1 'V- s m WEEKLY OREGON SCOUT. ' JNMOX. OIlKOON, ff.VT., NfJP. W, 135. Cnuglit on (lie Fly Sunshine and rhowers. JIuic hath ho charms. Union mills running dny and night. Davis Brrt's. horve power is agtVin on the sick list. Mechanics Fair, at Portland, will begin Oct. bth. Mr. Salisbury is canvassing" the city for tho Wot Id's Wonders. : Died. Wednesday nisht Sept. 9tn, infant ton of G. t. Kctler. Jacob Hlocli and wife, of La Grande, spent Thursday in Union. Thomson's planing machine is kept bin-y drumng lumber. f Port Townscnd. W. T., had it $1.0,003 blaze on Monday last. No insurance. The Wallowa Chieftain presented its readers with a tamo icottt-r lust week. E. M. b'tirmati, of Walla Wull.r, the Organ mnni was in town, Thursday. Tho usual amount of real estate transactions for the week havo taken place. Mr. Fithian of the Sentinel, made a flying trip to Portland caily this Week. Miss Clara Jones of Weston, igvifit ing her brothers A. K. and C. M Jones, , Ex-Senator Slater and Atty. M. Baker were over from La. Grande, this week. ' A ' few Winchester Billos left at Gove drug store, at the very low price hi !fq. ' . . Watermelons of ponderous propor tions, cnlv iifleen cts. apieco nt Weston. 1 Fog-cloud3 arrange themselves intp fantastic, fchapcjs along tho hills veal of town. I Scott Bozarlh, special agent of tho Tdrth Ameiioan Accident Ins. Co., 3'iu'(hc city. ' Large quantitcs of lumber, from tho mills On Catherine creek, are being hauled to town. ' The ii?t taxable property of Uma filla count v is '1,1110,027; number of polls, ' John Dobbins will leave, for his old homo in Illinois, in a few days, to ii'sit relatives. V, . ' Louis J. Davis, leaves to-day for Eugene city, to attend tho StUto Uni versity tho present year. Sept. 7'th. Willamette valley wheat ?1.20 per' cental as the extreme-; Walla Walla $1.15, and needs light. Assessor McCubbin is still inter viewing the peoj of this" county, 'ire jas three more precincts to assess. S. B. Pratt, a saloonkeeper at Ante lope in Wat co Co., was killed by E, T, fjlisan recently; casue, jealosy. The new bridge to be built across Grande Hondo river, near the La Grande depot, bar been commenced, What has become of those snow she's, that wore going to bo com menced last May "sure and sartin"? Alford Hobnail, tho Orogonian man. paid Union a visit 'on bis way back from the mines. lie reports tho mines good. Willis Gkifl' knows the value of prin ter's ink tyhen rightly used 'and acts accordingly. Sue His ad. in another column. C. E. Preco, formcily of La Grande, Ws opened a new barber thop in tho Jirpnty Lawton stand adjojnjng the peiitennial hotil. Saturday last, Sheriff Saunders re.1.1 three yeailing ecbs, on a judgement against 1'red. Dunuigan for jf'G.J. B. F. Wihon was the piichascr. The clerk who runs tho weather in in the Pine Crecjc section, spread a jight "kiverin.r" of the. "beautiful pyoy," over the hills of that region. Tho bpdy of an unknown man was found in the jivcr at Oregon city, re. cently. Nothing was found upon his person that would fix his identity. Prof. J. M. McCulJy, of Dayton, W. T., will liavo charge of the l'ublio Schot l at Joioph, in this county. Mr. MeCully is a very tuceessful teacher. A. J. Goodbrod informs us that his nleco, Miss Miliar, who spent but yonr in Union, but now in New Jersey, will return hero about tbu loth of this month, Tho Shoshone Journal a bright spi cy and newsy thoof, publuliod at Sho shone, I. T., introduced itself last wjok, and atks us to exchange, which we gladly do. Tho mantle of enow froehly fallen on the crest of tho mountains oast of tho Cove, is a gentle reminder that Winter, with his chilling breath, is not far off. Dr. Gilham, of I Grande, will soon "shake the dust" of that city from hist hoes, and leave for Harney valley country