The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 15, 1885, Image 5

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foslO iMJKHOX. ST. Aft), lo. If
Cauilil Uo fly
TIio night, are getting cool.
Firemen meet next Monday.
mums tilling for five ets. u iwjnul.
Ye, who thirst, drop i at the Wlhi
tfall.i Hcer Depot. '
S. A. Ilcckethorh is recorder for Jo
jBpli mining district.
Several subscriptions received from
Cplije'r City, this week."
(2Ji)va A. I.ockwood js lecturing
((Imnigihout the Stito.Q
O The recorder is at work taking the
(tSSCment of the city.
Considerable improvoment is going
rt in I'n'on .t proFont.
VI. J5 "Davis' will probablv inovo ns
b.'Bin taw mill to Pino Valley.
' Consult our advertising columns to
find nut. the best 1 bines to trade.
V 1 o .
"New finds are constantly being re
ported from the Pine creek region.
Tfoomp. Carroll has built a substan
tial eivlc walk in front of his blacksmith
The pioposed road fiom here to the
piitves, will be survoy6ll, dining the
,nniing week.
As no oneeanic after thotyi, lljo men
arrwtod at the depot list Friday, Wire
fur net I loose.
A newspaper has been started at
3jurn8 in Uraitf county, called the Har
ney Valley Items.
Frctbyterian Church services Sab
bath morning and evening; Sabbath
ch'n-il at 10 a. in.
The celebrated Warren Snap Shot
npiyilor, at. Cove drug store. None
gleaner aiul (stronger.
Mr. Al. fioodbroil is l)nilding a neat
$nA commodions residence on "his
block in Wett Union.
Bcvernl houses in this city, on Sat
urday last, wore draped in mourning in
respect for lleneral Grant.
frant memorial sen ic'-s wjre hell
jit the M. E. church in this city Sun
day last, and were largely attended,
f x. lrako is building a residence on
ii block in North Union, to replace
the one that was burned down a few
months ago.
Miss Maggie McLean has been selec
ted as teacher of the primary depart
ment, in, the linker City public school
ryhioh commences Septembcr'Stn.
Mr. 1). H. Hilts is beautifying his
jesjdoiM'C with a froth 'oat of paint.
exam )e that thould be followed
py'u nipnber of pther householders in
Ins ei'ty.
Union county is now being tor
.pugily prospected, more so than oyer
before in its history. Doubtless the
jliscovery of many rich mines will be
the result.
For spine reason huckleberries are
fcajce this year, and exctmipiis to the
ptpitains in search of these berriig,
j)r.p i;ot indulged in to any great ex
jopl. Dr. .1. W. Straiigo is now at Sum
inerville, and cxpeots to be in his pllice
by the middle of next week Jits will
then be phased to see his patients and
pthors desiring dentistry.
The Teacher's Institute reperjtly
hold in, llaker City, was a success in
PYcry particular. Great credit is due
Ktate Superintendent McElroy, for the
Interest he takes in educational work.
Marion Carroll has, as far as appear
ances go at any rate, the most inUl
jectual dome of thought we. over saw
ptuek on mans shoulders. Say! Mari
pn, that kiiul of thjng is pot exactly
Tjie horges (iltachcd tp a icatlcr
yagon, driven by Vince Keaves, yester
morning, ran away and breaking
(ppfp, Vince was dragged a eonsidea
ple distance, bruiting bin np consid
erably. Last Wednesday u load of hay that
$as being taken through town by
Jffrank Craig, got too pinch on one
hide pf t lie wagon and turned over,
ttrank should read up ci) the laws of
That party of Covites nro still on
rj;?nped on Catherine creel: iuar the
shingle mill, and are having too much
Inn altogether. There are about twjn
o ly live persons in all and they Will
probably remain there for several days
yet. o
Yesterday morning the tumbling
rod broke on Gus Hutchinson's horse
power, while at work on Hilts' j lace,
Mid the horses, tWilvoin number, be
gan to run, tlig sweeps got into the
t pokes of the wheel and they wero ut
tutly demolished. Luckily no one was
hurt. t
A t'linnfllKf oflVdif ninnriA(l n( ITlllI
tington a few days ago between two
women, known as "old mother" Myers,
nnd "old mother" Little A bull.t jiut
grazed "mother" Myers' cheek, the
powder burning her face and neck, j
The cause was jealousy ovor tho hus
band of the woman Myers. No arrests.
Itich mines have boon discovered at
the head of quartz gulch, near Malheur
Oity, in linker county. The dopo.-it is
pf'decom posed bedrock, twelve to four
leen feet in width, and prospecting
$200 and $aOD in gold pei ton. The
owners are down to a depth of twelve
feet and there is notignsof the doiKit
giving out. Contiderable excitenifut
Tho Nathvill Students, colowl ju
bilee tingcrs will give uo of their in
imitable entertainment t Wright's
ball in this city, on Monday evening,
August 21th. It will bo romemherod
that this troupe gave an entertainment
here several months ago, at which timo
lovora of music enjoyed a niro trwit.
