The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 02, 1899, Image 1

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Portland a Library
ilfcONSOLIDA'j ED 1882.
m 48
The Belkioes
from a hot
Royal Baking
Powder bisect
whets the
appetite. The
taste of such
a biscuit
sweet, creamy,
delicate and
crispy is a joy
to the most
. t '
Drove the Free Staters
From Their En
i , trenehments,
'.. 'Inew York, Nov. 24. A dispatch
' to the Tribune from London says:
Long after midnight an official dis
patch was received at the war office
bringing news of a battle fought by
i Qeneral Methuen at Belmont, with the
.Free Staters, the result being a com
plete viotory for the Klmberley relief
: oolumn.
' General Methuen found the Boers
' strongly entrenched and provided
with plenty of jjuns. The ground they
chose to defend was cleverly selected,
and In driving them from their posi-
. tion, the British troops had to carry
three ridges - in succession, which
: geetns almost a repetition of the battle,
of "fjland's IaagtQ. The last ridge
was carried at the point of the bayonet
by the guards. The British losses as
officially reported were three officer!
killed aod 22 wounded; 66 men killed,
130 wounded and 22 missing. J The
Boers lost heavily, and 40 prisoners
were taken, besides a great quantity
of stores. .
, ' Magalapi, Cape Colony, Sunday,
Nov. 19. A dispatch received here
from Mafeking, Wednesday, Novem
ber 15, says: "The garrison is cheer
ful, but the position is daily growing
worse and more difficult. ' f he Boers
are always drawing their intrench?
ments closer and persistently plying
(be British with artillery and musketry
fire. "The garrison is living almost,
.entirely in underground shelters, and
the health of the troops is suffering."
HULUe Vu 8aved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder
ful deliverance from a frightful death.
In telling it he says: I w,aa taken with
typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. "J wa.s go,
. weak J couldn't efen sjt up in betf.
ItJ othing helped ine. - expected to
. jocm die of consumption, when I heard
of Xh King's N,ew Discovery. Qna
pottle gave me great relief. I con,
tipned to use It, and npw ttW veil ang
strong. ' san't say too. .nwen a its
praise.!' Tfeis marvelous medicine is
(tie surest and quickest .cure in the
world for all Throat and Lung Trouble;
Regular sizes 6Q cents and f 1.00.
Trial bottle free at Blafceley Hogl
ton's Drug storej ever? tattle gw
oybbwV"T roR tat miana.
gMNUrr Hoot Will Kteamaewl Civil
Government For Them.
New York, Nov. 24. A special to
the' Herald 'from" Washington says:
President ' McKinley has received a
synopsis, of Secretary Root's annual
report which he is now considering in
connection with bis message" to coot
g rpss. . Dealing ag Mast Ub ll N
eveqta of last year In connection with
: (he Philippines, Cuba and Puerto
Rico and in the discussion And reoomt
mendations for the future government
of these new possessions it will form
the basis for the most important chap
: ter of the president's message. These
are some of the most essential features
of the secretary's observation and re
commendation: ,. '
'. The immediate appointment of civil
.government for Cuba and. Puerto
:' Rico.
The substitution ocivll government
either by . commission or a civil gov
ernor for the Philippines following the
suppression of the present insurrec
tion. A complete system of suffrage in the
. Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico
- with educational and property quali
fications required for all voters.
The immediate construction of a
cable between the United Spates and
(be Philippines. ' ;
Hew Are Tear Kidneys f
-- Dr. Hobbs" BpSMuros Pills cure all Sidney 111. Bsm
Is free. Add. Sterna- Beared Co. Chicago or K. V
President of Filipino Conseas Surrendered
To MaeArtnar.
: Manila. 24. Bautista, president of
the Filipino congress, presented him
self, to General MacArthur today, and
formally renounced all further connec
ROYAL Baking
Powder improves
the flavor and
adds to the healthful
ness of all risen flour
foods. It renders the
biscuit, bread and cake
more digestible and
Royal Baking Pow
der makes hot breads
wholesome. Food
raised with Royal will
not distress persons of
delicate or enfeebled
digestion, though eaten
warm and fresh.
Imitation baking powders almost invariably con
tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome.
tion with theinsurection. He was one
of the influential Filipino who hesitated
at the beginiog of the war as to which
side with which to cast his lot. H e
was offered a judgeship of the supreme
court, but declined. He now an
nounces that he desires to accept the
position and says the Filipino congress
and cabinet are scattered, ' never to
reassemble. Some of the members, he
adds have returned to their homes,
while others are flying for safety.
