The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 26, 1885, Image 1

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The Oregon Scout.
NO, 13.
An Independent weekly Journal, Issued every
Saturday by
Publlehers and Proprietors.
A. K. Jokks, 1
Editor, i
( Foreman.
One copy, ono year ?l CO
' " Six months l no
" " Three months 75
Invariably cash In advance
Rates of advertising- made known on appli
cation. Correspondence from all parts of tho county
Address all communications to A. K. Jones,
Editor Orcjron Scout, Union, Or.
Lodge Directory.
Guard ItONiiB Vaiaby Lodoe, No. fifl. A. V.
and A. M. Meets on the second and fourth
Saturdays of each month.
O. F. Hell, W. M.
C. E. Davis, Secretary.
TToton Lowie, No. 39. 1. O. O. F. Iletrular
meetings on Friday evenings of ench week at
their hall in Union. All brethren in good
standing are invited to attond. Ily order of
tho lodiro. S. W. LON'd, N. G.
G. A. Thomvson, Socy.
Cliurrli Directory.
M. E. Citrncii Divine peivlco every Sunday
at 11 a. m and T p. in. Sunday school at 3 p.
m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evonlng
at6:30. IIkv. Andeuson, Pastor.
I'ltEsnvTSRiAK CiimtCH Ilcgular church
sorvlces every Sabbath morning and evonlntr.
Prayer meeting oach week on Wednesday
ovonlng. Sabbath Fchool overy Sabbathat
10 a. m. Kov. II. Vkunon Uice, Pastor.
St. John's Episcopal Cnuitcii Service
every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in.
IIev. W. It. Powell, Kector.
County Ofllcern.
Judge A. C. Craig
Sheriff A. L. Saunders
Clork 11. F. Wilson
Treasurer A. F. Uenson
School Superintendent J. L. Hinduum
Surveyor 1 1. Sin.onls
Coroner E. H. Lowis
Goo. Acklos Jno. Stanley
State Senator L. li. llinclmrt
1 T.Dick E. E. Taylor
City Olllcei.
Mayor D. B. Iloes
S. A. Pursol W. D. Ttnldlemnn
J. P. Elliott Willis frkiff
J. II. Eaton G. A. Thompson
Recorder J. 11. Thomson
Marshal J. A.Dennov
Treasurer J. I). Carroll
Street Commissioner Ii. Eaton
Departure of Triiluw.
Regular cast bound trains leavo atO:R0a.
ni. Westbound trains leuvo at 4:20 p. m.
Collecting and probato proctico specialties
Olllce, two doors south of 1'ostolllco, Union
Attorney at Law aacl Notary Pale,
Ofllco, ono door south of J. B. Eaton's store,
union, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon
Office, ono door south ot J. B. Eaton's store,
union, uregou.
A. E. SCOTT, M. D.,
physician aii ;swuGro,
Has permanently located nt North Powdor,
wbcrono will answer an calls.
Union, ... - Oregon
PliyHlcinn and Surgeon,
Union, Oregon.
Office, Main street, ncitdoorto Jones Bros.'
vnnuiv more.
Rcsldenco, Main streot, second bouse south
of court house.
Chronic diseases a specialty.
Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office. B
street, two doors cast of Jones Bros. varloty
Biuru, uniuu, umuu,
Attorney- nt lnir. Ileal rotate
and Collecting1 Agent.
Land Oflico Business a Specialty.
Offlco at Alder, Union Co., Oregon.
Will practice in Union, Haker, Grnnt,
Umatilla and Morrow Counties, also in tlx
Supreme Court ot Oregou, the District,
Circuit and Supremo Courts ol tho United
Mining and Corporation bualneM a po
icalty, Olllce in Union, Oregoa.
Thfre were watchers by tho bedside,
And silence In the room;
Tlicre was morning light and shadow,
From a night of troubled gloom;
There were hearts akin to breaking;
There were souls, boned down with grief;
There were drinkings deep from sorrow's
In moments all too brief.
