PiHTiir,,i stllirnir mil'XTAl KKK, Value MXT CONSOLIDATED 1882. .THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER ?r, 1899. m 47 HaSS-KODITAMKEB, XIII t -,- ; . i . ft Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent Made from pure, grape cream of tartar ROYAL BAKING A HOT TIME AT ESTCOURT Englishmen Led Into a Trap. London. Nov. 17. The war office has received the following dispatch from General Buller: "Cape Town. Nov. IB. Have re ceived from Hildyard, a fletermaritz burp; telegram dated November 15, of which the following is the purport 'The officers commanding troops at Estcourt reports at midday that an armored train left Estcourt this morn log with a company of Dublin fusiliers and a company of Durban volunteers North of Frere they encountered a party of Boers and began to withdraw While retiring some of the trucks were derailed. The Dublios turned . out and advanced toward the enemy, while the rest of the train appears to have returned without them to Est court.. ' "The officers commanding the troops reports that he was sending mounted troops in order to cover their with v drawal, but that about 100 are miw . 1."' ... . : EflTOOUHTi Nov. 17. The Elmelo Boer forces have taken up a position near Ennersdale, a few miles north of here. They have eight seven-pound ers and two irencn guns. ineir strength is 2000 men. . They have looted Henderson's store. All is quiet here and ready for the enemy if he attacks. ' - A Harrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Part, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally terminated In consumption. Four doctors gave me up. saying I could live . but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would ' meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. Sing's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Regular size 60 cents and 11.00. Guaranteed or price refunded A YA TOO EARLY, We West Star uaain a Yw Aiiead of Time. New York, Nov. 17. A apodal dl patch to the Journal and Advertiser from Washington says: "The shower of Leonids will not oc- cur this season. The brilliant spec tacle has been announced one year too ; soon." This announcement has just been made by Dr. L. J. See, one of the most advanced astronomers in the gov- . ment service. . ' "Astronomical calculations have not erred as to the periodicity of the Leonids," said Dr. See to the Journal, 1't)Ut the genera accepted conclusion as to the time it takes the Leoplds to pass the earth's orbit has been wrong. After the most oareful observations made with the best instruments in the service of the government, and after the most unerring calculations in strict oonformity to astronomical laws, I am thoroughly convinced that the period of passage is two years, instead of one year, as heretofore believed. . "The Leonids have been within the the earth's orbit for a year now, and 'will remain with us for another 12 months. The meteoric shower has not been as heavy this time as there was good scientific reason for believing it would be. That is because we have not yet struck the thick part of the trial. By my calculations, this collision will ' occur in the middle of November, 1900. Then the resultant display of burning meteors will be as brilliant as the one observed by Humboldt in Venezuela in 1799. . t'The present visitation is a counter part of that in 83. A-that tilne there were displayed in two years, that of 1863 befog almost as feeble as the pres ent has been, and that of thesuoceding year being nearly as striking as that recorded by Humbolbt. A Frightful Blonder Will often cause a horrible burn. scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly neal It. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts, a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley Houghton, druggists. BpreckeU Talks mom. Chicago, Nov. 17. John D. Spreckels, of San Francisco, a member of the republican national committee, passed through unicago on ma way east. Mr. Spreckels will attend the meeting of the national committee at Washington December 14 "I am an anti-expansionist," said he "and, as I came through the great prairies of the west on this trip, I POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. I could not help but think of the great i I 1 A ! U UA iIaha In our country with the money which we are now spending to maintain the army in the Philippines. If that money had been spent in irrigation in the Western countries, I believe the United States would have .reaped greater benefits from it than it ever will by the retention of the Philip pines.'' Mr. Spreckels said that he thought It was very probable that the national con m It tee would select Chicago as the place for holding the next national convention. Spain's Greatest Meed. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves bad caused severe pains In the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, . America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand remedy is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney ' troubles, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, put vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired and ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. BELIEF OF KIMBEBLEY. News of Its Accomplishment Expected' Any Moment. New York, Nov. n.--A dispatch to the Herald from London says: Mafe king has resisted the Boers so success fully that General Conje is now re ported to be directing his efforts against Klmberley. It is not known that the relief move. ment toward Kim barley cominenoed some time ago. The Ninth lancers, Northumberland fusiliers, Munster fueiliers and part of the Lanoashiers, who, some time ago, were concentra ting atDe Aar Junction, were on Sat urday last within 50 miles of Kimber ley. It was this column which fought the engagement on the tenth (Friday), which resulted la the loss of Lieutenant- Colonel Kieth Falconer. Everything indicates that we are on the eveof very important developments in (he region of the Orange river and along the line of De Aar Junction, Colesbnrg, Burgersdorp and Aliwai North. . - That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life pills. -Thousands of sufferers have proved their mtoh less merit for sick and nervous head aohea. ..They make pure blood and gtrong nerves and build up your health hsy to tane.. Try them, uniy zo cts. Money bacs: if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. TJncle Collis Owns 1. . ! 8AN Fbancisoo, Nov. 17. The Ex aminer says; Collis P. Huntington is today in full control of three fourths of the property of the Southern Pacific Company and its allied corporation, th e Pacific Improvement Company. With the help of the banking syndl- cate headed by toe Speyers, of Hew York and London, he has bought out the Crocker, and. Stanford, interest, each amounting to about one fourth of the stock- With his own fourth that gives him threefaurths of the whole. The remaining on&tfourtb. interest belongs to the Hopkins-Searle es" tate The Speyers hold in their possession the Crocker and Stanford soourieties for the present, Huntington having an iron-clad option for their final transfer to him. ... : What la Shllohr ' , A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used .through the world for half a century, has cured Innumerable cases of incipient con sumption and relieved many in ad vanced stages. If you are not satis fied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 cts., and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. i Ladyanilth Was Surrounded. Pretoria, Nov. 9, via London, Nov. 17. The following dispatch has been received from the Boers camp at Elands Laagte, under today's date; "Ladysmith baa been completely en. circled by Boers forces, Our second big gun was suoessfully placed in posi tion on Buluwan bill in front of Lady smith. '. The firing of heavy guns com menced early this morning with no casualties to the burghers up to the present." Many a Lover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive bseath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purl fits the breath by its action on the bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold f4 years on absolute guarantee. Price 2 cts., and 50 cts. - Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. AlaiKan Bonndry. San Erancisoo, Nov. 17. rhe Chamber of commerce of this city has adopted and sent to Secretary of State Hay the following resolutions referring to the Alaska boundry question: "We earnestly request that the pres ent boucdary line as established be maintained and that no territory now lying on' the American side thereof be yielded up or granted to the Dominion of Canada." ' - ' IT IS A GUER RILLA WAR Filipi nos Hunted Down Like Wild Geese. Manila, Nov. 19. The first reports received from Lawton's columns three days say be is on the road be tween San Nicholas and San Manuel west of the Aguo river. Swollen rivers prevented him from reaching Wheaton Major Swigert, with two troops of the fourth cavalry, met heavy resist ance at Pozorrubio yesterday. He be lieves Aguinaldo is there General Ycung is at Santa Ana. Colonel Weasel's command scattered a band of insurgents near Santa Ana Thursday, killing four Filipinos and capturing 15 without loss. Thirty-six guns were taken. The rest of a battal lion of the -Twenty-second regiment has had a skirmish at Matabelan bridge, near Rosales. The people at Rosales welcomed the Americans. Slaven's scouts have reached Paniqui north of Tarlac. They found four locomotives wrecked and 13 cars. Mac Arthur is at Gerona, where the trotops were welcomed by the people. " loons' Mothers. