The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 26, 1885, Image 2

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JONIJS A: CHANCKY, Publishers.
The president hns Appointed Mrs. Marion
A. Mulligan, o! Chicago, to bo pension
agent at Chicago, vico Miss Ada 0. Sweet
resigned, and Joseph D, IJothuno, Cnlifor
nia, to bo register ol the land olllce at Los
Vegns, Caia.
In tlio rccont instructiona sent by the
president to Gen. Schoflcld, to be forwarded
to Gen. Hownrd, commanding tho depart
ment ot tlio I'latte, (or his guidanco In Bot
tling tho labor troubles in Wyoming, ho
directed him to sendsuillclcnt lorco to pro
tect life and property when vioienco ox-
is ted, or was threatened, and to aid tho
civil authorities in preserving pence, and
arresting thoso committing olfenscs against
the law, and to protect especially Uhlneso
laborers from ill-treatment at tho hands
ot other persons.
John-Kceley, a lending merchant of Rock
Bridge, 111., was found dead in his store
with two bullet-holes in his bead. All the
circumstnuccs point to murder, but nocluo
has yet been obtained to tho perpotrator
01 tho deed.
Eleven cars of tho Burlington, CcdnrRap
ids & Northern and tho elovator of Knrarcr
Js Lamb burned ut IndopencUnc. Iowa.
Loss on enrs and contents, $12,000; loss
on elevator unknown.
The Septombor report of tho department
ot agriculturo contains an articlo showing
tlio production, consumption and dlstribu
tion of wlioat of tho United States in tho
last eight years, and others demonstrating
tho excess of tho commercial estimates of
tlio Pneillc const whent production, and
completeness of tho assessor's returns of
tlio western states as to area and products.
Tho second comptroller of tho treasury
tnado a decision denying the motion ot
counsel for tho Baltimore and Ohio rail
road company that tho accounts of that
company for general transportation of
soldiers and supplies during tho civil war
bo reopened. Tho application was based
on tho ground that tlio company was sub
jected to oxtraordlnnry charges and ox
penso in. executing tlio business of tlio gov
ernment, and was thcrcforo ontitlcd to a
mora liberal compensation than was
allowed at the time, tho accounts wero
settled. Tho comptroller declined to ro
open tho accounts, for Ihoroason tiiat thoy
had already been settled, and becauso no
now ovidonco was presented to justify such
a course. IIo also mado lliopoint that tho
property of tho company histoid of being
jeopardized by tho business of tho govern
ment, was in fact protected thereby.
Tho Rov. Moses A. Hopkins, ot Franklin,
ton, N. C, appointed minister to Liberia,
was born u bHivo in Montgomery county,
Vu., and after gaining his freedom ho pur
sued a courso of study and wns graduated
at Lincoln university, i'a., in the class of
187-1, and wns also graduated at tlio Au
burn (N Y.) Presbyterian theological sem
inary. In addition to ills services hh Pres
byterian clergyman, ho has been engaged in
industrial pursuits, and was tho principal
of tho state colorod normal schools at
Frnnkllnton, N. C, several years. Tho
roveroml gentleman was highly recommend
ed for tho position by tho governor and
other ollicinis of North Carolina, and 'by
other men ot prominence, including a great
many clergymen and ropresontativocolored
men of the country.
Gen. ItosecraiiH, register of the treasury,
hns asked far tho resignations of William
P. Titcomb, assistant register, and liar
well Jcuisoii, Charles Mall, Arthur Hen
dricks, .1. II. llentty and N. It. Walker,
chiefs of divisions in tho register's olllce.
Tho resignations are demanded, tho register
nays, so as to secure tho unbiased judgment
and cordial co-operation in any changes
that iiiny bo necessary for tlio good ol tho
public service. IIo has found that the olli
cinis whoso rchlgmitious ho has asked are
not in sympathy with him in reform which
ho proposes in his olllco, and for that reas
on ho desires to roplnco them with men
upon whom hoeun rely.
Tho presldont mndo tho following' up
polntmouts: To bo consuls of tho United
States-ll. W. Gilbert, ot Now York, at
Trieste; James M, Rosso, ot Now York, at
Threo Rivers, Canada. Mohcb A. Hopkins,
ot North Carolina, mlnistor resident and
consul-gonornl ot tho United States to Li
beria. Irwin Dtignn, to bo supervising In
spector ot steam vessels for tho Sixth dis
trict. Deputy U. S. Treasurer Titcomb hns ton
dorcd his resignation at tho request of Gen.
Rosecransj to tako otfoct on tho appoint'
ment nm'i qualification ot bis successor.
Mr. Titcomb has .been in tho treasury do.
pnrtmont for twenty-five years. It is un
derstood that Ross Fitch, a formor em
ployo ot tho trensnry, will bo appointed to
succeed him. Gen. Rosecrans has recom mended
hl appointment. Mr. Tltcorab
will bo retntned in tlio register's olllce as a
clerk at a salary ot $1,800.
