The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 05, 1885, Image 1

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NO. fck 1
An Independent weekly Journal, issued every
Saturday by
I'uhllshcrs and Proprietors.
Jl. K. .lO.ST.S, (
I Foreman.
One copy, ono year f 1 W
" " Six months 1 00
" " Three months T5
Invariably cash in advance.
Hates or advertising made known on appli
cation. Correspondence from all parts of the comity
Address all communications to A. K.Jones,
Kditor Oregon Scout, Villon, Or.
Loilue IMrertory.
GUANO ltONlIK VAt.LKY I.OIX1F., No. fift. A. F.
and A. M. Meets on the second and fourth
Saturdays of each month.
O. F. Hki.i., W. M.
C. V.. Davis, Secretary.
Union I.oimik, No. :w. I. O. O. F. ltciiular
meeting's on Friday evcnliijrs of each week at
their hall in I'nlon. All brethren in Rood
standing nro invited to attend. Hy order of
the lodjrc. S. W., N. G.
(i. A. Tiio.MrsoN, Secy.
Cliureli IMrertory.
M. K. Council Divine fm vice every Sunday
at 11 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday school at n p.
m. I'raycr meeting every Thursday evening
at:30. Kkv. Aniikiison, Pastor.
I'iiksuvteiuan Cimiirii HeRular church
services every Sabbnth mornlntr and ovonlnv.
I'rayer meetlnir oach weok on Wednesday
evening. Sabbath school overy Sabbathat
It) a. m. Hov. 11. Vkhnon met, Pastor.
St. John's I"jc)1'.vi, Cnrncii Service
every Sunday nt 11 o'clock a. m.
Hev. W. It. Powell, Hector.
County Olllcer.
Judno A. C. Craig
Sheria A. I.. Saunders
Clerk H. F. Wilson
Treasurer A. F. Ilenson
School Superintendent J. L. Hinduian
Surveyor K. Sln.onls
Coroner K. H. Lewis
Geo. Ackles Jno. Stanley
Stato Senator I. H. Hlnehart
F. T. Dick K. E. Taylor
City Olllcer.
Mayor D. H. Itees
S. A.Pursol W. O. Ileldleman
J.S. DUIott Willis Skiff
.1. II. Katon G. A. Thompson
Recorder J. H. Thomson
Marshal I. A.Dennoy
Treasurer J. D. Carroll
Street Commissioner L. baton
Departure of Train.
Heirular east bound trains lenvo at l):30a.
m. West bound trains leavo at p. in.
J, It. CltlTES,
Collecting and probato practice specialties
Oilice, two doors south or Postolllce, Union
It. EAK1N,
Attorney at Law aad Notary Pale,
OMlee, ono door south of J. I). Eaton's store,
Union, Oregon.
1. N. CROMWELL, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
Offlce, ono door south ot J. II. Eaton's store,
UnlOu, Oregon.
A. E. SCOTT, M. D.,
Ini'NICIAIV ab .NrituiMKv,
Has permanently located at North Powder,
wheroho wlllanswor all calls.
Union, - Oregon.
D. Y. K. DEEltl-NG,
Kiiyhioiun mid Sui'pt'oii,
Union, Oregon.
Olilcc, Main street, neztdoorto Jones Ilros.'
variety store.
Itesldcncu, Main street, second house south
of court houso.
Chronic diseases a specialty.
Notary Public and Conveyancer. Olllco, II
street, two doors cast of Jones Iiros.' variety
store, Union, Oregon.
Attorney at I-inv. I-uI i:tul;
and Oiled liifC Afcnt. q
Land Oflicc Business a Specialty.
Ofllco at Alder, Union Co., Oregon.
Will practice in Union, linker. Grunt,
Umatilla and Morrow Counties, also In the
Supreme Court ol Oregon, tha District,
Circuit unil Buprenle Courts ol thu United
Mining nnd Corporation bualnena a apo
iralty. OlUce in Uniuu, Orvgou.
A Teiuptlng Account from the .V'elchuorhooil
of Dan cor.