Many of the congressmen have resign
ed, and he believes the Filipino soldiers
will lay down their arms everywhere
as soon as they learn the truth.
Whata Well Known Railroad Man and
Resident of Lima, Thinks of Foley's
Kidney Cure.
I have been troubled a great deal
with backache. I was induoed to try
Foley's Kidney oure, and one bottle
entirely relieved toe. I gladly reoom-'
mend it to any one especially my
friends among the train men, who are
usually similarly afflcted.
Geoeqe ' H, Hausan, Engineer on
- L. E. & W. R. R.
A..H. Tbu.-bOM.MKr. VViUa Creek
Coal Co. Buffalo, Ohio, writes:
I baye been affected with kidney and
bladder, trouble fqr- years, passing
grave or atoqes, accompanied by ex
eructating -pains. Other medicines
only gave temporary relief. - After
taking Foley's Kidney Cure, there
suit was surprising, . A few doses
started the oriole-dust, little fine
stones, eta.,' and now I have no pain
across my kidneys and feel like a new
man. Foley's Kidney Cure has done
$1000 worth of good. Clark & Falk,
Mrs. Thomos Rlddleman, Parshall
vllle, Mich, writes; I was troubled
with salt rhern for over thirteen years
and, bad tried a number of dootors
without relief. My husband bought a
box of Banner Salve, whiahl applied
two or three times and my bands be
gan 'to get better. In a short time
they were entirely cured. Clark &
Falk, druggists.
Stabbed With An Umbrella.
Chicago, Nov. 24. John Tales, a
waiter in a resturant at 61 West Mad I
son street was stabbed fatally with an
umbrella. A customer got la,ta a. dis
pute with Tates ove.r. the price of a meal,
and, they came ta blows. The cus
tomer raised his umbrella to protect
himself Tates rushed forward a.nd.
the customer jabbed H into, hia breast,
The sharp-pointed Steel penetrated
tne waiter's lun,gs. ' The man was ar
rested . He gave his name as Arthur-
Blessing ad said be did it In self-
defense. Tatea is at the cqqnty hospU
tal, where it la said he, will (lie. -
K Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in faoe,
form and. temper will always have
friends, but one who would be attrac
tive .must keep her health; If she is
weak, sickly and all run down, she will
be nervous and " irritable. - If she has
constipation or. kidney trouble, her
impure blood . will cause pimples,
blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch
ed Complexion. ' Electric Bitters is,
he best- medicine in the wqrld, to-,
regulate stomach, liver-. and kidneys
and to nurify the blood. It gives
atpong ' nerivea, bright, eyes, smooth,
velvety skin, rich complexion. It
will make a goad-looking, charming
woman of a run down invalid. Only
60 oents at Blakeley & ' Houghton's
drug store. . - . .
Britons on tha Offensive.
. New ."5fOKk, Nov. 24. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says: Tbe
victory at Belmont is of special impor
tance because it is the first blow dealt
by the British force acting purely on,
the offensive and is part pf he develop
ment of the Hr4t)sh plan of campaign
jt will doubtless open- up the road to
Klmberley, at all events as far as the
Modder river, where the advance of
the column will again probably be
opposed. .
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health
Indomitable will and tremendous
energy are not found where Stomach.
Liver, Kidney aod Bowels are pflt p,f
order. If you want those qualities and
the success, they bring, use Dr. King's
New" Life Pills. They develop every
power of brain and body. Only 25
oents at Blakeley & Houghton's drug
Goebel Stay Mot Contest.
Frankfort, Ky., Nov, 26. The de
mocratic leaders now assert that Goebe
will not contest before the legislature
if he is not given the certificate of elec
tion by the board. Taylor's managers
are dubious on this point, as the state,
ment that be would contest has not
been denied by Goebel himself.
Insurrection on Luzon
About Stamped Out.
Manila, Nov. 26. The news which
the steamship Brutus brings from
Dagupan dispels all doubts that tbe
so-called Filipino republic is crumb
ling like the house of cards. Aguinaldo
is deserted or being abandoned by tbe
politicians and the man which a fort
night ago was entrenched at Tariac
and exercised de facto government
over nine-tenths of the people of Lu
zon is a fugitive in the mountains,
with small hopes of establishing the
machine. The army is scattered in
the hills on both sides of tbe railroad
and widely seperated detachments are
within tbe cordon whk-h General Law-
ton and General Wheaton have ce
mented. The ruling spirit of the
cabinet is a prisioner in Manila a
white elephant on the bands of the
authorities and the small fry are
tumbling oyer one another to get to
Three provisional governors have
arrived in Manila to request General
Otis to install them in their old offices
under the new regime. Dr. Luna, a
brother of General Luna, and a prom
inent Insurrectionist, has arrived here
and bis friends and many others are
applying to General Otis for perm is
sioo to enjoy the luxuries of Manila.
