pmjuum JQ.i1 immii rrn wmCTWttw wtuirim c The Weekly Oregon Scout. VNWX. (UtK(rOX,SAT., At,'(i. Xth.. 1K". A I'I'tt' FACTS. Self preservation wo believe is lie ciiimnnpil in Iir llm rli'mf in- hl,,v""V - - vtinct of mankind, nnd it would scciir that tlicsame law would govern eom mtinilfl. Such, however, is not the wise, as evidenced by the apathy and htnpid indifference nianifcslcd by the people of Grande Hondo Valley, and llio town of Union in particular, in re yard to opening up n highway to the Pine 0cck mines. This mining boom is not an ephemeral excitement, but a fortunate discovery of u rich mineral district, which is destined to become, in a very few months, of much impor tance, Populous camps will be estab lished there which will have to be sup plied from some point on the railroad, lind that place will be next in prosper ity and importance to the mines. Union can occupy thar position if her itizciiH desire it, and will loosen their grip on a few of the well-squeezed lpiartcrs in their pockets, wake up from their Hip Vanwinklo-liko trnicb iimltiike in the situation as it is. The load can be built from here to the Inines, via Catherine creek, with but Very little cxpcie. The distance will be about ilSorll) miles fifteen miles horkir than any 8lhor point to the mines, and it would be a pleasautor road to trlivel, ou account of the ro Iresbing streainH, luxuriant grass and hiagniffcent scenery on the route. hH this road oneo bo established, and M'C what a change will come over the Spirit of our dream. Stage coaches laden with trtvclers, will come and go, scores of freight teams will lind profitable employment, our hotels will bo thronged, our merchants busy, lu'dporty Would double in vnllie, our farmers wdilld find ready and protit Ublosale for their produce, and an era if prosperity wotild dawn upon us. U llio picture overdrawn V We think hot. is the object worth working for? Wo believe it is. We not only believe it is worth working for, but believe it is a llmttcr of lifo and death to the town of Union. Let a populous camp once bo established on l'iuo creek, Mlh their interests at linker City, their Hugo lines and freight teams rtinnkig ' 'J that place, ami it would bo but a Very short time till tho peoplo there Would annex; themselves to Maker bounty, Union would lose the county seal , properly would bo worth about fifteen cents on the dollar of its pres ent valno, and all that would be left bf the population , would bo a fow old fossils, too feeble to get away. Such I llio state of affairs, and what Is go to bo dono about it? Tho County I'UUrt nt Us last session, we believe, Untoug other appropriations of twelvo 'or llfteeu hundred dollars for the re pair and construction of bridges throughout the valley, made some kind of a provision to have work dono mi tuu'rdiid leading from Sparta to Uit- mines, hut as it principally bone Uf) linker City, we can't see 1111V great Hisdom in their proceedings, it iiinv be urged by some that tho mines, possibly, may turn out to bo of not lunch consequence after nil. Allowing Mils to bo (rue, it still in a fact that Uig creek and Pino and Kilglo vallios ire important tunning districts ami diould have been connected with Un '.'it, by this route voars ago. If there not a mine in that rogion, the money would bo well exponded in building this road In order to get the 'rado of tho farmers who now trade it linker City, because it is nearer, Hud hotter inducements are of