Tho sugar works ot tho American Glu
coro company at Peoria, Ill.,buriud to tlio
ground, entailing iv loss ot $250,000. Tho
flames originated nonr tho dry bono kiln
and, driven by tho high winds, Bprond with
great rapidity. Tho beat wns so intenso
that tho ilrenien could senrcely approach
the burning building. Somo nineteen men
omp''"od in tho factory at tho tltno burely
escaped with their lives.
Charles II. Chamberlain has filed a suit
in the United States circuit court nt St.
Louis agnlnstl the Chicago, Burlington and
Quincy railroad company, asking 5100,000
dnmnges tor injuries received in an accident
on that road near Woodlawn, Iowa, ton
years ago, Mr. Clinmborlaln claims that
ho was permanently disabled by tho acci
dent, and sinco then hns been subject to
epileptic fita and othor serious bruin
Tlio body ot Deputy U. 8. Marshal Miller,
who mysteriously disappeared In Sumner
county, Tennesseo, several weeks ngo, has
been found buried within 1100 yards ot tho
liouso nt John Bradley, who him all tho
timobeon suspected o! thomurdor. Bradley
was arrcBtinl and brought to Nnshvllle,
He Is a moonshiner, and Miller was on his
wnjr to servo a warrant ou hint when he
Tho acting comptroller ot the currency
baa authorized the First National bank ot
Dorchester, Neb., the First National bank
ot Wuupun, WU., tho First National bank
of Wayne, Nob., and the Minnehaha Na
tional bank ot Bloux Falls, Dakota, to be
Kin business, each with a capital of ?S0,
A telegram was received at tho mnrins
hospital bureau from Burgeon Dalton, ut
Fori Towiuond, W. T., asking uuthurlty
to employ watchmen to protect tho prop
erty ol tno marino Hospital service, iio
en vs several attempts havo been mndo re-
ccntly to flro tho town, and tho place is now
under patrol by tno citizens.
The commissioner ot internal revenue re
ports that tho amount of distilled spirits
gono into consumption in tho United States
during tlio fi qml vpnr sndpfl .Turin HO. 1885
is GU.155.u02 gallons, and tho fnmouit o'
mult liquors on which tax was paid during
tho same period is 10,185,058 bnrrcls.
Tho nmountot wino consumed in this coun
try during tho year 188-1 is estimated at
20,008,245 gallons.
The acting postmaster-general nppointed
the following fourth-clnss postmasters
In Illinois At Manhattan, C. M. Baker; at
Elkhart, T. Brennan; at Colfax, D. M.
Mitchell: at Prophetstown, J. C. Paddock;
at Washburn, Christian Hoobc; at Gard
ner, U. U. Lover. In Iowa At l'ercy, T.J.
Jones: nt Avershiro. P. II. Owens: at Klco-
villo, J. J. Sloan; at Klkader, D. J. Griffith;
at .Laurel, J. A. ilorton; at Urotnley, m. i,
Ward. In Nebraska At Craig. J. R. Da
vis; at Phillips Stntion, Mrs. Minnie Baker;
at Cedar Itnpids, Li. W. Campbell; at Ches
ter, Stephen Forskick; at Plainviow, Bonj.
Stetson; at Valley, G. W. Agco.
When tho postmnstcr-general returns to
Washington bo will proceed to consider
questions that havo arisen in connection
with tho establishment ot an immediate
delivery systom,and will issuoan addition
al circular to postmasters containing full
and explicit instructions for their guidance
In inaugurating tho new scheme.
Tho commissioner of emigration of tho
tato of Now York havo reported to the
secretary of tho treasury that during tho
year 1884 thoro nrrived at tho port of Now
York 310,000 emigrants, all of whom were
examined by tho board, and on hucIi cxiim
inntions 1,1-14 persons wero found to bo
cither convicts, lunatics; idiots or persons
unable, to tako caro of themselves without
becoming public charges, and wero returned
to tho countries from whence they came.
Rear Admiral Davis, in a dispatch to tho
secretary of tho navy, dated Nagasaki,
Japan, August 11, reports that all foreign
fleeta aro separated in tho soveral ports ot
China and Jnpnn. Tho nows from Coroa,
ho says, indicates an unsettled condition
of affairs, although no overt nets havo
been committed or anticipated. U ho com
ploto withdrawal of Chinoso and Japanese-
troopa look piaco July
Tlio president is said to havo taken a de
cided stand in referonco to California np-
lointiiicnts. Ho hns given tho politicians
o understand that ho will not listen to
anything further in referonco tothesoodlces
or make any moro appointments until tho
strifo ceases.
In reply to tho women's nationnl labor
convention against tho giving out ot wash
ing of towels for tho treasury department
contract upon tho grounds that it oponod
tho way for a Chinoso monopoly, tho secre
tary replied that this work in tlio sovoral
departments Is given out by contract, and
In every enso it is given to responsible
steam laundry establishments who employ
American labor, and under no circum
stances will it bogivou to tho Chinese Tho
Chiueso legation in tno city havo leased for
n term of three years the flno rcsldciiro of ox
Senator Stowart, known ns "Stewart
Castle," and situated on Dtipont circle
Secretary 'Manning declined to mako any
statement whatever in regard tothoallcgcd
silver compromise, on tho ground that ho
did not havo any time to road tho nowspa-
ers and consequently did not know what
ind been said ou tho subject.