The only large force of insurgents
known to remain are those in Cavite
province at San Mateo and in Sambles
mountains, though several seaports
have large garrisons. .
Aguinaldo began bis retreat with
2000 men under General Gregeria del
Pilar. That force was probably
brought to its present proportions by
deeertion. The lasfdeflnite news as
to Aguinaldo's whereabouts is that he
sed through Trinidad, east . of
Aringay toward Bacombong, escorted
by 200 men of the Bulacan battalion
which had dwindled from 600 within
a week.
Volcanic Krnptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob
life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
oures them, also old running and fever
sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns,' warts,
cuts bruises, burns, scalds, chapped
bands, chilblains. Best pile cure on
earth; drives out pains and aches.
Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
- i
hey An Mqt Kaeoarwced. by tha-.News
That Comes From Natal.
LONDON. Nov. 26. The position in
Natal remains full of perplexities.
which the . oet sorship has increased.
Although a division and a half have
now reached Durban, that place is
praotically powerless until , supplied
with cavalry and artillery, and until
these arrive the situation will un
doubtedly remain grave. . ,
With three beleaguered garrisons In
Natal, besides Kimberly and Mafeking
and no signs of suooqr in the immedi
ate future,, it is no wonder that tbe
outlook is regarded as distinctly
gloomy and that the most possible is
made of General Methuen 's success,
suob as it was. ,
That battle decided nothing, and it
seems certain that many experts are
of the opinion' that the story of the
return of the pursuing cavalry, with
out getting in touch with the retreat
ing-Boers, indicates that the cavalry
discovered in time that if it had gone
on it would: soon have been on tbe
Pretoria race course with its comrades
of the hussars. It will not surprise
any one greatly if the Boers are short
ly again discovered in an entrenched
position near the spot .from which
General Methuen had just . evicted 1
How is Xonr WifeT
Has she lost her beauty? If go, con
stipation, indigestion, riok headache
are the principal causes, Karl's Clover
RjOQt Tea has oured these ills for half
a century, Prioe 25 ots, and 50 cts.
Money refunded if results are not
satisfactory, Blakeley & Houghton
The Funeral of Hobart.
PATERSON, N. J. Nov. 26. With
the impressive religious services of
tbe Presbyterian church, and with the
dignity due to his high. office, all' that
was mortal of the vice-president, 'Gar
ret A,: Hobart, was committed to the
earth yesterday afternoon. .' The presi
dent, Secretary' of State John Hay,
Chief Justice Fuller, ex-Vioe-presi-dentXievi
P. Morton, ex-Secretary of
War Alger, Secretary of the Interior
Hitchcock, the supreme court judges,
members of the senate, members of
congress and the vice-president's per
sonal friends filled the beautiful
Church of the Redeemer, and with,
moistened eye and bowed hed, teati.
fled silently and eloquently to his
worth as a . statesman, friend ana
For over Fifty Tears. .
An Old and Well-Tried . Rem
edy. Mrs. Winsiow'8 Soothing Syrup
has been used for over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and. is
the best remedy for oiarrbcBa. 16
Dleasant to the tasttf. Sold by drug-
cists in everv utirt of the world
Thanty.five oents a bottle. Its value
is unoaloulable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow's.
To Oet Bid of Boberts.
Washington, Nor. 26. One of the
plans which it is said is being consid
ered to get rid of Robert of Utah, is:
When the new members of the house
are being sworn int objection is to
be-offered to Roberta taking the oath of
office. Then if the speaker overrules
the objection, to appeal from the deci
cislon in an endeavor to get a major
ity to overrule the speaker. This, it
is contended, would effectually prevent
Roberts taking his seat, and obviate I
the necessity ofobtalnlnga two-third
Vote, which majority, would be required
to expel him. Roberts does not think
that this plan will beattemped.
Does This Strike You?
Muddy complexions, nauseating
breath come from chronic consump
tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an
absolute cure and has been sold for
fifty years on an absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake
ley & Houghton, d rupgists.
Filipinos Did Not Have Time to Take
Prisoners With Them,
AiANILA, Nov. 27. The insurgents
have evacuated Mangalaren, prov
inje of Pangasacan, leaving 7 Ameri
can and 94 Spanish prisoners, who
escaped in tbe confusion of the Filipino
retreat. The Americans are P. J.
