Poidiiiul Lil,r.iry Iff fttll iO-HT-.IB, Tilni XXXT THE" DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1809. CONSOLIDATED 1882. NO 52 !. A The dainty cake, . Thfr white and flaky sweet and tender -The light and delicate crust, The finely flavored waffle and muffin, The crisp and delicious doughnut, The white,' sweet; nutritious bread and roll, Delightful to the taste and always wholesome. Royal Baking Powder is made from PURE GRAPE CREAM OF 1 TARTAR and is absolutely free i ; - from lime, alum and ammonia. , There are many imitation baking powders, made from alum, mostly sold cheap. Aroid them, as they mike the food unwholesome. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. : IIETIICEN IN A . CRITICAL PLACE His Supplies Liable to be . V.vcutOffi ' New Yohk, Dee. 22. A dispatch to She Herald from London says: There much deep anxiety here as to the I pitoatlon 10 South Africa and the paln ful nervous strain groffs more acute as the ominous alienee bpntloues in re gard to Generals Buller and Methuec. C2I0W aii the enthusiasm evoked by - the ta?nlQoent response to the call for Tolun leers, is a strong undercur rent of apprehension. rfspelft'ly" as to C.eondltipn jjJE toe 1 Klmberley relief column. It is none the lesspercepV ible from the efforts made to smother it by suggestions in which the hope is father to the thought, that the war o&Loe has news from General Methuen; which it is concealing, for strategic reason a, until his supposed withdrawal to the Orange river baa been sue gessfullj completed. - V ell authenticated report hag baen received that bows from General White bad oome through to the effect that be was" fully provided with am unition and food and able to bold out ' for some weeks more This wonld greatly effect the situation and render ail haste on General Sutler's part on necessary. Should General Methuen he cut off . hj a Boer force seizing his old positions . ItQras Pan and B,eimont, the British might have another feadysnith on . tfteir hands, and even the mostsan-r ' gine enthusiasts admit that with ope. '-, Ladystnlth, the situation is orltical enough. II General Methuen fallp back, he will fee able tq wait with per feat security for the arrival ot the Sixth 1 division, ' when the forward :' movement '..can be resumed. ' The silence maintained at the war office as to General Methuen's movement might be with the idea of keeping- such a , backward step secret until completed. DUooTered by Womn. Another great discovery : has been made, and tftat toq, by 4 lay ft His CQqutry, DUe8f "fastener, its alntfihaa uDos he and fan seven years ' she withstood its severest testa, but! her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent, for three months she coughed iooessaotly. and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to reoovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New DIsooy ' ery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles,' has been absolutely eured. her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.' Thus writes W. C. Hamsick Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at BlakeLey & Hough J. ton's drug stpre, Regqlar si je 5Qq u( 11.00. Every bbtble guaranteed, IMMENSE IVB FaST. '" : TJnele Bam Will Soo Build I In the Philippines.- San Fbanciscq, : Dee. ' . 22. The largest refrigerating plant ever con atraoted in this country is soon to be . grected-ln Manila by the polled States . under the direction of Major S. Pandiez. of the Quartermaster's depart ' mink It will occupy a building &tQ ' feet square and 46 feet high, to be loated on the left bank of the Paslg .rivjr. The cooling-room will be large enm-h to contain at once 5,000 beeves, 7.50 sheen and 100. tons each of salt mess, butter and eggs, and vegetables - enotgb to supply the American army in tbi Philippines for some time. In additon to this the plant will produce gptonof ice and 6,000 gallons - tilled vater every day Wit this plant lq oper r be posible to supply tb nure w.ter and ic . . c . and evq. dellcaol roads itoperatioi front cat be su meatan veg Has turn wise lova breath. flea the bowels, fory f lot or- 4 e 1 J i f VDoa m a . J booklet rt Keinady 1 V. 7 m 11. r awl pao will aid the cook as no other " agent will to make tea biscuit, hot griddle cake, B.- W. Bjornatod, formerly of the Thirteenth Minnesota volunteers, who has been appointed captain of the Forty-second infantry, now : in the Philippines, has reported at the Presidio to await transportation to his regiment.' Captain Bjornsted served with the Minnesota regiment in the Pbtlippineaaad was severely wounded. He was reported dead and funeral serv ices in his honor were held at his borne in St. Paul. .- - : . 1 ; , 1 ? .S ; ; ' The" appetite ef a Boat - Is - envied by all poor' dyspeptics wnose stomach and liver are out of or- der. : All such should know that. Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomacn and liver remedy, gives a splenqld appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfeot health and great energy, ' Only 25 cents at Blakeley V Houghton's arug store.- ; . . 1 - .: . . : 1 Wont Leave the fee. 1 San Francisco, Deo. 22, Two years ago J. . Dlnsriienno was. sentenced by femoral .court tb.r3i-rve iwo-yearb' sentence- in tbe--Folotu penitentiary, and pay a fine of two dollar for having counterfeiting tools In his possession. His term expired on November 23. but he refused to pay the fine, and declines to take the pauper oath, saying he la content to remain a guest of the state. The warden pf the prison has asked for legal advloe as to how be shall pro- oeed to eject the oonviot. -rail Your Bister. A Beautiful Complexion Is an impossl- dillty without good pure blood, the sort thvt only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Glover Boot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping them In perfect health Price 25 cts,. a.ng &Q gts,, " Noted Knng-ellst Dead. East Noethfuxd, Mass., Dec. 22. Dwigbt L. Moody, th6 famous evan gelist, died at noon today. It was -pot expected until yesterday by the mem bers of Moody's family and bis imraedi. ate oircie of friends tnat death , would be the result of his illness. The cause of death was a general breaking down due to over work. Moody's heart had been weak for a long time, and the exertions put forth in connection with the meetings In the West last month. brought on a collapse from which be failed to rally. . ' ' ' ' . WhtttaiUA? A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds aad Consumption; used 'through the world for half a century, has cured innumerable owes of inoiplent con sumption - and relieved many in ad vanced stages. If you are not satis fied with- the results we will refund your money. Price 25 cts., and 50cte. Blakeley it Houghton, druggists. Baying- Guns In Europe. New Yohk, Dec. 22. A dispatch to the' Herald from London says: An authority who is to be relied upon for the .information he gives, told qte yesi ferqay that the Uplnos pave placed a large order with a continental firm for artillery. "But," I asked him, "where are the Filipinos getting the money?" "Oh," he said, they have plenty of money to keep things going." How la Soar Wife? Has she lost her beauty? faq, cog Btipatiqq, indigestion, rick headache are the pr-inolpal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are ' not satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton druggists. General Iwton'a Funeral. .' Manila, Dec. 22. General Lawton's remains were placed, in the cbapel in e Paco ' cemetery this morning. lyate services were held at the resl- ce, and the body was carried to the Wetery by members of the general's an.d escorted by troop I, of the rth cavalry. Publio services will held later. . f Tebaece Spit us SaMks Tew Ufe Away. ' quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag of life, nerve ana vigor, take no-to woader-worlter, tnat makes weak met Alt druggists. Me or II. Cure guana ana sample free. Auaresi Co.. Cnlcsgo or New Torfc 'enmity Was Severe. Dec. 22. For some' time have bsen cut in ood. Telephone are that an un- hlle caught on I. A CHRISTMAS SHAKE-CP An Earthquake Wrecks Two California Towns. Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 25 The towns of Sao Jacinto and Hemet, in Riverside county, were badly shaken by an earthquake at 4:25 this morning, No lives were lost, so far as known but several persons were inju'red. In San Jacinto not a brick house or block escaped injury. ' Nearly all of the business' portion is in ruins. The new Southern California hospital saved in It . was not occupied. t At . Hemet the Hemet company's wall is partly down. The front wall fell flat. The rear of the large Johqson block also toppled over. ! Hemet's new hotel is a ruin The damage at these places cannot be estimated now. Communication . by wire is interrupted. The Herald has received a telegram from San Bernadino stating that six Indians were killed at Hemet by fall ing walls druing the earthquake. The Santa Fe railroad's report is to the ef fect that no lives were lost. Los Angeles, Cal., Deo. 25. The most severe earthquake ever felt in Los Angeles came at4:27 this morning, No great damage is reported. There were two shocks, tfaenrst being the most prolonged. .-The shock lasted about 12 seconds, the undulations be- ing from north to south. . San Diego, Cal., Dec. 25. The most severe earthquake experienced in this city . in fourteen years took plaoe at 4:25 a. m. today and was accompanied by a loud rumbling noise. The taller buildings in the city were severely shaken up and plaster was shaken off and a few broken articles of household furniture reported,' .but ' no serious damage was done.' A hi?h wave struck the beach on the ocean f ron i oon after the shock,' but no- damage was done to shipping." ' A slighter ehock followed , the first one a few seconds later. ' ' ' I ' " loung Mothers. Croup is the terror of thousands Of young - mothers because its outbreak Shllob's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases OI croup, it has never been known to fail. The worst cases releived immediately Price 25 cents, SO cents and 91.00 Blakeley & Houghton druggist. GAG . IP . 