The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 09, 1899, Image 1

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MO 49
Timns-HoirmisiEB. xm
MtimTlIWBEK. Volume XXXV
The Absolutely Pure
Made from Grape
Cream of Tartar.
Baking powders made from alum and other
harsh, caustic acids are lower in price, but
inferior in work and injurious to the stomach.
Hughes' Good . Work on
Panay Island.
Washington, Dec. 1. The follow
In? dispatch is from Otis:
"Hughes reports from Central Pan ay
that In the province of Iloilo. one-
third of the Island is cleared of insur
gents; the result of forced marches
with two battalions from Labuaoo by
way of Colinoog, Hughes' casualties
are, Captnin Warwick and Private
Humphreys, both of the Eighteenth
infantry, , killed. Dispatches from
Lawton indicate that Jsayombong- was
captured on Nov. 28th. MacArthur'r
troops had several minor ' engage
ments, capturing a number.of men and
a quantity of rifles. Bell's captures
In the mountains Include 14 modern
guns, all in good condition. The Ore
gon brought in 106 Spanish prisoners
from Vigan yesterday and 94 were re
ceived by rail the previous evening.
The conditions at Zambaango are
satisfactory. Additional ordinance has
been surrendered. The Thirty-first
Infantry leaves Manila to garrison
several stations on the Mindanao
Millions eiven Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the pub
lic to know of one concern in the land
who are not afraid to be generous to
the needy and auffering. The proprie- j
tore of Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, Coughs and Colds, have
given away over ten million trial bot
tles of this great medicine; and have
the satisfaction of knowing it has ab
solutely cured thousands 'of hopeless
oases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarse-
ness and all diseases of the throat,
ohest and lungs are surely cured by it.
Call on Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists, and get a free trial bottle. Regu
lar size 50 cents and $1.00. Every bot
tle guaranteed, or prioe refunded .
General Methnen Is Expected to
There Saturday or Sunday.
London, Dec. 1. While the rumors
of the relief of Kimberley current on
the stook exchange today may be pre
mature in their literal senge, there
seems no doubt that the pressure on
the garrison has been much lightened
by General Methuen's successes and
the actual relief of the place is likely
to be a fact very soon. A clew to . the
urgent reasons which dictated General
Methuen's hurried march may be found
in Governor Milner's hint to the relief
committee at Cape Town to prepare for
the reception of 10,000 refugees, and
indicating that the garrison must have
had reasons to fear the reduction of
Kimberley by starvation and disease.
The most recent news from Kimber
ley and Mafeking are acting in concert
with General Methuen, for at the time
the battle was raging at Gras Pan, both
Colonel Kekewlch and Colonel Baden
Powell made sorties and assailed the
beleaguers. The result, from Pretoria:
Colonel Kekewick inflicted conslder
' able loss on the Boers, two shells kil
ling nine and wounding 17 in a group.
It is reported that General Methuen
resumed his northwest oourse in order
to form a junction with the Kimberley
forces Saturday or Sunday.
Brave filen Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons
in the blood, backache, nervousness,
headache and tired, listless, run-down
feeling. But there is no need to feel
like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner,
Idavllle. Ind. He says: "Electric
Bitters are just the thing for a man
when he is all run down, and don't
care whether he lives or dies. It did
more to give me new strenght and
good appetite than, anything I could
take. I can now eat anything and
have a new lease on life." Only 50
cent, at Blakeley & Houghton's drug
Store. EAery bottle guaranteed..
FiMionlata to Meet.
OREGON City, Dec. I. The chair
man of the populist, democrat and sil
ver republican county central com mi t
fcRA have each called committee meet
ing to be held in this city December 16.
It is understood that the object of the
meeting so early is to agree on . some
nlan of running a fusion or union
tuket next spring. Some populists
favor inviting the middle-of-the-road-ere
to join the combination, an J hold
one set of primaries and one conven
tion to nominate one ticket on one
platform. Two year ago the populists,
rinmno.rats and silver republican nom
inated a fusion ticket and elected about
half of the county officers, and a silver
republican to the legislature.
Trouble Ahead.
Chicago, Dec 1. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says that
inquiry among the foreign representa
tives develops the fact that the "open
door" policy of the administration has
received a check from European powers
They were asked for written assurances
that in case of a partion of China they
would maintain an "open door" policy
in their respective sphere of influence,
"If we do," they answer, "i,llvthere
also be an open door in the Philip
pines?" . This has placed the adminis
tration in a quandry and it is said
because promises of an open door policy
in the Philippines cannot be given at
the present time.
