The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 05, 1885, Image 3

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in i l i iiuflimiwipinrufii
srxaurnt rx a jfamili:
Xliree Sons of An Ayed Widow Meet Violent
lJeatHa In One Day,
Martin's Valley (I'a.) dispatch: Mrs.
Sarah Truby, of this place, is an nged
widow. Her son John, aged 31, works on
the East Branch railroad. Jason, another
son, nged 30, was nn crnployo in the slnto
quarries. Wyman, a third son, 3S years
old, was n miller. They lived with their
mother, having no fnniilics of their own.
Friday night last, John, whilo running to
turn a switch, fell into n cattlo guard and
broke his nock. Saturday morning, before
the news of John's death had reached their
home, Jason was drowned in a pit in the
qunrries, recent ruinshaving Idled it with
water. Jmes Whittnkcr arrived in the
village at 0 o'clock Saturday morning with
the news of John Trilby's death, and met
Will Jackson, who was bearing the tidings
of Jason's fate at the same time. The two
walked together to the mill where Wyman
Truby worked to break the news to him
lirst. There was a crowd about the- mill,
and as the two messengers arrived on tho
scene men were carrying Wyman Trilby's
dead body out of the buillding. He had
been sulfocated in a grain-bin. Less than
twelve hours intervened between the death
of tho first brother and that of the last one.
The news of tho death of her three sons so
prostrated Mrs. Truby that her life is de
spaired of. The three bodies will bo buried
in one grave.
r.ivrsa i.tKK a r.K.isr.
Sad Condition of itn jmiiiic YoittU Who
Took to tin- 1'orvit.
Krie (Pa.) dispatch: A couple of years
ago Powell Stnhl, of Conneaut township,
arose from a sick bed witli his mind very
much shattered, and in a short timo there
after ho left his father's house and wan
dered nwny. His parents, who are well off
in this world's goods, used every means to
nsrertuin his whereabouts, hut failed. A few
weeks ago the wretched-looking individual
made his appearance in tho woods near the
Staid homestead. Neighbors who caught
a glimpse of the man in the woods say it is
rowoll Stnlil, hut no one is nine ui como
near to him, as lie acts like a wild animal
and flees before any nppronelt. ilo is par
tially naked and has been seen to eat
twigs and leaves. An effort will bo made
to cunturc the demented young man, when
he will bo sent to tho state asylum. Only
a few years ago Powell was one of tho most
promising young men in me ncigiiuornooa
and was quite a beau. His wild, nude and
half-starved condition is frightful to every
person living in tho neighborhood.
A Plain Statement of Facts.
Wo English lmvo not yetfully realized
what utter kimves the ruling Pnelins in
Turkey nre. "We solemnly read their
dispatches and their state papers as
though they wero not written with the
deliberate intention to deceive, and we
ask thein to make pledges, as though
they would bo binding on them. So
Jong as we regard uieso scamps as any
thing but a gang of shameless tricksters,
ready to sell themselves and their coun
try to tho highest bidder, we shall vainly
endeavor to handle tho Eastern ques
tion. Thero aro but two arguments
which thev understand money nnd the
.stick. If wo aro not prepared to lmv
them or to beat them, we should not
waste timo in negotiations, but withdraw
from all communication with them.
London Truth.
A "(Juardian Agel."
Thoro is not a Paris vintner with &
epark of self-respect under his waist
coat who has not at least ono "guardian
angel" in his employment. Tho "guard
inn angel " is a cherub of placid temper,
in smock shirt, ears insensible to vitu
peration, arms strong enough to parry
and support, honesty that can seo gold,
silver and copper without remembering
hocus-pocus. When, by oft wetting his
throat, a customer grows limp and so
imaginative- as to see streets, houses and
lamp-posts dancing grand galop in
fernal oxpressly to prevent him from
walking homo, tho guardian angel then
makes his appearance, rides his wot
countryman's pockets, draws tho weak
arm in his, walks tho brainless fellow
homo, gives his wife all tho contents of
tho pockets, and carries away her bless
ing. Scribner's Monthly.
It is a remarkable fact that the city
of Truro, in the center of the popula
tion of Cornwall (which county has
;s;su,uuu minumants), w.tu eleven tiiou
sand people and seven t incs that
number within a few miles has lor
many years only had three physicians,
but of late two only. hou it s con
sidered that in America there is ono
doctor to overv live hundro I or six
hundred the contrast is wouderful.
