The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 05, 1885, Image 8

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William D. Howklls says that no
Ionian can livo in the same house
with a genius.
IIaiuiy Gakfield lias gone to Has
ton to attend tho annual roirntta o(
am a tour oarsmen.
Tin: laws of Japan roqtiiro sjx
months' notico to bo given of in ten
lion to publish a magazino and one
month's notico for publishing a book
Boston's famous lawyer, Sidnoy
Bartlctt, is 8G yearn old, and estimated
to bo worth S12.000.000, chiefly derived
from excellent railroad speculations.
Somk of tho English newspapors
printed on machines that fold and cu
tho sheet report losses of subscribers,
who insist on tho privilege of cutting
their own newspapers.
At last Charles Dickens is to liavo a
monument in Hochostor, noar his own
Gad's hill, whore ho wished to bo
buried and which furnishes somo of
tho best local scenes in many of his
Having 6ailed tho Mediterranean
sea for sixty years without boing re
sponsiblo for a singlo accident, an
Italian captain recently ran into an
English .steamer, and at onco commit
tod suicide. He was ashamod to live
any longor.
Emma Abbott's hoalth lias been im
proved by hor soason of rest. She is
getting a trillo stout, and ho has begun
to walk six miles a day in the hopo of
keeping llesh down. She takes tho
matter cooly, howovor, and says ploas
antly that it will never do for hor to
bocome any stouter than she is.
ATTV. UI5N. UAlll.ANI) IS a qllOOr
combination of sternness and infinite
humor, writos a Washington corre
spondent. No man in the cabinet can
raise a bigger brcoxo on a shorter no
tico than he, provided the circum
stances justify it, and, again, none of
his associates can begin to compare
with him iib a raconteur. His stories
aro resistably droll. If there is a com
ical sldo to anything, you can dopeud
lpon it that Garland will be one of the
first to seo It and give it a twist of his
peculiarly dry wit.
Caul Rosa says that while music is
his profession, painting and polities
ro his hobbies. His house is adorned
y tho works of art, and much of his
income is spent in gratifying thlf: taste.
Mr. Hosa is now -V2 yours of ago, and
is ono of tho most successful managers
in tho operatio and concort iiold. Ho
is notably domestic in his habits, and
spends his leisure timo in his homo,
whore ho has two bright children. His
boh Herbert, now il years of ago, is
said to bo quite a little musical genius,
much to the delight of his parents.
. At Sehwalbaoh Mum. Christine
Nilsson is tho chief attraction, says
London Truth. A fow days ago n con
cort was given by somo wandering
Tyrolese minstrels in a little al fresco
restaurant in the woods there. Nils
son was nreseut and listened, for a
time, with exemplary patieueo, to tho
usual excruciating noises, but suddenly
sho disappeared, and presently, from
tho heart of the groonory, arose,
to the amazement of tho Tyroloso
and the delight of the Sohwnlbaoh
lans, that voice that has given so
much pleasure to thousands, evon
whon thoy have had to pay a
guinea for the privilege ot hear
ing lu .
Ninktv years old, and for sixty
yoars lllllng tho chair of history in tho
University of Berlin, Prof, von Uanko
still works about eight hours a day,
roni 8 to V2 and from G to 10. Ho
dictates now to an amanuensis. A
friendly physician forbids his leaving
the upper story in the house in Luisun
strasse, whore ho has resided for the
last forty yoars. His habits ami ways
of life aro very simple. His lltltle cot
reminds one of the equally simple
couch of tho ituko of Wellington. Ho
has a great horror of professional in
terviews. Ho says that, after ho com
pletes his present work on universal
history, hu "intends, if it ploaso
God, to write recollections of his
own life. "
Mil. Haholu Fity.imic, who visited
tho cholera district in southern France
last year, calls attention to the strange
apathy that prevails at present with
regard to tho ravages of tho disease in
Spain. In a communication to The
ltU Mall Qazdte of July '.'8 ho says;
"Wo have not reached August yet and
there have been in Spain alone about
.10,000 deaths. Up to Aug. 1'2 of last
year there worn 3,1)50 deaths in ill de
partments of Franco, and the whole
world was grateful for the news that
tho plague was abating. Up to Jul)
'26 of thU year, tuiforlng nlmoil
oinotly n month lent timo, thorn
Ituvo boon -'7,0h0 tiholurato dentin
in .11 provliiuotf of Spain ami no
body ouUldu of tho Pro nob Pyroiiouu
noil n try oe nut (o know or euro
mi) thing uboirt It. Why mm Inmld ho
uoiivuUwl with j in pu iliy nml horror
iynr n (ow UimiMiid deutlu In ) ranou
ml llnly. win! pay n mriifiilnr m
toullnii In luiu of UiiMitaild ut iIunIIii
In tfj'nln, 1 tli) nui prutmid id mplmn
HllMhortol I Wwv." HUtUllw rr
lltUH ritunut Hlllldl huw lllAl III!