Bed Bot From the tinn '
Wat- he ball that hit G. B. Stead man,
of N- ark, Mich., in the Civil war.
Itcatiaud horrible ulsers that no treat
men r. helpad foe 20 years. Then
Bui-klen's Arnica Salve cured him.
Cun'9 cuts, bruises, burnes, . boils,
feious corns, sKin eruptions. Best pile
cu -e on earth. 25 cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
EiKht Month In Jail for Contempt.
Vancouver, B. c, Dec. 1. After
eight months in jail for contempt of
court, an old Italian named Cannessa
was today released from Westminster.
He claimed to have been swindled out
of a stone quarry on Galiaoo island.
The supreme court ordered him to sign
ajconveyance of the property, which
be refused to do. He was jailed for
disobedience- "Fighting Joe" Mar
tin originally had the case, and it was
in connection with it tnat be was sus
pended from practice . for a week for
. Working Might ana Say. . .
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-
coated glohnlp nf health, that changes
weakness into strength, listlessneesl
into energy, brain-fag Into - mental
power. They're wonderful in building
up the health. Only 25c per box.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. .
Financial Legislation.
Washington Dec 1. The white-
house, is overrun with members of
congress today, but only a very few
saw the president. Senator Piatt, of
Connecticut, who is a member of the
senate finance committee, said that
the sub-committee tomorrow would
agree upon term's of the financial bill.'
Piatt says that generally speaking the
senate bill will be an agreementon the
lines of the house bill. He thinks the
passage of a 'financial bill by both
houses a forgone conclusion.
Sick Headache.
The curse of overworked womankind.
are quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Boot Tea, the great blood puri-
tier ana tissue builder. Money re
funded if not satisfactory. Price 25
cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough
ton, drugg'sts.
More Evidence of Prosperity.
Pitttsbubg, Dec. 1. The strike of
the iron moulders was renewed today
in five foundries, and operations have
been suspended at twenty-five others.
This come about from a demand for an
n crease In the scale of wages. The
men claim that while everything else
has inoreased, perticularly food and
necessaries of life, wages have remained
stationary, so that they are in a worse
condition now than ever before.
Xon Try It
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price
01 zo cts. ou cts. and si.uu does not cure.
take the bottle back and we will refund
your money. Sold for over fifty years
on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and
50 cents. Blakelev & Houghton, dru z-
Be Can be Easily Persuaded.
Cleveland, Deo. 1. Concerning
the reports that Senator Hanna will
not succeed himself as the chairman of
the national republican committee, it
can be stated on the authority of
Hanna's intimate friends that he has
no desire to manage another campaign.
and that unless very strong pressure is
brought to bear upon him he will, in all
probability, decline to do So.
foung Mothers.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak
so agonizing and 'frequently fatal.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic in case? of croup. It
has never been known to fail. The
worst cases releived immediately
Price 25 cents,- 50 cents - and $1.00
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.
Want to Surrender.
New York, Dec. 1. A dispatch to
the Herald from Manila says: Gen
eral Lawton is at Bayombong, in
Cayogen valley. He is in telegraphic
communication with the insurgents
over a wire in their possession, and
the commanders of the opposing forces
are considering propositions made by
telegraph, looking to the surrender of
the Filipinos to the Americans.
How Are Tour Kidneys t
Dr. Hobbs' Bparaeus Pills care all kidney Ills. Bam
te f; ee. Add. Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicano or N. V
The ttamoan Division.
Washington, Dec. 1. The British
and German ambassadors have bad
several conferences lately with Secre
tary Hay relative to the treaty for the
partition of Samoa. It is understood
that minor questions which have re
mained opened have been so reconciled
that a way is clear for the signing of
the documents, probably tomorrow.
Casualties at Modder
River Over Four
London, Dec. 3. The war office has
received the following from General
Forestier Walker:
"Cape Town, Dec. 1. General Gat-
acre reports no change in the situa
tion. General Frenih made a recon
noissance from Naauwpoort to Ros-
mead. - The troops returned today.
"General Metheun's flesh wound is
slight.' - He is remaining at Modder
river for the reconstruction of
bridges. Am reinforcing him with
Highlanders and cavalry corps.
Horse artillery, the Canadian regiment
Australian contingents and three
battalions of infantry hare moved to
the De Aar and Belmont line."
