I'niotl. All biethren In pood
standing uro invited to attend. Ily order of
tho lodjre. S. XV. I.ONO, N. G.
G. A, Thompson, Secy.
Cliureli Directory.
M. E. Crimen Divine snrvico every Snndny
ntll a. ic and 7 p. m. Sunday school at !1 p.
in. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening
at0:30. HKV. Andkuson, Pastor.
PitEPiiVTEitiAN Ciinicii ltcgular church
services every Sabbath morning and evening.
Prayer meeting oach week on Wednesday
evening. Sabbath school every Sabbatlmt
10 a. m. Ilov. II. Vuiinon Kick, Pastor.
St. John's Er-iscor-Ai. Ciiuitcii Service
every Suuday at 11 o'clock a. in.
lluv. V. it. Powell, Hector.
County oniccnt.
Judge A. C. Cmlg
Sheriff A. Ii. Saunders
Clerk II. F. Wilson
Treasurer -. A. F. Benson
School Superintendent J. L. Ilindtuan
Surveyor E. Pln.onis
Coroner E. II. Lewis
Goo. Acklos Jno. Stanloy
Stato Senator L. B. ltlnehart
F. T. Dick... E. E. Taylor
City OIIIccr.
Mayor D. B. Itoes
P. A. Pursol W. D. Tleldlcman
J.S. Elliott Willis Sklir
J. B.Eaton G. A. Thompson
Recorder J. II. Thomson
Marshal J. A.Dennov
Treasurer J. D. Carroll
Street Commissioner L. Eaton
Departure of Trains.
Regular cast bound trains leavo nt 0:30 a.
m. West bound trains leavo at 4:20 p. m.
Collecting and probato practico specialties
Olllco, two doors south of Postoflice, Union
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Ofllco. ono door south of J.
Union, Oregon.
B. Eatou's store,
Physician and Surgeon
Office, ono door south ot J. B. Eaton's store,
union, uregou.
A. E. SCOTT, M. D.
1IIVSICIAIV AiNI ;sukb:o;v,
lias permanently located at North Powder,
wlieroliu will answer all calls.
IMiyhiclmt mid Surgeon,
Union, Oregon.
Office, Main street, next door to Jones Bros.'
Residence Main streot, second house south
of court houso.
Chronic dlseasos a specialty.
o. i 111:1,1,,
Notary Publlo and Convoyancor. Olllco. B
street, two doors east or Jones Bros.' vnrloty
store, Union, Oregon.
Attorney ut Law, IKriil Btuto.
unit Colluding Agent.
Land OHIco Bushman ii Spuolaily.
Olllco at Alder, Union Co., Oregon.
vrroit.MjvH at i,.nv.
Will KwtU la Uuiu, lUWr. Jrt,
U4uu mm4 Um CmiuUm, ' in tfc
. . - . ,
Hie Metropolis Seeninl Full of Peril
mi Innocent Granger.
He boarded the enr nt Twenty-third
street, snys the New York Tribune.
There was nothing out of tho wny
about his appearance. A broad
brimmed straw hat was worn on the
back of his head; ho had agood-nntur-
ed faco with a rather fleshy nose,
largo at tho base; he wore a light suit
of clothes and carried a bamboo
switch; his first question told tho
which is your tiesimntion, was
tho conumdruni that he fired at tho
conductor, "tho Astor House or tho
citv hall."
"Roth, was tho sententious and
comprehensive- reply of that otlicial.
This stunned him so that he didn
revive until tho Bowery was reached.
Then leaning over nnd whacking :i fel
low-passenger across tho shins in n
playful manner with his stick, ho
"Whero's tho Five Point's?"
" 'Bout a milo further down," was
the reply.
Tho next inquiry was directed in a
general wny to tho wholo car. "What
aro tho police up to nowdays? I aint
scon 'em mako no arrests yet."
"As there aro 1,000 oflicers on duty
at ono time, it docsn ttako more than
ono arrest to every tenth man to keer
up the necessary supply for tho courts,
suggested a gentleman sitting opposite
"How many oflicers are theyinnll?"
