In this tsstie will be seen the double com nmn advertisement ot the Lincoln MKiuj cal Institute and Wateu Cukk. We take pleasure in catling the render's attention to it as it ia an institution worthy the pa trono.RO ot the public. It was visited Inst neck bjr ur Renernl agent who found it in the most complete workingordcr. Theiniti tuto is founded on the most lib eral plan, medically epenking. us they employ in the treatment of chronic diseases nil good remedinl agents. Tho.building con tains fifty-six rooms besides parlors and of fices, and is thoroughly equipped with nil kinds of modern npparatus. Their Bath department is very complete, nnd they are giving theii patients great benefit from tho tnodo ot treatment. In tho Instituto skilled nurses nre employed, who are skilled in tho art of Mnesngo, which is said by those who have tried it to be of great power in the management of diseases which1 have resisted other methods. They have also introduced for tho first time west of Chicago tho Swedish Movement Cuhe, and its power in combatting disease Is wonderful. The Institute is corporated nnd has tho hearty co-operation of tho city of Lincoln nnd the State. All patients treated board nnd room in tho Institute building, nnd tho accommodations in this respect nro very complete. A large number of invalids, suffering from Tiles, Hernia, Catarrh, Diseaso of the Ivyo and liar. De formities of tho Feet, etc., arc now thera boing treated. The staff are nil gentlemen, of acknowledged ability and will, in our opinion, do for their patients nlltlmtcould be done. Etlncato Your Daughters. The Sisters of Charity of tho li. V. M.' have recently established an Academy for the special instruction of young la dies. Beautifully and healthfully loca ted one-fourth of a niilo west of Dcs Moines upon Greenwood Aveuuo in tlioi delightful suburb of Greenwood Park. Are now ready for tho reception of young ladies. Parents and guardiansl may rest assured that every ellbrt will be directed to tho Physical, Mentaland Moral improvement of those confided to their care. All the branches of a, thorough English and classical educa tion, French and German, Plain and Fancy needle-work, Painting id Mu-i bic, are taught by a Faculty of compe-' tent teachers. "Pupils may pursue aj special course. Minim Department for tho caro and training of girls under eleven years of age. The most scrupu lous attention will bo given; and it will bo the object of tho Faculty to give them a proper Elementary instruction on preparatory for entering tho Junior department. Fall term opens Monday, September 7th, 1885. For full particulars and terms, ad dress SISTER SUPERIOR ST. JOSEPH ACADEMY, 51 West Sixth St.. Des Moines, Iowa. - mm. us lawr l iMAN Rl FOR. PAIN, OU RES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Tit roi.Sndlltic.Sprniiiit, Bra lacs, Durna, NenlilH, Jb'roil It i tea, iXD ilX OTHER 11(11)1 l.Y MISS 1ND ACHES. SoU DnlnU snd Desler every here, r Ulj OuU bottlt. Direction In 11 Lsnsusges. THE CHA1U.ES A. VOOELEU CO. (PoerMtora fe. A YOQELXK & CO.) DsIUmorr. 11J., C.B. A. .TVS MALT BITTERS. Blood Purifier fS Health Restorer. It never fulls to do Its work In cases ot ainln rla, Biliousness, Constipation, Head uclie.lostiof Appetite and Sleep, Nervous Debility, Neuralgia, and all Pcmnlu Complaints. Hops rfc Malt flitters Is a Veuc table Compound. It la a Medicine not a liar room Drink. It differs as ividely as does dav and night from tho thoiisaiid-nud-ono Mixtures of vilo -whisky flavored vritls, uromatlcs. Hops Malt Bitters is recom mended by lMiyslcluiiB, Ministers and Nurses as belnc tba Ilest Family Medicine ever compounded. Any voui mi or child. cantnke it. "From my knowledge of Hi Ingredient, under no circumstances can it Injure any one using it. It contains no mineral or other deleterious sub. Ktaace. Possessing real merits, the remedy ll deserving success." a li DePot, Ph. G., Detroit, Mich. Tlioonry Genu I no aro manufactured by tha HOPS & MALT BITTERS CO., Detroit, Mich, Doctor. " Yte ; you axe billons. Just ret a