4h in 1'rAnn' mill Junu M lu
iA ffyrr. IMI. win MVS MMly.
Tho Greatest of tho Known and the
Smallest of tho Unknown Sleep
Side by Side on tho Shores 9
of the Hudson.
Soldlcts Unanl nml Flowers Grace the Grave
of one Falling Leaves unit PiuJlng
Winds Alone Caress the other.
Gen. Grant's Iomb and Its Snrrounuintc.
Sjxclal UorrtjxuUnce.
New Yoiik, Aug. 12, 1885.
Every curious visitor to the tomb of
Gen. Grant, and there aro thousands
visit it daily.pass a fow feet northwest
of his sentry guarded sopiilchcr and
grave, with fcolings of tinappeasscd
curiosity at another grave in Riverside,
around which custor many romantic
memories, and half told histories of
other days. For many long years this
llttlo gravo and tombstone havo with
stood tho wrath of storm and wratli of
wintry winds upon tho river exposed
hillside, outliving the surrounding
trees, and even landscape, which has
so materially changed within tho past
century, until now it stands alone, a
monument to the bones beneath, and
landmark of the years gone by.
As it stands, tho little tomb, with its
square block of marble, its (plaint in
scriptions, with tho long Lnglmli s. of
olden times in use upon it. Us broken
urn, and timo stained and almost
oflacod letters, it is indeed a curiosity.
On ono side are inscribed the words
"Erected to the memory of an amiable
difld. at. Uialro Pollock, died .July lfi,
1797, In tho fdh vear of his ago," and
on the side facing tho river, in letters
worn and scarcely distinguishable are
these scriptural lines:
"Mini that Is born of woman
Is of few duys ntnl full of trouble.
He coni'-lli up like 11 flower
And Is cut down.
llu llcctctli also as a shadow,
And eontlnuetli not."
So much for the tomb. Who was
its occupant, St. Clairo Pollock, tho
amiable child, who now sleops under
the slanting shadow of the tomb of
Grant. Thoro aro sovoral theories re
garding this waif of the last century.
One is that ho was the illegitimate
son of a gay and festive English No
bleman, wlio nourished at Claro
niont, tho titlo of the properly and
udjolning house, anil that in this way
tho said nobleman desired to show his
rospoct and lovo for his ollspring by
burying him in his own proporty, un
der his cyo, erecting a handsome mon
ument, and discarding consecrated
ground. Another is that he was the
child of a friend who visited tho no
bleman, tho boy dying while thoy
were there. Another that he was the
hlld of narlios living on tho prom-
ises at the time and this is the most
likely story, since George and Cather
ine Pollock lived and owned proporty
ndioInin; Cluromont in the good old
days of that period. Tho Jlcntld has
raked m a so-called relative, an ir
ishman of Hoboken, who claims that
tho boy was his "furst cousin, and tho
byo of a Rolfnst linen dhraper," and
that "his irhrandfather was me
ghrandfather, too."
This is to otl'sot the World and its
itoryof Lord Courtney, and his lovo
for the little wtraimor who had died
while on a vHt to his home with its
Itvc's yew ap'
I iWMuhf 1UU H AH 41. u
.uvJ I uurllU'J 1I ! ) Miis ul
ntcrcsting figuro in thoso good old
days. Ho was a staunch Royalist and
supporter of Georgo III. before that
sovereign concluded that America and
Washington could get fjong without
his assistance. Lord Courtnoy built
the rambling house on tho hill nt this
point and calfcd it and tho estates
Horo ho lived in stylo overlooking
tno blowing Hudson ami tno growing
city nf Now York and swearing by
Kirnr Gooreo, until about tho war of
1812, when tho country cetting too
warm and tho laws too exacting, he
left his estates, his house, his furni
ture, pictures, etc., and skipped across
tno water with nil tno epecu possiuio
in thoso anto bollum days when sails
and stago coaches took the place of
steam vessels nnd railroads. Tlicro is
a rumor that if Lord Courtney had
not departed, thoro would have been
trouble for him in tho states. How
ovor that may o, ho nover returned
to America and his handsomo homo on
tho Hudson. His trustees sold it and
tho 40 acres surrounding to Mr. Jool
Post in 1821. Previous to this tho
houso is said to havo been kopt as a
road house, where the famous men of
that day, Aaron Hurr, Do Witt, C.
