THE OREGON SCOUT. JONIiS .V CIIANCHY, 1'ublUlierfl. UNION, OREGON. Mnttevoo) Interest Thucltod UiEf$n Xexct QaUSbt. A tcrrlblo accident is reported fron Llttlo Calllou, Tcrro Boino parish, Lou lilana. A few days ago while Kmllc Slrettc wax engaged in moulding bulled preparatory to joining a number of friends in target shooting, bo asked bis wife to fill a powder born for him. She was ten or twelve feet from the fire placo whnro a few coals 'were smouldering. The task was but half completed when a gust of wind blowing through the open door sent a fcpnrk to the powder Vrlilch Ignited, and a tcrrlblo explo sion followed. The roof of the dwelling was blown off, three children Instantly killed and the mother received such injuries that befor0 many hours she too was dead, while tbo bus. band and father and two children were badly wounded. While W. W. Cole's circus was eorriln,. through the tunnel near Cairo on tho way to (bat city, three cages struck the roof of the tun nel and were completely demolished. A number of animals were liberated. The train topped In tho tunnel, and all was conftiska owing to tho darkness. All the animals wcro filially recaptured and caged. Ono kangaroo was killed. A Tckonsha, Mich., dispatch states that a Arc In the interior of J. C. Falling's residence burned tho father and mother and two sleep Ing children so severely that ono of the children died and the parents arc not expect ed to live. A paragraph has been latelv published in leading papers of tho country Mating Hint Denver, Colorado, had been "stricken with sudden partdysls; business stagnant, resi. dunces and business houses tcniinllcss by the Hundred, with vutt amounts of money Invest ed In them worse tlmn sunk." Many inipil rlcs from the east have followed this para graph, and tliercforo for the correct Informa tion of those Interested, the Dourer Chamber of Commerce states Unit tho story is a fabrl cation. Tho census of lb5 shows tho opu ntlon of Denver to lmvo Increased (X) per cent since 18S0. Tho recorder's records show tbo warranty deeds for July 185, to exceed In number mid value any other July but 1S2, when the railroads purchased much property for their improvements. Uiislnoss men show an Increase of trade each year. Keal estato men lmvo a less number of vacant houses than Is ii unl In mid-summer. Tno smelting works have enlarged their plants this year Two hundred iin.l llfty building permits have been i'lucd. Tho banks show'largcr deposits and greater cash resources than ever before, with ono exception. In general while Denver is not "booming'' it Is steadily improving. John II. Aufdcmortc, who robbed tho sub treasury In New Orleans of f'27,C03 and lied to Mexico, June -1th, has been wrested pear Monterey. Assistant Treasurer Ilcrcwlg was informed of his capture by Consul Campbell and Immediately took steps looking to Aufdc morto's return to Now Orleans. Tho fugl tivo's whereabouts were learned through let' tcrs written to mm under an assumed nnmu by a supposed accomplice named Shepherd l lio latter soon ionowcd mo letter nml was shadowed by a deto.'tlvo wtio arrested both. Herewlg will i ay tbo reward of f 3.000 unou tho return of tho prisoners. Mitchell, at Grccnlleld, Mass., who whllo drunk attempted to shoot an applo from his boy's head and killed tho youth, bus been convicted of murder. Mrs. Frank hndlcman, widow of a farmer and prominent citizen of Atlanta, Ga., sui cided by tearing a sheet up, throwing It over a door, getting on a trunk mid jumping off. Kho was forced to bold her feet oil tho lloor. She was highly connected. No cause save 111 health Is Assigned. Tho Northwestern Lumber Dealers' Asso ciation, with representatives from low a, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin, im t at St. l'uul. Investigation reveals tho fact that less lumber is left over this season than Inst, aud resolution was passed advancing rates $1 ier thousund on all grades. In St, Charles purlsh, Louisiana, on tbo 21st, n lot of colored Hold hands took refuge under a tree during a storm. Lightning struck tho tree, killing llyo of them. Maxwell, tho alleged murderer of l'reller, appeared beforo acting Judge Fountleray In the court of criminal correction St. Louis, Aug. 121st aud was not uskcd to plead, as Judge Fountleray temporarily tilling Judge Noouan's placo in this court, is ono of Max well's couubcI. The case Is set for prelimi nary hearing Sept. '). Maxwell displayed omo agitation when bo aroeo to enter his plea of "not guilty." Hon. John J. Martin, Lis attorney, asked for and was granted a continuance until Sopt. 2:ul, when tho caso will como beforo Judge Noouan. Tho lino of defense has not yet been divulged. A month ago 1'hlllp Lawman and bis son Mlko, in New Orleans, bad a terrible light with a savago bull dog and both wero Im de liberated. Their wounds wcro healed, but few duys ago tho old man was attacked with symptoms of hydrophobia and died in gre.i agony. Tho son, who has been in constant attendance upon his father, now says ho bo tins to feel symptoms of rabies. Tholrou bark Haddingtonshire, from Asto ria for l.lverjwol, wcut on tho rocks In n fog oft Point Hugo's lighthouse, near San Fran cisco harbor. The boat is a total wreclft The captain and seventeen men aro lost, only two having been saved. Tho ship was built In Glasgow, was owned by J. A. Shlpherd, aud was loaded with Hour and salmou. Tho cargo ' valued at 1 100,000. A special from Tallcda, Ala., says: In that county J, II. McGowan, killed and dressed a pig for barbecue. Ills threo chil dren aged 11, 0 aud 4 years of age, saw tho process of tho butchenngof tho pig. Tho next day McGowan left homo and tho children agreed to repeat the process of the day before. Havlug no pig the older children proposed to butcher tho jouugest child. 