"Threo thousand," was the laconic
"Gosh!" exclaimed tho seeker after
knowledge, as his wonder evaporated
m a long whistle.
"I wouldn't liko to walk around
hero after dark," was the next remark,
as ho gazed fearfully up and down tho
centra of the street, after abenovo1 nfc
old gentleman had shown him tlo
glimpso of Fivo Points to bo obtained
as the car crosses Worth street.
"Oh, this is a perfectly safe and en
tirely respectablo locality," exposu
lated tho old gentleman.
"Wall, down South wo reckon Fivo
Points to bo a pretty tough place,"
was tho knowing response. "10 sco
wo read all about these places."
After that ho was permitted torovel
m tho imaginary terrors oi his wander
ings through this desperately wicked
city, and when last seen ho was pick
ing his way across Broadway to tho
Astor houso with ono hand on his
watch, and tho other on his purse, nnd
both eyes open tor tho dreaded pick
pocket and bunko man.
Creating-a Sensation in Church.
Considerable commotion was caused
in the Church of tho Heavenly Rest, in
Evona, N. J., recently by Josiah W.
Alcott, of Philadelphia, who aroso in
the courso of tho service and informed
tho congregation that Miss Dashiell,
tho organist, was his wife, and tho
daughter of tho Rev. Dr. Taylor, rec
tor of the church. Mr. Alcott's story
is ns follows: In 1870 Miss Nellio D.
Taylor, of Camden, N J., eloped with
him one night and they wero married
in Philadelphia against her father's
wishes. After they had been married
Dr. Taylor forgave them nnd furnished
thorn with a homo in Camden, whero
they lived for one yenr. After tho
birth of her daughter his wifo was not
well, and her father knowing that Al
cott could not afford to send her
away to obtain tho needed rest,
sent her nt his own expenso to
Niagara Falls. This, ho says, was a
trick of Dr. Taylor's to soparato him
from his wife. Alcott says that ho
followed his wifo to Canada and thenco
to this city, to Ocean Grove, N. J., nnd
toPlainfield. Hosnvsthatshochanged
her name to Dashiell while sho was in
Now York to prevent him from finding
her. Recently ho went to Plainfield,
and succeeded in finding whero Miss
Dashiell boarded. He did not inform
her of his arrival, but secured a lawyer
from Philadelphia, and tho next day
called on her for tho purpose of secur
ing a reconciliation. Mr. Alcott re
mained in tho carriago while the law
yer went to tho door, and as soon as
tho woman learned his business, sho
refused to havo anything to do with
him, nnd left tho room.
Alcott went to church on Sunday
morning, thinking: that his wifo was in
fluenced by her father and would relent
if he could seo her face to face. A
number otpersons had been informed of
his intention nnd thochurch was filled.
tho members of tho congregation wl o
genorally sympathized witji tho rector
ana his daughter. Their friends nssert
that nfter Dr. Taylor had furnished
Alcott anuinswilowith a homo.Alcott
failed tosupport Ids wife, and that Dr.
Taylor was com polled to tako her
away from him to savo hor life. Dr.
Taylor owns a great dual of proporty
in Cnindon, and is held in high eat com
in Plainfield.
Alcott Bays Hint ho is after his w'o
and child. Ho says that ho ui oiler
wl $600 to allow hor toobtnin a di
vorce. Mr. DuHliiell, or Mrs. Alcott, Hy
tlmt.Mr. Alcott i'ii KotrodroiMiiii court
If ho In wroiifMl, but that lie in afraid
to tHihiutt UiH iiiMttur to ttjury. In
riJy Mr. Aleott my tlwt luxMiuiot
ft-ttord to lilr a luwyw and Imjm1 lliu
ujpwibuofu unit.
The urwit UnWmdlv of PUti
(oiuhIwIIii lfU, JI4lnIhiN In Ittlt)
Pfuiu In IfilW itmi Vlwiim lu inilO.
An Aged 3Ian l'rodlct tli l)iiy of III
DuiitH mid Arrntigos Fur It.
Nynck, N. Y., Journal.
Valley Cottage is a way station on
tho West Shore Railroad, midway be
tween this place and Rockland Lake.