box of WrJitM'a Indian Vejettbis MIL ; toer will cure joo." FOR BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. A ' Billons Complaints re canted by torpidity, cos. nation, or the ulceration of the liver. - The ejmptonu are dirk, ptuj, yellow ikin, a brown or whitish cost to the tengue, appetlU trreg. nlar, at ten a dry eosgh at Blent. ... The skin sometimes breaks out Into pimples ant sores.aadthswBoleajitemlioatof order. right's Indian Vegetable rill are one of the Tery beet remedies known for any f erm of these troobles, and will certainly relleTe the nfleTer. They are portly testable, mads from the ben drugs by competent hands, and gire satisfaction. The; axe Tery reutle in their action, caoilne no rrtpln cor as pleasant feel, tec the moit dtllciie. Atrial will convince any one nbled with biliousness that Wright's In. lias Yegetablo Pills la the medicin es necdj. !0FpiffiE OF LAW, r.&tY nf Ttpabll ITnl Vs-raltV. iTur Catalorue ad4rcss J. 6. CLARK, tecretary I Cars Cole, lUVey Clark, Dee Moines. Iowa. EMEUl i j rvs -r a 1 r n H0PS. Brown Hrerul. If tho Iocs nro not hollow, why is it thoy get drunk fo easily? Thcro is a gorgo in lollowstono Park icro no sound can ho heard. Not a bad place to keep bouso. Perhaps nothing has moro of a ten dency to sour tho milk of human kindness man a snoring man m a sleeping car. Tho Chinese havo a proverb that Bvery man who rules himself is a king. Royal blood is not scarce in this coun try if every Vomati who rules her hus band is a queen. A man who has traveled much claims that only about ono married woman in forty-livo is freo from a look of worried care. Possibly tho fact that most husbands now got their hair jut witli clippers may havo something to do with it. Dr. Talmago carries sixty thousand dollars lifo insurance. Is" preaching in Brooklyn extra hazardous, or is this a wily attempt on tho part of tho sloquent doctor to share tho joys of paradiso with peoplo still on earth when he goes to his reward? Somo day, when tho clearing-house ot Time lias adjusted everything of human kind, to tho satisfaction of sverybod, excopt, mayhap, the wages Df labor or tho size of a woman's feet, it will probably eomo within tho range jf possibility for a Dutchman to talk with his hands tied behind hhn. Tho sua was climbing to tho zenith with a dripping foot. All nature irooped beneath a brazen sky moro iisastrious to ambition than continu dus disappointment in youth. Naught disturbed tho sweltry silence but tho ;llck-a-te-click of a self-binder in tho larvest field, or the bray of a lish ped dler's mulo in tho distance, when hark! in agonizing shriok breaks through tho cobwebs in tho granger's, oars and jliokes tho packers in tho binding-box! ,Vas it tho beautiful heiress of Sniok jrford Manor blowing tho horn for dinner? No. It was liudsickor's boy. llo foil over tho fenco and broke tho water jug. Chicago Ledger. Host in Action. Absolute perpetual rest and abso lute perpetual activity aro equally m lompatiblo with life. Each duly "bal anced, is tho complement of tho other. Sleep is simply rest in its complotest lorm rest of muscle, rest of brain, ind rest of all tho organs, savo those nocossary to existence. Tho tough heart rests between the boats, nor can it bo much accelerated by stimulants without immediate or romoto in jury. Tho harder-working lungs rest between inspiration and expira tion. Tho brain must havo rest or fail. Such a case of unresting activity as that of Ilonry Ivirko White and there lavo been thousands liko it should show scholars that naturo holds it an unpardonable sin to rob tho brain of Its rightful rest. Others, who toiled liko "White, instead of paying tho penalty in early death have ox changed genius for madness or im becility. But "a largo part of our needed rest may bo secured in connection with a high degrco of captivity. Tho clork threatened with "writer's cramp" may escopo, not so well by lying for a month in a reclining chair as by en gaging in athletic camos, chop ping wood, or rambling in tho forests. Generally only a