Clinton,' Alexander Hamilton, au!
others mot to discuss politics, good
liquor aDd 2oss'l,'y rel Lord
Courtnoy is cherished as a powdered
nd bowiged gentleman, elegant in
his tastes, and tastoful in his elegauco,
and lie lilted up his house and grounds?
according to his notions. Whether oq
not ho was responsible for the existoncq
of tho waif in the tomb, can mako bull
little diH'cronco now to either since thq
little St. Clairo and the bachelor Lord
have both accounted for themselves
in tho next world and remain but iij
legendary memory in this.
There is one rathor quoor and curious,
feature which has perplexed tho minds
of many siuco tho Lord deserted the
estate, and that is a wooden bust, set
up high on tho bough of an old pmo
tree, the hair white and face red,
which has stood thoro out ot roach ol
the curious passerby and tho destruc
tive small boy over since the oldest in
habitant could remember until tho pinu
treo rotted and fell a short timo sinco.
Then tho curiosity seekers, whon it bo
came known that this was to bo tliu
site of Grant's tomb, began chipping
away the linage, and the park commis
sioners took it in hand and placed it
away for safe keeping. This bust is
supposed to be a representative of
Kinir uooriro in., nut its History is
mixed, and like the little grave, it
girvs no sign.
uiaroinount anil its iu acres waa
originally purchased by Mr. Jool Post
for J?'-'i,000 from tho Irustoos of Lord
Courtney, about ton years after the
said Lord shook tho dust of America
fiom his feet. The last member ol
tho family who lived hero was Mr.
Edward Post, who wont to Europe in
loot) ami lliero alter the proporty was
used as a road house again until tho
city bought the estate, for Riverside
Park iiichidinr the old mansion, which
has now been relitted completely nnd
leased to Mr. Bernard on a fivo'yeara
ease. Ho runs a road House there
still, and as it is at the end of River
side drive, and within 200 yards ol
Grant's tomb, he has a fortune in it.
1 ho Post estate still own a number ol
ots facing it which will have to be nur-
ehused beloro any respectable site for a
permanent monument can be secured.
I ho spot as It Is Is only ulHMoot across
on the elevation, and tho elevation It
but 128) feet above tide water in the
llmUnu at this point.
nnn firnnt' Ininh overlooks tho be
ginning of the famous palisade of the
Hudson, Fort Leo, from which Wash
ington watched the decisive bftttlc of
Fort Washington, wnicn turneu imin
hatlan Island over to tho British ii
tho Revolution, and a monument a
Claremont can be seen from the ocean
frnin tiinnnuml nnd from tho East ant
North rivor a distance of at least 20
miles. . Si'iitTo Gentil.
Tho London Exposures.
L'r.n,. virrlil-mliiiloil niironn will
r- .....
.nmn tviih Mr. Sfuirrrcon in what ho
says concorning tho recent disclosures
of vico in nign places, mauo uy iuu
London Pall Mall Gazelle. Tho emi
nent divine, in a letter to the "Pall
Mall," heartily commends that jour
nnl'o not !nn nnil lirirns it not to snare
tho villains, oven though they woar
stars and garters. "Incidentally," ho
says, referring to tho publications
mbmtioncd, "thoy will do harm, but
tho great drift of their result will bo r
Inolini, linnndh." It. is not nn nnroo
ladling ' r
.. ...illnntinn f ll n t I .ntl II fltl . tllf' irTPflt
ilUJU ...... .... ..... - - - f- '.-
CSl ca)Iiai ill Viiiiaiuuuum, 3 ui;u.'iiiu
.. mmlni'ii Snitnin. find tll.'it Rome of
its highest and most prominent men
havo been engaged in a irauic tno very
liiidi iiiiikI lil-inrr ;i lllusll to
tho check of every self-respecting Eng-
1 lea It r n n Tim trizrllfi nssorls that it
has carefully substantiated tho facts
that it sots lortli. onarges oi sucu a
a naturo jvs this mado without indubi
tablo proof, and for tho highest pur
poses, would certainly bo not cruolly
unjust to thoso accused, but a scanda
lous outrago. Assuming tho dis-
losurcs to bo won iounueti, in eyre
lltinti nf sneinl donradation
and decay that should servo as a warn-
. 1 4
ing to Americans. History out re
peats itself. The sins that now dis
grace tho aristocracy and tho pluto
cracy cf Groat Britain aro as inovita-
1.1.. n n,lf rf llin liivurmliu ilnl
UIJ 11IU iU.Tilk w .liv ..............