1 QDAKDART Doean't Knew What to Do for the' Relief ' . " Of the BtoneT "Shrfcl New York, Dec. 22.-A dlspatoh to the Times from ' Washington quotes Secretary Gage as saying: - The treasury has endeavored to relieve a money stringency in the only way that it could be done legltmate ly. ' By offers to purchase bonds, to anticipate interest due without and with rebate, and to go without the In come to be aenvea irom internal revenue so that the money could be come available through the deposi.. torles, it has done what seemed proper to! do. Since it offered to take up $23,000,- OQQ of bonds, the prices of bonds have advanced and they hold' their price, while many stocks have fallen many points on the market. . Borne of the bonds now on the quoted list would be worth to purchasers less than two per cent a the price made. Of the $25,- 000,000 of bonds the treasury offered to buy, but $20,000,000 has been offered. The offer is still stauding. - W may. get the other ;$5,000,000 or $6,000,000. "Altogether, there will be released from the treasury and made available for. immediate " use at various points, as the treasury could hot discriminate in favor of one city in increasing its deposits in banks about $38,000,000. As I have said, the prices of bonds have ftdvanoed, They are now beyond the price at whioh the treasury offered to buy them- How muoh should the treasury offer to pay? And when it haa offered to pay a price, will that price be advauced again? That seems to be a matter worthy of careful con sideration." ; - Kor over fifty Tears. An Old and Well-Tbied Rem edy. Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for Over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect aucooas It soothes the child, softens the gums allays &M pain, oures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in - every part of the world Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value Is uncalcuiabie. Be sure ana ass ior Mrs. Winslow's. 1 . - QUIET IN SOOTH AFRICA, There Was No, r(gtn.K Christmas. Day Kosland Needs Mure' Men. London, Dec, 25,1110 war office haa "The Mill Cztmot Grind ; ivtth Wafer That's Past" A fagged out, tearful tittle woman said this in telling her cares and weaknesses. Her friend encouraged by telling of A reUtfri who tuts cured of jurf ?uih ttwblcf b$ fj&xft SrspriUjL. The Utile woman now haa tearsof joy, for she took Hood's, Ft which put her blood in prime order, nd the lives on the strength of the present m stead ot wonying about that of the past. Told Her Friend "After having goitre on my neck 42 years Hood's San parMa completely cured me. I as so glad I told friends about it and a lady in Wisconsin tvho read of my cure told me she also took Hood's for the same trouble and was cured. She thanked me eMrs. tAnna Sutherland, Kalaptaeoe, &ch. i siinmneM it - ir Hood'! Full eareUTCTllU; the non-terltattng and nlT eathartlo to take with BooA nanapariUa. received a cablegram from General Forestter-Walker, dated at Cape Town yesterday, saying: . ?'Haye no further news of the general situation.". It may be ' almost safely predicted that nothing will occur today. A truce, either formal or informal, is being kept for the observance of Christmas by the opposing forces. A dispatch from Modder rttver, dated December 18. says: ' "The Boers coutinue extending their trenches. They now have nearly 20 miles of entrenched works due north of j the British camp, which is also in an admirable position for defease, as the surrounding country is perfectly level The Boers, moreover, are compelled to keep a force estimated at 20,000 in order to detain the British column. A large number of Lord Methuen's wound ed have recovered and are ready to resume their places in the racks." A dispatch to the Daily News from Modder River, dated December 18,says; "We are now waiting until England shall have realized the actual facts.- It has to be admitted that-, man for man. we have . found , ourselves-rpretty well matched, but the Boers have always the choice position. Let England, then become alive to the need for a futher 100,000 men. , Such a force will prove the truest economy in both blood and treasure." " . -., Uqnid Electricity. The treat electro magnetic cure for all internal and external pain; guaran teed to cure the deepest seated pain in one to fifteen minutes. . For sale at Clarke & Falk's drug store. R. E. WILLIAMS, : General Agent, . Transvaal War to Bake Silver Win. " Chicago. Dec. 25. "If the war in the Transvaal ' continues for two' or three months longer, the cause or silver-will have been wod, said former United ' States Senator - Dubois, of Idaho, one of the silver republican leaders,' who was in Chicago today. 