The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, November 18, 1899, Image 1

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    1 I J.
YT? Yf?
m 46
: - ' . S
V", -
A" Great
There are many
brands of baking
powders, but
" Royal Baking . Powder
is recognized at once as the
brand of great name, the powder
of highest favor and reputation.
Everyone has absolute confi
' dence in the food where Royal
is used.
Pure and healthful food is a
matter of vital importance to
every individual.
Royal Baking Powder
assures the finest and
most wholesome food.
lawton, . MaeArthur and
Wheaton Closing in.
WaSSTNGtqn, Nv 10- The war
department hai reoelreij ihe following!
- "Manila General Lawton experien
' eee some difficulty or. . account' of the
continued unprecedented rains in that
section of the country. He advanced
the column at San Jose yesterday to
' Carahagtan. Today a strong force was
put through on the Aligoa route.
"Young captured yesterday consid
erate additional Qubanatuan arsenal
property in transit portb, among which.
were 144 twoincb and w boesl.Qo
inoh ammunition for Hotohkiss guns.
fifty projectiles for Ave and eight-inch
breech-loading rifle cannons,' two
.boxes of grenades, considerable other
ordnance property, and two tons of
casting and arsenal machinery in parts.
Ee is meeting with opposition, but the
advance Is not much impeded thereby.
"MaeArthur is reconnolterlng north
of Mabacalat. Yesterlay Slaven's
goouts were directed to the front, and.
Smith's Seventeepto infantry pn the
agalapg and Conoepcion road. Bell,
pf the Thirty-sixth, with five of his
officers and two privates of his reek
meut, mounted, one officer and 10 meq
at the Fourth cavalry, struck jp) in
surgents in the mountains west of
Mabacalat. The Americans charged,
killing and wounding 19, capturing six
and 30 Mauser rifles.
'" "The railroad from Angeles to Batn
bam is destroyed. MaeArthur will
have 40,000 rations to the front today,
and will take up the advance to Tarlac
' ;!$heaton reports 2 Spanish prifq
ngrs geiir.. Tftree" bflhrjrpfl' fadqiT
pant raorujw escaped te. the mountains
frpm the enpmy during the battle at
ap fabtan. These recruits were en
route to Pagunan. Wheaton says
everything is favorable q crryiqg out
bis ip&lructions supoessfully, nd that
the eotoperatioa of the navy is com
plete. Otis."
Reaeae. .
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfleld, 111.,
makes the statement that she caught
: cold, which settled on her lungs; she
was treated for a month by her family
fhysician, but grew worse. He told
er she was a hopeless victim of con
sumption and that no medicine could
cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.
3ng!s New Discovery for. ponsmp
itonj she bpu&lj a botfle and to'hp'n
delight found herself benefited from
ifrst dose. S,he continued its use and
after taking six bottles, found herself
sound and well: now does her awn
housework, and U as well as she ever
was. Free trial bottles of this Qreat
Discovery at Blakeley & Houghton's
drugstore. Only 60 cents and $1.00,
every bottle guaranteed.
Sara Knajland'a Motive Is Only to Give
Better Government.
New York, Nov. 10. A diopatcb
to the' Tribune from London says:
Lord Salisbury is always phlegmatic
a'ndi extppmejy practigal op greai'oecaT
siflps when the epapire s fairly hngr
og on his words, There was not a
trace of emotion or 'excitement lp his
. . speech last night at the Guild hall ban
quet, where be and Lord Wolseley
' .were received like conquering heroes.
. He. began with Samoa as quietly as
: though be were describing a bargain
.' in trade, and pointed out that Germany
r was specially interested in the terri
tory there and had got what she
wanted, whereas England did not need
a poor harbor like Apia, but a good
. one like that In Tonga.
' " From the sententious comment that
. England's relations with Samoa were
fin tLat CQuid be desired, he passed to
- ftB equally practical discussion of the
x'r war.1 B.B eontended, that the lack of
is a
There are many Imitation baking
powders, made from alum, mostly
sold cheap. Avoid them, as they
make the food unwholesome.
troops in South Africa was not due to
want of action, since an ultimatum
would have come earlier if the troops
had' been increased earlier. Be des
cribed the real oause of hostilities at
the unfortunate arrangements of 1881,
by which a community admittedly hos
tile was allowed to accumulate un
bounded munitions of war. The ob
ject of English warfare, be asserted,
was neither gold nor territory, but
equal rights for ail men, and the issue
of the conflict would be good govern
ment in South Afripa.