to make it his perma nont home. A new route from Brownlee's ferry on the Snake river, to tlw Ilua ert-k mines it in nice. ful operation. Air. Brown U making ui-wtfkly triie with a buck-board. A Iwy named Hi .nm . i 1 ' i Harnoy uUy a k.l! 1 An -i ! It w upKMMl ht bud lc-u ti.i.,w.i from his horn' and hi foi bung ia the stirrup Urn fact all i i atl w. -re horribly m-inl u. J-J- Anwwm wai w ih Wght bailey. J. A. Itofkowitr. will pay fpectal t Mention tf the thipmeiit of Rruifl. rn t liiirheit maikct prico allow..!, and prompt returns mad?. Weston, in Umatilla county, h re covering rapidly from it toourgc of fire two yours ago. The buildings hnvp boon replaced witi good s,ub rdantial brick. ' The rionecr Press, formerly pub lished at Coeur d' Ab-no by I3ernard, is to be tnkei to liaise city for the puriwse of publishing nnnthcr demo cratic paper there. The Jones Bros, returned from Weston, whither they had been on n visit to their parents. Their families returned with them. All were Well pleased with the trip. " ' Scholarships to the State University go lxRging in Multnomah county. KxcclbncB of the public, rclmtlg of Portland ami her over-the-river sister, is said to be the reason. As Amos K. Jones, has returned from his basurc trip, the Srot'T, after this issue, will le conducted in its Usual spicy manner, and its col umns rej k'te with news. Mr. A. E. Eaton is Inning the roof of his residence taken oil' prcparatorv to having an upjior story built. It i will improve the appearance of his i dwelling very materially. j Besides our regular stock of school j books, we have a lot of second hand schoej readers, almost as good as new, i which wo will si 11 for neaily one half; price of new bocks. IIALLBKO'S, At lh" council meeting Saturday night, bills to the amount of about f lot) we.i; allowed. The new marsh al s bonds were approved and Idled. No business of importance was trans acted. Since Jan. 1st, of this year, up to date, there have been 63 maniage li censes issued by tho county cleik. di vided as b Hows: Jan. S; Feb. 9; Mar. 7; April S;Mayl; June 0; July 8; Aug. 2; Sept. 1. A fine assortment of gents' furnish ing goods have just been received by Jesse Alberton. Since the great re duction in juices, occasioned by the general nam limes, ne win sin tuns from $," upwards. Tho man who wrote, advising pco- lo not to '-eat In a hurry'', never ate at a western railroad eating station, where "five minutes for breakfast, only were allowed, and wrestled with a piece of' rare beefsteak. Rumor has it that work will bo re sumed on he Oregon it California rail road, connecting San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. About 120 miles yet remain between the two ends, most ef which is heavy work. A fine ledge of genuine marble has been foun 1 in tho Wallowa. The ledge is suit! to bo from ten to fifty iods in width and two miles or more in length. Suivly Union county lias its share of hidelcu woi.l.li. A brakesman fell from a car, of the west bound' train last Saturday, near North Powder, and had the flesh on I lie or. If of one of his legs ground to a jelly by (ho wheels presting over it. Fortunately no bones were breken. D. I). Griffiths was rejected as sur veyor to survey the puijosed Pine creek load, and M. F. Ib lbiook, a flagman. Tho selectie.n of both view ers and turveyor meets wi'h the hearty appiowd of al interested. Some of the boys in tin northern part ('f twn aj-o in the habit of shoot ing at black-birds. They thould re member that unless the man h.il j-ive-s l hem a special permit, they are. violat ing a city oidinanee, and mav have to pay for te eloing. Bo caivful beiys. Poaches from the Snake river are being peddl d out in town at $l.fi0 a box. Thecy do not compare, either in tize er dJiciou-nes, wi'h tboso grown on