o THE WliliKLY ORUGOX SCOUT, j-xioy. onwos, sat., Am n, Mv Tin: louulry iiri' fniiijf uftor ))cndy fur hi otitiiifieniis decision in Ihe recent tiinrtjriijro tnx ji". Ill ionduut i LLiii.titllv cti!i(!( ihikmI. mid In h-nlitiTfiiiit x- ()') tinn-.parcnl fol ium (o hide behind. jiUu h Miii1.iv roiirr0h jBoarrooser CioooroJ 1'ntl QnnmiufcdJ 4 to fliurI ltF tsmift(oin flmt xVtr. 0, ofior ntl, 'uffeii-Lo (flmrtfr PflflR'' arc lai)(j tui'lhtt oi't 'i.an;o clir '"iriwwaaaaq' tlto.'8jC't rtifraycd in overhauling fltb ivtimjr rori itnmpr.aFr'iitly juir txntitr tlto Mm 1-itnr of iMr tvnv. Oft t wo prjtfm- tJint even tfiio;'. i tttmio. i R no ilu taut rn.riMt itfs dilo ,jic monitory Hyuipunnsof tiotiblo )i vt lilQ COUVt hOiLO, fftic ORaHt 1'oitlnml VittrilcitfoT cH hiflkinzj it ptclly lively for (be qunek .fliMurR of rhntcity , who ntlpeni' t-. I TprotU ntitutro'id "Wo ipe m Imped it will coni inti:, ll)tt lU'ntili- lill tint puo ot (he ji'liDdl'i arc left. If llicru j ft beiiijr on t tu U tliiii nVtTVos oxloi yninaliii. It i 1 lit iiiiiu who -o Idnj f,'ll tip Its. II ph yf.ri in, s tthi.nt Ix-nty lolly qimlioViT imd ni('!inj sj thor ough JntMrlPil;ro 01 iiii'illi ini.'. Tmiuty Voii Tijbtiiio of 'hp opinion that (hero will lio tin marked riso in (Itl' ijii ' C of wlioaf, ou'mp'O (to line quantities lbat VfoVti botiiit uy ti fJiuJt o.nnbiiialinn of upei'ulators. pltpMHlH ajio wliou there ivoro rt'pt); I- thut the wilder wheat hail been .-on misly (liuiinyi'if'. 'Dim misluko wa pintle by hpci'iilitlivo fiiNiMioiiilx mid Oiodis-ci i'di'lntr of f 111 1 1 if tH kIiiIciiumii n icj,r;ird lo llio qiitiiilily of wllt'iit ic jfiiuiiin:? froiij last ynur. We itji; jilqasL'd lo suo lltal llio iif)ii wlijiili was riiniilal(!il liy I fan. y Moore, iiskinjr tin 1'mi iply conn I it ope 1 1 n road li'oiii tlus valli'.v lo tin i'iiHt ('rufk iniiii's n Jrl( liy m-v-prl liiiiidrud tax p'tyern if llio uoiiii jy , mJI of whom tiro willjiiy ii nil li uaii'iiiy io (In; i.rillcr. Tiiu court rau ( iiofliiii thai act, iiiic t.honld(oso wit limit lo- of liuu. The ;woj)t" wo Iicliovu an1 fully nwako li 111, iiuas-ity of tliu ro id and will coit- ritulu lihernlly tmynrd Iniildiiiy it. The Hiirlluul Standard, loading (V'liiorrntin iiaiur of llio Sialo, not jn fnvor of calling an cxlrn m'sj-'u-ii o (he ieir'el!itiii'i!, lor llio )iirioo o; eh'clinv; n ynuiitor, lint thinly if the fJoveruitr should oalj nn luiia .-ti-hioii, !lf, (ciio:a-alc m u in Ihmm kIiomM alloini id ley hy ovry uiuaus in their imv fir tonh-'i't u diMiioi'ral, ll says tint here are many indications that (In choice of Mich n Svnntor would be tic-' feptiude lit many tt piilIir:tii T.ii s taking ii liMiefit viuw of ihu matti'i jo sav thu luam. Iy is somotip cti hind lo tell how n . (." will lui iiilnale when it o:)cu yois jnto the courts, '$10 celuhrnloi) cae pf II. C. .S u jot to vs .faiiy A. W1I9011. u'Iih Ii was (tOi'iiln I a Mlnpa ijtiiu ajf.i in fliet Iiciiit court Hie court duciouinji (i foiU'ilnreiif llio principal ot llio dohl fhiiino I by Suji'llo, lo t'.iu State, nn (ler the usurv law, iiik roud.'rinir jil lnn'iit iij iiii"t SajellM for c4ts of (iiiit, has Inuiti nppoalu.l lo IheSupnime ininl, hy the iitlurney lor Sujtilte. Mfhoifre coiitideiit thai (ho dueiion ttillhu rovuru.l, IVotiahly thin os tuudevl roatcut will liu duri.jod in the toiit'se of lime. ipi.O.