The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 12, 1884, Image 2

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tttr nv.v.r.nx srorrT.
rxio.v, oiti;ao wkc. 12, tm.
Among tlic evils suriotitidiiig
the jury system in the district of
Columbia which demand cuntlcm
tintioii. Attorney Cieneral llrew
sler includes the unnecessary
hardships imposed on those who
nre coni)cllcd to servo. Ho culls
attention to the s.xtranrdiiinry
fact that service us n juror in the
district' menus lui enforced atteu
iliince at court mid : linost tola!
nbaiidonuiciit of pri'iito business
for one fourth of (lie whole year,
a hardship and injustice thai is
not imposed 011 the citizens in any
other place in the United Slates,
mid would not lie toleiated in any
coiinuiiuity where the people have
a voice in training their own laws.
A veiy limited luimhcr of men
can lie compelled to serve, and
thu service is so hiirdeiisouiu and
disagree ilihs that clean men,
and men who have other bikini's
to perforin, avoid serving as ju
rors by every possible means.
Jtul tho trials of juroas are scarce
ly less severe in many other
cities. In olden itme ii was
thought tint the vigil nice and
judgment of jurors could best he
secured by the absolute depriva
tion of the comforts and even the
necessities of life, and they were
thus deprived of food,, drink, heat
mid light. Hut modern cnlight
luent has adopted a more human
theory, mid no longer allows a
wretch tli ho hung that a jury may
dine, ettn practice in many
court a more reliued tortuie is
in wilii ltiaiieiiii.'iri,
oxygen to
lllfcmvi I, .mill, r.... ll
.......... nil ll-Kl MIUII1I
nun ciear menial action, under
time. ,.i,.it: i . ,
v.,,,,.,,,,,,,, j,,,,,, nnuuii.uo
in ii judicial frame of mind. In the
tlrst place they are fatigued bv
long aod tedious hearings in the '
U1M1 Ull ll I'WIIIIIIUII in ciosc
ii, .III. ... il , t i '
rooms whuni tho atmosphere is
soon rendered noisome. A sui
tor would not willingly trust his
own decisslon in an important
mutter when oppressed by head
ache, nausea or indisposition
mused by foul air. Vet ho is
forced to submit his interests in
litigation i men thus affected,
who are often sorely tempted to
rush through a verdict without
dolibcii.tiou in order
to esi'apo '
from tho torture of their routine-
nienl.. It is not. sinpiising that
jury duty is evaded and often
en relesslv discharged.
On the othirhand, it is com
monly mid very justly regarded us
Int. r j o for either party to a
uit, or tho lawyers on cither sidu
to show any personal favors to a
juror during the trial ol a case,
lit soiiio. states such things aio ox
pivssly prohlbitoil bv statuo, imd 1 11,0 !"'' black-aud-wheu
they aro doiio the court is ,,h, .vu l! "ol fjiven. Perhaps
roipiclod to set aside thn verdict. jU U "ol "f'Tssary , as it generally
in California, however, jurors , ii,,ows qiineisonie, poke-your-inay
bo "handsomely treated," ! ' i'-i t o-other-peoplo's-biisi.
according to a recent decision of i WM lsposiUou on tho part of the
the siipromu court, without iuval-
titatetng iheli venlict. It appear
that ilurlug a criminal trial in that.
state the prosocuting attorney was
eoiisplcuou sly lavish In his frendly
attention to soino of tho jurors
when thoy, wcro off duty. Ho
'treated" two or three of them
ioveral times; invited one out to
dinner, "presented hint with a
bottle of bitters uod after dinner
escorted him hoinewaid, and
"entertained" another '-at 1111
oyster supper. ' ' It was also' ' the
practice" of the lawyers on the
other side to ' 'interchange court
esies by treating and drinking
Willi some of the jurors." The
prosecuting attorney was the most
successful in his attention to the
comforts of the jury , ond a vcr-j
diet of guilty was rendered against ;
the prisoner. A motion was made'
to set this verdict ,'isidc, but the I
supremo court refused on the
ground that 4 ' the acts of drills-
ingtludtne entertainments were
all done in ihe recess or adjoin n-
iiients of the court:" that it did
not appear tlat the jurors and the
counsel conversed about the
case, ' ' and that ' 'acts of ordinary
and neighborly kindness or of
hospitality to jurors do not. justi
fy an inference that the .ury was
influenced by them in making up
their verdict. ! ' Ex.
The art of wood working is the
oldest means whereby man grati
lleil his vanity or his eye, and the
one which, even among savages,
still maintains its excellence.
The New inlander's club and tho
ancient Aztec's gods, the Ilvdah
Indian's pipes and the paddles
of tho Polynesian canoe man, are
marvels of carving, executed with
the rudest' tools, Ju the Kallii
country, of Central Afuca are
entire villages composed of wood
en houses, elaborate! v carved on
post and pillar. Until the fear of
tire led to the use of iron and
stone as building material, such
towns were common in Kuropu.
IlearHs, brackets door-heads, ami
gable ends were effectively hewn
with grotesipic images of demons,
heraldic devices, and those fair,
saintly faces which still look down
on us with a glance-so benign.
4tfc , - 1
TfHk eff.Vl. of certain weafll.V
,.(,i,. ,,,.' i
mjn.J V
" f
ill the best portion of the
iro.v reservation for a stock mime
r ,.ii., ,.. ,..i
iinu.ii w jijrunn lull
from the people of Kasturu Mon-
(J.......... I ....1.1! '
1 " . Il" .. ' .1 " ?