'J hey cut its throat, hung up by tho heel hi the pig Lad been hung, aud wero proceeding to dls embowel it when their mother discovered the horrible tragedy, BmMiTcU, white, wMlo intoxicated on tho itrcct,iu Waldo Texas, as yprj bjtorou II J brother William came alonj ami ptrsuad' cd him to go home, saying: "Son you're Uv full to bo ou the strict." t-sm exclaimed, Full am II Thcu I'll make you full." Draw. K hU ptto tie shot hli brother three tlmri In the abdomen. lilsbrnther at last accounts was dilng. Sam esca; cd. l' Xflsh, a miner, wis killed at Lead' vlilo by Hardy Klrby, who struck him with an ax on the neck, nearly cuttlnghis head off- The men quarreled over mining matters. Nash claiii.lug that Klrby was trespassing on hi ground. Klrby became enraged, seized an ax and dealt Nash one blow. Klrby lie 1 but rc turned to Lcadvlllo and surrendered. He ha been j romlueut as a ward politician. CBIMfUVLBS JIT CAMbE. XXscHuntoiu MitUet of iilnwl IkcrtaMtty to Fureiyn Countries, Jniormatlon lias been received or a grea massacre at llerber. The populace are starv. ing and have seized the city treasur... An officer of tun Lima Government troops, who alter two days imprisonment managed to escape from Caiita, says that a number ol Cascrlst troops engaged on the 15th was I,.' 00 with four guns. They lost 20 men. Two hundred and forty men of the defeated bat talions have succeeded In reaching Lima. AH of the north oint Is In Ilia hands of the Gov eminent and free from tuo Monteucroj. General Lord Wolselcy having been asked about the truth of Itochefort's story that Oliver I'alne had a prlco put on bis head by the Hrltlsh In the Soudan and was executed by them, replied tint no reward was ever of fered by the Hrltlsh fur Paine, and that no Ilrltisli olllcer in the Poudun would have given five shillings for l'alue's head on or off his shoulders. Tho cholera In Marseilles Is spreading. Thirty localities arc now Infected. One bun, dred and forty deaths fr in the disease occur d on the 121st. Dr. Kevin Izod O'Dohcrty, who was . . inf- ncnt in the Irish movement of 1814, arrived in 1 Dublin after twenty-five )ears exile in Austra lia. jic was received nun great enthusiasm and tendered tho freedom of tho city, The honor was obtain til from the corporation oa motion of Michael Davitt. A riot ocurred at Londonderry on the 21st, owing to Ill-feeling between tho citizens ami troops. A party of forty soldiers had a scrim mage with tho civilians and overpowered them. Tho defeated party obtained reinforce ments and drove the soldiers to their barracks. Tho picket guard charged the crowd with fixed bayonets and filially dispersed them. Order was restored at a late hour. Several persona wero Injured, but none seriously. ilerr Windtborst, leader of tbo German clerical party, will tako nit actlvo part in the meeting of tho German Catholics to bo held In Minister, Prussia, next month. He will urgr; the formation of n union of Catholics throughout tho world for the defense of their rights and tho privilege of tbo church. The project Is favored by tho Vatican. TUB SEAT OF aOVEltXMEXT. Miscellaneous Matters of Interest at ths JVo- tlonal Capital. says Edward Itowo, assistant appraiser, has been ap pointed tt member of tho local board of ex aminers, of tho Now York Customs district, vice C. A. Stevens, rontguocl Ho says Mr. Itowo has been for twenty years a member of tho board of education for tho city o! llrooklyn. Ho is n gentleman of high char acter and lino attainments. His selection was niado in a manner most satlslactory to tho commission, ami highly credlablo to Appraiser McMullcu. Ho will enter upon his duties as examiner upon tho comple tion ot tbo pending examinations in tho customs service, during which Mr. Stevens will continue to servo. Tin: recent order of tbo commissioner ol internal revenuo lor tbo release of spirits shipped front Peorin to Philadelphia, aud there seized lor ro-oxiiniinutioii, applied also to spirits from tho samo city seized in New York aud llnltimnrc, where similar ex nminutious wero made. General Sowall, chief of the revenue ngonts, who conducted tho investigation at Philadelphia, has just relumed to Washington. Ifo snys today that tho government ollteers had success fully accomplished all they set out to do. There wero charges that tho Peoria distill era wero defrauding tlto government by fraudulent gauging. Tiik noting postmaster general bus ap pointed tho following named fourth-class postmasters: In Illinois: Salad Springs, W. 1). Dilliitau; Thomnsborough, Jos. J. Mathony; Fisher, Sits. Lynch; Georgetown, Mrs. Laura llltiuchiml; Indinuola, J. J. Henly; Ludlow, Sarah