The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 22, 1885, Image 5

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tiNM onToiVk wxTIutTa vfTTiu. Isw.
Caught on tlio Fly
Camping parties are all Ue rage
Dr. Strange has returned from (he
Remember the public sale at Los
tine, On the 29th.
ShcrilT Fau!U'rs nnd family arc ris
jting in the Wullowa,
Mrs. Montgomery, of La Grande,
made Union a visit, Thursday.'
This has been a boat the driest sea
son ever seen in Union cotim?.
II. Eukin ami faftily returned Wed
nesday from a trip to the Wajlowa.
Mrs. Loonev, of Portland, is vieititig
her sister, Mrs. W. T. Wright, of this
A most beautiful sunset was wit
nessed by the peopb of Union, last
Mrs. Anna Liwton took her de
parture for Oakland California last
Saturday. , .
Attenl tltn entertainment by the
Kashvilb Student?,' at1 Wright's- hall,
Monday evening.
A rather forcible wind and thunder
storin visited this section of the valley
Tuesday evening lastt,
That Imvinemetcr invented by
Finis of North Powder bids' fair to be
come extremely popular.
Mrs. Niggers who bus been visiting
jn the Willamette vi.ll y for iuvoi';.l
eeks past, returned Thursday.
W'. 'II. MeComas and wife have
moved from East Portland to Portland.
I'l,,.:,.,,!,!... lo.lnf? KSftli otv.iol
.x illll uuiiic::.? la 'iw" ..... u.v.i
jui juiiumus ,
wbeat crop of Douglas county will not
average two-thirds of I tie yield
The "Vigor of Life nian," with hi.'
free-for-all' open air concert, hi Id forth
in Union, several evenings this week,
A valuabb mare belonging to Peter
L'ollin died a lew (lays ago, wiui a ,
Ki, ,. . . . ...1-. 1. 4 1 . , i, II., it i.
jlHcuso euppoecd to be the distemper.
V. B. Barr, government furveyor,
.icconijianied by D. G. Smith and Geo.
Humphry, arrived in Union, from Al
bany, last Thursday.
Travil seems to bo increasing. Last
Thursday John Elliott had to sitil
down two hacks and the coach to ear
ly the passengers to town'.
Marshall Dennoy, and E. TL Cling
an 'relumed fiom Tine valley list
yjonday. They bring a very favor
able' report of the mines.
Tlio water is lower in Catheri:i'
creek than it has been" for several
years, in consequence the mill men
are growling eomiderally. 'tPPonUcd to
mvestigate the Pall M dl Gazettes ,
charges against the London aristoera
y.y, luunu muni w oe true.
Mell. Heritage i- engaged in t botch
ing (he inagnilicent inonn'ain tcenery
pf Union county for illustrations in
the West Shore, and other prominent
Simon Millor was struck on the
breast, by a t beep he was bundling a
few days ago, and was hurt to badly
jhat he was conlined to his bed for
pveral days.
Read the ad. of St. Francis' Acade
piy of Baker city which appears in
another column. This popular" tcheol
will be opened again on the loth of
September next.
Au Ice Orcirajii Festival will bo given
at the new school house in the Cove
on the evening of Wednetday, Aug.
20th, for the benefit of the Lcjghtnn
iVcadamy. Everybody tboul 1 attend.
Our thanks are due to Mr. Miller, of
a Beer Dej-.ot. fpr anexetlL-nt botil.
of beer, which he juvscnted us with on
Monday last. The weather being ex
tremely warm about that time, the
beer was fully appreciated.
Miss Wi;ht who is vbiting her
tister Mrs. I lowland of this city met
with a painful accident on Monday
last. She t lipped niul fell, di. locating
, 1 line i v urn. r-e'vcr.u pur. it's nave ar-
An advertisement of new 'poods re- , rivc-d in our city from Pine Civek du
ceived by CowIjs it McDanhh of the i r'inr tlH p.,st, few days, and in eonvrr
(Jovo, Will appear in our luxt issue. N(tion with them we' Lam that as (ha
5 A large stock of guns will soon be ! wol,: of development progress e, the
received at Cove Drug store. See ore thews richer and tidier, o much
hem before purchasing elsewhere. M) indeed, that nuggets of cold haw
. , been louirl biokon off from tlu-quart
elbow. It was set ando:'- , ' - V
fh U now getting along very nicely. 1,ul 1,"(hI W1" w,,i,-v inm'i'
T t, . , . .... A few d:iys ago a terrillle uncoiiiitui'
rVilo !! ''""'w' !rbert occurred belween two gangs of tluse
Lloyd of tl;0 city, arrived from Geno- i . ' . f ?