White holds tho lirst rank fcr sum-
mor wear. Morning dresses aro made
of white wool somewhat heavier than
nun's voilinjr.
WiiRAT No. 2 64
nAlii.Br No. S 68 49 fs&Si
Urn-No. -i ii 6
Cohn No. 2 mlxeu 3HJ4S IB
Oats-No. s lHUW 18.'
Ilunuu Fiincy creamery.... 1 it 'M
llUTTKit Choice duiry 13 & la
IIuttkh llest country 10 45 12
Kor.s Fresh H it 0
Onions Per bul 4 00 44 4 75
ClUCKKNS Per doz.. old.... ii 48 25
Ciuckkns Per iloz., youiit'.. 2 25 fc 2 )
Lemons Cholco ii oo fj 12 00
llANANAS Choleo 2 75 3 50
Ohanoks McBina 6 (JO 44 0 40
I'OTAIOKS NOW 41) (Qj &'l
Aci'l.F.S 3 CO 3 25
fcKKDs Timothy 2 1(1 H 2 2)
Seeds Hluo (3 rasa l ai jo 141
Hav Holed, por ton 050 49 701
Hay In bulk ooo j 7 00
Hons Mixed packing 4 00 49 4 3)
IIeeeves Ilutchors' stock. .. 3 75 100
WnEAT-No. 2 rod toy cj oia
Wheat Ungraded red 75 6o feMJ
Coicn-No.2! M S6 54
Oats Mixed western - 32 49 35
I'OKK 11 00 Cfl Jl 25
Laud " 04 49 0 C5
FLOim-ChoIco Wlntor 4 51 9 6 25
Flouh Spring extra 3 N) 5b 1 25
Wheat Per bushel 0H4 8l!
Coiin I'or bubhol 41ilo WL
OATS-Per bushel 'M
l'OHK - 8 0 48 8 87Vi
l.Aiui 0 12Vi5 8 17
llcxis racking nnd shipping. to (t 4 81
Cattle stookors " w p 4 20
Mikki' Medium to good 175 49 U 75
BT. LOU 13.
w 11 bat-No. 5 rod 02 J 03i
Ctmit-t'ur .uhe4 42 9 43U
OATH-l'or bushel 33ltti SJ5
iatti.k stoakoritttidfoodein 3(0 ii 4 01
fiUktu-Wesuirn S W ii 3 50
Kansas crrx
WnitAT-Pcr busliul 73 78K
CoiiK-I'tr bushel 33U 84
OAT-Pcr bushel 21 U Si
pATTUt-KiiKirts. 6 SO a 4 40
Himw-Assorted...... !'..... J. 4 45 U 4 W
mtKi-Couiuon to good 141 it 8 00
Strnnco Incident in llet I.lfo Ttu Story
tliut (!e lie ml Uuckuui's lurrhigo Ito
calls. General Simon Iluckner. who re
innined and surre:ide"oil Fort Donel
son to Grant after F?oyd nnd Pillow
ran away, was married at Kiclunond
recently to Miss Delia Claiborne, one
of the society bells of that city. He is
00 and she 27 years of age. Fome of
the incidents directly nd indirectly
connected with General Huckncr's ca
reer are full of ronnntic interest.
They aro thus sketched in the New
York World:
lie was always a conspicuous man
in society and when he was made a
General in the Confederate army he was
the popular idol of th& day through
out all tho Southwest a popu
larity which was intensified even
by what was considered his misfor
tune at Fort Donclson. Handsome,
brave, with a line limire and gallant
bearing, a perfect horseman and an
accomplished mm of the world, he
was the typical young cavalier of the
South. He was marriel some time be
fore the war to a Miss Kingsbury, who
died after a few years of married life,
nnd whose brother was an odiecr in
the regular army. Lieutenant Kings
bury and his sister were joint heirs to
a large fortune, mainly in Chicago real
estate, llefoieleavingforhispost with
the army in Tennessee General Hack
lier had an interview with his brother-in-law,
and made over t o him all of
Mis.lluckner's est ate. This was to pro
tect it from confiscation, but it was
verbally understood between them
that the property was to bo held in
trust. If General Euckner sur ived
tho issue of tho approaching conllict it
was to bo returned to him.
was to be made over to his only child,
Lillio Buckner.