. Stewy of Slave.
To be bound hnj anil ft Kit tor vears
by the ohahie of disease is tde worst
form of slavery. George D. Williams,
of Manchester, Mich, tells bow such a
slave was made free He savs: "My
wife has been so helpless for five years
that she could rot turn over in bed
alone. After using 'two boU'ts of
Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully
improved and able to do her own work. "
This supreme remedy for fem&ie dis
eases quickly cures, nervousness, sleep
lessness, melapcholy, headache, back
ache, fainting and disay spells. This
miraole working medicine is a god
send to weak, sickly, run down people.
Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50
cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton,
Government for Cuba.
New York, Nov. 10. A special to
the Times from Washington says: The
first task to which the president will
address himself, now that the election
is over, is the establishment ftf civil
government n pu,ha, and Puerto Liico.
He fs displaying considerable impai
tience to have this work, wbiph has
been hanging fire so long, pushed
through as soon as possible. The first
Step toward the establishment of civil
government in Ouba is the completion
of the census, and that, it is now ex
peoted, will be finished by the end of
the month.
The president's desire is to have Cu
ban self-government in operation at
once, so that congress may be able to
observe its practical workings and be
aided to frame laws for the permanent
government of the island.
Are grand, hut S,kin Eruptions Toh
life of joy. Bucklen's Arnia Salve,
pures them; also old running and fever
Sores, Ulcers, Balls, Felons, Corns,
Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds,
Chapped Hnds, Chilblains, Best
Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains
and aohea. Only 25 oents a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store.
Bobbed While Dnik,
Sheridan, Or., Nov. 10. An old
man named Maleny, from near Woods,
came into Sheridan yestjday and fal
ling in with a congenial spirit by the
name of Newell, the two imbibed freely
during the day. Maleny bepanp 50.
fa'PF IfewpU took; him to
the Say-aga hotel and procured a bed
for him. Maleny became sober and
discovered the loss of h,is purse that
bad coptained H80, He immediately
bad Nawell arrested, Newell pow lies
behind the bars awaiting trial.
veil Xoor Slater.
A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi-
dtlity without good pure blood, the
sort tht only exists in connection
with good digestion, a healthy liver
and bowels. Karl's Glover Boot Tea
acts directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys keeping them in perfect health
Price cts. and 5g cts.
MAWS. 6a., Nov. 10. Congress,
man Bartlett and Senator Baoon have
received a petition signed by about 100
negroes asking them to use their best
efforts to secure the passage of a law
whereby the negroes might be deported
to Africa. They say that conditions
under which they live is not satisfact
ory, they see no prospect of a change,
and it would be better for the two races
to separate. '
Probably ma Unfounded Bomor.
London Nov. 10. Another rumor,
emanating from Amsterdam sources,
says a British regiment wa8 decimated
Friday by the Free Staters. It is added
that six hundred British soldiers were
killed or wounded add that three hun
dred borses were captured.
I This Is What the Boer's
Must Do.
London, Nov. 12. As each day and
each week of the war draws to a close
without decisive action at Ladysmitb,
the probability that the Boers will
risk an assault upon that garrison be
comes, It is said, more and more immi
nent. In fact, it is claimed that the
campaign has reached a stage where it
is absolutely necessary for the Boers
to deliver a telling stroke. Unless they
decide to do this, their only alterna
tive is to retire within their own lines
and strengthen themselves against the
impending onslaught by superior num
bers. That the latter course will -be
followed without first making: a deter
mined attempt to oust or capture Gen
eral White seems beyond all reason
for .be methodical isolation of Gen
eral White's forces indicatas that the
campaign has been carefully prepared
and the main objective definitely fixed
Even if the Boers have already dis
covered that they have underrated
General White's capability of resist
ance, it is thought scarcely likely that
they will give up their expected prey
without si desperate struggle. Not only
have they tasted of the dangerous de
lights of victory and reveled, in antici
pation. In still further conquest over
the main unit- opposing them, which
alone would have great moral effect in
persuading tbem to risk much against
Ladysmitb, but now it is too late for
them to change the main objective. Mo
bilised as are the Boers, they could
scarcely transfer the body of the forces,
which are at present concentrated
about Ladysmitb, to any other British
point without the risk of encountering
superior numbers, which are already
pouring northward. Moreover, any
weakening of the force at Ladysmith
would give General White a splendid
opportunity of attacking, and even
against overwhelming odds, he has
shown no hesitation in . accepting
every opening for assuming the offen
sive. Bismarck's Iron Nerve
. Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous
energy are not found where stomach,
liyer, kidneys and bowels are out of
order. If you v. ant these qualities and
the sucoess tney bring, use Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They develop every
power of brain and body. Only 25c, at
Hlaketey & Houghton's drug store.
