The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 29, 1885, Image 1

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The Oregon Scout.
NO. i& r?
An Independent weekly Journal
Snturdny by
, U'tied every
Publishers and Proprietors.
.A. K. Josiw, I
Kdltor. I
1 Foreman,
Onewqpy, ono year
" Six months
" " Three months
Invariably cash In Advance
f i r.o
, i oo
Kiftes or advertising mado knowtitm appli
cation. '(torrespotuKjnce from nil pnrts of the county
p&ficltcd. . ,
Address alloommunlciftlons to A. K.Jones,
"Hd Iter Oregon Scout, Union, Or.
fcortxc THroctorj1.
OllANl) KONDK VAIiLKY I.oiKin, No. M. A. F.
and A. M. Jtecta on tho second and fourth
Saturdays of cadlrmonth.
o. r. hki.i,, v. m.
C. K. DAVTts, Secretary.
Psion IiOTmik, No. !W. I. O. O. K. Ilcfrnlar
meeHncei Friday ovenlnnrs of each week at
their hall hi Union. All 'brethren In f?ood
standing nro Invited to attend. Ily order of
the l-ipe. S. W. I.OMJ, N. Ci.
II. A. IPPO.nrsoK, Secy.
Ofaurrh Directory.
X. K. Cnimcii Divine service every Sunday
at 11a. fii :n ml" p. m. Sunday school (it J p.
ra. J'rnrer inectintr every Thursday evenlnir
at fl:S0. Hkv. Aniieuson, Pastor.
PitBiwYTEitiAM Ciiuitcii HcBiilnr church
services every Sabbath morning and evening.
Prayer mcetlnir oaeh week on "Wednesday
wonMiir. Sdbbftth school every Sabbathat
1U u. m. Hcv. II. Vkhkon Hick. Pastor.
St. ."IoitK'8 EeiscocAi, Cmmcii Scrvico
every IHnidny at IVa'cloek n. in.
hhv. w. it. l'owm.i,. Hector.
County OHIrcr.
A. C. Cralsr
A. I. Saundors
II. F. Wilson
'tcliool Suwerlntrodent.
A. F. Ilenson
...J. h. Hlndman
15. SImonis
K. H. Lewis
fleo. Achlefi. .
...Jno. Stanlor
. I,. II. HInchart
F. T.IHcfc.
. Taylo
Clijr Ottrrn.
'Mayor. .
.1). II. Hoes
W. D
S. A. Pursol...
J. ll.Katou
TTlllIs Skiff
.O. A. Thompson
...J. II. Thomson
I. A. Dennev
J. I). Carroll
I.. Haton
Dcpurlor of Trains.
Kccular east bound trains leavo at'J:30a
in. West bound trains leavo at 4:aj p. m.
Collecting-and probate proctlco specialties
Ofllce, two doori south of Postofflce, Union
'Attorney at Law anil Notary PaWic.
Olflee, ono door eouth of J.
II. Katon's -store,
tPitysictairi and Surgeon
OSlce, oiki door south ot J.
tUnlon,- Oregon.
n. KatonVstoro,
A. E. SCOTT, M. D.
Has iiormnnontly locnterl at North Powder,
'whurc-lie wlUanSKcr all calls.
AT'J9ltf AT
0Aiylt-4in.iiii0 Surgeon,
Union, Oregon.
Office, Main street, noxtdoor to Jones Hros.
variety etoro.
Kesldonco, Main Btroot, second houso south
of court house.
Chronic diseases specialty.
Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office, n
street, two doors east of Jones Ilros.' variety
store, Union, Oregon.
Attorney ui Ijnv, Krai tfMtutu
mill Collecting Ar;nl.
Land Oflico Husiness a Specialty.
Ofllce at Aldor, Union Co., Oregon.
..Will practice in Union, linker, -Grant,
I matillu and Morrow Counties, also in the
Supreme Court of Oregon, tho District,
Circuit and Supreme Courts of the United
Mining and Corporation business a sue
iculty. Office iu Union, Oregon,
Xnt lire's Carious Freaks.
Ktw York Thru.