-,a-,,TrB'K-..OBi Tin. i-ii v c.iiincp iiiimi liM'eully passud t"li,ucrv ttj ineut lawn (olative o f A lld'nifT. f-'time of ciutitco, etc., ij Ifcto illppics8, il will Uu9ieiesMi- for ti e i.irhal lo 111 ike irrols PiiPl'iiahle, 01 ll is 9.111 inloiilion of (he council to wo thai lhoe lawn ttre at. in it is probably all rihl, but if they are to bo iissiich law have bueu lie. toloro, simply ID id 1 for ntylu, lliey sliouhl nuver havu been u'oicied, A l iw that ! system ill. -ally diafo irtlod AM I fill ctiiu t be pat in oft'ot, only i, ugjto brinyr into i diiiempi our jit di hi t M -ti'in, and tho imI -l.iU wlm-o tfutv It Is to sue that the laws aru oli- kl V'Sl, 0 Tiih Norlhwost Is tindoubletlly rich iu mwiy other thliiy bosiilo ifohl Olid fiher. .Milieu of coal, coppur, mar lile. etc. , have boeu dlscovOed, nod now i ciiK'3 the news thill 11 discovery Jeis b"i 11 made in I'uyallup valley , V T. . abnut llfle mile, cast ..f Taeo.i,,,. I win !i prom. e to icroltill.itiuo tho j ,,.,,. , r it ,. ...1.. ...... i ll t iI'. 1 ai . ts from I ..iiylvantd , liivc miivi I ii (be ri'oiiu 1 .iiuJ, pro- ! untune (Ik Hid' m i. 1. us t!i 1 st they cvt aw. T.H- od so ll. f i;nl U Kiiuun as .iin'irr," and m 1. i'i n 1 c lilin . , 111. .lit blM , j t. 'i M'd, It Js cf tho bi l i'-t know .1 . b'. It J :tiliiiptlii 1 i Kit 1 ie ii'ii (. 1 - 1 1 i ".ii- hllll: lliilt dn ti'ln' ill ilikinjl the Well l,'00f :. ill :.' I-all'.' ivl. I'.ill HtllVlbleCA ii 11 tit ove: tin alt lit' ill Tttoiilia, HU'1 "nl pi M-pertoi's "i.c mil In I'U'i' tliu lion. Vciiii oiu coun try Is dovoLptntf f 1st. fi -j in: ftillion Milling CVS, VV LLtOLLBIt PhOV ll VVhercver it luib been tried. liimifactuicr-i nr M tin -tut li.i.,1 Or li ! 'Uiil I'll'v ,11 li n I I. it,..' k)il.l f' t'oi-ror Old fQ ti$v -i f J"' I'iin. 1(J.-!.-. IH'i'c Fi.niiliirr, o'- tiT tioj o e pj-! QxsC ji ir.il.'".. M i' --. itn I n'l kili l in' Vito lll.liri' ITUl'll' l irliT. O a'AWOKAOH soi.iiii;:i). 01 Aca(fe A Ci.ll f-iiJtc '8eh(.( t fov Uoy A(.nn. c3f 11. (tuU '0V(!?,o vxtos ooi.'XT, (insi, Vj'ill upon Sept. 17, IM.V rid lit. licv. 11. Wblur .Unrris. 1). I.,cTT(T lur. 'Wie Ilev. Win. D. J'ojycll. A. ll.. l i nii'iinl. Vlli up. cxiierieiu'Cil teaejiut- niul thnr- 'tOtii (iictiiiniiri.in n.t I O'itu ln-itcr, nun? uil by other ciniipetPiit toucher. Itnnnl, .(ihIiIilt, fiK-l. ll.lits nod tuition a nil tirnnt'liBs of u foil ollel;ito inMirw .ccpt niusl", pe'. ipiiirtcr. vVi.IX); intitni u.ntal tn unit. .4 12., "(J. Z-I''op ..