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers ' because Its outbreak so agonizing and frequently fatal, Shilob's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of croup. It has never been known to fail. The worst cases releived immediately Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00 Blakeley & Houghton druggist. DISPATCHES FROM OTIS. Details of the Advance of La ton and Mac Arthur. Washington. Nov. 19. Two dis- patches were received at the war de partment from General Otis, giving letails of the advance of Lawton and MaoArthur. The first dispatch is as follows: "Manila, MacArtbur entered Ger ona and pushed his advance to Panqul a few miles beyond.. The inhabitants remained in their houses, receivlug the troops hospitably, the first instance of the kind during the entire advance from San Fernando. The railroad is intact from the washout north of Tarlao to Paniqui, but engines and cars were partially destroyed by the in surgents on retreating. Sufficient rolling stock can be repaired to insure railroad service. "There is nothing from Lawton. as the telegraph line is only working to San Jose, south of Carranglan and 35 miles east of Tayud. His cavalry was .reported yesterday at Day am ban, a railroad station south of Dagupan. Re- inforcements and supplies leave here for San Faklan, Wheaton's headquart ers, tonight. Indications are that the insurgents are widely scattered. Some are retreating into Western Luzon, the providence of Zambales." Under date of today, Otis again tele graphs, having received advices from Lawton. Otis' says: "A dispatch from Lawton, dated on the road between San Nicholas and San Manuei, 10:15, 18th Inst., transmits dispatches from General Young' and Major Ballanceat Asiogan and Rosales of November 15 and 16. The former is moving on Poaorrubio, about 12 miles east of San Fabian, and 25 miles west of San Nicholas, where Major Swigert finds the enemy strongly in. trenohed." Xoa Try It.. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25ct8. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure, take the bottle back and. we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton.dru dists. .. BOERS COA'UEMTBATIHQ. Preparing J to Cat off the Advance of Bailer's Army, , London, Nov. 19. The latest news from the seat of war in South Africa is, from one point of view, favorable to the British, showing that Klmberly is able to hold Its own against the Boers, and that Estcourt is in a position to beat back an attack by the Boer forces now facing it. On the other hand the advices pay testimony to the ceaseless activity of the burghers on the Free State frontier and their determination -to cut off re lief for Ladysmith, and, If possible, then to isolate .and capture Estcourt, which Is the nearest town to Lady-, smith still held by the British.. A number of small Boer commands from the east and west are converging on Estcourt, end the railroad just south of that place. The Boera already ag gregate at least 2000, with a few guns, which they evidently, from the en trenchments they are throwing up, mean to mount on hills dominating any advance north from Estoouet, where General Hildyard is still com manding, - Even with the strong relief col umn now hurrying up from Durban, the British will have a tough job to pierce the Boer forces thrown across the roads to Ladysmith, while ' cross ing the Tugela river on pontoon bridges in the face of the Boer artillery and rifles fired from the- northern ridges commanding the rivers, will probably prove one of the stillest en terprises of the war. Sick Headache. The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, tuts great blood puri fier and tissue builder. Money re funded if not satisfactory. Price .25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough ton, drugg'sts. CHURCH DEACON IN TBOCBLB. Charged With Bigamy Was County Physi cian for Beaton Corvallis, Or. Nov. 19. A warrant was issued from Justice Bry son's cou today for the arrest of Dr. T. K. Chap man and Jane King, alias Jane Chap man, both of Monroe, this county. The complaint was lodged by T. W. Covender, and it charged Dr. Chapman with illicit cohabitation and bigamy, and charges Jane King, alias Jane Chapmau, with the former offense. The complaint alleges that