It Issomi-ofllchvlly announced that Spain
ins not yet replied to Germany's sugges
tion to refer tho Carollno question to a
friendly power for arbitration, nor had
Spain replied to Germany's demand for a
reparation for tlio insult to tlio Gorman
embassy at Madrid.
Tho Earl of Carnovan in a lato spocch
said it was timo to roject sentimont
and institute an impartial and Bearch-
ng inquiry into tlio relativo merits of free
trade and protection. Ho had been struck
by tlio vast natural resources ot tho west
of Irolaiid that remain undeveloped, owing
to the absence ot railroads and markets.
It was a delicato question as to whother
tlio government should aid in the develop
ment ot tlieao resources, put tho circum-
tiuiccs of Ireland wero similar to thoso ol
tho colonies whore such aid hud been yi von
with advantage.
Ofllcinl IntoHlgonco having boon recoived
at Lima ot the doath ot General Grant,
tings ou tho government building wero
placed ut half mast.
King Alfonso presided at a recent Spanish
cabinet council. An elaborate answer to
Germany was drawn up in tho most friendly
terms, explaining tho claims ot Spain t'l
the Caroline islands, and demanding that
Germany recoguiio tliom.
A dispatch from Peath Btates that Count
Paul Festiecs wub killed by L. Pechoy, son
of Prost, ot tlio Hungarian legation, in a
duo!. It' was at first reported that Pechoy
died ot illness.
Tlio Indcpondenee-Kgyptloiino, ot Cairo,
formerly tlio Rosphoro-Egyptionne, lias
placarded tho walls of Cairo, inviting thoso
who wish to study tho purity of British
morals to read its translation ot the Pall
Mall Gillette's recent articlo on tho Lon
don vices.
At tho royal family reunion to bo hold
by King Christian ot Denmark, at tho cap I
tal ot Frcdouborg, thoro will bo present tho
czar and cznrinn, Princo and Princoss of
Wales, King Georgo of Greece, nnd Duke
and Duchess do Cliartres. Tho occa
sion will bo tho formal betrothal ot
Marie, daughter ot Duko do Cliartres and
Princo Waldeman, youngest son ot King
Christian. During tho visit ot tho czar tho
greatest precautious will bo maintained to
keep hlin safe from any evil designs which
muv bo entertained against him by tho
nihilists. It is stated that tho exur's mor
bidness concerning nihilism is increasing
dally and that as tho result his mind is
almost unhinged with dread.
A tour through Wales line beon arranged
by tho Princo ot Wales upon his return
trom Germany. Ho will first make a gen
eral visit through tho northern part ot tho
country nnd will then havo social recep
tions at Cnrdltr. Swanses, Mlltord Haven
and elsewhere. This tour will bo tho first
formal vIbU which tho priuco over mado to
Lord Leonard, who figured oo promi
nently In tho recent London scandal, hns
gono to Australia on a jiurso raised by his
friends on condition ho remains absent
trow thn country,
Mrs. Samuels, tho mother of Frank
James, iaya that tho ex highwayman
did not gu to Samuel .lotto' revival
meetings, as reported, but has boon
apoud ng eoino tlino with hor ut hor
homo uuur Kouruoy, Mo,
An Ohio Tomi Completely Demolished
by tho Elements.
Fifteen Person Known to be Killed
nnd ITInny More III ion In jr.
Fearful Suffering and Exposure.
Springfield (O.) telegTam: A terrible
cyclone struck Washington C. II., a city
twenty-flve miles west of hero, nt 8 o'clock
to-night and almost literally swept it from
tho earth.
Tho storm came from tho northwest and
broke upon the town very suddenly, carry
Ing everything before it. Hardly a private
rcsidenco in the town escaped, fully 400
buildings going down. The Baptist, Pres
byterian and Catholic churches all suffered
a common fato.
Tho Ohio Southern, Pan Handle narrow
gaugo and Midland railroad depots wero
blown to smithereens, and every building
in uie vicinuy carried away, making ingress
or egress almost impossible As every wire
is cut within a circuit of two miles of it, ac
curate details of the catastrophe aro not
obtainable. Tho only reports that can bo
gotten nro through tlio operator who
tapped a wiro two miles west of town and
is sitting in a heavy rain storm to work his
Tho panic-stricken peoplo woro taken com
pletely unawares and fled from tho tremb
ling buildings in overy direction into tho
murky darkness. A mad h-enzy seemed to
seizo them and thoy hurried hither and
thither in wild distraction, little knowing
wncro iney wero neeing. Alter tho whirl
wind, which lasted about ton minutes, a
neavy rain rail set In which continued un
abated for several hours.