A full house will doubllets grout tlioin
on this, their second visit..
Yulutiblo Disoovovios Con
stanlly 15otn;f
INVUST-U1i?f 1' '"'V i'. 1'ITA 1,1 ST.S.
X'hre of tlC "MIikm Itt)iiilnU-Virl; to
('ojninonco al Onrp,
The fsthe of the Pine CrwU mines has
fjirend to ahnost evory Statu in the Union,
and U nttraeting the attention of rnpitnl
ists, who are hastening o tho inines and
competing with ouch othtr in most liliey!
oll'er.t to the owners. Nmv and rich diseov
eriirs are eonstantly biins iiiatlo. Probably
Hie intvt valnubli' is that nmtlt? a few miles
northwest of (.'onmonoi,!, on I'litV river, by
Uoeii, I)f;an anil Merrill. The ledge which
ix'in alb probability an cxlontion of the
Simmons iiint is lai-jio ami well dclincil
and is of frca lntllin; ore. Tli? mineral
area of this section U immense in extent,
streching far northoa'. anil west into th.
rtinlte mountains, l'roin the &'ng Prtish
we learn that C. Neiiner, of Louisville.
Kentucky. .T few days time, suecceiled in
perfecting arrangements by which he has
'jotiilo 1 three of the richest mines in tli,"
camp Mie Whitman, Tit and Compan
ion, for a period of QJ days. Tlie amount tv
the bond on thj; Whitnuin is, for the sum !
,1U,IX).); on the Tiger and Companion, $.-IO.-00J.
The work of (U:eloiniL'iit is to be
eominenced at 'on'ei!, and Mr, .Vernier i
letting contracts for sinking on the ledges
at the rat.' of ?1 pir fun'. Tin gjatle-uii
has also purchased some indivldud int t
est.s in soin, other lnine1. at very high tig
u res. Mr. N'ouusr and his associates arc
heavy capitalists of l.oui- i le, and have
for years operated in mines in different
.States and Territories throughout the
country, and wo feel varnintid iii saying
that it h tpitie fortunate for the distrie;
that such good mines as t!no of Pinecicek
have fallen into their hand". A new in -pctus
will now lie given to mining work,
and the various camps of that region will
doubtless experience a teacup of unpar
prosperity From II jury (freen, who hn jut nrr'tvod
from the mines, yu learn that tho work of
sinking on tho Whitman mine is being
pushed rapidly, and that when lie left thc
bad reached a depth of fourteen feet, and
tho vein was widening and the ore richer.
Dan. Moore informs us that Mr. Neuner.
the gentleman win, bonded the mine for
ninety days, has seen enough t. satisfy
himself of its immense value, and yill have
i ipi:irtz mill there within thirty days, lit
has gono Hast to confer with his associates,
and will ship the mil I out at once.
Kx-Hcv. McKoan. of Idajio, wa in
the city the fore part of tins weik.
Mrs. Newberry, who jvas vhiting her
titters here, returned to bland City on
Frank Johnon and family of Los
'ine. w.-re in' the city Saturday aipl
Sunday last.
Mrs. Zihs .Taycox and
Sanborn, of (lpj Cove,
visit on Thursday last.
Mis Xinieiiiu
paid Union it
.Mrs. C. M, Jones and Mrs. f). U.
Hens, have been visiting in the Cove
for several days past.
A. E. Eaton and wife returned from
the East Saturday last. Mr. Eaton ap
pears much improved in health.
Kev. J. It. Watton, our n w Meth
odist minister arrived l.tst week an I
in-jach 'd his first sernnn at this pl.icj
Ujv. S. E.Crow an 1 wife, cp' O.d 1
w 11, I.T., hive lijen in t)J Grand!
Koude V.tlL'y duriijg the wjek. visit
ing frion Is. 0
Mrs. Emery has been very sick du
ring llj'3 past w'jiik, with foyer. Wo
.ire j 1 'used to say at present sho is
somewhat better.
Miss Loli Warren who h;w been
visiting her grandmother, Hfrs. (
bury.', of Wingvillj, for tpmu time just,
return -d home Sunday.
Misses I Id 'ii an 1 Lillio Levy, who
have been vititiijg in H.tker City, re
turned the fore part of tlu yjek. Wiss
llan'iah Fox, of that city accompanied
them home, and w. remain here .
few days.
