(2) Commission Appointed to Examine HENKY KDWAKI) 3IANNINO.' catiiomc Auciiiusnni op witmin'steu. His Eminence, Ilnnry Edward M(i li ning, Archbishop of Westminster, was born at Tottoridgo, Hortfordshro, England, July 15, 1803. Was educat ed at Harrow, and Ualllol College, , Oxford, wlicro ho graduated, H. A., in 1830. Ho was appointed Hector of Lavincton and Urall'liani. Sussex in 1831, and Archdeacon of Chichester in 1810. Thoso proferments ho resigned in 1851 on joining llio Roman Catholic Church, in which ho entered tho priesthood in 1857, founded an ecclesi astical congregation at Hayswator en titled tlio uulatos oi tot. Uharios nor romoo. Tlio degreo of 1). D., was conferod in him at Homo, and tlio ollice of Pro rost of. the Catholic Archdiocese of Westminster, rrothonotary Apostolic ind lJomostic Prolate to the rope. At Shu death of Cardinal Wisoman ho was jonsocrated Archbishop of Wcstmin iter, Juno 8, 18G5. Popo Pius IX. 'routed him Cardinal I'nost, Marcii 15, 1875. Tlio same Pontiff invostod a i m with tho Cardinal's Hat, Decem ber 31, 1877. I ItEV. KDWAKI) W. IIENSON, I). 1). AUCIIlllSIIOl' OF CANTKHllUlir. Tho Most Hov.'Kdward Wliito Bon lon, D. J). Archbishop of Canterbury, I'rimatc of all England and Motropoh ;un was born near Birmingham, Eng jland, 1821); graduated II. A. at Trin ity College, Cambridge 185'J, M. A. in 1855, 11. D. in 1802 and 1). I), in 1807. Uo was for some years assistant inns r in Hugby School, and hoad master )f Wellington College from its opening m 1858 till 1872, when ho was appoint sd Canon Hosidoiitlary and Chancellor )f Lincoln Cathedral.' In 1877 ho was jonsocratcd Bishop of Truro. In 1882 in Mr. Gladstone's recommendation ho svas appointed to succood tlio late Dr. l'ait as Archbishop of Canterbury. Tho Indians Under Law. At the conclusion of sonio very just remarks about the Indians in to-dny's paper, writes Senator H. L. Dawes to The Springfield licvublican, you say: "To thoso thimjs must bo added tlio bringing of the Indian under the law on equal terms with tlio white man." I have seen, of late, in your paper and others, frequent allusions to what is deemed a very great need in tho work of tlttiug the Indian to take care of himself naiuoly, tiiat he should at once bo subjected to tlio samu laws as tho white man, and held to punish ment like him tor any olleuso against them. It may not bo amiss to" state exactly his condition in this respect, so that the public may be the better judge whothur something elso may not bo needed far more than the legis lation you speak of. It has always been that an olVenso committed by an Indian upon tlio per son or property of a white man or by a white man upon that of an Indian, anywhere, or by a Indian outside tho limits of a reseuVatiou, were punished liko other ollbnuns under the laws of tlio state or territory whore they wore committed. But ou'onsos committed on a reservation by ono Indian upon tho porson or property of anothor In dian have been heretofore left to be punished by the Indians themselves in their own way. And sorry work they have often made of it. Ttiuro has noun an urgent call for legislation ex tending the criml al law over tho reservation, proclsoly as it exists elsewhere. It is this need that these frequent allusions are made. Now, congress at its last session did this very thing, anil now every Indian on a reservation, as wull as otf', is subject to and protected by the samji criminal law Unit tho white una is. Tki: pro vision is subject, however, to two ex ceptions, but iti otkocwiso as broad as bo)Htafc)d. a 1. It does wrA oxtd to mlnrfr of fences, saoli w sioipio a.-waultftud bat tery, srdiuary orwiuo otf tho p&aeo, and otho potty otfi'H(i ciflaittod among tlfti wild Italians, for the reason that in tbe peasant co&dltiou of the reser vation ami the courts it would subject evijry wild Indian on a reservation hundreds of miles, and in some in stances moro than a thousand miles, nwny from tlio courts, on any charge, however trumped up, to bo dragged by marshals hungry for fees those groat distances alone beforo a distant tribunal, and thou turned loose to got back as ho could or lie In prison at tho plousuro of Ids accuser. It was the opinion of those who drew this law that such a remedy for such offenses would bo worse than the evil itself. 