The GOUT. V VOL. II. UNION, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1885. no, Oregon THE OREGON SCOUT An independent weekly Journnl, Issued every caiuruay uy JONES & CHANCEY, Publishers and Proprietors. A. K. Jones, 1 Editor. ( J II. ClIANCr.Y ( Foreman. KATES OP SUllSCUIPTION: Ono copy, one year " " fix months. " " Thrco months Invarlahly cash In mlvanco, f 1 no , 1 00 Kates of advertising made known on applf cation. Correspondence from allpartsof tho county Fonciica. Address allcommunlcntlons to A. K. Jones Editor Oregon Scout, Union, Or. 1io1ko Directory. Grand Konde Valmy Lome. No. fiO. A. K. and A. M. Meets on tho second nnd fourth Saturdays of each month. O. F. Uelv, W. M. C. E. Davis, Secretary. Union Lodok. No. tt), I. 0. O. F. Kcpular meetings on Friday evening of each Week at their linll In Union. All brethren in good stnndlnir uro invited to attond. Ily ordor. of tho lodro. S. W. Lo.NO, N. O G. A. TiioMrsoN, Secy. Clmrvli Illrcctory. M. E. Ciiuitcii Dlvino ffsi vIco every Sunday ntll n. m nnd" p. m. Sunday school at U p. m. I'rayer niectinp every Thursday evening utfl:WJ. ki:v. ANDKitsoN, rasior. I'liKsnvrnniAN Cornell ltccular church snrvlnon nvnrv Sabbath iiiornlnir and evenlnir I'rayer iiieotlmr each week on Wednesday evonlnir. Sabbatli Fchool every bnnuntnat 10 a. m. Kov. II. Vnu.No.v Hick, rustor. St. John's Eiuscor.u. Ciiuitcii Scrvlco every Sunduy at 11 o clock n. in. Kev. W. K. l'owi:r.ii. Hector. County OHIccr.N. Judso A. C Craig Slierltr A. Jj. suuiiderrt Clerk 11. F. Wilson Treasurer A. F. llonson School Superintendent J. L. Hiiuhnnn Surveyor 1-2. Sin.onls Coroner E. II. Lewis COMMISSIONERS. Goo. Acklos Jno. Stnnloy Stuto Senator L. U. Kluehurt llUl'KESE.VTATIVKS. F.T.Dick E. E. Taylor City Olllcer. Mayor. ..r. II. Kces COUNCII.ME.V. W. S. A.Pursol.. J.S. Elliott... J. II. Eaton... Kecordor Marshal f). Tloulloinnn Willis isklir . ..G. A. Thompson j. ii. riiomson J. A. Demiov Treasurer.... .J. I). Carroll Street Commissioner L. Kuton Departure of TraliiH. Kcpular ea6t bound trains leuvo nt 0:30a m. w est bound trains leuvo at 4:a) p. m. I'KOFUSSIONAIi. J. K. C1UTES, ATTOISKI2Y AT LAW. Collecting nnd probato practico specialties Oillee, two doors south of 1'ostolllce, Ublou uregon. II. EAKIN, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. OITlco, ono door south of J. II. Eaton's store, union, uregon. I. N. CROMWELL, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon Office, ono door south ot J. II. Eaton's store, union, uregon. A. E. SCOTT, M. D. jpiiymiciaiv a;i .suie;i:', Tlas permanently located nt North Fowdor, wherolio will answer all calls. T. II. CRAWFORD, ATTOKrVKY AX LAW, Oregon. Union, D. Y. K. DEERLNG, I'liy.sioiun uiul Surgeon, Union, Oregon. Offlco, Mnln street, nestdoor to Jones Ilros.' variety store. Itcglilunoo, Mnlu etreot, second liousu south ot court lllMlM'. CUronlodUuusoa a spcciulty. JUSTICE OK THE PEACE, Notary l'ubllo and Oonvoynnofr. OIIIoo, II vtrmit. tuodoorH oiiht of Jones Ilros.' variety more, Union, Ortgon. II. 1 IIUKLKIGH, Attorney t Itenl i:luto uiul N!IettlIii;r Aeiil. I.tutd Ollk'o Htultiuw a Spuolnlty. )iitfo ttt AMr, 1'iiion Co Ofni. IWoMAiriTtM IMTMI OHM WW 9, HARDESTY, .i'lTOIUMIVK . WtU HttMta I r.tlM. IUkf, Ureal, tmnm t'mm ,1 i , it I wi t A METHOKIC M10WKK. A l'osslbln i:ptntmtIon of tl. lied Lltit Seen in the Sky After Sunset An Inti'rfsthi Iieeord. A rcuiarkablo ubsorvntion was mntiu recently by l'rof. ltruoks an indtts trious "astronoinur of western New York. Whilo searching with his tele scope, for comets lie saw what he de scribes as a shower of telescopic me teors "near the sun." This, of course, means that they were near the appar ent nlace of tfic sun in the sky, and not literally near to that body, "for tho sun had already set at tho time, and if what Prof. Brooks saw was really a meteor swarm, tho meteors must have been in tho upper regions of our atmos phere. Supposed llights of meteors seen through telescopes have occa sionally turned out to bo Hocks of birds, but an observer as careful and experienced as Prof. Brooks would not bo likely to make such a mistake as that. Assuming, then, that ho re all' did sco an extraordinary storm of meteors, and remembering that me teors large enough to be visible with out telescopes, and some of great size and brilliancy, havo been unusually numerous, the suggestion