It takes its name from the hamlet, nnd
tho hamlet from tho farm of John Ry
der, who was long the most prominent
man in tho place. On the 11th hist.
Mr. Ryder died, and under circum
stances that caused widespread com
ment among the vilagcrs. Mr. Ryder
died after prophesying for three days
that Juno 1L would bo his Inst day on
earth. Mr. Ryder was a wealthy farm
er and a high otlicial in tho Methodist
Church nt Rockland Lake. Ho was
seventy-six years old, and his iuddy
cheek and clear blue eves gave no in
dication of approaching dissolution.
Ho used to boast ho had never been
ill a day in his life. I'p to within a
few weeks ago he worked on his larm,
going out to plow at daylight. Ono
day he returned to the farmhouse and
seated himself in nn arm chair. When
asked if ho was ill he replied that ho
was not, but said, "I have plowed my
last. Now I feel that as I havo pass
ed beyond niv threescore and ten tho
good Lord allowed me, I shall not
live to seo this harvest. God, Thy
will bo done."
His farm work fell into tho hands of
his hired men, nnd ho mechanically re
ceived their reports. All day he walk
ed up and down tho veranda, his head
sunk on his breast, deep in medita
tion. "I am tired," ho would say, when
any of tho neighbors or his relatives
rallied him onhisactions "I shall not
live long. Soon I will tall you before
hand tho day on which I shall breatho
my last." On Tuesday, Juno 0, ho
called his family around him and sent
a servant after tho farm hands, mean
while preserving a calm demeanor.
When all had assembled he said in
deep impressivo tones: "My friends,
my timo is drawing nigh. My sands
of life have nearly run out. But two
days more and I shall not bo with you.
1 havo received a warning, and it por
tends death. My friends, I leavo you
with a life, I hope, clear of crime, and
with a hope and belief in tho infmito
tenderness and mercy of tho' true and
living God." Turning to a farm hand,
ho said, with energy: "Harness up my
horso and buggy. Do it quickly.
When tho vehicle was ready ho sprang
in unassisted, and drove to tho little
burying ground near by, owned by a
few of tho old families in tho neighbor
hood. Arrived at tho graveyard, ho
looked around, and, running to a
mound whore there was a pilo of
stakes, ho marked off tho space in
which lie wanted to bo buried. Driving
homo he did not sparo tho horse, and
when his houso was reached ho imme
diately dispatched a servant to Nynck
lor a lawyer who had done legal bus
iness for him before In the note ho
said ho wanted to draw up his will.
Ho also ordered tho man to bring an
undertaker with him. Tho undertaker
came, and jokingly measured tho old
gentleman. "Now givo mo your bill,
I want to pay it now," ho said to tho
undertaker. Tho surprised undertaker
obeyed with reluctance, and the old
gentleman paid tho money down. Tho
lawyer canio after a second messenger
had been sent for him. Tho will was
duly drawn up, and after tho instru
ment had boon signed, giving tho pro
portions to his children and grand
children, ho invited tho lawyer to
como to his funeral, as ho was an old
friend of tho family, and also to act
as a pall-bearer. Tho lawyer laugh
ingly assented to the proposition.
thinking it was but a whim of his old
client. Mr. Ryder then named the
threo other men ho wanted to act as
oall-bearers. In tho lawyer's presenco
10 named all tho othor details about
tho funeral, and made disposition of
his personal enects and mentioned his
On tho following day Mr. T vder sat
in his old arm chair on tho veranda
most of tho time. During tho follow
ing night he got up soveral times, and
us lamily heard him walking through
tho houso. Ho was in his placo in tho
morning, and appeared to bo in his
usual health. Toward noon ho called
his family around him, saying: "My
friends, I am now going. Good by all,
and God bless you." Ho then lav
back in his armchair, and, gazing ten
derly at his family, gently closed his
eyes. His lips moved in prayer, and
once again ho opened his eyes and
smiled, and again tho oyohds clo3ed
and all was still. Those around him
thought ho was sleeping, but when they
called him hedid not answer, lie was
dead. Now York Journal.
General Joseph E. Johnston, Presi
dent Cleveland's government railroad
commissioner, is now 78 yoars old.