-o.ipi.'cttis, or forthor inforinii. ion, inlilrc is 1!kv. Wm. I!. Powklu e . r yfecciisioir School'. For Girls, ITX10.V count v, !OVK, 00 x, The Itt. Itev. 15. Wistar !orriM, D. !.,, Iteclo". The Itev. Win. It. Pow ell, A. I!.. Pi'ineipi!. :..t ,i i.v .v..-ieitt'i'ii and thcruftglilj c 111. el. ait ten 'lion. .1: o.Nl YKAIt Wll.L IIKOIN finiT. Jtd, ISM, ICI'-tr prospi etus or further fnforpitttior. ililrei Kkv. W.m. 1J. i'oWfSLL. C. Gr-xjTiXO, nion, Oregon Keew on linnil the liirf.'e-t imd liest, ae ction in iftiinile Itonde Vitl'cy, of Jnis, Mccicijics, Cncniicals, nnil cviwytliiiiK in the line f TATlONiiltYimil TOII.T AllTlt'M'X Pur Icli'iir ntlettiiiii invited totuir Htoel f SPKi'TACI.KS mid F.Y1-: (ibASSKS .liie!i are iie',sliovl('d(?eil lo lie Mipenor ti il others iu the city. 'ur.liue of .;ancy (ioods, Combs, Crashes, Perftiiuery, Pocket Cutlery, Pino Koiipx !c. is M'lectcd with f?retlt eiire, anil will l mi ml line;. inileil iu extent and variety. Cap'nreful uttMtii)l) jjlven to lMiynl ian't I'l'osuriptions nnil Copntry I'eeeipjs! !:it!tiniit);js. 11 tlis Cij'.fily omirt of Ihs 8iat3 of Oreuou. fu;1 Unio; liounty. N, Ilowliptil It IK I S"' "1" I'lnlntlfTa. ..v a, i -- uws together, K. S. McConmi 1 11 in I Defendants. J.T. McCoiniiN, To K. H. Mi t'ouoiu mid .1. T. MeCnnuis bfcndinits, In the titiove entitled neti hi. Ii he tiuuiu of the State of Oregon, you tir loreb.v ruipiired to appear In .he abovj en itled court ami aiH.atr tbu eonuilidiit ll'.e i;tlnst you in the ulmve entitled uetion iy the first day of tho next regular terni'o aid court, ufter lla eonip'utt) puhliuiMoi if tlil-i Niiuiuioos, for six iM)Hoeutivu week. -wlt: On the 7th. day 01 SMteniln'r, lHW r for wuiit thereof, plaiiitttra will ns), ti lttoieiit auaiust vim for the sum of ut (Mi mil interest thereon ut the rate of H oe em. purtiuiiuii)., iroiu i:ie otiv ot fsep Jinber. IB'!, and for eosU and UUbu.v iients of this uctlon. I his summons t;i pu'illslied hy order o' he lion, A. '' Crui Judge of UHid court lMtutl Julyh, I J. W. Kuui-vov. tgl-wQ Atty. for Plintlfl'8. Xiiluio or riinil tteMU'iuriit. Iu tho ','ounty coiirt of tho State of Oro- Hun, ror 1111011 uotoiiy. in tne inatieroi tho estate of T. J. 1 anrlas, 1 o: mso.I. w i.f'f.n tu llMls.ltv- iH .111 flint 1 I. , in. .I,. 1. J, ",.'i"..w..-,',",.. ...W. , ,.,..,V, s'irtii'il, lnwoii' tlli-il tu Hi ' (' Mini 1' iurl el rtiliin noiintv, ()re(iin, ihul lie "unlit of his adio'iiiHtritlon of 1 he jt w e c' P. .1. 