that the red light seen in tlio sky after sunset may be caused by reflection from clouds of meteoric dust m tho upper portion of tho atmosphere is not unnatural. There are several reasons for thinking that the strange light is the result of some such cause as the presence of meteoric dust rather than of dill'er ences of density in the atmosphere leading to extraordinary reflection. In the lirst place, tho phenomenon has not only been visible over an immense extent of territory, but it has lasted several days, and has been in the oast before sunrise as well as in the west after sunset, so that any abnormal re fraction in tho atmosphere would havo to be of almost incredible persistence in order to account for the.observed ap pearances. Besides, during tin's time there have been considerable atmos pheric changes, especially in respect to temperature. These remarkablo sunset displays have also been accom panied by a notably hazy appearance of tho sky. It is well known the earth is daily and nightly visited with mil lions of meteors, the vast niojority of which are almost instantly consumed by the intense heat developed as they dash into our atmosphere. Tho prod ucts of the combustion of these me teors liltcr slowly through the air, and havo been found in tho shape of me tallic dust on tho snow-lields in the Arctic regions, on mountain peaks in Europe, anil in other localities, being recognized by their peculiar chemical composition. It is also well known that the polar system abounds with swarms of meteors revolving around tho sun, and that tho earth crosses tho path of a number of these occasional ly encountering tho swarms themsel ves. The vast majority of these nio teors are very small, those that are seen weighing on an average probably only a few grains; and since tho tcle seopo reveals millions which escape tlie uaKou evo it is reasonable to con clude that millions more are too small to bo scon oven with the tele scopes mere motoric dust. I here .ire historic instances ot supposed falls of motoric dust, tho most remarkablo, perhaps, being that of lSTf), when Eu rope, part of Asia and part of North America woro covered for months with a dry fog, or haze which excited the greatest alarm, Prof. Brooks' suggestion that tho earth has encoun tered a cloud of motoric dust is not, therefore, without foundation in pro bability. If tho blazing sunsets of lobl havo really resulted from such a cause, lliev are likely to continue, in a inodilied form for some time, gradual ly disappearing as tho dust sinks lower in tho atmosphere. But. although so many reasons can bo advanced which give probability to tho theory that meteoric dust is concerned in the pro duction of theso strange sunset effects, yet it can not be considered as proved, and some better explanation mav bo offered. Whatever the true explana tion may turn out to bo, howovor, everybody seoms to agree in tho opin ion that tho red glare in the west has been one of tho most singular specta cles behold in the sky for many years. If, about two hundred years ago, a witness had stated that he had seen a witch at midnight riding through tho air on a broomstick, ho' would havo been believed, but if ho had stated that ho had heard a loud explosion, and found a largo hole in tho ground, mil, upon thrusting Jus hand in, had found a largo stone, which was warm, his voracity would havo boon doubted. Meteors must havo fallen in olden times, but it Is onlv in lator days that thoso cases have boon reported. Un til 17U1 it was the belief that meteors woro visitations from Cod. A Danish astronomer was tho lirst to writo on the subject. Pallas found a meteor, which lie examined, and recognized Its true character,' being a composit'ou of mutal and nickel. In 1KWJ a largo shower full in Normandy, which was of meteoric origin. A Hindoo claimed Unit a meteor followed him for two hour before It foil to thu tmrth. Tho most celulifHlud one fell in ll'J- in AUnuo, mid It has hung for three cent uritM In a cathedral. It weighed JMU pound, and lull with a clap of tlitui dtr. It pmiotratod thu earth x foot. Tin IhmI-Uiiuhii nitflwor Uwm of lh7l, ivli'oh foil in WolvHihmiipluH, Kiiif Ulid. A friiir hMW h IimIm ill the rrwuitti. hihI uh iuhuiIiihUum I4hh b tfrwMiMl tu Im wurui, slid h iuitor wntltiMiilr yNimrUtml HbMt HtdifttMl !..,.,! ..'vim liuiujrttl iuuihI. Muni)? . . oitfti, il