Green and George Powers, of tbe bat
tleship Oregon; Thomas Edwards and
Charles Bird, of the Sixteenth infantry;
Henry W. James, of the Twelfth in
fantry; John Desmond, of the signal
corps; and G. H. Huber, of Lowe's
scouts. They report that two Ameri
cans were unable to escape, and are
with the insurgents.. These are David
Scott, of the Twenty-fourth infantry,
and William Sherby of tbe hospital
Four deserters are with the Filipinos.
Howard, Martin and Ford, Califoro
lans, aod Watt, whose former regiment
is unknown. . Howard is tbe only one
serving with tbe insurgents. He is a
captain of artillery .
Don't Klsk 'Soar Life.
Many of your friends, -or people
whom you know of have contracted
consumption, pneumonia or other
fatal diseases by neglect -of a simple
cold or cough. Foley's Honeyand
Tar, h safe ard pleasaut cough medi
cine, would have saved them. It is
guaranteed. Clark & Falk, druggist.
The Maine Explosion. '
New York, Nov. 26. The World
published a letter from Havana stating
that United States officials, after
mocths of secret investigation, have
discovered that the battle-ship Maine
was blown up by trun cotton torpedoes
placed in tbe bay for that purpose.
The guncotton, 700 pounds which was
used, was sent from Barcelona to Ad
miral Manterola, commanding tha port
of Havana. It was either stolen from
the magazine wbere the stuff was
stored, or taken away with the know
ledge of the official in charge.
On Every Bottle.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of this
bottle faithfully, then if you can say
you are not benifited return the bottle
to your druggist and be may ren i.a
the money." Price 25 cts., 50cts., and
91.00. Blakeley and Houghton.
Fifteen Were Killed.
DURBAN, - Nov.-27. The ltftest re
ports of General Hildyard t losses- at
the .Beacon Hill engagement show that
15 men were killed and , 72 wounded.
The West Yorkshire regiment suffered
heavily. Major Hobbs-was - captured
and several men are missing. Dis
patches' from Kruger and Joubert,
found on a Boer prisoner, said the
losses at Belmont were 10 men killed
and 40 wounded.
For Bonrseness.
George A. Pontins, Upper Sandusky
O . writes: I have been using Foley's
Honey and Tar for sore throat and
hoarseness and nnd It is the best rem
edy I have ever tried. . It stooped tbe
ooutrb immediately and relieved all
soreness. Clark & Falk, druggists. .
Island Governors,'
New York, Nov. 56. A special t
the Herald from Washington says:
President MoKlnley is still contem
plating the solution of the Cuban
governorship problem by tbe appoint
ment of a civilian to that office. . He j
is 'looking about for a man of high
qualifications, who has bad large ex
perience in administrative positions.
His ideal for the place is a man who I
has been a successful governor of one
of the states. ' '
... (. . Do Xon Kuv ; .
Consumption Is preventable?. Science .
baa proven tnat, and also mat neglect
is suicidal.. I ne worst coia or cougn
can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure: Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years. J:aKe
ley & Houghton', drusrgists.
Boers In Foroe at Wool ft Ivor.
tiooi River, Natal, November 26.
A reconnoissance in force in the direc
tion of Highlands station has discover
ed a big force of Boers with. guns. The
Boers shelled and the British guns re
plied. Tbe scouts also reported another
strong Boer force in the northwest of
camp. The British guns -have re
turned to camp and the infantry has
fallen back. The mounted infantry is
Still out.
' Tell Tour Sister.
A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi-
dillty without good pure blood, the
sort thttt only exists in connection
with good digestion, a healthy liver
and bowels. Karl's Glover Root . Tea
acts directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys keeping them in perfect health
Price 2j5 ots. and 50 cts.
44 The Least Hair
. Casts a Shadow
A single drop of poison
blood HvtlU unless checked in
time, make the whole impure.
Hood's Sarsapa.rilla is the
feat lender in blood purifiers,
casts no shadow, but brings sunshine
and health into every household.
Dyspepsia "For six months my sys
tem was oat of -order with dyspepsia and
impure blood. Spent tots of money in
vain, but Hood's SarsapariSa cured me
thoroughly." Jos. S. Zauba, Genoa, Neb.
Eruptions had annoying erup
tions caused by impure blood, and physi
cians' treatment failed to benefit. Hood's
SarsapafiSa removed them and I am no
longer annoyed." W. R Hudson,
Natrona, Pa. '
Howi'i Pills cure liver ills : ths pon-nritsUns; snd
only cathju-Uc to take with Hood's Sanaparllla.
Defeated a Force of Boers
at Esteourt.