small part of tho brain is unduly usod, and that may ho recuperated by calling into action lomu other part; by change of nion tal application. Gladstono doubtless rests his brain from tho caros of stato as much by such studies as Homer as by tho sturdy blows of his axo. Tho pastor's calls at at tho homos of his llock not only doublo tho good of his preaching, most ofl'octually rest his brain by tho change. Tho moro monoy-gettor tonds to be come a monomaniac. Tho raisor, dy ing in tilth and rags besido his hoarded gold, is tho ond of avarico. Tho pow er and tho disposition to accumulate need to bo balanced by tho disposition and tho power to uso acquisitions properly and wisely. If ono has overworked both stom jch and brain, lot him beware how ho fields to temptation to-stimulato them artificially to their wontod activity. On tho contrary, lot him give each a long rest, whilo ho bestirs himsolf to a general invigoratiou of his physical system. So, wnatovor organ has been over used, rest that. And this can com monly best bo done inconnoction with i full, or a special, activity of other parts. Youths' Companion. Attacked by Ante. Mr. Isaiah Burncrat, a farmer living near Chamborsburg, a small country Fillago a I'ow miles from Dayton, O., had a mo3t wondorful oxnorionce, nar rowly escaping boing killed by ants. Ho was picking bluckberries in a wild patch of undergrowth inadenso wood, whon suddenly ho disturbed millions upon millions of largo, black ants. Thoy woro under a thin covering of parth, which ho stopped on, and al most instantly thoy crawled up his nautalonn logs, and when ho tried to knock them oft' showed light. Beforo ho could get out of tho heavy growth nf hrncli (in wna ri7nril frntll liiMld to ' tnnt ivitli tlin nnal i fnrnll a tints. TllOV J bit him and crawled into his noso, ears, . and mouth. Ho yelled for help, but joon beoamo blindod with tho myriads of ants on his head aud faco, and bo foro ho reached tho edge of tho wood foil helpless to tho ground, uttorly at tlm itinrrti' nf tlwi nnta nnfl Otllv saved evidently from death by tho timely arrival of his brother. Tho insects were tho common black ants of a very largo sizo. Burnorat was blttou bv thorn all over the body, and whilo very soro, it is thought, pro viding tho bitos aro not poisonous, will rocovor. Tho caso is without a prece dent in this section of tho country, and, it is bolioved, bad not aid arrived when it did tho ants would not only bavo killed but oaton their victim. Hew York Tribune. Forty Moors seut out to study tbe manu facture of breecb-loadhu; uus are coming to Jio United States, and will enter the employ if Tarloue arm manufacturing concern. MODERN EDUCATION. The demand of to-tiny is for practical knowledge rather than tor Kcneral informa tion. A nmn must not expect that the world will hold him in much esteem or pay him liberally for living unless ho can do something it wants done. It hits nearly for gotten Mciiofutiti, who spoke titty-six lan guages lluently nnd understood sixty-four more, while Fulton, Stephenson and Moruo, who perfected their several inventions whilo lie lived, are as well known and aa highly honored na when tlieirinventions Tcreiir8t introduced. In this progressive ago tho world expects that a man will specially pre pare himself for whatever vacation he chooses; it has no pntienco with bunglers, and it considers a blunder nlmost as bnd as a crime. Further, tho demand for trained talent has becomo so grcnt yet withal so exacting, that tho old plan ot tho doctors, tho lawyers, nnd tho business men educating their successors and assistants in their olllccs hns almost disappeared, be cause a young man can be prepared so much better and quicker in tho schools. By this method valuable time is saved, and no one suffors from the beginner's mistakes. To illustrato the two methods let us coniparo tho way business men in tho pnst were educated and the way thoy aro educated to-day. l)y tho old plan, tho young man when he entered the ofllco usually wrote a slow cramped, hand, thnt hu perhaps