There wore farewells sad and tender,
In whispers colt and low;
Thero were waitings for tho Messenger
Of measured step and slow;
There were earthly warfares ending,
There was cease from worldly strife;
Thero wero mortals made immortal,
There was death and vndless life.
There were watchers by the bedside,
Whose forms we might not see;
There were spirit voices chanting
In Bwcctcst melody,
There was Morning light upbreaking
Into Everlasting Day,
When tho watchers and our dear ono
Went up the heavenly way.
Cl.AllK W. UllYAIf.
Sho camo to our far-a-way, quiet,
mountain-flanked village in early sum
mer, and, stopping first at the hotel,
Bho registered her namo as Kate Bur
bank, of New York. Sho might havo
been 22 not more than that and was
very pretty.
But sho did not remain long at the
hotel. Sho brought letters of recom
mendation to tho rector of our parish,
and was soon admitted as a member
of his family. Sho was an orphan with
out brother or sister. Sho pos
sessed property enough to sup
port her in an humble way, until
sho could turn her hand to some
profitable and pleasant employment.
Toward tho end of July tho rector's
nephew, Arthur Grafton, camo on a
visit. He had graduated at college,
studied law and had been admitted to
the bar, and now, beforo commencing
practice, he had como to tho mountain
village for recreation. Ho was 2i
years of age, tall, strong, and robust,
tho very picturo of manly health.
Certainly Arthur Grafton had never
before met a woman to him like this
woman. How bright and joyous wero
tho days, how sweet and enjoyable
wero tho evenings! Arthur resolved that
ho would know his fate. Ho looked
tho matter squarely in tho face, and
made his calculations. In September
ho was to enter his office in New York
and influential friends had promised
to assist him in business. lie knew
he should succeed. Within a year lie
would bo ablo to support a wifo. If
Kate would havo him and wait a year
ho would work with a will. He would
speak beforo another night shut in
upon him.
Beforo that night camo Arthur and
Kato in their rambling met Charles
Dabney, of New York. Dabney had
been Arthur s classmate m college
Kato's hand trembled on her compan
ion's arm, and as ho advanced to
speak with his friend sho turned away
and waiteu lor mm until he came back
"Dear old Charlie!" ho said. "Wo
wero chums in college I must run over
to tho hotel and see him after tea."
After tea Arthur went over to tho
hotel as he had promised. A brief in
terchango of fraternal greetings, and
then Dabney burst forth:
"Look hero, old fellow, how in tho
namo ot wmndcr did you manago to
get the heiress under whir?"
"Tho heiress?" repeated Arthur won
deringly. "Ayo Miss Cornelissen tho lady
you were with this afternoon. Sho
didn't recognizo mo, though I am sure
she knew me."
"Miss Cornelissen!" echoed our hero.
"What do you mean, Charlie? You
havo mistaken tho person. Tho lady
you saw in my company this after
noon was Miss Kato Burbank, of Now
York, an orphan whom friends com
mended to my uncle, tho rector."
Charles Dabney drew a long breath,
and then whistled.
"Forgive me, Arty. Perhaps I've
put my foot in it; but it can't bo help
ed now. I will tell you tho truth and
you may govern yourself accordingly.
It may bo well that you should bo
on your guard. Her mother's maiden
namo was Burbank. Miss Kato
Burbank Cornelissen was tho lady I
saw upon your arm. Her father was
Hendrick Cornelissen, tho old East
India trader arid ship-owner, who died
four years ago; leaving his only child
heiress to three millions. A year ago
6ho camo into full possession, and sho
has fled to this secluded nook to es
capo tho sycophants and noodles that
beset her on overy hand. I under
stand now."
Arthur Grafton returned to tho rec
tory in a daze. Ho knew that Dabney
had told him tho truth. On the fol
lowing morning, ns Katio looked out
from her chamber window, sho saw
Arthur walking in tho garden. His
Bten was slow and dragging, his head
wasbentj and his bonds wero folded
behind him. Certainly ho looked far
from happy. When Bho came down
into tho little sitting-room whero tho
piano was she found tho rector and his
wifo there, looking Btrangely uncom
fortable and perplexed.