Thn. salmon season on the Penob
snot is now closed, so far as taking
the iish in nets anil wiro isconeerneil,
but lisliinir with a single line will bo
legal forsomo weeks jet', writes a
Bangor correspondent of The Xcw
York Sun. The season has been very
successful, an immense catch having
been made below the city, and oven
the poorest persons hereabout have
been able to enjoy dinners of the King
of iish. Up to June HO, more than
thirty thousand pounds of salmon
were brought to Bangor, and from
that date to July 15, in all probability,
twenty thousand pounds more. Tito
great 'bulk of tho iish was shipped to
New York and Boston, where Penob
scot salmon is rightly considered su
perior m llavor to all others. One of
the finest iish of the season was sent
to Gen. Grant at Mount McGregor. A
great many of the iish were packed in
ice by dealers and hotel-keepers be
fore the catch was over, and bioiled
salmon of tho native kind will consti
tute part of the down-east menu for a
loner timo yet.
Tho fish wardens are now having
lively times with curtain persons who
set the law sit defiance and continue to
net salmon for tho supply of hotels in
tho big cities. Provincial salmon are
now being palmed oil' on tho public
as Penobscot rivers, but tlioy aro far
inferior, and may easily be distin
guished by their coarser llavor. Tho
up-river lishormcn aro much disgrunt
led at tho restriction placed upon them
by law, and by the working of the
lisliway at tho water works dam. Two
miles abovo tho city is tho upper lim
it of tidewater and the first fall of the
Penobscot, known as Treat's. Here,
in 1875, a great dam was built for the
purposo of serving Bangor with wat
er, aud in the dam was constructed a
lishway to allow the passage of tish
up river to tho lakes. At Yeazio, a
little further up, and at Ayor's falls,
just beyond, groat numbers of sal
mon used to bo taken, and the fishery
was a source of considerable rovenue
to tho people there. But since tho
dam and" its lishway were interposed
between them and tidewator these
fishermen have caught only a fow sal
mon, and they denounce tho lishway
as an outrago, especially sinco tho law
prohibited net-fishing up river. Tho men took fow enough witli
their nets after tho dam was built,
and now, with only a single lino, they
do next to nrfthing, and in tho season
all hands como down to Bangor aud
camp out for tidewater lishing. Tho
commissioners havo opened tho fish
way at different times and found sal
mon nearly through it, but tho fact
that tho up river catch ha? fallen oil"
so badly seems to demonstrate that no
considerable number of fish go up
through tho way.
Tho porch, bass, pickerel and trout
fisherman aro having great luck here
abouts this season, and tho native
anglers aro dally reinforced by car
loads of fancy sportsmen from New
York, Boston, and all tho largo cities,
who como resplondont in corduroy
breeches, velvet coats, and cork hel
mets, armed with splendid rods, gayly
colored llios, and all the latest para
phernalia, not omitting a generous
supply of things to cheer the inner
man. They bring tho latter commod
ity because thoy fancy that nothing
stronger than water can bo had down
in this country. To Moosehcad and
the brooks thoy go for "lakers" and
tho pretty speckled trout, while the
lakes and ponds near Bangor provide
all the white perch, black bins and
pickerel anybody could desire. There
aro excellent trout streams so near
this city that the natives often drivo
out of a Sunday morpiug and return
with a good string for supper. Tho
black bass aro biting lively at Pushaw,
only six miles away, and wonderful
strings of white porch are brought, in
from there overy evening. Tlioro aro
few lisli that make better eating than
the white perch. Tho bass, however,
aro the gamiest lisli in creation, if
sport is what ono is looking for. Thoy
aro said to be nearly all wormy, how
ever, just beneath the skin, and on
that account some persons will not
eat them.
It is very convenient to live in a city
that is only twelve Hours distaut by
rail and carriage from such a place as
Nicatous lake, which is just back of
Lowell village, northeast of here. Up
thoro trout and other game, fish,
boars, deer, ducks, aud grouse aro as
filenty as over thoy wore. It is a rogu
ar sportsman's paradise Tho eccent
ric canoe builder and famed hunter,
Jock Darling, has his abodo at Nica
tous now, and lots of his old friends
of forest and stream aro wending
their way thither. Thoro aro places
Micro it" costs Jots of monoy to bo a
sportsman, oveti for a brief time, but
down hero nnyouo can gp hunting or
fishing cheaper than ho can stay at
home. 1 vent out to a famous lishing
pond near Bangor a little while ago,
had my horso stabled aud baited, tho
use of a boat, linos ami bait all the
afternoon, and a good supper, and the
bill was 5 cents. It eeeius hardly
possibly that miuo host will ever get
rich at that rate,, but lie asked no
more and was satisfied.