2. Tho live "civilized nations," as tho Chorokeos, Creeks, Chootaws, Chlokasaws and Sounuoles aro called, are exempted from this law, booauso tho United States has a treaty with thorn by which it was nxprosily agreed that those tribes should punish thoso the Pall Mall Gazette's Charges. KEV. FKEDEKICK TEMPLE, D. D. 11ISIIOI' OF LONDON. Tlio Hoy. Frederick Templo was born Nov. 20, 1821. Was educated at Balliol College taking tho degreo of 15. A. In 1812; was ordained in 181G; appointed principal ot tlio irainuij College at Knellar Hall nuarTwickon ham in 1818, and head master at Hug by in 1853. In 1800 ho gained considerable no torioty as tho author of tho first of tho soven "Assays and Reviews", which caused so much controversy soonaftor inoir appearance. In tho general election in 1878 Dr. Templo activoly supported Air. Glad- stono's nioasiiro for tho disestablish ment of tho Irish Church, and tho Premier nominated him to tho Bishop ric of Exetor. On account of his being thoauthorof ouo of tho "Essays and Ho viows" his nomination caused much controversy, but his olection was con tinued by tho Vicar General, and on uec. Jl, lob'J lio was consecrated. SAMUEL JIOKljEV, Sf. I'. Samuel Morloy, M. P., was born in llacknoy London, England m 1809. Ho wont earl' to business and is now tlio hoad of the linn of ,1. it B. Morloy, wiiolosale hosiers of that city. An earnest dissenter, Mr. Morloy has been throughout his public career a loadinir champion of Protestant non-conformity, which ho has promoted by niunili- cent donations for building now chap uls. Mr. Morlov represented Nottingham in tlio advanced liberal interest, 18G5- ioou, wnon no was unsealed uv po- iiuon. i to nr. st camu lorwant as a candidate for Bristol in 1808, and was defeated by a small majority by Mr. Miles, who was unseated on petition. Tlio following Juno Mr. Morloy again bucanio a candidate, and was elected by a largo majority, and continuos to represent Bristol dowu to tho prosont tune. ofl'onsos in their own courts. Thoso "nations" have each a judicial system which ivould comparo most favorably with that of many of tlio states. 1 hoy have printed laws enacted in a legisla ture of two branches elected every two years, a supremo court, a district court, and a county court, with juries. In thoso courts justice is administered and oll'onsos punished with fairnoss and Joss scandal than sometimes at tends attoniptsnt it in the states. I have troublod von with those re- nutrks Decauso it is well that tho exact condition of legislation upon this sub ject should bo known, and for what congress has done, which is little enough, It is entitled to tho credit. My own opinion is that there is much groator noed of a linn, wise, and sleep less enforcement of existing laws than there is for now ones, though without doubt there can be great improvement wrought in them as they aro. But 1 have no right to ask further spaco of you at this time How to Destroy Poultry Vermin. Whon largo Hooks of poultry aro kept together considorabl y dillicultv is often experienced in keeping thorn free from thoso little pests so much droadod lice. Tho following method is adopted by not a few extensive breeders and is said to work admira bly: Get a gallon, moro or less, of crudo potrolouni, and, with a spray ing hollows, if you havo it, or with a brush, if you havo nothing bettor, thoroughly saturate ovory part of tho insido poultry houses. This will rid thorn of everv vestige of lice, large or small, ami, as tlio small lice or ittltos mostly leave tho fowls in tho morning, it will, in a couple of appli cations, rid them of the pests. A lit tle lard oiland korosono, half and half, applied under the wings of tho birds will kill all tho largo lice that aro on them. But every porson who lias many fowls should liaxo some sort of a spraying apparatus, and with this spray tho fowls and house once a month with kerosene emulsion, This can bo quickly done at night, when tlio fowls aro on the roosts, and will keep everything perfectly clean. l)ullri Monthly. Whf Sho Ltked tho Preacher. "Oh. I do think Mr. Pound pulpit's sermons are just too hnoly for anvthltig," remarked a lady ton visitor. $ "Humph! 