London, D?c. 27. The war depart
ment has received the following dis
patch from General Buller, dated Pie-
tesmaritzburg, Sunday:
'Hildyard, going from Esteourt,
made a successful attack November
23 with three battalions, one field
battery, a nayal gun and 70 mounted
troops on the enemy, occupying Bacon
Hiil, which dominates William Grange,
and bad interrupted his communica
tion. As a result of operations, tbe
enemy is retiring and the railway and
telegraph lines have been restored be
tween Esteourt and Weston. Our lo?s
was about 14 killed and 50 wounded.
Hildyarl has advanced to a position
near Frere, as he hopes to cut off the
enemy, who is believed to be retiring
on Colenso via Weenan.
"Barton, from Weston, has advanced
to Esteourt. As soon as sommunlca-
tion is restorea, I will telegraph par
ticulars. . So far as I can make out the
operation is one for which Hildyard
and the troops deserve much credit.
The railway is now open to Frere." .
Estcourt, Sunday. The - railroad
bridge at Frere, spanning' a . wide
stream, has been destroyed by tbe
Boers, who are reported to be retiring
rapidly. A general advance upon
Colenso has ben ordered, and a flying
column has left here to intercept the
Boer raiding parties. , ; ..."
Liquid Electricity.' .
The great electro magnetic cure- for
all internal and external pain; guaran
teed to cure the deepest seated pain in
one to fifteen minutes. For sale at
I Clarke & Falk's drug store. -.
General Agent
All Troops Billed for the Philippines Will
Be Sent Over.
New York, Nov. 27. A special to
the Herald from Washington, says:
Though confident that the end of -tbe
insurrection is in sight,, the president
will not withhold any of the troops
now under orders to proceed to Manila.
It is recognized by the ad m inistration
that-while Aguinaldo's army , may be.
disbanded, many of bis men will be
roaming about the island of. Luzon as
banditti for months to come,xand it la
desirable, in tbe interest of order and
law, tbat there should be strong' gar
risons of troops stationed at Important
strategic poljs UJojjpupoees ?us)q. $apds
or any latent spfu-k of .- iasurectioa
which may be discovered. Then, in
addition to Luzon there are the islands
to the south. ' insurgents in which
decline to acknowledge tbe sovereignty
of the United States. ? '
Strong bodies of troops will be placed
in these islands, and before , the close
of ' the dry season it is believed that
peace will prevail , througbout - tbe
entire archipelago. Only three weeks
have passed since General Otis inaugu
rated ' bis active campaign against t
Aguinaldo.and the results of operation
are thus summarized by an official.
Aguinaldo's army is dispersed; mem
bers of his cabinet and congress, and
the president of bis congress are pris
oners, and Aguinaldo, with a small
remnant of followers, is a fugitive..
The railroad connecting Manila and
Dagupan is in American possession,
and municipal governments have been
established along the line. The oc
cupation of territory .extending from
Manila to Llngayen gulf,146 miles from
Manila, and the garrisoning of the
provinces is complete.
Bow to Prevent a void.
After exposure or when you feel a
cold coming on take a dose of Foley's
Honey . and. Tar. It never fa!ls and
will prevent Pneumonia or' Consump
tion if taken in time. Clark & Falk,
Six New Cruisers.
Washington, Nov. 27. Contracts
for six new 3,500-ton cruisers were
awarded today at tho navy department,
in accordance with the recommenda
tions of , the board of construction.
The boats are to be constructed in ac
cordance with the department's de
signs. .
Sick Heaeacb.
is the bane of women. What is wanted
is not relief alone, but relief and cure.
Dr. Loyal Ford's Dyspeptieide will
cure sick beadacne lor ail time, it
makes the stomach right. Clark &
Falk, druggists.
8tovM, Stoves, Stoves.
Before purchasing your stoves and
ranges call and examine our line. As
we have the most complete line in The
Dalles. Our Bridge-Beach superior
line consists of 16 different sizes; in'
tbe Universal line we have 12 sizes.
As we purchased our stoves before
the advance, we will start you on new
cook stoves at $6. 00, Air Tights at S2.75
Bed room sets at $8.50. 11 00. 313.00
and $14.00. We have a big stock and
little prices.
Du Boise Furniture Co.
133 Second street,
dl-wtf The Dalles.
To Cure a Void in Una Way
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the oney
if it fails to cure. E. W. G ve's
signature is on each box. 25c. s Cd4
All creditors of Tbe Dalles National
bank, who have not proved their
claims, should present them at once
for proof and allowance, or otherwise
they" mav be barred. Any creditor
who wishos to prove his claim will re
ceive the proper affidavit on applica
tion to the receiver.