fitted for Miem to go tlfe. The people of lin ker intend, if possible, to keep this nide which Is now growing into so Uiich inlporlaiico. To that mil a '''mpanv has been incorporated to bttlld a loll road from there to the mines, but as the road Will rtin part of the Way On tho lino of our proposed road, It should meet With strenuous opposition, Nothing should satify the people of this section, but a good road p om herb to the mines, froo for all. li Ip disgusting to ico with what apa !'N ottr modorn shylocks and would money makon, view those things, ;uid with What fulao nnd narrow so phistry they doludo lliomsolyos. None ire so blind nfi those who will not eo. Wo urge this innttor because it l-cqulros prompt action and is soiiio V'bigwo cannot afford to disregard. for ourVclf, wo aro willing to do "'oro thali talk in this mattor, and will ' eiitrlbut'o as much money as any oth r man according to ourworlefly pos sesions, Let those who should ho iho most interested In thU mutter eII mooting of the ltlrms. thnt Mops nnv be taken to lmyc UtU rond in :jimilug ordor without delay Kjifeiiloi- Nolti. . Mi -umler.U imI bavin" Im'I-M dnlv au- .it )t-l 'rnriK o( tic tii n Aaron AfllleroKll (i1H'x-.1 Ni'l'M i- I It gl fl 10 U V '"' ' Hfa'ost "d fttluie. I i ' ii Muni i ' .i.'ii i;,, it lit i .'-i-' " 1 1 Itt'lllt', n, 1 1 il ii . i III i i I i ll. I . llftittoi. I'li'i 141 ' 11 ' 1 '' ' I mind iliAUL lA wi July iV n. , , , lnti I'. MkMiu. V , . K, hi THE COLUMBUS BUGGY Company Have appointed the MEKCANTILE iimlMILLI.NG CO., of Ishnd City, their agcQs, and have shipped to them the first OAK LOAD of Buiiies, o -AND- Hacks, The Columbus Uuggy Uompanv Yvore awarded the COLD MUl)AL at the World' Pair, New Orleans, on the 11 EST DISPLAY of light IlUO U1ES, CA UK I Ad ES, etc., over sixty compete tors. All that want to buy, or contem plate buying and all others who want to see a Strictly No. 1 Vehicle, Are Ue'speliirully invited to call anil exanliiie tlicui. The Mercantile -AND- III CO., - -OK- SLAND CITY Cany one nf the largest stocks of 71 ere Eil' ill this coiiutv . t'onsistiitg in part, of DltV COODS) CLOTHING, UHOCEUIKS. STOVES and TiNWAKE I HON and STEEL, HOUSE SHOES, HOUSE NAILS, O . ATTf im TTV ,0. e,ANl)'- A Ceiii-ral assortiueiU bf UUC'ilEs, IIA01CS, CAKT5, etc, 'q itiost ournotiy Invito iill to call anil oxanmiO our stack, and ilud out our prieoe, before puruhislng elie VvhdrU.' Wu ItaVo Come t3 itaj'i nnd want your trndo, and it lionomblo ibmi lujy nnd LOW IMUuUS wlllgatil, W0 will Iihvo it, jj ItuWHiltofr tWiiiil sUuil, (loHlv .NoPnil'K 1KLAN1) PITY HT(WU. ARTS TEE M. & M. Co: MiT MtV. oil UNION No more Sending qffofor Goods. rp rri "PnlJin. I have IU JLJIC JL IIUIIL. one of General Merchandise ever brought goods at a great reduction on Price now H, 10, IK yd per one dollar. Price formerly 12, 11, 10 yd. per one dollar. Ginghams, Poplins, Cashmeres, Buntings, "WHITE GOODS, etc, In same proportion. SO Hi 2) 1'rlcu now r0 Ct- nml "i elh, Price formerly 75 cts. and oiid dollar, CLOTHING, iSlilt.,) PliCi' now IO.0O, I'J.OO, l.VlW, .fJO.00. Former price Jfl2.fi0, $15, $20, ;'J.. (ioods in fill otir other lines in same proportion. lleiiiL' nWfironr the fuel Unit the people of till1" valley liavelieen In tho lialilt of sen itlli Ka-I foi-tliiliMii'eiled 111 llieilliovo line-, owiiifi to the '.lNailYalltae iiiereliant have labored under, a to freight faeilities I liaVe olitained special rate, and havinjr liou'ht nlv froodi as clieap as thev cnn bo bought, I am inn portion to -cll them at PORTLAND PRICES. 