A physical monstrosity almost equal
ing the. l'rince of Trepotkine is tho
carefully guarded son of a well-to do
merchant occupying a costly mansion
not far from the southern boundary of
tho Central Park. Tho l'rince Trepot
kine, who is justly regarded as one" of
the most br lliant minds in the Rus
sian Empire, is tho physical prodigy
and monstrosity of an intelligent
man with h's head at the
of his right arm, ami a hand and arm
growing out of his neck and fall ng
down over his breast. Horn in l.SfH.
the Prince has received a thorough
education, and is known throughout
the Russian Empire as a statesman
and poet of high order.
Tho monstrosity that is so carefully
guarded in tho mansion on West fifty
seventh street, is a perfectly formed
man about 110 years old, whose head
anil face is a block, as it were; that is,
the sides and the top of tho head, as
well as tho fa-e, arc perfectly Hat or
slab-sided. The ears do not project,
but aro interlineatal, and the same
with tho features, the nose being a
very slight protuberance, but natural
in its functions. There is a good
growth of hair on tho caput; the eye
brows aro perfect, but excepting a
light mustache no beard has ever
grown on tho faoe beyond a coating of
down. Thus deformed, no effort was
ever made to educate the unfortunate
man, for tho reason that he is so will
ful that it has always been deemed
best to let him have his own way. He
possesses, however, much natural in
telligence, and has a remarkably re
tentive memory, and, to a certain ex
tent he has educated himself. Never
forgetting anything he hears, ho re
members dates, names and occurrences
and can carry on a conversation by re
peating what he lias heard on the sub
ject, evincing an intelligent apprecia
t'on of what he is saying. Chiro
graphy excites in him the liveliest in
terest and wonder, and one of his
idiosyncrasies is to treasure all pieces
of writing that he comes across. Ho
is also much delighted by pictures,
and illustrated papers form his chief
amusement. The ample means of the
family enable them to provide him
with an attendant and every comfort,
and besides he lias an inheritance from
a grandfather, formerly a very promi
nent merchant iu Now England, which tho compounded interest and ac
crued income which has been allowed
to accumulate in his truit in event of
family misfortune, now amounts to a
snug 1 ttle fortune. Ho is generally
amiable and passive, nl' hough sell
willed, and is apparently perfectly con
tented with his lot. At. times, how
ever, he becomes cross and vicious,
when he can only be governed by his
attendant, now an aged Irish-woman,
who has had his care ever since his
birth. He occupies a suit of rooms at
tho toj) of the house and, being rather
weak, but not otherwise unhealthy,
seldom cares to leavo his apartments.
He is allowed, whenever inclined to do
so, to roam about tho houso accom
panied by his nurse.
Tho only vicious trait manifested
by the unfortunate man is whoa iu a
bad humor he always makes an effort,
to start a fire, and the sight of ilames
drives him almost to a frenzy of de
l'ght, mixed with savage glee. Once
he ran ahead of his nurso and man
raged to secrete h msolfe in the cellar.
Not immediately found, he was allow
ed to remain unmolested, the nur e
ibelioviriii ho would reveal himself
when lie that ro oarch was 1 e
ing made for him. Not appearing,
however, tho nurse repaired to the cel
lar and found him throwing wood hit j
itho furnaco, cv tlently with the inten
tion of starting a big" bla.e. As soon
.as he saw the nurse ho slunk back into
a corner, evidently determined to de
fend himolf in his retreat to watch
the lire ho had started. It is remem
bered that shortly- before his birth tho
mother was terriblv freiirhtened bv a
lire in tho neighborhood which threat
ened to extend to tho build ng of which
she was an inmate. His id.osyncrasy
in regard to tho fire is phvs'olbgicalK'
accounted for or attributed to this fact.
He will sit and watch the lire in tho
grato or the ras burninir bv tho hour
in contemplat ve interest and content
ment. Iho trrato in his room is pro
tected by a strong iron network undor
lock and koy, and tho gas burners are
similarly inclosed, so as to prevent
him from roachintr the llamo. It is
feared that ho mijrht bo inclined to
tamper with the burner in ono of his
vicious moods. An induloenen is to
allow him to ignate a quantity of pa
per, the burning of which affords h m
niucn measure. Pcrcolvinar his father
smoking a cigar, heoncosurrept t otts
ly obta'ned ono, but tho taste of tho
tobacco sickened him and he has nev
er sinco attempted to become a smo
kor. It pleases him. however, to
watch his father sraoko. and ho will
foajuontly request his father to
'smoke. A s ster was born subse
quent to h's birth, but sho died in in
fancy. Sho was a perfe tlv formod.
beautiful, healthy 1 ttle child.