'The short time it has been in progress, continued Mr. Dubois, "has furnished proof of the contentions of the friends of silver that there is not enough goid n the world to form the basis of the world's money, and if the war continues the length of time I have indicated, the truth' of this will have become too apparent for successful contravention. "I believe the Transvaal war wilt be mighty influence in the campaign of ' next year in this country and that the bject lesson will convince the people of this country that it is not safe to place upon'the gold the entire burden of the monetary volume of the world. It may be interesting to observe that the panic in New, .York was simul- Igneous with the passage of the house gold standard mil. " Mow, if a panic had followed the passage of a silver tree coinage bill,, the wise men and the. press of the land would have-attrlbute it to the passage of the bill." ' ' Well .Headache. The curse o( overwoi-Kod womank i; are quickly and Burely cured by Kl's Clover Root Tea,, the gm&t blood puri fier and tissue builder. - Money re-' funded if not satisfactory. Price 23 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley St Hough ton, drugg8ts. ' ; Host Get Consent of the Pope. New York, Dec. 25. Archbishop Corrigan has transmitted to the clergy of the diocese a decree Jfrom the Vatican bearing on the celebration of the jubilee of the holy year. One effect of the decree will be to make difficult the marriage pt a Catholic to a Protestant by a priest in 1900. Mixed marriages, as ' they are commonly termed, are customarily allowed only by dispensations of the bishops, but for tbe holy year this power Is sus pended. In his circular. Archbishop Corrigan says that tbe pope suspends special fac ulties to ordinaries of dioceses, "so that at this season particularly, Rome should be tbe great fountain head of of merry and spiritual favors for the Catholics of the entire world." This la understood . in Catholic oi roles to mean that only by applying direct to Rome shall dispensations be graoted during the year 1900. ' ' Ion Try It If Shiloh's Coueh and Consumption Cure, whioh is sold for the small price of 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure. take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold ror over ntty year on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton.dru t gists. . . - ' - . Keeoneentrado Order. Cape Town, Dec. 25. General Gat. acre, In order to cnecK insurrection among the Dutch colonists and to pre vent disaffected persons giving Inform ation or their assistance to the Boers, has Issued ' a modified reconcentrado order. By its terms all males over 12 years of age, of whatever .nationality! residing outside ot towns or villages, but within, a radius of 12 miles of mili tary camps now established or here after to be established north of Sterg- strom, afe required immediately to va vate their places of residence, and either to remove to some place outside the 12-mile radius, or to form a camp in close proximity to the nearest, mili tary camp the spot io be selected by the officer commanding where 'they must reside until further notice, pro viding for their own needs. s- All per sons found within the radius without passes will be arrested. Advices from Colesburg assert that not many colonial Dutch have joined tbe Boers in that district. Prune Glowers Want Protection. Salem, Deo. 85. The prune growers and others Interested in the prune in dustry in this vicinity say that some action should be taken in opposition to tbe proposed reduction of the tariff on Imported prunes. The proposition, as It is understood here, is to reduce the tariff as a favor to France, in return for a concession on ber part" in favor nf American oil. The erowers think the prune industry needs whatever as sistance a reasonable tariff oan give it. while tbe oil industry has demonstrated its ability to take care of itself. Those who have expressed them selves in favor of action by the growers think that the state .coard of bortd culture should prepare blank petitions to be circulated for signatures, asking our delegates In congress to exert their Influence against tbe proposed reduc tion. " .- " STOOD FOR THEIR PRIVILEGE. Tb Clever Wir la Which a. Bunch ot IfaVKl Apprentices Got Aheavd i of Capt. Philip. . A newspaper editor of Philadelphia, who has become one of the best in formed men. on Pennsylvania politics since he left off going to sea, was once an apprentice in the United States navy. He served in the various rates as third, second and first-class boy, or dinary seaman and seaman apprentice,, and was further rated long before he reached the term of his indenture as captain of the starboard watch of after guard and coxswain of the captain's gig. , These advancements were, of course, within the limits of his ap-; prenticeship, and he was all the while subject to the special rules and regula tions of the service for that condition, , Illl D m rt tr . nm -n nnn T.i -l . 