1 would call the attention of the public to the fact that 1 have the sblu agency for GRIBWOLiyS PATIENT Lamp Fillers and jVACJJXJ': OLMIS, For Union ami llalccr Counties. I anl nlio aSent for .-mile bf tile hrSil l'lrt- In-tiranee Companies In ilie wbrlib viz: HOPT11 lUM'lTslI ,t NATIONAL, UAMlUMtd it. MA(U)KHlIKfJ, It AM HlTlKI-IMtK-MAXj and CKItJIAN'IA. Soliidtol-for the Miltual Life Insurance Co., of Xew oil;. AIM) agent for the following artless of the PAHAFINE PAINT CO'S. Cl.OTIt CO.Ml'OlTND.for cloth, eanva-. rope, etc. LUATHKIt J'KK-UVATI VK, for llariits. and all Uillds of leather. KOOFIXli, which is water proof; eoiivenient, and pref-crvative, N. 11. Orders respectfully solicited from tho interior, wiiich will at all timcS meet bur prdinpl attention. RESPECTFULLY YOUUS, MM .JJ'rT mms'T r-l IN MECCIlANDISE Wolcnd-, but novel follow, and defy competition in all our departments. NEW IMPORTATIONS En route from Eastern and Western m inufacttiries. Wo buy lor Cash, arid will sell the Choicest ' GOODS CHEAPEll THAN THE CHEAPETS. An linmin-o '-tooU or Div Hood. Clothing,, Hi nt, l-'iirnMilng (loodr. ltoV)t;; and Shi.. , California and Oregon, (iroeerle-, Hardware, Crockery Tobaeioatld Cigars, ."stationery, Notions, etc., et, constantly on hand. lis eohllal Imitation eMimied to all to "all oil inc. examine goods, and lc.ihi prh AdoSph Levy, Union, Or, cm mm Mr smn, ft mm m, fims. "Revolvers, Cull and eatnlne m Mnk ind pruei at 3D. 3yn. OSBORWB Sc CO,, - -Ma'uifaeturr of Aos. 'JO-J and 'Jtiti J-Yunt St)rr(i l'tiiaHd, OwjoH. 3rTlifl attention of farmers Is liartlfiiluflj "all d to the ninny linproi . nicit iVldeh wriMtwi iiiuilu In our !?elf-ltlndlnic IlarMtPr for the s.-imiii of ISXS. Independent Mower independent Ucapcrs, Combined Itcupcrs, Mowers and Droppers, Twino S.ELF-13INDING HARVESTERS, Hinder Trucks , Huudle CatTivr, iMndink AViro, nd TWluc. OitrNo. U Solf-Biiwling Harvester I tnr .) Stctivt'ralne Uurvestpr and Hinder iiuide. Do not bo dcolvSl h bp- Mi-culled Steel llarveutor .but examine the OSHOUNE" bWoro pbrujinfelii,'. Kirfoi au: utni- nNufrttirtil.b JLSllOUNU sJU for tHo vh tbtrt) )tr oih oiii iIiuhI U uilUuf to u r mdllu 'i tho folloivtnt laonl afcMnlai Wright Bros-, Agonts at Union; OregQi-H AHEAD ! just returned from San Francisco with the largest and best selected stocks of to Union county, nnd we now offer former prices. For example: )TfX 1. A. BOSKOWITZ. JOS. WKIGTTT, - - - Vniou, Ony'dn. Dealer in- The Celcbiated 'AT. OVAL CHORDS PhOliA md GL.ST FliCT i A its, anAxrrt:- wax WAIlh, Slf.i'Eli- i'ai:j:, tv. OtTTLBEY and Amiuritioii; the old stand of the late .to'lin Hums, . rt-.-'V. A- .. w .M j- HOWLAND & LLOYD, - -MnniifiK turi"- of - mmm IT. ij ' J tTj Main Street, I'ninn, Or. Keep rnntantlv on hand a lnrff sunp'y of Parlor and lied nxou set-, Jk'dilmp. Desks, Otllco 1'iirnitnre. etc. UpliolntorhiK Done In the li"t Style liOttnges, Muttriwe. n"d all kinds of Fur- iilturo inatlu to order. I'ATltOXAOB SOI.ICITK1). Blacksmith Sliop! Cor. .Unliinnd I! .Streets, Hiiloii. Oregjon. F. S. JOHNSON. Prop. Nnv better than evpr jirepared to do all kinds of blueksmitli work at the lowest rates. Horse Shoeing Jt Sjiecialty. r-Xone but the be-t woikmeii em ployed, and all work waKrwtki: to bk FIHST ri.ASH. COME AND SEE ME. Leighton Academy. A Collegiate School for Hoy. and o Younj; Men. COVE, UNION COUNTY, OGN.. : "Will open Sept. 17, 1885. The Kt.'ftcv. 15. Wi-tar Morrin. 