VT7 vt? IXTAISBBK, Volue XXXV Consolidated 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1899. NO 50 ANOTHER FILIPINO GENERAL KILLED Never experiment with so important an article as the human food Gregori del Pilar Fell Near Cervantes. elected men Bradley. at once by Governor Tell Tour Sister. A Beautiful Complexion Is an impossi- dility without good pure blood, the sort tht only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Glover Root Tea BRITISH RE PULSED AGAIN act9 directly on the bowels, liver and They Sllffer HeaVV LOSSeS kidneys keeping them in perfect health I u " Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. It is, the high quality of Royal Baking Powder that has estab lished its great and world-wide reputation. Every house wife knows she can rely upon it: that it makes the bread and biscuit more delicious and whole some always the finest that can be baked. It is economy and every way better to use the Royal, whose work is always certain, never experimental. ' There are many imitation baking powders, made from alum. They may cost less per .pound, but' their use is at the cost of health. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK Manila, Dec. 10. General Gregori del Pilar, commanding Aguina'do's body-guard, was killed by Mayor 'Pey ton March's battalion of the Thirty third infantry in a fight 18 miles north west of Cervantes, December 3. Ac cording K reports which General Young obtained from escaped Spanish prisoners at Vigan, several days ago, Major March left the cost, -where he was pursuing Aguioaldo, and en countered -General del. Phar on a fortified trail. They fought for four hours, during which time 70 Filipinos were killed and wounded. The Ameri- ican loss was one killed and six wound ed. The Spaniards report that Ma jor March is still pursuing the insurgents. Del Pilar was one of the leaders of the present and of another Spanish revolution. He was a mere youth, and was reported to have graduated at a leading European university. Professor Schurman met him as a member of the first peace commission, and rated him as remarkably clever. The Americans have occupied Ban- gued, province of Abra. - General Grant's expedition hae visited Orani and several western I towns, meeting small bands. He killed several of the rebels and captured a quantity of munitions of war. A Brilliant Move. London. Dec. 10. The war office has issued the following dispatch from General Buller, dated at Frere camp December 9, afternoon. . "The following was received from General White today: 'Last night I sent General Hunter, with 600 Natal volunteers, under Roynston, and 100 of the imperial light horse, under Edwards to surprise a gun on a bill. The enterprise was admirably carried out and was entirely successful, the hill being captured and a six-inch gun and a howitzer being"' destroyed with guncotton. A maxim was captured and brought to .Ladyemith. Our loss was one killed and Major Henderson, of the first battalion of the Argyll Highlanders wounded. At the same time that Colonel Knox seized the hill, one squadron of the Nineteenth hussars rode around Pepworth hill, burning kraals and cuttiug the tele graph lines. They had no casualties." fear Over Fifty Tears. An Old and Well-Tried Rem edy. Mrs. Winaiow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in every part of tbe world Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's. at Strombergv New York, Dec. 11. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The British forces in South Africa have met with a signal defeat. This sen sational news was officially announced from the war office at midnight. Gen eral Gatacre admitting that he had met with a serious reverse in an attack yesterday morning on Stromberg, in Northern Cape Colony. The British general says he was misled .by guides as to the Boer position, and'.found "impracticable ground." Apparently he was caught in an ambush, as his casualties, as at present known; are alarming. The numbers of dead and wounded oonnot be considered excessive in the circumstances, but the enormous num bers reported missing suggest that the engagement must not have .been un like tbat of Nickolson'a Nek, when General White lost so heavily. For Hoarseness. George A. Pontine, Upper Sandusky, O., writes: I have been using Foley's Honey and Tar for sore throat and hoarseness and find it is the best rem edy I have ever tried. ' It stopped the cough immediately and relieved all soreness. Clark & Fait, druggists. IN CONGKESJ QUARTER-century old remedy for coughs and colds that's as good to day as it ever was, and always has been the best. Twenty five years of guaranteeing Foley's Honey and Tar, because it was a sure remedy.has brought its reward in large sales and many friends. It's still the same guaranteed-to-cure-or-money-back remedy. It will enre all coughs and colds, croup and whooping cough, la grippe and bronchitis. It will relieve asthma and consumption, even the worst cases, and will pre vent pneumonia. It's guaranteed. For cuts, bruises or sores BANNER SALVE is best. Jos. T. Peters & Co. ..Building Materials., Sold by Clarke and Falk, The Dalles, Oregon. OF ALL KINDS. With Drotrudinff nil. hmnfTht v.- . : Won wltU wbloh I was f afflict inXr.,""?Z years. I ran across your CASCARETS in th. town or Newell, la., and never found anything to eaual them. To-dnv T n .mu. i plies and feel like a ne w man. u. a. a-aiiz. mi jones St., Sioux City, la. CANDY TRAD! MASH nmiMin p.i.t.M. d. m . (food. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 26 Wo. . CURE CONSTIPATION. 8uriht ssmy Co-py. Calease, MmI, law Terk. 311 PROFESSIONAL. A. S. BENNET Attorney at Law Farm Machinery, Etc. M' r. MOOKK. COKE & GAVIN, JOHN OA VI V Attorneys At Law. Kooma 39-40 overTJ. S. Land Office. NO.Tfl.RAft Sold and jraaranteed by alldrnc HW I U'DAw gists to Tobacco Habit? IN EARLY VOTE TO BE TAKEN Finance Bill to Be Rail roaded Through. Washington, Dec. 8. The com mittee on rules of the house today de cided to bring in a rule for considera . (on of the finance bill, the general de? bate to begin next Monday and pou tlnue until Friday, and with debate un. ' der a fiye-minute rule on Saturday, with a provision for vote Monday, December . 18, Immediately after the reading of , the journal. .. Twenty minutes on each side will be allowed for debating on the rule. - Ualgel, (Pa.,) from the committee on rales, presented amendments to the rules agreed upon by the committee on insular affairs to consist of 17 mem bers to have jurisdiction "over all matters-excepting ' those effecting the revenues . and appropriations," per taining to the islands which came to the United States through the treaty of 1899 with Spain, and to Cuba, the membership of the committees on foreign affairs, merchant marine and fisheries, public lands, military affairs, naval affairs, and District of Colum bia, from 15 to 17 members, and tbe committee on territories from 13 to 15. The resolution for the appointment of an insular committee was adopted without aivision. DaUell then offered a resolution for the consideration of the currency bill and spoke in its favor. Richardson, on behalf of the minority, dissented emphatically from the pro position advanced by Dalzell, that the bill contained nothing radically new. For tbe first time in tbe history of tbe country it was proposed by statutory provisions to fasten a gold standard upon the country. Bailey declared tbe proposed course gf the majority was without precedent as defense, DaUell olosed the debate for a special order, and the roll was called on its adoption,. The special order was adopted by a striot party . vote of 163 to 144. At 1:30 the house adjourned until Monday. What a Well Known Ballroad Man and Beeldent of Umafr hlnks of roley's Kidney, Cure. - have been troubled a. great deal with baobaohe, I was loduoed to try Foley's Kidney" oure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. i I gladly reoom. . mend it to any one especially my friends among the train men, who are usually similarly .afflcted. " , Geobge H. Hausan,' Engineer on L. E. & V7. R. B. AJH. Thurness, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co. Buffalo, Ohio, writes: " I haye been affected with kidnev and bladder trouble for years; passing gravel or stones, accompanied by ex cruciating pains. - Other medicines tly gave temporary relief. After taking Foley's Sidney Cure, the re sult was surprising, A few doses started the bricks dust, little fine tones, etc., and now I have no pain across my kidneys and feel like a new man, Foley's Kidney Cure has done f 1000 worth of good. Clark & Falk, druggists. Mrs. Thomos Rlddleman,'- Parshall ville, , Mich, writes; - I was troubled with salt rheum for; oyer thirteen years and had tWed a number of doctors without relief. My husband bought a box of Banner Salve, which I applied two or three times ami my hands be gao to get better. In a short time they were entirely cured. Clark A