His hair and board aro white its snow,
save for occasional dark threads that
withstand tho oncronchmouts of timo.
Hu drosses in black and wears a hull
crownod hat of light color. Hu is
about iiibgiiim height, stands uroot and
walks vigorously. To a Wtwtorn re
porter hu looked as if ho had somo
Borrow on his mind, and had tho np
pwtranco ot iiiuihiial rwarvo.
Alabama's Mtrongwit man In J. II.
Clark of Blilrly, Covington county.
It Ih nn lil that huenn takonSJfiO-pouud
anvil, ami, by jilucln hi thumb in
lliu iii'inoii huh, throw It oil liko 11
uwrbj. mill to IihihIIu two Ntout imui
wt a tiiuw U uhlUU'H piny. Hu wullu
ubout SSfiO pound '
Growing 1'hikIoi.
From tho Oernmntown Tolcgruph.
This is ono of tho most popular flow
crs, and though it is popular and to
be found in most gardens compnra
tivelv few peoplo understand its culti
vat ion with a view of obtaining tho
finest flowers. They will go into tho
grounds of tho llorist and express
ania moment at tho great sizo and
beauty of tho pansies thoy seo there
will forthwith purchase a supply for
uieir own planting, aim win oo enarm
ed with them, and bo determined to
prow tho same on their own premises
though their previous cllorts have so
penally failed. When asked how they
had been growing them, thoy often ro
ply: "I got some, but t hoy aro so
small.' hen told that they should
pow tho seed of tho finest of thoso ob
tained from tho florist ns soon as tho
seed was matured say oonio timo in
August and that was tho only way
to havo lino largo (lowers, the idea
was jumped at. That is the way to
get them, livery August tho seed o
tho largest and most desirable should
be sown, nnd the old ones dug up and
thrown nway. And wo should say
chat this is easy enough to do when it
is onco known. In tho winter tho
plants should bolightly covered. There
arc now pnnsics advertised every
year, but any one, growing them care
fully and taking, as we say, tho seed
from tho best every year, will bo as
likely as anybody to havo largo, now
kinds and will thus save tho oxponso
of purchasing them, which, at most
last only for a single blooming.
Vonson for l'uronts imd Toucliors,
As a means of influence, tho habit
of bringing faults and weaknesses to
the front cannot bo too strongly con
deiiincd. It kills sympathy and fos
tors a repellent attitude that rejects
all overtures, however well intended
they may bo. It actually increases
tho very evils it deplores by keeping
theniconstnntlv in view. Parcntsand
teachers often mako this fatal mis
tako. Anxious to euro a fault, but
thoroughly unphilosophicnl in thoir
methods, thov barn continuallv unon
it and keep reminding tho child of its
presenco, its enormity, and its dan
gers, until nt length ho conies to regard
?i . i i 1?
id as a necessary part oi mmscii. vn
experienced educator says that an in
falliblo way to mako a boy irrcclaim
ably stupid is to assuro him constant
ly that ho is so; and tho samois equal
ly truo of most other faults. Only
through good can wo produco good;
and, if wo would truly help or iniprovo
another, wo must find out tho best
thing that is m him, and from that
point must wo try to develop that
which is lacking. Let us over bear in
mind that goodncssand truth gohnnd
m hand, and that to discover, to wel
como, and emphasize tho ono is the
surest way to attain tho othor in its
T.IvIiik too Vast.
Dr. Hitchcock, tho professor of ath
letics at Amherst college, has been try
ing to explain why wo do not livo
longer. Ho thinks that wo condense
into forty years tho work that should
bo extended over a period of seventy
vears. iien s heads aro prematurely
i . -
bankrupt: their stomachs aro worn
out; their hearts, kidnoys, muscles aro
overworked; and thou, as if to put a
climax upon tho whole ordering of lifo
upon the present plan, ho says: "If tho
use of tobacto increases during tho
present as it has during tho past
twonty-fivo years, wo shall not only
know ot sudden death lrom heart and
brain injuries consequent upon it, but
we shall seo in tho Anglo-Saxon raco
men emasculated and sorely deficient
m muscular strength. A lack of con
trol over our bodily and mental func
tions is ono reason why wo livo forty
instead ot soventy years."