fee, llenrv county, Illinois, a fe-w "1U 1 "t,"ii:- 1,1 I'nineau
days ago. Mr Smith is u wide-awake 1 valley , Idaho. It see.ns that u di
busrtiess man, and is highly j ldiised pute aioo between the two parlies
with this country, lie will, in the which consisted of eight men Qaeb,
course of a few weeks, send for bis m. ,i,e branding of a slick ear, and
family and take up a permanent res- ; ri.ot(1 ,0 w, l!ie (Ufl.H.ll(.0 01t
idonen, Union. M miM aw
The horsos attached ton wagon loa- ' m,cd wlib six shooters. 'J'bo thing
ded Willi lumber, while coming down , (he n.irliaranls hciii' at
Main street, last Saturday, became 1
frightenwl and ran away. They run
on the tide wulk, overturning a ibots-
maker rigl), but were, luckily, cliechtHl
bv tbo hvtiuiider lnjforet liiueb dam- '
ago was done. Tlu M gen.L-mmi
drivinir was in ereat danger for awhib. !
TImi Nwhvillj StuelenU in their lino,
are jtfrfwt. They tiHideiiUy tniri
tlwir al dity to 'ng (l.;t(icil inuiio,
but thru-iiii,,i,,n lla y , i (iilaw
lis in actual hf (be n f b,n
daf - ..ii id,- j l ,,un I h v d..
nuvt ii ujl.fnlL .i' I . . It .ii i,
f, in. It .1, II, .in j .th . . i . nr b! t'
witiuM Li-fore, 'j )t ir tinyiug and
actitiK Mie xt i pii.,n..lly yi.od. San
IfrlKl,eo Chrcije,U
Latest Intelligence Prom
the Mining District, .
IllB Koiltfol Minos Oct Illclier H i?o
Cornucapia is building up rapidly.
The Whitman, Champion and Tiger
mines are being developed rapidly, and
are proving to be extremely rich.
A constant stream of miners, capi
talists and journalists are going into
the niin.'s.
A four-horso stage coach war dif
patelied by John Elliott, on Friday,
for the mine?, loaded with passengers.
An essay of ore from the "Lucky
Dov ' mine, made by D, C. Murchlaiid,
fhows gol-1 $3-11,10, and silver .-fSG.Tl
to the ton. Thiamine will be devel
oped without d.lay.
The report the Cox eC; AlLm
mine had been jumped, iofJsc.
Some very rich 1 icer ground has
been located by Geo. CI tik and others,
on Pin ) creek, an I they are now on-
gaged in woi kin j it
i A Full force aro at work on D. F
Moore & Cos ) l.icer ground, with very
rich prospects jn vjjw.
New discoveries, are constantly be
ing mad ,
The Sage Brush eponking of
Whitman miuj, says: "The woik; j?
protesting rapidly, only a j irk and
di ill h. in necessary to tak, the ore
out. No blasting is required. Evei-v-
( tiling is favorabb for the r.i id wotk
: ing of the mines and sullicient devel
i opuient w.ll have been nccoint lished
in a few w.-iks to fhr.w t-on l-ivlv
nat uie m liK-s are lasting an I inim-
: 1 .. 1 . l c 1 ..- i
i lu-v cay in n ine lace oi uie ui 'o in
I the Whitman niiiu presents a glittcr-
I ing nias ot tlie precious metal
J courses its way throu.h the immense
1 body of quartz. Great excitement
prevail- in the camp over the t bowing
,hilt 1( . n.Ver wi,tJ.,i ,!k, ;ko )tQ.
fori If ULj, ))n)
'ot poets tboul I con
tinue (Here neeo tie no rear or l tie iu
ture of the cam). In. ide of a year (he
camp of Pine Cre'k w.ll bo another
Butte or LeadvilL. 'Ibis may be
thought to be an imaginary Mate mont,
but it w.ll be biought to a roali.ation
in fact, fortuch wonderfully rich dis
coveiies, have only been equ.dLd prob
ably, by llicfe two camps."
Kilioa h AL-lil(-nt.
Wm. IL 1 j;erth, 12 vears ( 1.1, ron of
Chap. IIUerlh, of Indian Valhy,
wbilj out hunting near his father's
1 1 .ce, in company with ano'her boy
by the name of Win. Bl.iiri". was fati.lly
wounli'd by the accident. 1 discharge
of a gun. It feems that the (wo bov.