Proctor; Latona, .1. J. Palmer; Dowitt, Charles Hichtor; ltnnkiu, J, L. McCauloy; Altamout, W. S. Holmes. In Iowa; Macedonia, Marion Ashloy; Col umn, W. 8. Hnsa. In Nebraska: Peru, W. 11. l'urvianco. Tiik report ot Gen. Miles upon tho condi tion of tho Southern Utes in Colorada was received by tbo interior department, and tho commissioner ol Indian affairs immedi ately instructed tho agent to secure sup. plies for the Indians. Tho bureau o Ulcers say tho trouble was caused by a deficiency in the appropriations for tho purchase of (ood supplies. The department endeavored to distribute the amount ot tho appropria tions throughout the fiscal year, but, to avert starvation among tho Indians, it hits boon found necessary to expend the limited amount sot apart tor each quarter and rely upon congress to nmko good tho deficiency. In tho case ot thoSouthern Utes there is an Interest fund that can bo used for the pur chase ot food when tho regular appropria tion is exhausted. Supplies amounting to 10,000 pounds ot beel inula, 000 pounds of (lour will bo issued weekly to these Indluns. Iiullims Matt Obey Iiufdui i.iitr. Tho interior department has been in formed by Inspector Gardiner, who litis been assisting the IudiauH and hall-breeds In tho vicinity ol tho Turtle Lake (Dak.) reservations In taking up liomojtends on public lands, that tho laud olllco at Devll'n Lake is receiving homestead filings ou lauds In that locality from hull-breeds as i ltUens. The Inspector linn boon instructed that Indians and halt-breeds are not citi zens nnd can only become such under special laws enacted Jy congress. Thoy run take homesteads only as Indians sttli. jeci 10 restrictions as to alienation pro vided tor in the Indian homestead law. II they boeure patents tor houuwteads without an el 1 restrictions iniinv. it not nil ol tlieiii, will soon iNtrt with the lauds and it),'aiii Uke rWunt upon some reservation as 11 churue tiHiu tlieeuvurnmeiiU It the In (Ilium paUnt thlr land under the I no mil iioinmtmiil law they cuiiiiot part with kvux lor n period ol twenty-live your. a ma itur.rj roit sosiehody. Looking Afler An Estate Said to lie Valued at $.'00,000,01)0. Dayton (O.) dispatch: For the Inst sev oral dnys meetings ol several persons from various sections in this state, and from Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin anil New York, lmvo been held in this city, at the residenco oi Mr. J. D. Mercer and at tho Soldiers' Home, for the purposo of looking niter nn estato said to bo valued at $500, 000,000. Tbo estate is that of John Mer cer, ol Pennsylvania, which became so well known throughout tho country through tho Vnndcrbilt suit, when it was claimed tho railroad magnate was desirous of tret- ting possession of about $i"0, 000, 000 of tho property. I lie object of the above meet- The object of ings wns tlie establishment of tbo legiti mate heirs to tbir wonderful estate, nnd to devise some means of a settlement. There wero In all about 200 po -ois present. somo ol whom wero represented by attor neys at law. Considerable interest was manifested by nil who were present. From one of tho Mercers the following synoptical history of the legacy was obtained: John .Mercer enmo to tins country from Scotland beforo the revolutionary war. mid jcttled in Chester county, Pennsyl vania. Ho ntcmunls (.nine into posses sion of somo estato in or (as it wns then) near New York City, which lie leased to tho .'oviTiimcnt. Amos, who inherited this fortune, bad live children David, Joseph, nine, roll;' and .lohu. home oi these sons went to tho war of 1812 and wero never heard of alterwards, and 'bo remainder scattered, somo of whom, among them loseph, came to Ohio over fifty years nco. and thus enmo the present Mercers, who lay claim to the original estato of John Mercer, who enmo from Scotland in tho colonial days. Mr. ). D. Mercer, of this city, ami Miss Mary Lance, of Fairfield, this state, seem to he the principal heirs. 1 ho matter was brought to their atten tion in the following maimer: Miss Lance was in New l ork recently, looking up tho estato on her mother's side, when sbo learned that the lease of the original John Mercer to tbo government had run out in 1870, and that Mr. Vanderbilt had tried to get possession of some SfjO.000.- 000 ol tho property, when, after a long litigation, the courts decided against him, when ho bad the matter car ried to tho supremo court of New York. which decided that it belonged to tho heirs. This decision virtually gives over tbo re mainder or the larger estate, which on account of tbo valuable property which has been placed upon it, is said to be worth some Snoo.000,000. Miss Lanco is now in the east looking alter tho matter and steps havo been taken by those who aro interested in tho matter to lmvo it pushed to a speedy settlement, ns thero seems to bo no obstacles in tho way sinco tbo deci sion of tho courts has already been ob tained. A letter from a wealthy member of tbo family in Wisconsin gives the authority to biro tbo best legal talent if necessary to ob tain possession of tbo property, which rightfully and iintiestioniibly belongs to the descendants of John Mercer, formerly ol Chester county, Pennsylvania. 