Hood liver, Ik low the Daljas, but are neverilpless fair uud are quite readily di.p6cxl of. Woodshed are loiiig rejleuuhwl with woed for tho wiu'er's fire. It w.lj not be many years, wo think, be fore coal will supplant tha wt od in most cases in this j 1 tci, as yood at Jjvl jieir coiii, is cnn-idcniblo higher than (soul at $11.50 icr ton, delivered at your door. Bonafide Cost Sab of all kinds of Summer Drees, Goods for which call or send atonco to 1'etskowitx's stemi, Un ion, as he doe not in'cn.l to pack themi away for fufuro trade, am done heretofore. Botkowitz w.ll j.lway give you inducements to tradti, an 1 greater bargains, than can Iri found tUewhojo. As the opening of school approach es, tho average "town boy" quietly fcteuli the hose shinales from thoioofis and prncLMNla to adjiut them along hi spinal column, and fix them in place wh'-re they w.ll lo the moitgood, and on Monday morning noxt, will go to school feeling as brave as a Bungal ligvr. A. K. Jonas, Editor of the Scour, brought a hamlfnl of Uth with him from Western, which he modetly say lie 'knock d eiut of thfl mouth of a 'Mi.,m l.tlilnr." Urn.' MeCdll of the Wftun Leader h rather tall, and thick A K. woulJ neotl u U-p Iwleler to rvtch that if.:'.l -man maxillriei. Too thin Amos. Mining notes from the en iro North Ui'.def. uf 8t. Paul. Minn., for t,000. Tb wet are m n ! i : ri"!i that it is ledge had been d .. h ptd be a tnin 1 . : I, ii, f. jib- j ..- !' 1 t" d. H V.I I' (.1 t , F 1 Ill'" . . ,i . i . . : if ii p i-. i i 'i ' l.e l'.l) . 1 u l.i.u- iu I ' ' '; '"' Kiin he can o dir.it from this pi ne . ..an i mi II ut ridwiih a- and tu.i,!ir:, -.IhUu'.' it.tH , 'i i.i k tub ri'i: twskk Mt?-v from Onr HrrtMI tor r j Kt t la lt Qll(ti lit '(Me ml "M Wim!. . no i. '.v .. In. i . , . r le.le... i- 1 1 le.i-lie t a- ia-t e- -filile. Imli .iUiens,i- hoi-'.f-t all that .-(Utd W .U';iU'd. tlie- er! if eteni 'op- merit goes on, expression of unbouniod faith in Ihctr almost eternal extcnsivcuci at? made by tlievc long nocustonied to luintiiR. There is bnt one o.tRreion made ttjr t'.c who have viMted the mines, and that is. "ibryiire Immensely rirh." No bet ter indication can lo Riven than that cap italists arc willing, under favorable con ditions, to invest in Ihnn. There ts no doubt that next year will firing millions of money here, and then you will see a camp that for richness, will owtrivai l.eadvillcer Rntte. tii their palmiest days. One of the line fcatireot these mines, is their easy nCnos, as compared with camps stiuck before the days of fat going loeeimofiws with their palaces nttai bed. Only a few miles ride, after ymi le'nve the train.' by stflfre, and you tire here. Another tine fea tnre i thai !n who conic to this district, need hot supply hinwclf with a half yearly stock of "baron and henna." for the neces nrics of VAd enn be ittrnHicd yoij nt your -nt iii door. The day. of the outpouring of gold dust for "change" in this country, arc among the bv irone's," and our cornu eopim pour out the glittering mtal in its most covetcil shape. Business in lotli AllentoWn and Cornucopia fair. Both places f.re Iniprovlng rapidly nt present, but probably the near future will see the middle ground between the two, , disrobed of its boulelers, and in their stend good substantial stiucturcs reared, and on thee very ground's, long nccusto'iicd onlv to die trend of wild beasts, the hum of ncUvc. busy life will lo beard. From my expert enre in mnnv other lfeb n.intng loenliMe. and tl.c rnpld influx of upulnllon that cen ter in them. I think I do not draw too largely on my imagination, when I say that by next fall, should the y recent develop uicntsmntimte good, this region will con tain a population of from 5.0W to 10,000; nnd in this estimnte. 