1 think he's as dry as a bono. What can you see that's so 'lovely' in his sermons?" replied the visitor. "I'm troublod with sleepless, noss; but 1 do enjoy such lovely naps while ho is preaching." llrook' lyn 'limes. The flour uilnlou to ia'ie good brc4 Botton ZYuiucW.pt. Wise Sayings. A maid in tho oast used to say: "So ciety is liko a dish." A wise man on eo heard thoso worfts and said: 'Fair maid, what do you mean?" Sir." said the maid, "if you wish to know what 1 mean you must have din ner with me." "Agreed," said the wiso man. Tho maid laid before tha sago plates of alt, poppow, lish, ftjjd other Artisoft, fl4 by it an Hi He could cot noa of tHa &. Ls u u IhS mild brought !dig& erf carried '&. and tho sago hod Kia tJitacr. "JBMt hor is tUo mot ding uf your sa.via.rf" said tho stjre. "I hv explained it." said tho tuaid. "I don't sue it," safl tho s.ige. "Why," said tho maid. "you would not cat tho salt, tho pop per, tho hsli, oaclrby itself; but when they camo togothor you had your din ner." "xou aro qiuto right, fair maid, said the philosphor; "tho salt is tho witty man, tlio pepper tho tart man, tho hsii tho dull man, and all to- .1 . i . t i gomor, maKO mo ono social man. ihero is philosophy in tho kitchen!" A despot in tho cast onco said to his fawning courtiers: "Ho that crocs round my kingdom in the shortest possiblo Unio shall have ono of those two gems." A courtier wont around tho king, and said: "Sire, may I have tho prized" "How so?" said tho kirnr ,trr . . , niiv, you aro inn Kingdom, aro von not?'' said tlio courtier. Tlio desnot was so wen incased with tho court nr , . . . . . . that ho gave him both gems. The otl or courtiers said, in a whisper: "Flat terers proy upon fools." uno day a king in tlio far cast was seated in tlio hall of justice. A thief was brought before him: ho inouirnd into his caso and said ho should re ceive ono hundred lashes with a cat- o'-nmo-tails. Instantly ho recollected an old eastern saying:" "What wo do to others in this biri.li, they will do to us in tho uoxt, and said to i s minis. tor: "I have a groat mind to lot tin's thief go quietly, for ho is suro to give me thoso ono hundred lashes in tlio next birth." "Sire," replied tlio min ister, "I know tlio saying you refer to is perfectly true, but you must under stand that you aro simply roturiiiii" to the thief in this birth what ho cave you in tho last." Tho king was per fectly pleased witli this reply, says' tlio story, and gave his minister a rich prosont. A man in tlio oast, where tlioy do not require as much clothing as in eoldor climates, gavo up all worldv concerns and retired to a wood, where ho built a hut and lived in it. His oulv clothing was a piece -of cloth which ho woro round his waist. Hut. as luck would havo it, rats wcro plon- iiiui in mo woou, so no nan to Keep a cat. Iho cat required milk l keep it, so a cow had to bo kopt. Tlio cow re quired tending, so a cowboy was om- iloyod. llio hoy remuriod a houso to live in, so a houso was built for him. To look after tho houso a maid had to " " .'pj.-rt - w ill till J 1 W L tho maid a fow moro houses had to be built and people invited to live in them. In this manner a littlo town ship sprang up. Tlio man said: "Iho farther wo seek to ro from tiio world and its cares the moro they mul tiply I" Unco tho hummer said to tlio anvil: 1 can strike harder than von can boar." The anvil replied: "1 can ionr hardor than you can strike, trv." Tho hammer redoubled its onergyand tno anvil was as nrm as over. "Hold on, gontloinon," said tho iron that had got between the two. "tho world gains by it." "Quito right," said tho turnace, in his own abrupt stylo. "Vio and win; competition of tlio world's success.' is tlio soorot Philadelphia It .Never Fails. They had been onomios for throe long years. They passod each other on tho street with stem faces, thoir wives mado fun of each othor's drosses, and the children climbed , up on tho back twice and called each other shod dy aristocrats. Oh, no, there was no dove of peace around there, and lots ot people predicted that a case of as sassination would grow out of it. l.nst evening a whole neighborhood was astonished beyond measure. Those two families who had thirsted for each other's scalps were soon in sweet cou- vontion on tlio Lr . Tho men ex changed cigars, tlio women admired each othor's latest purchase, and the blessed little children hugged each othor all over tho grass. How did the change como about? Well, neither man over owned a horse in his life, and neither knew a caso of spavin from a blooming instance of poll-ovU. Jones decided, howovor, to 1)U v a liorse. lie was looking nun nvnr at his hitchiug-post, when Smith camo along. In a moment of forgetfuluess Jones remarked: 'Say, Smith, you know all about a horse. How old is this animal?" In tho jerk of a comet's tail rancor and bitterness woro forgotten. The llattorj hit Smith plumb center and rlppod all