Tyo Chinamen wvre arrested an 1
hound ovor to appear before the cir
cuit court of Maker co'.mty, for cutting
another Chinaman almost to pieces,
in a light tit Huntington, u few days
The Seymour Crcfsot, published in
Seymour, Daylor county, Texas, com (f
to us iifking to exchange. TheCresaot
isiiliwly and iiiterestinj; th jet, an 1
we place it on our exchange list wh
Over three bun Ired panpb VjrJ pres
ent at t)i 3 Grant iiuinoriil servijjs
hdl at Cornuopi.i. Tin opuiinj;
address wis tLly-ered by W. It. Udior,
and a ton jhin eulogy to tin dead sol
dier was given by Mr. A. II. Itu.lur
fonl, of S.iu Franci-co.
The Miunsapolis Tribune niys: The
Union Pacific is figuring on hauling
out a share of tho Eastern Oregon
wheat crop, which it roaches over its
Oregon Short Line anl Baker City
branch. It claims that it can market
it at as good advantage to the wheat
r..ier at if ehippecl to Portland ami
the coast.
Wo are pbased to learn that the
Hon. Thomas Fitch has thought prop
er to ally himn If with the law linn of
Shil:out llurdt'fcly, of Ibis eity, an I
may henceforth be considered one of
our citizens, id houh he Will probably
remain in Portland for a few month.
The linn w.U Ik known a Fiteb, Slitl
ton tt Hnrdjsty, and wdl practice in
all the oourts of the State, and V. S.
district, eirouit andt.uprome courts.
Purfuitr anJ
ts.ltit articles at John
, t'hflvlrg ajil Wtl'i (;o T
ows very scaicc.
Hunting is the order of th? day,
TVo Minam fever ban subsided.
F'. 1. Collins attended the Stl In
stitute ut Hakar City.
Tiirper Oliver thinks Union ft very
line town. Some attraction Micro turc.
Koranic fomzio i building : ncW
livery stable in our burg, tfjiposition
is the life of trade. Supcrinlcndant J.X. (IJind
niii n attended the Stotc insVitntc at
llaker City last Week.
Van Wormington i'turnrl)fnn(tiie
Pine oj'iTlj mines last ei k, :ind left
for his home in MUton.
Tlie mining excitement tftili
crease". Ihnrv fiiiiyh.ut ia oiv
traej: of a quart. L-dge.
Joeilaker, one of La (Jiande's folid
a'torn -ys ww visiting the tiinuly oi
nteoihir." Willi.iin tln fore l'artof this
W -ek.
The fnune of Win. E. Rinohart't
ney resilience io now roaretl up to vjeW
on Main street; You b. t if iy,U he a
The fanners here tinbheti up (heir
hay crop and are now ennunetp-in j; to
Harvest tl,e golden grain, which i reii
ly for the binder.'
Mr. JeUVeys, fonneily of theMonn
tain Sentin 1, Was in our town a hxt
lays this wet k looking up a' locution
:o start another paper.
M.r. ios. Truettl..! is propiietor of the
SumincrvilL' Until, now. Joe is a
,t.od landlord and vill ni.ikj thy bo
iil bu. iness move right along.
Mr. M. McK is buildin? a new
retiil.ii.'e in the ton h p.iit of'toWii
which wdl add much to the appeur
.iiiee of that part of'our burg.
H. C John-on & Co., bu.Uert', are
now t work on the res id. nee of 11. W.
uhver. Mr. Ollivir tays hi houto is
filing up iil.noSt as if by magic.
'1 he farmers are happy over their
wheat pio.-pccto this year, gr.iin is now
..boost reaily to h.trvcot, and this har
vest promises tp bo largo and proiita-
Mr. (. Wei.lty our harness nmker at
this lace, ias just receivetl an invoice
of h.ti nes's and satltlles which he W.ll
.-t 11 and warrant as cheap as any dealer
in the v.dley. Mr. Wcal.y is a tirst
elats woikiiian.
Mr. A. J. Patten, the manager of 1.
M. Osborne &, Cos branch lioute '
sinnniervillj, sol I u New Steel FntiiK"
Hinder to Mr. Jos. Uigs, j-ecently.
Mr.' Patten i-s one of tl)j best si.Jjtnicn
in the valley.
Mr Julius Weriheimer, fonneily one
of Joseph, enterprising meridian's, is
now behind D. Somuier & Uro's coun
ter, he is a 1'hki talesman an I w.ll' add
much tp the appear.uv.'j of the bij.-i-uess
of )). S. & Hro.
"Yauted," n man to coino to fium
inei ville wi'h n stock of hardware -)ii -ly
l hive haidw.tre, stores' here noiy and
we want three more. Now if you w.m"
to get rich, just put in a stock of hard
ware in Suntinervill .
Messrs, tt. and D' ling bought t f
Win. E. Hineh u t & Co. a new Uuck
eye I'l itfonn liiu Icr, (m l pqt it to
work oq tin ti le hill farm. Tlu'y say
it is a d.ijs-y and has not lnitaetl bin 1
ni ' a bun lb since it started to work.