1 am bourn out by tho majority of men who have experienced flic rush of wealth-seeking humanity to o! her camps; Dan. Moore nnd other Un innites arc here. Dan. Monro's placer diggings arcwe'l under way. with prospects of fruitfuj results for tho compuny. The juesiion of loads is an important one, and o Union a most important one. Should tlmie be a road completed from Union, over the proposed route, and of that cvont there is no more doubt than that "old -!ol" wilt shine to-morrow, she will e.oiuo in for bor share of trade, linker City men, nf course, think their city the only place, nnd that the Almighty, when Ho formed llicso cvci lasting bills and stiirlcd the limped streams upon their courses, saw way eleiwn through the fejr olf future, a ity that would command a wealth of in .old millions, and which, from the very niii re ot things, would draw unto herself he whole production of this mineral belt. Rich tinds are reported from the Wallowa, by tboso who come over from that fertile section, and the Wallowans with the pick tnd shovel, aro also seek'ng tho hidden wealth. Nothing hits transpirctl within t!ie ;iast wool: other than has bean already be dded to the reading public. ; St.utoil f i' uunsas. Joo Hubbard a youthful culpiit, con :lnod in the county jail, on a cliarge of itoaling horses several months ago, con cluded the grasshopper fcitatc, with its .terms und cycloiio.. possessad a more gcu ial climate than this, and on Monday lat lit out." &horifT Saunders lind taken him to his residence- to cut a littles wood, and ear the purpose of giving him his dinner, but as Joe had tin idea of bidding a "long farewell" to his friends, he palmed on' be ing unwell, and did not wish to dine. Mr. s'ttundcrs went in to dtytuer, and' tho hoy tnyed around a while, nnd then wont to the jail, where bo got shoos und a cont. Before lenviiur, however, ho crawled into : he Slier liTs olbco thioiigh an open window and equipped himself wjtli a sixshootcr and u box of cartridges, lie then stinted for the lan of Ids nativity, measuring ties on the raib oud. Utticers were started in pur init. and ha was ni rested nt North Powder, Tuesday noon, by a Mr. Veober. When arrested hq attempted to draw his pistol, but being convinced that his bones would need putting to,juthur again, thq "bad boy ftom Kansas" wilted. Ho now has a Ihst eluss loom, and fures sumptuously on bread and water. On awount of his ago, years. Mr. Saunders htisallowcxt him many privileges, in hopes that such treutnict)t ou'd reform hiiii. VVtint dJinll bo D no Wtfh ttiq Cows? Many of our oithsens coniplah) that we have but little protection troni Die ravages of eows, which roam at will during the night time about our streets, socking what they can devour. There should be an or dinance passed requiring owners of o.v to place thoni in safe keeping through the night. We elo not wish to work a hard ship upon any of our citizens by requiring ihem to keep their cows out of tho street during the daytime. Home of our citizens are not able to enclose their premises witli a "proof fence," that will keep those bo vine ravagers out. It would not bo a hurd ship upon anyone to build a small corral that will keep his cow at homo during the night, all rubbery , ornamental trues and gardens arc almost nightly destroyed by tlisse animals, and we hupu the council J will do something to prevent further de struction or property. The CcHr d'Aloav AIleeM. These mines of which so much has been written in the past, aro receiving a new imoetus. A ledae on the strath fork of the ' ('.ear d' Alen j r.is rocentljr .'eoUt to a Mr iVJfi. .. b i "i "i i - :.i. a ... i i : ... v. I. i .. ii a it.ii ' i d lr t!if n.i -l ijtul.ty nf lubricating oils f ir ' i it beif , l' . ; 1 ib. dru' to:c ot i' '-.'