Lieutenant Kincsbury fell mortally
wounded in ono of tho lirst battles in
Virginia, localizing too late that he
had made no testementary provision
by which Mrs. lhicknor's property
should not go in with his own estate
he told to a comrado the story of his
agreement with his sister's husband.
For some reason his dying wishes were
either not communicaied to or wero
disregarded by his wife, his only heir,
and she entered into possession of the
entire property. The warclosed. Gen
eral Buckner camo back to Louisvillo
and asked of Mrs. Kingsbury tho re
storation of his daughter's estate.
Mrs. Kingsbury refused to consider
the question, and a suit of recovery
was brought. It was one of the great
cases of tho day, and was finally, af
ter years of litigation, fully decided in
General lluckner's favor. His counsel
was Robert Wooley, of Louisville, a
brother of Cqlonef Charles AVooley,
of Cincinnati, and a near con
nection by marriago with SulHo
Ward, the famous Southern beauty.
It was said that his feo was $1 00,000.
General Buckner at once began to ex
tensively improve his Chicago proper
ty. The fire came, and in a day he
was poorer by half a million dollars.
When, however, his daughter married
Morris Belknap, of Louisville, two
years ago, she was ono of tho great
heiresses of the South.
Mrs. Kingsbury lived in Newport
after her husband's death. She was a
beautiful and charming woman, and
remained a widow only for a few years.
Then she married General Lawrence,
eldest son of ex-Governor Lawrence,
the richest man in Rhode Island.
It will bo remembered that, after tho
peril which the arrival of General
Butler's troops barely averted. the
cadets and appliances of tho Naval
School at Annapolis wero removed to
Newport. Tho young and lovely Mrs.
Kingsbury was easily tho acknowl
edged bello among tho impressible
cadets, and when tho classof 1878 was
graduated it was generally understood
that she had engaged herself to Hugh
McKee. a member of that class from
Kentucky and a brother of Major
George McKee, of the ordnance, who is
now stationed at Sandy Hook. Hugh
McKeo was a marvelous young fellow
in his way. Ilo was bravo to reck
lessness, with magnetic elements of
character which made him not only
tho most popular man ofhis class, hut
even, without tho circumstances of his
tragic death, tho best remembered of
tho young officers of the navy. 1 le was
killed whilo leading n small detachment
up the walls of a Coram fort during
our short but decisive wnr with that
people somo twelve years ngo, and a
memorial tablet to his memory hangs
on tho walls of the academy chapel at
Annapolis ono of a dozen commem
orating tho most heroic acts jn tho
history of our navy, Tho story of
what just preceded his death is told by
ono of his associates.
When Hugh McKeo was ordered to
tho Pacific squadron ho left theso
shores witli tho promise from Mrs.
Kingsbury that she would becomo his
wife on his return. Ono day, in Nagas
aki harbor, tho American mail was
brought to tho mess-room of his ship.
A yoiing litlitenant looked up from a
letter ho Avns reading with tho ejacu
lation: "Say, boys, guess who is mar
riedl" McKeo was standing just back
of him, fronting a classnmtowho knew
of his engagement. "It's Mrs. Kings
bury," continued the first speaker.
"She wasmnrried to General La wrenco
a month ago."
Tho narrator says that McKeo made
one step forwnrd, his handsomo fnco
distorted, his teeth set and his fists
clinched as if ho would striko tho read
er. Then ho recovered himself, wect
above and walked tho deck nil that
night. It was shortly before that timo
that an Amoricnn trading ship, tho
General Sherman, whilo ascending tho
Piengyangrivor, in Corea, was attacked
by natives, destroyed and her officers
nnd crew murdered. Admiral Rodgeru
started with his fleet from Nagasaki
immediately on receipt of tho news,
sailing for Corea. Arnvingnt thofortH
in tho rivor Van, a force of niarinoa
nnd sailors woro landed. McKeo boggod
to bojmt inconimandofa detachment,
rushod in advaucu of hw men up the
mud walls of tho fort and fell (load in
side piorcod through tho hoart by u
Coroan epour.
The lmploris denouncement of tho
marriago to General Albert Gallatin
Lawrence will be recalled. Mrs. Law
rence a few years since eloped with Mr.