'llio legal mo, nbers ol the Iaiiuv. who nrn nuiv miming a consuiuuioii at .Jamestown havo tho settlement or looking up ol the inmny record, tho publication, and full power to proecoil with tho settlement oi UIOCNlftlU lltOIICO THE 1WTA.AII OF OUH DADDIES. The Question Vititennost A1110110 tlie Silver unci .liid-.Sfcd' Mu. Washington Special: Tho question among the silver and anti-silver men, ns it traincs itself in Washington is, "Has tho administration entered upon a silver pol icy ol six months, or 0110 that can last for four years?" In other words, ns to whether it is the purposo of tho president and secretary ol the treasury to present to congress tho results of six months' strug gles with the responsibility entirely with congress, or whether it is really tho inten tion ol tbo administration to light the sil ver coinage earnestly and unwaveringly by every means at its disposal. Opinions differ 011 this subject even among tho supporters ot the administration and tho warmest opponents ol tho present coinage An oflleial who may bo mpposed to liavoSecretiiry Manning's eon lideuco in the fullest degree, said that it is tho intention of the administration to show by tho experiences of tbo next three months, that tbo Ulaiid dollar is 0110 of ho most expensive experiments a civilized nation ban ever made. It is its intention to prove to tho people, to congress, and to the silver men that the execution ot tho law and tho issue of the dollars in tho quantities contemplated by the coinage net, involves tho people and tho govern ment in expense so heavy, and inconven ience so great, that it cannot and will not be tolerated. According to this oillcial, this question hits never been fairly pre sented. The treasury department has nl wnyB connived to protect the people front tho effects of tho coinage law. The now ad ministration can only hope to contest tho question successfully, In his opinion, by letting the people fully realize the enormity o the system. SUICIDE OF A JI.I.V7C OFFICTAC Irreanlarttles in lltn .Iivimih.i the (Viiiih 0 the Ji'u. 11 Art. Kx-Trensurer Adams, ol tho Farming ham (Muss.) savings bank, whoso accounts wero recently made tho subject of a special Investigation by Dank Commissioner Qatcliell, nnd whoso resignation was re quested, committed suicide at the bank on tho l-'lth, by cutting his throat. When found a revolver lay lieeide hint, which, it is supposed, lie intended to uso provided the in 1 or did not accomplish tho work, lit the forenoon, tho ex-treasurer, who all through the trouble which the bank has been experiencing for tho past few days, appeared to be very cool and collected, came from South l'liriuliighaiu from his Farminghaiti Center homo, and went to one ot his lawyers' residences in Xobscoto block, where tho savings bank is located. Here during the forenoon, ho remained for somo time, and assisted in figuring up the interest accounts ot depositors who had come to draw their money. Shortly alter 2 o'clock Mr. Gatchell ar rived at the lawyer's olllco and began to. look over Adams' lodger. Adams thon wont down Into tho bunk and killed him self. He loaves a widow, daughter and two sons. Adams hold a prominent position in the community, socially mid tlnaiicliilly. (latchell made a statement in which he snys that there are ninny irregularities in the accounts ol Adams. The check books are, ho says, in a very unsatisfactory con dition. Tlie stubs are improperly tilled out, In some cases blindly and in some castas blank. He and his son drew an un known sum tor use lit their private bind ncm and Ads. ins drew over $-',000 la the last two months for peraomtl exnoiiMw, He whs very lax in Htteudimc to the hunk's busintMM. The in Urn I on $ 1 7H.O0O loaned on luot tMue ami due lust Anril had not yet mt coIWjcUnI, 'while uiurh ot It was fur inorw In arienrs, Part ot the lmnk dlvl ilwids had not bNi itald fur a yr and a half, 'llio books aro beliiy examined by 1111 i'imrt. ALLK'JL'I) I'OISOMXU CASE. - A I'roiiiliient Citl cii of Knnsx tllo from I'oIauii Supposed t'J Huve Hcen Ail mliiMtorod y Ills Young 'Wire. Kmpo la, Kansas, has been lnrji state of ex. cltemcnt on account of the sensational death of J. K Walkup president of the city council and acting mayor, who died und.r drcum stsnccs which indicate that his sudJ ;n taking oil Is duo to poisoning, believed to hive been administered by his joung wife. Deceased had long been o prominent citizen of that vicinity, having lived there since boyhood ne una oeen married twi e, ana only one month azo wedde 1 a third wife a vivacious and beautiful New Orleans girl named Mln nla allace. but 19 years of a :e. Walkup, who was 49, met the youn? lady whlb hit- lug the New Orleans extositlon last spring, A few das ago he was taken 111, and attackcJ at Intervals with spasms. It was thou .'lit that M sickness w.n caused by eating free'y of cove outers, suplio-cd to be l oUotied cinncd goo Is. He lee .vered pitlalv, but lit a dav or two was down aain. and ha 1 convulsions at Intervals. Friends had become alarmed and BiitieIous. and finally refused to let the wi.o at tend her sick husbind sbn hav ing Insisted on earing for him alone and hav ing almost forbidden the