As soon ns tho few cool-headed recovered
their senses, searching parties wero organ
ized and the sad work of lookim? for tlin
dead began. So far flttcen bodies have
beon recoved Trom tho debris of tho ruined
buildings, and tlio drearv work is iusfc bo.
ginning to get under way. It is probable
as many moro will bo lound bcloro morn
ing. Ilio glimmer of lanterns procured
from farm houses in tho vicinity, and from
tho few houses left standing, is tlio nnlv
light thoy havo to work by. Tho cellars
of tho houses and everv sort of refneo woro
lined with shivering peoplo huddling to
gether in tho vain attempt to keep warm
wno on oo in arms has died irom exposure.
Two or threo bodies havo been stumbled
upon in tho middlo of the street, where
thoy wero stricken down by flying bricks or
u moors.
T.T,rT,.TlinlnHS will exceed $1,000,000.
Thoso injured severely and slightly will
number nhnutUOO. Tho city is the county
Beat of Fayetto county. It has had a most
extraordinary business growth within tho
Inst fifteen years, and Doing mo center oi u
rich agricultural district, witli excellent
rnilroad facilities, it had grown to bo a
business plnco of considerable importance
Its residents had a beautiful town, with
tasteful dwellings, and Its recently com
pleted court houso was ono of tho best in
tho state. Now this prosperous town is a
mass of ruins. Tlio oxperienco of its in
habitants hns no parallel in tho history of
any town in Ohio. ..,,,
A heavy rainfall began about 8 o clock
nt. nifht.. That and tho darkness drovo
everybody into shelter, so that while thoro
aro somo who say thoy saw funnel shaped
clouds, it does not seem possible that there
could havo been much observation of tho
heavens. Shortly after tho rain began,
wind camo with a terriiying Bound, lis
work was almost instantaneous Tho
peoplo say it was over in two minutes.
Nobody could tako note of timo in
such fearful experience. Tlio fierce roaring
nt tin, tnrrihlo tornado, tho crashing ot
broken and falling buildings, tho shnrp
Hashes ot lightning, rolling thunder and pit
ilcBs rain, combined to produco Bousations
of a moBt horrifying character.
Two minutes of this startling oxperienco
-n followed bv a new feeling among tho
scattered and terrilled survivors inorosick
ciiiiigthan that through which they had
just passed. It was tho uncertainty of tho
fato of friends and relatives. All who
escaped alivo felt sure that many lives woro
cortninly lost. When tho fierceness ot tho
storm hud passed, and men could commu
nicate with each other, it was found that
all wero in darkness. Tho gas works wero
destroyed and all tho Btreet lights wero out.
Only by tho lightning woro tho frightened
pooplo enabled to catch glimmers of tho
desolation which lu.d wrecked their littlo
city. Friends called for friends, and ns
answers camo tlio first shock of tho dread
was relieved. Tho number of deaths was
miraculously small.
Tho next duty was to search for tho im
prisouod and wounded. In tills thoro wns
a prompt and whole-hearted effort. Torches
wero improvised, and wherever cries wero
heard ready aid wub givon. Moro than
that, tho debris wns overturned to seo if
nny moro dead could bo found. With
cheorful wolcomo tho doora of such lioiiHes
as woro not destroyed wero opened to tlio
homeless ones who had been driven into
tho rain. In many cases they wero utterly
bereft of their household goods. The night
was a fearful one, but it was full of helping
work for tho strong.
With daylight camo tho most heartrend
ing spectacle. Tho fair town of the day bo
oro lay torn and wrecked. The disordered
streets wero well nigh inipaasablo, tor trees
and parts of tlio houses were cast into
thorn. Tho worst ot all was tho sight of tho
poor, who had lost nil and who had no
place. They wandered hopelessly about
as It they were strangers. Of courso pooplo
whoso houses wero not ruined began at
onco to caro for their fellow-sufforers and
tho fanners soon began to pour Into town
from curiosity but at tlio same time bring
ing substantial aid for tlio destitute Be
foro the day ended the council had taken
formal action bv organizing a relief com
mit too nnd by night much wusdouo towards
preventing actual privation.
The great wonder is that moro lives wero
not lost. In tho Odd Fellows hall forty
members wero gathered at a meeting In tho
second story when tlio storm came. The
building was literally thrown down yet
none wero injured. Thlrty-ono went down
with tho ruins and escaped, while nlno
clung to tho walls adjoining tho block and
wero rescued by ladders.
Reports from various parts ot Ohio and
Indiana show that thoBtorm which devas
tated Washington C. II. was widespread.
In Miami county its course was duo east.
At Colesvillo in that county two burns and
ono houso wero blown down and threo of
tho inmates seriously iujured. On the
othor side ot tho Miami boverul buildings
woro damaged. Frame house wero blown
trom their foundation. Tho path of tho
storm was forty rods 'o a halt mile wido.
At Cambridge tlio city house was blown
down. At Dublin and Napoleon, O., and
Seymour, Ind., much damage U reported
but no lives lost.
Rosroo Coukllng now weighs only 193
Kmperor William is an excellent marks
man (or a man ol his advauredage.
Ex-Speaker Kelter may some day bo a
treat cattle king. He i crowing rich
John L. Sullivan Is so tender-hearted
that he wouldn't atrike eveu a moustache
when it la down.