Attacked by Ants.
Mr. Isaiah Burncrat, u farnior living
near Chambcrsbnrg. a small country
village a fow milos from Dayton, O.,
hud a mou wonderful experience, nar
rowly escaping being killed by ants.
Ho was picking blackberries in a wild
patch of undergrowth inadeuso wood,
when suddenly ho disturbed million
upon millions of largo, black ants.
They wore under a thin covering of
earth, which ho stepped on, and al
most instantly they crawled up his
pantalonn legs, and when ho tried to
knock them oil showed fight. Before
ho could get out of the heavy growth
of brush he was covered from head to
foot with tho pestiferous ants. They
bit him and crawled into his nose, ears,
aud mouth. Ho yelled for help, but
soon became blinded witli the myriads
of ants on his head and face, and bo
fore ho reached the edge of tho wood
fell helpless to the ground, utterly at
the mercy of tho ants, and was only
saved evidentlv from deatli by the
timely arrival of his brother.
The insects were tho common black
ants of a very large size. Burncrat
was bitten by them all over the body,
and while very sore, it is thought, pro
viding the bites aro not poisonous, will
recover. Tho ease is without a precd
deut in this section of tho country,
and, it is believed, had not aid arrived
when it ditl the ants would not only
havo killed but eaten their victim.
Acu York Tribune.
A Violent South Carolinian.
In tho course of a debate in
house in May, 18'tG, on tho fortifica
tion bill, Mr. Canibrcling, of New
York, speaking of the ' prevailing
bloated condition of affairs, declared
that "the whole nation was now ono
common gambling-house." The next
day Mr. Pickens, of South Carolinia.
mounted tho rostrum, and in a speech
of great ability, abounding in histori
cal allusions and "odorous" compari
sons, alluded to Mr. Cambreling's re
mark and inquired "Who madoitso?"
Then he charged tho administration
witli the responsibility of all tho ills
witli which the country was alllicted.
.... I I 1, 1 i.l
"oycopnancy ami servility, no sum,
"havo taknnthe place of all the heroic
and manlv virtues. The rooks, to
gotlier with obscene birds, havo porch
oil themselves in tho high places of
the land, and we sit here boneath, sur
rounded daily witli their filth and cor
ruption. Ollicoholders (now become
miserable (lopcndonts)and ollieescok
ors infest every turn and corner; and
let it bo known that any man has in
Uuonco, from his being tho tool of
those who havo patronage to confor,
and he is overwhelmed with the bow
ing and cringing of these slaves and
beggars. C rowds of miserable, hun
gry boings creop and crawl, in tho
darkness ol midnight, throuch the
hidden recesses and gloomy avenues
that lead up to the throno of royal fa
vor. These creatures, generated as
thoy are in despotism, are pervading
tho country and becoming more loath
some than thn creeping lice or shiny
frogs of Egypt over were in the days
of God's judgements. Tin's, sir, is tho
reform with which wo are blessed.
Farther on he declared that "this is
the reign of Ciesar," and although ho
know of none with tho line taients and
acquirements of Mark Antony, he
thought we had "many with his
protligacy and abandoned principles."
For Lopidus he pointed to li. M.
Johnson, of Kentucky, for Octavos to
Martin Van Buren, tho vice president
'and chosen favorito of him who has
trampled upon Iho liberties of his
This, it must bo admitted, wjts rath
er strong language for a man who was
elected to cougress as a supporter of
the administration. But those South
Carolinians always were a queer peo
ple, and reaily to boil over at a
moment's notice, its thoy did at King's
Mountain, and Ninoty-Six, aud the
Eutaws. For there is in South Caro
lina yet, "for all that's come and
gone," n great dctl of tho fiery old
blood of Touraino aud La Vendee,
that in tho lays of tho Fronde under
the great Condo and tho brave
Coligny, waged such an internecine
war against tho church and crown.