... , ,1,....,, .1. ti... .... l. i.
w in ; a(h. (n , .
(,omi r v , .' wasdif ,hll' ,, tlu.
contt nfs entering the tide of yourii
Uf.lgcrlh' indicting a frightful wound.
Dr. Uiinliart, of Sumiikrvdlj. was
sent for, but. nothing coul.l be done to
save the life of t lie unfortunate- boy,
who died about 2. o'o jck iiu.xt morn-
T!o Minrs
Hon Thos. Fitch and L. Bhutiauer,
of Poriind, accompanied by their
; wives and air. 11. G. iu-x, an cxpen-
1 II M'l
(need attayer, arrived niiUnicii ni urn
day last, en routn for the Pine Creek
mines. Procuring a conveyance they
ttarted from hero Friday. They are
s lendidly tqui prd and w.ll remain
in tlu mines for tome time. Mr. Bex
has with him a comj Lte oujtit lor as
saying and testing ore, and it i their
inte-ntion topfotecute their reboarches
to tbo fulL-st extent. These gentfe
nien rejirasent an irnmcii'e amount of
eajiit.d, and in all piobabdity will make
tomcLrge inve'ttnieiits wlnlo there.
Tito ,0. w ly.
The lle.iTo and saiiuiijinry cow boy
of the wild Hretj -i holy torrnr ivliou
yon get liiOi ii!ud up. His utien-iuy
awairacy with (lie six hlioolcr js souie-
t In nP utiatia mmifi I ,itt,l mile- ftnmilrwl
,7 , ,,,., f " v..,i.
distance of about (en reet from caoli I
oibor. Tli mviio iH'L'g'ir dewriipiion. j
Nlaelv -hot wen thed in all. When j
Ibu lnt rai liidjru in the revolvers bad
been di- baltied. the Mtiioko of Iridic !
lei rd away . mid llwv were all dend
tbat tli-y bad onouli. and each
iiimii tiHtk !d own curiMu off the Ueld.
A mall thhoi.lo would have bold all
th Itliwd. N'fill.v l he cow buy U a
iiiyteiy, ,
1 Mt t- ( oi, r Sl....
... It. Ay'e., in iiuif !! in of but
(t r ! iu i icl i. it, I li.i- o.i
Ii .in I :i g.iinl iipidt . .f I';'' !" p .b
ty, nud will bell llitin t rtutfuiOiic
piiec. (Jive l.iui a ill at Id fclit'p,
koUtli uf thei Hiiltuul liuiuy, L'li.Jlli
Cual Oil.
rlocry of rctf term r I.ttlla
K'.e Cierk,
o o
a r outvnatk rnarEcroit.
A reporter of the ScorT wbiln en
route to t:e lM:i o Creek mines, a few
d.iyi ago, via. th Pmk, Ml in comp!l
uv with aPa. M'IKr, the architect and
builder, of La Mr. Miller,
who had been forEime time prospec
ting the mountains east of this bice,
in Fcarch of the precious minerals,
was highly elated over a discovery he
had made of a tunning conl oil spiing.
It is tiluatcd on tly West side of Little j
Ealj cretlj. There isa steady stream, ;
about one inch in tie, conslan'ly
llrwing, and it has impregnated the
tunounding rcil for a space of peihap I
tin acres, over whicli a criitt has
fornled. It is about twoiity-five mil.s0
from Union, on the route of the pro- ,
posed road to the mines. Mr. MiII.t
says he was a retiden of the coal oil
dUtiicts of Pcntuylviuiia. for many
years, knows what be ie talking about,
and 'bis is the genuine ar'iel . He is
highly il.ited owr (he l:ud and is con- i
lident he has a lonan.a. Such is,, in .
tubstance, the information elicited
from Mr. M.ller by our reporter, and
wj give it for what it is worth. Dis-
coveries of oil have recui'ly betn '
made near Tacoma. in W. T.. and it
is not improbal lo that the nigged and
unexj lored mountains of Union coun
ty con'ain the tame precious fluid. If 1
(his ciseoverv is as stated bv Mr. Mill- i
er' it t hiows in'o the thade any of (he
g 1 1 quartz bdges (hat have been
found in this jection.