Van Ness, an attache ot tho Belgian
Legation to this country. General
Law rence procured a divorce. Mr. Van
Ness married Mrs. Lawrence, and was
sent by his Government to Kgypt,
wIrto ho died. Mrs. Lawrcncestillhas
a large income from her money of the
Kingsbury estate an income which
was not so mucii unpaired uy mo uni
cago lire as was Miss Buckner's.
An Kctindoriaii City.
GunynquirCor. of Chicago Inter-Occnn.
There is no fresh water in town, but
all the people use is brought on rafts
from a place twenty miles up tho river,
and is peddled about theplaco in casks
carried upon the backs of donkeys or
men. The donkevs all wear pan
talettes not, however, from motives
of modesty, as the native children all
go entirely naked, and the men and
women nearly so but to protect their
legs and bodies from the gadlly, which
bites tiercel v here. Bread as well as
water is peddledabout the town intho
same way, but vegetables are brought
down the river on rafts and in dugouts,
which aro hauled up on the beach in
long rows, and present a busy and in
teicsting scene.
Guayaquil is famous for tho finest
pineapples in the world great juicy
fruits, as white as snow and as sweet
ashonev. It isalsofamousforitshats
and hammocks, made of thepita fiber,
a sort of palm. The well known Pana
ma hatsareallmadein Guayaquil, but
got their name because Panama mer
chants formerly controlled tho trade.
They aro braided under water,
by native women, of strands often
twelvonnd fifteen feet long, anil lino
ones are very expejisive. A woman
often takes two and three weeks to
braid a single hat, which sells fori?o or
?i, ami wears forever. I saw a hat in
Guayaquil which is said to bo worth
$2 ."ill. It was made of a single straw
or liber, as lino as thread and as soft
as silk, and tho woman who inado it
was engaged four months in tho work.
Tho quinino trade has almost died
out, as tho forests of Ecuador have
been stripped of the bark, andtho trees
have thus been destroyed. In tho
meantime tho trees have' been intro
duced into the East Indies by tho
British Government, where they have
been cultivated with great success,
thus securing a better quality of qui
nino with less trouble. Quinine, or
Peruvian bark, was discovered by tho
Jesuits in Ecuador in 1 OHO, ami was
named "Chinchona," after tho Coun
tess of Chinchona, tho wile of the Vico
A Queer City in the Air.
Tho Pueblo of Acomn, situated nine
ty miles west of Albuquerque, is one
of the most remarkable communities
in Now Mexico or tho United States.
In tho middle of a valley six miles in
width stands a buttc, and on the top
of this is Acomn. Eight hundred peo-
Xlo aro living there, and they
and their ancestors havo gathered
thero tho sum of their possessions for
nearly three centuries. This butto is
one of tho many that aro remnants of
a mesa that has been worn away by
tho erosion of the ages, and survives
only in flat-topped mountains here
anil there. Tho valleys between aro
fertile, and untold generations ot men
have seen them covered with men and
flocks of sheep. Some timo in
tho seventeenth century tho Laguna
or valley Indians niado war
upon tho Acomns for tho possession of
tho country, and tho latter being tho
weaker, occupied this butte ns a de
fensive position believed to bo impreg
nable. Their judgment has ueen
abundantly vindicated. It has proved
a Gibraltcr of strength and safety.
Tho comparison is not inappropriate,
and in approaching it from tho north
I was struck with tho rcsemblanco to
tho pictures I havo seen of that grim
old lortress that frowns over tho strait
of tho Mediterranean. Tho height
above tho valley is nearly four hun
dred feet, and tho walls in sovcral
places aro nearly perpendicular. Thero
aro two means of ascent, ono by a
flight of steps cut in tho fnco of the
wall and rising at nn nngloofforty-fivo
degrees, and the other by a fissuro in
tho rocks leading up into the heart of
tho mountain. Both ways havo been
trodden by human feet until tho steps
nre hollowed out like shallow troughs.
Either ono is exceedingly difficult, and
neither is tolerably safe.
Women nt the Fnll of Khartoum.
Women nnd children wero robbed of
their jewels of gold and jewels of silver,
of their bracelets; necklaces of precious
stones, and carried off to bo sold to
tho Bishareen merchants as Blaves.