"Something haslifmnfmed we don't
know what," said Mr. Edgnrton, in
answer to her earnest Questioning.
"Arthur is going back to Now York nt
once ho says to-day."
"But I thought ho was to stay until
"So ho had planned, but something
has changed him."
A great weight sank upon Kato's
heart, and a choking was in her throat.
Sho turned away and thought. Ar
thur had discovered her secret and was
afraid of her. But, had sho gained his
heart? And, if so, should shelosehim?
Should sho, without ono struggle, sur
render tho only promiso of joy, true
and pure, that had entered her life
since ner father died?
Arthur Grafton, standing beneath a
drooping elm, himself also droop
ing, felt a light touch upon his
arm. IIo turned and looked into tho
sweet, earnest faco of tho beautiful be
ing who had been occupying all his
"Arthur, your uncle tells me that
you think of leaving us." Sho spoko
with a calmness thntcost hera mighty
"Yes," he answered in a voice that
sounded hollow and distant.
Sho stood back and looked at him
with prayerful earnestness.
"Arthur, will you answer a few ques
tions truly and frankly?"
"If you had not met Charles Dabney
yesterday, tho thought of leaving us
to-day would not have entered your
Hehcsitatedandconsidered. Surely
it would bo honorable to answer with
tho simplo truth.
"It would not," he said.
"Charles Dabney told you who my
father was?"
"And that my family namo was Cor
nelissen?" "Yes."
"And ho told you that I was very,
very wealthy in tho possession of
"Arthur, in tho great city I was hun
ted for my wealth. I grow sick and
tired of tho dreadful infliction, and re
solved to cscapo into a purer atmos
phere, and, if possible, leavo all traco
of my poor wealth behind mo. Good
friends, fully appreciating my purposo,
assisted mo. Dropping my well-known
family name, I came hither, recom
mended chiefly by ono who had been
your uncle's coilego mate in other
years. And hero I found peaco and
sweet content. By and by you camo to
share tho life with me. Novcr mind
how I discovered it, but tho knowl
edge came to mo that you wore a truo
and noblo man. And soon soon I
believed you loved mo. My heart
bounded with gladness when 1 thought
that a truo, strong and generous man
had fallen in lovo with poor, simplo
Kate Burbank. Canyon doub't whith
er my own heart was tending?
"Arthur, I love you with my wholo
heart. If you lovo mo as I had hoped,
you shall not go away from me. I
will not loso my brightness of life for
tho lack of a few honest words."
In a moment more sho was gathered
in tho strong, sheltering cmbrano of a
man who could not speak for joy.
Ten Feet of Pure IFoncy.
From tho Portland (Oro.) News.
A short time ago Samuel, Asa, and
Joe Holady, of Scappoose, took a trip
over to tho Lowiston River , In order
to look into tho resources of that ro
gion. They found it a most beautiful
country, and one that offers many in
ducements to settlers. Tho part visit
ed lies off in tho direction of mount St.
Helena, and is composed of both tim
ber land and of fine open tracts which
abound in game, largo and small.
While encamped on tho river, they dis
covered an object that was novel nnd
intercstingns it was beautiful and strik
ing. In their rambles through tho pino
woods they suddenly camo upon afall
en tree across tho path which, on in
spection, they found to bo hollow.