Falk, druggists. by the Boers or has merely engaged in recpnnolsance in force. Reinforcements are rapidly arriving at Sterkstrom to strengthen Gatacre, Including much needed artillery. The authorities expect speedy news that Gatacre has taken the offensive, thus diverting a portion of the Orange Free State forces now obstructing the ad vance of Methuen. A war office dispatch from Buller confirms the statement that hello graphic communication has been fully established with Ladysmlth and tbat Buller and White have been conferring as to their future movements. The latest advices from Frere camp show tbat the bombardment of Ladysmlth was continued Thursday, December 7. On Bottle. MOBS 1-luHTIHQ B SPORTED. Beport ef Another Battle at fodder Blver. LONDON, Dec. 8. While nothing in the latest messages from the .British camp at Modder river indicated an im mediate advance, it appears that Pre toria has news that , fighting was re sumed Wednesday. It is not shown, howeyer, whether Methuen has ad vanced on the new position taken up Every Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guarantee: "All we ask of you to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then if you can say you are not benifited return tbe bottle to your druggist and he may refu. d the money." Price 25 cts., 50 cts,, add $1.00. Blakeleyand Houghton, To, Settle the Controversy. New York, Deo. 8 A special to the Herald from Washington says; Presi dent McKinley, during an interview with Senator Wellington, expresses himself in favor of reviving the grade of vice-admiral in the interest of both Rear-Admiral Sampson and Rear-Ad miral Schley. He beleivea that (his is the simplest saluton of tbe whole Sampson-Schley controversy, and it is expected that Senator Wellington will introduce a bill in a few days providing for the appointment of two vice-ad mirals without specifying names. The president very frankly said that if suoh a bill beoame a law, he would pr-omply nominate both . Sampson and Schley in the order named. This ar rangement, both the president and Senator Wellington believe, will meet the approval of a majority of the friends of both officers. Ioea This Strike Ton? Muddy complexions, - nauseating breath- come from chronic consump tion.' Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on g absolute guarantee. Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake ley & Houghton, druggists. ' so Unlikely Report. New York, Dee. 8, A dispatch to the Herald from London gives the 401- lowing advices from Modder river: It is reported that serious dissenaeto slOns have broken out in the 'gpfer' camp between the f.rn8Ya.l and tM Free Stater: .General Cronje insists' upon ' putting Transvaal officers In command of the Free State troops and ays that the latter will not fight. - A trustworthy , native who escaped from theBoers state, that he drove his mas ter Andrew Conje and 'Head com man dant Wessels away in a cart ' after the battle of Modder river. They quarrel led all through the journey.'' ' Wessels severely blamed the Transvaalers for not coming to the assistance of the Free Staters. . . ' How is Tour wifeT j 4 Has she lost her beauty? . If so, con stlpatlon, indigestion, pick headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea. has cured, these Ula or half a century. Price 35 Cts, and SO cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton druggists. " Leaped JFroa at Window. ' FAIRVTEW, Or. Deo. 8. A prisoner named Jones, who was on his way to the penitentiary,together with another prisoner, in charge of Sheriff Living stone, of Grant county, escaped last evening by jumping from the window of an O. R. & N. train, which had stopped here. Sheriff Livingstone at once offered a reward of $50 for the recapture of Jones, and parties are scouring the country in search of him. Cape Nome In Danger. Seattle, Dec. 8. Arrangements have been completed for a big gam bling and theatrical enterprise, to be established at Cape Nome in tbe spring. The plans Involve an expenditure of 160,000. . A special steamer will ' take North 40 variety performers, the paraphernalia for the biggest gambling house in Alaska and a building 60 by 140 feetj three stories high. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but. her vital organs were undermined and death seemed ' Imminent, for three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured, her name is Mrs. Luther Lut.z.' Thus writes W. C. Hamsick oVCo., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Regular size 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. ' MANY WRBK KILLED, Terrible Gas Explosion in Coal Mine at , Carbonado. TAeOMA Deo. 10. A mine explosion at Carbonado, 40 miles easternly from Tacoma, at 11 o.clock yesterday morn ing, killed 33 men. Identification of the dead men is almost impossible. The scraps of clothing that still cling to the bodies of the men are carefully preserved, laid aside and labelled to aid in the lndentiflcation. ' Frenzied relatives of the missing men gather at the mouth of the mine, , watching eagar ly to catch a glimpse of the forms as they are hurried by to the coroner's office. The tunnel in which the explosion took place is about li miles in lenght on a water level under the southwest part of town. There are several air ohutes running up to the surface -of Win gate bill west of there. The force of the explosion was such tbat it knocked John Ryan, said to be a Finn, who was working at the eight cross cut, 32Q feet above the water level. The oause of the explosion is a mystery to every one. Not even tbe miners rescued can give the slightest possible explanation. Only safety lamps, the English Clanney and the Davie patterns, are worn when at work. Should, howereyer, one of the men haplessly .open his lamp in an accumu lation of coal gas the gas would sudden ly ignite and explode. The only open light known was that from tbe small locomotive used to haul the car in and out to the canyon on the main leyel. It is, merely theorizing to say that this was the cause. . . , It is believed that between 30 and 35 men were killed in tbe accident. Many of those who got out alive are terribly burned, and some of them will die. Olorlons News Comes from Dr. D. B. Carglle, of Washita, I. T.' .'He writes "Four bottles of Elecrlc Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of. scrofula, wuloh had caused her great' suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and faoe, and the best' doctors could give no help; bat her cure is complete and her he.il th is excellent. This shows what ' thousands - have proved that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy foe eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils, and running sores. ' It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength.. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton drug gists. Guaranteed. - OEBTlFIOATC JTUB TATLOB. '. Declared Governor-Elect of Kentucky nj a Vote of 193,714, '.,''. Frankfort, Ky., Dee. 10.--.At 9;45 yesterday the eleotion. certificate of WUUam. 8- Taylor; was signed by the eleotion commissioners, and he was declared governor-eleot of Kentucky The official figures of tbe vote, filed with the secretary of state are: Taylor..... 193,714 Gobel... , 191,331 Blg-n Time In Stock Exchange. New York, Dec. 11. The galleries of the stock exchange were filled with visitors today expecting to witness an exciting time In the stock market. They were not disappointed. The people who would not think of selling stock when at 5 to 15 points higher, tumbled over each other to sell this morning. The news of a serious re verse to British arms in Soutn Africa awakened a lively apprehension in the minds of Wall street operators and was an aid to tbe bears in the hulla baloo they raised to encourage stocks to decline.- The so-called trust stocks were the center of the attack. The Appetite of Goat . Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of or der. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills,, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and' a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 oentB at Blakeley .& Houghton's drugstore. ; Statehood for Arlxonia. t Chicago, Dec. 10. A special to the Chicago Record from Phoenix, Aria., says: An enthusiastic mass meeting was held here yesterday to start a movement to secure statehood at the present session of congress. Promi nent men from all parts of Arizona were in attendance ' and took part. Goyernor Murphy was elected chair man of a committee of 30 which will go to Washington early in January to advocate statehood. Be Fooled tbe Surgeons. All doctors told Renic Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly - operation was per formed, but he enred himself with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile pure on Earth, and the best Salve in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Governor oi Caba. New York, Deo. 11. A special to the, Herald