succeeded in changing to a busi ness hand in three or four years. He could add from twenty-flvo to titty figures per minute, but soon tired, and then tliero was no certainty that tho results would bo cor rect. Hehadtohoshown how to make out the various business papers and how to re cord each business transaction; every tiling ho did had to bocarcfully looked over so that lor a long timo ho wns a hindrance rather thnn a help in tho oflice. Now, by the now Elan, beforo ho enters the olllco. ho hns cen trained in some school liko tho Daven port Business College, which is probably tho best business school in tho country. Ho writes a plain, rapid hand, and when tbe corrciondcnco of tho firm is impor tant ho takes from dictation in short-hand us fast as one of the proprietors can tnlk, and pijnts his notes on the writing ma chine. Helms learned to read figures as he would rcud words, and it tires him just as littlo to do so; ho can add from two hundred to fourhundred figures per minute, and make nil other calculations with cor responding rapidity. when ho is remiired to mnko out nny business paper or to record the results of u business transaction, ho docs not need to be told how to do it, for he has been thoroughly instructed already, first by the ory, and aftownrd by practice. In case tho firm that employs him hns a private lino by which confidential messages are exchanged witli correspondents in other places, his school training is again ot use, tor he can send and receive messages with tho facility of nn old operator. This is only an illustration of tho many advantages of this special training, which has almost revolutionized tho old ideas in regard to what constitutes an education. THE DAVKN'rOltT 11USINK8S COLLK013 fits young men to successfully conduct their own business affairs or to givo satis faction when entrusted with tho inanngo mcnt of tho affairs ot others. It is pre eminently the school that sends out expert accountants. No other Bchool develops students equally well skilled in Hapid Cal culation. No other school has a Busi ness Practice courso at onco so varied, so extended, and that requires so much thinking and original planning on tho part of its Btudents. The following are a few of theadvantages tho scoool offers to its students: A course in Bookkeeping that illustrates utmost every practical form ot accounting. Tho very best of instruction in Rapid BuBiiiews Writing. A courso in Commercial Law and in Political Economy that will bo of much benefit in after life. Superior advantages to thoso who wish to learn Phonography, Typo-Writing or Telegraphy. Pleasant and commodious rooms, fitted with cotnfort ablo and substantial furniture. Catalogues and circulars may bo ob tained by addressing Duncan & Hawks, Davenport, Iowa. Tho Caro or tho Hair. Tho caro of the hair is an important branch of fashion at all times, though often fashion dictates an injudicious troatment, and prescribes modes against all rules of health nnd reason. Such importance has been given to tho hair that somo philosophers make tho chig non, coils and pull's tho index of civili zation, and show how eccentricity in head dress and coifl'uro marks tho deg rcdation of timo. It is well understood that masses of false hair injuro nat ural growth, but a freak of fashion which seems harmless may bo mado equally hurtful. This apparently inno cent fashion is that of lhiOlncss and lightness of tho hair produced by con tinual washing. Tho best specialists on troatment of tho hair say that tho hair should bo washed onco in six weeks, and not oftcnor, aud that castilo soap and not borax, soda or any other dry ing material should bo used. After washing it is well to rub tho scalp with somo roliablo ointment. Tho natural oil, which to somo appears objectiona ble, is tho lifo-giving ointment of tho hair and should not bo destroyed. Dry hair has a dead appearance, tho cuds split and growth is retarded. Tho lino comb is moso hurtful, but a soft brush, used judiciously, gives Yigor to tho scalp and keeps it in a healthy