Ihe apnoaranco of Iho head and face
of this unfortunate man suggests that
a circular and smooth compress had
been placed on li s Matures as he was
growinir. and tho result is that tho
growth of all tho features and tho
curves of tho face and head have been
suppressed and made uniformly
smooth all around. Ho was born with
this slab-sided deformity, however,
and growth has not doveloped any of
tho features or the thapo of tho head.
There is a number of deformities of
tho head, ears and faco strongly ro
eembling those of a pig. and lo this
class the physicians a-cribe this singu
lar freak of nature. Usually persons
possessing deformities of this class aro
viciously inclined, but this man has no
bad habits. He 's cleanly and carelul
of his personal appearance, and sel
dom gives any trouble to his nurse, to
whom he is apparently much attached.
It is fortunate for h ni that tho acci
dent of b;rth placed him in such good
circumstances. In a more humble
sphere of life he would probably have
been placed in a liiu-euin. Most of tho
deform t cs exhibited i:i such places,
1 nowovor among them the man-crab
anu mo iour-arme.i uoy are simpiy
cases of distorted growth, which the
surgeon's knife could easily lemcdy.
It may not be out of place to stale, in
pass;ng, that an article on this subject
some months ago in thes1 columns,
doscribing a deformity in a dime mu
seum of a youth whose lingers on both
hands had all grown together, at
tracted the attention of this unfor
tunate boy, and. learning that such a
case of arrested growth could be easily
remedied, ho applied to a humane
physician, and had an operation per
formed which lesultcd in his re over
ing, or rather obtaining, full u-e of lit s
linger. The freak of nature described
in this art clo, however, is beyond
remedy by the surgeon's scalpel, or an
operation would have been performed
long ago.
History or the Tulip.
Tho tulip is a native of tho Levant
and the warmer parts of Asia, and is
very common in Syria and Palestine.
In the year l.r50 the tulip was rapidly
distributed through all parts of Europe,
being brought from Persia byCourad
Gesner, an eminent German phys'c'nn
and naturalist. Tho scientific name
of the tulip, "tnlipa gosnerinna, "com
memorates the labors of ils introducer.
Early in tho seventeenth century tho
special cultivation of particular varie
ties was prosecuted to a considerable
extent in the Netherlands, and the
price of the roots was higher in value
than that of the most precious metals.
In the years 10:14 to 1G117 the posses
sion of choice tulips became so strong
among the Dutch that dealing in them
became ono of the most important
money speculations, and the bulbs
were sold and resold at enormous
prices. For one root of the Viceroy
variety $250 was paid, wh le for a Sem
per Augustus a person agreed to give
"l.l!00 llorins (equal to i.'lo0), with tho
addition of a new carriage and a pair
of horses. Another agreed to give
twelve acres of land for a single root
of this sort. As late as tho year 17W
Mr. Groom, of Clapham, catalogued
show tulips at enormous prices; a
Duchess af Cambridge, Princess Mary
of Cambridge, and Miss Eliza Seymour
were sold at 100 guineas each, others
at .00, til and 10 guineas per root. In
the following year, 17M, the whole of
Mr. Groom's collection, which consist
ed of over i'00,00U roots, was sold at
auction, as it stood iu tho rows, at
very low prices, and from this time tho
tulip as a show llowcr declined in the
public favor at a rapid rate. The com
mercial value for a llower at the pres
ent day of a new variety of early tulip,
if of unusually line quality, would be
about $1, being only about one tenth
of the value of a new hyacinth. The
reason for this diffcrenco is that it
would take fifty years to get up a stoclc
large enough to send out; while with
a hyacinth, which multiplies rapidly,
the same result could be produced in
ten years.
A Dead Ilaliy Iu n Halo of IJasrs.
Washington Letter.
Great quantities of rass are shipped
to tho United States from all parts of
the world. They are used for making
paper, and are sent from the seaboard
to the various paper mills throughout
the country. The annual importation
now amounts lo auout naif a mil ion
bales. Eaeli bale contains from 100 to
1.200 pounds of rags. Thoy are tightly
preseu logemer ami come into this
country securely bound for shippin
l ou can nave no idea oi tno sources
from which these rags aro obtained.