. I hi. n. Ori-n. . Tho atorca ot pur Hebrew friends wcro cloftel, n oWrrrancp of the tta'sh lTntbt n;. or the beghinina of tlu 4ewi.h New Yon :' ' " Yi n Ki pur, ' i,n n 1 , will bf ib-'' ', d Both tlieso lud.d ys bci;i of the ed iy, anil end n I1'" b1 b. at tue.iluwn at tumli.wii tho next. Unele Jake Collina, nnd his son f. B., were in town during tho week, aK other Summervillcdtcs, too many to ehumernte. They all say "Sum merville i$ gccKl enough for them." That's right, gentlemen, stick up for your town even though it thould raise a blooebblistcr on the end of your ton&uc, to say U Mr .1. F. Smith has pone to lown. lie wijl return next tummer bringing hs familv with hint, and make Union county his homo. Mr. Smith wa here aliatt two y-cars ago nnd pur chased a vi.luable hirm near I ho Covo. 'He i.l.-o jiurehtifed ltl lids time. He ha. a much bejtfcr opiniqn of the countrj than when here before. Mr. H. J. OeH'r's hop creip, of the (vo, is bjog gatheretl. Tqe yield if immense. Mr. (Jeer thinks that from the eight acres he lnw in thi year In will Kiiiher about five thousand pounds APhousli the price is only 1 eight cts. ut ineseiit, h 1 thinks that liefore sj rin;j; the l.rice will be consiel oinMy better. He pays forty-three cents a box for piekin; them. The way tho Wallowa Chief tan goes after' "Exports" Ih.ll and Out Jio'tise is a caution. Healo writes up i)i.' llegister law from the fame logi ci.K?) standi oint. We-re it not lor so'er..l thin.;s, wo have no heii'aiie'y ip saying that tho Chief scribe of that jiaperw.il, in the future, be tho com ing man as a Profettor of lojjo in tho Slate Universitv. Wo know of no better. ' ! On tho first Monday of Oct. next, tho CVimty Bonnl of Kqui.lizaHon, meets to i'e:nly adjust the assess ment of i mperty for this year. Per sons feiling thenitelvis aggrieve'el by being tive r'axid, thould attend to the matter nt lhat time, and not wait till taxes f.,11 due, and thin kicc because Mu ir t.iXesare higher than they think they t houl. I be, Those not attending to that part of their butiness the uopcr time have no vi.lid excuse for grumbling. "A word to the wise is sullieienl." No better section of this county can be found,- than sum uiiding Snmnier villee hi that section vegetables, grow to anidniost inereelible size; the ccrec i.lsyi.ll i.hnost beyond the capacity of the fanner to store; the fruit is most delicious ; (he Mowers are I'xipii!. itely beautiful. It has preltjer gills, more lunds'otno young men, more ni.trriageal 1.- maiden.-', more dotim pan nfs and inore twin babies than all the rest of the coun'y togethrr. A few days ago the wife of Mr. (Jregg, lire Piunuiui v.lle brt We-r. gave bjrlh to a j air of twins'. This wo ttndcrtlairl is the tejilh pair of twins born in the vicinity of Summervillj within the l.it-1. year. We con-ider this apptoaeli in ' the- remaikable. BJiiiing- Notes. Tho Red .Jacket, owned by llutitin; ton', Burdetto it Co., improves daily, as development pr(igro.-.noH, i.l. o the Union, owned by the tamo jiarties. The Last Chance and the lCinmet are coming to the fiont aa valuable. 1 dges. '1 hey are owned by llowarel, C ivy & Co., who tire fully eatisiieel liiat they hay.; it rich. Their urasdra will start up'in a few days. 'I he Bi'd IloV is now down oyer feet, and thowd a thndi! freo gold Ldjjo and' rich enough to give its owners an arittrocratic standiiu-. Tliu Mountain Chief is down' 2 feet. It is a s Undid 1 dgo, air! promises to got aw.iy' witli anything yet found fur lichness. lack lIo)burn efc Co's. Lucky Boy is a IU foot ledgo ami ekyelops jn rich ness. Tho Companion i a 1 foot ledge at Ihe t ttrfaei', and assays ."HOD; nt tie depth of fin feet, it H f). ft. wide and assays !tC03." Fuvcfi I olhcr ledges huyo reeien'l.v lieen discovered on (lie iipttiiitiiin alovo Ihe Bed Boy and Mountain Chief, and aro pronihing