condi tion. Tho practice of cutting tho ends of tho hair is useful, and can uo accom plished easily by braiding tho hair and then cutting the ends. Tho caro of tho hair is certainly as important as that of teeth, but is much moro neglected. Tho rules of its preservation aro slmplo and important. Vigorous brushing, cutting tho ends when necessary, wash ing with castilo soap onco in six weeks, and tho desirable avoidance of false hair should prcservo and strengthen tho hair, But if tho hair comes out and becomes lifeless and thin in spite of this treatment, tho best remedy is to seek a reliable specialist on scalp dis eases, and to submit to thorough pro fessional direction. Our English Cousins. London. In a recent trade-mark suit it was shown by sworn evidenco that over nino million bottles of St, Jacobs Oil had been sold hero during tho past few years. Leading chemists certify that the sale of this remedy ex ceeds that of all others; and that it is being recognized as tho best pain-curo ever discovered. In serious rheuma tism it has accomplished astonishing re sults. The teraperancequestionis aroualng very intemperate argument in Texas. "The plny's the thing, Wherein I'll reach the conscience ol the king." , , And equally truo Is it that Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative PelloU" (the original Little Liver Pills) are the most effectual means that can be used to reach the seat ot disease, cleansing tha bowels and sys tem, and assisting nature in her recupera tive work. By druggists. Any Small Boy, With nSttct, can kill a tiger if the tiger happens to bs j found when only a little cub. iJoconsuinp- I Ljtion, that deadliest and most lea red ol (lis- K !.. !.! . - ......11.. l. vttzt'S in mis lUUllir, lull itKnuii-iii,) uu conquered itJid dMroyed if Dr. Pierco'a "Gulden Medical Discovery" bo employed early. Since the year ISCiO twenty-one Canadi ans havo Bfce"n honored with knighthood. The "Favorite- Prescription" of Dr. Pierco cures "Iciunlo weakness" and kin dred affections. By druggists. F. Marion Crawford, tho novelist, is go ing to run tor congress. Our young friend, C. L. Bane, has just graduated from Elliott's Business College, Burlington, la., and has bcort offered a lino position at an excellent salary. Sir John Lubbock is preparing a now book on flowers, fruits nnd leaves. The simplest nnd best regulator o tho Di- ordor of Liver In tho world, nroCnrtor'sI.lttlcj Liver Pills. They frivo prompt relief In Sick1 Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, c prevent anil euro lonitipation ami 1'IUb: romovo Sallow- ness and Pimples from tho Coinploxlon, nnd! nio mild nnd dentin in their operation on thoj bowels Carter's Lltttlo Liver Pills nro sinalU and as easy to take as sugar. Ono pill a doso. l'neo SS cents. A Sample IJox of Writing Pens Free. For 5 two-cent stumps to puy postaeo, etc, vou CRn ret n lino tnetnllio lox of best na- sorted stool pons, ono sot elegant gold and sit-, I ver plctnro curds nnd copy of tho Cultivator, unit lIoiiM-Uccpt-r; nlso It valunblo re-1 ceipis btiowinjr now to ihuko uesi uiuok wru-( Iiir ink tor ICO n trillion, good nnd cheap nrtK llelal honey and 1-' other formulas worth $.r.0O to any one. This offer ia tnudo to tttlroducix tho pens nnd the Cultivator. Address tho Cultivator, Omaha, Nob. Ex-Ministcr Minister Lowell is vory fond of taking long walks. "HOUGH ON It ATS." Clrim out rnt(. mice, lonclio. flle. nt, tird&uei, Vunki, chipmunk, cophcis. IV. DruggUlt. A plan is proposed to fight weather vanes by electricity. Saoe tlmt and money using Steu-art's Heal ing Powtttrfor cuts and sores on animals. Sold everywhere. IS and BO cts. a box. Try It Baron Tennyson is aoventy-six years old' this mouth. "ItOUlUI ON COltNS." Alt for Well' "IIoueIi on Corns." 