T. K. Chap man, the defendant,, has a wife now liv ing in Georgia. Cavender is a son-in-law of Chapman, having married the daughter of Chap man by the first wife. He came to this section fr m Georgia last March. He says that Chapman left his Georgia wife iii 1892, to tiikc a post-graduate course in medicine in New York city; that subsequence letters to his wife purported to come from Kalama.Wash wnere unapman aescrioea himself as surgeon on a ship. Chapman has been for several years a practicing physician at Monroe, hav lng served for some time as county physiciaB. He is a member and deacon in the Baptist church. Don't Risk lour Life. Many of your friends, or people whom you know of have contracted consumption, pneumonia or other fatal diseases by neelect of a simple cold or cough. Foley's Honey.aod Tar, a safe a'd pleasant cough medi cine, would have saved them. It is guaranteed. Clark & Falk, druggist. Goebel Is After Them. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 17. The at torneys of William Goebel today filed notice with the local election board, asking that the vote of Louisville be thrown out. They claim the election officers and voters were intimidated by the militia ordered out by Governor Bradley November 7. If the election board should see fit to throw out the vote of Lonisyille, it will give Goebel a sare plurality. Buford S. Williams, Coleman Carr and Wiogate ThompsoD, democratic election officers of Franklin county, were today indicted by the federal grand jury charged with conspiracy and intimidation against colored voters. For Hoarseness. George A. Pontlns, Upper Sandusky O., writes: I have been using Foley's Hooey and Tar for sore throat and hoarseness and hnd it is the best rem edy I have ever tried. It stopped the cough immediately and relieved all soreness. Clark & Falk, druggists. - Fatal Saloon Bow. Waverly, Wash., Nov 19. During an altercation in a saloon last night, Ed Twyman shot an instantly killed George Wiggins. Twyman was form erly a deputy sheriff and town marshal of Fairfield. He had been quarreling with an unknown man, and, drawing a revolver, ordered him out of the saloon. Just then Wiggins came in, and seeing the leveled revolver, appealed to Twy man not to shoot. Twyman turned quickly and fired two shots, the second striking the victim squarely In the fore head. Twyman was arrested and will be taken to Spokane. How to Prevent a Cold. After exposure or when yon feel a cold cumlog on take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. It nevec falls And will prevent Pneumonia or Consump tion if taken in time. Clark & Falk, druggists. To Save the Charleston. Washington, Nov. 19. The Culgoa started today from Hong Kong for the wreck, of the cruiser Charleston. Naval officers here believe she carries force of - wreckers, in' accordance with Admiral; Walson's directions, and at least a sufficient plant to make a thorough examination of the hull of the ship. If she - can manage to ap- proa:b the wreck and lift off the big turrett guns, it is believed the Char leston can be floated. .The main sou roe of anxiety is the weather, which at this time is likely to be stormy. Liquid Electricity . The great electro magnetic cure for all internal and external pain; guaran teed to cure the deepest seated pain in ne to fifteen minutes. For sale at Clarke & Falk's drug store. , R. E. Williams, . General Agent Beavy Boer Losses. London, Nov. 17. A special dis patch from Pietermaritzburg, dated Saturday. November 18, says: "A runner brings a message from Ladysmith, saying that November 9 the Boers attacked the town from the southwest, but were repulsed by the Roy a! rifles and rifle brigade with great loss. ' November 14 the Boers made an attack near Colenso, but were repulsed with a loss of 800. Fight ing is proceeding at Estcourt." Sick Heaeache. is the bane of women. What is wanted not relief alone, but relief and curt. Dr. Loyal Ford's Dyspepticlde will cure sicK headache lor all time, it makes the . stomach rfght. Clark & Falk, druggists. Educate Tour Bowels With Caseareta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever We. 25c. II C C. C. fail, druggists refund money Six Tears kn the Penitentiary Oregon City, Nov. 19. Yesterday afternoon Judge McBride sentenced Harry Clark to the penlteotary for six years for stealing a certificate of de posit for $120 from Hugh Miller. The sentence was made severe because of the character and record of the pris oner. Clark Is a member of the city council. "Waste Not, Want Not" Little leaks bring to ivant, and little impurities of the blood, if not attended to, bring a "Want" of