.i-v.ii ,i, i,i , ituii ni-n.-jiiiiu UH-
giniils is already in Washington
in the interests of his constituents
working against the scheme.
These lauds should bo thrown
upon to tho occupation of tho
peuplo, and not ho permitted to
tall into the grasp of a few cattle
Tho Oil City JJorrlrk wants to
know what u pelerine" is.
Such ignorance in tliu oditorial
profession is doplorablo. A pel
erine is an article of dross worn
by tho feinulo sex, and diffcrem
from the perlisse, and tho rediu
gotu. and the llcbu, and tho sat-Inmcrvilluuiu-
polauulse. and
those things. Wo supposed ev
erybody knew what it pclcrlnols.
According to the .language .ot
the eye, "11 ick eyes fhow a pas
sinuate, lively lempunimciil, "
circus clown ivho died in
Chicago u-ce.itly, spoke all the
modern Ktiropcan languages tllu
eutly, hut died poor. Tho people
who attend clivuses don't inre
much for the modern lunguacs.
What they vaul U a niodoru joke
now and then,
.. -
A pork packing establishment
is to be started at Ashland.
Great inducements for bargains
-r V" T) o T-1 7 T 1
,J ( tPi 'X'O J I i r i
lor want of a suitable renrescnta-
tlveln niy absence, anil not desirous of
uemg iorevcr parted from my family,
comes mis courer 01 action,
My stock of good comprised the la
test styles mill lotxt ever offer
vu in una community, consiHtiiiir as
ollows: Ami they will be sold
Regardless of Cost.
American and Trench calicoes, chev
iots, ginghams, woolen dress good",
all wool serge, nierhio's, aniolr cloth,
wool and silk bonnets, silks and sat
ins, red, white, blue and cheeked flan
nels, oil and Irish table linens, bro
iiuctcdand plain Velveteens, cashimere.
eaiuon Hands, sheeting, muslins, beii
licking, eonilorteryblankcts, bed and
taiile covers, hulled neekivare and un-
uerware, carpels, wall' panel', iriuiKs,
Christinas good, gents.' uuderwarc,
meics MLiiihct uneu kiiiih, or in parts,
men's and boy's'e is. suits, or la part.-'
etc. cle. Please. call ami examine lor
out m It, wheriiymi can save vour dol Hud cents
A( tho uhl di-iig fctorc, next door lo
tile 1 Molileo. , I
Union, Oregon;
Iioliio Ofl'liml Si-ttli'iuunt.
Notice Is hereby given, that the un
deisliiiied, having 1 1ns day tiled in the
Coumj court ol I idon comity, state uj
(lie.!!, a linal :u;cninit ol his ailinin
isti.ilion of thuV.-t.ile of Clurlos 1!.
Siuisiier, deceased, and praynli; for a
discharge, anil ilMr.bufiou of said es
tate, ami that I iioilnv, the bill, day ui
.lnnuaiy, 1ns.. al the hour onjJo'cloel.
A.'M. ol satit it.iy, ti.u same lielng n da)
oi Uie regular lurm ot said coliit, ha
bv uoiuliili',ii4V,,fhc tiuiu. innl ilv,
ci.iut 17.. use tr linlon as Hie p&cv, f..i
i e:ir.n;L olijecUoiii'to said aeu Hint, uih
lot ntiowilig cause, it any there tie
Why liir iirtlcr bo not nuide dWcharj,Mi
the uudei slyaed imin lurther duly ur
siieh ;i(liiUiu-lr;itor, anil leleasing his
sureties iroin lifnh'er liabilities on thou
Vou will lunher take notice, tha
this notice Is published bv order- o.
tho Hon. A.C.Craig, Judge ol tin
County court of l,iiloucountv. Oreiron.
Dated, this iOlh. day of .November,
,1, It. II1TK.S,
AM). t I r.AJI , Hose Carts aim
Carriages.' iliok and I.addci
Trucks (Hays' patent), Hydrant
Suction (Hay ' patent); Host
Uliimps. Hals, Caps, mid Fin
Department Supplies'. Estimate
furnished. Photographs sent ui,
application. Addioss
' ' Ponlaml, Dr
I.U.WK youn JtiiAsDiu: with
D. Frampion,
Two doors :rorth of Butchci
shop. Main Stjroet,
None hut tho bbsf stock used, and
Repairing dom
with nentness and
on short notice
(ilve ir- atrial
fc Benson,
Apple. Tear, Peach, IMinn, Prune and
Current, (ioosebcrry, lllaekberry, Orape,
Popular, Ilox-eldcr, AVhite and Iliack
Weeping Willow, Lilac, .Snowball, Flowering almond, Honey Miekhy Etc.
AVe expect to keep all kinds of
that will grow In this climate, and sell
Over ii, 000,000 in use. '
Mik pans, cheaper than ever. .
Ucparing done cheap and on short notice. All work first class.
Manufacturer, and Importer! of all kinds of
Onlers frj:ny pilnt In the vlljy, wjtl
tuu. cor.,j.i tnif uncu-a.
Cherry trees of the very best varieties.
Quince, strawberry, etc., of the best.
AV'abuit, Elm, hestnut, Sasiafra
them at as low prices as wo can afford.
Shotguns, A'nitinition,
Silverware, Cutlery.
Tinware, etc.
Everything to bo found
in a tlrst class hard
ware store, and will
be sold as cheap as t'ii
renlvr Ira nn I n r .psrnnd i i