Yes; and white women, too Egyptians
and Circassians who woro tho burko
over their facc3, tho rabtah, and tho
turban, and the kurs on their heads
ladies clad in silks nnd satin gibbehs
nnd sultahs. Mother and daughter
alike wero dragged oflfrom their homes
of comfort. These wero widows, wives
and daughters of Egyptian officers,
somo of whom had been killed with
Hicks Pasha; wives and children of
Iigyptian merchants formerly rich,
owning ships and mills, gardens and
shops. Theso were sold afterward,
some for 310 thalerie3 or more, somo
for 250, according 10 ago and good
looks. And tho poor black women al
ready slaves and their children wero
taken ofl, too. Theso wero Hold, too,
for 100, 80 or70thaleries. Their hus
bands and masters wero slain before
their eyes, and yot I hear it said there
was no massaBhs at tho taking ol
Khartoum! London News.
"A breath ol freo westorn air and a
view of Lake Michigan," is tho pro
scription of a Chicago pupor for Gen.
Grant. It is unfortunato that the
physicians do not regard theso thing
as imential to lib comfort and ulti
mate recovery.
Titr. would n oi'i.i) nirrri:i:.
It men rami Ioms fur wealth nnd lame
And Iosm for bnttle-nolils nnd glory;
If writ in huiiitin lir-nttx, a imuie
S'tviiiiHl better than in houij nnd story;
II men, instead ol iuumiii: pride,
Would li'irn to hute it nnd nblior it;
II more relied on love to guide
The world would lo the K'tter lor it.
If ijien denlt lem in ntockx and land
Anil more in bonds nnd deiMl!nierniil;
II I.ovo's works hud more willing hands
To link this world to the Mmorunl;
It men stored up love's oil and wine
And on bruised human hearts would pour
It "yours" nnd "mine" would oncecombine
The world would Ixj the better Jor it.
It more would act the play ol life
And fewer spoil it in rehearsal;
II bigotry would sheathe its knife
Till good been me more unhcrsnl;
If custom, gray with ages grown,
Had fewer blind men to adore it;
If talent shown tor truth alone
The world would be the better for it.
If men were wise in little tiling
Affecting less in all their dealings
If hearts had fewer rusted strings
To isolate their kindly feelings;
II men, when wrong heat down the Right,
Would strike toget her and restore it;
U lhglit made Might in eery light
The world would he the b-tter for it.
"I want you to meet Gordon this
summer, Helen,'' Rob said, confiden
tially. "I am sure you two would
like each other. I've told him a great
deal about my pretty, intellectual
cousin, nnd he is very anxious"
"Really, he does me an honor,"
Helen said, hastily, with the slight
arch in her slender neck which always
followed the mention af an eligible
man. "It is right kind of you, Bobby,
to plan so much pleasure for me; but I
hardly expect to be home this sum
mer. I've just about made up my
mind to attend the summer school at
"What! You going to leave Canon
diet, and study all summer in that
prosy Yankee town? My dear Helen
"If I go abroad in the fall, I should
like to know something about Gor
man." "Hul whydon'tyou studyathoine?"
"I'nder whom, jiray?"
"I think you might find somebody."
Helen shook her head.
"I've tried, "she said quietly. "There
is no ono hero whom I would think of
"Oli, pshaw!" said Bob. "That's
too bad. I thought wo would have
such a nice tiniethissummer."
"You will anyhow," Helen said, with
a sly smile. "Alice is coming for sure,
and I shall be out of the way. Thero
will be no disagreeable third party."
"Rut what shall I do with Gordon?"
"Find him a girl to flirt with."
"lie's not that kind."
"Oh!" incredulously. "Isn't ho?"
Then I think you'd better send him
word not to come."
"I've hnlf a mind to. Confound tho
His face looked very cross just, then;
but tho next moment a light seemed
to break over it.
"I say, Helen," ho began, eagerly,
then stopped short, as though a sec
ond idea had arrested him.
"Nothing," ho replied.
And he began straightway to whistle
under his breath, while Helen gathered
up her books and went into thehouso.
"There is no good in spoiling a woman
to mako a student," Bob muttered.
"If over two mortals wero mado for
each other, she and Leon Gordon
were. What a sight it would bo to see
them hang each other in tho matri
monial noose!"