neighbors to come Into the house. Aft t hU death nvh among citizens led ton jostmortem examina tion, which was held by Drs. Moore. Jacobs rage, Harrison and l oncannon. The Mom aeh and Intestines were found In a congested state with Indications o' corrosive poison. At the coroner's Inquest, it was developed that .Mrs WalUUP liad lilt dv vi-t d half r ilnzi-n uiiierenr drug store lor the purpose of tot ting strychnine and arsenic, and succeeded m purchasing It In several Instance', cliiui lux the drugs were for the complexion and fo ri moving st.ilns from silk di esses. A mnsM cruuie quantltv or arsenle was found In tlie wife s room, 'i lie coroner's jurv Instructed tlie slierlll to hold .Mrs. Walkup in custody. young widow is self dosscsm-iI. Mis. Walkup h In charge of a deputy slierill at her r'.-iiieuec. cuo nas reiaiUCU UOU. W. V M'olt as her counsel. II 4 ..I . T r. . jier ieiu rrums to ew ur:cans were an swereil to the elfeet that her mother, Mr?. K. Vi allace, who Is at present quite ill. can not come in once, ihi tint .Mr. Kinlav, her broth-er-In 'aw, bad started for Kmporia. (Juite n number of teleriins exi resting sympathy nnd ouerliig assistance fro n In'lueiitial menus m Ai'iv u leans, hong Iiraneh, N. nn I other points, wero received by Mrs nui.uip. A rejorter called upon Mrs. W.ilk- us. nnd lotin 1 Iter making her motirnln clothes. She romnrkcJ: ' They sav (io I pun in" " pi mm! no sew on sun lav. nut j guea lie wl l not punish me, ns th's is n case of necessity." She remain collected. Wneu nske 1 i she bad any fears as to the result of tuo mm, sue sui 1 she had not. She tall, frcly on miv topic of conversation Intm- (bleed and stems as little concerned in nny pci.-uu in im- i-u.y. I'.xeueinenr, is still run ning high, but Ml'ilie sent! i cut Is nienlv ill. vided I'venoiie Is anxiously awaiting th verdict of the corner's jury, as the woman is expected to clve her tetin onv. ns is nl ?0 llIT cousin. -As she Inis had nothing to say in re gard to the ease, lier testimony Is awiited Willi conslderalil interest. Tim sovrmutx W Qsnuit-r.Asn. ItrtnarUaMu lleautii, Wealth anil Ile.iottrcrs of th Aiyi'iithw ItrpttitleWhat the Com mission Will Till CaiiyrrsHoftt A'etir Xetah- borhuoil Where Our Flay is Si Ulom Seen. Ill the report of the South American com mission, prepared for congress on its visit to tho Argentina Republic, the commission ers say: More than forty steamers monthly leave tho harbors of Duenos Ayrcs for for eign portsladen with products of the valley ol tho river Platte, tho largest component ot which is the political division known as tho Argentino Republic. There aro also, every mouth, hundreds of sailing vessels do- parting from tho city, having cargoes al most wholly destined to Kiiropoan ports. Not oni of these steamers Hies tlie ling of our country, and only one-fifth of tho sail ing vessels is 1111 American bottom. Thirty years ago our country enjoyed a largo and prosperous commerce will! the Platio val ley, but since the advent of steam commu nication, and tho effect Oi our civil war on our ocean marine, the Hag of our nation is rarely seen in these waters, and petty na tions of the old world are better known through their national ensign here than our own, ret every American of long residence in this country, and every citizen ol it wh has traveled in our land, will tell you tlie Argentino Republic is tlie United States ot South America. In many re spects this observation is founded 011 strik ing similarities. In round numbers the area of tlie republic covers 1,L'0J),000 square miles. The northern limit lies under tropical skies. In the central region there aro vast plains where they feed, as the president informs us, over .SO.000 000 head of sheep, and from 10,000,000 to l.S.OOO.OOO bead of cattle, in addition to droves of horses of uncounted numbers, one owner having over (10,000 mares ho is about to slaughter fur their hides and grease. The repot t gives in detail the pro ducts of tho country, and says tons of wheat and Hour are being exported. That portion of the hind seems tohnvo capacity for tho production ol tho two grains of the world, at least or hiiropn and the western hemisphere, nml there are also along tho western portion ol tho republic mines of silver of unknown value, some bolievo them to bo extensive. The soil and climate aro greatly diversi fied, but that it novel-becomes so cold nsto niiiko it necessary to (ood stock. Sheep- raising bus increased !I2 per coat since 1S75 and is largely in tho hands of tho llritish subjects. There has boon no incrensoin the herds ot cattle. Tho country has 2,800 miles ol railroad built and many thousand miles more projected. Foreign colonies lmvo boon encouraged for many yours, nnd Italy lias sont. a linger niiiuiior 01 immi grants into the country than any other na tion. They are so numerous that thoy could take possensiou of tho government if thoy so willed. Ju laet it was once reared they would do so. The government fostors education, contributing? 