oniaseulating tendencies in modern
English lite, lollowiug aggregauons
..f urnnltti nnil "nmviir in the
hands of a fow, as wero tho vices and
follies that sprang up iu noine on tno
r..M -.f Ainriiatiij Min result, nf .1 si m .1 :i r
dovelopmont of oileiniuatn luxury,
ovcuiuauy teauing to mo ucuuuu ami
disruption of tho empire. It was a
ike state ot social depravity in mo
ruling classes that prepared tho way
for the French revolution. 'lown
Why the Pews are Empty.
It is bovond dispute that, generally
speaking, tho pulpit of tho present
timo is not equal to tno ueniauus oi
truo religious enterprise. Tho ser
mons, as a rule, aro wanting in force,
in interest, and in a propor compre
hension of tho spiritual needs, as well
as the intellectual difficulties, of peo
ple now living on earth. Among all
the thousands of ministers who hold
forth ovory Sunday iu this country,
thoro aro probably not a hundrod who
.ire always sure of a satisfactory
audiouco, or always ablo to bring peo-
plo to church as a pleasure ratner
than a duty. The great majority of
them preach to small congregations,
mainly composed of women and chil
dren and those to whom church going
is a sort of social habit; and the re
sults of their labors at the end of the
year loavo them substantially whoio
they wore twelve months before, if,
indeed, thoy always do as well as that.
It is not tho pcdplo who are to blame
for the fact that so many empty pews
aro to bo found in all our churches.
Thoy would readily and gladly iill all
tho vacant seats if they wore assured
that thoy would hoar entertaining and
profitable sermons. But tho timo has
gono by for expecting people to bo con
tout with commonplace and monoton
ous preaching. They must bo sup
plied with something more ongaging
and inspiring or thoy will stay at
homo, however kindly disposed thoy
may bo toward religion in tho ab
stract, and howovor solieitous to pro
moto religious inllucnces in the world.
Tho pooplo will go to hoar ministers
cheerfully onough and in llattering
crowds, it thoy will mako sure to pro
viilo discourses worth hearing. St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
Physical Health.
Physical health is tho solo founda
tion of abiding beauty in women, and
tho duty in cultivating it is a whole
some to'xt to bo elaborated and ex
pounded, oven from tho pulpit. Nev
ertheless it will strike tho avorago
mortal that Rev. John W. Shudder, of
Minneapolis, Minn., places the stand
ard of athlotio capability at slightly
too high a notch when ho says, "A milk
white complexion may bo artistic, but
is also a sign of weak blood. Give
mo tho nut-brown girl who abandon!)
hor sun-bonnet, who can climb a tree
with any boy, who prefers good broad
to chocalato caramels and baked beans
to angel cake. The kind of an angel
for mo weighs 110 pouuds." Tho es
timation in which ho holds baked
beans may Hatter the abnormal sensi
bilities of the Bostonese; but oven
thoy will draw a lino at tree
Old Hickory as a Master.
"L'nclo Alfred," who was a slavo ol
President Jackson, ami is now custo
dian of tho Hermitage, relates that
Old Hickory was a kind master.
"Some peoples," he says, "thlnkf
kase he had a hot toumah dat he witf
a liahd niaiitah. Hut dat's all a mis
take. His tdavos wai well treated,
an' If doy behaved well dey was al
mot made like uiuuihali oh do family.
Manna .luokcon wu 'posed to slavery.
Mn'u onoo I've hoerd Mm say as he
watt riil lu up an' down do cotton tlo'
on uibai-k: 'llo)t. )tiu'o all iu
(o bo fmo nomo day. It wmi'i bo In
m liliio. Hut aoiuo day joii kwiih
to bo free, tfuith.'"
Mw Ywk will MWmIjt lute im t ri-i
..ii(f tid-ty lu UldHK mmnwi fur Mi'ty
uirmwul II. llMHl'i Umlf It Im imU
M. ltMl tW VUml U IMl'l
ia(lli 4liH44H 4Ht If m
ilOW lit lUWr- lltM MiM )UI
i ) IM tlwiHtin-m fVm
V-lfM Nl ft HIld ftMi UMllt U
I tMt'lf Mf miUn KlfK Uu(4 J
l AIUUIW IllUiuai. hit
Union Milling Co.'s
Wiierewr H m trwn Kiati.