1 .1 I T i 1 .U.WU l-.V Xii ..CO VUG tUI UlUUllig apprentices to smoke. - He was serv ing on the Richmond at that time with some dozen or more boys, who, like himself, had long been away from theTi schoolships, and were doing able sea men's duty, and, of course, smoking whenever the ship's corporal hung out the lamp to light n pipe by, and that is at prescribed hours, because sailors are' aot supposed to carry matches. The first -lieutenant of the ship was Jack Philip, now -captain- commanding the battleship Texas, the man hose pic ture haa become so well known since the war began by the cocked hat of the full-dress uniform with which he is photographed. He was, like many oth er good fellows, ' a ' jump-up-in-the. morning-and-make-things-move First Luff, and one day after dinner he saw an apprentice take a light for his pipe at the lamp. "What's that, corporal of tne guard? 'lake those pipes away from, all the apprentices, whatever their rate is." A moment later the young men found themselves deprived of their pipes and ordered to the mast, when the first lieutenant faced them., "Do you not know it is a specific regula-j tion that Apprentices are not to smoke?" U t , : "Whyr yea,' sir," replied "one; "but we" are rated for men's work, we are doing it, and we have been smokingj evpr Rl'nnp Wf loft Vin crinrtlciiTvw - ' a ever since we leit ine scnooisn.ip. . - ' i Well, you won t smoke any more on board this ship. Go forward.". . ! V Perhaps the qualities which made a political writer out a iackie were also those which made the jackie some thing of a sea lawyer, and he studied the way of getting the smoke -back. At last he hit it off. and summoning his fellows in council, he secured their pledges to stand by him. Then he went to the mast to see the first lieu tenant. ; "Sir," he said, "we who are ap prenticed demand school in the terms of our indentures. It is provided in the regulations that we shall have daily instruction and be taught navigation. There is a schoolmaster ' aboard, al though he is doing duty as chief boat swain s mate. . '" " -' ' - The officer cocked his eye at the ap prentice, and, after : a pause, said: "Very well, coxswain, you shall have achool.". The ship, however, did not rate a chief boatswain's mate, and the man who held that was not fit for a schoolmaster, and there was not on board the ship- a man who knew as much, as the apprentices, except, of course, the officers, abef to detail them for that duty would . be ; unpleasant enough for them at least, and.other-wise- distHrbt he-comfort ot Xhejihip. Philip tried every other sort of school master in vain, and then sent for the sea lawyer coxswain. - "Why do you fellows' want to go to scheol?" he demanded. "Because, sir," replied the Unabashed, "we must occupy the time we lost when you took away our smoking." "Go forward, you sea lawyer, and smoke;. cn-V 1-? hnr-erl io the lot of you." And after that there - was so school. Philadelphia Times. ' To Cure a Cold in One Oay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refu ad the noney if it fails to oure. E. W. G ove's signature is on each box. 25c. s ud SITUATION IN THE PHILIPPINES. It la Very Gratlfylnc to the Official at Washington. - New York, Dec. 25 A special to the Herald from Washington says: Washington, officials are very much gratified at the existing situation in the Philippines. The insurgent army, which dominated the northern part of Luzon island up to November 5, when the-Amerinan campaign began,, has disappeared; American garrisons are established at more important points, promising peace in the surrounding territory, and the general condition has so improved that General Otis con siders It feasible to open all ports of northern Luzon to trade. General Otis will now turn bis atten tion to the rebels south of Manila, and, it is expected, will begin active opera tions against them in a few days. Opening the important ports of north ern Luzon on January I is expected to destroy the corner in hemp formed by exporters. Row to Prevent a Void. After exnosure or when yon feel a cold coming en take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. it never' ia'is ana will prevent fneumonia or tonsump- tioo if taken in time. Clark & Falk, druggists. ' The Best Food for Infants Nature planned that infants should have only milk for at least the first year of life. But thin milk, skimmed milk, will not nourish. It's the milk that is rich in cream, or fat, that does the work. This is be cause fat is positively neces sary for the growing body. scon's Emulsion contains the best fat, in the form of Cod-Liver Oil, for all delicate children. They thrive greatly under its use. Soon they wei gh more, tat more, I play better and look better. If s just the right addition w mw