Louis Riel hns a poor opinion of the
press. He may yet get a good send-off, but
will be unablo to read it.
Judgo Tourgee will take thelecturestump
this fall. He will not stand on a plutform
built of "Bricks Without Straw."
"Woman is most muscularin the heart,"
eays a sentimental bachelor, who never
eaw her wield a broom or waltz il night.
Chin-Chin is thennmo of a Qiinesobelle in
Canton. This shows thatcventhc heathen
have some idea ot tho eternnl fitnees ol
Miss Cleveland is said to havo mndo nt
least $50,000 out of her book. She would
be a veritablo helpmeet to some deserving
young man.
Brighnm Young's son John is tho fathei
of twenty-ono children. What he doesn't
know about paregoric and peppermint isn't
worth knowing. .
Dr. Talmago's sermons in Ireland pos
sessed so much rhetorical dynnmito that
lie was dubbed "tho O'Donovan Koe..a ol
tho American pulpit."
Kx-Senator Thurmnn is very fond ol
whist, and often gets so warm while play
ing that he is compelled to mop his bron
with his red bandanna.
Lydia Thompson is said to havo bc-jn
her stago career when sho wis only eievci
years old. Very few prrsons now livin,
can remember the occasion.
Rev. "R. R. R." Burchard, who is now at
Saratoga, shudders when he hears people
talking about the opening of the oystei
season. IIo knows that September has m
"r" in it.
An arborculturlut uyn Ibut I.yriiu
Thompson and Mnggio Mitchell are the
evergreens of the stage, because when they
plant their littlo feet upon tho boards the
make a century plant between them.
Condition of Spring Wheat Throughout
tho United States.
Fnllln;; n In tlio Yield of 1885 us
Compared Wltli 1884.
Condition of the Cotton Crop.
Tho condition of spring wheat, says a
Washington dispatch, hnB been impaired
sinco August 7 in tlio northwest, tho dis
trict of principal production. Heavy rains,
followed by oxtremo heat, botween tho first
nnd middlo of August beforo harvest, shriv
eling tho grain and causing rust. Tho
heavy windstorms prostrated and injured
largo areas.
In Nebraska thero i3 somo complpint of
smut, nnd a littlo in Dakota. Chinch bugs
havo dono somo damngo in Wisconsin and
Minnesota, the injury being greater in Au
gust than in July. The averages are as
Wisconsin 77
Minnesota 78
Loss n
boss f)
1,068 7
Average Aujf.,1881.05
Iowa 88
Colorado 100,
New Eiwinnu states. loo
Torrltorlcs 1001
Tho crop of last year was 15G,000,000
bushels. Returns of winter wheat aro
almost identical in results with those of
July. Thero is a slight advnnco in Michi
gan, Texas, Maryland and somo other
states and a point or two of decrcaso in
soveral. The general average is about G5. 8
against Gf in July. Kxcept as tho result
ol tho Bpring may change the present expec
tations tho winter wheat area may bo
placed at U17.000.000 bushels. If tho in
juries reported in stock should provogrcater
than nro apparent at tho present a lew
millions reduction might still accrue.
Tho condition of corn still continues high,
ranging from DO to 100 in tlio states aver
aged. The general average is S)5 against 00
n August. It was 7-1 last year. In Sep
tember tho frosts wrought very littlo in
jury and will be capable of little if deferred
ten days. Tho prospects aro still ravorablo
for a crop slightly above tho average
Tho September cotton report ot the de
partment of agriculturo shows tho presence
of hot and dry weather during August
caused a shedding of tho blossoms and a
decrenBed vitality resulted quite generally.
Tho condition declined in every stato, tho
average being 87 against OGU in August
last year. Tho present average is two
points abovo tho September nverngo for
tho last ten years. Generally tho plants
aro vigorous and capable with favorable
autumn weather, of ample, growth and full
development. In districts most infected
with cotton worms tlio loss is irreparable
and still threatening.
Sudden Death of Kmory A. Storra nt
Ottuivu, 111.
Ottawa (111.) dispatch: This city wns
thrown into great excitement this morning
by the remarks on tho street that Kmory
Storra, tho great Chicago lawyer, counsel
for Joo C. Mnckin, had died suddenly in ills
room nt tlio Clifton hotel in this city. In
vestigation proved tho report but too true.
Stores is dead. For two days ho had been
suffering a blight disposition, lint no serious
consequence had been anticipated. Tho
best medical services had been attending
im and at no time was ho confined to his
room. J lis who camo Irom Chicago last
evening and during tho night it was neces
sary to administer medicine, which was
dono by Mrs. Storrs herself. This morning
upon awakening sho found him in a dying
condition nnd beyond medical skill. Death
occurred nt 7:10 and was withoutsuffering,
being caused by paralysis of tho heart.