tho buttons otV his pout-up soul. Ho obeyed the request, pointed out all the riug-bimos, still knees and splints, and advised Jones not to buy. '1 hoy wont otV arm in arm. ami tho dovo of peace now sits on tho house tops and warblos his joyous little soul up to high "G." Detroit Free Prc3$. Tl ttoucb CmB&bt Her. "And wo could walk down through tho valo of this life togothor, aud bo happy," said an antiquated femalo in widows weeds to a noli old bachelor with matrimonial tondonoaos. And why so, darling''" replied ho. Because I saw you extract a roach from tho biscuit this morning, and continue eating as unm.iidful and sun val- 'Did unconcerned as tho summer when h breathes over sleopiug loys." And Airs. iToizet exclaims, sho win htm I" Pretzel's Weekly, .Too Fur 01T. A man who was up boforo a Now York justico for stealing a ham from the front door of a gro- cory store, raised ut nis naim and callod on nil tho saints to witness his innocence. 'Go on with the trial," said tho jus tice, "do you expoot this court to send all the way to Utah or Chicago for tho witnesses lu this caso?" Texas Sift' ings. tile riiixcESS bam abas. ThP Princci'B' HarnabSs if$t in stateof tlifl moat? profound prplettjr She could not, for the dainty Vxtlc lif tf be, ftifrtS up ttt t&iud. n fh iz) BoulJ or should not ommit iWciiW nt the. do of th ecaooo. IS was not py eay fo the Vrincest' Jiitny el aiircrs to undertMl why she should perturb her mind with such ft problem at all, but perturb it she did with that very problem, hcthov wisely or un wisely. mo i'rinccss iiurnntms wns a very remarkable young woninn, who had proved the puzzle, tho pride, and tho passion of London society for three whole sensational seasons. Sho was not yet four-and-twenty. She bore the title of a great' Russian prince who had married her just beforo she came of ago, at a timo when ho himself was old enough to be her grandfather, and who had considerately died within two yours, of tlio ceremony, leaving her the absolute mistress of his for tunc and his territories, as sho had been during life tho nbsoluto mis tress of his heart for tho short time in which ho swayed it. She was said to be fabulously wealthy. Her jewels were the wonder of the world, nnd sho delighted in wearing them, in season and out of season, with a semi-barbar ic enjoyment of their glitter and splen dor which was, liko cvreything else about her, partly Oriental and partly childish. Some timo after her hus band's death sho had como to Paris and got tired of it, nnd then sho crossed tho Channel and conquered London. During ono resplendent session little cho was talked about but the Princess Barnabas. Society journals raved about her delicato beauty, which seemed to belong to tho canvases of tho last century, which ought to have been immortalized on pato tendro, and hymned in madrigals. Men adored her. Women envied her , marvelous dress and machless jewels. Tlio dying ashes of a season's scandal flared up into marvelous activity around her pretty personality. Sho was enor mously "tho thine." Enormously "tho thing" she remained during a sec ond season, after an interval of absolute disappearance into the dominions of the Czar. Enormous ly "the thing" she still appeared to be now in her third season, in spite of the rival attractions of an American actress who had not married an En glish duke, and an American girl with millions who had married tho bluest blood and the oldest namo in Europe. It would have been absurd for any ono to contest tlio point that tho Princess Barnabas was tho very most interest ing figure of that plmnta.snial dance of shadows which is called London so ciety. Nevertheless the Princess Barnabas was weary, positively bored. If she had been less of a success, life might not havo appeared so desolate. There would havo been a piquancy in the pos sibility of rivalry which would havolent n now interest to the tasteless feast. As it was, however. London lifo at the height of il s maddest activity appeared to her as drear and irray as thoso vast stretches of steepes which lay liko a great sea around ono of tho Russian castles of the late Prince Barnabas. It was during this fit of depression whon tho Princess Barnabas was graciously pleased to agreo with tlio author of "Eccksiastes," that life was vanity, that it occurred to her that in all her strange experiences sho had never yet committed suicide. Sho immediately gavo up her mind to tho important problem, whether sho should gain