Through a knot-holo they could see
something white and at once began to
investigate. They sawed into tho log
and were surprised to find that the
wholo interior of tho log was filled solid
ly with honey, They at onco brought
from their camp somo of their vessels
to fill with this sweetest of all nature's
productions. Their buckets and pans
wore Boon filled. Then they sawed ofl
another length of tho log and found it
still solid with the honey. This they
repeated and took from it honey until
they had opened up ten feet of pure,
lovely honey, which yielded a comb
that was in many plnces four inches
thick. Of this find they carried away
180 pounds, which they declared was
tho finest they ever tasted, being far
richer than tho tame honey which they
They slowly approached tho house
he with a sad, dejected air nnd she
with a scornful look upon her young
faco. "I cannot imagine, my dear,"
ho said mournfully, as they gained the
front door, "what has como over you
bo "uddenly. I should at least know
my offence. I simply asked you if you
were romantic, when " A startled
look camo over tho girl's face. "You
asked mo what?" sho demanded. "I
asked you if you wero romantic, and
" "Forgive mtGeorge," she ex
claimed. "I thought' you asked me if
I was rheumatic.
Tho Connecticut River, once a nav
igable stream for a considerable dis
tance, is said to be drvinc un because
of tho destruction of the forests along ,
us aiersnea.
su.vii:kkd nucsns.
Front the Independent.
Oli! whs it I, or was it yon
That broke the subtle chain thnt ran
Uetwcen us two, between us two?
Oh! was it 1, or wns it you?
Not very strong the chain at best,
Not quite complete from span to span;
I never thought 'twould stand tho test
Of settled commonplace, at best.
But oh! how sweet, how sweet you wero,
When things were at tlmr first nnd best,
And wo wero friends winiout demur,
Shut out from nil tho sound and stir.
Tho little, pretty, woildly rncel
Why couldn't wo have stood tho test
Tho little test of commonplace
And kept the glory and tho grace.
Of thnt sweet time when first we met?
Ohl was it I, or wns it you
That dropped the golden links and lei
Tho little rift, nnd doubt and frot
Creep in and break that subtle chain?
O! wns it I, or was it you?
Still ever yet and yet again
Old parted friends will ask with pnin.
Noua I'EimT.
I loved my wife. Who would not
have loved her? Arosobrimmingwith
Biinbcams, tho blind felt her beauty
and turned to breatho its fragrance.
Never, from tho moment I first saw
her, has sho over heard an ungentle
word from mo. Icomo of a cold, silent
family; but in her presence my heart
turned into firo and my tonguo into
What a strange thing is tho light of
beauty! In youth, how much strong
er than tho light of truthl Thero aro
fishes in tho depths of tho ocean whoso
only light is phosphorescence. Tho
sunbeams turn black beforo they read
bo deep. So unreal but so beautiful is
tho light in which lovers move!
I met Alico in tho Whito Mountains
nnd ono would search far to find a
more ideal mountain maiden.
form light and graceful ns tho mist! a
breath and voico ns migrant and urn
sicnl as tho mountain pino! a glance
that, liko tho wing of the eagle, boro
the soul to thestars!
I had become betrothed to her in a
romantic spot on tho summit.of tho
"Maiden's Leap," a low peak among
the Whito Mountains, .around which
tosses a sea of giant, rocky billows
Wo lived in hew York, nnd tho first
year of my married life knew no cloud
1 1 , .1 . . , V 1 . . 1.
excepe tnat which uio art oi iancy
sometimes conmros up in a sunny sky
to tamo tho excess of light. Alico had
ninny friends of both sexes who ad
admired her beauty and versatile coir
vernation. I had but Iittlo lovo or so
ciety, but I was proud of her success
nnd encouraged her to becomo a lead
er of our Iittlo sot. Among our inti
mate friends wns a young lawyer,
John JManwarmg, rich, hand
Bomo and talented. No thought o
jealousy in connection with him
over entered my head; indeed, my wifo
was icalous ot my lovo lor mm, ant:
often used to say, pettishly, that sho
bclioved I cared more for him than for
her. Sho often quarreled with him on
pretexts so frivolous that I was
nslmmed of her, and had to apologize
or her rudeness.