lOMiHlWir politlliMl irtili, .It llW H lUtf Jllilltll IIIIUHMII1 III . IM o-Jti tWiri (fJHI MtftU HiU atmosphere, where there is little re sistance, and come down with a ve locity twenty times greater than that of a "bullet. Coining in contact with tho atmosphere great heat is genera ted and the meteor is broken in pieces. The most common meteors are stone, andean not be found because they re semble stones on the earth's surface. In Siberia and South America the most are found. Where thev come from has ciused much discussion. One theory is that meteors originally came from the earth, and were duo to stu pendens volcanic eruptions of ages gone, when the meteors wero thrown beyond the attraction of the earth, anil hent revolving around the sun. Any stono thrown at tho rate of six miles a second, would not return again to tho earth, but would bo thrown out sido of the attractive power. Every one of thoso must hi time onter tho orbit of tho earth, and must, of course, return to it. Tho earth, us she swings her ponderous bulk in her orbit, encounters about Nov. 13 tho meteor zone. This gigantic hoop or eclipse consists of a swarm of parti cles following Temple's comet in its orbit. Tho visitor from tho star depths, on arriving within tho solar domain, ventured too near tho planet Uranus. The planet captured tho comet and forced it honcotorth to ro vwlvo within tho boundaries of the so lar system, the event probably occur ring in tlie second century of tlioj Christian era. lho perihelion ot tho comet's orbit rests on the earth's or bit, where she passes on Nov. 13, and1, its aphelion extends beyond the orbitt of Uranus. A process' of disintegra-J tion is going on, and the debris of the( comet anil the swarms ot meteors aro gradually scattering through the; whole zone, only one-tenth of whiehj is now filled densely with tho meteor; swarms, lho period of revolution is about thirty-three years, and a grand, display occurs onlv at those intervals. when ' tho earth crosses tho densest! portion of the zone. The last mem orable display was in lS(i(i-7; tho next is expected in 1899. Observers on tho nights of tho 11th. 12th. 13th. and 11th of November w ill bo sure to seo a few moteors, and there is always a possibility that an unexpected number, of falling stars may mukctho heavens. resplendent with their her' trams. Un Oct. 28, 1S-10, persons present at thoi t,.i !....... ......... i :.. lr., 11U1 LHJJlJi L UUUljJ -ill WUUM, 111 Itillllll county, Maine, saw a meteorite fallj into tho water near tho camp. As itj fell it burst into fragments; that was. tho conclusion drawn by those who; witnessed its descent. Soared wasj made at tho time for fragments, but' nono wero then found, the tide at all times covering the spot where tho j motoorito struck tlie water. Two years! ago ono who witnessed tho fall again made the search, and some fragments' wero recovered. From time to time' the search has been continued and, other fragments have been brought to light, one of which was considerately t sent to Prof. V. C. Rollins m, of Bow-, doin college. More recently quite aj largo mass, weighing perhaps twenty. pounds, was removed, and this mass Prof. Robinson now has in his posses sion. A dispactli from Sherman, Tex., dated as lato as Juno G, 18S5, gives an account of a very curious meteor. It says: "A meteor of ro markablo size was seen near midnight last night, moving in a southwesterly direction. Tho sky was brilliantly il luminated by it lor several seconds. A moment after tlie meteor had dis appeared a loud explosion, similar to the discharge oi Heavy artillery, was heard, accompanied by a perceptible shock, which rattled the glass in the court-house windows. Tho phenomen on was followed by a rumbling like distant thunder. Tlie meteor appeared to bo about tho size ot a Hour barrel. It was also suun at McKinnoy, thirty live miles distant, where a hissing sound was hoard, greatly alarming some colored people who wero return ing from a prayer mooting, and caus ing them to take lliglit, shouting that tho day of judgment had come." Irish World. Rev. Sum Jones' Sayings. Tf I had a creed I'd sell it to a museum. What's culture worth if its' nothing but whitewash on a rascal? I'd rather bo in Heaven learning my A B ("s than in hell reading Creek. I havo little tasto for theology and boiany. but I lovo religion