health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one and only specific that ivill remove all blood humors and impurities, thereby put ting you into a condition of perfect health Bad Stomach" Htzdiches nd tired feeling, bad condition of stomach, Closed me to take Hood's SarsaparUU. JS stopped all faint trouble" Charles Ho-ver, Glens Falls, N. Y. M jfccdS Sauafmiluq w vi j'vjjijui.ujuuy Hood't Hill cure Htm- Ilia ; the poB-lrrlUnnt and only cmthirBc to tste with Hood's SarMparilla. IS A RAMBLING ; CAMPAIGN American Forces Seatter- ' ing Over Luzon. Manila, Nov. 20. Oaly fragmentary reports reach Manila of the operations in the north. When the complete storv of the campaign is known It will prove to have been the most remark able campaign that has taken place in the Philippine war. Lawton's division is spread thinly over the territory be yond San Jose where the telegraph ends Young's two regiments of cavalry has continued its rapid sweep into tbe new country and the Infantry Is ' being pushed forward to hold the towns takan by the cavalry; all in this In a country whose uatural difficulties were indescribably Increased by tropi cal rains. Wagon transportation has been practically abandoned, and the troops are living on captured supplies and such produce as tbe insurgents have left. Major Swigert's detach ment of the third cavalry is reported to be engaging greatly superior force at Pozarrupee, northeast of Dagupan This force is covering the retreat of the insurgent leaders to Binguett mountains and only the insurgents ad vance force had passed Tayug before the American occupation. The main body of Aguinaldo's army being within our lines. Lawton recently narrowly escaped drowning while fording a river. Captain Leonhauser with a battalion of the Twenty-fifth infantry is on his way to Odonnel to take the insurgent catridge filling works. What a Well Known Railroad Man and Besldent of Lima Thinks of Foley's ' Kidney Cure. I have been troubled a great deal with backache. I was induced to try Foiey's Kidney cure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly recom mend it to any one especially my friends among the train men, who are usually similarly .afflcted. George H. Hausan, Engineer on L. E. & W. R. R. A. H. Thurness, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co. Buffalo, Ohio, writes: I have been affected with kidoev and bladder trouble for years, passing gravel or stones, accompanied by ex cruciating pains. Other medicines only gave temporary relief. After taking Foley's Kidney Cure, the re sult was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, little - fine stones, etc., and now I have no pain acros my kidneys and feel like a new man . Foley's Kidney Curuhaa done 1000 (worth of good. .-, Clarkr & Falk, druggists. Mrs. Thomos Rlddleman, Parshall ville, Mich, writes;. I was troubled with 8i)lt rheum for over thirteen years and had tried a number of doctors without relief. My husband bought a box of Banner Salve, which I applied two or three times and my bands be gan to get better. In a short time they were entirely cured. Clark & Falk, druggists. ', ESCOUKT SDBKOONDED. Boers -Hare the City Cat Off From All Sides. LONDON.Nov. 20. The present week, according to the dispatches from the front, ought to see a change in the defensive tactics hitherto maintained by the British in South Africa. It is said that the task allotted to Genera Cleary, that of relieving Ladysmith, will test bis generalship to tbe utmost. The Boers are developing a great deal of streoght in the neighborhood of Etscourt, and General Joubert is re ported to be moving southward him self in order to direct the movement to repel the British advance, after, it would seem, attempting to isolate Est court. This latter movement is already in progress. The Boers practically sur round the town. Another bit: all force was discovered at Willow .Grange, south of Estcourt yesterday evening. Major Thorneycroft, with a detachment of infantry, made a sortie and engaged the Boers, but with no material results The so-called Boer attemjs to rush Estcourt on Saturday were apparently merely a reconnaissance resulting in the Boers obtaining tbe information which they desired, namely, that Est court is fairly strongly held and has naval guns in position. The Boers then with drew out of danger, but re mained at points commanding exits from the town. Iror Over Fifty Tears. An Old and Well-Tried Rem edy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes tbe child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the' taste. Sold by drug gists in every part of the world Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wlnslow's. To Keep oat of Debt. SALEM, Or., Nov. 20. Salem's new city charter contains a section which prohibits the creation of a liability in excess of tbe revenue, exceptin case of emergency or unforeseen calamity. A violation of tbe prohibition is made a misdemeanor, for which councilmen voting for tbe creation of the liability may be fined from $100 to $500. This section becomes a law with tbe balance of the charter, but for all practical purposes this portion of it does not take effect until next month, when the council will take action for the first time under Its provision. Bow Are Your Kldaey f Dr. Hobbs Bparagus Pills cure all kidney Ills. 8am ale free. Add. Sterling Kemedy Co.. Cnic&KO or M.I Foar Transports Sail. , San Francisco, Nov. 20. Four government transports sail today with troop" for the Philippines. The Hand cock is scheduled to leave at 1 o'clock taking the headquarters' band and I 11 III! .. ,. , ( 1 N-r. tf? If ,s 1 N, JTl r rjr SO Sold by Clarke and Falk, The Dalles, Oregon. nine companies of the' Forty fourth regiment. A half hour later the Duke of Fife will sail with the headquarters' band and six companies of the Thirty eighth. The St. Paul sails at 3 o'clock with six companies of the Thirty-eighth, and the city of Puebla at 3:30 o'clock with three companies of tne Forty-third The remaining nine companies of the f orty third sailed from New York last week on the trans port Meade. ' Beaaty la Blood Deep Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- unties irom the body, .begin to-day to anish nimDles. boils, blotches, blackheads. and that sickly bilious complexion by taking cascarets, Deauty lor ten cents. All drug gists, satisfactit guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Fungton Going; Back To Fight. San Francisco, Nov. 20. General Frederick Funaton, accompanied by bis wife' arrived at Oakland last night. He is on the way to Manila, where he will report for duty to General Otis. "I do not know anything about the robbing of churches in tbe Philippines by American soldiers," declared the general in an interview, "and while it may be true that some of cur men were guilty of sacreligious thievery, I can hardly believe it. Duridg the war between the Spanish and Filipinos there were a number of native churches robbed by Spaniards. A great deal of the plunder got '.nto tbe hand of China men, who eventually sold considerable of tbe stuff to the men of our army.'' t Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tew Life Awn J. To qnlt tobacco easily and forever, be wag netlo, f ull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Boo, the wonder-worker, tnat makes weak mec strong. All druggists, 60c or Si. Cure guaran teed, Booklet and sample free. . Addresa Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or ffew fork. Terrific Battle Thursday. London, Nov. 20. A special dispatch from Estcourt, dated November 20, says a report has reached there of a battle at Ladysmith Wednesday, November 15, lasting from ' daybreak until 2 o'clock in the afternoon.- Many Boers are said to have been killed, and many are reported taken ' prisoners. The British losses are reported to be much less Another battle is said to have occur red Thursday. It is described as the heaviest battle yet fought. The Boers' dead, it is added, numbers hundreds, while the British losses were compara tively small. Stoves, Stoves, Stove. Before purchasing your cloves and ranges call and examine our line. As we have the most complete line in Tbe Dalles. Our Bridge-Beach superior line consists of 16 different sizes; in tbe Universal line we have 12 sizes. As we purchased our stoves before the advance, we will start you on new cook stoves at $6.00, Air Tights at $2.75 Bed room sets at $8.50. $11 00. $13.00 and $14.00. We have a big stock and little prices. Du Boise Furniture Co. 133 Second street, dl-wtf The Dalles. State op Ohio, City of Toledo, I Lucas County. . ( Frank J. Cheney makes oxth that be is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tbe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and ever case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curb. FRAN K J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. ) A, W..GLEASON, BEAT. Notary judiio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood asd mucous striates of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Clarke & Falk have secured the ex clusive agency for James E. Pattons celebrated mixed paints in Klickitat, Kititas and Skamania Co's. Wash. Wasco, Crook, Gilliam, Sherman and Wbeller Co,s. Oregon., . The Wasco Warehouse carries