rcs-iar food. The hypophosphites of lime and soda in it are necessary to the growth and formation of bone and teeth. At all emgtrw- j soc end Si. SCOTT ft BOWNE, Chem, New York. "THE BABIES' FRIEND." I F0LEY5 HQNMR rORTHE TbraalCfeesl aiTdLupgs mm si roiiY&co CHICAGO IU. i Suld by Clarke and Falk, The Dalles, Oregon. A SOCIAL QUEEN. '"Who would ever believe that she is the mother of five children." These were the words that caught the ear of the.Womui Reporter as she moved among the throng at a fashionable reception. Just before her stood tne nostess, a young-looking, nand--ome woman receiving her guests with that air of hearty vivacious enjoyment which all the world considers as the special pre rogative of youth. ; There was sparkle in her eyes, a soft clear natural color in her cheeks; she had a firm and rounded form, and that steady easy poise of the whole body which be tokens strong limbs and healthy nerves. It was the Reporter's business to be cari ous; moreover, she was a woman; and re ceiving gracious permission to call on the following: day, she duly presented herself armed with a hundred, such questions as only a woman can ask. Yes, I have five children" said the hostess, with a tone of earnest happy pride; "hope I'll have five more.. I love every one of them. They are good children too, and a comfort to me all the time." ''You can't understand it of course, and my friends wonder that I keep my health and strength and do my work; but that I take care of myself is the reason. I never used to be strong. I was thoughtless and careless. After my first baby came I was all broken down and prayed that I might never have another, but I have learned better and I am stronger now than I ever was in my life. " "Women break down because they go without the little extra help they need to tide them over hard places. When a wom an expects to become a mother she ought to be at her very best. But that is exactly the time when most women feel weak and sick and pserable. They grow melan choly and anxious as the time approaches and when it comes they have no strength or stamina of body or mind to go through the ordeal." "No wonder they suffer and nearly die sometimes, and ate all broken down for months or years. If they would take the light care of themselves and strengthen themselves in a natural way, they would never suffer as they do; and instead of dreading to have children they would wel-' come them as a real blessing." It is simply a case of a stitch in urn- saves nine ' or rather nine hundred. A lit tle natrai 1 reiufureement at -the time when baby is expected will save mo-itns. perhaps years of suffering and weakness. At such a time i always taice ur. nerce's .Favorite Prescription; it invariably eives me the ex tra strength and healthy nerve-power which a woman needs to bring her baby into the worm sateiy ana comtortaoiy." "It is the most wonderful thinsr in the World to build np a woman's nervous sys tem and strengthen the special organism of motherhood. It gives you the recuper ative power that a woman cannot get in any other way. It carries you through the nursing time beautifully; it helps you to nourish the baby and make him hearty and strong too. My four younger children are the sturdiest youngsters yon ever saw. This one' grand Favorite Prescription' has made me the healthy, happy mother I am." I can tell yon of a dozen women who have had almost the same experience as mine. I saw a letter written bv Mrs. Tennie J. Jackson, who lived at Fergnssons Wharf, T 1 C m- XT. 1 . in xsic.ui vvikul o.,' vs. xacse are ner own words: I have enjoyed better health since taking Dr. Pierce's medicine than I have since I have been married. I can work hard all day and sleep well at night. l was almost gone wnen l wrote to Doctor Pierce three years ago. I had uterine trouble very badly, but, thank the Lord, I am very well now. My doctor did not have any faith in 'patent medicines,' bnt he says, something Has done you good. I tried many different medicines and got no better until I tried Dr.' Pierce's medi cines. The first bottle gave me ease. I have taken six bottles of ' Favorite Pre scription ' and I feel as well as ever in my life, and can work hard all day and do as much walkinar as I ever did. I was nothinir but a skeleton. I was so thin in flesh that it hurt me to lie down." -. I think Dr. Pierce has done more to ward making healthy, happy women than any other man in this country." - If you want a heavy cloth-bound copy of the book, like this one, (picking np and exibiting to the Reporter a large beautifully bound volume) send 31 stamps, and ad dress World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, 663 -tarn Street, Buffalo, N. Y." $ 95 BUYS A $3.50 SUIT t,0W UUMBilM PIM. In.ru! ri. .1 51.93. K1W SUIT FRKK for any of theme BUita which don't B Mttrtactorj wean. Send No Money. Blal. a of k.7 and say whether larfceor mail for age, and we will send yon uub nit oy eipreaa, C.O.D., aubjeot to eiamin- oftlce and It found perfectly satisfactory and equal to suite sold in your town fo SS.MX, nay your exprese aaent ear eci Mn ..mi na tt at Tour cidc i ken mm t le Is jeers ef see, eeS sr. Ull ...