(Hon. F.mer.v A. Storrs wns ono ot tho
most eminent lawyers of tho country and
ran I; oil next to Rob-'rt G. Ingersoll ns an
eloquent orator. In criminal law ho had
low ii any equals and was counsel in many
colebrated cases, including tho famous
whisky ring and latterly tho ballot-box
stutters of Chicago. Within tho hist few
weeks ho was retained as principal coumcl
for tho Mormon church in tlio polygamy
cases which havo bjeu appealed to the
United States supreme court. As a poli
tician Mr. Storrs was a stalwart of stal
warts, ami seconded tho nomination of
General Grant in Chicago in 1880, follow
ing tlio brilliant address ot Hon, Roscne
Colliding. He wnsoneof tlio famous,,:i0U1'
who voted "first, last and all tho time"
for Grant in that convention. Ho wns be
tweon -IS and CO years old at the timo ot
his death.
Thlrd-Clnss 0nlce3.
At tho last session of congress thero was
passed np act authorizing the poBtmnster
goucrnl to leaBo buildings occupied by tho
third-class postodlced. The amount ot the
appropriation for leaving postofllce build
ings, however, wns $4130,000, or just
about enough money Wi defray tho expense
ot tensing buildings for olllces of tho first
and second class; consequently the post
master-general has neon unablo to carry
out the provisions ot the act authorizing
tho leasing of third-class olllces. There aro
1,728 third-class olllces. and it ta estimated
that SUSO.OOO will bo required annually to
defray the expenses ot leasing suitable
quarters tor them. It la probable that
when congress meets recommendations will
be made by tlio postmaster-general that an
adequate appropriation be made tor thee
Uaaea or that the act be repealed,
Third Auditor Williams Addresses a
Letter to Secretary Manning-.
IVlicrclit IIo Snow WlinfelliiH Uecn
Accomplished In I'oui- Month.
Claims Amounting to $W4,S'J7, 111 Ailjutti
Col. John S. WilliamB, third nuditor of
the treasury, addressed a letter to tho sec
retary of tho treasury, stating that when
ho assumed tho duties of third auditor,
May 1, 1885, it was notorious that tho
business of tho office wns largely in arrears,
tho causobcing that tho clerical force was
not sufficient for a proper dispatch of tho
work. Tho pension division was nearly a
year behind in its examination and settle
ment of accounts of pension agents, involv
ing a sum of $75,987,885; miscellaneous
claims against the government, including
stato war claims, amounting to $15,587,
774. Somo ot tlio work in the collection
division wns over two years in arrears.
In the horse claim division- over 11,000
claims wero pending nnd unsettled, involv
ing $1,71C,UUG. Tlio unsettled accounts
of tho army quartcrrnnsters and commis
ioners amounted to$5,45S,20S; unsettled
accounts of engineers amounted to $5,55G,
B2G, making a grand total of $104,527,
017. In tho short space of four months, end
ing August 31, nnd without increasing the
Skricnl force, Auditor Williams Bays tho
accounts of all pension ngents havo been
examined nnd settled up to Juno 1 last,
and tho clerks in tho division aro now ex
amining nnd settling accounts of tho last
quarter, which is current work.
As showing tho improvement in the work
ing capacity of the clerks in that division,
ho says that during the months ot May,
Juno, July nnd August, 1884, thero was
examined and Bottled accounts aggregat
ing $18,223,580. For tho corresponding
four months of 1885 tho snmo clerks with
perhaps threo or four exceptions examined
and settled $75,105,778. These figures
mako their comment. In tlio house clnims
division 013 claims have been adjusted or
rojected involving $70,275, besides carry
ing on a largo amount of correspondence
necessary to proper disposal of remaining
cases. Durinii tho Bamo period in 1884,
200 cases wero disposed of, involving $27,-
840. Tho accounts ol quartermasters,
commissnries nnd engineers nro up as far
ns possible for them to bo, and tlie clerks
in theso divisions nro now engaged in cur
rent work. Tho clnims division, collection
division and horse claims division aro tlio
only ones in nrrears, and tho character of
tho work necessarily precludes a possibility
of its being dono promptly. This is ex
n'.nined on tho plea that almost in every
enso information is required from other
officers and outsido sources, which often
involves a long delay.
Auditor Williams says it is duo to tho
clerks in his olllco to say that, with a few
exceptions, since tho present auditor's in
cumbency, they havo been faithful and
efficient. Their improvement in this re
spect is simply wonderful. As a conse
quence a largo amount of work has been
performed, and that on tho whole tho bus
iness is in a very satisfactory condition.
Continuing, ho says in this connection,
however, it mn, bo stated that sinco the
4th day of March thero appears to havo
been an astonishing improvement in tho
health of tlio clerks. Last year with 157
clerks there were l.GDG sick days. To-day
the auditor knows of only two clerks who
aro absent on sick leave. As a result of
the improved condition of tho business ot
tho olllco is tlio fact that greater ef
ficiency has been obtained. Tlio third aud
itor recommends a reduction in tlio cleri
cal force. Tho law now provides for 158
clerks. Thero aro now six vacancies by
resignation, which need not bo filled, and
the services of twelve more clerks enn bo
dispensed with without injuring tho public
service, making a total reduction ot eigh
teen clerks.