We malt.) a motion flint tho Lo.-lin
correspondent be appoinUitl ccqsiis ta
ker of t lie L part, in ortlor to lltitl out.
whether that m w coiner in Lostin i is
n boy or n fiiil. We nip uiixiotis to
know uurscisYS and hw had sever.d
parties en piiring of Us vylie'h r or not
there 'iras not tome way oi liq,' out.
JMjgrapli to X'resideiit Cliv.l.tntl to
piuh tjlls iii pointinent riBlit thipngb.
a bo oiX)jj ncjif.
At i);l Saturday ipnruhig, in Xo' Yqrb.
tho'jiinp.isin ' funeral car, drawn hytweijty
I'our jut-hluclv liorsoi in blmfi trappings,
halted ipi the phua ilireetlv in front of the
City llall steps
At HMO preetsulv the Oraqt family came
out of tiebi li'is' uiftran -e t tlio Fifth Av
oniio liotjl, auiP took their earring. & -
tlio carriages roceivuil their oeciipanw they
rolled away toward the avenue, ami re
uiaiuud there closely wedged in, un wait
i ig for thoir turn in the line. They hud
ncoiPivaitinir more than a nunrtor of an
hour before President Cleveland ca.O'J and
to )k bis soat in tho carriage with Secret iry
U.iyard, autl tlio four-horo carriaw that
t'olfowed rocuived vioj-Prosidunt Hen
dricks mil his private sot-rotary. Ahead
of them bo I gone a number of t:arriaj;'s,
following tlio (Irant family in the following
order: .Mrs. It iwli it llullinm. thuigblu"
of (iuuural (Jraut's frioud ami tlrst hc'to
t.iry of w.irj the general's old stall' In four
carriages; his ox-cabinet otlictirs in four
earring.' j detachment from Wheeler iftd
U. S, Urant jiostd, (Iranil Aouy of tlio iTo
pubhc, in four carriagtiM; Mrs.'j, W. Drcx
ei untl moiubcrs of tho A.toe eluhj suri
viih) of the Mexican War. Next can. n tho
priisident's carriage, tlio vice-prosidunl'M
and the cabinet's, in live earriatiH; muiii
bcrsof the Hiiprmo court United .Status
senators; liomo eoiigrosmonal couunbtt'o
in a score of carriages, committee of tlio
state legislature in thirty carriages; ex-p.-osiduuU
Arthur and Hiyes mid mem
oors of other uahhicts, Thou the for6ign
utinisters and tliplomutiu ami consular of
tlcors u idor (Junural (Jrant's aihiiiuistra-
l in. 'I'l i use lillutl ton carriages. Then
cimo the repnvoatntivo of ilifforent tle
niirtmoiitt of tlio national government.
SV.YI caiii'. live govornorit of tho kIhU-.,
with their fdltr, und then tho reprcecnta
livci of (!itii..,
I'ullowing lichiiid there foil a eendiigly
cndU'xs u:-uiv, with ImnuiTs. with urinle
si -ovoi, limping guit Mil 1 nearrod fuces thai
tirrcd men s iniiitN n they passetl. with
Jjp mid Htrong cim.tion. 'These were the
Jm I Iij.-o'k ciiiirude, wlio Mh irod bis dan
ger mi ttit) He! I of buttle, wlio nov. wulkcd
with Siiin to bin liut rc-iiog p'nc' An en I-
lu priHfsl.HI fo'luW (! .!hiI1! Iin'l 1'i'sf
four tho t nub wu reuclu-tl and tho burial
servir. of the (1. A. it. were io.-fiiriiied.
'i liun the varioiu liiuiiuricK i. ml the
i.iuiirnin frifciiils of the d ;id In ro r .l
.i.v.iv ni.d the sili'iit tuiiib imas'il the re
in ioin -.1 li ncral (irant.
Tor t'i'' hues ipiu .y oi I inrii a'i.ig
f.jr inn. Ii'iicry ite. g t i the ilrug fctore uf
John T. Wrtgnt, Unton, OrQon.
tiri'sUMj IiOldors Prom
Our Corrpiojulcuft!.
TJ1H AVIMSKY OllliliK llUTri.KMKrtT.
Cajitui'lni; n llriir m I'm rlt. i'recti
' l,.iml I'ur Ctiinji,
0t(lC3S'ii0 (fi')RT(IJJK CO0.Xg,O
Wajsgta- tfii&Ktt, August .'hw, 18yr.
Everylnifdy haying.
i;ho Ijtu ttlebeiry crop i failure.