and lowers. I can't bribo (Sod's grand jury nor defy the court that tries me thu last day. "I have doubts," says ono. You just quit your meanness nnd you will quit doubting. Bo honest and pay your dobts. There are ton many men in the church boarding with their wives. I've seen mou not afraid to die, but I novor saw a mnii that was not afraid of the judgment of Cod. Everybody ought to keep gootl com pany. There is not an angel In Heaven proof agaiiiH). bad company. It's not so much when and whoro a man joins thu church. It's all right just bo long as lie sticks to It. A man's hates and his likes doter ii) i u character; a mail's allliiltlus do terinino what ho Is and who lie is. 1 hail lather asHoelate with a dog than with u profauo sweaior. I nay thing that bound utrong but I've wlhted 'em. If on will let mo I will out loose the Itttl lljramout that blmU you to !u Hiid ltd ou iwlm out Into thu bottom Ium ii'itwu ol (tod'a loin. Porliap If you do nut tulk of your mUgUm it U biMMtiiiii you liuvu no re. litfUiii tti talk Hhoiil. I'oIU wllh III Ituftlih il'iii't gourvuml brngylng about l lit r j.Ii;iioiuu. THE IMliANI) OF CKYU1N. A Mountainous Country with a Steadily In cri'iiMni: Population. The island of Ceylon is 270 miles in length, loo' in breadth, nnd very moun tainous near the center, there being mountains ranging between 3,000 and 0,000 feet high, ten of which aro above the latter limit. The highest is Piduiutalage, 8,290 feel. Large tracts of the island aro still covered with dense jungle, in which many wild ele phants are to be found; but tho wanton slaughter of these useful animals led tho government to prohibit their de struetum except under special per mission.. Of late tliero have been great progress and improvements in the means of internal communication There aro good roadways, metaled and graveled, and now lib miles of rati wav and 107 miles of canal, which have dono much to promote the inter ests of tho country. The population lias ueon steadily increasing, ami now it numbers 2.850,000. Tliero aro En ropeans, Eurasians, and Burghers, Sinhalese, Iannis, Moors, and a few Parsees, Afghans, Malays, and others. Tlie Sinhalese inhabit the interior and parts of the coast, and comprise near ly 2,000,000 of the people, whilo the Tamils occupy tho northern portion of the island, ami number about 000,000. The Europeans are comparatively few in number, being under o,000; but of Eurasians and Burghers there aro nearly 18,000. There are ISO .Moor men, who are to bo found in largo numbers all over the ditVorent pro vinces. Tho postai service through out the island is in a very satisfactory state. Scarco a town or village but boasts of a postollieo, and ere long they aro to have added to them tho all-iinportrnt savings bank, winch docs so much to iiillucuco Ihrilt and econ oniv. The island has many institutions fortlie sick and tho diseased in body and m;ud, and in education tlie people aro far in advance of their northern neighbors. English is pretty general ly spoken, and particularly among tlie domestic class. 1 he products of tho country aro very varied and consist of rice, cinnamon, cocoanur, paints, tobacco, sugar-cane, and cotton, and latterly coll'eo, cinchona, inilia rubber. and tea havo been added. Tho land is admirably adapted for the growth of rice. Tho cultivation of coooanuts lias been gradually increasing, and, though a large quantity is exported, a large trade is dono in tho coir liber from tho husk and in expressed oil from the kernel of tho nut. The culti vation extends near' all along the west part of tlie island. Tho groat planting industry, howevor, is now coll'eo and tea. For many years, dur ing tho occupation of the Dutch in 1710, the cultivation of coll'eo was con fined to tho low-lying country, but it was not until tho occupation by the British, when communication between the hill country and tho coast was made, that it began to flourish, and since' then it lias been giadually ex tending all over me central and west provinces. Tho opening of the rail way between Ivandy and Colombo did much to slimulato tho industry by supplying cheap tree labor and great er facilties for the market. Largo quantities of jungle woro cleared and planted, and overything seemed to in itio n pormaiiout good investment, but an enemy appeared in the lield who began his devastation and lias continued