A large amount of them come from
Japan, and thousands of bales from
Calcutta. Iho Calcutta rajrs aro tlio"
worst. I hey nre made up in a largo
pari irom mo wrappings oi ueau bod
ies. The bodies of tho dead are thrown
into the river, and when these rags
float ashore, or can bo otherwise trot
ten, thoy aro shipped hero for tho pa
per trade. Sometimes impurities of
different kinds creep into tho bales. In
ono bale not long ago a dead baby was
luunu, sum in uiuur nines oilier lout
matter has been discovered. Tho
Egyptian rags are largely tainted with
camols' manure, and those gathered
from the guttors and streets of Shang
hai aro foul beyond description. A
great amotit oi rags comes from
Japan to us. I think then aro more
than forty thousand bales now on tho
way. Some of tho rags sent to this
country como from districts in which
lniectiotis diseases aro raging, and it
is a fact worth noticing that all of tho
vessels arriving hoio in which small
pox has broken out have been vessels
carrying rag.
A Jewel.
Clilnro Newa.
"('rushor is married, I hear."
"Yes, and ho's made a downright
! good match, too, I can tell you."
j "Glad to hoar it: but in what way is
ho to bo envied? Was she rich?"
No sho didn't bring him a dollar,"
Very pretty, then, I suppose?"
"Oh, no; rather plain."
Highly intellectual?"
"No, no. Not above the average;
but I tell you she's a woman in a mil
lion. In fact she's a jewel, and you
can bet he'll bo happy."
"What's her strong point?"
"She knows how to cook."
Mow tho I.aiul I.oiHt to mi Old Scout
mid Miner.
San Knnrltc . llullo In.
An ohl pioneer California!! writes to
a friend and former mining partner In
this city, from Granville, Hurrard In
let, 11. C. It mav be said, by way of
preface, that the writer has had a most
extraordinary and varied experience.
About the "year 1811, he resided in
one of the then border states of the
west, and was a student of medicine,
and in ery poor health suffering
from "consumption," the doctors said,
and it w a agreed that nothing would
save him but a trip across the Rocky
Mountains. lie joined a party of trap
pers and came through to Oregon in
that year. f erwards he drifted down
into Mexico, and was hunting Apaches
for the ta!o of Chihuahua. Ho was
on Mexican so l when the war com
menced iu l81(i, and was brought
close to death's door with a .'c ore at
tack of fever. During his sickness he
was taken care of by an old Mexican
woman, who m inaged to keep him
hidden from the civil and military au
thorities till he became convalescent.
1tti liii .iIikIh. 41... I1!!..1 1 l.t
his way to tho American lines, ennvev
"ii-umuuiuo aim
ing soine mportant information to Goii.
Taylor. He then entered the spy service
and was kept busy till the clo'sc of tho
war.often running terrible risks.
In 1818 If came through to Califor
nia with Col. Graham's command, and
encountered the usual vicissitudes of a
miner's life iu the pioneer days, in tho
counties of Calaveras, Tuolumne and
Mariposa. He went north in tho lirst river excitement then to
Cariboo. Returning to California, he
joined an expedition and went to South
America, crossing two ranges of tho
Andes, for tho purpose of prospect ng
the headwaters of the Amazon. Tho
enterprise panned out rich in hair
breadth escapes fiom huge serpents,
evil-d sposed wild beasts, venomous
insects and mountain torrents, but add
ed nothing to the wealth of the party.
Ilo afterwards tried Arizona, failed,
and then turned his attention to tho
frozen north, joining tho Russian telu
graph expedition as head e.xplorer.and
subsequently engaged in several pros
pecting excursions under difficult, and
dangerous circumstances.
For several years his whereabouts
has not been known to his California
-friends till tho reception of the letter
above mentioned. After a brief ac
count of a logging camp, whore he had
been putting in his time for eighteen
months, he gives a chapter of his pros
pecting and mining experience iu Hrit
ish Columbia and Alaska. He went to
the Stickcen or Cassiar initios in 1871,
when he met with an accident get
ting his right aim dislocated, in conse
quence of wh oh ho came to California
for repairs -afterward returning to
Cassiar. After two or throe seasons
of unsuccessful mining, he took up a
farm near the head of navigation on
the Stickcen. The land proved pro
ductive, and he had good crops of po
tatoes, cabbages, turnips, oats aud
barley. Hay was his principal crop.