From the census ju-t taken bv the
agent, filys (he IVndL'ton Tribune,
'he Indians and mixed bloods living
on the Umatilla lvtervntrin number
SIW in all, of whicli 7.:0 are Indians
and lff mixed Hoods. The Indians
haw 700CI acres under col ivation, on
which thtfv buve raised If) 030 bit h'l
of wheat', POO bit. b. Is of o-ils. 'JQO
biub Is of hail -v an 1 rve, ?000 buth
d of corn, and r000 'uith Is of pota
"s. They have 0000 dead of horses,
nOO h".id of cadi , 403 head of theep,
and 2fi0 bend of hngx. This isexdus
ive of tho mixed bloods, who are most
ly wives an 1 chil hen of white men
tbat haver obtained a footing on the
reservation and are oul ivating contid
erabL' land by reacon of tueh relation
thip. Ayounrsonof S. II. Bernard, of
We's ton, whil s woiking in the haivost
tiel 1 a few days ago, feediiiii a tlire.'h
er, dipped and being jnsiL-d by the
derit'l: folk, his 1 -gs b.-eame entan .ljd
in the marhiii"ry and were cm lud
anil inan.,Ld (crribly. His left 1 ig
had (o be amputated just Inlaw tlu
knee, and he is in a critical condition.
This should bj a eau'ion !o all thrvt-h-ers,
Tco much care cannot be taken
wiiil 3 wrkiii x, wilh m.iehin iry.
Hanson's Majiie t'orn Caro, warranted
to cure corns buninn, etc., contains no
noion. For sale at Wright's drug store,
Union, Oregon.
JColIccs f Locntl n.
Miners about to locate clainri should be
very caroful tli it thoir noticus are projiorly
wr'.ttj-i, an I t!u ra pil.v 1 el j-urhition given
an ordinj; lo law. Tlioy will thereby save
themselves iniieli trouble. For the benefit
of thoriij locating claims, we have printed
some blanks for the purpose. Which were
carefully written, and corrected by Mr.
.Jos.-ic llardostv, of tin linn of Sbelton ii
llurdesty, who is thoroughly posted In the
miiiiiu' laws ef the State. Tie blanks are
printed so tiiHt anyone can (ill them out
correctly, Price- te-i runt each.
It is said at the t reunify deparlntcnt
that a count by weight, is the lopir
way of determining the w.luo and
amount ofcoin on liand in' the tub
ttvasury at San Franciteio, and is ccr
tajnl more oxpudi'iou.4 and rafer
than any oilier tiidtliod.
Dan. F.Moore. (,'. II. Prcscolt T.
II. Ciawfonl. Chancy A Clark, .1. W-
Sludlon and O. E0 Wirls, owners of
P20 acres of phieer iining iponnd,
one and one-halt' miles long and 40
roil- wide, situated on Pin creek,
Union county. Oregon, have iucoiio-
ratcil on tin! iihoyect.'erjlie.l properly,
for lfi, 0(111,00. Twclvo bundled
shuo's al $100. IX) each, for the purpose
of working Haiti ground, a
Prefjtlent Dan. F. Mooiik.
seei-etary T. H. Ojiawi'OKU.
J. W. Snnuo.v, )
C. A. Claiik, Direotors. O
C. II. PitnscoTT, )
Miriipa Supt C. II. PiiKECOTT.
Otfice at Union, Union county, Ogn.
Thi company have coiuinciiced f?n K
v illi live men, and have taken out a
(ijlacksiuith "hoji, powder, diills and
all kinds of tools and provisions, lo
work to advantage, above the ground,
and v ill increases the number of men
as soon ii" praeiable, They intend lo
open the claim with nil tl. tiqiiaio bed
rock flume on a ii inch grade to hi
tl., wbii'h with (he amount or free
wider and fall, will eiiai.ln tliein to
work a vnt aiiioiuil of irround each
eiiron. And tor Ibu developiueul of
the uhovn ground, tliey have niithor
i,ed Dan. F. Mooie to dUposu of a
limited aiuoiint of t k at
Of flOOcarh, or at the rain of $100
per aere of iniiiiuggiiiiiml. ThU tuoii
WV Will tie lld ( (tic hi -t mil mi(ii-i'
for till i-Miii- i ihmI in alum nim-k, and
will ;.( phiicd In the Hank of L'ul.'ii.
Miitl ill be O lid upon i b.-. k signed
l.t tin- pie-iiieui. and all oiieher- and
I, ill- t id be liaudi-d uter In tin- di.
..i - fur I neir appl i al aliveit ineel-in-
i,f I ht- I iiai.l.
Dan. V. Mm 'ill..