1) nejl'i. duo ai'd, and priv.iiK for u ,1 xeb trst '. and tlisjt Tifisd iv, tho Klh. tl iv f Heplumher, 188. ut I huh or 31 UluVIk v. M. of s ild d.iy, ttienaiiie le'ir-t d y o! Hie reitolar Septetitlier t Tm of said co'tirt, has I9eu u;ii iltited u.s the I in1, and th 0 iirt h'lusii 111 tbiloii mm t tm plaoc, for hmtr 'iivcohjjetloiiH to sulil iiei'ooiit, and thu nut -tlenii'iit thereof, and f r f-ho wln eaus.i, ll . ny iherf be. why nn ortler he nut' m ole. dUe miviiur the uiu1cinI(;iiui Irotu further duly us kiiub 11 lintii arilir, and i!euIiij: tiii. huretiu frout turther liuUliUIv on the iindertukliur. Dated tbtk 201)1. iy of June. 1885. .iiinv Mn v 1.1. .1. It. (THITKM, Aimruey. AdiuinUtrutor, Notloo lQi- 1 iri:l vtl .1.. U. B, IaNU Orm-u. UvUuanui, t)m.io, an. On Inly Xlth. IS. N'otlee Is herebv cttvon UiMt the follnwtitu- iimoosI nettler has (lied uotli-cof his inten tion tu ninko tluul ircMif lit Mtipport of lib cUlni, und thut Kttid pnMif will Ih untile Im f nv Ke'ster and Keci'lver t a (ii'uiulv. Dre.roa, ott Sept. 12th.. lMi5, vl: Tttiomu liinir iVV ' fjEL: STil A ft. lilvM Hil.TIo. tSTA forthfS'-MWi.- .!.,. ? Si: Iiijmios the followbijt wt', t se( t pr--'t' ItWciO.iuuoO rei"idue iun. mid jvSti- v, .1 f iH,t,r und. vl: Juim VW'eU. Win, r.His. V. LNimUi ami Ciouloa Ant HV, all or N.iri'i Powder, ()r( ayMt. Win, KHis. p. L.Nnuth mid C(ttl Aiitbo- ntil-W.1 HefNter. UeiHt.r'a tt, The mictorslKUoU UjivIu boa uitur p- f uuititHi x"mr;x 01 xw tmte ox Ar n Aiidemon, dot eased, Nuti 1 itercPv uiv en lo I1 pernios lovlnt?r n a "'n . ' i (' laU- .0 IWUt HO MRU'. v.Ii 1 ...i It, -. 1 saiU ektt.'tttrh a' h i- I'il. il. 11, . , 11 ii .'-in ru -"tlto. tt !. 11 " , Atvi i ' I' , . .1 t!. . . 1 1 . i ' M h i ii i i i THK 9 COLUHPHS BOGGY Ilavo np.inted llic MEI!CA0r,E auilMLlNQ CO., of Ihnd City, C.OS;i QSiStp, jld)(ay (jffBC(J) . . .-..v.w-xr, itir-i;. ii.c uiti-!l.iu'i; (D 0 Tile Ccluitilitis Jnggy Conipnnv were nuMHitsd l)te (SOU) MEDAL at, IJie WoiKI'n Knir, Jfew Oi loans on the IJHST DISI'LAY oflijilit nua .JI ICS, CA jlltl ACJlCS, jitc, over tixly 'conipetp All thn(. wnni ttt lipy, or ooiipt- hmmt mm n 1 I lihite bliviii". jiiltl nil Otiior Who Witilt L.I.i1,1.11 i ?1,V' 11-,M" f010!111' " "' l"'?t l ire Iit-tirunee Coniptmies In Ihe world, v'z pi.ut iJiiju0, .iiiii imutnu' jfo w.ui. ,?nmi ,M , , .v.vTlUXAbi UAMlil'lj & JlAODICUUltCt. llAMIStn.'C-V.ltE (() f00 n MAX, mid tlKltitANl'A. Solicitor foV the lultiat bile Iiiurani,e Co., of Nejv York. SlrioiJy ? t Vehicle, Arc Itospcplftilly invited to cull ;tipl p.:iiniiio them. 'he Mercanti 0 III Co., -or- SLAND CITY, Curry npo of the Iaroht itockn cf ,- s iera Jivcr in this county, Cotifistins in pit, p DRY QQQpl'j OiOTUlNQ, 9 CJROCEIUBS, STOVES und TINAVAHB. ItpN und aTKSfi, IiOKSJ3 NAILS, , AND A Qcncrnl jMtiortiMct of UL'tiUlES, ......, . UAUlVS, LAJXTes etr. Vu inofboimtcmtly invito all to cull 0 o and oxuimuo oiir stock, mid lintl opt our prifos, hoforo qmrelitisiiitf 0U0- whuro, Uavo ootuo to t.v, $t want your U'itdd. und If honomblo rtruU lngh UOW 1'KliKS will (rclU, vu will Uavo li. lleun tuber the old itand, jjJOOD- 'w " . NOUOIL'S ISLAND CITV STtlBlf , . ,, THE M, & M. cq. M..WH ' 1 I ... 1 WNION .0 movfPSendiiKj off for ooofs, 5' - - fjCrjpf?, Tf.