from . Washington says tbat the title "Governor of Cuba" will be the official designation of the offioe. to which Major General Wood will be assigned. By omitting the "military',' the pre '.dent hopes to im press upon the C' ans that under the new regime, "civil government," as far as possible under military officers and men, will obtain. Pont Bisk Tonr Ufa. Many of your friends, or people whom you know of , have contracted consumption, pneun, onla or other fatal diseases by nei' lect of a simple cold or cough. Ft ley's Honey and Tar, a safe arid pleasant cough medi cine, would have saved them. It is guaranteed. . Clark & Falk, druggist.. Another Presidential Ticket. COLUMP.U3, O., Deo. 10. The union reform party will nominate by direct vote a presidential ticket in 1900 on the established platform of the ' party, which consists of a single plank ad vocating the initative and referendum method for all legislation both state and national. Thia disclsion was reached by the national executive com mittee of the party at a conference in this olty with tbe Ohio state executive committee. Bew Are Toir Kldaeys f Dr. Hobbe-SparasTis Pills enre all kidney Ills. Ban elatrae. Add. 8lerliiia KemeOj Co, Chicago or N. T The House Takes up Currency Bill and the Senate Considers K evolutions. Washington, Doc. 11. There was only a fair attendance in the galleries of tbe house to witness the opening of the debate on the currency bill. Im mediately after the reading of the journal, the house, under tbe special order, went into a committee of the whole, with Mr. Hepburn, (Iowa) in the chair, and entered upon the considera tion of the bill. Mr. Overstreet (Ind-) in charge of the measure on the floor, opened the general debate with a set speech that occupied the greater por tion of the day. Washington, Deo. 11. The announ ced intention of Mason (HI.) to address the senate today on his resolution ex pressing the sympathy of the senate with the South African republics in the war with Great Britain drew a large crowd to the senate galleries. In the absence of President Frye.Platt (Conn.) occupied tne chair. : -; ;: Hoar presented resolutions of ' the Massachuetts legislature In favor of( a constitutional amendment providing for uniform hours of labor in manufact- Piatt preseni'afeeolutWn-1bTno legislature of Connecticut in opposi tion to the admissions of polygamist to congress. Pettigrew (S. D.) offered a resolution calling on the secretary of war for all orders relating to General Merriam's action regarding the Coeur d' Alene miners, relating the charges against Memam in his conduct of the affair. Chandler objected to tbe immediate consideration of the resolution and it went over. , Sick Heaeaehe. is the bane of women. . What is wanted is not relief alone, but relief and cure. Dr. Loyal Ford's Dyspeptlcide will cure siclc headache for all time. It makes the stomach right. Clark & Falk, druggists. - tend that the next fight is to take place at Magorsfontein. Apparectly Spytiontein is not defended, or the Boers are unwilling to unmask their position there. Bow to Prevent a Void. After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. , It never falls and will prevent -Pneumonia or Consump tion if taken in time. Clark & Falk, . Taylor's plurality 2,383 .. .The operation which ended, for the time being, at least, the bitterly fought gubernatorial contest, was conducted in the simplest manner. Tbe ma jority opinion of Commissioners Pryor and Ellis, and minority opinion of Commissioner Poyntz were not read, as was the original intention. The three commissioners walked first to the office of the clerk of the state su preme court, where they filed two opinions. They then passed into tbe office of secretary of stave. Clerk Cheoault, of the board of commis sioners, read, the figures, showing that the republican candidates for tbe state ticket had received the largest number of votes, and then tbo certificates of election were signed at once. The certificates, as soon as signed, were filed with the secretary of state, and commissions will be issued to the "A Word to the - Wise is Sufficient Bat some stubborn people cuait until 44 down sick " be fore trying to ward off illness or cure it The wise recog nize in thword 44 Hood's" assurance of health. For all blood troubles, scrofot, pimples, ts well as diseases of ihe kidneys, lever and bowels, Hood's SarsapariHa. is the effective and faultless cure. Rheumatism" was practically helpless from rheumatism in my shoulder. Hood's SarsapariHa cured me and ever since is a household favorite." Stirs. M, E. 