Add to these a fair proportion of the
decondants of tho old Scotch coven
anters and a sprinkling of Highland
ers in tho hill country, to say nothing
of the Anglo-Americans pure and sim
ple, and wo can easily perceive what
an explosive mixture is produced. The
nitro-glycerino thus evolved generated
old Moultrie, Sumter, Marion, aud
Campbell, Hagon, tho roscuor of La
fayette. Vado Hampton, Wigfall, and
the rest. Ah a puoplo thoy havo been
full of intellect full of culture and
full of fight all premonitory symp
toms of insanity. When a stranger in
Columbia during the war inquired of
Mr. Pettigruo tho way to tho lunatic
asylum, ho directed iiim to tho state
House, whoro the legislature was in
session, with tho rouiark: "Thoy aro
as mad as March hares there, every
devil of them." Hen: J'crlei I'oorc.
Culture and llappiues".
Now lhfe is not only what wo make
it, but it is, very largoly, what wo
think it is. If wo hold before our
selves constantly, somo dreary "might
have been;" if wo think it is, in some
tinexplainable way, finer aud more ex
alted to sot ourselves to a minor key
of some misorero, wo may become in
reality very unhappy. Thoro is no
law, unfortunately, against people's
making themselves wrotched. Schop
enhauer's theory is that culture makes
for uuhnppincss; that tho more culti
vated is an individual tho more sensi
tivOgis ho to physical discomfort or
troubles, and that ho is thereby a be
ing formed to bo jarred upon at overy
turu. It is very possible that tho old
ad ago about a little learning nppllo
to this case. A superficial cumin
doubtless increases one's senslbilitiet
iu various was without producing
a corrospouding increase of resources
but the deeper culture supplies these
and enables its nossessor to bear u
j thousaud trials or to discover mourn
to surmount them as may he, of which
the mora Ignorant individual would
novor havo dreamed. io(o 'l'ravtl
,Thft Most Picturesque Port l!etecn San
Francisco and Panama lnteresttns Feat
ures of Aranulco.
Of all tho ports on tho Paoilic be
tween San Francisco and Panama.
Acapulco is the most picturesque and
the most charming, writes a corre
spondent of Thf Sun Franeisco Chroni
cle. It is a perfect land-locked harbor.
and its entrance lies between two rug
ged eminences which rise abruptly
from the waves, and to him who is un
familiar witli the coast oiler no hint of
a refuge for ships, except an indifferent
light-house. Tho heights of which 1
speak aro islands. The shores both
of these and of tho mainland are very
ragged and steep, breakers dashing
high upon seamed crags, polished by
this incessant beating through hun
dred centuries, perhaps. Mountains
closely hedge the harbor about, and
the town lies on its inner side, close to
tho base of a promontory which juts
out as if to roach its strong arm tow-aid
the sturdy isles that guard the
gateway. Two masses of shivered
rocks on the shorn to the east of the
town look, even through a glass, some
what like ruined castles. Groves of
palms cast deuce shadows upon tho
smooth, yellowish beach when the sun
is slipping down the western sky.
Palms adorn the coii' ts of the prin
cipal houses in Acapulco and cluster
about the straggling quarters of tho
peons, and masses of them aro to bo
seen on the lower slopes of thu moun
tains Some of tho streets run back
ami up from the shore to a consider
able height. They aro lined with tho
small adobe or reed huts of tho lower
class, generally thatched witli leaves,
with here and tlieTo a now awning
next to the street covored with tiles.
In two or three prine'pal streets there
aro sidewalks raised two and even
three feet above tho roadway, accord
ing to the fancy of the builders of the
adjoining houses. . Glancing in at
wide-open doors you invariably seo
a dusky femalo fonnslowly swinging
in a hammock, and porhaps a servant
or two extended on the floor, all in tho
most comfortable of deshabilles. In
the dwellings of the lower class, I was
told, not a single imported commodity
could lie found. These people aro
yet to learn tho primary advantages
of civilized trade. But in almost
overy one of tho better houses 1 was
surprised to ousorvo sowing-niaeuincs,
and iu tho shops somo of them were
being operated in tho boat of tho day.
I struck across somo. rocky knolls
covored with huts, through a weed
grown lane, where huge, many-colored
lizards ran quickly as 1 approached
and lazy serpents rustled in tho her
bage, and thus reached tho fort, or
citadel, which was battered somewhat
by the shells of the French, and looks
to-day very much tho worse for wear.