They Are Pnahinir on Into the Interior of
Washington, Nov. la.Three im
portant dispfttohes from General Otis
were received at the war department
showing the harbships and difficulties
encountered by our troops in their
advance and giving a captured insur
gent dispatch showing the line of argu
ment put forward to sustain the insur
rection. The dispatches 'read as fol
lows: Manila Severe . typhoons, over
Panay the last two days impeded the
marching of Hughes'- troops. His
column is several milea northwest of
Ho Ilo. Insurgents' have abandoned
strung defenses in that section,"
'Manila--Lawtan is . pushing his
troops through on the Lupadimgai
and San Quintln road, but the oountry
is submerged. Bridges and recently
constructed rafts were washed out, and
wheel transportation oannot be moved.
His reliance is on tbe cavalry, a few
infantry and native mostly
on the country. MaeArthur commen
ced bis advance early this morning.
Two companies of the Seventeenth
infantry, under Chenoweth, making a
reconnoissaoce of the Malalang and
Concepcion road struck a. ba.tta.UoQ of
the enemy, which left 29 dead op the
field.. Qiir. casualties reported are
three wounded." '.
"Manila A number of official insur
gent dispatchf s were captured yester
day by (Young's troops la the north and
forwarded by Lawton last night. They
indicate a dlreot abandonment by the
enemy of the country in the vicinity
of Cabanatuan and Sao Jose, and hur
ried movements by way of Taying,
over the mountains to Bayombong,
thenoe to Aparri.
Do Ton Know -
Consumption is preventable? Science
bas proven tbat, and also that neglect
is suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shilob's. Cough And
Consumption Qqre' 8,6,13 qu positive
guarantee, for pyef flttY yeara Blake i
fey $ gp.ugutan. drueeista. .
Bunia and 4ap&u Afe- Geftlqg- oq TheAr
LONDON, Nov. 11. In connection
with the reported Anglo-American un
derstanding leardingan open door In
China, Japan's attitude in far Eastern
Asia is much canvassed. Several cor
respondents in China talk of coming
conflict between Japan and Russia over
Cores. A letter from Seoul, which
appears in the Times today, says:
"The Japanese are convicted, th$t tP
acquire Corea 9 Russian,
asc.enda.n.cj lp Northern China would
he strategically, politically and com
mercially A deadly menace to Japan's
rapidly developing strenght. Japan
beleives her nuvy is strong enough to
attack Russia, and the general opin
ion is that the interests of the two na
tions are so conflicting that it is impos
sible to avoid a rupture in the near
future." '
On Every Bottle.
Of Shilob's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of this
bottle faithfully, then if you ca!u s$y
you are not benlflted return the bottle
to your druggist and he may refi d
the m,onej'." Price 2a cts., 50 cts., aad
$1.00. Blakeley and Houghton.
Bombarding Ljtdy(mlth.
London, Nov. 10. The British war
office has received from General Buller
the following dispatch:
"Cape Town, Thursday evening
Have received by pigeon post from
General White today the following
Ine bombardment at long range
by heavy puns continues daily. A few
casualties are occuring but no serious
barm is being done. The Boers sent
in today a cumber of refugees from the
Transvaal under a flag of truce. A
party from Ladvxmith mut them out
side the pickets. When the party
separated, the Boers guns fired on It
before it reached our pickets. Major
Gate, of the royal engineers, was
wounded today while sending- a mess-
age. -De lntreticnments are growing
stronger daily and the supply of pro
visions is ample."
loo This Strike YonT
Muddy complexions, nauseating
breath come from chronic consump
tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an
absolute cure and has been sold for
fifty years on an absolute guarantee,
Price 25 cents and GO cents, at Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
Wreck near Toledo.