Many of the bovs' froht this fbcnlit.V)
h ivo gon to AViill.i WnU.i mid Oraudo
Honde tr woiU and, consctpiently
h inda are ecarcu here. r
Mr Milioth. who Iwught tlie Whit
tuore place i buibiing a tltt llmu
Imu'o: Pr.uik JJ:viWti is doing the
wot k.
Jim. Nobles returned from J.n
(r.tii'le last PutnnViy with u sth-hiud-r.
"Wot hail be able to save our
in gold shape now.
Mr. Lyman Chapman while going
o J.ostine ueeu y, nut with tpiite tv
-crious accident, lie w s ritlin.' ulmu
it a gallop wh n his horse f. 11 an 1
thr. w hint, tli. locating bis t boulder
It is fcvf by Dr. Header and i.
lotting w 11 rapidly,
Th (iol I mi KhUe an 1 Trout Creok
Sunday Fel.ihils have nnrdo nrrang
tneiits for iietunbined picnic to be h Id
mi Saturday, Aug. 22. The pro
gramme iiifhulos speaking by IXw't
Hunter and' Shiills, niu.-ie by the
Lostin band, tinging' by Sunday, tliun r, etc. Eveibody invited
to come and bring nil the folks.
This settlement lies about live or six
miL's north-east of Lostin.1. The lirsi
claim was taken about iix years ago,
yet we now have over lifly pettier ,
and two fohoid districts wi'h
seventy-five elnl Iron of school ago.
There has been upwards of a thousand
acres of land fenced the last vinu-t
and spring. Wo have t n lid fann
ing land a nil an abundance of good
grass on tht! l.iils aroun 1. Timber is
i onveuieiit an I in inc.vh ustible quail
lities, There is u good chance foi
any one wishing to pip. in a saw null
as saw limber is easy to get and j lenty
of it.
i PUAIKIK CllKEK, AllgUat lOdl., 1885.
j Very tmoky.
Fine harvett weather.
Pro.-poets good for an abundant
yi. 1 1 of grain.
Htijl tho mountains arc being pros
I iieettsj and rich diseoverioo u're Ui'int
j made.
I Mrs. Wiipors has gom to the Im-
n.ih.1 to vis it her daughter, Mrs Holmes.
) Mrs. Alice Benson un 1 Mis. K. !I.
I Lloyd, of Union, are vis itiu friondr
apd rvlatjves iu the WJlwWa.
I Mr. T, II. Cooper, tho Kingor fcwlng
I machine agent, is again, in our niidtt.
I with u supply of thooe standard
Mrs. Annie Cot ley, who hn.B been
leaching school in (Iran lo Koudo du
ring the past tliree niunths, return, d
last Week, to her home ut Ibis lace,
Last. Saturday Frank Winters chared
an old boar and cub. adoti two unlet
into the v..)Ve, and tn ceeded in cap
luring (lit! enhueur AJr Wiptef's lace.
Hie. til 1 bear lqado her ctcape.
V.icarit laipl is very tcaren in the
Wi.llowa, ua the couii. ry is bein sel
iLd Vciy fatt. But unyon.) wi. bin.
Iionus hero can proeure y,jod lurgoiui
by buying i,uvi, vdiich can bo imi
l-s8t)iati the v.daj f tho improve
ments. P. 1).
Harvest (ilirait over. 0
The ihrofher w.W toon be hcaril in
the land!,
Peli-hind) T8 isfo Tnnnin thronglloo:
the couuiry in full bl.t.
Suiuo o) otu 'lv iO)'a8 luiye,0!ty ium
hno Uti lb ) 0)ti iif rtJJ t tbatt8. Gfretty
bnrd up. o
iSLMr. (C.'t J 'H and st veftib rAhera ro
trMicfl' from tJic hareti(tit'Vl t?ella
Wi.Hi a liv? lit.t-0ftti(). They sy that
kinS of iffoite dots not g DitoiUem.
NkiVePal horns h.tOi' bgeookilKitfi tin a
baife io,) fciica irarlhio 'd'h
otff.ier of t it feip: i 1) sun helio
ecuted if lie doetPnot cap the h n-e ill)
a .o or l.uitt.
The' mining cxeifrjtnent still cpulin
ties. The iiiotinlene are full to pro--peettM's,
(spl several )i il,! icated e.l.iiin
ncaeftiis lace. 00 tlon t thing) Oo
ever, thee ftdl amount to miiim.
J'ords nnd uiusie by :lnvad.l!e'.;iu)c!er. I
" I'ho rig may bust
Hut hi (Jotl we tntV."
(iiiotli Jim., us ho folliioiu the cult,
"Loft afoot to roam,
Ten miles from home, .
Will break my bast girl's heart."
James II. White
Untie out one night,
With liU MiekeU lull of una ly,
His horo run away
Autl broke his nifty,
Ob 1 yankee ilomllo dondy.