15c. Qutcir, comflcte cure. Hard or toft corns, want. lmnlou Whenever Sunsot Cox smiles tho Sultan roars with laughter. llnirord Sauoc Thn mot delicious relish lo the world, l'ulatable aud healthy. Gladstono has an uncoutrollablo fear ot sea sickness. For Oypiln, Indlpcitlnn, drprcuton ot splrlu and Ki'iiernl debility, in tlirlr various forms! also as a preventive aaln't fever and actio and otner Intermittent fevers, the "Ferro-l'hosphorated Kllxlrl of CalUava" mads lir Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, and sold y all UrtiKclstH, Is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from fever or other slckueis, U hui uo equal, Maine produces $50,000 worth ot blue berries this year. 1IHAIIT I'ATNS. rslpltatlnn. Dropsical PwelllnRS, Dirtiness. In digestion, 11 endnote, blceplesbuets cured by "wells Ucsllh Honourcr1 l'nruicrsi Try Itt Wells, Hichardson fc CVs. Improved But ter Color will bo found to bo the only oil color that will not become rancid. Teat it. and you will prove it. It will not colortho butter-milk; it gives tho brightest color of any made, and is tho strongest and there fore the cheapest. University of Notre Dame, MAIN nOILPINO. , , The F.lKhty-Thlrd Session will open Tuesday, Sept. Eth. Full courses lu 1 Classics, Law, Sciences, Miittieinatlca', Music. A thorough COMMERCIAL C0UR8K Is one of the dlstlnpuUlilns features of tho Institution. Bpeclal advantages aro offered to students of thO Law Course. mjnim j,p.j,A,TMENT far boya under 13, Is unique In design and In the com pleteness of Its equipments. Catalogues, Blvluif f uU particulars, will bo sent freo, by nddrcsslns ltKT. T. K. WALMI. O. b'. 0., l'BKSlUKST. KOTEK lUMH. lMHAWA. The HIJYKHH' GUIUI2 Is Issued Kept, and Dlnroli, i eacli year. 9H MQO ines, B'txliy, lnclieH,wltliovcr 3, BOO Illustrations a tvliolo Picture Gallery. G1VK3 "Wholesale Prices direct to conaumer.i on all Kootla for personal or family use. Tell Low to order, and gives exact coat of every thing you uac, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. Tlieae INVAIA7A1ILK' IIOOICS contain Information ;leuned from the markets of the world. AVo will mall a copy I'HUU to any nd drevs upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expeuao of mailing. I.ct us hear from you. Iteapectrully, MONTGOMERY WARD & C'O.. 27 its 22(1 WnbiiNb Avenue. ClileiiKC III. Thn Oldest Medicine the World SR g la probably JJr. IsuacThompson VvhLtBHAIfcU EYE - WATE i nis anicio is a carcruiiy prepsrea pnysician pro scription, and has been In constant use for nearly a century, and notwithstanding the many other prepar ations that have been Inlroduten Into the market the sale of this article Is constantly Increasing. It the u-.rect Ions are followed ll will never fall. Vo) particularly Invito tho attention of physicians to Us nierlti. Jouk L. Tuoxrsojf, Son & Co., Tioy, Ii. L 550 REWARD wtu to fit Ur say Oral a Faa r list tlssa ao4 bit SI nueh Orsla r ftsta la'al.nt MONAItOU Drain and ! arat an ISacacr litimvel Ware bans Mill wish JsU. sr wbleh wor . CUsa 1st sod rrles 1.1st walls free. ANO HOARD to' ileta for ft N i:Vand comis! LIFE OF C RANT 'He Worlil's rreatest aoldler. and tha Nation's miMtboiiorertcitlMn. Iowirlce. Kuiilcl s-nles. If,t:UdL CO.113 AdauisBt.Cldctifa UOEL. TQ3XT3E3S, Diseases of Women. Piixfoii Hotel, Onialia, Hel. IVuIl Pujtcruutl Window Mliudea 10 to 30 per cent cheaper than pool prices. Hamplea Hent on Application. T. J. Heard X llro , ... Omaha, UN INC0LN BUSINESS COLLEGE ped school In the West. Elecsnl rooms heated by Msteam. Able teachers. Cheap board. Address for clrcularsi Liluscidok ft Itooss, Lincoln, Net, OPIUM Morphluo Habit Cured In IS to '40 days. No pay till Cured. Da. J. bTxrimna. Lebanon, Uulo. CANCER. kH Hive ears. No Knira er. No rain. vy.U. Marshall toWMova W. N. V.i Otaaha. 874-3. tM mm WISEJiSE BANISHED Health Galnod, Long Lifo Socurocfr, BY USING It Purifies tho Blood. It Clonnoos the Liver,! lit Strongthons tho Kldnoys, It Rogulntos tr.o Bowols. . KIDNEY DISEACCS. ' "Tiurrrtdtltiuaml ntaht tsitS Kidney InvlUf. nv trofrr mi clunky ana oiooay, I roudi Of i no re ii rrom doctor. JsiJaey Tort eurI me. Iam at teed as eirr. lliAJiK. ll luiv.v, jvacoay, Matt. LIVER COMPLAINT. I semcM nof bitcttlieut KtitntvlTort (It rostJtO. II Seureit tnu Lfwraml KMntvlroubUi afltr Iftaittosl aMuv. SAWLJIOlMiES, WiUiamttoim, ir. IU PILESI PILES! I rsiiVreitorl3i;fiM.frois nontbut tott that uiea been afiUctc I tan reitli'. AWnciA-lt'ort IrviloAIycurea mo. i.iJi.L.v j.jutix, veorpht, rt CONSTIPATION. finia oTfotsuiTiTernJiii dlteased KIAntvt ond lieas tnTfMjconJffpflff.lorvenrj. 