Detroit, Nov. 10. Michigan Cen
tral train No. 310, the Cincinnati,
Hamilton & Dayton limited, north'
bound, was wrecked near Vienna, Mich.,
about 12 miles from Toledo, last night.
smashing four cars and the engine,
and injuring 21 persons, none of them,
it is thought, fatal.
The railroad officials assert that the
rails were tampered with, causing them
to spread when the rapidly moving
train struck tbe curve.
The engine add four of the five cars
were thrown on their sides. It is al
most miraculous that tbe passengers
escaped with such slight injuries. The
track was torn up for about 250 feet.
Bow is Sonr WlfeT
Has she lost her beauty? If so, con
stipation, indigestion, rick headache
are Ih.-. principal causes. Karl's Clover
Root 'Pea has cured these ills for half
a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Money refunded if results are not
satisfactory. Blakeley & Hough ton
Alaskan Railway.
Seattle, Nov. 10. The White Pass
& Yukon Railway has purchased
nearly $300,000 worth of steel rails
with which to extend its line from
Lake Bennett to Closeligh, a point on
Fifteen-Mile river, four miles below
the White Horse Rapids. Of this
amount 3400 tons have been delivered
under rushed orders to Lake Bennett,
together with a locomotive to be used
on tbe construction work between
Lake Bennett and the White Horse
By June 1 at least, the railroad com
pany expects to have the road com
pleted to the rapids and in operation.
For Hoarseness.
George A. Pontins, Upper Sandusky
O , writes: I have been using Foley's
Honey and Tar for tore throat and
-hoarseness and find it is the best rem
edy I have ever tried. It stopped the
cough immediately and relieved all
soreness. Clark & Falk, druggists.
Twenty-six Men Injured.
DENISON, la., Nov. 12. Twenty-six
men were injured in a wreck on the
Fort Dodge & Omaha railroad, nine
inlles north of Denison, this afternoon.
A gravel train running extra and a
work train containing 180 men came
together around a sharp curve at a
deep cut in the road. Two of the in
juredEld McKee and Dan O'Brien
are not expected to live through the
night," and several others are probably
fatally hurt.
. Dont Risk Tour Life.
Many of your friends, or people
whom you know of have contracted
consumption, pneumonia or other
fatal diseases by neglect of a simple
cold or cough. Foley's Honeyand
Tar, a safe and pleasant cougb medl-
ine, would -have saved them. It is
guaranteed. Clark & Falk, druggist.
New School Buildings for Pendleton. .
Pendleton, Or., Nov. 13. Pendle
ton public school pupils are to have a
fine new assembly hall and gymnasium
and another sohoolhouse is also to be
built. The directors have set aside
$7500 to be devoted to the construction
of the proposed buildings, and this will
be so carefully expended tbat the result
will provide for the present needs of
the rapidly over-crowding school.
How to Prevent a Void.
After exposure or when you feel a
oold coming on take a dose of Foley's
Honey and Tar. It never fa1 Is and
will prevent Pneumonia or Consump
tion if taken in time. Clark & Falk,
League Island Force. Bedoed.
Philadelphia Now, 12- A general
reduction of tbe farce of the department
. . . 1 . . ... .1
Of consLruoitiaa nun repair n tue
League island navy-yard bas . been
made, Of tbe 380 employes, 120 have
been discharged, and it is believed
more will follow. Naval Constructor
Bannard says the reason for cutting
down is a lack of funds to keep all the
men employed, althougt there is plenty
of work for the full force..
Bow Your Kidneys t
Dp. Hnhhs Rnarnmift PI tin enre all kldnSTills. Sam
Die free. Add. Sterling Kerned; Co.. Chicago orN.V
Caldwell's Plurality.
Columbus, O., Nov. 12. Chairman
Dick, of the republican svte commit
ted, today said that Caldwell, republi
can,, or lieutenant-governor, about
whose election there was some ques
tion, will have about 13,000 plurality.
Eighty-five counties give 10,000, and
tbe three yet to be heard from gave
Nash, for governor, 4260. -
Blacksmith Blew His Bead Off.
Pullman, Wash., Nov. 12. Otis
Olmstead, a blacksmith 29 years nf age,
committed suicide in his blacksmith
shop here tome time last night, blowing
tbe top of his bead off with a double
barreled shotgun. ' The. reason for the
deed is unknown. Olmatead was mar
ried last 'June, and was apparently
happy and prosperous.