a full line of mill feed, flour, barb wire, lime, sulphur and salt. Does'a general for warding and commission business. Try Wilson's gallery for good photos. Price $1 to $5 per dozen. n4-lm When your throat and lungs are perfectly healthy you needn t worry about tne germs of consumption. They don't attack healthy people. It's the weak, debilitated, in flamed membranes that are first affected. Hard coughs and colds weaken your throat and lungs . and make con sumption more easy. If your kin p art weak scon's frJlslon Is the best remedy you can take. It soothes and heals and jives tone and strength to these delicate mem branes. In this way you can prevent consumption. And you can cure it also if you haven't had it too long. Keep taking it until your lungs are strong and your weight restored. SCOTT & BOWME, Chits New York. A Lesson in Health IHATEVER the apparent cause of your ill health, are you absolutely certain that the real, underlying, causa isn't disorder in your kid neys ? Nine chances in ten it's your kidneys that need attention, if the real root of your poor health is to be reached. Treating your stomach, your liver, your blood, your heart or your nerves, is to treat symptoms only. Treating your kiJneys is to reach and remove the cause of disease. If you neglect disorder in the kidneys you'll hare diabetes, Bright's disease, gravel or other serious and usually fatal complaint. Foley's Kidney Cure is absolutely guar anteed for all kidney disorder. You run no risk. Try it to-day. 60RE ? BANNER SALVE will heal it. Professional. S. BBNNKI Attorney at Law J. F. MOOBB. JOHN GAVIN JOORE & GAVIN, Attorneys At Law. Kooms 39-40 over XS. S. Land Office. Biliousness "I have naed your valuable CASCA- KKTS and nnd them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am now com- Sieteiy curea. itecommena mem, to every one. nee tried, you will never be without them In th. familv " Vnw A U,bt llhan. XT V CANDY f r WAT nAKTIW j CATHARTIC , VHADI MARK i Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do uoou, never sicaen. weaken, or urlpe. 1UC.250.&UC ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Steriinf Btwdj Coasu, Cklnrx I'lml, Iw Intk. m Hil.Tfl.RIP Sold and guaranteed by slldrug B U I U-OAlf guts to CVB.B Tobaoeo Habit William in England. WINSDOR. JNoy. 20. The emperor and empress of Germany and their party arrived here at 10:15. Tbey were re ceived by tbe Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cambridge and tbe Duke of York, all wearing German uniforms, There was tremendous cheering in the streets as tbe Imperial party drove to the castle, where they were received by Queen Victoria at 2 P. M. The waiting-room and platform at the sta tion were .lavishly aecorated with flowers. The town is filled with excursionists and deuorated with, flags. On the town ball the : British and German royal standards and the Stars and Stripes float side by side. Rations of Spanish Soldiers. The Spanish soldier is a frugal liver, bis commissariat allowance being two meals a day--one at nine a. m., the other at five p. m. In some corps coffee and soup are served out in the early morning. A pound and a half of bread per mun per day foiiiitute tbe govern ment ration. He gels little meat, and keeps in excellent condition on a chunk of dry black bread, a little oil, and slove of garlic a day. - Hood's Pills . Do not gripe nor irritate the alimen tary canal. They act gently yet . promptly, cleanse effectually and Give Comfort Sold by aU druggists. 25 cents. LT3 82.45 GOLD-PLATED Cut this ad. out and send to us. BKKD HO BO SKY and we will send subject to exavmination. Ton can this watcn br expreas, c. u. u. examine It jour wxpiiaa frr. nactly mrtm at mm4 tmercrf way qu&l t watcbM UUiriDfUf MTlTUMtH a, im u a. ? unaer men inuieaaing aetrcnpuona M Elgta BtyJ. Aaerieaa Stria, Gala rillea or Look LlkoaSO.OOtatSO-OOtiala ruiad WatokM, at. If von find it the equal or better than any of thene watches, pay tha axpresa agwat OLE PRHE, as.4 and ezpreaa charge. Don't ba Deceived tr eatehr advartiatiaata ppjfr which would lead you to ar beliere you oould get a ISLOOar M.OO wale farM.Tltaaa.7ft, when waaalltta aw vale far $2.45. OUR $2.5 WATCH ISStZ MsrUiMirtM. stem win ifUpaa Faaa. stem wind and set,! plat, handsom- to enfrraTed and polished, leofca Uka a hiffk-fraaa nldatllad aaa ta a great tradiaf wmtek, morement Lb a nickel 7- ed stem wind American, warranted, and a irood 1 ed stem wind American, warranted, and a arood time keeper. Fat Watebaa fraai 98 aeaU ap. go 14-1 Me watcaea a. 7 aaa aa. writ rarrra wataa aaa acwairy vataiaeaa "" SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. ( Inc.). Chicago 4C. are IHraaikly i gill as U Do you want to get rich? HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY. A stock farm of 880 acres, a 11 fenced five miles from Antelope, for sale on easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul tivation, good house, barn and other outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of horses, splendid spring of water, nice young orchard bearing fruit. A popu lar stand on the road that takes in from (100 to $200 a month. To be sold on reasonable terms. 