7nnnoujatrren !ru as toll ot tvr I wt in nu life f nil It it ilur la(onft)A-(Jiifvl"rf. C. r.IUiOWX, IVntport, X. Y. RHEUMATISM. -AftertiiTtrlna forthtrtv irori from Rheimathm Sand kidney trouble, KMntv-lfort tint entirely eured tine." t.uiuuiUL. jiauuu, lien uxin,Me, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. "JTJneu-irorf has cured mu tr( after tiro timrt liutrerlnt ami teenknett, brmta'it on Ijvie of a Seir-i ling Uichine," VK. V. X.SUX11KRUS, Sun UlU, Qa. FOR THE BLOOD. "The r-iif vear Ihnve vsed KiJneu-n'ort mere than intr, and telth the bctt rttutlt. Tale It all In all, it it ItAamcwfsiHWHulrf.-nedj llmve ereruarit," l'JULLir v. niL.i.uu,M. v., onkion, 1 1. MALARIA. "CTronfe. Malaria for venrt. telth llrer dttease maae I mt elth or death. A European trip, doctors and medicine did no aood. vntll 1 vted Kidney-Wort that IQVnEUme." ilKSUYWARD, Late Ool. Mlh Iieg., X. U. S. K. 1 ., Jersey city, .v. J. It nets nt tho lamo timo on tho KID- NEYO, LIVER nnd BOWELS stimulating ithomto hoalthy notion andKoopinstnom lln porfOCtordor. eol4byallDrartlsti,rrlteL00S Liquid or Dry. The latter can b sent by mall. WELLSRICHARDSON & CO., DURLINQTON, VERMONT, U.S.A. Jdoitrekl, r. Q.t Londsi, r.iaii. SendforClrculars. GKO.It.r.ATIIIlLKN.rrln(HpaL 1 Tub. Colors, aoe. dot.i flabla llrusliei;. To. upi Bristles, 6e. api I'laques. 7c. upi 1 'all at. M.I AnUU' Kasels, Wo.i Artltts' Uoies. l.Wi I'anals, Wo. Oils, K'e., Caiivns, 7toi (lout run". Rutelllet ami Trenton Wurn nr Itwurat ntf.- I ramei for l'lclures tn Hold, l'lusb, Onk and Htwe. Hnnip.ea cf molding, Ma doeu. bend S cent Btainp for Catalogue. A. HOSPE, Omaha. I Sure relief i nTmr KIDDER'S Pfl8TILLES.KS.rBCrt.To: .naricttoirn, iim. KEEPER HALL, IiAVENI'Olt'r, IOAVA. APOARD1NO SCHOOL of tho hlRliest class for HOYS. Thoronph Inatrurtloii. Cniefuldlsclpllne. New bulldlnKs. Lleeant nipolntnients. OITera the advantnuo of n Christian homo ton limited number of pupils. Address tho Head Mnster. Key. 1'. C. WOLCOTT, M. A. LUTOOLIT Medical Institute and Water Cure!! TUP LINCOLN MEDICAL INSTITUTE AND WATER CURE, li owned, controlled, and mansced by eomnanv of physicians and aurgrona who have had years nf experience as specialists In their respective de company or l,'r''''",,,,1 " ,,i-i. ,, iMnltnl unci on street car lines. It Is the isrmf. mmi ihnf. ouguiy tquil'l'i"; "1," ..,1,,i,i nnnf nnllcnts. I'vervthlnif to inaku life pleiimnl and enjoyable during ;i,i.,i,.7.n... wiilRli havo li been added. For such cases tb MHlHl.'Air.l' IJAiiin, aim . ...nmi nntiv Lr.iiKr.n mi 1 1 f 1 1 fi ir l n inn iviiiinriiii iri'iiiitn nr fii.ian.A iirnnu n. n!eel,C.Vi;rt"nts opTlIF FFET AND LIM1IH. our Institute offers special advantaces. Diseases of the EVE. K All, TIIItOAT, AND NAHAL OA V1T1EH aro under tho care of a specialist of years experience, nnd CATAHIll. that terri ble disease Is treated and permanently cured by an entirety new process. HERNIA radically cured by a S.Vnnsfitin. without iu u or dueef. 1'ILEB effectually and permanently cured, and Invite correspond- Lincoln s noted for its MINERAL WATERS and hospitable clt tens. It Is easy of access from all noints and will cost you nothluR to visit our Institute and learn Its workings. Circulars and readlni matteri Jin snoclal diseases T sent free on appllcutli. Medlclno sent to all parta of tho country, after examination or oRierwlae can bo done satisfactorily. Members of the staff will, In special cases. Tislt patients at their homes out of tbe city. ( IVTEsIOXOkX-a STAFFi CT1A8. 8. HART, A.M., M.a-Snrgery. M. II. OARTEN, U.S., M.D.