Pi I,
J. W. SjiKl-roN,
Allot nvy i
A Beautiful and ProapeFl
eras Village.
li.vriti rxcRiAsK of roriLATtox.
Mf nn we .'n- 11uit.
We were very much surprised on a re
cent visit (o the Covo, at the vast Improve
ments which have been made thflrc durChs
ttie pnt yenr or two Nature 1ms made it
one of tlio most lieautiful places In this
sootlon.f the State, and the residents there,
of lute, seem inclined to nNt Mtinevhnt
in the work of making it still mora nttrnc
tlve by bulldiiut elegant residences, plant
hnr orchards, uninmeiital thrubbory, ete-..
mid are ! WHkiiiK up to its iinpeirtnnee
as a coiatnorcinl center, and its peeulinr
atlnptabibty and fitness a a location for
college and insiilurioni of learning. I!e
cently Mr, MrDanicl laid off an addition
t the town, and in order tbat the place
might build up as rapidly us poydblc, otl'er
ed the lot for sale nt very rcnnidle mtei,
Many of tliein Jiave been taken by parties
who have erected houses, and ninny others
who have bought hits intend bnilding soon.
The town, in tbo epialnt vnrnacular of one
of the inhabitants is beginning to 'lootn
up," and at present contains oiiehotc, one
hoarding hoitso. a drug store, blacksmith
diop, shoo .shop, pinning mill, ttash anil
door factory, cheese factory, tannery j (lour
ing mill, two general mcrehand!--e storos.
an excellent public ball, public school
building, church, academy for boys,
and the ascension school for girls, besides
many elegant residences.
rowiass mpiumkl's stokii.
The proprietors finding their present
(piartcrs inadequate to accomodate their
many customers, and large stock of good!?,
have erected a splendid store building, in
to which they will move in a few dnys. It
is a large structure, well arranged and well, tho entire front being of glass.
Adjoining tho store is a large Are proof cel
lar. They have on route and are receiving
tlio m-giMt stock of general merchandise
ever brought to that section of the coun
try, and propose to sell goods hh cheap as
they can be sold anywhere!. Judging from
the way they arc selling things we are of
tho opinion that tho farm era of Indian
valley and tbo Sand ltldgo could travel
further and do worse ihtui to trade with
Cowloi iV MeDanicl.
Till; DKl'fl fnonE
Kept by genial .lap. Stevens, is a model
establishment, and everything uui 'v kept
in u first class drug store will be found on
hi-t shelves. Jap. s also nn expert when it
conio to 11 ro arm, and keeps constantly on
hand an assortment of guns, revolvers and
aniunition of tho be-t quality.
Till! II07GI..
Is a ncni and well kept hoste'lry. presided
over by Mrs. Itrennan, and lias a fair run
of custom. Tourists nnd visitors to (he
Covo can procure good accomodations, ni.d
excellent meals at this liotol.
Tirr. eovi:
Mr. Adam Oossman, proprietor of tlio
tannery, W remodeling the building and
making sonic extensive improvements,
which will greatly facilitate work in the fu
ture. Wo were shuwn some excellent spe
cimens of heavy anil light kip, calf skin,
ladigo and lacing nnd harness leather,
whicli were certaluly'as line and of as good
quality as can he produced anywheso. We
saw a letter from L, 1). .Stone it Co,, leather
lcaers of Ran Francisco, soliciting ship
ments from this tannery, and informing
Mr. Grossman that his leather was of the
best quality and commanded the highest
price in tho Ban Francisco market. This
is certainly a high recomondation, and the
Cove tannery may bo considered an estab
lishment erodituble to the county. Mr.
.S. 15, liurroiigliH'
SAsrr ..r noon rACTortY
Situated on the crook abovb town, is run
by a magnificent water power, and is well
suppliol with tho very best machinery,
and everything necessary for tlio produc
tion of superior wares. Mr, riurrouglis has
now on hand a largo amount of doors, sash,
moulding and shingles, width he olfbrtj
for sale at bed-rock prices. Ho Is, aha,
manufacturer of the Oiuinpton Fruit Drier,
wh'ch Is undoubtedly tbo best drier now
in use. cJIo offers them for sale at very
reasonable figures, to which fact wo par
tieulurly cull the attention of our rtmlerfc
Is the mast prominent institution of the
place, and under the cfflei.uit manogcniant
of tint lit. liov. 1J. Wlstar Morris. I). I).
Hector, nndllev. WOR. Powell A. It. Prin
cipal, ixfast gainingaenvlablo repulution.