Jtoiuurknblo Milker.
Tho Country Gentloman in a report
of a visit to the Holstcin herd of Smiths,
Powell and Lamb, Syracuso, N. Y.,
Among tho individual animals which
we examined was tho cow Egis, now
deven years old, and from her ample
mzo and capacious udder, no ono could
liesitato to receive tho statement that
nlie had yielded in a day not less than
811 pounds u ounces of milk, and had
mado in a week 10 pounds 10 ounces
of butter. She has gi von 10,82;! pounds
of milk in a year, and beforo dropping
her last calf woighod 1,015 pounds.
Tho quantity sho gives requires
milking four times in twenty
four hours. Tho cow Aaggio (of
which a good portrait was given in
tho Country Gentleman, pago 100, of
3HH2), also cloven years old, is noted
for being tho first cow that gavo over
JH.OOO pounds of milk in a year, and
8 1 pounds 12 ounces in a day. Aag
pic lioHs has a high record, and at her
prcent rate, hor yoar, which ends on
July 7, will ext'cod 20,000 pounds of
milk, or 10 tons! In the same field wu
mtw threo cows which had oxeooded
If). 000 pounds each. A two-year, for
w hich $4,200 was paid when sho was
ftkht months old, camo from a dam
which made till pounds 7 on neon of
butter in !10 roiiMKiitivo days, win
iiliut ih wo aro informed, the HUvor cup
from tho JurHoy cow Mary Anno of Ht.
Lambert. Wo naw a largo number of
two year old liolfom, thirty-flyo of
iiioli had uvoragod 11 pound of milk J
of them aver-
Curap and Good BAKwa-FowDnrt.
Sift topother threo or four times, 1-2
pounds baking soda, 1-1 pound tartar
ic acid and 1 pound corn starch.
Very excellent.
Potimk DuMi'Ltxos. When making
these, tho moment they aro done and,
tho cover lifted, pierce each one with a
fork, which will mako them much
Coun' Starch Cake. 1 cup
sugar, 2 eggs, 1-2 cup butter, 1
1 cup
I tea-
corn starch, 1-2 cup sweet milk,
spoonful cream tartar, 1-2 teaspoon
tul soda, 1 1-2 cups Hour.
Goon Cheap Caki:. 1 egg, 1 cup su
gar, 2-3 cup sweet milk, 1 2-3 cups
of llour,4a small piece of butler or lard,
1 teaspoonful cream of tartar, 1-2 tea
spoonful soda, flavor to taste.
Laykr Cakk. Sift 1 1-2 cups flour
and 1 teaspoonful baking-powder to
gether. 1 egg, 1 cup sugar, ono tablo
spoonful butter, a pinch of salt and 1-2.
cup water (or milk). Beat all togoth
er and bake in three layors. Jelly may
bo spread between the'laycrs.
Lumon' Pik. 1 lemon cut fine, 1
cup sugar, 2 cups water, boil these to
gether a few minutes. Beat one egg
and a largo spoonful of flour, add tu
little colli water, stir this into tho
boiling mass and lot it cook a few min
utes. This makes two pies.
Cookiks. 2 cups sugar, 2 eggs, ono
very full cup of butter, 1 teaspoonful
saleratus boiled in 1-2 cup of water,
and not used until cold; nutmeg or
caraway seeds; mix eggs, sugar anil
butter lightly together, and mako stitl
enough to roll out well, and thenbako.
llorxn StulIos,
The condition nnd healt,h of a horso
depends very much upon tho kind of
stablo it is kept in. Tliero aro horses
which suffer from disease of tho eyes,
from coughs, from scratches and other
skin diseases, all of which aro produced!
by tho pungent foul air in tho stables.