Ono day Alico and I wero going to
walk in Central Park. I had stopped
a moment to talk to a policeman, and
Alico wns a few rods beforo mo. As
was hastening to overtake her, a ribald
broker whom I had met in Wall streot
touched mo on tho shoulder nnd, nod
ding his head toward my wife, said,
with a pleasant smile:
"No chance for you thero, Schuyler;
Manwaring has cot ahead of you."
Thero aro somo words that carry a
collateral conviction to tho heart that
1 all direct arguments would fail to bo-
A moment beforo this jest I would
havo staked my hfo on Alico s truth;
but as tho poisonous words bit into
my heart, I know that from tho begin-
, ning 1 had been betrayed.
I I said nothing to Alico I was, por
haps.a Iittlo more polite. I remember
looking at her wedding ring and whis
nering softly:
! "Alico, you havo never had this ring
oil your linger"
! At which she blushed and cast down
her eyes.
I That same week Manwaring was to
visit uuna.
I told him that I would go with him,
that I wanted his opinion in tho pur-
r f i ?a
cuaso ui cigurs, anu unit ins society
was always bo agreeaolo to me.
Why could lie not read my heart?
Sword to sword, knifo to knife, hand to
hand, I wns wild to find myself in somo
country whero lives pay lor wrongs.
Manwaring was in a strango humor
during tho voyage. Twico wo woro
caught in a storm. IVspito tho cap
tain's warning, on Woth these oc
casions Manwaring insisted on remain
ing on deck. In tho height of each
tempest; I stole besido him and
looked into his faco. IIo trended.
A touch, and I could havo hurled Tiim
Into the black and seething whirlpool,
and no ono tho wiser. But I felt no
temptation to play a treacherous
part. That I left to baser natures.
IIo should have fair play to the smal
lestchanco. When wo reached tho harbor of
Havana, wo were dotained a day by
tho health officers. Manwaring, to
pass the time, insisted on tak!ng a
swim. The captain tried to prevent
dim. "Sailors," lie said, "wero for
bidden to go Into the water for bat oi
sharks." But Manwarir : had giown
still moro nervous. Hen is now never
at rest, nnd tho cnpt.iin's reasons
failed to dissundo him. At lenght n
yawl wns manned; wo stepped on
board, and Manwaring undrcseed and
dove into tho water. He swam but a
few yards from tho boat, and
had been in tho water but
fivo minutes, when ono ol
tho sailors shouted, "Shark!"
Mnnwnring, though an expert swim
mer, seemed paralyzed by the word.
Already half his short iniuuto of sal
vation was gono. "Quick, or you nre
lost! " shouted tho boatswain. IIo was
sinkingfrom terror.
"Ha!" I thought, grimly, "this ex
ploit has been planned to impress me
with your courage; it lias miscar
Then nn inspiration of rovenge seized
mo, I caught a ropo in ono hand and
Icimcd into tho water. In a few sec
onds I had clasped Manwaring around
tho waist tho sailors pulled bravely
I was just in time, for, as I was lifted
last from tho water, a hugo man-eater
snapped indignantly at my legs. I do
not tliink I am a coward; but I fainted
" ou owo your lifo to vour friend,"
I heard tho boatswain sav to Man
waring as I wns returning to conscious
I looked at tho lattcr's face. A
strango revulsion had taken placo in
my leehngs. l no longor wished to kill
him: I would prolong his lifo for cen
turies. I had risked my lifo and saved
his; it was tho ecstasy of revengo. I
know that whatever agony I had suf
fered was now transferred to tho heart
of my enemy.
My mission was over. Tho next
morning I bado Manwarninggood-bvo
His faco already showed tho conflict
of emotions that had begun to rack
his soul. IIo offered mo his hnnd in
parting; but I did not see it, and bow
ed and left him.
I took tho next steamer to New York
I reached tho city on tho third day of
Juno, and nt onco proposed to my
wifo to join a party of friends in a trip
to tho WhitoMountains. In two days
wo wero seated on tho very spot of our
I told her slowly of my adventure in
Havana. I uttered no chargo against
her; out her incogrow paler and pnler,
ns sho felt herself growing powerless in
tho unseen toils of a god-hko rovenge.