Kxtcnsive additions are being made to the
building, preparatory for tho opening of
the second year, which will begin Septem
ber 3rd., at which tiino a great increase n
the number of pupils ii expactenl. The
building is In a beautiful and healthy local
ity, Uie rooms and dormitories well lighted
and airy. Nothing has been loft undone to
moke it a ploasunt homefO' thosn who at
tend. It is our intention to more partio
ulnrly call attention Ui this school at an
other time,
A colloglato school for boys and young
men. under the samo managemont as tho
girl's school, and similarly conducttMl, will
bo opened Sept. 17th. The building pleas
antly situated on McDauiul's addition, Is
in course of erection, and when comple
ted will bo a good and substantial (slitice,
well adapted for the purpoao Inteuulod.
A more exlendtsl (fewrintluii of the Cove
and I'.-. hibubiiitutN. will be given in our
coliuiius hereafter.
HNtiaiof ami Htint.kS.
Thoso defiling anything kept or mu
idly in a w ll-Murk d
r.n! II - ami b irn 1 1 . j , tin. id, not
fail to ell on lle'idL'itimi A Utxim, in
(his city, Ulore uivhiuiiig t le.wn re.
lhey niuniilaetiiie nothing but the
bert ipllity of piodc, and till at plieen
lh..t Hliii.l be i iiliipt'ti'd With. F.illil-
. r w.ll li v 11 (i I .nn win re lin y , an
:t I ill.- f. ft (.. Ih lur Ibe lin n y, In-
iiri-lh., l.u. ."mL ilw (u
Ut l tr.. TjU it., mill nIi utlter
tiwl in j lopcriioji.
Kews Untm Prrm 1'iaple CtrnJe--.An
Oltl 1 M:I iicel 1 let it.
BAlttlie Cbbek, Augutt 10i., 1SEB.
Weather still contujucH watmand
Tho hucklcbtrry crcji in the Wallo
wa ia an entire failure tliis year.
On the linnaha, hit Thursday, the
theiiiioinetcr stood at 10S jn the thade.
Owing to the prospective priced of
wheat thif year, the farmers aro mow
ing nut of their wheat for hay.
(Fro. Winters, in company with bis
wife and lifter Jefie, started to (he
linnaha, ibis morning, where (hey will
spend a few days, featling oil luxuries.
l!d. Uunible's srhn 1 ilnml last Fri
day, and for the gratification of the lrt
tjefelks, lhey met at (he gtove on
Prairie cicik, on Saturday, nnd had an
t )d fa.' hioned picnic, which was well
attended. l I).
Cove CullingSf
13. P. MeDiintil went to Portland,
Tut-Klay, to puicliaso a f..l.l ttocd: of
UicliHid Irwin and family have
changed (In ir lace of mideneo fiom
Uniiai (o Cove.
An'cnu'on school will (men its doors
for the full sefiou, a week from next
'1 liurMhny.Scpt. Ih-d.
Several waron loads of lunia have
been taken from Covo to Iheker and
lhirnl liver, during the week.
Itock is being hauled for (he fonnda
licn of 15 11. Sanhcin s in w dwelling,
which Will uon lie ceniineiiccd.
Tuenlay of (his week was (he warm
est day e-xpciienceil Ibis summer in the
Cove, it beilig 102 in tho thade.
A canvasser has been at woik in (his
vicinity dining, the wet k. taking orders
for Grant's mw beck, lie met wilh
fair success.
One of Jus. Payne's team of valuabb
mares ditd uidde-nly Tuesday af
ter returning from La Grande. The
Mipjotition is that the feed at Ibat
1 lace contained i oison.
II. J. Gcer'n j luni orchard is worth
seeing (his semen lie has 10 trte-f
of Hie peiich v.tiiitly, heating tit least
i'03 1 otinds to the (ree, besides many
trees of oilier vaiietie's.
An (.11 fat hioned homo warming
will bo given at (ho new tchrt 1 buil
ding for hoys, next Wednesday eve.
The n onis tire large and commodious-,
and as a gen ral invitation is extended,
a 1 .rge attendance! Will participate in
the te.-tivilies'of (be evening.
The proi rietors of (he Covo cheese
factory expect (o cease manufacturing
in a few days, for the seaun. 'the
lice of cheese niKa to hW that they
el.iim there can bo no 1 1 of i t to the
linkers. 'I he ejosiug of tho factory
w.ll woik a hardthip upon tho owners,
of dairy cows, who have been furnhh-in,,-
milk, but the making of butter will
be increased, and may biing a
price this fi.llj
For the Scour.
a i:i;vi:jtiB.
fnv jonx nuooitrs
One night, returning home in pensive mood,
Awhile rellcctiug on the bridge I stood.