Farmers and othors wlio havo horses
will tako pains to keep their carriages
and harness protected from tho strong
amnioniacal air of tho stables lost t ho
leather may bo rotted or tho varnish
dulled and spotted; and at tho same,
timo thoy will wonder why their horses
cough, or havo weak eyes or moon
blindness, or sutler from other diseases,
which, if they would only think for a
fow minutes, thoy would readily por
ceivo aro duo to tho foul air tho an
imals aro compelled to breatho overy
night in tho year, while- confined in
close, badly ventilatod stables. Tho'
remedy is very easy. Tho stables
should bo kept clean; this will provenfc
tho greater part of tho mischiet; and,
it should be well ventilated. Thofloor,
should bo properly drained, so that
tho liquid will not remain on it, to ba
absorbed, and decompose, and pro-
duco tho pungent vapors of ammonia,,
which aro so injurious to tho oyos,
nostrils, throat, and lungs; and this.'
liquid wasto should bo carried away
to somo placo whero it can bo absorb-j
od, and utilized. The floor should ho
washed oil at least twico a week witli
plenty ot water and then liberally!
sprinkled with linely ground gypsunv
(plaster), which will conibino with th
ammonia and hx it. A solution o
copperas (sulphato of iron) will havej Rn.nio result. Lastlv. tho floor)
should bo suppiiod with absorbent lit-
j I I- .1 l. ..1 I !l
tor, which Siioiuu uo removed wiien iu;
is soiled, ventilation should bo pron
vided in such a way as to aVoid coldj
drafts. Small openings, which may bej
easily closed with a slido, may bo made)
in the outer wall near thofloor, and sim-l
ilaronos near tho ceiling or in tho roof,1
through which tho foul air can escape
Puro air is of tho utmost importanco'
to tho well-being of horsos. As an in
stance of it may bo montioned tho fact
that in tho English cavalry stables a
comploto system of ventilation reducod
tho averago loss oi norsos irom tho
deadly disoaso, glanders, from ono
hundred and thirty-two por thousand
yearly to nine in tho thousand;
and when a similar improvement was
mado in tho French army stables, tho
procentago of death was reduced in a
similar ratio, with a still largor do
orcase of milder ailments. American
One IJe lpor Straw. I
Thoso who raiso clover can find a
profitable wny in which to utilizo the
Hurpius strnw. Tho valuo of clover
hay depends upon tho curing. If ox
posed to sun and dow until thoroughly
dried, it will be bleached, and half its
value gono in Mio process. It must bo
put up as grrcn as possiblo. Right
hero straw comes in ns a preservative
Whether thoclover bo put in a bay or
in tho stack, by tho freo uso of straw
it may bo put up almost greon, and
kept without danger of heating and
burning. By alternating thostraw and
clover in layors, tho dry Btraw will
absorb tho moisture oi tho clovor, and
so cut oil tho connection that general
boat in tho mass will bo impossible.
Not only is tho clover preserved in
its natural good qualities, but tho in-
ntorvoning layers ol straw hcuiii to
imbibo a part of tho aroma of tho clo
vor. At uny, rato, it is readily eaton
by tho cattlo in Winter, ami I think
it much better for thorn to havo a
mixture of this kind than a uolodiot
of dusty clover.
Whuru ono is a littlo short of hay,
this plan helps wonderfully to b plica
out tho fodder btipply. It In need leas
to nay that thostraw bhould bo bright
in r day, and sixteen
aged 50 pounds."
inS clean. Oat straw is tho best for,
'his purpose, but any will do. Now
mat tho barns aro nearly empty, tha
it raw may bo hauled inside and put
ivhereit can bo used on the bay in hay
ing timo. It will servo another pur
pose in this way, and mako just as
rood manure in the end, us if scattered
til tho yards.
AcrlcuHiiful Mlscollnny.
Each hen in o, houso should havo
jno foot of spneo on tho roosts. Ono
aundred hens then would requiro four
roosts 25 feet long, and toproventthe
nens crowding too much upon the top
roost these should bo all on the same
cvcl. Tho roosts should bo ono 'oot
ipart and bo arranged in a frame
hinged to tho wall, so they can bo lift
ed and hooked up for tlio purpose of.