It was just a week after this conver
sation that Rob camo into tho library
brimming over with exultation. Helen
sat by tho window in onoof thosecool,
gray gowns that aro so becoming. She
was writing a letter of inquiry to tho
principal of tho summer school at
Amherst, concerning terms and hours,
and items of instruction.
"Hero's luck, Helen!" ho cried,
flourishing a letter aloft. "A real live
German professor coining to visit us."
"Why," he wont on, breathlessly,
"when I was over at Winnebec yester
day, I ran against Professor Holstein
in tho station. He's a mighty nice
fellow, and is writing up a work on
philology. He's had the second degreo
at Harvard, and isono of your real
heavy guns on the languages. "
"Does ho tvach?" Helen asked,with
"I think ho would. He's not well
off those German students seldom
are. Ho was hunting up somo quiet
little place where hecould hoard cheap
ly anil quietly this summer whilo ho
writes his book. I suggested Canon
(hot, and I havo just got a note from
him, saying that ho is booked at
t "Perhaps ho won't want to tench a
beginner," said Helen, dubiously.
"Leave that to 1110," said Rolf, confi
dently. "I am going to bring him up
hero to supper, and I proirtiseyouho'Il
moot you easily."
Helen put on a bewitching gown of
embroidered Canton silk. Therccouy
bo nothing prettier than she was bo
hind a trayful of bhio Doulton cups
and a jug of whipped cream.
"Have you always lived in this coun
try, professor?" who asked, pouring
out his tea with ft'iio womanly guilo,
"I was born here," ho aiiHwered,
watching her quietly over a pair of
gold-bowed spectacles; "but I havo
spout some time abroad."
"And you aro very fond of your lan
guage?" queried Helen. "Most Ger
mans aro."
Sho was wondering just then if Nature-
had trained his board in that
jirotty way, or if ho was vain enough
to frequent a barber's.
"I am vory fond of tho Gorman," ho
said, warmly. "I iimm! to lunch it a
little, and if J hud moru lime, J should
liku nothing butter. 1 thought ouuo
that I inliM gutupaoluasthls slimmer
in tho village. Do u tjjitilc it would
bo worth while trying. Miis Darrngh?"
"I can promise jou one pupil." she!
said, eagerly. ,
"Helen is'going in for German herself,
professor," Bob explained.
"Indeed?" he said, smiling.
"And if you would be kind enough to
bother with nio."shosnid.npj)ealingly,
"I should like very much to have you
tench me. I am going abroad in the
fall, and-"
"It would give me great pleasure."
the professor answered, politely.
And it was so arranged that tho les
sons would begin in a day or so.
They got on amazingly, for Helen
had lost sight of the man in the in
structor, and for once, in the society
of the opposite sex, she acted out her
sweet, natural self.
'fhe lessons grew longer every day.
Tho professor read to her from the
German poets, and there was so much
loitering over the dictionary, that Rob
akcd indiscretely whether the work
on philology wasn't sulTcring.
"I suppose vou know, Helen." he
.-aid. one morning, in a casual way,
"that Professor Holstein has a wife
and seven children?"
She fairly gasped at this. That
young man! with such pleasant, artless
eyes! And he'd never said a word to
her of his family! What a cold-blooded
wretch he must be! Her heart fairly
thrilled with anger.
"How dared he deceive me?" sho
cried, angrily.
Hob looked up in surprise.
"1 suppose he never thought it would
make the least dilTerenee to vou," he
said. "Why should it?"
"Oh, for no reason in the world! Rut
I don't think a married man has any
right to go about with any girl as ho
has been doing. Wbv didn't vou tell
me. Rob?"
"I? Why, ho hasn't been flirting
with you, has he, Helen?"
"Certainly not!" was tho haughty
reply. "Men cannot dirt unless womeu
encourage them. Rut I think you
might have said something about this
" 'My eye, Pip! Wot larks!' "iuot
ed Rob, going ollintoagaleof laughter,
the instant his cousin was out of
sight. "Tho plot thickens. Bring on
your villain."
Helen had taken her hat from the
hall-rack, and gone out into the sun
shine. Sho could not explain to her
self why she T'elt so indignant at Pro
fessor Holstein, or why she passed
with averted ga.o tho spot they had
chosen for their morning readings.
"Ah! how do you do?" a pleasant
voice called to her, in the simple tier
man phrase she had already mastered.