1.000.000 toward it. There are twenty-two normal schools taught by American ladies, according to system, and these ladies are praised very highly. Thoro are also two universities nnd lourteen national colleges and schools of mines and agriculture. CKIIE.UJI IX THE XOUTHWEST. Itetutrts (lenerally EneouraulnyTtiti Wheat Turnlny Out lit tler than was IXrieetrit. A Minneapolis dispatch says that reports from all stations ou tho different railroads running into the grain-growing country in dicate that crops are generally in good con dition. Numerous private dispatches sub stantiate this, aud dilferent parties return ing from extended trips ol investigation ntllnn that wheat is for the better part looking and turning out better than wns expected two weeks ago. The most uu(av orublo reports are from the line ot the Northern Pacific. This section has hereto- tore produced the liest wheat coining into the market, but this gentou there sofiits u (ailing oft in quality, bringing it nearer the rruii ol ine oullern itMrl oi tue htate. Tlie uulMtauc ot nearly 1,000 reitorU re ceived iu oue day i that tue wheat yield iv luner tuuu it was believed it would l. Mtth tue quality euod: NotJUuy 1ms Uwu reoelvad (ruwi iU ami really reliable Miurres tliat would warrant me mimni iuui uivvropisu ASLJUllllUlMMUJIWX disappointment in nny way. It is admit tiii now, an it has been from tlie first, that the crop would fall short of last .icur, but ll is said ptr good authority that the short age will not bo as heavy ns feared. An agent ol the elevators on the Hastings and Dakota division of the Milwaukee and St. Paul road, came in from n review of 100 miles ol Unit road. He said that tho erain in inresiiuis oui. oeiter than he had any idea it would. Itenorts on tlie Omaha line are io me eiiect that tho nveracc in mini ny anil (juiintrty is from fair to good. On nt! .11111111.0011 it, 13 tno same. At some daces tho aver.ige yield is said to exceed iliat was expected, nnd at no place does it fall under. Tho Northern Pacific cc 'ins to dive been tbo most affected bv tin- lilMit. .11 mui. mi! average grade win not 00 as .. . 1... i. . . " 1 .1411 as usual. Uilonel O. 1). Kogers. who ni-H daily From all the who it-growing een res. snys Hint it is true that nt some units wheat is not threshing out ns well s it should, but for the best uni t tlm rum is good and does not warrant reports of da mage circulated for purely speculative purposes. TIIK VKm'T.F.XITTES OF ItUSIXKSS. The City Xational Jlank of Tort Worth. Texas, Closes Its Doort-Sulctile of the Trller of the Institution. Fort Worth (Texas) dispatch: Tho sensational disclosures in relation to tho the affairs of tho late John N. Nichols, vico president nnd teller of tho City National bank, resulted in n run on that institution to-day. As booh us tho doors were opened n steady stream ol anxious depositors filed through the bank, and nbout 1 o'clock the crowd, seeing the bank wns paying every ono who npplied, quickly began to disperse and tho run ceased. Some business men made largo deposits to show their confi dence in tho bank, and tho mntter seemed to oe progressing favorably for tho bank, vhen, about 12 o'clock, to tho surprise of every ono, tho bank's doors wero closed and the following notice posted: "This bank has suspended payment by orderof tho comptroller of currency, an tier lununiiif; luiL'gra in: WASMtOTO.V. I). P.. Alll- "fl A II Ilrlllr, President Cily Nnllomil llnnk. Forth Worth! lexns: An examiner has been ordered to mho possession 01 mid examine, vour bunk. Cloi-o tho doors and hold tho nssets us they nro until his urrivnl. J S L.Miwoimir. Deputy Colioetor. President, Itriftnn k.'ivh tlmf hn nnlillml the treasury department of tho defalcation nnd received the above reply. RrRtonnnd it number of other bankers in this city im- mediately I rained a telegram to tho comp troller, asking him to rescind the order closing the bank, but just ns their protest was aiiout to no telegraphed they discov ered a (orged check for $2,500, also a noto for $000, and concluded to allow the doors to remain close:! until a thorough examina tion is made. Nichols was also city trens urer, nml tin examination of his account to-day revealed the fact that ho was also n defaulter to the city of Fort Worth in tho sum ol S3 1, 300. His bondsmen are re sponsible men of Fort Worth whoso wealth aggregates Sio.OOO. His unsecured loans from outside nnrties will bring the shortage up to $100,000 or over, lie owned considerable property hero and at other points in Texas, but it is uelieved that everything was mortgaged to fcecure outsido loans, the aggregate otwhich no one knows nt this time. There no long er exists a doubt that Nichols committed suicide. Physicians suy the symptoms of 111s dentil liidicatestrycliniiie. explana tion ub to how or when the dead banker lost all his money is yet forthcoming. It is snid ho was interested in silver mines and other hazardous enterprises. Tho proba bilities aro tbo city will lose nothing. In cluded in his shortagoto thocity aroS.".000 in city Doiids, which aro missing, nnd twenty Tarrant county bonds for S."00 each, ag gregating MU.UOU market value. These are supposed to havo been sold in tho east. It was also discovered that Nichols, 111 his -npncity as vice president of tho City Na- l.Minl haul;, borrowed SI ;i,000 from threo other banks in the city. These loans wero immediately paid