About the time he was fairly under
way iu his agricultural venture, tho
mines failed and the packers had to
take tho trains out of tho country ut
terly ruining the hay market, and as
turnips and potatoes would not sell
for money his three years' labor as a
tiller of the soil wont for nothing, ex
cept to add to the sum of what he
knew about farming.
He then went to the Alaska mines at
Harrisburjr, between Sitka anil Chil-
cot 'Chore wore some very fair placer
mines in this neighborhood, along the
a.ue ui a iiiuuiiiaui ou too mainland
and also on Douglass Island, but their
extent was very limited, and they were
all taken up'beforo he reached tho
place. Ho writes that the cliinato iu
that region is "horrible -everlasting
rain and snow." It is tho wort
place in all Alaska. Tho mines are up
G.istenaut Inlet. Tho great glao'ers
near tho condense the clouds as
they come up the inlet, so thero is rain
or snow nearly all the time.
On Douglass Island thero aro somo
good paying quart, mines, and a big
mill is now being built there.
In tho ISasin mines.ou the mainland,
thero is a great deal of galena united
with tho gold in quart., ami some
very beautiful specimens have been
The Indians aro employed in tho
mines and thoy are good workors.
They aro accustomed to tho rains and
m'nd no more about being wot than
beavers and muskrats.
"In their house," says the writer,
"thero is a very strong odor some
thing llko that of wot dog rather un
pleasant till one gets used to it."
The Indians all along tho Alaska
coast got plenty to eat; their bill of
faro including herring, salmon, hali
but, codfish, seals and whales. Fine
black tailed deer aro vory plentiful
along tho coast - some of them being
marvels of fatness. In tho woods
thore is a great abundance and vario
ty of berrios. Tho bears got so fat
thoy "can hardly got about. ' Moun-
ta n sheep, marmots, minks, martin,
ermine, weasels, otters, foxes, and all
other ftir-bcaring animals nro plenti
ful. Of the feathered tribo thero are
geese, ducks, loons and divers aud
other water birds, sovcral varieties of
grouse, eagles, hawks, anil jay birds.
In s u m m l n r up his experience In
that territory, he concludes that Alas
ka is a rough looking country, but is
better than it looks. There is nn
abundance of mineral wealth, but It la
a hard country to prospect. Tho gin-
o era, tno fallen trees, the moss, but,
worse than all, tho cold rains, are
enough to discourage tho stoutest
prospector. Neverthelr s, thore are
likely ttPbc n a ty important discover
ics litude, now that th civil law ises
tablished in the territow. Sometime
in the near future we mav expect from
the writer something of interest regard
ing the interior of Alaska.
Viewer Gardens.
Chicago N'rw.
The old-fashioned llower garden
with its beds pf fragrant, stra;rlinr
posies, is seen no moro except in .some
quiet country pot. There can still be
found the tall, .sweet-scented syringia
witli its bloss Jin like oranire (lowers
golden lemon lilies, delicate lavender
and fawn tinted lletir-de-l s, the spicy
cinnamon, and the faintly fitted blush
rose. Tho damask rose, with its leaves
like velvet and its yellow heart, in
variably grows beside them. Ry and
by, as tho season advances, hero and
there, in such a ga den, blue, white
anil pink larkspurs and manv-colored,
tall hollyhocks spr'ng into bloom, and
variegated "fotir-o'clocks" open their
eves each day at the appointed hour.
A crbenas run helter-skelter in this gar
den. tno old-time hardy, purplo vane
j ty never censing to bloom till fro
! uniiniQ itml iiiti nffiit flint Mittfiwv jttit
.... n
nowcrs. There are great yellow marl
golds, and 1 ttle brown and gold ones
There is a bed of "johnny-iump-ups
in some shndv uort'on of this rardon
bunches of "ile forever," of pungent
"old man, and thornv sweisturiar
bushes. Chore are sinirle petunias
heavy with perfume, growing sturdily
oven among tho gras for the petuu'a
is a uohomlan, and nourishes wher
ever it chances to find itself, rapidly
degenerating from a state of double
pointed, brilliant lined aristocracy to a
singlo-Ieaved, plain, white llowor,
without a home. It will lift its. head
up among the rankest growing nettles
to look the sun in tho face. The
earth is carpeted in some places in this
garden with dcop-grcou myrtle.