H. S. Wilson, '
The Dalles, Or., Nov. 20., 1899. ' '
' d&w 1 m
. Beauty la Blood Dees- -
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Casearets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day -to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
(jascarets, beauty lor ten cents. Ail a rug-
guts, satisiactim guaranteed, 10c, Zdc, aue.
Suld by Clarke and Falk, The Dalles, Oregon.
Tbe Midskipiu an Wha "Wmm orn
TIsMys Believed ta B la
i Spain Now.
wqen, in February last, tbe now
wrecked and stranded but then pov
erful Spanish cruiser vizcaya paid a
visit to New York the naval authorities
took the most careful precautions to
insure her safety. The Maine, it will
be .remembered, had' been blown np
a few days before her arrival. The
commander of the Vizcaya, Capt. Eu-
late, protested against these precau
tions, declaring in the strongest terms
that he was willing to trust his ship
unguarded in this harbor. To the re
porters who visited him on the ship
be recalled the many years of peace
and amity that had existed between
the two nations, and then, struck by
an inspiration, he ordered to the quar
ter-deck a young- midshipman, . and.
pointing to him, asked the reporters
how two nations could ever be other
than friends when each had raised a
Farragut. One was already immor
talized, he said; the other had yet to
how by deeds of valor that the real
Farragut blood was in him.
Capt. Eulate, becoming enthusiastic
as the picturesqueness of the situation
developed, went on to explain that his
young midshipman was Sanchez Far
ragut, who was born in Minorca, off
the coast of Spain, whence the great
American admiral's progenitors had
come. He had no doubt that his yo une
sailor was of the real Farragut stock.
'Ine vizcaya sailed away and in the
excitement of the war that followed
Mr. Midshipman Farragut was all but
forgotten. Following the destruction
of Admiral Cervera's squadron and the
capture of so many prisoners, the few
who remembered the Farragut inci
dent looked in vain for a line about
the fate of young Farragut. Weeks
passed and the great naval battle bade
fair to pass into history without the
mystery being solved, until one who
remembered the incident on the deck
f the Vizcaya in New York harbor
wrote an inquiry to Admiral Cervera
at 'the naval academy, Annapolis.
?The incident doubtless interested
thi admiral, for Le took pains to make
inquiries. The result was that he re
plied through the medium of Lieu
tenant Commander E. K. Moore, as
sistant to .the superintendent of the
naval academy, that upon the arrival
of. the Vizcaya at Havana, to which
port the warship went after leaving
"New York, young Farragut was taken
ill. Later he was sent to the naval hos
pital in Havana,, and the Vizcaya sailed
for the Cape Verde islands to join. Ad
miral Cervera's squadron and Farra
gut was left behind. To the best of the
admiral's knowledge and belief, Lieut.
Moore wrote, Farragut was sent back
to Spain. At all events he did not re
join his ship, and consequen tl y was not
in the battle of Santiago. X. Y.-Sun.
Clark & Falk's flavoriug extracts are
fresh and pure. Ask your grocer for
them .
Tbe Flaunt la Beared Exclusively for
the Seed aad Not for
r,n-nnT,ioTirnl Patterson, at Cal-
" -
cutta, in a report to the department of
state, notes a curious fact about flax
growing, reports the St. Louis uiODe
Tie wTites: "In answer to
an inquiry from a Chicago firm relative
to the quantity oi uax prwuutu uv.
exported from India, I would say that
flax is grown in India exclusively for
the seed.' In no part of -the. country is
fihe,. -rvroflnpprl- Exneriments have
been made for many years with the
same result, viz., tnat it is no prom
that a plant can be made to yield a
fiber because it can be grown in a
country. Flax, hemp and china grass
are admirable samples of this fact.
The' possible area of fiber production
of any of these in India is extremely
narrow. Hemp yields fiber in Euseia
and other countries and cannot be
made to produce the narcotic In In
dia the very reverse is the case, except
in a small portion of the Himalayas,
where it yields admirable fiber and no
narcotic to speak of. While large areas
of flax are .cultivated in almost every
part of India and Burmah, it is grown
only tor the seed, of which large quan
tities are exported, and not for fiber,
and there is no flax exported from In
dia." Young Girls
4 How casv it is for vountf
girls to go into the "decline."
They eat less and less, become
paler and paler and can
harldy drag through the day.
They are on the steady down
ward course. Iron does them
no good; strychnine and bit
ters all fail. They need a food
that will nourish them better,
and a medicine that will cor
rect their disease.