"I thought you were never coining. I
have got such a pretty little poem,
which I cut out of the Gartenlaubo!
Shall I read it?"
"Certainly if you wish."
He was too eager to bo checked by
her chilling reserve. In a deep, melo
dious voice, ho began to read to her a
pretty spring idyl. It had a great deal
of lovo in it, and a great deal of sor
row. "Don't you like that?" hesaid.look
ingupjust in time to sou her tears. "Ah,
I knew you would!"
Do put out his hand, but drew it
back again.
"That is what I should like," ho wont
on, earnestly. "I should like to wan
der away off to somo wild spot, and
live thero with ono I loved with you,
"Professor Holstein, you forget your
self!" "Forget? Nol Do not start from
me, Helen. I lovo you with my whole
"Sir,"shocried, passionately, "your
lovo is an insult! Howdureyouspeak
of such a thing to mo?"
"Helen, what aro you saying?"
"I say that you have no right toad
dress mo so, sir. How dare you take
advantage of tho privileges of hospi
tality? How daro you abuse your
rights as a teacher to-to--"
"Hear mo, Helen! I havo deceived
"I know it. I am quito well aware,
sir, of who and what you are. tio I
leavo mo this instant! I never want to
seo you again. I despise such perfidy
as yours. Go!"
"Ah you say!" ho said, turning very
pnlo: "I never meant to do anything
wrong. If I havo erred, Miss Darragh,
I am punished for tho fault. I do lovo
you with my whole soul. Good-byl"
He strode away quickly, and when
ho camoupon Bob, at tho garden gato,
ho said hoarsely: ,
"I was afraid it wouldn't turnout
well, old boy. Helen has found 1110 out
and will havo nothing to do with 1110."
"Tho deuce!" Bob exclaimed. "Who
told her Gordon?"
"I don't know," ho answered gloomi
ly. "It was a bad day for mo, Bob,
when I camo to Canonchet. I shall
never caro for any other woman, and
now "
"I'm sorry, Gordon," Bob replied,
"I rather thought Helen would see tho
joko, after tho first shock was over."
"It doesn't seoni to strike her that
way," said Gordon, withabittersmilo.
"Good-by, old boy! I think I'd bet
ter get away from hero as soon aj I
"I'm sorry "Rob began.
"Nover mind," said his friend, brave
ly. "It wasn't your fault, I shall
leave Canonchet to-night. Good-by!"i
Rob walked with him a little vay, and
camo back quito cast down in spirits.
"I had no idea she'd fly off in that
way," ho muttered. "Girls aro queor
creatures. I would havo sworn sho
was in lovo with him, and decpgpough
for anv emergency. Helen!"
Sho was just going in by tho garden
"I want to speak t you a moment."
"Don't you think you wero a littlo
rough on Gordon?"
"On whom?"
"On Gordon. Wo only meant it as
a littlo joke, and it was I who put him
up to it. You woro so opposed to
men, and I thought you wouldQm mwo
to lie friends if you could only meet."
"My dear Rob," shocriod, "1 haven't
tho slightest idea what you are talking
"Gordon lias gone away," ho pur
sued. "He's awfully out up about it,
uud I'm sure, Holon"
"Gordon gono away!" ohe echoed.
"What do you mean?"
"Why," said Rob, somewhat impa
tiently, "he did not mean any harm
when he came hero in the character of
a German professor, which of courso
he isn't, though his mother was a Gor
man, and her nnino was Holstein."
"Do you mean to say," cried Helen,
changing color, "that Professor Hol
stein is your friend Leon Gordon?"
"Why, ho said you knew all aboub
it. There is a Professor Holstein, who
is writing a work on philology. He is
Gordon.s uncle; but he's a middle
aged man, with a wife and seven
"Rob," cried Helen, bursting into
tears, which fairly took his breath
awav, "I'll never forgive you for this
Sho rushed past him into tho house,
and dropped down in a littlo tearful
heap on the sofa.
"Oh, if I'd only gono to Amherst!"
she moaned, quito unconcious that
somo one in the doorway was regard
ing her with a startled gae.
"I I bog your pardon!" stammered
Gordon, the ex-professor. "I left my
German dictionary in here, and Rob
said Helen!" ho was down on bin
knees beside her, holding one of her
hanrts "can you ever forgive me? I
do not ask or hope for anything,
though my life will bo very empty now
without you. If you will only say
that you will not hate me, that you
will think of me sometimes kindly; I
shall trv to be content."