IIo Attempt to Clnihllso Youiiu' Jtlcn
lor Lead lilt: Ills Son Astray.
Petersburg (Va.) telegram: United States
Senator William Mahono figured this oven
ing in an attempt to cowhide two young
society gentlemen of this city. Tho facts
furnished by ono ot the gentlemen attacked
by Mahono, aro as follows: Tho senator's
son Butler has many friends among tho
young democrats of this city, and is iden
tified with thorn socially, thero existing
most agreeable relations botween them.
Of lato tho young man, so tho senator
thought, had been indulging in harmful dis
sipation, and tho senator concluded that
his democratic associates wero tho causo of
his delinquencies.
Witli this conviction uppermost in his
mind, Mahono camo down town this after
noon, armed with a horsewhip, and deter
mined to wreak vengeance upon his son's
associates. Tho sonator was accompanied
on this warlike mission by Captain Asa
Rogers. He found bis son in company with
Alexander Donnan, jr., nnd Thomas Hun
ter, tho threo young men being in a group
near the club house.
As Boon ns tho Bonntor saw tho young
gentlemen bo wnlked at once nmong them
and without explanation grossly insulted
Hunter, taxing him with being tho author
of Butler a Inst dissipation. Jtunter did
not resent tlio imputation nnd Donnan,
who turned toward tho senator, wns met
by a storm of abusive epithets. Tho at
tack was nccompnuied by a string of pro
fanity. Thosenator also menaced Donnan
with ills whip and uccompanied tlio menace,
witli tlio remark that ho intended to cow
hide him within a,n inch ot his life
Donnan, wlto is very plucky, but quite a
young man, at onco supposed tho senator
was further armed. Ho thcrcforo produced
a penknife from his pocket rushed upon tho
senator, caught him by tlio body and hold
ing tho knifo dangerously near his faco do
fled him to utter another word or make
any motion with his whip.
Tlio two men confronted each other for a
moment only. Had Senator Mahono
moved ho would probably have been stab
bed, but beforo tho aflnir wns allowed to
culminate Capt. Rogers stepped between
tho two men nnd averted what promised to
bo a sanguinary encounter.
Mahono was at ouceledoff and High Con
stable Minotreo prevented Donnan from
prosecuting tlio matter further.
Murder About a Banana.
Fivo young men, walking down Halstead
street, Chicago, stopped near tho stand ot
Michael Rnssa, a fruit peddler, whilo one of
their number purchased some bannnas.
Becoming enraged becauso one of the young
men took a banana which had not been
paid for, Rossa seited a pointed knife nnd
plunged it into tho breast of John Kehoe.
The wounded man ran ncross tho street
and fell dead. Rossa lied but has been cap
tured. Hendinltted the cutting, but claims
it was done in eelt-defcnse.
lVnslos, mignouotto. sweet nlysum,
and many other flowers, will bloom
much better if no flower is allowed to
A quiet consoienco causes a quiet
r. Ilnrtins or Iluwsln the Godfather
of tlio Jiexv member of Our
Stellar 1'nmtlj-.
London dispatch Astronomers have Tor
the first time in the world's history assisted
at the birth of a new member of our stellar
system. Dr. Hartlns of the Dorpa University
Obfcrratory in Russia Is the Rcdfather ot
this by no means little stranger, which may
be 3,00(1,000 times larger than our sun, ami
which by its mere birth threatens to upset
many of our most Jeherlshed astronomical
theories. The ncbul.e of Andromeda is th
mother of the uew star. Between 0 and "10
..'clock on any clear evening; tho newly-born
m ly bo found In the Eastern sky, well up
irom the horizon, as a glowing point of the
eighth magnitude, surrounded by the cloud
1 kc mist of the nebula from which it sprang1.
A good pair of opera-classes will clearly show
both the nebula and star.
Our midwife astronomers aro now hard at
work measuring, weighing and posslplnir
about the unexpected joungstcr which has.
irlven them no cause for complaint as regards
either growth or ability to make a noise In
the world. August 10th the nebula was care
fully scanned, but not the slightest signs ot
change- were observed. The nebula, according
to a photorap'i then takeu remained in Its
ordinary condition of a gigantic ajUomcra
tlou oi fairly-glowing star hilst, In which the
most powerful telescopes could distinguish
nothing; except a faintly glowing nucleus ol
nebula. August l'Jtu the new star was seen
ns a brilliant point near the nucleus, but the
great Importance of the discovery was not ap-
preciaieu uuui in cepiciuuer.
Since its sudden birth the star has given
constant cause for astronomical gossip on ac
count of its irregular hahlts. Not only has it
clanged Its position in the sky by t?n seconds
in one direction and two seconds" in the other,
but it also shines with an unsteady, flicker
ing, orange-like light, now to memb'ers of the
staid star family. These manifestations may
be simply a species of stellar wild oats from
which tlic new star will emerge to be a cre.llt
to its mother, or they may portend n career ns
startling as its orlglu. Godfather Darting
dec lues to predict his nurseling's future, and
Mr. Richard A. Proctor, who has the report
er s seat at all celestial events, Is equally non
committal. Certain it is, at anv rate, that by
1U birth, its life, and icrhaps its diath, tho
dissolute star will teach astronomers many a
valu ilile leson con erning the universe. It
may I e that it will leave behind it if It dies a
wreck of theories that wld brlr.x gray-headed
astronomers In sorrow to new beliefs.