this ultimate human experienco nt onco, or postpone it indefinitely. It was in this framo of mind that tho Princess went to tho great ball at tho Russian Embassy. As sho nestled among her furs in tho dim, luxurious warmth of her carriage, her mind wns running entirely upon tho vnrious forms of self-destruction which had been made famous by celebrated per sons at ditlerent stages of tlio world's history, and sho could find none that wcro sufficiently nttractivo or remnrk nblo to plenso her. "Good heavens!" sho thought to herself, with a littlo fchudder which oven tho warmth of her surroundings could not repress, "is it possiblo to bo banalo oven in that?" nnd sho gavo a littlo groan as sho Btepped out of her earriago and up tho embassy steps. Tho thought was still on her mind, and tracing tho lej.dt sug gest ion of a frown upon her oxquisito girlish fneo as sho entered tho great room nnd took tho hand of tho lyn basoadress. Tho thrill of interest, of excitement, of admiration, which as a matter of courso attended upon her cntranco did not givo her any answer ing thrill of gratification. Sho ap peared to listen with tho most gracious attention to tho complimonts of tho ambassador. She answered with tho daintiest littlo air oftnfantileobeisanco 9ho Old World courtesy of a white hairetl Minister who havo been as much at homo as sho herself in a salon of tho Regent of Orleans. Shocondescend ed to entangle in a network of fnscina tion a particularly obdurato and im passivosccrotary of State. Sho patron ized a prince of tho blood royal and was exceedingly frank nnd friendly with tho young painter Lcpoll, who knew exactly how much hor familiarity meant, but wns nt onco amused and dolighted by tho envy it aroused iu others. Yet all tho whilo tho Princoss Barnabas wns not devoting a single serious thought to oneof hor admirers. Every idea in that vain and foolish head wns centered upon tho ono query, Shall I commit suicide uoxt week, and If so, how?" It was while iu this frame of mind, talking to twenty people, nnd thinking oi nono ot them, that her bright eyes, wandering lightly over tho crowded room, chanced to f.wl upon a young man Who was standing, somewhat re moved from the iiress of the throng, in r Window reciH, which was at least comparative! auiet a tall, crave shf-nos.!;d totina man, sufficiently 4uiVlookinai to be called handsome by n mtliusiantic friend. When the PrincfM Marimba looked at him, his eye rmch werebriL'ht.clevercves, wcr fixed on her ikith a look of half-hum orous contemplation. Tho moment however, their eyes met he turned his head slightly, and resumed a conver sation with a gray-haired old man with a red ribbon at fiis buttonhole, whom she knew to bo a foreicn diplomatist The young man's gaze had expressed an interest in tho Princess, but it seemed to be.just a3 interested in the pale, wrinkled face of his companion The Princess Hnrnabas seemed piqued "Who is that vountr man?" sho asked half-fretfully.ofthe Secretary of State "Which younc man?" The Secretary of Stato'sstolidfacegazed vaguely into the dense crowd of dress coats and white shoulders, of orders and stars and diamonds. "Theyoungman in the window talk nig to the gray-haired man." The Secretary put up his eye-glass and considered the young man m ques tion tnoiiglittully. J le was never known to hurry in his judgments or his replies in parliament, and ho did not hurry now, though it was t lie Princess liarna has who was interrogating him, nnc: not a member of the Opposition. Then ho answered her, weighing his words with inoro than judicial deliberation: "Ho is a young fellow named Sinclair. He is goiim out to the East, or some thing. Why do vou ask?" "Ilislaco interests me, replied tho I'rmcess. "I should liko to know him. Brins him to me; or stay, givo mo your arm, wc will go to him." Sho rose nnd dispersed her littlo knot of disconsolate courtiers. Taking the secretary s arm sho moved slowly to ward tho window where Sinclair was still standing. The Secretary touched him on tho arm. "Mr; Sinclair, tho Princess Barnabas has expressed ado sire to mnko our acnuaintaiice. Al low me, Princess, to introduce you to iur. Julian Sinclair." Tlio young man bowed. Ileseomcda ittlo surprised, but not in tho least env barrasscd. The Princess smiled bright ly at him, and her eyes were brighter tlianhersmilo. " J hankyou, sliesaid to the Secretary of State with a pleas ant littlo smile, which was meant to convey, and which did convey, that sho