4 Call at this office or address W. N. WILIS Y, my2 d-w Autelope, Or. $1.95 BUISAiyo SUIT ,000 CkUUBATkU USlHUIDn" FIM KmPul 8alUf.lcU $1.05. A SEW St'lT FBCItfor.117 oftbeHeBUltS which dOD'C gin aatUfactorr weu Send No Money. JlSiC alaia a mt boy ajid say whether larfre or small for age, and we will send you the nit by express, C.O.D., subject to exaroin- atinn Vnn n taminc It at TOUreXDfPM office and If fonnd perfectly satisfactory and equal to suit sold in your town for aa.10, pay your express acent aari aped! aajafiwa to 16 jeanef age, aad arratatl4 tnrjwhera at f3.60. Bad with double Mai and knees, laicat 18M style aa illustrated, mart a from . anectal wear-raalallaa, Bravy- .-li. af.fW(Uil. aiaikavoll aalBara. IM1 hand&Otne Dttt ern, line sergre Unlntr, Claylaa patent interlining, pad lintr. staying and reinforcing, silk and linen sewing. alir.saad tkronkoiit, a suit any boy or parent would e proud of. FOB kVHEK CLOTH BABPUS ef Baya CUifct suits, orercoata or ulsters), for boys 4 TO 19 IKABB, rita fr Satanl lUok Ka. MC, contains fanhion plates, pe meam.-e and fall instructions bow to order. SIm's 8ah aaa Oveat ssada te ardrr fraai ai.vw B samples s;nt tree nn application. Adra, 5EARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, IIL -" I tU sr taTUrmliM. -MmM a -a ! i - 4 V Jos. T. Peters & Co., uilding OF ALL Farm Machinery, Etc. M.K. JOHNSTON, . Headquarters f or..... v i, : , .- . i , . ge Headers, Milwaukee fliainless and Columbia Mowers "and-Eodgekr Extras for all machines we handle. If yon want anything in tha line of Agricultural W. A. Johnston, Z. F. MOODY General Commission and 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE9T. (Adjoining Railroad Depot,) .... ' " - -' .. . - Consignments Solicited ' r " Prompt attention will.be paid to those who fayor'me with their patron rr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!H ijhas. J. WHOLESALE VIne3, Liquors The Celebrated Olympla Beer, Anheuser-BuBch Nutrine, a non-alohoholio beverage, unequaled as a tonic. 173 Second street. riimMHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimmnn D. W. VAUSE, ....DEALER IN.... Wall Paper, Paints, . OILS, GLASS, ETC. Finest line of "Wall Paner ii, the city. Send for Samples. Painting, Paper-Hanging and Kalsomln- ing a Specialty Third Street. The Dalles, Orego Roche Harber Lime. San Juan - . . k il . . . fine JuumDer anu ituxen, buu Headquarter for Mitchell : Farm : and J. I. Case Plows, Blsseil unmea riows. noosier uruus, ' Champiok Mowers, Binders and Reapers, Champion Hay Rakes, Uenney Baggie. SEND US ONE DOLLAR JPUR $38.50 f) WONDER ) Materials.. KINDS. I v. 11 Hr-:-- .-i :l2rST ' ' Implements call on The Dalles, Oregon Forwarding Merchant Stubling, Cigar$and Beef ; The Dalles, Oregon, t p 1" TJET 3z CO.,- ;-; Headquarters tor " -i . .' 'i Lime, Trowel Brand Cement. 7 Vt T. n I A . Alia tuu iuvni rwuw tuu vua. the sales of - : Spring : Wagons CTTTHIS IS. oirrAKDSicna TO IS ITB DIE BOLU. ES.i5.2ir SPECIAL HIGH GRADE ft $38.50 STOCK SADDLE k rrciak t. O. II. mbiaet I. uwlullw.. YOU CAN EXAMINE IT 5'' pcrUcll wlUratMT, UMll) a rraeal. An Extra Fine High Grade Saddla and the qnal of mridlM .old cprrwber, at rrma tS-Sf&XEXi OUR PRICE, $38.50, lw the !. daawalt, ar .. and IralsU rhancaa. Thle 8addle Is made on a 1854 or 16-Inch Cenulne Ladeama or Nelson rieavy oieei ror,.., eAKErrLLT arxEOTED bawhiue covr.ur.o TKft bound or roll cantla, rtaal laathar aovarad .tlrmpa or Vlnch oibow brau bound, aaoaalrad. WUI mm tnat TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG KJST'Sil'! lined. lneh wlda laea lrrup laathara, IMaak tla atraiia, extra '.on tr on near .Ida. t-lnch to buckle on off.ld., koa.r cotton twitted Mrs can a-lnrb front cinch, heary eottoB) belting Hank cinch, cunnacUnc trap, ioopaaat. Hat ana jockey mil on pleo. ELECANT HAND RAISED STAMPING J!aSPWja "wRITlf FOR FRE "VEHICLE. HARNESS AN0 SADDLE CATALOGUE, showing a lull tins ol Coaiboj snii Rancher Outfits at ths lowest prices ever quotes. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL ISnaa, nait.ie a Ca. ar. m mjIIt raaaMe. Hmm.) 1 " f l. I.