"Raehclor-buttons" grow whereso
ever they will. On the cdjro of tho
garden tho caraway and dill send uj
the r stalks. 1 here is a place some
whore in the beds for tho scarlet How
ering bean and tho morning glory
Even the wild eueumber-vino is not
scorned, and it twines itself along tho
The fashionable garden of the period
is unite another a lair. It is orderlv
to begin with, above all things, iio
stragglers are allowed there. It is
close clipped, arranged on a certain
pattern, looks as if it wore rolled out
on occasion and taken indoors when it
rained to keep it from getting damp.
It has a set form, made of perfectly
gradeii hues, and is called the "orien
tal carpet stylo of gardoning." This
style is sa'd to have originated In Eng
laud, but it has been uuivorsalh
adopted tlirougout Franco and Get
many, as well as in this country. Tho
plants used most largely to produce
the effects des' red aro geraniums and
those comprised under tho head of
"foliage plants" and small border
growers of various kinds. Lobel'a is
utilized for outside borders to a great
extent because of its brilliant blue
blossom and continual (lowering.
"Jhero is far less attention given to
the cultivation of (lowers In Amerie:i
than there is in Europe," said a Ger
man florist. "In Germany, Franco
and England gardeners aro always ex
perimenting to produco different ef
fects iu gardening. Thoy givo great
attention to producing now varieties
of plants. Wealthy people thero aro
wining to pay largo sums lor raro
flowers. In this country pcoplo who
have lino country places think more of
a broad sweep of green lawn than of
tho hlcst 0tr ,(ls ourtll
Au EdiH'atetl Clilnijianzep.
I was once the ownor of a highly
educated ciilmpauzee. ilo know all
the friends of the house; all our ac
quaintances, and distinguished them
roauuy irom Mrangors. J.vory ono
treating h m kindly ho was lookod up
on as a personal friend. Ho never felt
moro comfortable than when ho was
admitted to tho family circle and al
lowed to move freely around, and opon
nntl shut doors, wliilo his joy was
boundless when ho was assigned a
placo at the common table, and tho
guests admired his natural wit and
practical jokes. He expressed his sat
isfaction and thanks to them by drum
ming lunousiy on tho taolo. in his
numerous moments of lolstiro his fa
vorite occupation consisted in investi
gating carefully every object In h's
rtfach; ho lowered tno door of tho
stovo for tho purpose of wntch'ng the
firo, opened drawers, rummaged boxes
nnd trunks and played with their con
tents, provided the lattor did not look
suspicious to him. How easily sus
picion wasnarousod iu his mind "might
no uiustraicu uy mo fact that, as long
as ho lived, he shrank with terror from
ovory common rubber-ball. Obcdlonco
to my orders and attachment to my
person, and to ovorybody caring for
him, woro among his cardinal virtues,
nnd he bored mo with his presisteut
wishes to accompany mo. Ilo know
perfectly h's tfano for retiring, and was
happy when somo of us carried him to
his bedroom llko a baby. As soon as
tho light was put out ho would
iump Into tho bod nnd cover him-elf,
lecatiso ho was afraid of tho darkness.
Ills favorite meal was supper tea,
which he was vory fond of, provided it
was largely swcetoncd anu mixed with
rum. lie sipped It from the cup, and
atu tho dipped bread slices with a
spoon, having been taught not to use
tho fingers in eating; lio poured his
Hftio from the bottle and drank it from
tho glass. A man could hardly bo
have himself more genntlemanliku at
table than did that monkey.
A Cufto tlint lint n Pnxrlun tlo Inter
cnt for K very body.
Th'cnfin lleral.l.
rxbridgo, Mass., Is perplexed by a
mystery of a very aggravating nature.
Chero is no tragedy or scandal of any
kind involved in the matter, and for
that reason the gossips can find abso
lutely noth'ng to baso an extended
lonvcrsation upon. It concerns only
one man directly, though another ono
seems to have some connection with it.
Not being a murder, a scandal, a mys
terious disappearance, or anvthing of
that sort, it might be thought that it
would be easy of solution, but it isn't.
How did Levi Wilson got rich? is the
question which promises to agitate the
people in that section for generations
to come.
Wilson began lifo as a stable boy.
In 1S7H he was at work iu a factory at
North Uxbr.dgo at $1.7.r a day, and up
to that time he had never had a hun
dred dollars at one time in his life.