Imnierse'd in iduidow lay the tlood below;
Tho eye coald scarce discern its sullen How.
.Siou (-ynthla, with majoRty ondowed
'(bin show her face from out a sable cloud.
Ami all the river now transformed, was seen
One sparkling stretch of glittering silvery
'Such, " thus I pondered as I went my way,
"May partially (ho course of life portray.
Which to theiiiaMs in thickest darkness lies
One tunglod wob of sad perplexities,
"lis only genius throws a i;orious light,
Irradiating e'en this darksome night
And objects plain, nay loathsome, thus
Transeiendent boautloi, (It for falrydom."
lies Ititl; n.
At the last regular meeting of Pred
ion Post No. 18, G. A. II., Hit) follow
ing resolutions were adopted i
Whkkuas: 'Ibu Almighty hasoseen
Jit to rcnpivo, by (he hand of death,
pur comrade anil 1 1 1 commander,
Hi:soi.vki: By Preston Post, G A.
It., (hut' we, in common yMi all patti
plio citizens of Ibe United States, rec
ognizen Ibe death 'of comrade Gen
eral U. S. Grant, lhe loss of an ilu.
troiiB ei(izen and roldier, his great
ness, in war was (illy crowned by his
in, mn. iniuity in lime of peace, lo
him wj(.v u debt 8f profound grati
tude for the peace and j joepority of
our country, which hut gtnius lulpcd
to preserve, that we, bis comrades
in arms. l.nQcut his dentil and do
jiomagu to his lOJinory.
IlJjsoi.ViOt): 'lbut lo tbo rnrroS
rlricken widow and family of nur de
parted comrade, wo oxteud our most
heartfelt sympathy.
Ifusoi.VKi): That Iheso resolutions
bo spread upon our records, inclosed
in mourning lines, and our (lag bo
draped wilh the insignia of death, for
thirty days, us ii further rircof of our
respect, tteteem and sorrow. ,
Tiiok. Uui.viia,
Gro. IIbinkihu, Committ.
Gko. Ohkiut. )
Peter Ceiojier oneo eaid: ,(In all
towmiwht-rt! u ni-wrMip0r in puhlhheMl
iv. ry limn should tdverliso in it,
i ti ii if noihing more than a card
t W iui bi name and the bin ine be
is nigugcel in. It dues nl oidy pay
lo Mil Veil ire I Hit it lis the pttql.i lit
a dUuinu know that tlu It Wn you
leiide in isa piir t. tis i ouniiuiiiiy of
bo ilU-rh lilt 11. A.- (lie Ltd it inVtll
III. ftllit It'll iii ellMM. NtViT puM
dt.wn ytiiir sign while j'i ijtjuet
do bus ill HM.
HuwHrd limn! UreiiadiMi u:u the bwt.
Chatty Lot! or From
Kemorlnl Pr1ls r.t IS' Iso Clty-Wotfe
on the Cflol IlttlldUr
oirrm'riKC ron i ixr: citr.r.K.
F.rTon Scor:
The weathef) Is Intolerably hot. The
thermometer registers 95 in the shnde;
Waves pf purpleifh heot riso from the solid
brick nnd mortar of the corner opposite,
The mountain summits, only twelve miles
distant, look hnity aiuKtlni in tho dazzling
sunshine. The hum of business has husheil
on the street below. Everything marks the
enervntinii intlucnreof Old Sol. nnd wo ex
claim with the poet, "Oh. for a lodg in
sonic vast wilderness." Tills is the season
of the year when many things occur tr.
disturb. "the even tenor of our way."
Everybody Who can, leaves town to rus
ticate on the mountain's niry sutnit and
ceks. by dost.-oying a few mea-dy little
trout, to restore the "tone of languid na
ture." After an nhsenco of a few days,
the majority return with bli-ttcre'd news
and fabulous fish stories, which nobody be
lieves, but to which all lend respectful at
tention, smiling indulgently tho whilo or.