Tin lliiil.
Hinter Hearsay and ister MeDoinlt vied
with each nth' r in plmu lieul. were both
sanctified, and wore ever ready lo 'testify."
HItor ilc furulnlietl UU r il, nlop for lier
iig. Alan, that ulster H. nhoulil have
heard slater ilc whk tulklli'alMiut
bor, hut dic heard mo. ami vent her llvu-vcii-kold
h(iwful ' vcr tiiHiiy to xUtor Me.
''Ma don't want any more of your old
Mill -tilii -1 Hlop, 't aiisf it inakoi our hugN
A 'r
I.iLi.i liisui l'n. i, ii nist reelv(d
B' al- Well klinvMI ill m; st..rr of Jollll I .
V ight. I nioii, (Jri(. .ii llli 8 no 'iiuiul
to; the ilMirtiuilon of bod but', ote.
The Cove, o
Qowljity NcwtTlni A.ut'ii-ioit flijliool.
A ijpiifitlitti I i. fu.tanr.
l'tir ii)Onu c20!
Aug. 12, m.
Mifs Aiwa Cnllen started for IjcQutli JW.lnr Jk-ui)
Honied .lorepn l nurstlay
Child of Win llooth's has been
very sick during the weitlc) but it pnw
JXJiBjlaggio lArmslrofivg, of COma
tilla, it visiting lfe idftgl matoMis.
A.ldie Fretieh.
j 'A. vTt -Eoslcf) has Ceeij fcriouily ill
the pimt Vittk) hut il't)lieV) tl UuehnW,
i improvement thiinoriiii(?.
Miss Annie Hinohart aullWhn Al
1 bin, of Suininerville, pent SCuostlay
1 Willi iietju;intanici;i in tnv.
Prof. Unto u purchased t miW buitgv
j t( 1-land Saturday, and wdl continue
i silhng tr.i'8 throughout the country.
The i kitting rink a V right's It.dl is
in full blast. After katiHg tho
io out next morning to r, st making
1 hay.
Large tpiauMti'S of rlunibs and
! pi on s are being taken from the As
oution sehoi I orchard to difloront
points iu the v.tll y.
Projiarations are being made on ev
ry fitle for heutlin; and thrcthing.
' The yield wdl be very fair and grain
' lump an.l of good t(iiality
I A number of the pieuii ing party are
J lill tarryini on Catherine crook, feast
I ing on tuitlt arid game. Dr. Vincent
saw several lordly olka on ' day but of
! onise his gun w is in camp. He
i mined his pocket urillery on the
i leasts but it proved too light.
' Itov. Thos. Smith, of linker Cpv, ue
i 'oiupanietl by Mi-scs Jostio Iinulkiier
j nid Linnie 1 l.iee, are HL.Tcing a' visit
, in the Cove. The young 1 ulies have
i H tM) atteniling roinmf at hi. Helen t
' II. ill, but expect to on lor Ascension
School this Mr. Smith says a
half dozen gills front Maker wdl pursue
heir studies iii Cove this fall.
CHI"'. II.
;'i-iiullitr Slvln t 1 1 1 1 lie up nt
) rlo I im) at honi"" Nimv. a,. tc.
Tlio editor of tlio l.a ijrniulo iinxctte is
mo of those fellows who arc great oppo
iciiU f the auxiliary system of running
i newspaper, although not tin Intelligent
r.'ason can bo urged against II Ho don't
vnntnny imtetu.s in hls'n, hut is tmo ol
huso Bot-lt-iill-ap-nHioiiic-h'-you-havo-to-teiil-it
kind of fellows. Oiirimr the pat
uiuith ho has cast several slurs at the
'com on this account, but ut tho Bame
ime with tlie most unblushing checkiness
io h is bojii constantly and persistently ta
xing mutter from our patents. Wo have
io particular objections to that, lunvoyer,
is Ilia nujttor is il l good and caic.fully sc
'eetctl by experienced men, especially for
iheKt-OUT, only patcpt of tlie kind on tlie
oast. Hut whon he aoi-iills us thy v.v be
Iocs, out! then clips wliulo colunuu fiom
uir piper tnul Insi'tt theui iu tin (inactto,
loiueliuioa ns local matter, it strikes us as
ueh doiihlo-ilistlhid gall tliof wu pr.ibubly
lo hnvo tho npioarauce of boing "ivorniy."
ny one who will tttka tho trmiblo to look
in tho fast week's U iettc, tvill ind the fnl
'owing longtliy articlos, tvhicli opjioarcd in
he ciiluiuiis pf the .'('ut : iv cell previous:
Cruelty n Sullivan," "A watch nith one
vheol," "J, U'llkos Urioth's personal o -'earapce."