-ss ituTiftf 3 have tl.AlllU.Cju one tti'ncral MficliaiHiieo ewiMtroiijrlti good nt n yi-Qit redilniioii on t'rfcj u.).4? Hi V, (fydspir tin la GhujTiarivu? Poplins, WHITE f:Of)DS, ci, Price now iu cli and "."1 ets., CLOT l.iutt.,) Price now 5-10 0). ? 1 2.00, .fl.VCO, Qood 111 all our oilier ! -Stttx ZO . "E5-S) -rtMtfS; k,';i) Hacks;! o " ' tip, sfiW fF-. Prliifj.-iwnrnnf Hip fnot llu.t lite people of .li - valley Imvu l-een In Hie habit of urn jlhiff Ktiel tor Hi ii,trs needed 111 (he ui.ove 1'iiei, owing lo llio !iMtdV!Ui1 aires tiierehiinl' li.ive hdiored under, iu to Irrfelit lac lilies, I h ive obtained sp. chi rales, itntl lmviic Imtiirhl iny j-'ootls as cheap as I hey can he bought, I am in a poMrlon to -ell them nt PORTLAND PRICES I would call the aUt.ntloll of the plllillc to the f ict that have the -0I0 axfiley for OKTS WOLD'S PATENT Lamp Fillen Cllltl MAC II IX R OILKHS. Fur L'niim ami ltil-r, Cnnuttm. AUo itjrent for the following m tides of tho PAR AFINE PAINT CO'S. CbOTIl CO.MPOCND, lor elolh, eiinva-s, lope, e'e. I.UA I IIMK PPK MilVA'l'lVi. for lla now and all kinds of leather. ltUOl-'lNll, which Is water proof, com cniejit,' aiu preservative, X. 15. Orders resfcifully solieiied from the interior, which will nl a!. tiniuH meet, our iirompi utlonlpni. HSPECTFUILY YOUlfS, IN ilKHC'IIANfJISM. W'ylend, lipl never follow, ami defy eompetlliqn in all our deimilinonis. N E VV IM PORTA TI ONS Kn route fpo.n Ivistem and Wes;rn 111 iiuf!tcturie.s. We buy for Cnab, nnd will soil tlio Clioieest WOODS Ci I H.M'IiU THAN TIIE'tMIKAPKTS. An iumtetiH' wtoek or Dry (J 'il-. f 'blh'tis?,, (ienlH, '"urti'shhcr (iootl -. Uwts and Shoes Cal.toriiia and Orepiu It:ittki-I. (iroeencs, Hardware, Croekerv Tohaeeo and C!-rr.iv, .Slatiouciy, Notions, etc., e.lc.. e instant Iy on li tntl. 2JA cordial iuvitatliiu extended to all to call on me. c.vuifiic. jj.iodH, and loar.i prlcet . Adolph- Levy,, Union Or. -r- Main (inns, liovolvors, Cll and ivauiinc my flock ami prices at 1 JD. 1o(L. 03BOT15TTrp So CO,, Maiiufaettirerit of - Ao. U4 and noa tro)ii9Strr.ej . l-Hluud, Orajon. 5fTho attention of farmers Is prt'c ilarlv railed to the munv inmruv. meuta which wobuve n.aih' Iu u.r .-t li-ll t.U ut: ii.ote.-u r a r the cui'. u ol ifK't. Independent Mawt'i.-, Itiilepeiidetit Uoiperi, Coinbined Kcapcts, Mo wen ami Dropjier, Twine SELF-BINDING HARVESTEB8, . O ' ! A Binder Tiuck. Oumllo ( ttt ileiY, UurJo. II tiMiiuding Harvester I. k..K. l ..-II.. I w w ' V'" " ' 4 U Hlo U.,,N, nurvesier. i.ut examine tl t ISIJUUXK" lit'foiv .urrlotiijf . Wrtflit Brof., Agents ut. Union. Oregon, Mi M r t,- 1 Jlia4, AHEAD - - ji.sl rplu.)otrfi n01 B)Crt Biuincl'!i? wilh the l,t.-i.Ffcnntl)hc?0H'lHct9,i sloe3) to CtliOn county. nni we onVjffci former pi vi,, ' db'or exainpler Pr! fi'!(iHTh P.', Ifi 1,' ,1 roil.- it il! ,i . in Kiijie prcjjortii.it j el.", mid one dollar, H ING, $'.'0.01. Toru,r r price 12.C0, $13, 30, p2o. linos in same proportion. .. BOSKOWITZ. rtc. wrtJTrinm Shvet, - - - - Uaiuu, Oregon. Dealer in 6. .'out o Tho A.'