As surmised, the British dead and
wounded at the hard-fought b&ttle of
Modder river number hundreds. The
war department today gave out tne
information that the total number of
casualties was 452, and the number
killed, 72.
From' General Forester-Walker's
dispatch it is proved that all reports of
Metheun's advance after the battle of
Modder river were premature, though
with the railroad working, he should
not be long in constructing temporary
bridges. His enforced delay doubtless
rill be of considerable service in
giving his hard-pushed columd needed
rest, and in allowing the arrival of
reinforcements which he must be sore
ly in need of, after three such fights,
placing hors de combat upwards of a
thousand men out of less than 7000.
What a 'Well Known Railroad Man and
Resident of Lima'TUinks of Foley's
Kidney Core.
I have been troubled a great deal
with backache. - I was induced to try
Foiey's Kidney cure, and one bottle
entirely relieved me. I gladly recom
mend It to any one especially my
friends among the train men, wno are
usually similarly afflcted.
George H. Hausan, Engineer on
L. E. & W. R. R.
A.!H. Thurness, Mgr. Wills Creek
Coal Co. Buffalo, Ohio, writes:
I hare been affected with kidnev and
bladder trouble for years, passing
gravel or stones, accompanied by ex
cruciating pains. ' Other medicines
only gave temporary relief. After
taking Foley's Kidney" Cure, the re-'
suit was surprising.' A few. doses
started the . brick dusi., littls "fine
stones, etc., and now I have no pain
across my kidneys and feel like a new
man. Foley's Kidney Cure has done
$1000 worth of good. Clark & Falk,
Mrs. Thomos Riddleman, Parshall
ville, Mich, writes; I was troubled
with salt rheum for over thirteen years
and had tWed a number of doctors
without relief. . My husband bought a
box of Banner Salve, which I applied
two or three times and my hands be
gan to get better. In a short time
they were entirely cured. Clark &
Falk, druggists.
bamma is not out of it.
Says Be Will Not Resign Bis Position as
New York, Dec. 3 The World to
day published the following interview
with Senator Mark Hanna:
"If anybody thinks I am out of active
politics, let him wait till a fight starts
up and see if I will be. ' I have never
yet shirked a duty of this kind. ' Do
you think a man like me. who has gone
so far in this thing called politics, and
who has worked so faithfully for his
party, would crawl but just before an
other nnHnnal campaign when respon
sibilties ii -v.- vrown heaviest and every
leader is In honor bound to do all he
can. do for the cause? Does any body
suppose T would put myself before the
country on 6uch a proposition?
' "Now, I'll tell you about this .chair
manship of the national republican
committee. You see I am not a mem
ber of that committee; I am simply
chairman of it. - My term will not ex
pire until after I have called the na
tional convention of republicans In 1900
When that convention meets 1 shall
haye to be there as chairman of the
national committee and make my re
port. Then the convention will proceed
with its .business. After this is accom
plished the national committee will be
selected by the delegates from the
various states. . This committee will
then meet to elect a chairman. I
simply ask you, who can speak for me
at this early date and say I am out of
politic? and have declined to accept
another term as chairman of that com
mittee? It is simply folloy if a man
declines a thing before the possibility
of his Accepting or . declining it has
arisen. I certainly shall not withdraw
from the chairman of the national com
mittee before my time is up. You can
put that down as sure."
For over Fifty Years.
An Old and : Well-Tkied Rem
edy. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup
has been used for -.iover fifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the tatn. - Sold by drug
gists in every !-'. or the
Thenty-five cents a bottle.
Its value
is uncalculable. Be sure
Mrs. Winslow's.
and ask for
Richardson Chosen for Democratic Leader
and Henderson bv the Republicans.