For Salo by all the 'Lrndliau Dealer
Geo. Wiuoiit,
W. V. WmmiT.
Docs n General HanklnR ISnslne. Hu.vs
nnd t-ells exchange, and difcoiinti com
mereinl paper.
Collections carefully ntteniled to, and
promptly reported.
Liyery ana Feed
Having funiirtlied this old nnd iionulur
hostelrj" with ample room, plenty ot feed,
pood hostler; and now busies, is better
p:cparcd than ever to ncuoinuiodatu cits
totner.s. fy terms pro reasonable.
Al)ll CllOSSMAX, PltOi'IUr.TOll.
Ilns now on hand and for pale the best of
UPl'ER and
lace leather,
sheep skin's, etc.
ioic'ii,a1i iicioi:s
Paid lor Hides and Pelts.
Corner Main and A Streets, Union.
E. MILLER, - - - Proprietor.
Keeps ulwujs on hand the Uncut brands ol
The very lwst f.nser mid Hock Ileer in
tho market, at !iG cents uquart. lieer and
lunch '2li cents.
A lino billiard table tor the accommoda
tion of customers. Drop in and be socia
Near tho Court House.
Union, Oregon,
Fine turiioutw nnd first-clans via for the
accommodation ol the public generally.
Conveyances for commercial men n spe
cialty. Tho accommodations for feed cannot
bo excelled in tho valley. Terms reasonable.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
S-WOrders from any part of tho valley
will receive prompt attention. I have on
hand somo very line HOCK REEK. Drop
n and sample it.
Tho travelinc nuhlic will please take no
tico that, in addition to my saloon in
North Powder. 1 havo opened a lirst-clnss
RESTAURANT, and respectfully solicit a
share ol the public patronage. The tables
will always bo supplied with the
and no pains will be spared to make my
patrons couuortaiiir.
Call on me, eat, drink and be happy.
Tonsorial Rooms
Two door south of .lonos llro.' store,
Union, Oregon.
J. M. Johnson,
Ifuir cutting, MiHxinc and blmmpoolug
done neatly ami In the bet stylt.
CITY -:-
Mmim Mlii't I io. mi iliifiiii,
HtiMlt A ll-MN, PnoflUfctUM
Kw) lOlwl.llllI) IIU llMlul
HUKI PiiHK V:l. Ml"l"r)K. V
nnumnMurii j unmnr
I Nlutl Uf'i
I'. Wuuuj,
lUr Ut mm mm mm imi m
M IMMlfe MM mm MM mm Utt IM
Manufacturers of
Main Street, Pninn, Ore.
Keep constant'y on hand a largo supply
ol Parlor nnd lied Room sets, Redding,
Desks; Olllce Furniture, etc.
I'pfiolKlcrliiK Done In the IleM Style.
Lounges, Mnltirstes. and all kinds ol
Furniture maie to order.
All kinds of lllnc ksmithing and Wagon
work done in a good work
manlike, manner.
Tho very best of workmen employed.
&$.Shop opposite A. F. Benson's Liverjr
Stable, Main street, Union, Oregon.
I am prepared to negotiate loan
upon well improved farui3, for a term
of years. For particulars call on
Loan Broker.
At the ollico of J. R. Crites, Union,
Oregon .
Buy the Jiavward
Fire. Kxtinguisher.
Everybody should havo thorn. Men,
women or children can uuo them. Thou
sands ot dollars worth of property saved
every day. They don't freeze, are not in
jurious to flesh or fabric, and arc always
ready. You cannot afford to bo without
U. .1. Becht, Gen. Agent. 121 Market St.,
San Francisco, C'al. Cook & Dwight, Agts.,
La Grande, Oregon.
Notary Public
OFFICE State Laud Oflico building,
Union, Union County, Oregon.
Best Havana Filled
Five Cent Cigar. 5
Jones Bros., agents, Union.
KEY WEST Imported Havana Cigar.
Comer of Main and R streets, Union.
-Dealers in
;knts' I'HitNiMiiNu ;oois.
(ilaHswaro, MuMmd Instruments, Pictwu
Fnuntw ami Pictures, Mouhling,
Jllrd nusM, llnby Oir
rlncw, ute..
Candies and Nuts,
auu mm ur nmu nvm
mMf Ta IT b him wW; thm
i mw- hi im i n