'Powers, 4812 St. Lawrence ctve.. Chicago, M. V i juuj mum j n-naM afi I' T T" r Hood's PlUi ears ltrer lUs; tbe noo-nrlttlnf and 'enlT cathartic to Uk with Hood's Sartspsrllla, LONDON PAPERS DISCOUBAGED. Begard the Defeat at Btormberg a Most Serious One. London, Dec 11. Discussing the defeat of General Gatacre at Storm berg, the dally mall says: - "Quite apart from the loss of 600 fighting men, the unexpected Boer success will probably , cause a more general and serious movement among the' Cape 'Dutch. Tbe government must promptly face this by the immed iate dispatch of futher troops. . The Daily mall says; "The reverse General Gatacre has suffered is a sadly empathio commentary on the peculiar difficulty of military operations in a semi-disaffected country. The enemy's spies are everywhere, and nowhere can we rely confidently on any counter in formation. General Gatacre seems to have' been completely trapped. Of course, he will be Immediately rein forced." The Standard says: "The event is in the highest degree deplorable. It will tell against us unfavorably in the Free State, among the colonial Dutch and even among the natives.' A great deal of ' evidence has been accumulating during the past weeks to show how deeply the colony, or at least the north ern and western ' portions of it, are honeycombed by dissatisfaction. - Our generals haye to cope with a rebel colony as well as hostile republics, and must take measures to lay their plans in accordance with the details." A Four Million Claim Knocked Out. Washington, Dec. 11. The su preme court has affirmed tbe opinion of the court of claims in the case of the of the Los Abra Silver Mining com' pany against the Republic of Mexico, holding the claim to be fraudulent. The claim was for about 84,000,000. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the xioney if it fails to cure. E. W. G ove's signature is on each box. 25c. s Cd4 . Bomb Throwers In Spain. Madrid, Dec. 11. Yesterday at the theatre ntr M urjeiftX -oomb waa cc ploded, and the. theatre was destroyed. The audience got out without serious accident. Liquid Electricity. The great electro magnetic oure for all internal and external pain; guaran teed to cure the deepest seated pain in one to fifteen minutes. For sale at Clarke & Falk's drug store. R. E. Williams, General Agent. BATTLE AT MUDDBB BIVBB. Methnen'a New Guns Play Havoc With Boer Trenches. . Modder River, Sunday evening, Dec- 10. The naval four and seven inch guns again took up a position north of the camp this afternoon, while the howitzer battery was posted southeast on the left of the Boers. Both opened 1 a hot fire with lyddite shells and shrapnel, to which the Boers sharply responded with a dozen guns, thus unmasking their position, which was the object of the British maneuvers. After an hour's fighting, the Boer guns . were silenced. The howitzer searched the trenches, and then threw shell after shell upon tbe hills, the explosion oi the lyddites causing the whole ground over an ex tensive area to rise in the air in dense, brown clouds. A Boer long gnn was dismantled. It now appears tbat the Boers in- Masters Mnst Hans;. Salem, Dec. 11. The supreme court today finally passed upon the case of the state vs. Magers, the petition for a rehearing being denied. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot leach the seatof the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure it you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfacesr HaU's Ca tarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It wss prescribed by one of ths best physicians in this country for yens, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Ca- tarra, senas ior testimonials, iree. r'. j. Ufci.t;.N e. & uu., Jfrops -xoieao, u, Sol d by Druggists Too. Hall's Family Pills are the best, ' BA1B SV1TSK 65 CENTS, aoy biir al fr-oi 6Sc $3.25, squsl at ' - - .... TOMII ! LO fB.IHI. OUK OFFER: Cn' tliin nd out and cii.l to ua. Include a goou alid aiutipla of the exact ahatia wanu-d, and cut It out as near the roots aa possible, inclose ar ipMlal pries aaslsd ana Mill nm to ,ny postage, and w will auks tk w' li M waiea your aair sxaet, and send to you by mail, postpaid, and if you ars not perfectly sntistted, return It and we will Immediately relund your monev. OsrSDeclalOSerPrMssslhlliiM. 