by tho City National bank. It is believed that Nichols hypoth ecated for personal loans all his shares in tho bank and 111 other corporations in which ho was a stockholder. l'EXXSl'L rAXIA l'llOUIlUTIOXISTJ. The 31eetlny at llarrlshunj and the l'liitfuriu Adopted. In the prohibition convention at Harris burg tho committee on resolutions reported a platform ndvocating in general the pro hibitiou ol tho importation, manufacture and sulo of intoxicatins liquors for tho purpose and uso ns a beverage; that, fail ing to procure redress for wrongs inflicted from its evil by petition to the legislature through either party, the prohibition party has been orgunhod to right it at tho ballot box: that no vote shall bo cast Itu- any mini who does not stand upon their platform; that thoy ondorso the Woman's Christian Temperance union nnd congratuhito them upon the success attained in the legislature last wi iter; tiuit the quniiiicnuoiis lor na tional and stato ollicers should bo bused upon proven eiixicity and laitniui noss, not in party consideration; that civil-service reform is favored iu its oxton sion nnd application to all purely ndmiiiis trntive and clerical positions, that the "spoils" system must bo eliminated from political contests; lull protection ol every voter should bo serured, nnd disfranchise ment bo a penalty to all who iu any wny corrupt or interrupt a ballot: that the Sabbath day should be protected from profanation by secular pursuits and pleas ures; inuor ami capital siiouiu no such us to secure eoual protection to both. Tho platform also contains the following: That tho repuPiican ami democratic parties, 111 tlieir failure to carry out tho mandates ot tho constitution against discrimination ol freight ratos on our public lines of carriage, nnd tho apportionment of tho stato into congressional and assembly districts, merit tho condemnation ot the citizens ot tho commonwealth. 1 he resolution was adopted us road. A campaign land of $1,000 wns raised by subscription nnd cash. Hen Spnngler. of Marietta, was nominated for stato treasurer almost by acclamation, several other candidates re ceiving but a low vote.t. Alter appointing astute committee and olecting the old of ficers, the convention adjourned. llayor Harrison's Technicality. Chicago dispatch: This afternoon Carter II. Harrison's nttornoy, Allan C. Story, submitted nn answer to the bill filed by tho citizens nbout two months ago disputing Harrison's title to tho mayoralty ot Chi cago by reason or numerous miscounts stated to havo been made in the vote nnd innumerable frauds alleged to havo been committed at the polls iu tho interest of Harrison. The answer is in tho nature of a demurrer, generally denying tho allegations ot the bill anil giving lilteeit reasons why, in the opinion of the defendant, the case is not entitled to a regular trial in court. These reasons are largely ol a technical character, and charge among other thiuse that no rate for rvliel has been stated iu the citi- ii' utitiou, and that the etitionera tail to altow that they have any interest what ever Iu the aubieVt ot the matter. OUJeo Uon Is hUo made to Uw itilapd vagwraas ot the titioii, want utaHtdavits and other like vital ouiiMions. immncBsanraimsm CV IX S3IOKU AXD FLA 31 E. Six Vessels Formeily llelonginy to the United States llurned. Fire causing a loss ot over $100,000 broke out on bonrd the Bteamcr Colorado lying oil Plum Reach mar Port Washing ton, on the 21st. Flames spread from tho Colorado to the following ships, nil of which were burned to the water's edge and sunk: Minnesota, Susquehanna, Congress, South Carolina, Iowa, Lotta Grant and Fairplay. All with tho exception of the last two, formerly belonged to tho United States navy. They had been condemned nnd were bought from the government by Standard ifc Co., who wero to break theia up for the old iron and planks they could get out ot them. The firo brolso out on tho forward deck of tho Colorado, where men were nt work burnjng up plunks to get iron Fpikes. On the right of the Colorado wns the Siisnue- hiinnn, to which the flames spread rapidly, and beforo either it or the Colorado could bo towed out, the Humes had spread to other boats. They all burned like tinder. nnd the sky wns red for many miles around. The heat was so intense that it was impossible to go nnywhero near tho burning ships, while tho crackling of the flames sounded liko the sharn crnek of musketry. Tho Humes crept nlong tho decks nnd bulwnrks ol the ships, nnd nto their way up the shrouds into the rigging. 