For myself, I felt tho triumph of tho
old gladiator with tho not and trident.
Calmly I thrust tho iron into hersoul.
"Alico, why did you marry mor
asked at length, as I finished.
"Ono must saeritieo something to ap
pearances, she replied, in a cold, mo
tallic voice. "Every prudent woman
secures a husband. You served as well
as nnothcr."
Then a terrible look of agony that
belied her forced words passed over
her mco.
"I havo never spoken a harsh word
to you, Alice, nor will I now. May
Heaven forgive you!"
I havo not seen her since; I Bhnll
never seo her again. llham Wash
burn, in John Swintop's Paper.
The late streot car riot in Chicngo
grew out of tho summary dischargo of
a number of conductors by a subordi
nate official. During tho troubles,
Mr. J. Russell Jones, tho President of
tho railway company promised to in
vestigate tho cases. Thus far tho
charges in sovoral of tho cases have
been found to havo been insufficient to
justify dismissal, and tho employes
havo been reinstated. Mr. Jones is
determined that hereafter all tho em
ployes of tho company aro to bo treat
ed fairly and generously, and tho pol
icy of tho company's management in
thofuturo shall bo not only just to all
tho employes, but magnanimous and
satisfactory to tho patrons of its cars.
This is something liko bolting tho sta
ble door after tho horses havo been
stolen. Why could not Mr. J. Russell
Jones havo thought of this net of jus
tice to his employes beforo tho gigan
tic mischief resulting from his neglect
had been brought about.
Tho Philadelphia Times points out
that during tho two decades of their
oxistenco instead of turning out farm
ers tho agricultural colleges havo gradu
ated as largo a proportion of lawyers,
doctors, ministers nnd commercial
men as tho other and older colleges
with which they havo como into com
petition. In no instance that now
can be recalled havo thoy produced a
man, whether professor or student,
who has made any valuablo contribu
tion to practical agriculture, or who
has dono any work which fitted him to
rank higher than the average profossor
or tutor in other colleges.
Caroline Ilealy Dall, a veteran ad.
vocato of woman's suffrage, declares
that sho has Been for a long timo "that
tho feeling of moro highly educated
peoplo is less favorable to an oxten
Bion of suffrago than it wns twenty
years ago," and that tho consumma
tion which Bho desires and anticipates
"has been sot back at least another gen
eration by tho indiscretion and short
sightedness which has accompanied
this agitation." Tho obstacle to wom
an's suffrago is not man's selfishness,
sho thinks, but woman's reluctance.
Tho stato census of Now Jersey,
which is now practically finished, is ro-
fiortcd to show an incrcaso of moro
ban 100,000 inhabitants since 1880.
which is nearly 10 per centum, the
nonulation then having ben 1,181,
tteoollertlom of Wltucm of the Kxem
plury l.'iociitlon un tlio llrlg Homtri tu
From tho Philadelphia Times.
"I was a boy in tho United States
rnfvy on tho brig Somen?, in '42, when
thoso three men were hung that wero
referred to in tho 'Lookout' column of
tho Times some time ago," said John
W. Davis, on Chestnut street, the oth
er day. "The sight of thoso three men
hanging at the yard-arm, and their
burial in the sea at night, has haunted
mo all my life. It often comes up be
foro mo when I'm walking along tho
street. 1 can never forget it. 1 knew
Spencer, tho midshipman, well. Ho
was a wild, dare-devil sort of a fellow,
about 10 years old; but good natuted,
and not maliciously inclined. I think
tho execution of all tho men was a
gravo mistake; and in looking back at
it now I believe that it was a foul
"Wo sailed from New York on tho
13th of September, '-12, for tho const
of Africa, but first began cruising in tho
West Indies. In tho latter part of
November, beforo wo reached St. Thom
ns, Midshipman Spencer, who was tho
?on of tho Secretary of War, wna sud
only seized ono day, put in doublo
irons, and kept a prisoner in close- con
finement. Two other men, tho boat
swain's mate, who was actingaa boat
swnin, and wliosonamo wns Cromwell,
and a seaman, named Smnll, were ar
rested a day or two afterward, follow
ed by ths arrest of four others. All
wero put in doublo irons. Wo had no
marine guard on board. Tho officers
appeared to bo frightened to death
about something and tho men of tho
ship's company wero afraid to be seen
talking to each other. After Spencer's
arrest it was noised around decks that
ho had formed a plot to siezo tho ship,
along with a few of tho ship's crow, and
turn it into a piratical craft. Among
others ho communicated his plan to
tho purser's steward, who got a list of
tho conspirators and told tho wholo
story to Liout. Mcintosh, tho execu
tive ollicer.