Washington, Dec. 3. The demo
crats of the house of representatives,
at their caucus held in the house, se
lected James D, Richardson, of Ten
nessee, as their candidate for speaker,
after a spirited contest, which lasted
through six ballots. This carries with
It the democratic leadership on the
floor. Richardson has served 14 years
in the house, and is the oldest demo
cratic member, in point of se-vice
except McRae, of Arkansas. The
candidates against Kicbardson were
De Armond of Missouri. Bankhead of
Alabama and Solzer of New York
linpresentaiive Hay. of Virginia, was
elected chairman of the caucus by
vote of 77 to 62 ca$t for McRae of Ark
ansas. It has been cus'.omary for th
oldest member in roint of service to
preside oyer the caucus, and the seleo
tijn of Uay, who has served one tvrm
wa- of unusual honor. The name of
Flortou of Ohio was also presented fo
presiding officer, but was withdrawn
The caucus of the republican mem
bers of the house last night was a cut'
and-dried affair. The selection of
candidate for speaker by the party in
power is usually a very animated af
fair; but months ago ail the other
candidates who entered the field after
the retirement of Speaker Read aban
doned the contest, leaving General
David -B. Henderson, of Iowa, the un
opposed candidate. His nomination
was therefore a foregone conclusion,
and be was nominated by acclamation
The officers of the last house, except
Colonel Russell, the sergeant-at-arms,
were renominated without opposition
Colonel Russell was not a candidate
for re-election, and Colonel Henry A.
Casson, of Wisconsin, was nominated
In his stead.
: Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath by its action ou the
bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold
foi years on absolute guarantee. Price
25 cts., and 50 cts. Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
Cunningham's Third Victim.
Pendleton, Or., Dec. 2. The fu
nerai of Mrs. ouuus J. Worcester, wno
died yesterday, took place today. Mrs.
Worcester is the third victim who fell
from wounds inflicted or fright caused
by C. O. Cunningham, on September
17, 1898. Oliver Young, shot at that
time, fell dead almost instantly. A
woman against whose body Cunning
ham pressed the pistol muzzle, while
he furiously worked the trigger, re
cently died in Grant .county having
aever recove"d' from the nervous
shock. Mrs. 'Worcester, also shot a,t
that time, therefore is the third one
whose death was caused by the mur
derous Cunningham. The homicide
escaped hanging on the plea of in
sanity. Since the day of the shooting Mrs.
Worcester has hovered between life and
death, and her demise was looked for
at any time. - She was the .wife of
Julius Worcester, a mining man, who
for many years has opercted in the
Granite and Greenhorn regions.
. What is ShilohT
A grard old remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption; used through
the world for half a century, has cured
Innumerable cases of incipient con
sumption and relieved many in ad
vanced stages. If you ai-6' not -satis
fied with the results we will refund
your money. Price zo cts., ana ou cts.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Clever Trick of Lietenant Monroe.
Manila, Dec. 3. The capture by
Lieutenant Monroe and 50, men of the
Fourth cavalry of the Filipino general,
Conon, with 800 men and officers, with
rifles, 'several American., and 70
Spanish prisoner?, at Bayombong, -in
the province of Nueva Vizcay,was, a
successful bluff. Monroe tapped the
rebel wire,telegraphed to Couon that
he was advancing with a large force,'
and demanded bis surrender. After
negotiations, Conon consented to
capitulate to the "superior" force,
whereupon Monroe telegraphed that
he would enter the town with a small
guard and receive the garrison's sur
render. He captured the whole .Fili
piuo force, and secured their arms, the
rebels supposing Munroe had an army
behind him. .
To Cure La Grippe in Two Days
Take Laxitive Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
Bobart's Will. .
Patekson, N. J., Dec. 1. The will
of the late Vice President Hobart was
filed for tprobate today. The widow
receives one million dollars and half of
the remainder of the estate. After a
number of bequests jbo be. paid, Garrett
Hobart, jr., inherits the otjier half
when he attains his majority.
To Cure a Cold In One Bay
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the noney
if It fails to cure. E. W. G ve's
signature is on each box. 25c a 0d4
Big- Receipts at Football. .
San Francisco, Dec. .1. From a
financial point of view, yesterday's
football game between California and
Stanford universities was by far the
most successful contest of the kind in
the history of the West. The attend
ance was 15,230 and the receipts close
on to $18,000.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tear life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netiu, lull of lite, nerve and vigor, take No-To
Bac, the wonder-worker, tnat makes weak met
strong. All druggists, SOc or 11. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Addresf
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or '?ew York,
"Want of Watchfulness
Makes the Thief'
Many cases of poor health
come from ivant of 'watchful
ness. But if you keep your
blood pure no thief can steal
your health. The one effec
tl jzt. natural blood purifier is
Hood s Sarsaparilla.
Disordered Blood "Myfatherhas
long been troubled ivilh disordered blood and
jvcakback. Hood's Sarsaparilla. made
him strong and healthy; he 'works every
day." A. S. Wykes, S. Eastern, Ta.