(be narrator They believe they Injvo dis
charged a serial duty, and perhnpe they
have, at any rate it is only a midsummer
madness at the most. This is tho time al
so, when tho youniu in wh i takes bis bc3t
girl out to walk in the solemn twilight, is
niRiie (he victim of a diabolical plot (ode
trnnd him of ids last week's salary, by
inviting him to where tlio Ico cream saloon
rears Its yawning portals to his btartled
All kinds' of business is depressed, mon
ey is senrce and everybody is waiting
"li!co patience on a monument." for better
times. Ileal estate dealers report transfers
like angels' visits, few and far between,
The editor scratches head bald in search of
local intelligence, until diiven to despair
ho "goes for" his "contemptible contem
porary" in a double leaded leader. Cattle
men shake their heads ominously and say
the fcctl in tho hills is parched b) a tinder,
that stock aro suffering for water, owing
to tho failure of springs that have never
failed hofoio, ending tlio woeful tale by
predicting a hard winter. Tho horny-handed
farmer goes about with a di'sappoititeel
aspect ami an unsettled bill for last win
tor's groceries. There will bo only nlmut
half a crop nf grain ami fruit, though tho
hay has produced tolerably well, and had
it not been for this long continued drouth,
both Would have been far above the aver
age. "The oldest inhabitant" says that
this section lias never experienced such
dry weather since its settlement, and it lias
been noticed that very dry summers have
been followed the next year by the grass
hopper plague. It will be remembered
that some of our eniininvnt entomologists
have predicted a visit fi run she sUtcen and
seventeen-year locusts, this summer, but
as they have not appeared hero yet and
everything is about harvested,' the honest
granger says "let 'oni como,"
The memorial services in honor of Gen
era! Grant, were observed hero on ho 8tli
lust, with great "pride, pomp and circum
stance." Two companies of infantry, ono
of riivaliy, the O. A. 11., ilro companies
and other soeiotios marching in procession
to tlio grand pavlllion, on capltol aquarc,
where tho hnprt.ssivo and solemn ceroino
nloi were porformod. Pour speakers, to
each of which, twenty minutes was allowed,
addressed tho vast assembly, and rccoun
ted the Ijfo and labors of tho great general
In U touching and eloquent' manner, it Is
good to seo that all, without rogard to par
ty, participated with equal reverence on
this solemn occasion, and by this, ono rec
ognizes that the bitter rancor and mad ha
tred of tbo pust is buried in oblivion, and
that the names of I,co andJacksqn will bd
a common heritage with those of (larllcld
and Grant, As Cannon Kiiwar has said
"Americans are no longer Xnrthcncru and
BoulheuorH but Americans."' 1
Work on the territorial capltol building
Is progressing finely. Upwards of 800,000
brick will bo imod'ln tlio' construction of tho
edifice, whicli will cost ahoit $100,003 and
bo "a thing of bounty and a jijy forever.1'
Several parties are outlining hero for t)
long prospecting tour, it being the intention
to prospect thoroughly tho mines of thq
.'oven Devils and Pino creek districts, Ho
jtnrts received hero of Piiu crook, ii vc.v
Mattering and If thov c intiuuo, a grand
exodus may bo expected to that region,
' Hon. John llaitey, M. (.'., hail returned
from Washington. V. Haul.
For tin" ili,C?.iei.iiK of Itinriratlng oils
for maqbinery, etc., go to tho drug store of
John T, Wright, Union, Oregon.
i I Mr
Catks At'JIaker Citv, August lHth.,
lfr-cfi, at .1:10 (clock P. M., Mru.
PhebeCatc, aged 71 yearn 8 months
and 11 days?.
. Tbo remains were brought to Union
on Wedueiday for interment, and wero
fillowl to tho grave by u largo con--course
of iorrcwing friends and rehu
lives. She was buried by tho tide of
heidiusbaud, Fponccr Cates, who dieel
March 10th., IcOD. Mrs. Cates, rinoo
hor marriage, in 18-12, baa been ft
member or tbo Old School HaptUt
church, and over lived a consistent
and hopeful cbiistian, and having
surved wJl tho years, throo Beor&aiiil
tcn.nllotejl to mankind, passed peace
fully away in tbo linn faith of a b0SA
immortality, ir'lw loaves live tons anil
one daughter lo mourn her lots, and
many id I friends who sincerely regret
that her life wa not spared for many
J?'-!.' f ' ,, I -1 1 .i .. i i I , 1 1 , i. i u mryy.
Depot Nloteh'
A. C, ClIAKJ, --. PllOlMtlKTOR,
(I'nioii, Depot, Oregon.)
Slilcniliil iiettejiiiudiitlons for roininnr.
clnl mm,
Table always fitipiillod with
butt the market id fori Is.
flTS-JlMV A t'OLP JIlffPHAfc IUtus.