Scoffs Emulsion
is both of these, elegantly and per
manently combined. The Cod-Liver
6il makes the blood richer, and
this jives better color to the face.
1 TVu hvnnnhncnhital of lime and
. vr r r a
1 soda act as a strong tonic to the v
- nerves. Soon the weight increases.
, the digestion improves and health i
At ill druggists ; sac and $ijoo.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Another Lesson
in Health.
IACKACHE lumbago rheu-
uidiisiu urea, out ieeiing
all indicate disorder in the
kidneys. No hope of good
health while your kidnevs
are wrong. They are the strainers of
the blood and must be kept right if
you're to have health.
Foley's Kidney Cure is guaranteed to
"ske the kidneys right to put them in per
lect health. Yon run no risk. It's guar
anteed. Buy a bottle to-day if you're not
Ieeiing rieht.
W. L. YANCY,Paducah, Ky., writes: "load
s severe case of kidney disease and three of the
best physicians of southern Kentucky treated
me without success. I was induced to try
Foley's Kidney Cure. The first bottle gave
immediate relief and three bottles cured me
ermanently. I gladly- recommend this won
erful remedy."
is the great healer.
A. .
Attorney at Law
t. r. IIOOKE.
Attorneys At Law.
Kooms 39-40 over U. S. Land Office .
-1 bsve gone 14 days at a Ume without m
movement or tho bowel, not being able to
move them except bj using not water Injection.
Chronic constipation for seven years placed me in
this terrible condition; daring that tlmo I did ev
erything I heard of but never fonnd any relief; snch
was my case until I began using CASCARETS. I
now have from one to three passages a day. and if I
was rich I would give 1100.00 for each movement; It
is snob a relief." atlher L. Hunt,
1688 BusseU 8t.. Detroit, Uloh.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do
Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 3DO, SOo.
afriff Bsy Censsay, CUsmge. trail, Xsw Terk, M
Getting Her Honey's Worth.
A young woman I know went to a
Spiritualist senace once upon an even
ing, and though she strained every
nerve in an effort to concentrate her
mind on her dear and gone acquaint
ances, there was no message for her,
relates a writer in the Washington Post.
Quite late in the evening the medium
announced the presence of a spirit call
ing himself Uncle Jimmy. The young
woman immediately rose and claimed
him. . Uncle Jimmy said he was doing
nicely, sent his love to all the family,
and departed. As the young woman
and her escort left the hallv the esoort
ventured to say: "Why, I didn't know
you ever had an uncle named Jimmy?"
"I never did," said the young woman,
cheerfully, "but I wasn't going to pay
SO cents to get into that seance and not
get anything at all for my money."
Prehistoric People.
Evidences of the prehistoric peoples
who inhabited the valleys of the Gila
and the Salt rivers are continually com
ing to light, and enough testimony has
been found to reveal the fact that in
these valleys once dwelt a mighty and
populous people, numbering not lew
than 1,000,000 2,000,000 certainly, and
probably reaching 3,000,000.
Alter DEsmes9
To assist digestion, relieve distress
after eating or drinking too heartily,
to prevent constipation, take
Hood' PHIs
Sold everywhere. 25ents. '
BK5D&0 BO MKT 4ud we will send
you this watch by expreWjC. O. D.
subject to examination. You can
i mA. ntit sand And to lift.
and If found BrfMlly aatUfw
torj, exactly as fffrnntod aati
wry way qaa4 ta wiura
latarDiaa aavmiataai
$S, 7fe te te. Jfi under auch
misleading description
tu aiffia Bifia aaicricae
IWjIe, Mi F I Ilea or Ik
Like ao. OOta $SO-00 OaM
Filled WatahM, ete. If
you And it tbe equal or
better than any of tbee
watches, pay tha azpraas
aaat OLE PRICE, ,
and express charges.
Don't be Deceived
by eateey aayttl wts
which would lead you to
beliere you couia fret a
SULOOer SM.00 vftleb
fbrS. TS ta 94.7 &, wfcea wa avll UtMMwiUh far $2.45.
UUK WWVn Caa or 8eraw Back aaa feael aaat
iMafihw- Pae. atom wind and set. raid olatae. bandBom-
mat la a rrMt tradlaa watch, movement isa nickel 7-jewel
iv amrravMiana nnimnMi. iik a iifB-aTmav stsmsi
ed Stem wina American, warranwu, auu m k"u muv
keeper, for Watekaa fraa. 9H easts aa, gldllla wateaat
S. It uesm writ far fra Wats mmd Jewelry Catalays.
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). Chicago
Ce. see llsiisaily i i nun
Do you
to get rich?