1). D . Hec tor. The Hew Win. It. rowel), A. II., Principal. With ai experienced teacher and thoi ough disciplinarian ai Head Jlnsler, ted by other competent teachers. Hoard, washing, fuel, lighli ami tuition in all branches of a full eollejtiato coiirM'. except music, per.f juart"r, $."(UiO; instru mental niusic, .1-J..")0. TJ!7l;iir prospectus, nr further informa tion, address Hkv. W.m. H. I'owku.. Ascension School , ?ur Girls. COVE, UNION COUNTY, DON. TheHt. Itev.l!. Witar Morris, 1). P., Hector. The Hew Win. H. Pow ell, A. II.. Principal. Assisted by experienced and thoroughly Competent tonciiert. si:coxii vnu wii.i, iu:i.i tfv.rr. 3d, l.sVi. iT2FlM'r prospectus or further information addres Ki:v. Wm. H. Puwki.i.. A If WM mil Has beeh opined at the lllttCK P.ClEDIN(i SOUTH O I. A. nofkowitzN Store, Union, Where can be found a epmpl.ite stoik of Medicines, Chemicals, aiid articles us ually found in a well stocked " DlM'd .STUNK. Particular nains have been takeii to select inedlc(nes of grealp urity, ami an experience of oerten years, both Hast and Wist, gives us confidence to guarantee every article sold to be genuine, and of the best quality. We also earn- a toek of STATIOXUHY. Sl'UNti K. 12 Y 12 (i LASSI2S, TU1U2T AKTICLKS. Cl(i AltS, I2tc, And w ould be) pleased to haeyou call and examine our goods. E3T direful atteiitioil giien to l'hysiciaiis. Prescriptions. It. C. (iHI2Ui, Pi'opriitor, I'tiiou: Oreg vimm to wam. I am prepared to negotiate: loans upon well improved farms, for a term of years. For particulars call on P. O: HILLINGS, Loan Hroker. Al the billee of ,J. 11. Critbs, Un ion, Oregon. HLl.'E MOUNTAIN aa is i 3 fferv l MW 11 Alain Svect , Union , OiU. Hkxky STitiKr.i;, Puoi'iuktou. i3"()rders.from any part of tlioMtlley will receive pronmt iiMenllnn. I huve ou hund. ome el y line IJOCK HI2I2H. Drop in and sample if. .7. W, STUANGE. DENTIST, ()KKK.'l2-Cornrr Main and A S'.tvts, I'nion, UicKou, ALL W'lWK TPlCTLY FIRST ("LASS. Chargis rca finable. at Market Afuiii Sh'crf , dunn O"' HomNs & liiisiox, PitonuiKTims. Keep eolistaiitly on hand- - ju:j;f, pokk. veil, AiuTrox, V. I US. IGF, JL I MS , LA It 1) . c7c . GOVE TANNERY. Adam Cuossman, PitophiKTon. lhts now oil, hand and for sale the Wi-t of JLUIXFSS. LA I) I GO, Ul'FFAl nun LACK LKATllEIt. SlftVP &KIXS, irr. PORTLAND PRICES Paid for 11 idea and le ts. CENTENNIAL HOTFl. 7i , Das. F. Slooifi-: , i ,, , Pi.i-nm.i' 1 A woll stotLcd bat ill connection with iho. li)U60, .and none btijt.thu bct lnnndsui Hquoiuiil olgtirs Uopt. . L.vwi.K.vMiMiR numi.s iuKtbv caiu)ix4Uou of comt rclJl iraetni COMMEHCIAL k ( ppoite Cent, hotel. ,OHK S. El.MOTT, PlSUfltir.TUlt. Havinif furnishod this old and pop' ttlar hostlery with ample room, plen ty of feed. good hostlers and new biiirgici, is better jirepared than ev er toaccomodatT eiHtomers. .1r T Kit MS nre JULiSOXAJlLE. 1'AILIIOAD M Livery Stable! Near tlie Court llotlse, A. I'. P.kxsox, Proprietor. Inlon, - Oregon. Pine turnouts and lirt class rigs for tin accommodation of the public goner ally. Coneyane.s for uom , mereial men a specialty. J3!fThc aeeommodation for feed cannot In excelled in the alley. Terms reasonable. O NOPTIl POWDEll RESTAURANT! PUNY STKVliNS, PItOP. The traveling public will please take mi tico that, in addition to my salooiii in North Powder, I have opened a KIKST CI.A HK.STAUHANT, and rc-prctftilly -ollelt a share of the public