steadily to diminish the pro ductive power ever since till ho has reduced the exports to less than aliftli of what they woro. Tho enemy is a minute fungus on tlie leaf called Hani- kin vaitalnx. It appeared in a ronioto corner of ono of the yoting coil'ej) gar dens. Tho leaves assumed a bright orange spot, and then they withered and decayed. The consequences of such a failure, following on thu invest ment cf a lumber of planters in tlie high districts, led to the most serious consequences and ruin. These losses convinced many that the climate and charactorot the soil wore admirably adapted for the cultivation of tea, anil tho result has been that thousands of acres under coll'eo cultivation have now been changed to tea, and the jun gle is being cleared for the extension of tho cultivation of that plant. Cor. Glasgow Herald. The "Untie" .Militia. It is a common thing, whilo stand ing on tho sidownlkin any city where malitia or amateur soldiers are on jiarndo, In nuy stale in the Union, to hear slighting remarks made about the "dudes," Smartles, thugs, prize lighters, lawbreakers, and sometimes respectable men who do not see any sense in such parades with guns, foatliors and furbelows, make sarcastio remarks that would make thu ears of the young soldiers burn if they hoard them. It Is very natural to make comments, and there is nothing that is a greater subject for comment than tho citizons who one day muasuro calico, keep books or sell beer, and the next day appear as an army with banners. A year or two before tho war It was the same way. Who does not remember the comments that were made as tho old Milwaukee Light (Sinint, with its bear skin caps, march ed about the streets? And yet, before thu war was over, nearly every moiii. her of that dress-parade organization was commanding men, some command ing divisions, others brigades, orthers regiments, mid lots of thu privates were commanding companion. Nearly every regiment that left tho state had an oll!or from the ranks of that old bourn Mu oonipany that tuud to lie Inuuliud at for moiikuv lug around in the hot nun, for fun. During thu war thu record of the member ol that old (KJinpmiv wan watohml eagerly by many who mud to luugh at thoin. urubnbh, ny regiment In tl-ln country has ever been commented on nnd laughed at for its dudish propensities as much as the New York Seventh, and yet, when needed, those dude stand up like a stone wall against a foe, and know fear only by reading about it. After the war there was no ttse for malitia, for a long time. Old soldiers did not care to enlist for fun, after serving four years for business, and those who had not been in battle iiad a delicacy about going into tlie pic-inc malitia business, tor fear t being laughed at. But as years rolled around and a new generation sprang up. the military ardor they had in herited began to ferment, a few old soldiers got the fever and went in with tho boys, and to day tliero is military feeling everywhere, and our "dudes" aro praised by some and laughed at by others, thosiuno as their fathers woro twenty-live years ago. How often soino big fellow is hoard to say, as he sees a company of young tollows parading with guns, "I could whip tho whole company." That might bo trtiu, if muscle was all there was to light, but the smallest cash boy in the company, if well drilled, is worth as much in battle as John Sulli van, and a regiment of clerks would bo preferred by any general, to a regiment of prize lighters. Tho lit tle follow that only weigli a hundred pounds behind a breech-loading nlle, secreted heluud a small stump is a holy terror to the foe, while on horseback, with a carbine and a couple of revolvers which lie knows how to use, he niowes a wido swath, and novor thinks of tho chances of being killed. Readers of tho papers will re member hilly llson s Zouaves, com posed of Now" York thugs, thioves, rob bora and prize lighters. Jhey woro sent to Ship Island witli Butler, in tlie Hopes that they would die ot yellow lover, as they woro no good on earth 1 hut regiment once struck against working on fortifications. They said they never did work, and thev novor would. They enlisted to steal and to light, and tliero was no power on earth that could make them work. The general in command ordered a squad of the worst ones, regular tor rorsout one day todosome work, and a squad ot -ith Wisconsin young tol lows wero ordered out to make them work or kill them. The thugs refused to work, and thev wore given two mill utes in whioh to grab the picks and shovels and throw dirt. After a min ute of idleness the Wisconsin boys were ordered to load their guns with balls. 