"I think of you entirely too often
now," she said', witha final sob, assho.
shook out a verv wet handkerchief and.
looked at him through her tears.
Something in her face must havegiv
on him hope, for one arm was slipped
around her, and ho drew the lit tie, pas
sive hand, which bo held, to his lips.
"Say you will forgive me!" he urged,
with sudden boldness. "Think how
hard it w ill be, and how inconvenient,
to get. a new German teacher in tho
middle of tho summer. Helen, don'b
you think you niight marry me'Thcn.
we could continue our lessons indefi
nitely." Slowly but with a sense of appro
print ion sho felt herself being drawn in
to his arms.
"I ought to hato you," she said,
weaklv. "I'm suro I meant to, but t
It was quito a surprising tableau
that Rob burst in upon some timo af
terward. "I beg your pardon!" ho exclaimed,
wheeling around in tho most absurd,
way. "I had no idea Upon my word,
Gordon, you beat tho Old Roy! Ieho
liebe, I love; du liebst, thou lovest; op
liebt, he loves How does itgo? Well,
well bless you, my children! Let our
congratulations bo mutual. Alico is
coming to-morrow!" .
Helen and Gordon wero married in
the fall (sho had learned a good deal of
German by that time), and they went
abroad together.
Rob will never enll his new cousin
anything but "Professor," and Helen
has a son named Holstein Gordon a,
very bright boy, too, who knowssomo
German already.
A Candid Lord-Lieutenant.
Daniel O'Connell, in tho zenith ofhis
popularity, was tho idol of tho Irish
peoplo. When ho was released from
prison, whoro ho had been confined for
somo ofTenco against tho Government,
it was feared that his appearance in
Dublin would bo tho signal for a riot.
Tho troops remained in their barracks,
and tho Lord-Lieutenant visited them
to await what might arise.
To whilo away tho time, ono of tho
cavalry officers, Lieut. Twigg, con
ducted his Excellency over the regi
mental school-room. Tho lieutenant,
in talking about tho best method of
educating children, emphasized tho
idea that it was a mistako to teach
them lessons by roto. Tho proper
system was to cultivato their reason
ing powers, so that thoy would under
stand what answers they should givo.
"Now here's a most intelligent pupil,
Rill Jones," said tho lieutenant,
anxious to illustrate tho success of his
educational method. "Tell 1110, Rill,
who is tho greatest person in tho king
dom of Groat Britain?"
"Her Majesty tho Queen," answered
"Good. And who is tho greatest
person in Ireland?" continued the
lieutenant, confident that tho l'oply
would bo, "His Excellency tho Loru
Lioutenant." "Daniel O'Connell!" answered tho
boy, with promptness and vigor.
- "Pon my word, Mr. Twigg, I am
afraid tho lad, is right," said tho
Viceroy, smiling at tho blushing offi
cer. Tf (wked tho "Wroiifr Ituulcet,
From tho Sun Frnnclsco Altiv.
"Ma and I," sho said shyly, "aro
moro like sisters than mother and
"Yes," ho said, with a lingering in
flection on tho after guard of his "yes,"
which rose clear to tlio coiling.
"Yes, indeedi' said tho girl, with a
rosy flush oti her cheeks making her
infinitely mdro beautiful than ovor.
"Jtfe. Itnd I ro inseparable. Wo havo
nover been seitftrated a singlodaysinco
I was a little baby."
"N-no?" ho said, this with an inflec
tion on tho second section of "no" that
went only half wiy to tho ceiling and
back again.
"Oh dear, no," tho girl went on in
hor artless way; "and ma always said
that when I was married sho was going
to lovo my husband like her own son
and como and keep houso for us."
"Oh-hl" said William, withncircunv.
llox. Then lro roso up sltSvly nnd firm
ly, and said that ho had a note in bank
to tako up at Jl o'clock; as it was now
0:!10 ho would go. And ho did go.
And ho didn't como bnck again. Nob
never. And ma said to tho girl:
"That's whoro you missed it in not
trusting your mother. Why didn't
you tell me that man had been mar-,
iled before? Had 1 known ho was a
widower, I would havo played th
'homo (or old women' racket on him,'