etc., etc. 'Clio article which he
iiiblisliod in his looal ttluniiis last wtwk,
ntitlctl "Utilizing tho cramp;" appeared
ai tin! patont n tliis paper seven wcoks
igil. Such iiuiutasurnlilo m:siir
iiice ionoii),'li to uioiio vis, as o ell om his
etiders appoar "wurmy" imluodl The facts
hod abotfu will show olmut how these al'
irinU'd aiJI(onio p.iper.s ivi'o t-int lyelod.
riie.ttiftod editor takes hto slioars and)t lios
rout) Ilia potou exchange'", tu his ap
,)roiiUe'piiitcr tut it upin bie all jirioci'-it-liouio
sltost. mid eharifM his dtlU'l
aibscribfrs doulil price fur ft in paru'l' n
ho tuuio of 'iiewsrw;icP ontcrirle."
'ut upiii hocIi hyTicy. "Vavfcao'i, jniH
in iinolflgont pnaie with ftnji ib'fli still ,
Pi'oliaJilv be edltofof Uie tl4til'o inm -nos
ho ii raiiin;f (in.1 opwspupor. ft't' ,
.ve cannot oon-i-4teul y t!i li con
;iiin no tnd peaking nuiiter, asioli.ct ttbii b
'.t Oibes faun our pocnk olll In found
ircltp fair, e ai o-'-iprt) Hi'ii'i f
Mftl, but still a." local Oiottor, p nia.o 03,
;ee' Oiejenoorl'!r stdo. 9ur ailvlcy m
ilui, gieeu in all gn.i'fcfuoliiig and cenlor,
i i to soil out, and rut I re t a igtiro congenial
icciipatiou bore he rjiill not I vc oeca
don to talk so mueli. His stupidity wil
lot than bo hro'o;ht InU) so much promt
ioiico, wllcli will cortaluo' bo a rellof to
t'lo iieono as well in honollnial to hhusolf.
Dfe ciu JJI.ittfJ fni iu&' fi)llon,
),ILP Riobls ot tylivd, no) thresheii
aeli tf?t. (faraio siQtidisg iiO the
moeiing is on itsffis i iu
the evening. One MJ aero field yield tl
ItiflSb btnhels,
4 disastrous fire lOcurred at Ql&di
Uin itilla county, on (he 7th iu-d.
binder h saloon, ileudrick'n butclic)
shopnud Ketlkuy's gener.d mcrchau
due store were totally destroyed. J)ss
about J&I0.03J.
Ilona-fitle Cost Bale of all kinds of
Summer Dress Ootids, for which cull
or send at onco to Iiotkowitz's Store,
Union, as he does not intend to pack
ilium away for future tratle, as don
heretofore, lloskowi a will always giv.
,011 in liieemunU to moleiiid groaUi
lJargaiin, than iQn bo Touud clse
whore. Hherifl' Sunn li'rs and I'M. Catog hail
u lively time in the Cbinusu camp on
tli railroad 1 ist Monday, trying ti
collect poll tax from the celdtliuls.
They ran iiiomd to fust, jubU'rcil fo
liwly and pnneil their ''tax jinjiers"
from one to the other to dexUnoutly
hut it was hard to keep track of them
"Kor way that nit) dark und Uioks
that tiro vain, tin athen Cliineo U
Hnyward ilati.i uio tho best,
UaUi'onO LniulsCJotMl Xdf
vice GiviMi by J'MniH.
.t i:i)TCllIN?()N"M .A1JM..
Ip thV
Vnjnftli In ciiiltiiig.
$nrron hro:
Local itemvrry scarce.
KH'rybotly haying and harvesting.
Ml-ftid-nn h: ftjiout finished thresh
ing. Vit-1 1 hardly up to his o;Gouhi
tioni but voi good for ntfa gf)uind
an I fliwt trial at ramdiing tt)-cnijetj ifi
ort j.iidL
Mess:-s. Web b it Ilhftbinton am
pr,)gretiiig tin. lr with the ctt'ction of
thoir iuW' aw null; ii iff situated
.ibont tv niil above town, an'l W hopjQ
w.ll adtj (o th busi&osg'of the place.
Wo uo li isitaud that t'nion if circu
lating n subscription to raise thoiwheriv
with lo btul 1 it ro.ttl to tli now miio-.