Humor "When 1 need a blood puri
fier I take Hood's SarsaparHa. cored
my humor and is excellent as a nerve
tonic' Josie Eaton, Stafford Springs, Ct.
Hood's Pills core Hver Ills; the non-irritating and
only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Opening- of the Fifty-
Sixth Session of the
Washington, Dec. 4. The opening
of the Fifty-sixth congress at noon to
day attracted that widespread atten
lion wnicn always attacnes to tne an-
nuar assemblage of the national law
makers. There was added interest in
the event thio year,' for' many far
reaching questions waiting 'considera
tion .;ave unusqal Importance to the
return of congress. Aside from this
the Roberts' case introduced a phase
which promised something outside of
the ordinary developments of an
opening day.'
Early in the day the throngs began
converging at the capitol. The day
was bright add propitious and the
thoroughfares leading to the building
presented a gay and animated ap
pearance. Within the building all
was bustle and excitement. Long
before the hour for calling the house
to order, the outer doors were open to
all and through these flowed con
tinuous streams of humanity until the
great corridors, galleries and rotundas
were fairly packed.
As early as 10 o'clock the conspicu
ous figures of congress began to ar
rive aud this served to give the wait
ing throngs a temporary diversion.
General Henderson went direct to the
speaker's private office, where be
shared his time with the house leaders
and with those pleading for admission
cards. Representative Richardson, of
Tennessee, the democratic house
leader, was also early on the scene,
conferring with his lieutenonts.
Bow to Prevent a Cold.
After exposure or when you feel a
cold coming on take a dose of Foley's
Honey and Tar. It never fa'ls and
will prevent Pneumonia or Consump
tion If taken in time. - Clark & Falk,
Boers Mow the British Down While At
tempting , to Cross a Bridge.
London, Dec. 4. The Daily Chron
icle publishes the following dispatch,
dated Wednesday morning, from its
correspondent at the Modder river
camp: " '
The severest engagement our col
umn has yet had and probably the
severest-of ;he whole campaign, was
fought yesterday on the banks of the
Modder river-." '-TBe"battk was" waged
fiercely for nearly 14 hours. The ene
my occupied a strongly entrenched
position, their front extending five
miles along the bank of the stream.
They were well supplied with artillery
and fought desperately.
"The battle started at daybreak, our
guns shelling the Boers' left. . - The en
emy; replied with artillery, Hotchkiss
and Maxims, and the artillery duel
lasted some hours. Then there was a
brief lull in the enemy's operations, of
which we immediately took advantage.
The infantry advanded across the plain
towards the river in two brigades.
The guards on the right were met by
an awful bail of bullets from the ene
my's sharpshooters, posted close to the
river on the opposite bank. Ours had
no cover and were simply mowed down.
It seemed impossible to live through
the terrible fire, but the brave fellows
did not retreat an inch. The Boer fire
was horribly accurate, and they most
have numbered at least 10,000.
The Scots guards advanced 600
yards before they were fired on. Then
they had to lie down to escape the
deadly fusilade which lasted without
intermission throughout the day. The
Highlanders made several attempts to
force a passage of the river, but they
were exposed to such a murderous, en
filading fire that they had to retire
after they had suffered terribly. Sub-.
sequently a party of the' guards got
over and held their own for hours
against a vastly superior force.
"The British guns kept up a heavy
fire all day and fearful havoc was
wrought on the Boer positions, the en
emy r-eing forced' to fly from their en
trenchments. Night put an end to
the terrible bloodshed. The infantry
brigade was dreadfully cut up. The
Boers retreated at night, taking their
guns with them, and we are now occu
pying their positions. The enemy's
loss was tremendous."
Don't Risk Vour Life.
Many of your friends, or people
whom- you know of have contracted
consumption, pneumonia or other
fattfffiseases by neglect of a simple
cold ; or cough. Foley's Honeyaod
Tr, iafe and pleasant cough medi
ciafwould have saved them. It is
guaranteed. Clark & Falk, druggist.
War and Mavy Departments Ask For In
creast Appropriations.
Washington, Dec. 4 The secret
tary of the treasury toiay transmitted
to the house of representatives estimats
of the appropriations required for the
service of the fiscal year ending june 30
1901. The aggregate of the appropria
tions estimated is $631,081,994, an in
crease over the estimates for the pres
ent fiscal year of. 138,033,616, and an
increase over the appropriations for
the present fiscal year of $34,235,024.