1 lieu tlioy wero ordered to take aim at tlie hearts of tlie '.ouaves, which tliev did. Then tho ollicer said if thev didn't go to work in ton seo onds they would bo dead men, and Cod havo mercy-" Before the words woro out of the ollicer's mouth thu biggest prize lighter in tho squad grabbed a pick, and every last ono of them followed suit, and stich a throw ing of dirt never was seen, and aftor that a zouavo would work if a Wiscon sin dude looked cross at him. Pooplo will laugh when tlioy read of the in spections of our amateur soldiers, whero a belt buckle or a button out of place is marked against the soldier, and often the soldier think it a little tough, but that is what makes soldiers, hi all companies there aro a few men who look upon discipline as useless, if not foolish, A man in a company. who, when the order is "eyes right." will look to tho loft becatiso there is a girl to the left that ho wants to see, is not lit lor a soldier, though he may be ono of lho best private citizens in tho world, and the sooner ho gels out of a company the better for tho company. i.ei the militia be allowed to drill and to parade, and to become prolicioul, and let ovorv private soldier learn his duties and perform thorn with pride, and if occasion over arises for a largo army to bo put into lho lield, each pri vate will be qualified to take a posi tion as ollicer of a new company, and tbi hundred men of a company can in .i few days command tho thousand men of a regiment, and a million armed men can be sunt to any given point so quick tli :tt an enemy's head will swim. Such a thing has been in the last quar ter ot a century, and is liable to be again, so let us be carol u I about sar castic remarks in regard to our mili tary, us wo may regret it some day not far distant. I'm i Sun. Tho Reason Why. Ellpkins came down to lho" club hint night witli a great problem weighing on his mind. "If 1 should stand on my head." saul he, coming tip to tho boys with the air of a man who has a poser, "i( I stand on my head, the blood all ruies into. my head, don l ltr ' No ono ventured to contradict him. "Now," continued he, triumphantly, "when 1 stand on my fed, why don't the blood all rush into my feet?" "Because," replied Mfss Cosli aim Ig an's brother, "because, l'llpkius, your foot aro not empty." The boys all laughed, hut Fllpkins said he couldn't see any )uku.J,ynn Union. A Disappointed Jinn. Pat O'Rafl'orly and Mike Donovan were employed on the roof of a twelve story New York house In process of erection. 0 Rall'urty bet Donovan a dollar that the latter could not, with a hod of brick on his shoulder, walk along the slippery edge of the wall of the building, about seventy feet from the ground, without falling, Donovan won the but, but thai he did not fall and break Ids nuok was a marvel. "So I won thu but," remarkud Don ovan, nflur he had auuompllsliod thu perilous font. "Viw, Pvo lout," va tlio ruplyi "but niieu or iwloo, whun ynr foot (dipped. J was In grout liopun," A Bright Boy Without Loirs and Anns. Tliure are many who havo to go through a part of "life at least with tho loss of an arm or a leg, and any one can realize in a measure the privations such a loss can occasion; but very few are called upon to exist without either, and very few realize the extent to which human ingenuity can provide means of compensation in such cases. Sometimes it seems as if nature gives what aid it can, and when tho phys'cal completeness has been denied sought to make up the deficiency with more than average mental gifts. Such observations' might naturally occur to the individual who was ac quainted with the son of G. B. Williams, of Mention, Mass., who was born with out arms and legs, and yet goes around tho village and lills a worthy place in tlio youthful society of thu town, with promise of an active and useful manhood in thu years to come. The young man is 12 yours of age. His features are rather old looking for his years, and the expression is bright and intelligent. His language and look indicate a belief in his ability to take sure