."!!u:?d UT. OVAL CHURLS PF.OllA oad Of. AST FjtCl'J j&ns. GHAXigi:- inox WAIih, SiLVFIi IK. I.V A', Ac. duul Asnuuilion. the old stand of tho bile John Hums. 9- IHmiintf Wiro, nml Twlac. IH...I. . . . . u"",lr mime u not n. iieeciveu Price f"fllH'flv HarfflKP , Twenty Hois Vnntetl 1 'RIfOK, AT. FliANK JOHNSOX'g Blacksmith Shop! for, Malnnnill; st.talt, Vni u. Orczun, Not lictr tljan tvrr prepared tn do nil K'mjsof Mut'kriiiitli wurk t.t the lo'M"-; n.toi,. Hoyao HlifK-in-jf n Specialty W3ftXl!!l( lill' tllO licit tt'.irl.- mill u!l vi'l H!iKT.:r. To itc . i: i' i'i-i. O X 3 3:0. I. 'JT- ?".1INK. Puiu im. ll kind- lifdilaek-iiiithiii"! and wngiiii ork djmc iy, a o() ,t pnrk iiiaiiUke iiianiicr, i'hn very In.st of v, m Uuien cmplovcfll muiSK snnnrx(r axd 'PAIItfXU DOXE IX S II OUT (1 U J. TiT'hop op; i;ti. A, l'. IVasiiii's Iihi j -la. ile, .Ma 11 Mint, I'n.oti, t icu'"ti. I'iiy xhc liiiywurtl I P. H fi Fire iixtiiuniishcr. I.'y .-i-y'iiii'v shuiild have them. Men, wont n or 1 h'ldien can tt-e thenp Thousaiida f dollars worth of f iperty saved every lay. They don't freeze, are ik t injurious o I'.esh or fu'oric, and are always ready.. '011 u imi"f titlord to he without them, i- .1. lie h . ien. Av'ent. 12t Market 8t.. m Kruitci-eii. ('id. fink it Dwiyht, Agts, ,:i Cr.inde, (re;;nn. ' 'estrella" KEY WEST Impoited llahuna dgar. NONE JU2TTKK. 1). Tl. 1IKKM, Xotary Public ANl- iO i;oiivcyancoi". OfFiCE tttte band Oftle Intiltliii.' hilon, Union county, Oregon. s ,). Y, STHANfJIJ. DENTIST., OKKKK pir,ur M.In and A Stroetf, 'nlon, Oresi.t,. ALL 'Q STIilCTLV KIHST 'LASS, Chiti'Ves rca.-ouabln. '.WY.TiMiS I am; proparod to negotiate jomu ipou well improved farms, for atorrrj f years. Fpr imriicuhtrp r.:ill 01; IL' O. P.ILLINCS, Loiin liroker, IL Ciitps. Uih A 1 llio office of J. 011, Qn'o.'on. SMiJKK OUll "PUNCH '; Bet Havana l'.lKd 5 Five Cent Cigar, 3, Jon, 'k Uro'.s iiymi'.--, Union. JO. t-i'lSLLNHKY ci CO. ef3 'onm' Mtiin al J! ';v''i Oeale i's In Union GRO6ERIES0 CAXXXD a OOPS, v-AMETV AV& ANCy UQO, TOBACCO aUd CtGAltti oir.rs' vuuxjsiusci unos, WATCHES, CJ.QOKS, ami IE WELftYi ilasswar". Mu1ca1 tnstrnnpnfH, pleturd frunniis itnU l'kt'.nis, t mlitim?, ll.rd cascos, Hahy c.irrt- llfTcs, etc., Candies and Wuts, tatlonery, t-'ehool ho ik, l'er'oilIoaU, Nov o!s, etc., of evnt'v ilceriptloi), M. KINDS Or KltKSlI rilUlTS Always on hund. W'e keep eom.umly on IuumI, overythlnji; '.isiiiilly kopt In r. Urt dtws vniimy atoru. ryurdeis. from any port of llut ootiutcy tntfiio promptly attotidotl to. . 4. TIIE "HOI S woeklv J uiru d, devjttel to Uw Internt l .istt nt ' " und prttca)r Union fount v. ixpkpkndkxt ix eveuytiiino II Im Im joUnO VwMJtib iy wfwi nira i,t e-ilcuiiuiit In fene-tbi' tna ot wtin ind Ju-ttH, una an Mnntw my of dHinitfncruea, el hi lie Hrt rittx. f. fll .rt i 'in' "i i io mrikmp ? blacks a yvaTi twb Hi nii" lror