As it is to be a county road, it should
'te w 11 supported, at- least by lruon
itcs. The railroad ompai.v are not soli
ing th iir is very fast her. The
price tseonsid Ted prettv high tor drv
w.Jd land. Wo think it sh uH 11 ' Fnld
to men that wdl improve it, and not
more th in a tpiartor section to each,
and t)ry sbonH receive a rebafe 0 0
certain amtmu! for every acre broken
up an 1 tow -d to grain. Th" land
would be settled much toon-"' ami tho
business of the road increased to such
an extent that it would very mui'h
nore than pay tiom for the rebate al
We have a now invention hero called
th Ihivineinet'er. It is an instru
ment with clockwork attachment that
is wound up and set at a certain hour,
it is then attached to the niileh cow,
we eup oso somewhere in the rear or
she would go backw ms, aiitl when tho
hour arrives the alarm goes 'oi? anil
drives tome little spurs in tip cow, and
she lights out for home, you bet. Wo
think of having a ) hotoi bono attach
ment, to it w.ll call out "wlnwi!" and
drive up the herd. It, is only intended
for town cows. I suppose you will
want siveralharc8 in this invention,
llari lei).
On last Monday afternoon Mr. V. 0
Mohler, a 'popular conductor tin tlni
O. U. it N. Cos', rtiatl and secretary of
the Conductors' Association which
uiuets in this city, was ninrnod to Mrs.
Clara M'. Ilaeruu accomplished young
lady who has many warm friends iu
ICast rorll.uil. 'I'ho cerhiony' ttk
place atf Hi. Luke's Episcopal church,
Vancouver, IteV. A. h. Niebol. on offici
ating, Tjio luppy couple left to-dy
lor a tour of tlie toutpl and Uril
ish Coliunbia, and will bo absent tuv Wstoks. The preeut wjre uuino
ous and cosily an i ctmratuUtiuos
many. East I Vindicator.
Cooper Shop)
t$, 'B, Ayles, niiiiuf teiui-oi' iifc but-0
ti;r harroU antt kegs', htu alwi(y iiQ
baud a ffttml supply, of tlni Iw.'-tt yjiuli
ty, and will sell them at rvortoonblq
pi'ieo.. f.ivu, lijui a call ut his shoo
ho()!Ii tit tho school home, Union ,
X'uwl.o B.lo. o
Ati-ostino on Suturdoy, 4ng, iSph,. ftp
lohii Binclisrt will soil' tjt publin Ouction.
!J t i'ii lots in the tiwi of Lihuiu, 2) heofl
of sbieW i.ifwa, f.jradn ; traiiehhiery 0d
olIiiT il? too nnmeMni Vo lOuiltioi),
Cerius ut sol, sis rutln'o crtoibo, lib 8n
)fwwl8i.arity. (ttl "inimiadaj live dol;
a.M. al) hf hatul,
CCfffIi lol0uf auuaJtiun. Bti:,, jofer,e(;eitv4
a)'. .Us.' VrlgbVs. Pbjwi' ell lis tilled ut
sauft notice.
XWH), V. Muiinj. iii. 41. CrSRriir
it. CtuwrjJ'i. CIotihw .&6'1:u, ,. V
SUtf(t hiJ it. 3D;. Wirts, ntpiB'i'H ttf
jZJ urn!.; ojf ai-ur I'iaxiig grouuiKo
iiuo a.H oiw-liohi ccrjlcs, hn'j ud 41)
t(0Ti tsllo, vitlUtillt on till Cl'ilUk,
rdn cw,. tlfierfuBB, biR'e luorptij
rotoikn i bWi aj'in9eoi)si'rilm pnipirty,
for JBJt,UBi,(8. welvo iiturej
dm- ut . SJ i to ) , ( 0 (Btli, bu- tlB! pip4(0S
oCtirfllAi'id'Pi i'o'!e&.
PretitbM)t. .
L iu.o,
C. ft, OhAdg.
.$jning Snpt.. . .
. . Da. F. Moorh,
.'P. 11. CitAWI'OUi.
. .C. II. PituscoiT,
)(lico jit UnionUnion county, Qgtj,
'fcils unni)aiiy hiivocomnfS' wnrit
with II vo men. and have taken out ,
ol icicsinitli shop, powder, drills und
til kinds of tools ami provisions, to
vVork to advaiitugo above the ground,
and u 111 increase tho iiiunbei- of men
as soon as praetnble, Tboy intend to
poii the claim with a!) ft. square bed
rock flume on ti 0 inch grade to 10
ft., which with the amount of freu
watoi mid fall, will ctmiilu them to
work a vast amount of ground cucji
eusou. Ami for the development of
the iihuvn ground, they have niitlior
ied Dun. F. Moore to dispose of u
dmitcd itmoiint of sto-k at
TBS H01.I.A1IS l'Klt. S1IAUK
It 8100 each, or nt the rnio of 100
:ior iieni of iniiilnggrouiiil. This mon
ey will he iisu lto the host udviuiliigQ
I'oi' till coiicii'iied iu above stick, and
a'ill be placed hi the Bank id Union,
mil will be paid upon check signed
iy the prohlcut. ami all vouchers unci
lills will he liaiidud ovur to the dlrru
tor for their approval atoyory ineot
uiij of the board.
Dan. F. Mophk.