of himself before a great whilo. llo is nearly qualilied to enter the tiigli school of the town, and his hnnd tvritiug is above the average. In ac complishing tlio latter work tho pen s Itoid under the chin, and witli thu lid of the shoulder the tracings aro made llo attends the public school and joes round the village without tho aid jt any other person, but tlie means to tins end were not invented until tvithin a year or so, and not until after t long time of study upon the subject mil trial of sovoral aids, whioh proved by oxporiinont to bo of little use. Ho could gut up and down stairs, put on Ids cap, and roll or throw himself from one point in the room to another without help, but to go much outside Df tlio house it was necessary to carry liini. Now he carries himself. For this purposu n pair of wheels similar to thoso on a boy's velocipede woro procured and the axle padded. Tho boy rests his oliost on tho pad and by means of his imperfect lower limb pro pels himself around thu town. It re quired some practice to learn to balance himself at lirst, buthosooa overcame tho dilliculty. Tho wheals ivoro obtained in Detroit, oll'orts to liud tho kind nearer home having been without success. "I can go anywhere I want to," laid tho lad. "Can go down hill fast ir than a walk, but have to rest on up jrades." Ho docs not complain of my pain or trouble in tho stomach from resting the weight of his body ii it so much. In spile of his afllictiou mil the way ho is handicapped in thu raco for worldly rewards, ho Impresses the stranger as ono who bids fair to niako Ids mark by strong mental at tainments. Boston Globe. A Pioneer of Pioneer;. Tho owner and navigator of a sloop engaged In lisiiiugou lho bay is James Peace, 87 years of age, and a Cali fornia pioneer of tho pioneers, having come to this coast in 1818. In 1817 he sailed from England in the shipNereod, bound for thu Columbia river, in tlie service of tho Hudson Bay company. She put into tlio bay of Monterey, where he became implicated in a mu tiny ami was placed In irons. In April, 1818, tho vessel cast her anchor in tlie bav of Sail Francisco, where he stole away In ono of tho ship's boats, and made his way to tlie Mission Dolores, whoro tho Fathers furnished him witli blankets and a pony and di rected him to the camp of William Smith, on the site of Woodshlo, San Matoo county. In this vicinity lie con tinued to live for sixty-seven years. Ho was remarkably skillful in the use of tools, and Instructed the natives of tlie Santa Clara mission in their In 1810, with about forty Americans, ho was seized by the Aloxican authori ties, placed In irons, ami sent to ban- Bias as a prisoner. llo was taken to Topic, whero tho charges of being im- pllcaceil in a conspiracy against Mexi co were found to bo baseless, and he returned to his homo in tlio redwoods. At the close of the Mex'can war he settled on a largo tract of laud at Half- moon bay. Here, In lol'J, lie hoisted the lirst American ling in Spanishtowii. Tills relic he still bus in possession. In lHtffi l'eneo married the daughter of Pedro Valencia, and has two sons liv ing. In the course of time he lost his property, ami in his old ago made use of his sldll In constructing n sloop thirty feet hi length, in which he cruises the bay in quest of lisli and clams, which aro marketed at lled wood City. San Francisco Call. Tho Old Jinn Wus On Time. For lifty-odd years Squire Nabor3 has regularly attended commence ment in Athens. Every Sunday morn- ng about 10 o'clock Suuiro Nabors would march in witli his blue claw- hammer coat on to listen to thn com mencement sermon. He would comy' hiifdr mi fniiimimfmiiimr. iIilv htiiI ttntuu t to the seniors speak. Squire Nuba1 is now in the sere and yellow leaf; race has been run. Ho has heard1 most of the great men of Georgia spread themselves upon the rostrum of tho college chapel. We missed him last Sunday and thought that tha squire would not bo in on time, hut yesterday, while coining down the btreet, wu spied thu old familiar coat, and know that the suuiro was In Its folds. The most of the brass buttons have been lout oil', but otherwise It looks us it dhl years ago, h'qulro Nu bort lirst uiuiio to coiumeHunweHt Im J8IH, ami hua boon coming rugularly over Mince, llu Is very tVubjo how. hut may ht able to nthmd wivunil more imiiimiiiiuomewU.dt-AfN (,; 4fiMwr,