letdges. Mr. Dray, of L.i Grande, a erec ted iv very comiuoelious n.)con and will tpond' lio winter in the mines. There is a probability of tome of tho other l.dges being lion.led t con. Work will coiuinuj (luouhout the winter. UIUKiriO !Vtt'..VB. Uoitroj Ipk n AVJioto Clt In Milo, Killing n Nil i. br t Vo pin. nail A teriilli' oycloiie struck Washing ton Court Hiiti-e, ,i city of -HKk) in Inbitaiits, in obio, at eight o'clock o't Hie evening of Hit: Kill iusl.. and al most literally s.wept il from tho earth. Il cainii from tjiu nortliwol mid broku upon tho town' suddenly, carrying ev erything before it. The tin undo wiiirled up Cou-t street, tho main hiis iuegs tlioioiiglifart) and mined almost every block on it at Icjiut forty or tlfiy 'in all, Hardly n private rusldenco In iovvu esimpoil. fully 1UU Iniildings goiiiL' down 'Pho Baptist, Presbyui 1 1 in ttnd Catholic cliinclies till hiitlered the foiiiuion fine. The Old;) South ern, the Paubiindb'., die Xarrotv (J iuire anil the Midland depots were blown to oiilitlie'i h, i. ml every budding III the I'll lull C V:l-i c. 111 lt',1 II'.V.'IV. lll'tlvill! ill i'f or cjifM iiliim t hTipo-i.Je, i uk ' tiir s p S. B, At !. -. in met iciiirer (if bit v; liai i id- iiinl !,'. b i. nfwn o t Hid a on I -'H'ld; , of On- hi -.1 jo ill it , uud will sell them nt reitsnnnhic pli es, (jive him a all ut Ids hhop, bout!. j the .ch.'wl house, 1'illJb. THE FltOrOSKtt XEW COAD. xf r ar.U o, . ts. 1 l,r . pet i.e V v . ! . and t n.ii' ihri i 1 1 14 M.ib Ity, heve bet n paiircYiy waiting the hiMiig of the Bocr.1 of Ciinney eivmmissioncrs. The tin e came at ltM, and anxiously v.o waited for the result of their deliberations upon the Pine Creek road. The Hoard, with their nsttal real, and having the intorets of efar comity ever before tbeini took the matter in band ami did all they could to give it a legitimate liegbiiilug, by appoin ting as viewers, the above named gentlc ni en. This is ll (hey could legally do at this term oj court; the matter of appropri ation heing.i part of the next term, and of courre, bacd upon 'tho report of the view ers. That a favorable report will be given, nnd that on appropthttion commensurate with' tho importance of t he opterprise, will be nude, we have not lite slightest doubt. The road is one in wl ieb not a par ticular scciloii through which it may pass. 1 to be beiiellUed, but one which will hen efl the wholo of the flrandc Hondo Valley. An enterprise to which almost cery tax paver In tho couiiiV is willing to subscribe with a llbcrelity that is far remote frr.m nignrdlincsg. shows the interest our people linvn tnltnn In tbr mnttcr. A lnrio niniiiiht snirca,iy subscribed, and lneti aro only waiting for the list to bo presented them, to add their mite. V.'e have assurance from either sources of ample assistance, based wjKin tho favorable report of ihc viewers, ston.c ton days or more will elnpsc before ibe lowers will he able to Rive anything definite In regard to it. In the meantime, wo will so shape things that n soon as they return, giving a favorable re p irt. tbj w.jrk will be commmoed and i pushed ns fust as men and money can do it, until the iigor of winter fen bids further work. Corrospo.ulcnoc. Covk, Kept. I), ISSfi. . Miss A, Naliiin is vjtiling at Mr. A. Grossman's. O. P. .laycox went to Portland, Tues day, on a business trip. The tkating rink, open every Sat urday evening, is now ll popular re sort. Adam Grossman, proprietor of the tannery, t hipped several packages of leather this week to San Francisco, where it linds ready Kile. , P. K. Wade and family moved from Sinniuervillo lo .their Cove residence, Ibis week, The Misses Wado Will :;it ten l tie Ascension school. Messrs lCcefo and Ken.io havo de cided to difcontinue Iho (loutiiu niill liu.