It is eliielly used as a caboose and
contains somo hideous dungeons. A
splendid avonue, shaded by live-oaks
and olives, loads from the fort down a
gentle inclino along tho steep shoro,
which hero may be called a bluff, and
witli a green parade or common on
the other side. Tho Froneh had only
to station themselves outsido tho
islands when they wore invading Mexi
co and rain shells upon the town, with
little risk to themselves.
Perhaps tho most interesting feat
uro of Acapulco is tho life of the peo
ple who subsist by tho small trallio
which thoy carry on with tho few
steamers that touch there. Thoro is one
mulatto woman there who weighs at
least four hundroa pounds, and who
for twenty years has paddled out or
been paddled out to tho anchorage
ground as often as a vessel is sighted
from tho promontory adjoining tho
town. She always nieots tho Pacific
Mail steamships with two bumboats,
loaded with her own person, besides
some fruits, eggs, trinkets, and
curiositios. Beautiful parrots of a gar
rulous turn of mind may bo purchased
from hor at $8 each. Of course, she
has rivals, but her good-natured,
laughing face and abundant charms,
which remind one of tho display of
dressed meat iu a butchers stall,
seem as a rule to carry tho day, and
she is credited with possessing a very
coniforta bio fortune. No sooner does
tho prow of a steamer sliow itsolf
around tho sharp corner which vessols
have to turu to enter tho harbor than
the Dti m boats may bo seen Hocking
out from tho shore, aud iu an astonish
ly short spaco of time thoy aro along
side Tho bumboats at all those Mexi
can ports aro tho primitive dugout
canoe, which, as ovoryono who Has
seen ono will acknowledge, is not un
graceful in appearance, especially
when tossing about upon tho waves.
Tho natives paddlo them now just as
their purer-blooded forefathers did
six hundred years ago, boforo Cortex
sot foot in tho Aztec empire. Tho
huts of tho buuiboat people aro on tho
beach, closo to tho foot of tho prom
ontory. Hero naked children, hogs,
,fowls, and dogs live promiscuously
togethor iu the sand. 'Bronze-skinned
young women wade out with bare logs
and 'loose gowns displaying tliolr
shoulders, arms, and bosoms, into tho
gently lapping tide, seouro tholr
canoes, load them, and tlion, embark
ing, push ofl'for tho anchorago ground.
A peep into their huts snows thoso
people to bo lazily industrious and in
variable cleanly. Their life is just as
simplo and more peaceful than that of
tho patriarchs of old.
Tho condition of tho peons forms a
sharp contrast, 1 saw a score of thorn
bcurng burdens on their backs from
tho port into tho town. Thoy woro
dressed merely in short drawom, hard
ly covering tho thigh, and tunios
which loft tho nook and arms baro,
Those garments aro of thin white cot
ton. The poor fellows hud very much
tho air of slaves. Ahou limit heads
thoy wrapped a cotton scarf of high
figured colors to protect themselves
from the heat, and this gave them a
decidedly Oriental look. I saw a re
mittance of specie coming into the
town from tho interior. It was loaded
on the backs of paok-hor.e. and men
armed with mach-l-s and pistols walk
ed beside and behind them. Ahead
rode a horseman with a nlle. The
mounted Mexicans from tho country
had tho broad-brimmed, loaf-crowned
lints and the white garments and leg
gings, and belts stuck full of arms,
with which thoy havo for years been
pictured by our'odueatod imaginations,
and they looked exactly as if they
might just have stopped out of an
illustrated school geography. Tho
sunset in Acapulco harbor was one to
leave its lasting impress upon tho
memory. To the west, in a narrow
gap botwccn two pyramidal peaks
that mark the promontory which
closes the port, is a group of lofty
palms. Behind thoso the sun disap
peared, leaving tho heavens on lire.
Tho near objects forming tho horizon
were as sharply and distinctly out
lined against the intonsoh'-glowing
background as if they woro pictures
cast upon a scrceu by a magic-lantern.
The gathering dusk only heightened
this effect by swallowing up every
feature of the objects except their
clean, yet gineoful outlines, while
adding to one's sense of admiration
that nivstic feeling which, porhaps, is
best defined it we call it "awe." The
city's modest towers grow unreal as
the darkness deeponed, until at length
thoy woro lostontirely, and only twink
ling lights against tho dark mass of
the lofty hills told of the habitations
on shore.