-where at .4o. wllh double sees and knees, lete.t ISMrtjIe as Illustrated. ... . mrlalMWMWUI. fcrarf - nisaU ili-WOOI. Oakw.ll eeuiswre, neat, handsome pat. ark. fine senre llninit. Vlayua patent lntertlnlng, pad- llns.staylnit and reinforcing, silk and linen sewing,... .luAi. rou-b.u a snlt any boror parent woulrt proud of. KOB FRKs CLOTH 1 8ArlSrfB...' OelklnC i-nits, overcoat or uiavcr.!.". wj. - " ,rli. tor Sawpl. Book k. SOC, contains fashion plates, mm measure and full instructions how te order gull. dm. Ovtttu !. e erdrr f m t.W k wimples sqnt tree on application. ;d . . SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago,' IIL i hnsk a C sr. iaereei? -. -. Oregon SHoit LIiib Baliroatf The direct route to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast -Mai! Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME.... 1 Days to SALT LAKE 2$ Days to DENVER - 3i Days to CHICAGO . 4i Days to NEW YORK Free Reclining, Chair Cars. TJphon etered Tourist Sleeping Cars, and Pullman Palace Sleepers, operated on all trains. . For farther Information apply-to JAS. IBIS LAND, Agent O. K. N. Co., Tbe Dalles, Oregon. O. TERRY. - W. E. COMAN Tray. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent. 124 Third St.. Portland, Or Hew Are Tosr Kldaeys f Dr. Hobbt' eparacus Plus cure all kidney 111- 8an lefree. Add. Sterling emeojit-njcaTO. rwv- n jOR a quarter of a cen tury roiey s Honey and Tar has been curing babies of. crouo anri whooping cough. In that time it has saved thousands of little lives and every year it goes on saving more. . Physicians' who have tested it know Foley's Honey and Tar is the best med icine for little folks and much superior to the old time muriateof ammonia mixtures, so often prescribed by doctors, and " which are so often ineffective. ' It's entirely free from opiates and it's unconditionally guaranteed. Little folks like it BANNER SALVE is the greatest healer known. PROFESSIONAL. S. BENNfcT . , i Attorney ;i Law F. MOORS. JOHN GAVIN OOKE & GAVIN, Attorneys At Law. Rooms 39-40 over U. S. Land Office. firm "My wife had pimple on her face, but she has been taking CASCARETS and they have all disappeared. I had been troubled with constipation for some time, but after tak ing the first Cascaret I have had no trouble with this ailment. We cannot speak too high ly of Cascarets." Fred Wartman, 6708 Qermantown Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. CANDY TWADI MASK MOMTCpnTD Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken. or Gripe, 10c c.i0o. ... ' CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Start f BsBdy Cssrssay, Ckleste, Marl aj, lew Tsrk. 311 W.Tfl.RRP Bold and guaranteed by all drug. lU'DAb giBU to cr . Tobaooo UablL THE CRANE'S MEAL. Be EaaUy Catches and KUU the Spar - wow,' Bnt Finds It Hud to Swallow Him. ' . . a Court square has a new denizen, and now the-peacocks and, the squirrels -top every now and then to look in wonder, at the spindle-legged crane which stalks in solemn dignity to and fro, says the Memphis Scimitar. This crane, however, is not attracting merely the attention of the other dweller of the park, for every day or two a'larg-e human audience watches his performance. The crane catches sparrows and it is the efforts he makes to swallow his prey which cause spec tators to gather by the score. " Th crane' stands quietly like a statue and waits. "The sparrows fly about fear lessly, not even'fetartlei! by the strange bird. They have seen rags on a stick before and they are not afraid; oh.no! Then one of the sparrows lights very near the crane. The rag becomes live ly and his beak is shot out with light ning quickness and the sparrow caught right by the neck. Then come-the fun. The sparrow is a little large to swallow. The crane kills him, r thinking the small bird's lively capers must be the cause of the difficulty. Death makes the task no easier. The sparrow still chokes the crane. The crane tries the sparrow head on. The small bird's wings stick out and prevent the sparrow from go ing down. The crane starts at the feet; but the feathers on the prospec tive dinner are ruffled the wrong way and the second attempt fails. An idea strikes his craneship. He walks to a small tub of water and soaks the spar row so that the feathers cling closely. It is still an impossible task to swallow the bird. The crane works and works, and finally, by pounding the sparrow almost to a pulp, at last makes a meal. Then the audience disperses wonder ing at the crane s marvelous digestion. MW SWITCH 65 CENTS. n IU -.