It Is an odd fact that the variable Etars
occasional.y and unexpectedly appear In
the midst of gaseous nebula. This seems
to emphasize still further tlio dp Terence be
tween the now unknown and other ttars, for
Andromeda Is shown by the sp. ctrcscopc to
be a stellar, not a gaseous, nebula. More
over, till astronomers so iar agree that the new
star is not a sun unexpectedly blaz
ing Into new life, but It is on the contrary, a
new agglomeration ol force and matter sud
denly created or brought together by laws not
yet even to be guessed by our science
With its first flicker the new star shook La
place's nebular hypothesis until seams and
flaws stand out all over this theoretical ex
lunation of the creation; fur a single
' catastrophic" sun blazing out with lull pow
ers would uttcrlv upset a theorv which de
mands ages of slow accretion before such a
sun could even be thought of. This star may
prove that our universe Is, after all, but one
of the many systems Is untrue This new
teacher seems to show that all the wonderful
variety of suns double, triple a'ld multiple,
far distant clouds of suns anil star dut and
star vapor as well arc alike parts of our own
system, not strangers subject to other laws
and with othor attributes. As th's star liy Its
birihbas shown the universal kinship of
worlds, may it not also enable astronomers to
look lorward to the end tf all mattirf
With tho British Association discussing It
from the Aberdeen point of view, with tele
sco, es pointing 1 rr m id I the ohservat -ries ot
this hemisphere toward it, and with astrono
mical vie; rs writing letters about It. the- new
star must certalulv tell what it has t tell.
The trotter Iron Age dropped dead while
trotting in tho freo-for-nll race at tho Gea
tlemen's Driving park, Bridgeport, Conn.
Lord RussoU, tlio 4-year-old brother of
Maud S., recently got fast in her box at
Woodburn, and severely injured his hind
Tho total amount of money won nt tho
two Saratoga meetings was 121, 1205. Tho
get ot Pat Molloy wore tho most successful,
earning $1-1,8:15, Irish Pat leading with
$S,i)50 to Ids credit.
Tho National Horse Show association of
America will hold its third annual exhibi
tion at Madison Squaro Garden, on No
vember 15-7. The premium list will amount
to over ?19,000, and entries will closo on
Saturday, October 10.
There is still talk of Mis' Woodford and
Freelund meeting again, but so far it has
amounted to nothing. The Washington
Park club of Chicago has offered $5,000
of added money to any race mado between
the two, to bo decided on its track, and
?1,000 additional if Pontine should start.
Tho Associated Press account of tlio at
tempt of Maud S. to beat her record ab
Providence recently wns incorrect in say
ing that bIio then made the fastest half
mile on record (1.0!1). At tho Belmont
course, on August 15, 1884, Jay-K.vo-Seo
trotted a quarter in .32,M, and tho half in
Pnrolo's nnnearanco at Sheensliead Bay,
alter an absenco of two years, was the oc
casion of a great popular ovation. Parole
looked quito high in llesh. His chnngo of
color, too, was tho subject of general re
mnrk. From a brown liobasbecomo quito
a bay. But most horses become lighter in
their coat witli ago. Ten years ngo Parole
was almost black; two years ago ho was a
"burnt brown."
A Fearful Railroad Collision.
Trains 21 and 24 on tho Erie and Pitts
burg railroad collided on tho 9th, ono mile
southwest of Middlesex. Tlio fireman and
engineer ot tho north-bound train, Adam
Reiser and A. 0. Bates, botli ot Erie, were
instantly killed by tho collision. Fireman
Reiser was literally cut in two nnd diseni
bowled. Bates leaves a wife and ono child
and Reiser a family of five children. The
engines wero completely demolished and
fragments of iron hurled hundreds of feet
by the explosion of a boiler. Frank Tor
rath, baggngemaster, was thrown into a
meadow 125 feot away and badly injured.
Two express messengers (D. G. Gage and
W. H. Shnfer) wero nlso bruised and cut.
R. H. Bain, mall agent, sustained bruises
about the face. The southbound train
carried two hundred excursionists for Rock
Point, but they miraculously escaped.
The blame is laid to mixed train orders in
regard to passing. The loss is estimated
at $35,000
JInrch or tho llovlncs.
Indian Commissioner Atkins has received
a telegram from Capt. Leo, agent at tho
Clioyenne and Arnpahoo Indian reserva
tion, in which ho states that up to tho
present timo 00,000 cattle have been driven
oft the reservation. About 50,000 yet re
main, but they aro all moving out with a
single exception, where the owner has not
et been nolo to secure anomer "
-!,. Q..t lialtavea flint. Ida individual
AMV h V ' V 'V..W ' ------ - - .
menns to leave, but says that it his sin
cerity is doubted Ida stock will be retuovwl
by the government.