patronage. The tabli r will alwavs be supplied with the 1JEST THE MA1MCET AI'TOHDS, and no palu wdlf be spared to make iiiy patrons eonifortable. Call on me, n.vr, oitiXK axu in: UArrV WAEEA WAELA nsv pan rxy u. xat ULL it ULI U (.'onier Main ami A Streets, I'nion. E. MlI.I.i:il, PllOlMtlKTOK Keeps alwaj - on hand the finest brands of H'lXFS, LQUOJtS, and C GAltS, The very bot lager and bock beer h 11. e market, at L'o cts. a quart ) Peer and lunch 2f cts. A tine billiard table for the accolnthod.l' Hon of eiHtoinels. Drop in and bp r-oeiabh- U N S IB" O 'JP. .1. It. Noiuni:, Pitoi'ittirroii All kinds of blacksmithing anil waginl work dono in a good work manlike milliner. The very best of workmen employed J 10 IIS F SJIOFIXJG AXi 1 1 J'AMIXG JJOXF OX SUOIir XOllCE. J3Shop opposite A, V. Hensou'.- Liver table, .Main sirett, union, uregou. Oi:o. Wnioiir, W. T. Winoirr, . Cllshie'' 'residcnt. . BAN -OF uxivx, oAvgoX- l)oe. a general Hanking Hiislness. Huy and sells exchaiigi), and discounts coinmereial paper. Hit Colli I'tiniH carefullj atti'mUd to, am' promptly reported, Wwy tho Haywstrd. ? Sh FT5 ft la A )J il y al al IMU ? Vw i:.tinriiisliL'r. I2 erylinily sliuulil have thein. Men, woii,i en or i hililreli can ue them. Thousun.-. of dollars worth of property saved evurv day. They don't freeze, tire not injuriou-' to nch or 'fabric, iiml are always ready.. Ymi cannot alliird to he w ithout them. ! .1. Heiht, Cien. Agent. 124 Market St Sun Kruncisco. Cat. Cook it Dwight, Av;'-' La (irunde, Oregon. i, -r f.T ii VNi't'-u Notibe of Ivlnit Settlement; In the r:otin!v Court af the Stnte of Ore, Hon, for I'ldnik county, lii tij' matter ci the estate of T. J. Douglas, deceased, -fv-r-otiee Is lurebv given, tlial the undei j LJ signed, liaving HleU In the.Couim eouit of Union county, Oregon, a ftmil tut count of his administration of the etnte of T. .). Douglas, deceased, and praying for a discharge, and that Tuesday, the fctli. div of September, l.W, at the hour o( lOo'eloetl a. M. of : said day, the sainr Iwln u day ,uf tin) regular September term of Miid eouiI lias been appoint d r& the time, and tUt, court liouse in Union a Die place, for lieai ing objections to said aretuint, and tUe-elr tleineiit theieof, and for allowing eaiist,, il anv tliere lie, why an order lip not made', ili-'chiirglug tho underidgiied from furthc1 tint v as such adniliiLsuiitor, nml releasing hi sureties from further linbilitku oil tilt undertaking. Dated this th. day (if .Tilnc, loSi. .tnltV Mil!Al.l. .1. H. C'KITIU, . Attorney'. AdminUtratoP, Ailnilnlstivit.or's Stilo. NotKi Is hereby riveu that by Ui'thec't n order of tlie Countv comt of the tte r Orison, for the wurity of .IJntom mud ! enUreil on record on the tOth, day ot .nnv, a. i. tn the iimtter at the tmutc of U. WuUou, tUteaed. 1. undewUxiH-.! administrator pf ald eitaU.will, ";", Mon dv, the loth, dav or Augsf, a. p. W, at : o'oWk v. u. att-'uld dy, t ib urt hou. rtoot in iho city o Uulon, I nlou count.. Orvitnn, offer fo; sale the nil tut i I . iu to tbc catote of Mid dewwd. nl wlm h i the Wglwt bidder, for cb lu Uuud. , . uurpo of nyint iM debt due bv - -id Ute, Mid ihf i'scik'H ol iidiulul-ir'.,. , The f..ll"K Ii : If tnf dotcriptlon of -in I U I. .1 On - I l ' I'm ,11 o U I "f -,. lb oi 1! i i ,. Ii M, i !,li .m. "' ' I 1 ( lllls IM il ' Ui lt tbc V K i i ' , il lH IuWMsJmv , ! l 6 ti Will .. MUM' 'n-v' M . MM Aitiuii'.- I BLA.CKSMIT WAGO Mm,iU'i'vtfd- I i p Iln I , l' "i i o