American Fables.
A Young and guileless Turkey was
Walking in the Field one day in search
of something to stay his Stomach, whn
Luck brought him a fine, largo Grass
hopper. He was about to swallow tho
Insect, when the Hopper exclaimed:
"Hold on a Moment, my Friond!
What's tho U8o of picking up a small
Insect liko me when there are plenty
of Hares in the Weeds just ahead?"
"That's so, and how foolish 1 was!"
answered tho Turkey as ho lot tho Hop
per go and sot out to liml liaros. At
the end of half an hour ho leaned up
against a barbed-wiro fenco, kicked
himself fourteen successive times, and
"In tho first placo I couldn't eatoh
a Hare, and in the second I couldn't
have eaten ono if I had."
The Mechanic who runs after Poli
tics will go hungry half his time.
On a certain Occasion a Barrel
which was half-full of rain-wator
found itself beside a Keg of Brandy.
Thoro was plenty of room for both,
but tho Keg could not repress its vani
ty and soon remarked:
"Singular that it takes such a stout
Barrel to Hold BiiciiwoaK iiquiu. "
"And It is singular how much Quar
rollng, Murdor an General ltascalitv
. ! iiiiMnml tin iHlnunn i aniull mi I L '
retorted tho Barrel
"l'vo got tho strength of ton lull
barrels of Water."
. "Yes, but all good men dotest you."
Thov Scolded away for half an hour,
taunting oach other with having lived
in Chicago aud St. Louis, and finally
agreed to leavo it to the Owner of tho
store. The Kog stated tho case and
askod for a decision.
"Whv as to that," ho answered,
"You contain a very gocd duality of
Fusil Oil, and tho Barrel holds about
tho same quantity of ram water, with
certain Cliomicals dissolved, r.ncii uy
yourself you aro of very littlo value,
but wlion I pour tho Fusil into tho Bar
rel, as I soon will, behold tho result
will bo thirty-two gallons of best
French Brandy imported tor tins
house direct from Paris. Now shu
up wliilo I tio somo more Cobwobs to
tho corns oi most) uiiampagno isouios.
None of us are of much value to tho
world when wo stand alone. Detroit
Free Press.
Too Much.
A "Humorist" who marks his para
graphs, mooting tho editor of a daily
oaper, said:
"Say, you've out mo. oil your
oxflhango list."
"W'y. you ought not to havo dono
that. For tho last throo months I havo
boon Bonding you two copies weekly
of my papor. '
"I know it, nnd that's tho reason I
cut you oil. By making an ollort
could stand ono copy, but when you
sent two it was moro than I could
boar." Arkamaw Traveler,
Tho Itoach Caught Her.
'And wn could walk down throucrh
tho vale of this lifo together, and bo
happy," said an antiquated femalo iu
widows weeds to a rich old bachelor
with matrimonial tendoncios.
Ami wlivso. dnrliiH'?" ronllod ho
"Becauso I saw you extract a roach
from tho biscuit this morning, and
continue eating as unmindful nnd
unconcerned as tho summer sun
when it breathes over sleeping vai
And Mrs. Pretzel exclaims, "Did
she win him " Pretzel's Weekly.
Fortr thousaud dollars mu to lie expended
ou a crematory Iu 1'hlUdelphU. IUtoU
located at Mauayuuk, and tho lucloiure will
compriie eleven acre a ni mnu.
A Ilrnoklvn belle, who will not no to tta
country for fear of Kttluj; tauued, alt on tht
piaua oi uer rraweuce eiery ctcuiujc wtar
lug umrrcut UICM
Nearly all the aged inhabitants of
'crsia eat opium.
The population of tho world is es
timated at 1,100.000.00a
There are (iO.000 families iu London,
oach of which lives in ono room.
Pittsburgh is to have a national con
vention of string bands noxt month.
Tho smallest salary a minister in tho
Presbyterian Church of Australia is
permitted to reccivo is $1,500.
It is estimated that 750,000 people
go into London by rail every day to
earn their living, aim leavo It again
overy night.
It is said that thoro aro no crippled
Chinamen in San Francisco. All such
unfortunates aro sent back to China
by their countrymen.