-inesH at this 1 1 ice. It is not known who wijl be their Miecessors. Thrething is almost com letcd in Ibis vicinity. The yiid js scarct ly up to expectations, nevertheless is good; The timothy crop produced Wll. Improvements in the way of new dot hi mid school fitriiituro are beinj made at tho r'hnnhigh tchcol. II. T. Worattll bus been engaged nsitctichuf. Mrs, Liz.'u Thomas arrived from Pennsylvania this week, to join het husband, Dr. K. .1. Thomas. Shu w.it aeicomjianicd by their seven year'old ton. Mrs. Minor and her t on Prod, e:ame from Cu'tir el'Aleiie Ibis Week, to be at tho'hedside of her daughter, Mrs. New ell. Mrs. New. 11 is now out of tiangei and is eonv.il.'scin. Lo&tint,. Sept. 7, 1SS5. Nights cool, Dan. Fomniers, B. ). Tfubera and S. McKen.ie of Sumnierville, are t'liun ding a few days In re. PuvcTal cattle buyers aro in this val l.y, paying .f 10 for lapt iprin' calvus, and if lii for yonilinga. Dr. Croiiiw.l), of your ejty, was called here lo visit Mrs. KhiilJs, who has been ill for ionic time. Frank Biown and wife, of Pnrsipp eivok, are in town. Mr, Brown is on her way teivitit friends and rJaliviji i.i Union. Bert. Courtney and S. ?hilby cap lined a cinnamon buar tfvday, Thoy liavo it chained tip for public cxhibi bition. A picnic will bo hel 1 in tho Lower valley, on tlio 18l)i. I.otdino anil Jo fi'l li Cornet Baipls will futuith nuitic fur tho ocegtion. A grand hall w.ll bo given at night, and ;v t.ooel time is e.'cotod. Indians aro nmkini; tomo (rntibl pver on the Imnaha. Sot: lew should jiro tho red-il;uiH (.ut. Pome were made to go liack, under the inpszla of a gun, in tle Imnds of one of our citi zens, and more thould bo tsoryod in the (iiuiu way. W.-B, Bia Ciiijbk. Sept. 7, J885. Everythiux iliot. Tlii'Dsliing nil Unit bed. Potato digging ia induljod in as u partitimu. Bear killing lively. Ed. McQnrvoy killiid ono a fi w days ago, them Dan. Fruit got on tho "bar path" nnd Mr. bruin way forced to endure tho Jiangs of death. Horace Haton, of your city, captured one, and now there is talk of incorporating n joint stock company forhe purj one of extinguishing (lie loiimal. K( w 1 .i I? lull IVlt tM 1 aft U t''liwl 11 AJ1J itiuiJi4 Jin ii ttn HiaiiHM Mi Mary Vanorder The haj py cia-jlewdl In. i' for Iowa in a b w days, to ni.tki tha Stntr iln ir fu.ure hi. mi" 'I li" bli e will be niissetl v. ry inn 'h lii leid, from tin- ciiel s of her mnnv lie nl . Mr. Bull lias lived in I i mi dainty for tho pas. two years, and has made u host of friends, who wi h tii m; end 1 Is inlimuld wife a life of happine-n. Yluitas. Tho Orcgcnifln In rpeaking of tho WW rond to tho mines has the follow ing: "For tho information of all com c"ncd, it is ttattel that iN'crth Powder, Union and Baker City ouch one sop antUly have ntktcJ assistance, from the board of trade in tho matter of ro.iela lo the new mining camp. The feeling among merchants is that it in the duty of this city to he Ip but one genx! reaJ through fropi some point on the O. II & N. line, becauso if the initios should develop, as tho present indications promise, Portland will se cure the trade. It is understood that the raihond compuny will nho astisU A re'gubir meeting of tho board of traele will be hi hi next Monday, when an expert will be selected lo vitit the severi.l points, nnel recommend which mute is the lK'St. As toon aa ha lntikes his ix'i ort, fund will Ihi forthcoming. County Court. Tho roiitni'Mor for keeping tho conn ty poor ordered to lake charge) of am ctue lor .Joseph Cliainbci lain. In the muter of ihe H. T. Ncvjllo road. Coiillnued till next lerti). I)r. (1. . Bigyers was awarded the contract of lakiuu caie of tlieeoim ly pauper-, and (or medical Iteat tiieut. of pi'i-oitei's, for tho term of one vcni beginning Sept. Ut It . . 1HS.), mid ending sopt.'Dtlr, ISSli; contract price. $!.")