Following is the total recapitulation
by departments of the estimates for
next year, cents omitted:
Legislative, 89,936,257; executive,
257,140, state department, $2,133,278;
treasury department, $162,171,442; far
department $190,112,851; navy depart
ment, $76,469,690; interior department,
$174 660,841; postoffice department,
$4,581,485; department of agriculture,
$4,306,257; department of labor, $172,
980; department of justice, $6,279,570.
Grand total, $631,081,994.
Appropriations for 1900: Legislative,
$10,423,152; executive, $215,708; state
department. $24,039,618; treasury de
partment, $165,981,410; war department,
IOULD you give two cents
a nail cents lor immediate and posi
tive relief from the exhausting and
nerve-racking asthma from which you
suffer? One dose of Folev's Honev
and Tar is positively and unconditionally guar
anteed to give relief, and there arc ten doses in
a 25 cent bottle twenty-five doses in a 50 cent
Foley's Honey and Tar will cure asthma it not too far ad
vanced, and always will bring relief. Remember, onedose
means reliel from tee terrible wheezinp and chokiag-up.
Is our guarantee worth the price oi a trial to yon i
Foley's Honey and Tar " is the name. . .
Louise Pricket t. 509 Bryan Ave., Danville, 111., writes :
"I had suffered several years with Asthma and after try
'nff a (treat many remedies I had given up all hope. I was
advised to try Foley's Honey and Tar. It immediately
stops the coughing spells and I get my breath more freely.
It is the only medicine that ever gave me relief."
BANNER SALVE heals all hurts.
Suld by 'Clarke and Falk, The Dalles, Oregon.
$163,088,358; navy department 851, 925,
200; interior department, -,J702,51
posteffice department, $1,12-",8C1; de
partment of agriculture, $3,726,094;
department of lubor, $172,980; depart
ment of.justice, $3,322,077. Gruud total
Among the estim .tes for the- next
fiscal year are the following: Array and
navy pensions, 814-1,000,000: expense of
pension examining surgeons, $1,"00
000; all other expenses, $530,232, mak
ing the total on account of pensions,
$145,230,232. This is $3380 less than
the appropriations for the current year,
Other appropriations asked for are:
Public-buildings and improvements,
$2,777,426, aids to navigation, light
house, etc., $23,768,100; navy yards and
nayal stations, $20,598,674; river and
harbor improvements, $28,056,225. In
all the appropriations that are recom
mended by the secretary of the trea
sury are $828,036,55.1.
For Hoarseness.
George A. Pontins, Upper Sandubky
O., writes: I have been using Foley'
Honey and Tar for sore throat and
hoarseness and hnd it is the best rem
edy I have ever tried. It stopped the
cough immediately and relieved all
soreness. (JlarK & tvulK, druggists.
Big Strike Near Sampler.
STJMPTEB, Or., Dec. 4. A few days
ago, while running a crosscut in tne
main tunnel of the Last Loaf mine, op
erated by the Van Anda Mining Com'
pany, a 40 foot ledge of clean, high-
grade ore was encountered on the 250-
foot level.
On Noyember 12. In the same level,
the miners on the property pushed
through a 19-foot vein of free milling
ore. From latest reports tne leage is
widening. This places the Van Anda
Company among the big things of
To cap the climax, however, on No
vember 27, the miners on the Hump
back, another claim of the Van Anda
group, finished cutting through a six
foot vein of $35 ore on the 300-foot
level. The tunnel where the crosscut
was made Is 275 feet long and Manager
Ralph Blewett has ordered drifting h
commence at once. Arrangements are
completed for the Installation of a 10
stamp mill on the Van Anda.
liquid Electricity. '
The great electro magnetic cure for
all internal and external pain; guaran
teed to cure the deepest seated Dai a in
one to fifteen minutes. For sale at
Clarke & Falk's drug store.
R. E. Williams,
- General Age nt
Philadelphia Hustling for Money.
Philadelphia, Dec. 4. Within the
week every effort will be made by the
Citizens' Republican National Associa
tion ta raise the campaign fund of
$100,000 required to Induce the repub
lican national committee to select
Philadelphia for the republican con
vention next year. The work of sol
iciting financial aid ill begin at once.
A letter which will be sent to Chairman
Hanna and other members of the
national committee is now, being
drafted. It may be that members of
the general committee will go to
Washington this week to confer with
Chairman Hanna. Efforts will also be
made to ascertain the preference which
President McKinley may haye.