Meaning. Tho roosts will tako up
four feet, and tliero should bo 2o by
12 feet on tho floor inside, and should
bo at least six feethigh in tho rear and
nine feet .high in tho front, with amplo
Forest trees are now foiled with dy
namite. A cartridge of tho explosive
3iibstnnco is placed in a channel bored
directly under tho tree to bo oporated
upon, and when exploded tho treo is
3iniply forced up bodily and falls in
tact on its side. In most instances it
is found tiiat tho freo is not fractured
by the forco of tho explosion; a largo
proportion of valuable wood at tho
base of tho trunk can bo utilized whi -h
is now lost. For clearing forest prop
Drties this mothod is admit ably adapt
ed, as it brings up tho root of tho treo
at tho ono operation, nnd dispenses
with tho tedious and costly process of
jrubbing tho roots of tho felled timbor.
Tho currant is ono of tho most easi
ly grown fruits. It succeeds upon
any kind of soil; produces a crop of
jomo kind oven under tho most neg
lectful culture But it well repays caro
and good treatment. In a rich, light
loam of well cultivated and manured
slay it grows luxuriantly and bears
largo and high flavored berries. Tho
best method of propagation is by cut
tings of tho previous year's wood, sot
out in rows a foot apart and trans
planted to permanent beds 5 feet
apart each way tho noxt year. Liber
al applications of manuro spread
around tho Dushes overy Fall will pro
duco a heavy crop overy yoar after tho
third from sotting out tho cuttings.
It increases by sprouts from tho roots,
and tho wood should bo thinned out
as it is replaced by tho now growth.
Iho young bushes should bo trans
planted early in tho Spring.
Tho forests of Now England now
havo a chanco to recover from tho dis
saso of tho ax. Fifteen years ago hard
wood sold at $8 per. cord within 25
miles of Boston, wlioro coal was easy
to obtain. Now $5 nnd SO aro largo
prices. Birch wood then brought $0;
now $3 and $ t. Fire-wood is worth
littlo more than tho cost of cutting
i and drawing to market, in many
places. Thus in coal Nature provides
:omponsation for thoscarcityof wood,
and means for thoreclothing of her na-,
kednoss with tho stout and wondrousj
garment woven of treo and shrub, o?
which hor child, Man, has robbed her.
Clothing- in Slimmer.
Twenty, or evon ten years ago, bo-
foro tho fashion of taking excrciso in
jummor had sot in, tho smart young
man of tho cities put on as much whito
linen or cotton as his purso would
allow. Tho poorest and most forlorn
revelled in a waistcoat which used to
bo whito early in tho week. Thoso
hotter off wore spotless waistcoats o
tho samo material all tho weok, and if
their means allowed it, added thoreto
whito duck trousers. Tho real swells,
liowovcr tho men who had nothing to
do and did it, clothed themselves in
whito linen from head to foot in warm
weather. The Soiitherners,who used in'
anti-bellum days to bo tho wonder and,
delight of Newport and Saratoga and.
Sharon, woro particularly given to rait
incut of this sort, and in fact it was.
tho mark of pecuniary ease com
bined with perfect leisuro. Nobody
who is anydooy is seen in that attiro
now. Tho stiff linon has gono out; tha,
soft woolen has como in. Tho men are,,
in short, all slimsy and squoozeable as
well as tho women. A suit of whito
flannel in Summer, in tho country at
least, is tho highostpoint in thomattorj
of dress to which tho ambition of tha
most restless duda carries him. It
means not only disregard of expense,
but perfection, as regards comfort.,
But tnon tho wearers of whito flannel
by no means monopolize tho good re
sults of tho woolen rovolution. All
Summer clothes aro now in a senso
flannels. Of whatover color thoy mayv
bo, thoy aro thin, porous and light to'
a degree which makes linen seom hot,
heavy and cumbersome in comparison.
It lias boon discovorod, and tho dis-t
covory will novor bo forgotten in any
change of fashion, that woolon cloth
ing, if thin enough, is to tho wearor
very much what the Irishman's whisky
was both winter and summer, It keeps
the boat in whon it is cold, and kcops
thoheat outwhon it is hot. It enables
anybody to loungo on tho grass or on
tho deck without potting rumpled or
soiled, and to oxorclso into any amount
of norbpiratioii withoutgotting chilled.
In met, a well-educated luan.clothodin
thin flannel from tho skin out nnd free
from any organic disease, hi, in ihuh
i nor. ono of tho highest produaU of
modern civillzatio