Sinco tho introduction of electric
lights at Bur Harbor tho number of
wedding engagements made there has
perceptibly decreased.
The Indians on tho White Mountain
reservation, Arizona, aro reported to
havo some two hundred acres
of land under cultivation this sea
An Albany ((5a.) woman who took
it into her Head to destroy ev
ory photograph of horsolf sent
nearly a thousand miles for tlto
lust bne.
There is only ono girl in ron Elbe
who wears red stockings with her
bathing dross, aud the other girls cut
her. Black stockings are considered in
strict society tho only allowable thing.
Tho thermometer readied 120 de
grees in thu shade in somo places in
Tulare county, California, recently.
At Calico, in San Bernardino coun
ty, 125 tlegrccs in tho shade is re
ported. An artesain well in Kern county.
California, has been completed, which
gives a How of 1,676,000 gallons in
twenty-four hours, and tho wator
risos 111 inches abovo tho nipo. Tho
cost was only $700.
Tho word consols is an abbreviation
of tho term consolidated nunuitios.Tho
linglish consols dilfor from our na
tional debt in this way: Tho princi
pal may vary in amount, but tho in
terest novor. Thoy constitute a per
petual obligation of tiro United King
dom, bearing H per cont. interest,
and representing an irredeemable prin
Fuel is ohoap in tho Pugct bound re
gion, sugar is dear, and the cllmato is
adapted to tho growth of tho sugar
boot. Under those promising condi
tions a company litis 'been formed to
start sugar works in that region, and
havo contracted with farmurs.for 25,
000 tons of boots annually, for fivo
years, at $1.60 por ton.
In favorable seasons California
counts its honey crop by tho thousand
tons, and beo-koopbrs find a good
profit when oxtraotod honoy com
mands no more than four cents or fivo
cents por pound, and comb honoy sev
en conts or eight conts. This year,
however, the honoy yield will bo light
Mowers aro fow and noctar scant.
A fomalo olllco-seokor iu Washing
ton last week maneuvered hor way
into tho white house with six small
children in tow, and a most pathotic
ploa for an appointmont which would
enablo hor to support her widowed
brood. It was a neat bit of strategy,
but it wofully iniscarriod whon she
was recognized by ono of tho attend
ants. Sho was never married at all,
and tho squad of juveniles had been
borrowed for tho occasion. Tho author
of so ingenious a dovico almost de
served success.
A special feature of tho approaching
celebration of Concord's 250th anni
versary is to bo tho placing of many
inscribed tablets on tho town's historic
spots. Some of them havo boon com-,
pletcd. Ono to bo placed on u hugo
bowlder has this inscription: "On
this farm dwelt Simon Willard. ono of
tho founders of Concord, who did
good service for town and colony for
more than forty years." Anothor
says: "Tho British troops retreating
from tho old North bridgo woro horo
attacked in Hank by tho "mou of Con
cord and neighboring towns, and
driven under a hot fire to Charles
town.,' Tho most curious way of committing
suicido which tho physicians Havo over
known about was taken by a French
butlor in Lennox, Mass. Tho hoad
butlor, namod Anatolo Lofort, wont to
a room which has two iron bedsteads.
Ho moved tho bods so thoy stood a lit
tlo ovor four foot apsrt, thon attached
an endless towel, ono of the kind that
runs on a rollor, to tho iron framo
of ono of tho bods In such a way that
it loft a pjtpnooso near tho contor. Ho
put Ills head through tho noose, then
iiftod his foot and stuck thorn through
thu iron framo of tho other bod. His
weight tightened tho nooso around his
nook and ho tiled from Btrangulatlon,
Ids body being suspended botweon tho
two bods.
Tho expenditure of Europoan arma
monts amounted last year to 183,
619,997. Russia is oaslly first with a
total of more than 10.000.000,
France is socoud with more than 83,
600,000, Groat Britain third, with
nearly 111,500,000, nnd Gormany
fourth with over 22,600,000. Franco
is first with a national debt of over
900,000,000. Groat Britain aooond
with over 758,000,090, Itusda third,
with 003,600,000, and Spain
fourth, with 501,000,000. This
is a surprising prominence for
Simla, which has an annual expeodU
ture of only 35,000,000 and a wIlU
tary expenditure of only 6,960,000,
An for Germany her dubt U a ash
parativo trim.