Chen ho disappeared and nothing was
seen of him for two years. In 18f.r ho
returned to Uxbridge wearing line
clothes and carrying large sums of
money in his pockets. Ho opened a
bank account, bought lands, built
houses, married, purchased a hotel
and lifted it up at a great expense,
went to Europe, travaled through
America, drove fast horses, and, in
short, became tho capitalist of tho
place. His tuonov came to him in in
stallments of i?.r)0.000, and after a little
it was noticed by his bankers that
these remittances "were invariably sent
by Philip Moon, a wealthy manufac
urerof Worcester. There was talk
)f blackmail, but Moon indignantly do-
nied the rumor and Wilson said noth
ing. Ton years have passed, and the
remittances continue iu about the same
order. Occasionally they aro delayed,
and then Wilson sues Moon, whereupon
the lattor settles and both hold their
peace. Even their lawyers do not
know the nature of the claim, for nono
of the suits have yet been permitted to
go to trial, and the complaints that,
are tiled aro not specific. No wonder
tho rural gossips are at their wit's ends.
Interest in the caso has been re
vived by tho institution of a suit for
!?l.f)0,000 by Wilson against Moon. Tho
attorneys of each sav it will never
come to trial, and Moon himself ad
mits that ho will pay anything that
may be title Wilson. "Moon is an elder
ly man, who has an income of $2.00,000
a year, whilo W.lson is still young.
Tho latter spends his money with a
prodgal hand and is something of a
sport. No one over nv tho men to
gether, and nobody can imagine what
the nature of their relations is. It 's a
queer case and Moen anil Wilson are
queer lish.
That Whistle. Among tho Iceberg:!.
The launch whistled frequently as
sho steamed along, and we know after
ward that the sound was made by
those vho lay iu tho tent, which was
partly blown down. Rrainard and
Long succeeded iu creeping out from
under Its folds and crawled to tho top
of a hill near by, from which was visi
ble the coast toward Lake Sabine. At
first nothing was soon by them; and
Hrainard returned to the tent, tolling
by tho silent despair of his face that
"there was no hope." Tho sttrvivora
discussed tho probablo cause of tho
noise, and decided It was tho wind
blowing ovor tho edge of a tin can.
Meanwhile Long crept higher up tho
hill, and watched attentively' iu the di
rection from which the sound had ap
parently come. A sniall, black object
mot h's gaze. It might be a rock, but
none had boon seen thoro boforc. X
thin, wlrto cloud appeared above it;
his oar caught tho wolcomo sound and
the poor fellow know that relief had
como. In tho ccstacy of his joy he
raised tho s'gnal Hag, wh (k tho galo
had blown down. Ft was a sad, pitia
ble object -tho back of a white flannel
undershirt, the leg of a pair of drawers
and a piece of blue bunting tacked to
an oar. The effort proved too muck
for him, and ho sank exhausted on tUo
rocks. It was enough foff.lisu relief
party; thoy saw him, whistled again,
and turned in for shore with all possi
ble speed. Long rso again and fairly
rolled down hlllia his cagctkau to
loeet then.
"Mr. Yager,0' said tho young man,
I come to ask you for tho hand of
your daughter,"
Uer 'handt' foil mo n tochter. Fnr
vhy you say der 'liantlt' fon raein toch
ter? You dinks Katrlna only vono
handt got! You vns peon a fool. Kat-
Well yes excuse mo. I I-
-I of
courso moan two hands."
I I--I1" You peon a schtutter
feller, oh? I no schtutter follor in mein
family vant. 1 dinks it vas pottor ouf
you gone homo und loarn dot sohtiittor
pisness schtop."
l'.xcuso me, plonso; but"
Doro don'd vas no oxcuse for dot
schtutter plssncss. Ouf dot Gott maka
you dot vay, you dou'tgau'd hellnpit,
dot vas so; abor it vas potter ouf yoo
don'd got marriodt und don'd no sc'hll-
lern haf. How you dinks dot look ouf
i nai. now you diiiKS dot look out
u houso full schtutter schillern got
i' all tier time, 'I I IP' 1 purdy
r got sohuttermo'nselllf dalkin' init
near i
you. t.o vay mltyotirsollcf."
And tho young man then wont away
with himself ii great sadness.
Throe card pionte men, thlmble-rig-gcrs
and bunko-steorcrs are punished,
by public whipping in Delaware.
'1 cuty lashes is tho uverag dose.