"Two or threo daysafter tho arrests
a number of officers met in tho ward
room and called in a number of tho
3hip's crow and examined them. Tho
statements and even tho opinions of
snch witness wns taken down, but tho
accused men wero not allowed to faco
their accusers, wero not told what tho
charges wero in detail and wero nob
granted any opportunity for explana
tion or defense. On tho 1st of Decern
bor, four days after Spencer's a nest,
he, nlong with Cromwell and Small,
wero told to got ready to die; that they
wero going to swing at tho yard-arm at
onco. Spencer nnd tho captain of tho
top acknowledged their guilt and wero
willing to die, but tho acting boat
swain protested his innocenco to tho
Inst, and Spencer declared, also, that
ho, Cromwell, had nothing to do with
tho plot. 'Call all hnnds to witness
execution,' said tho first lieutenant.
The ship's company sullenly ranged
themselves on tho quarter-deck and at
other points, while tho officers of tho
ship Btood around with drawn and
sharpened swords to cut down any
ono who faltered in indicting tho
awful penalty. When everything was
ready Spencer nnd his two compan
ions wero allowed to bid their friends
t;ood-byo, then Capt. Mackenzie pavo
tho signal, a gun was fired, tho colors
woro hoisted and at tho snmo timo tho
threo men, with caps over their faces,
woro swung out on tho main yard
arm. It was a horriblo sight to look
at. All of tho men died gamo. Com
mander Mnckenzio then made a speech
to us about tho necessity of disciplino
and tho awful crimo of mutiny. At
night funeral services wero read by tho
light of tho battle-lanterns ami the
bodies wero put on tho 'tilting board'
and droppod ovorboard into tho sea.
It was a Bolemn sceno, I assure you,
and it mndo an impression on my
youthful mind that can novcr bo
eradicated. In a day or two wo ran
into St. Thomas and then set sail for
Now York, arriving thero on tho 1-lth
of December.
Thero was a good deal of excitement
when tho nows of tho mutiny and tho
hanging got noised around nnd bun.
dreds of peoplo camo down to tho ship
to bco us. All of tho others arrested
woro dismissed from custody. Corn
mander Mnckenzio was court-martial,
ed about a month nftorwards and tho
court sat for forty days, but acquitted
him. It wns composed of his brother
officers. Mackenzie was not li' by
tho men. Ho was a brutal martinet.
anyhow. Flogging was allowed in the
navy in thoso days and ho wns very
fond of administering tho 'cat' for trivi
al offenses, Tho friends of tho executed
men tried to havo Mnckenzio indicted in
New York for murder, but tho Judge
decided that tho civil law was not ap
plicable to his case."
Goldsmith Maid, at tho height of
her glory, for a joko was taken from
her quarters through a back Btreot,
led to a public ploco and put up at
auction, tho spectators bidding in
good faith until tho price 'ns run up
to $34, whon somo oueconnected with
tho stable bid $35, the hammer fell
and Bho was led away.
President McCosh of Princeton is
credited witli tho statement that the
age of nine or ten years is the best at
which to attempt to acquire a knowl
edge of languages. He maintains that
a child of that age can learn more
easily than a man .of 25,