1fa.h 80-ln. long, long stem, 6SO short stem. 90c; -os. a-in. long, short stem, S 1.291 a-oi. ss-tn. long, short stem, SI. SOI s-os. it-ln. long, short stem. S2.231 SK-os. BMn. ivniw.uiorinem, SI UUUUTKI nuns, cue highest grade on the market. OrsVr at aaea aa s.1 ttssesseeiel srtess. Tear Bear? rstarasd If yoa are aes Cr-"". " ior sree iMaiogue ol air Goods. Address. ' SEARS. ROEBUCK ft C.n tlnl- fthir-ana. Clears, Bsekeer a C. ars laenaiUi r-'-'-'T HIisb I First National Bank TH8 DKLLBS. OREGON M. H. JOHNSTON, Headquartersafor jo Headers, Milwaukee Chalnless and Columbia Mowers and Hodge Rater" Extras formal! machines we handle. If yon want anything in the line of Agricultural Implements call on General Banking Business Transacted. Johnston Deposits received subject to siKht draft I ) Deposits received subject to sight draft or oneoa. Collections made and prooeeds promptly re- rmttea on aay of collection. Sight and telegraphio exchange sold on New rora-, nan rTancisoo ana rortiana. The Dalles, Oregon J. S. SOHIWCK. President. H. M. BaAiiL. Cashier l y n QUA 1899 MACKINTOSH 8OT NO MOHKY, cut this d oat 4vnd semi to as, Mate ywmr hlgt mmd WttffJttt 1MM4 sTUNNb Imtftk frmmmt trmm iimr mmwu amtm m WW m, m wmkmt Um to brttetv ft k.rti mm toier waste, and wo will a yoa una MMfciBtoili bye (uvea !. u. svt nowoi so nnuneai and try I K 4U TUT Iriml tlBTM I MnSMtmd if found exsvctljr mm I expresi agent Want r, wit n J1U s-s.jji.-aso cnaTfCOli THIS MACE IK TOSH ft BLACK ar BLUB tcaala BalBfi. L.K I tMBBia HltaN. WsUl 8KB0B CLOTH, with fancy plaidi unuifr, BITOT oouar, aoaoi detachable cane, extra rail weep cape and aklrt. guar- I an teed latest style and Anas I taiioiwnaae. FOR f RBB CLOTH fissTPLBB of srvtrrrtrilasr 1b issim' smIms. write for free flstaole lUok H . AS C. APDRFSS. tARSj ROEBUCK A CU. flee. iuh awMU, m W. nvr tsnWVHsXslI IWMaVlMei nVWHSl Z. F. MOODY General Commissioii and Martel -'V..-' -.rA - ' ' ' ' a i; 391. 393 KND 395 SECOND STHEG , ( (Adoialnr Bsilroad Depot.) t. ; v 'r m Consiffimieiits Solicited r, doable) . V , , . i : . ' ' - i 1 i . f I I Prompt attention will be DnH-to tli08ewho (aTorJme with their patron ir (Inlnfiia Pacitlug Co., Corner Third and Washington. " ' ' ' ' ' '' i M BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, PORK, LARD Curedand Dried Meats, Sausages of All Kinds ijhas. J. Stublingp WHOLESALE 00 was Kxcmaive. ' Anecdotes concerning the boyhoods of our fighting men are especially timely at present, and I wish to relate one about a young lieutenant on the Marblehead, says a writer in the Wash ington Post. I know he will be de lighted at my telling'it. I am told that he has threatened to shed the blood of any of his kinsmen who remind him of it, for its constant repetition has em bittered his youth. He is still young, however, the youngest lieutenant in the navy, and, I believe, the youngest man Annapolis ever graduated. There 'was a time when he was very much younger. When he was precisely two years and six months old his nurse entered his apartment one morning. "O, come with me," said she. "I want you to see the darling little baby brother the angels have brought you." The future lieutenant sat up in his trundle bed and looked haughty. "Go way," he said, con temptuously, "I don't care to meet strangers." The Rennoa. . In one of his books Mark Twain ob serves that the reason there is com paratively little arable land in Spain is "because t'he great majority of the Span ish people are in the habit of squander ing i on heir persons, and when they lie it is buried with them. Orders Delivered toAoj Part of the City Wines. Liquor, Cigar$ and Beer The Celebrated Olympia Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrine, a non-alchoholio beverage, unequaled as a tonlo. PHONK 8 173 Second street, The Dalles, Oregon. "a X I 1 era, s fja'l, QK BUYS S3.5 suit nnrmj a a.OU LMUablaATkUlaAKTUlUliOLT'aMkl tost awieeeMe ka. VUtmUr s.M Botw t- inaasM asM-Pul BnlU ITMasT ru II.H9. A HEW SUIT FRKK tor any oftnese toltl whieta dont gi e satisfactory wesj; fianrf Na MnrtAv. Cui thia Ad. out " "-' and send to ns. slsu mgm f boy and say whether lurg or mail for atre. and we will send yon tbe suit by express, C O D., subject to examliv atioa. Yoa can examine it at tout expres ooice and U sound penecuy sausiactory and equal to suiu sold In your town for ataV. 4VU. Vjsaw TOUT BIUI LlJaf aHCVU w sr sffer price, S 1.09 sad eiprcst eharfrs. THKHR KNKnVFATlT HU1TU ST beys trvm 4 la lSTsstssfsffe. aasaraivtalke STtMywlMre at S.U. Bsae wlta doable seat