-JUS HAlU WI r.iilU. U saatrh uv bftir trro65C tS3.29 l wit-lies tliat re nil at S.bO i..uO. flllR nCPFB- Cut this ud out and tend uun vrrtn. to inelort a good si xcA vamp. of Ibe exact sttaae wanted, and cut it oataa near the rooca aa poealble, lncloaa ar ipeelal price netett aad t ceat extra to ravage, ana win iaaa iae w- mm v ro&r hair exact, and send to you by mall, postpaid. and If too are not perfectly aa.tl.iied, return it ana we will ImnwtllatWjr refund your money. GarSoeelal Offer Frleeaafellewti t-oa. twite ft 0-1 tx. long, long atem, 65 CI abort stem. 90C; l-ox. 7X-in. loni?. anon, eram, is-oa. Mn. long, ihort stem, ftl.OO; 3-oa. t2-ln.lonff.thortttera.$2.25; SH-o. HMn. .lonff. Khortstem. $3.25. "i""" uih wuua vne mgneac irraae ou ins market. Offer at mm aaa get these saeela. ariees. Tear loaey retaraea ir yea are aef Eiraera. Write for free Catalogue of air Goods. Add rest, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chic a 00 (0ta Usteae Ce. are th it reUsele liwia) All Competition Distances VIA THE Union Pacific Railroad ' PICTO As rerards TIME and THROUGH CAR City SERVICE to "Denver, Omaha. Kai at and other eastern cities. Only -3b days with no change to Chicago; H days with one change toNew York. Boston. Philadelphia and other principal points. Cars heated by steam ana ugntea oy Plntch light. Baggage checked through. Un ion depots. For Rates. Tickets, Sleeping Car Berths, e to. apply to JAS. IRELAND, agent O. R.& N; Co.. The Dalles. Or.. orC. E. BROWN. DUt Pass. Agent, or J. H. LOTHROP. Gen. Agent 135 Third St.. Portland. r o 76 F"v p'" COAT " MiCalKTOBH FO 82.75. Send No Money. and send to us, state your aalgM aaa w.lalji state number ot Inches aroMdbodyal bra aat taken over Test under COM ck-sup under arms, and we wlll and try" on at your nearest e nrJ office and It round ejartlj as represented ana tnemoa.-"-; dertul value you ever saw or heart ,.,! toanyooatyoucanbuy ar.no iuiimw eerspael ' ""i.. t and express cni ires. h''mack'ntosh !,!- ltwstvle. mail e from ''."' lonS! double bressMd, Sager let JVV larcy plaid linlnir. waterproof 2wed'."rii.p?d and cemented seams, .ulTubie "rtathr.i..r...r.and Snteed '- '"- ew off ered 2m JU .tfc--V0. wn tor .-. sen . ZZX, M. CO.. CHicaco. I 0m -' - --rr I ""'ns''y Am ft Jos. T. Peters & Co, ..Building OF ALL KINDS. Farm Machinery, Etc. M. K. JOHNSTON, Headquarters for Hoilije Headers, Milwaukee Chainless for all machines e handle. If you want anything: in tbf line of Agricultural Implements call on W. A. Johnston, SEND US ONE DOLLAR I7l.i'3.. J I' . l. VS-'.&l Fill ' CARF.rril.Y Z. F. MOODY ieniial Cominissioii and . 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T. (Adjoining Railroads Depot.) Consignments Solicited Prompt attention will be Bald to those who favor me with their patronage ' Headquarters for - BocUe Harber Lime. San Juan Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash Headquarters Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring : Wagons J. I. Case Plows, Bissell CUUlert Plows, iioosier atmi, Champioit , Mowers, Binders and Reapers. -Champion Hay Bakes, llenney Bug-gies. . ' THE BALDWIN' ; ANDREW BAlxDWIH, Proprietor. Corner Court and Front Streets, Carries Everything to be Fonnd In a First-Class Liquor Storou Whiskey from 83.00 per Gallon and Up. Tbe Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer on Tap ....THE DALLES, OREGON. s Pioneer Bakery..,.,,: I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply everybody with .......... BREAD, PIES and CAKE ......Also, all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries GKEO, Pioneer C. S. SMITH, THE UP-TO-DATE I ...Fresh Eggs and Telephone 270. v hi ate rials,, and Columbia Mowers and Hodge Mer The Dalles, Oregon err this se. oirt sub sn-'e to v WITS oil HIUI, ' SPECIAL HIGH GRADE mm $38.50 STOCK SADDLE kjr Irelzat . w. aaejeas w aaa TOUCAN EXAMINE IT ST?f5S!a perleaily tlaeUrj, suswtly a. ninstBUl, An Extra Fine High Grade Saddlo and the equal ef saddles sold everywhere at from tXMtZAXi OUR PRICE, $3i0. r the a-eedeMalt. er jMI., awl tmnh chanres. This -addle is maoe on inaor IG-lncn Genuine taaeima or Neleon Heavy Steel Fork.... SELECT R KAWnt w roll oantio. steel LMUurw., imrnii. brass bound, M desired. WIS ssad kseS E EXTRA STRONG ?"v??iJ lined, Mnch wide lace stirrup leathers, lX-tneh tie straps, extra lonK on near side, t-lncb to buckle on offside, hen- . . J . K .. MM. lu.,MS belting Hank cinch, oonnectlng strap. Loop seat, seat ana jockey all one piece. ELEGANT HAND RAISED -TAWlPI-q as Illustrated. Wela-ht mt Saddle abewt SS weejadal packed for ertt Inlnent. 46 pounds. t al-l IS UKLT UW1 ai.oo roa bacu too SiLts. c u.n-re. sn unni a CATALOGUE, showinfl a lull line ol Cowboy and Bencher Outfits at tha lowest prices aver quoted. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICA60, ILL tS-js,a1iBCs.at-seaa-yisl-tlB. -MSB-, Lime, Trowel Brand Cement and Doors, Paints and Oils. f for tbe sales of RTTC3:, Grocer. CROCER. Creamery Butter, . Forwarding Merchant A 8PECIALTY. SECOND STREET. V 1 . . . r tiag the- wires.