had had enough of him. lie promptly disappeared into tho crowd with re signed good humor, bearing away with him in his wake the elderly red-ribboned diplomatist. Princess Barnabas and Julian Sin clair wcro left nlonc. She sat down on the couch in the recess of the win dow, and slightly motioned to him with her hand to take his place by lerside. Ho obeyed silently. Tho re cess of the window was deep. For tho moment they were almost entirely iso- atcd from tlio shifting, glittering throng that seathed and drifted around them, Sinclair kept quite silent, look ing into tho face of tho Princess with' an air of halt-amused inquiry. Thero wcro a few seconds of silence, and then tho woman spoke, beginning, woman like, with a question. "Have you forgotten me, Mr. Sin clair?" Tho young man shook his head grave ly. "No, I have not forgotten you, Princess." Her eyes were fixed on his face, but ho returned her gazo quite steadily. "Yet it must bo two years sinco wo met," sho replied; "and two years is a long time." "Yes, two yoars is a very long time," ho said, half sadly, half scornfully. He was decidedly no t communicative, this young man, for oven tho pleasure of meeting a friend, unseen for two years, did not appear to arouse in him any desire for conversation. Therownsanother littlo iausc. Nei ther seemed embarrassed, and yet the interval was long enough to bo embar rassing. Thon she spoke again. "Why did you leavo St. Petersburg? Whcrohnvo you been all this time? Ho answered tho second part of her question: "I havo been in Constantino ple most of tho time. I only returned to London a fow days ago, and I am going away almost immediately to tha East again, to Persia this time." "For how long?" Thero was a faint tono of weariness in his reply, though he strove to mnko his voico purposely steady. "Oh! for over, I suppose; or, at least, until lam an old man, nnd of no further use. Then perhaps I may como bnck on a pension, and write dreary letters to Tho Times about tho errors of my suc cessors." And ho laughed to prevent himself from sighing. "You havo not answered all my ques tion," said tho Princess. "Why did you leavo St. Petersburg so suddenly? Wo were such very good friends, nnd I nssuro you I quite missed you." Sinclair got up and looked down into her laughing eyes. "I left St. Peters burg," ho said, "because I was afraid to stay." llcr eyes wero laughing still, but thero was an unwonted softness in her voico, as sho asked him, "Why wcro you afraid to stay? Surely you wero not a Nihilist?" O Ho began to speak, and paused; then with a determined effort to keep his voico under control, ho said: "I left St. Petersburg becauso I was fool enough to fall in love with you." "Thnnk you for tho compliment. W:ei that so very foolish?" "Not for othors, porhnps. For me folly, and worso than folly madness. I never thought I should seo you again: I did not dream that wo should meet to-night. But sinco chance has thrown us together for tho last timo, ns I leavo England in a few days for tho rest of my life, I may as well tell you, for tho first and for tho last time, that I lovo you." Her eyes wero laughing still: those wonderful gray-blue northorn oyes which so many capitals raved about; but hor lips wero firmly, almost sternly set. Still sho said nothing, nnd he went ou "I knew it was folly when I first found that I loved you over t here, in St. Petersburg. I was n. poor Eng lish gentleman, and you were th Prin cess Barnnbas. I might as well havo fallen in lovo with a star. So I came away." Ho said tho words simply, with a quiet conviction, and held out his hand. "Good-bye, Princess, und forgive me my folly." She rose niid faced him. q Any ono of tho hundreds in the great room beyond who chanced to look at thecouplehalf hidden by tho curtains of thedeep win dow would have seen a man and a woman talking lightly of light things. "And you have not forgotten me yet?" she said. "I never shall forget you," ho an-' swercd sadly. "I caimot love more than once, and I love you with all my soul. Do you remember onoday, when wo drove together in the Neva Perspec tive, how you stopped to givo some money to an old beggar? I envied tho beggar for getting a gift from vou, and you in jest dropped acoin into my out stretched hand." Ho took out his watch-chain nnd showed her tho tiny gold coin with the Russian Eagle on it. i havo Kept it ever since, ho said. It is tho only thing I care for in the world. I have lived and shall live so much