'llio picture presented ol eight buriiimr vessels outlined ngninst n bank of inkv clouds wns ono long to bo remembered. Tbo firo burned so fiercely Hint within threo hours nothing wns left of theonce defenders of tho United States but a few charred planks and floating timbers. The bulla sank nt once to the bottom, going down with hisses nnd gurgles, amid clouds nf steam from tho water as it swept over the burning wrecks. J ho Colorado wns the first to sink, and ns the waters closed over her, a mast of the Minnesota toppled over on the Con gress and together they sought tho sandy bottom ol the sound. Tho Susmichiinnn. burst loose from her moorings nnd nt 0110 tune various fishing emits, anchored along the shore appeared to be in danger. Sbo floated about fifty yards from the shore and, after trembling a moment, keeled over nnd sunk. The South Carolina and the Iowa followed her to the bottom in short order, but beforo going down tho flumes spread from the Iowa to tho Lotta Grant nnd Fairplay, two schooners lying near the shore, and they sank. Who the owners ot schooners nro could not bo nscertaiiied, ns the crews became so mixed up in tlie crowd of spectators they could not be found. Mr. Staiinard, iu conversation with a re porter, said : "The loss to me is not less than $100,000, ns it was only Tor the iron in them that I bought them. Had tho boats been serviceable the loss would havo footed up into tlie millions." Tho loss on the schooners, it is said, will not bo less than $L.",,000. THE COl'ItT OF CLAIMS. A Decision or tho l lrst Coiiijitrotlrr ot"th. Treasury that .May Kniburr.iss It. Washington dispatch: The first eomptrolzr of tho treasury, has made a ruling that is likely to emlarrass the court of commission ers of tho Alabama claims for some time to c.mie. It is In effect that the employment of twenty-four persons borne on the rolls of the court, is entirely without warrant of law and that no payments can legally bo made from the treasury ou their account in the future Mr. Andrew II. Allen, disbursing agent of the court, recently made requisitions on the secretary of tho treasury for t'J.OOO, to meet the current expenses of tho court. In the usual course of business the requisition came beforo tho first comptroller, and he decided to make an Investigation of the alfairs of the court before nuthori.lug the Issue of the nec essary warrants. Ilia conclusions are sum marized in the following statement rcpared by him for publication: The court of com tn ssloiiers of Aial ama claims was treated In 1ST4 to hear proof of the claims to bo jald out of the $l,r.,5OJ.OO0 awarded by the Geneva commission and wns continued by various acts until December HI, Iti7. It was con stituted of five judges, with an annual salary of U,000, a clerk nt $:i,0J0, a stenonrjiilier at iWiiX), nni1 nn attorney to re; resent the I' li lted ttites at $S.(Xx). l'rovl-l'iii was also made (or the rent of .1 court room, furniture, stationary, fuel nnd otheriiecessnrv Incidental expenses.nd of wh'ch were to be raid out of the lund before judgments were paid. The court was re-orgiinUed In ls2 with the same olli cers and salaries as before except that the number of judges Wi re reduced to three. The comptroller In investigating tho ease found that outi-i le of the above named officers there wero on the pay roll the names of assistant counsel for tho United States clerk to said counsel of experts, messengers and watch men, who'o nggreyate salaries amounted to $"( I, .".00 1 or ear. Ho also found in the quar terly returns that there had been naid to other ass staut counsel over JSOIO lor tho quarter ending Deeemb -r .'II. lS I, mid about 6T.O0O for the omirt- r ending March 31, l!-S5, bes'des other illegal pavments. lie savs he finds n law nuthorl.Ing "said payments, and a ter consulting with the acting secretary of tho treasury, and with tho f olkltor of tho treasury, he' has decided to stop future pay ment of tho tame. THAT 3IOXU3IEXT AT llIl'EHSIDE. The Xew York General Committee Taklnn Measures for Its Erection. New York dispatch: Out ot tho COO members of tho general committee of the Grant Fund association, but sixty nttend- d to-day the special mooting in tho Mutual Life building. Mayor Graco presided. Ho said that enough money could bo raised for tho monument, but it must bo con fessed it is coming in moro slowly than was expected. Ho thougjit it well for each member to subscribe, irrespective of what others may do. He would give his check for $500. The Grant family mado tho se lection ot the place ot burial originally iu uccordanco with the gonernl's expressed wishes, alter duo reflection on their part. This should bo sufficient answer to unnec essary cavils trout any quarter. Tlie park board wore (liny authorized, nnd had tho power to grant tho right ot sopulturo at Clnremont. Kx-Gov. Cornell, tho chnirman of the ex. ccutivo committee, said that it wns tho purposo of tho committee to mnke every bank in tho United States an ngont for th collection ot tho lund. As fast as possible agents nnd correspondents wero being es tnblished in every citv in tho union. A large increnso in contributions might soon be expected. in a long discussion tho opinion of manv inombcrs was expressed as to tho amount that could bo raised. Kx-Gov. Cornell snid thnt it would bo an evorlnstiug slmmo il a memorial to cost at lenst $1,000,000 could not bo raised to mark tho restlne place ot tho man who saved tho union. It wns decided unanimously that tho amount which the committee would Bet out torniso would be $1,000,000. and as much more as possible. To-day's subscriptions bring mo totul of the fund to 5 17, uuu. Shipnioiits of oranffoi from L03 An- coles county, t'alifonrn. to tho cast luvo about cousoil lor tho toa-on. Four tons of sou-1 on skins are Hinoii" tho jiroeoods of n six wyoks tr p of a Suuta Cruz, C'ul, tonliug fctliooncr.