Biliousness, sour stomach, constlpa
. tion and all liver Ills are cured by
Hood's PfflG
The hon-Irritatlng cathartic. Fries
25 cents of all druggists or by mail oi
C.L Hood A Co, Lowell, Mass.
Filipinos Flee Before
American Noise.
Manila, Nov. 14. General Young
is supposed to have reached ban
Nicholas, about 30 miles east of Dagu
pan, but his wagons are far behind
Colonel Hayes has captured Aguin
aldo's secretary, and Major Coleman
is in Carranglan with an escort of 175
bolomen, on his way to the province of
Nueva Visaya. A son of General
Llaneras and his family are prisoners.
The general barely escaped.
A correspondent of the Associated
Press with General Young telegraphs
from San Jose that Aguinaldo did not
escape to the northwest. He and his
army, tbe correspondent adds, are
surrounded. His last orders to tbe
Filipino commander at San Jose were
to bold San Jose and Carranglan at all
costs. Tbe recent encounters were
too one-sided to be called fights. In
surgents are mortally afraid of the
Americans, however strong their
position. They make but brief and
feeble resistance, and run when the
terrible American yell reaches their
ears, whereupon the Americans pur
sue them and slay them.
Tbe moral effect of the news that
60,000 troops are on their way here bas
been unquestionably great. Insur
gents are suffering more from disease
than from the Americans, owing to
poor food, lack of medicines, apd a
filthy hospital, with tbe result that
there is great mortality among them
Ueneral Lawton bas intercepted a
telegram from an insurgent captain to
a Filipino general, reading:
"How can you blame me for retreat
ing, when only 12 of my company were
able to fight."
Sick Heaeaehe.
is tbe bane of women. What is wanted
is not relief alone, but relief and ctirf.
Dr. Loyal Ford's Dyspepticide will
cure sice beadacbe tor all time. It
makes the stomach right. Clark &
Falk, druggists.
Henry Lone Accused of the Theft of
Whole Band of Horses.
Pendleton, Or., Nov. 13. Henry
Long, the man accused of horse steal
ing in Malheur county, has been bold
to the grand jury in the sum of $1500.
He will be defended by Charles F.
Hyde, formerly prosecuting attorrej.
for this district, when the district
comprised all the. Eastern Oregon
countiea. W. E Lee will prosecute
the case.
Long ' is charged with stealing the
whole band of borses belonging to an
estate, of which the executor lived in
the East, and bad neglected to have
the brand registered. It is alleged that
Long fraudulently placed the brand
upon the county records at Vale, the
county seat, and then proceeded to
drive the horses to tbe railroad and to
sell them in Portland.
Sheriff Haller,prosecutibg witness in
the case, says bis horses are missing
from tbe range, and now has riders
out scouring the plains in quest of tbe
animals.' He further alleges that be
has idenified some of the borses sold
in Portland as the ones belonging to
the alleged stolen brand.
Other owners of livestock in that
part of tha country have taken up the
case, and are behind the prosecution in
pushingthelnvestigation. It is assum
ing a very bitter phase, and every one
there-abouts appears to be taking some
hand in the affair.
, for Over Fifty Years.
An Old and Well-Tried Rem
edy. Mrs. Winaiow's Soothing Syrup
has been used for over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
tbe best remedy for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug
gists in every part of the world
Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value
is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. WInslow's.
Government Bas Given Out Everything, It
Has Received.
New YORK, Nov. 13. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says: News
from South Africa bas been so meager
tbat suspicions were excited that the
war office was holding back inportant
Intelligence of an unfavorable nature.
There were several long bulletins yes"
terday. I have tbe highest authority
for stating tbat the war office is neither
misleading the public nor. keeping
back anything of serious import, nor
revising and curtailing bulletins.
The dispatches from Generals Bul
ler and White- are published in the
precise form in which they are re
ceived, and there is no ground for tbe
suspicion that there 1 bad news in re
serve when tbe war office has nothing
to announce. Ladysmith is the center
of interest and anxiety, but the British
commander there is not a good dis
patch ' writer, and evidently finds it
difficult to express his meaning clearly
and forcibly.
On this account the bulletins from
him seem broken and disjointed, and
are suspected without reason of being
roughly condensed at tbe war office.