and knees, latest 1890 style aa illustrated, made from a aoeelal sw r UUaaT. aoavy AIsL-WOOL Omkwcil eauUavers, neat, handsome pat ne serge Unlnfr, ClaTtee patent interlining, pad 4ying and reinforcing, ilk and linen eewlnff.nas )nCIlalM I 19 IKAKM, How sad it is to see weak children-4)oys and girls who are pale and thin. They can not enjoy the sports of child hood, neither are they able to profit by school life. They are indeed to be pitied. But there is hope for them. Scott's Emulsion has helped such children for over a quarter of a century. : Your doctor will tefl you it is both food and medicine to them. They begin to pick up at once under its use. Their color improves, the flesh becomes more firm, the weight increases and all. the full Gfe and vigor of childhood returns again. . At all dnursrists: toe and tun. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, New York. 1 ins;, staying aiiar-aiade tareoieeal. a suit any bar or parent would oroud of. 1KB mt CLOTH SalrUIS ef BeTi -nice. itmMti or nlstara). for bora a TO ritetar Baatsle Beak e. SOC contain, fashion plates, (ape measure ana iuu wstruouens now w om.r. ee'e Sulla aad Oterseate siade le arSer Iresi St. SO am. tamplea aqnt Ire. on appUeation. iieiaii, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, IIL "see. BiiseiS.Ca. ars ISiinallt relllhla letter,) Do you want to get rich? D.W VAUSE, ....DEALER IN.... Wall Paper, Paints, OILS, GLASS, ETC. Finest liue of Wall Paper in the city. ' Send for Samples. Painting, Paper-Hanging and Kalsomln Ing a Specialty. Tklrd Street. The Dalles, Oregon HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY. A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced five miles from Antelope, for sale on easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul tivation, good house, barn and other outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of horses, splendid spring of water, nice young orchard bearing fruit. A popu lar stand on the road that takes in from $100 to $200 a month. To be sold on reasonable terms. Call at this office or address We N. WILEY, y2d-w Antelope, Or. C9 7B Pn palw COAT . DDnrt in a. nA VlTaRntUOr THE BALDWIN' ANDREW BALDWIN, Proprietor. Corner Court and Front Streets, ' Carries Everything to be Found In a FIrst-ClassJLIqnorjStore. Whiskey from S3.00 per Gallon "and Up. Th Celebrated Columbia Brewery Bear on Tap ' THE DALLES, OREGON. SEND US ON E DOLLAR v 1 I. "aUCKI9TUH FOB 2. 75 Send No Money u(thUsa.oot and send to us, stats yaur ..le" aS welfku stU number ot bum .round body area.t taken oer Test under eoat close up under am... and ws wui send you tnis coat by .x press, C. O. and try "on aS your nsaxest ss nnsjomce auu m. j . i mnA th. miwt won. derf ul TaJue yoa er saw or. heard of and equal w any coat jrou can boy for.00. rartb..IJ.r-ss- lOTirTdAub". bitated, Sacer TeljeJ coni. fancy Plaid lining. rproot aad Omms at from to SaAO. and Bado-v-eaur. ; IrraTfew to euua, wrtu ior rns 1 - rT'0UR $38.50 T) ' . f .... -YlA f 'M . I l V : Ml SEARS f A- fifc-aJ.4( (Uid w will eDtt yoa oar $38.50 S J rrels.t V. SPECIAL HIGH GRADE STOCK SADDLE CTTTHIB Aa. OUTlS.B TO CB WITS OIB BOLUS, Tt O. It. a.Jt t aaasslaatlea YOU CAN EXAMINE IT Ed'T?rEI Bcrfcctlf a.UaCa.t.ry, sutawily a. ra.maa.lu. . An Extra Fine High Crade Saddle and the equal of mwldlMeold eterywhre at frotr- ms.iki.1. i nun PRifiF. $3 Rfi ay in. ireifrm airene wwii mw, vwv.wwq leas tk. tLMiesMlL.er Wt.Mi and Irrtgai charges. This Saddle Is mads on a IB54 oi-16-lnoh Genuine Ladesma o.' Nelson Heavy steel ForK... . CARfrrri.i.Y belectko rawhiub oovtkki XKFi; bound or roll cant le, steel leather oo Tared stirrup . or t-lnch oxbow brass bound, mm dsalrsd. Witt eeae. Baa. ' esatle aalees elaerwlae ei TREE IS WADE EXTRA STRONG "Kry. lined, Uncb wide Uce stirrup leathers, ltl-loeh tla strap, extra Ion ir on near aid., t-lnch to buokl. OB offsldo, beas cotton twisted Mexican Mnch front etnch, heavy cotto 1 baltlns flank Hnch. connoting strap. Loop sest. swat aa I )ock.y ail one pleos. ELECANT HAND RAISED STAWIPINf, aa 111 unrated. Welkt .f fmddl. ab..t (5 .: puked for shipment, e poonds. 'UU.MT IS OII.I ABUi I SI. OS FOB BACK tOO BILKS. WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE, HARNESS AND 8ADDL CATAL06U E, shoainf a tail tins al CowbO) an. Raacht'' Outfits at the lowest prices erer auetsa. Address. . ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, 111 , (Seen, lnis BOs. ars Unesil isaaela, IHlil. ... iA --t- 0