Sick Heaeache.
Is the bane of, women. What is wanted
is not relief alone, but relief and cure.
Dr. Loyal Ford's Dyspeptlclde will
cure sick headache for all time. It
makes the stomach right. . Clark &
Falk, druggists. (
Will Fight the BUI.
Washington, Dec. 3. The demo
crats Intend to adopt a very aggressive
policy In order to, make campaign ma
terial. They expect to fight the cur
rency and gold standard' bill with all
the vigor and strength they have, not
only in the senate, but also in the
house. If the majority prevails, they
will also make an onslaught cn the
expansion idea.
To Care Coi.ipatton Forever
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or SSc
If C C. C. tall to cure, druggists refund money.
Fop the
The fifty-cent size b just I
right for the baby. A little
of it in the bottle three or
four times a day will supply
precisely the fat all thin ba
bies need. If your baby does
not gain in weight as fast as
you would like, try
Scott's Emulsion
The result will please you. If i
the baby nurses, the mother
should take the emulsion.
It makes the baby's food
richer arid more abundant;
only buy the dollar size it's
more economical.
Both mother and child will feel at
once its strengthening, upbuilding
and fat-producing properties.
At all droBirUts isoc. and $10.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
.or two and
Attorney at Law
Attorneys At Law.
Hooms 89-40 over U. S. Land Office.
w For alx years I was a victim ofd ya
pema in tus wurst ionn. s couiu eat noming
But milk toast, and at times my stomach would
not retain and dieest even that. Last Mai cn I
began taking CASCARETS and since then I
have steadily improved, until I am as well as I
ever was In my life."
Davis H. Murphy, Newark. O.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, Do
Good. Sevar Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 26c 00.
BUrilnf Bmedj CoMpu,, tblcyo, Hntrral. Kew Tort. 311
HA Tfl Bdf Sold and ciiprnntcd br all drug
Hil" I UB W gists to CUK V, Tihacco Habit.
.Notable Family Oronp.
MEDFORD, Dec. 3. At the Thanks
giving dinner served by the ladies of
the Methodist church, a unique group
of five sat at one of the tables to dis
cuss turkey and cranberry sauce
Their combined ages was 376. The
group comprised R. T. Lawton, father
of D.-L. Lawton, aged 80 years the
only Hying member of a family of 10
children and two sisters and two
brothers, Mrs. R. T. Lawton, aged 75;
Mrs. . M. Denison, aged 75; T. P.
West, aged 80, and J. R. West, aged
69. these four being the only survivors
of a family of nine children. All live
at Medford except J. R. West, whose
home is at Reno, Nev.
Catarrh Cannot be Cored
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the seatof the disease. Catarrh is a blood
or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It
you must take internal remedies. Hairs Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfacesr Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure Is not a quack It wus
prescribed by one of th bent physicians in this
country for Terrs, and is a regular prescription.
It Is composed of the best tonics known, com
bined with-the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly rn the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results in curing Ca
tarrh, Sends for testimoniols. free.
v. j. chenisy & CO., .rrops., -roieao, u.
Sold by Druggists 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
May Help Consumptives
Chicago, Den. 4. The Tribune says:
A new serum, which it is claimed
will show the presence of tuberculosis
long "before it would be possible to
detect it by the microscope, the ?-ray
or other methods now in use has been
invented by Dr. A. J. Jenkins, of this
city. He does not claim to have dis
covered a new cure, but that the use
of the serum aids competent physicians
to detect the presence of the disease in
its earliest stages, and in time to ef
fect a cure by good sanitation and
plenty of outdoor exercise. It makes
it possible to discover whether or not
a case is true consumption, no matter
how early or light the attack.
Just before retiring. If your liver fs
sluggish, out of tune and you feel dull,
bilious, constipated, take a dose of
Hood's PHIs
And you'll be all right in the morning.
Do you
to firet rich?
A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced
five miles from Antelope, for sale on
easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul
tivation, good house, barn and other
outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of
horses, splendid spring of water, nice
young orchard bearing fruit. A popu
lar stand on the road that takes in from
$100 to $200 a month.
To be sold on reasonable terms.
Call at this office or address
my2 d-w Antelope, Or.