General Buller is a elarer dispatch
writer, as is proved by bis second lucid
account of the skirmish at Belmont
given out last night.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25c. sl0d4
Bard Fighting; Keported at Ladysmith
" ' Ooabted in London.
London. Nov.' 13. A special dis
patch from Durban, dated Thursday
evening says;. y
"Native runners who have just arriv
ed, here from Drakensburg district re
port that the Boers suffered a severe
0! It is not
Honey and
sumption or Asthma in advanced
stages; it holds out no such false
hopes, but does truthfully claim to
always give comfort and relief in the
very worst cases and in the early
stages to effect a cure.
Suldjjby Clarke and
defeat at Ladysmith this morning.
The Boers guns were sllinced after
four honrs' fighting, during which the
Boers losses were heavy. No details
The Drakensburg dispatch by way of
Durban, which was brought In by a
Kaffir, reporting severe defeat of Boers
at Ladysmith, Thursday, may turn out
to be correct, but in view of previous
experience, it must be received with
caution. It appears, however, certain
tbat heavy fighting occurred and that
the lydite of the naval guns must
have had a dire effect upon the burghen
forces if it reached them.
A belated dispatch from Ladysmith
dated November 6, by way of Fetcourt,
under date of November 6, confirms the
idea that the temporary cessation of
the Boer bombardment was due to
Joubert's waiting the arrival of other
position gunB before tackling the work
in earnest.
Scanty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. Vn
beauty without it. Cascaretg, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keen it clean, bv
Burring up me lazy liver ana driving au im-
unties irom tbe body. .Begin to-day to
lsn DimDles. boila. blotches, hlnokhoaria
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
vaacareu, Deauty ior ten cents. AU drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, lue, 25c, 60c.
Piano-Workers Strike.
Chicago, Nov. 13. Samuel Gom-
pers, president of the American Fed
eration of Labor, addressing -an audi-
ance of union men at tbe piano-
worker's meeting at Central music
hall, declared that he wished to see all
difficulties between them and their
employers satisfactorily settled' and
announced bis readiness to act as ar
bitrator. Following this public dec
laration, Mr. Gompers said in an in
"Of course there is danger that tbe
present strained situation in Chioaeo
may result in a generrl lockout, but I
think all difficulties may be satisfac
torily arranged. - I know little of the
merits of either side of the question.
I would advise the building trades
council, however, to act carefully and
conservatively, as any disagreement
will mean much to both sides."
Doa't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Anaj.
' To qnlt tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netle, lull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To
Bao, the wonder-worker, tnat makes weak met
strong. All druggists, soo or SI. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sampls free. Addreai
Sterling Bemedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Crashed Between I ogs.
Pbovolt, Or., Nov. 13 Grant Top
ping, a well-known farmer of Williams
creek, Josephine county, brother of
Representative Topping, was fatally
injured while felling timber for some
mining operations near his home, last
Wednesday. A falling tree struck a
login suoh a manner as to throw it
against him, and pin him against anoth
er log crushing him at tbe hips.
His companions removed the leg as
quickly as possible and carried tbe un
fortunate man to the nearest house,
where he expired three hours after the
Tbe deceased was a native son of
Oregon, and bad recently joined the
A. O. U. W. He leaves a wife and five
small children.
Stats of Ohio, City ov Touoo, I
Frank J. Cheney makes oth that be is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney &
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and ever case of Catabbh
that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Sworn to before me aod subscribed in my
presence, this tthday of December. A. D. 188&.
, Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and
acta directly on tbe blood aod mucous strfaees
of the system, Serd for testimonials, free.
Sold by Druggists, 7Bo.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
nmenes Proclaimed Prealdeata.
Santo Domingo, Noy. 12. Congress
has proclaimed Senor Jimenes . presi
dent of Santo Domingo, and Senor
Vaaquez vice-president. They will
enter office December 1, when the
constitution will undergo a change.
The country is quiet and business la
In speaking about Scott's
Emulsion for children, you
should not forget that it con
tains lima and soda, just
what the child must have to
form strong bones and good
teeth. It's this forming time
you Want to look after.
Growing bodies must have an
easily digested fat Just think how
much of it there is in milk, as cream.
Scoli's Emulsion
b even more easily digested than
cream. Ifs surprising how chil
dren thrive when given it
Don't keep the children living on
the edge of sickness all the time.