A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced
five miles from Antelope, for sale on
easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul
tivation, good house, barn and other
outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of
horses, splendid spring of water, nice
young orchard bearing fruit.- A popu
lar stand on the road that takes in from
1100 to $200 a month.
To be sold on reasonable terms.
Call at this office or address
my2d-w Antelope, Or.
$1.95 BUYS A $3.50 SUIT
. l-.l kkll.Tktl KlSTHIUUilL I
rim K,M-Pu1 Suit, solas 1 SI. 95.
SEW SLIT FRKK for any of the lilts
which don't frWe satisfactory wean
Send No Money. taUhndAo0u,
"mall for k. nd we will sendyou tlis
'VVatioo. You can examine It a. yourexprwt
office and it round penec-iy bbh-iwi".
and equal to suite sold in your town fut
SS.&O, pay your express airetit ear ilal
bars fnta. 4 to !SyMu r a, sad arrt-tle
aterywhere at W.60. Wade wll double seat
and knees, lat-a J8W style as illustrated,
fr. .m m sruvlnl MrrMifll la. aCVT-
rrlsat, A IX-WOOL Oakwcll eualnrra, nwt. handsome pat
Mr.. lining ft. visas. rtnt i rt tpHir) t DsT. DtVl-
lintr.stayiiiK and reinforcinfr, silk and linen sewing. laroturkmit, a suit any boy or parent would
re proud of. WU VUXK CUTH SAlPUtS V
suits, overcoat or ulrteni), for boys 4 Tv ltf iKa
writ 1W ftaaala Bank ft a. IKC contains fashion plates.
-t measure and full Instructions how to order.
' anlii an U araf fraai .
yimHe ai.-nt tre on appucetlcn. AtWira.
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, III
. mitoim ' riiti.n '"!
T-t. saat
t 1 U
Jos,T. Peters h Co.,
Farm Machinery, Etc.
Headquarters for.
Bodge Headers, Milwaukee Chainlets
Extras for all machines we handle. If you want anything in the
line of Agricultural Implements call on
W. A. Johnston,
lienciai wmm mi Forwarding Merchant
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
,. . - (Adjoining Railroad-Liepoi.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will be paid to those who favor ma with their patroca?
Dhas. J.
Wines, liquor?,
The Celebrated Olympla Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrlne,
a non-alehoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic
173 Second street,
. ....DEALER IN....
Wall Paper, Paints,
Finest Hue of Wall Paper h.
the city. Send for Samples.
Painting, Paper-Hanging and Kaltomir.
Ihg a Specialty.
Tkird Street. The Dalles, Oregon
0"s7-E 5c CO., .
Headquarters tor .
Roche llarber Lime. San Juan Lime, Trowel Brand Cement
Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils.
Headquarters for tbe sales ot
Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring; : Wagons
J. I. Case Plows, Bissell Chilled Plows, lloosler Drills.
Champiou Mowers, Binders and Reapers,
.Champion Hay Rakes, Henney Buggies.
rr0UB $38.50 s?
and Columbia Mowers and Hode Raker
The Dalles, Oregon
Cigars and Beer
The Dalles, Oregon, B
$38.50 stock saddle;
kjr rrelf't C O. I. akj.t t uuIwUh.
-is- .1 ii dtpot, and If rHHl
pr1.-tt j MiWl'stctsM-jr. uwtly u sTvrt-asimiesiy
An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle
and the equal of eaddleeenid everywhere at frotm
la the CrriKhtatrenS OUR PRICE, $38.50,
Ira tha i.Opdt, sv MT.M. and lralht
This saddle Is made on s ISK or
16-Inch Genuine Ladeama or
neison neavy oteei horK.... KI-XKCTKD ItAWIIIOt; 4OVKHrO
1 K K, bound or roll oantie.rtaal IfMth.rcoreradBtlrrupa
cr t-tiich oxbow brat, bouud. as daalrad. WW ata4 Saa4
iined, S-iiich wlOe lai-.tlrrup ieath.ra, 1-inch tloRtrapa,
extra lonir nil Dear aide, S-lnch to buokls oa off.lda, ntwvv
cotton twl.tM Mexican S-inrh front cinch, haavy cotton
bsUtnff flnnk clnrb, cvnnaoting strap. Loop aaas, saat and
Jockey all one piece.
a. Illuntrated. U.lsk-t mt Haddle abaat Maadal
tiacked for ahlpment, 46 poonda. rSUUIT IS USLI aMuvfl
Sl.oeros sni too lll.E.
CATALOGUE, showing hill line ot Cowboy snd Ranch or
Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted. AdUreaa.
1 ,