( id. In the mitt Icr of tho Oollliihcrry roatl. .lack I'icKle. f3co, Ainu-, and vS. Miller oppointed viewers. In the mutter of roml petitioned for by Dan. F. Moore, ot nl.lico. W. Amos., V. (!. Hunter and Clms. IloU garth appointed viewers, to meet at the leMilenco of (b'o. Ames. Sept, 'j In the maiterof road of Brucei Uv mis. Disinis-cd. Frank' 1,'o-ie awarded tho contract for luriiishiiig cord wood, lor the use ot tho county, nt the tat'u of .?3.7fl cash per i out. In the matter of road of II. II, B coshers . l)hiuis.cl. liesignniion of y A. Ileckctliorn , as du.-lice of the Peace of Joseph pro duet . accepted , am! H. d. Foisytho appiiiiit'eil 'o llll the vaeaney. The two vacant scholar.-bips in the Btate Univeoily , tor Union county, were awarded lo Frank 15. Collins, of Smnniorvillo, and Mis Flora Satnms, ol'Lojiine. A fresh lot of Insect Powdor just received at the well known drug store of John T. Wright, Union, Urcgou. I tints' no equal for tho dost ruction of hud bugs, o(c. Siitltltus .iikI Uiiunss. Those desiring any tiling kojit or usu ally niantifaotuitd in a w. ll-ttocked saddb mid harness thop, 'should not fail lo c.dl on Bcidlemnii it Dixon, in this city, before purehaiing ch-cwhere, i hey manufacture nothing but tho best qib.lity of goods, and tell at prices that cunhot bo competed witli. Farm ers will do w 11 lo learn where the'y can get tho bet' I. goods for tho money, be lore they buy. Fingle harness, 1 5 to flS. Ili.hers. fit) cts., 'and all othef sooiIb in proportion. A (o il CliiiiKio, 0. Vincent, of the City Hoot and .Shoo Store is now receiving bis fall slock, which consists of a lnnto assortment of 'boots and shoos, oVer-slioCs, guniMioots, etc. of the very best quality, which he is selling chea per tlpyi ever, for cash, t'ull on him and bu conviijood. llnyward Hand (inanities aro tho best As good an assortment of choieo family groceries iih won' evor brought to Union, has boon received by Jono-i Pro's. Tho pub lie aro invited to call anil oxanitno goods, l.i:Tri5K LIST. Itoinalning uucidlod for tjio nioiilh ending August yiat.,' li.'). ' Acers l)r T Pare Sam tiurncy .nrs r.ius cmivoiis .mini n Clavton Frnnols h fVillius (1 W k'vtviiir iiuiiii j Htawart Miss horthn .Sutton (t D ' Dawson A II Tolly .1 It ' Harris 0eo V I! Tuoa W h Hill .Mrs bizzio Thopms OQ Miigann .1 W Van Dyko.rO ltclohiuann Ous ASliitd Thomas Oi:o. V, li.M.b, P. M, Union, progon Ilniid of lii.tt.tltzaUi.ii. NOTJCIJ Is hereby given that the Unard if I&pudiiiiition will meet On tho first. Mon day in October, 18 ll. at tho ('lurk's olllee, In 'Union, Union county, Oregon, and will continue in saislou from day to day, lur t nc m ejj. All pcrst ns who may feclthem selves aggriovod attlieir asMHsment, will iilease appear beforo tho hoard and show in what rosiiect ib-'lr ns.o.-.HU)ont is unrea .lonablc or inOutt. Notice 's further giv en tliut all pursuits failing to so appoar be fore said U.iurd of l)m llUation, will not ufterwunls bu allowoef any rebito on ti ossinent. J. 11 MiiOUIJIJIN, Assessor of ITiiimi County, Oregon. ' l A At. . mm u From Union to the Covo, J. S, El.IdOTT, PlSOPKIBTQn, Ijovoi Union at 10:.10 A. M. and roturna nt U :30 1. M. ovory day except Sunday. Faro from depot to Covo .75 Bound trip ?1.-S 1'assou.jcrs will bo taken from tho depot through to tho Covo, via Union. Ascension School. For Girls. ' COVE, UNION COUNTY, 00N. Tho IU. Bov. II, Wlstar Morris, D. D Hector. ThoHov. Wm. It. Vow. ell, A. !., Vrinclpa!. Asulsted by experienced and thoroughly ct iu; ot nt teachers. SKCOXD YSAlt WILL BSOIN SRPT. 3d, IS&'i, Ittr preispectusor fiirther information utidrcss ItV. V. U. ItYfci. J. SY, STHAN0E, DENTIST, OVTK'l.-Cornor iuin ,iml A Streo' , Union, Oregon, ALL WOlllv STIMCTIA FlUST CLAbS, C'lituucH rctisonublo. y