Make them strong and rugged,
plump and hearty. Scotfs Emul
sion of Cod-liver Oil and the Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda will do
this for them.
At ill
and i.ot.
flew I or.
claimed that Foley's
Tar will cure Cbn-
is a healing: wonder.
Falk, The Dalles, Oregon.
Attorney at fjaw
Attorneys At Law.
Rooms 30-40 over U. S. Land Office.
(Lazy Liuor
UI hsra been tvnnhlitd m amC HmI
with a. torpid liver, which produces constipa
tion. I found CASOARETS tot all yoa claim
for them, and secured suoh relief the first trial.
that I purchased another supply and was com
pletely cured. I shall only be too glad to rec
ommend Cascareta whenever the opportunity
Is presented." J. A, Smith.
wai auaqnenanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
.Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, Do
Good, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. We. ifte. 60a
Hwllsg y Cessy. CllMf. Kertwl. Mtm TsHu SW
W If! Bold and guaranteed by all drng-
I U-OAb gists to CVM Tcfcaooo Habit,
Korea to Be Surveyed.
According to a report made to the
state department by United States
Minister Allen, Korea has never had a
orooer survey made of its lands. The
treasury department knows in a rough
manner the extent of tilled fields as
they existed a few hundred years ago.
but new land brought under cultiva
tion is apt to be known only to the
country officials, who draw much of
their considerable revenue from taxes
on this new land. The . people, of
course, get no relief, for they will be
most thoroughly taxed, whoever gets
the money.- Taxes are now paid in
kind, and land is listed as rice land,
which is the best and most profitable,
or upland, which is msed for barley,
wheat, beans, etc. It baa now been
decided to have a complete - survey
made of the whole peninsula, prelim
inary to a just and proper assessment.
An American, B. Krumm, of Columbus,
O., a graduate of the Ohio university,
has been engaged as chief engineer of
the Korean government, "for the di
rection of all engineering work, such
as the laying out of irrigation works,
roads, bridges, fortifications, etc." Mr.
Krumm has a five-years' contract with
the government at a compensation of
$300 per month for the first year, and
increasing $50 per month each year.
He will also have a house and certain
expenses furnished. Mr. Krumm is
now engaged with the engineering
force of the Seoul-Chemulpo railway.
Washington Star.
Ask your grocer for Clark & Falk'
flavoring extracts
Cut this ad. out and aand to u.
BBHD ho Ham and w will aend
Ton tuts wmtcn nj axproMv u. u. u,
subject to examination. Ton can
xanune it at your wipi mmwm
that mn beta 4iHUe
ft, tt t a. i under trach
inuieaouur omenptuma
aa KltTta Stylo, Aawrteaa
Btrlo, M4 WlUm4 or Ut ;
Likooo.aou mo-oo 0n ,
Riled Wat, eta, If
Ton and it tne equtvl or
better than mar of thane
watches, wmy ue xprtM
( OLE PRICE. St. 4ft
and expressj charge. i
Don't be Deceived
W MiofcT sUirllsssw tm
which would lead too to
hOr believe 7 on could get a
lii-M) mm EULOO wait
fcrM.1lteM.1t, hiii)l(tMMwriikfNMS.
wwf Optm a tern wind snd srt. yt .UU. handrom.
It .DKimTed and DOlisbed. Ims. Uk. . UKknS. nil SIM
mm l . fVMt tndimff watafc. moTnnent iam nickel 7-ewel- I
a nam wina American, warranted, ana a gooa
keener, r. W.taaw tnm M Mil .a, fri-SUa wi
SEARS, ROEBUCK ft CO. ( Inc.), Chicago
vs. aasawviawiSk-iaaal
Do you
to get rich?
A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced
five miles from Antelope, for sale on
easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul
tivation, good house, barn and other
outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of
horses, splendid spring of water, nice
voung orchard bearing fruit. A popu
lar stand on tbe road that takes in from
S 100 to $200 a month.
To be sold on reasonable terms.
Call at this office or address
my2d-w Antelope, Or.
01.95 BUYS11L50 SUIT
aa.M -
Da. bhM B.IU latas at SI.05.