in tho East that I am somewhat superstitious, and I think it is my tal isman, uood-by. lio held out his hand again. Sho took it. "Will you como and seo me beforo you leave?" sho asked almost appeal mgly. Ho shook hio head. "Better not. ho said. For a moment she was Bilcnt; sho seemed to bo reflecting. Then sho said, with a sudden vehemence, "Promise mo that if I write and ask vou to como you will obey me. Promise mo that lor tho sako of our old friendship.' llebowcdlus head. "1 promise, ho said. "Andnowgivcmoyourarm and tako mo to my carriage," said the Princess Barnabas. "I want to go home to bed." Tho next day Julian heard nothing from tho Princess. "Of course not," ho said to himself, shrugging his shoul ders at tho fantastic hopes which had besieged his brain sinco that strango meeting, and ho doggedly faced his ap proaching exile. Baton tho afternoon of tho second day after tho meeting at tho Embassy, Julian Sinclair, coming to his hotel after a day spent in busy preparations for departure, found a tiny note awaiting him. It was from tho Princess, nnd had only theso words" "Como this evening, 1 shall bo alone." And ho went. This was part of a conversation which Princess Barnabas chanced to overhear at a reception at tho foreign office, and on the eve of hor departuro for the east. The speakers were Sir Harry Kingscourt and Ferdinand Lo pell. Said tho painter: "Havo you leant tho news about tlio Princes3 Barnabas? Sho is going to marry a- fellow named Sinclair, and is going to livo in tho east Persia, or some place of the kind. Tho fellow hasn't a penny in tho world and won't hnvo from her, for I beliovo that by her husband's will she loses almost all her fortune if sho marries below her own rank." 'How very romantic," yawned Kings- court. "Romantic," replied Lepell; it is absurd. Have you not heard? tho woman has committed suicide." nd tho speakers moved away. ' Suicide, said tho princess to her self, smiling. "No, no; I was going to commit suicido onco, but I have learnt what lifo is worth, and I have changed my mind." Tho Whitehall Review. A Very Able Wir Story. From tho Chicago Intcr-Occan. Muj. Toller of Los Angeles called to seo me, and in tno course ot our con- ersation it camo out that ho had at ono timo oeen a resident ot iNew Madrid. Mo. I remarked that I know somothing of tho fftace, as I had been with i'opo whon ho mado tho attack on that placo in the earlier part of tho war. Major Toller explained that ho was ono of tho gunners in tho rebel battery posted below tho city, and ho asked if I remembered any striking in cident in connection with tho work of that battery. I did. I remembered it well. I remembered that ono day thero camo a shot from that battery that entered tho muzzle of one of our own guns, causing an explosion that broke thogun into fragments and killed several men. Maior Toller remarked: "I remem ber tho incident as woll as you, and I havo hotter cause to remember it. I fired tho shot myself, and thero is a story about it. Ono day thero camo from tho Union battery a largo shell, that struck without exploding very near our own battery. I picked up tho shell, and, seeing that tho fuso had not burned out, I said that I believed wo could arrange tho fuso nnd return tho shell with our compliments to tho bat tery that had fired it. This was done. i 1 1 . ...... . .. . i r i i x ninieu wiu iuj jiijDuu, iinu wusaw uy tho commotion it created in tho Union linos that something extraordinary 4iad omired. Afterward wo learned tho particulars. A few davs afterward tho commander of tho forces camo to our quarters, nnd for tho firing of that shot promoted mo to Major, o c - John Ryder, a wealthy farmer of Rockland Lake, predicted on Juno 0 that ho would dio on tho 11th. Ho sent for a lawyer, made his will, and asked the lawyer to act as pall bearer aPhis funeral. Ho then sent for the undertaker, ordered his coffin, and laid lor it. Ho seemed to bo in per fect health, but said ho had been pwarned of approaching death. On tho j. j. in no sat iu nis arm cntur us usual, nnd calling his family around him, bado them good-bye, saying: "My friends I am now going; good-byo all, and God bless you." Ho then lay bnck, closed his eyes, and apparently foil asleop, but whon they touched him he was dead. Ho was buried, all his rrovious engagements bomg carried out. lo was 70 years old. Newbury Regis ter. General Grant, it is said, can not enduro music of any kind except that mado by tho fife and drum.