-Dtseases of the Eye. Ear, Throat, Old Nasal Cavities. J.'e. REED, M.D. Diseases of Women and of the Nervous System. J, VANCE UB011TOL, M.D. Dltoasci of the Chest, Skin, and Oenlto-Urlnary Organs, and Fhyslelan la Charge. Address! Lincoln aiodtoal Inatltnto nnd Water Cure, B. W. Cor. 13th and K Sis., Lincoln, Neb. WiH be the Best and Largest ever Held. NEBRASKA I is) STATE FOR INFORMATION APPLY TO ROB'T W. FURNAS, Brownville, Neb. VOVSTI'.RFKITKIIQ, JIEirARlU ' A Mtrlityan tVuirern JJiiJolneif. From the Kwhestcr Mornlns Herald. Tho followins injunction hns been ob tained by the Hop Uittcm Company, ot Rochester, K. Y., npnltint Collutinus D. Werner, of Heading, Michigan, prohibiting liiio. frominenu(Bcturingor4iIlingOCt.RMAN Wop DtttKM." 0 ?,"r i'i?'ifcit f ' VniU Sta of America to Callattni 1). Warner, of Mending, Mich., his servants, workmen, salesmen and agents, and each and every of them : Where bp. It hns been renrcfonted untotbs ' Justices of our Circuit Court, tho Hon. Stnn ' ley Mntthows, ntul tho Hon. Henry It. llrown, at Detroit, within and for Bnlcl district, sit i tlnpr ns a Court of Chnncerr, thntyou. Collntl i litis I). Wnrnor, nro rnnnufHctiirlnn; nnd sell 1 Injrn medlclno nntned German Hop Hitters, , In KltAUDUl.KNTIMlTATlO.VOf tllO 1101' IllTTEIlH j inndo nnd fold by complainant; your said medlclno bolnt, dkvisihj, calci'LAtki) and is- TKMir.D to Misi.K.M) tho publio Into purohas ltip; (inch couNTKltKKlT pilch Koods as tho man utneturo of tho couiilaltiant : i We, thorofore, la conslderotlon' of tho pretiilpe, do strictly kn.ioin you, tho said Collutinus II. Warner nnd all and every tho pereons boforo nnnied, ntOM rstNO Tim woitus "Hop Hittkiis" on nny tlulds con tained In bottles so nn to Induce tho bcllot that such llulds aro mado by complainant; nnd further, from innnnfacturlnfr, sulllnwr or oirorlnp; for sate, nny hitters or otlior tlulds tn tho bottles and with tho labelp, and in tho irenornl form In which you wero manufacture intr and pellltiff tho bitters called by you Gor ' liiati Hop Hitters, on thn llllnp; of tho bill: or ' in nny othor bottles, or with any other labels , contrived or designed to ropresont orlnduco tho bollof thnt tho bitters or llulds sold by you nro tho (roods of tho complainant, until tho further order oflho court. Witness. i Tdu HONOHAnrx MORRISON R. WAtTK, Chief Justice ot tho United States. AtDotrolt, this fifteenth day of July, A. I). 1S3.". Walter S. Itarshn, Cleric, ti-. S. j J'ro.secnff fiei Swindlers! 1 1 If when you call for Hop Hitters the drupr plst hands out anything but "Hot1 IIittkhs" with a Kroen oluster of Hois on white label, shun that driiKRlet nsynti would a viper; and If ho hns taken your money for n botrus stulT, ludlot hltn for tho fraud and suo him fordatn spo'i for tho swindle, and wo will row ar you liberally lor tho conviction. ' Soo 11. S. Court Injunction niralnst C. I). I Wnrnor, Hendlnif, Mleii., and all his Biilesmcu, i nKents, (lriiwixlBtB, and other imitators. we Want B,ooo Moro book Asentsto sen Tho Porsonai History of Th lMk tnlirMti tl. Ctntrtl' tit MltlttfT, dill tmt rrtiftU flavrftr, bj U tt moat iapUt t4 UlUtU hltrj f kin i ant. A Utf askudfoin eetav TOlunc. auptrblf ltloautt4 W a(illn rarv UrkkJ Atmtj Post 4Bil)l rf Uviublp. Bf 4 for full rartlouUTi inc. hWcIAL TtRMS TO AUENT, r Itsui ! mt br fndlr.i' t for out A I. fMlln th'i rPf 1 AiintL AniKIMOAN l'DltlilaIUNO CO., Hart To id JJoBtoni Clilcatio I'liirhiiutili or bU IjouIb, FWholnnulA mid llo tall URNITURL DEWEY & STOilE, Omaha, Wb. SAINT KATHARINE'S HALL, DAVKNPOIIT, IOWA. 1 pOAItDINO RCIIOOL, KOI. TOUNG LADIKS. A Kumhcr of pupils limited to forty. Pleasantly situated on nhlulT overlooklnc the Mississippi river. Now building hcnutirtilly furnished, Healthful location. A full corps of expcrlencsd teachera. For rcKlsteror particulars, nddrcss N. 1. 1UCHAHDSON, Treasurer, Davenport, Iown. besldca narlors. ofllccs. readlnir room, aiat lahoraturr. treatment has Doen provided. For the tnansrement nx resitted tho ordinary course of treatment, now nnd Improved methods havo ho bi st results nre obtained by M AB8AOF- KLLCTltlCITV. MINERAL AND ibHWT.DISH MOVEMENT CURE, tho last of which Is tho wonder-worklne LINCOLN, NEB., Sept. 11-18, 1885. FAIR.