Cut this ad. out and send to us,
BUND MO BO SIT and we will send
you this watch by express, CO.U
subject to examination. You can
examine it at your iprwa wjw
and u louna pnii muiiu
tory, xacxij a rvpmeaiea ua
very wy oejm&J aaj wa
tftat ar Driajr anTertiataai
S. 7 I 9 6. 76 under such
misieadinflT aeuenpttona
a Klc-ia Styl. Amrleaa
8lyl, fiole rill4 or Look
Like tfiO. OOio $S0-O0(jIC
Filled Watches, at. If
you find It the equal or
better than any of the9
watches. M7 aiprfM
seaf om rait a, ai.4
and express charffes.
Don't be Deceived
fcy eatehj adwrtl eats
which would lead you to
believe you could get a
S2S.OO or f 50.00 waleb
tor S. U . 3 6, whea we satl the auw watte far $ 2 - 4 5.
nilR 9 A.K WATPII K gents' full ls-size UuaiUr
proof OpeaFace, stem wind and Bet. gold plates, handnom
ly ensrraTed and polished, leoks like a hlchfrade fold ailed
sad la s (-real tradia walca, movement is a nickel 7-Jewel
ed stem wind American, warranted, and a frood time
keener. Far Watehes froai eea la ap, M-1H!ed watebs
SB. 7a aseap, write for IW W ate aad Jewelry Catalogue.
SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. (Inc.), Chicago
ac. Mitmntf inwhi
m7Aa AW tN '
Jos. T. Peters & Co.,
I ..Buildin
of 111
Farm Machinery, Etc.
Headquarters .for
Hok Headers, Milwaukee Ckinless
Extras for all machines we handle. If you want anything: In th
line of Agricultural
W. A. Johnston,
General Commissioa and
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining; Railroad. Depot.) , ...
Consignments Solicited vv
Prompt attention will be paid to those who favorie with their patron aj-e
u mm mmmmm mmm mmm mmm mmmmmmmmm.
fcjlias. J. Stubliiig,
Wines, Wuoivs Cigars anil Beer
The Celebrated Olympla Beer,
a non-alchoholic beverage,
173 Second street,
rimiiifffif tuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii
....DEALER IN....
Wall Paper, Paints,
T?:H4. 1i',.n At1 Ttfoll Porta in
X1 IXiCSb Ul f f Cax m. ujLva a
the city. Send for Samples.
Painting, Paper-Hanging and Kalsomlr.
ing a Specialty.
Tkird Street. The Dalles, Oregon
EOWE 5z CO., '
Headquarters tor . ,
Roche Harber Lime. San Juan Lime, Trowel Brand Cement,
Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils.
Headquarters for the sales of , . .
Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring : Wagons
J. I. Case Plows, Bissell Chilled Plows, Iloosler Drills'
Champion Mowers, Binders and Reapers.
'Champion Uay Bakes, lieuney Buggies. , ,i
FTfAcuR $38.59 ytfS
and Colombia Mowers and 0odnre Haier
Implements call on
The Dalles, Oregon
mmm mm mm - - - -- -- -- ------------ - ----
Anheuser-Busch Nutrlne, i
unequaled as a tonlo. ' .
The Dalles, Oregon,
TTTma ta.
OIT !)
to l aua .
k; rrrlsht O. O. II. Mkitwl f ijl.U.
An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle
and the eqwU of MrtdlM wild mt tmm
iZ-SZ&JtXVXi OUR PRICE, $38.50.
m tke 1.04(wm r MJ.M, and lrwtbt
This Saddle Is made on a IBHor v
lo-mcn tienuino munamo r
lAknn Maavv Steel Fork....
6 .-
oAurrri.i.Y bxectki iiawiihk fovmro
Ti;i bound or roil cantla.rtaal loath.roor.rad atlmipa
or t-lm-b oxbow braa liouod, aa daalrad. WIU ara 1 1 I
lined, SincU wide laveptlrrup liMtthera, l4nrh tlentrap,
extra lonir nn near side, t-lneh t buckle on offulda, hay
cot inn twltcd Mexican -lnch front cinch, hav-j ett .
bell in lank cinch. cunneoUna' atrap. Loup at, ummx ao4
Jockey all one piece.
a. Illustrated. Wrlcat f a4dl about (6 paaaat
parked for ahlpmrnt. M pound. VHUUHI U vLt AWMi ton r i il too rnn vA.
CATALOGUE, ihowing lull lina ol Cowboy and Kincher
Outfita at tho lowed price ever quoted. Addrea.
(Itoaia, iiliat.0a. I. irn.Hjf wll.tll llla.)