A 1SW Sl'lT rui for any of tneat .uits
which don g1. auUfactory wean
Send WO Money, i"!
and a7 whether lane or
email for age. and wa will aend yoa tn.
mlt bj expreai, CO.!)., .uDjeOT 10 examin
ation. Ton can examin. it at your expreat
office and If found perfectly tatlafactory
and equal to salts sold In your town for
U.U. nav toot axnreav ajrent ear
oar .He. SI-OS a tiimiiiiilia.
eayirrewe te 1 yew. erase. r
.mj.aer.atH.t0. Bee. alia doable ml
and kneee, laleat ISWetyU a. Illanrated.
made from a eneeial . raiUllat. he.y-
laleM, ALL-WOOL OaaweU ainlair., neat, nandeome pat.
arn, fine terse lining, CUyMa jjetent Interlining, pad.
aller-aaa. taree.he.1, a mat any hoy or narent would
oe proud of. fOB. ran CLOTH UIFUI ef im' Cto.tof
'suite, oTereoat. or n Intern), for boy. 4 TO 19 IX. Me,
.rtu tar Saaal. Saxa SOC contain, teehlon plate,
lap. meeaure and full instruction, how to order.
Im'i sella aa Cm win auaa te (rear freai S.SS en.
..wml-a an. tt mm m annllMatina. lTM.
$ EARS, ROEBUCK CO. (lne.),Chicigo, 111 '
3 Q
Jos. T. Peters A' Co.,
Headquarters .for
Ige Headers, Milwaukee Chainless and Columbia Mowers and Hodge Raker
Extras for all machines we handle. If you want anything In tha
line of Agricultural
W. A. Johnston,
I General Commission and
391. 393 KND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Railroads Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will, be paid to those whafavorjrne with their patron agf
Chas. J,
Wines, liquors, Cigars and Beer
The Celebrated Olympla Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrlne,
a non-alohohollo boverage, unequaled as a tonic.
173 Second street, The Dalles, Oregon.
D. W. VAUSE, ;
....DEALER IN....
Wall Paper, Paint:
Finest line of Wall Paper in
the city. Send for Samples.
Painting, Paper-Hanging and Kaisomirv
ing a Specialty.
Tkird Street. Tbe Dalles, Oregon
Headquarters tor ,
Roche Harber Lime, San Juan Lime. Trowel Brand Cement,
Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils
Fruit boxes, Plum Crates Filled 71c Cantalope Crates Oo
Apple Boxes 8c Pear Boxes 7c
Peach and Tomato Boxes 4c Half Crates
From new mill and lumber '
Headquarters for
Mitchell : Farm : and
J. I. Case Plows, Bissell Chilled Plows. Hoosler Drills,
Champion Mowers, Binders and Reapers.
Champion Hay Bakes, Henney Baggies.
r 'AOUR $38.50 o
a' '11 ; W i mi
h for
1 lliril t-J-aJ Ul
Implements call on
The Dalles, Oregon
Forwarding Merchant
cSs CO
the sales of
: Spring : Wagons
and wo will
end to, oar
by freight .!. Mijssi t I ,
vnii PiM LrvmiMC lY tyownwn
. Vw v -"r,.,s. dpoi. Ud If
crfrilj amtUtmmtmrj, mwrnrntlj mm Kf
An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle
and th?qitsvl of maaim aold v
em sold mvrrwhtrrm at from
OUR PRICE, $38.50,
it, er SST.M, and tratgn.
tarn tn ii-rurni sweni
This Saddle Is mad on a 1854 er
16-Inch Genuine Ladesma or
Nelson Heavy Steel Fork....
TkKK, bound or roll oaatle, steel leather covered Mlmue
er t-lnch oxbow bree. bound, aa dealred. WUJ aeee aaaad
Mtlrts,m Inch lon
extra heavy wool
lined, Mnch wide lace, tlmip leathern, IK-lneh tlertrana,
extra lonr rn near aide, t-lnea to bneaJe en off.lde, heavy
cotton twined Mexican anch front cinch, heavy eottoa
belting flank cinch, ooanectlnc strap. Loop Met, real and
Jockey ail one piece.
itrated. Welerkt eC Saddle aaeat S
for .hlptnent, tapottnde. fUamf IS UKLI Aavtf vwa a.t a aitn.
CATALOGUE, howirts a lull line Cow be. snd naachaT
Outfits at tha lewe.1 sticss ever aaatatt. Address.
ava, er. n inaj M lie..!,, .aaaaj
it-r .