c-0 X t r f . f t BMW K9VHTAIMBBK, Volmi TIHKS-XODHTAI9KER. I1.6 CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1899. NO 15 Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, " : , v and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short r cake, biscuit, rolls crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable..; ' by. the use of any other leavening agent Made from pure,, grape cream oi tartar ROYAL BAKING THE RUMOR NOT No Notification: .That : White is Surrounded. London. Nov. 3. While there ia a habit here to assume that the news of Boer victories-emanating,' from the . continent cannot be true because of . the censorship,, the fact is forgotten i . huh iorigu KUVoruivouH o , iu.j . privileged to send and. receive cipher M 1 z , messages to and from their represent tivea In South Africa. ' While the wires to Ladysmlth are - . . -it i n aa ..1 J a. ... cut, toe opbusm ot nuo war uuiuim w ' even believe that Ladysmlth was com ; pletely invested or Colenso;tcaptured, . appears to be justified, aa this morning it was asserted that the railroad is still oDen. though traffic 'has been . conducted with the greatestlcaution. '..What, however, was poly, rumored yesterday evening, it is claimed may be a reality at any momentaa Gen eral Jouber with his large and wooder fullv noble force. ' is expected to del tach a force f-several thousand men and make ao' dasn at the ' railroad. Rumors of all kinds are turning up . here. It is even asserted that Gen' 'i eral White has been compelled to fall back en Fietermarltzburg, leaving his - wounded behind. c " . Probably sucTl rumors hate their origin in recuiiecuuu or iuo ...uhuouh silence which preceded che evucuatiuii .of Dundee. But, on. the other hand, - it la asserted the conditions ace alter ed and the British guns seem more - '.than equal to the artillery of the Boers '..ihua enhancing . 'the difficulty of any assault oh the British lines. .. ' Londov, Nov. 3. The war office this afternoon, replying to inquiries, L said that no information had -been re ceived there of fresh Boer movements atCplenso or elsewhere. . The -officials were not aware if the railroad to Ladysmlth was en tact or not. Bobbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which-Mr. . John Oliver of Philadelphia : was . the eubjeet, is narrated by him as ' follpws: "I was In a most dreadful ' condition!' My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken; tongue coated, pain con tinually in back and sides, no appe tite gradually growing weaker day by day. - Three physicians had given ... me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying Electric Bitters; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided Improvement.' I con tinued : their use for three weeks,! and m now a well man.' 'Ji.know they ... saved my life, and robbed the grae of v Another victim. " No one should fail h ito-try them, ; Only 50 cts.. guaranteed, . . . jtfBlakelee & Houghton's drug store. ' : ' , : ' " ALL. BNGLAHU AKOUSED. Most Homontoai Mm th Ameri can BaTolutlou. ..... , ' New York, Nov. 2. A dispatch to the World from London says: Gen eral "Joubert's movement, to cut off - General White as Ladysmlth from Co ' lesno is being carried out, and it is probable that Pietermarltzburg,' the capital of Natal, will fall into General Joubert's hands before General Buller y and reinforcements can arrive. The South African situation is again causing the' deepest alarm. The si lence of the ' war office, which today received several dispatches from Cape Town and Durban, the holding back of of the list of casualties at Ladysmlth and finally, the announcement of the mobilization of the second army corps on the 10th of this month, all combine to show that the position of British power-in -South Africa ds in gravest peril. The World's correspondent learns that the Dutch uprising In Northern Cape Colony has assumed menacing proportions, owing to the Boer suc cesses, while the native unreet all along the Transvaal and the Orange Free State has become more menacing. The natives cannot be relied on by either side, but will probably fight for ; their own land. . - : t ' With sedition spreading among the Cape and Natal Dutch, the natives waiting to jump in on their own ao oountand General White beleagured ' at Ladysmlth, this war has suddenly .'become for England the most mo mentous in which she has engaged .' since the American revolution. ' A Frightful Blander Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. - Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal It. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best Dlle cure on earth. . Only 25 cts. a box. Cure .guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. BEFORT OF BOIB LOS8K1. General Joubert Protested Against the , Cse .of Lyddite. London, Nov. 3. Belated dispatches from the Bpitisb camp at Ladysmlth add little information regarding Mod day's fight except estimates of the Boer losses, . which are now said, to be 86 killed and 200 wounded, mostly victims POWDER CO., HEW YORK.' of artillery shells, which have wrought such havoc that it is said General Jou- bert has written a letter to General White, British commander, protesting agalns the use' of lyddite. . According to all accounts, the pres ence at Ladysmlth of long range naval guns and the splendid shooting of the blue-jackets have materially improved the position of the British. - A tempo rary armistice, was declared Monday evening to allow the collection of the dead and wounded. . A Cape Town dispatch reports the reDulse of the Boers by the. British yesterday. . .' . A .- Thousand Tongues Could not .express the rapture of An nie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st. Philadelphia, ; Pa., when She found that. Dr. Klnz's New Discovery, for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many vears had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Royal cure "It soon removed the pain in mv chest and I can now sleep soundly. something I can scarcely remember doing before, 1 feel like sounding its nraises throughout the universe." So. will evervone who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c, and $1.00. trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. PORTLAND TO HATK FAIB PLAT. Secretary Boot to Governor Geer On the .. Transportation of Troops., Salem, Noy. 3. Governor Geer yes terday afternoon received from Secre tary of War Boot, a letter on the Co lumbia river route for transportation of troops to the Philippines. The let ter says, in part: . . t . "Athe; commencement of; the war with Spain the headquarters of the military department tf :tn$ tXclfl0 coast was located atr Sao Cr.-anclsco, where ;-the . government bad a large reservation fitted! up for the care and accommodation., .of . large ..bodies,. ..of troops Jae to ry . for the .manufacture of army clothing, and where every fa cility was already .at hand fpr the . fit ting tip and repair of the army trans port ships, add - the tiea'dquartera of the ' army- transport service was ac cordingly established at that point. . "Such supplies for the' Philippines as can- be more economically procured 00 .the North Pacific coast have been purchased and shipped, from points qn phat coast, from time ,. to time, and. a ship Is now, being fitted up at. Port land,. . Or., for carrying animals. apd supplies to. Manila. ''This method of purchase and ship ment will be availed of whenever the military service will be promoted there by." '"'' ' :" ' ;' . That .Throbbing;. Headaehe Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life pills. . Thousands of sufferers have proved their matoh less merit' for sick and nervous headaches.'-' They make pure - blood and strong nerves and build up your health Easy to taue. Try them. ' Only 25 cts. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. ' ; - ' AFTKB TBE IM8CBGENT8. General Lawton scatters Them In all Direc .. - . . tlons. .. . - Washington, Nov. 3. The war department has received the following cablegram: .' - i- "Manila, November 1, Lieuten ant Stevens and 18 men reconnoltered In Mac Arthur, front, and struck 40 or more Intrenched insurgents. They Immediately attacked and dispersed them killing 3 and wounding a number. No casualties. . Yesterday, in Lawton's advance at Aligo, he struck the enemy both west and south of the city. Batson's Maca- beb scouts, reconnoitering south,struck the insurgents in ambush. - Lieutenant Boutelle wcs killed and one scout wounded. Batsoo routed the enemy, , and left seven dead in the thickets. : . Yesterday Bell, of the Thirty- sixth volunteers, with regiment and troop of the Fourth cavalry, cleared the country of all armed insurgents ..from Fiord ia Blanca to a considerable dis tance beyond Porac, pursuing them into the mountains, capturing nine of their cavalry forces, several guns, considerable property, killing, wound-' ing and capturing a number of the enemy. The insurgent cavalry of that section is practically destroyed. ' Bell's casualties were one man killed and two woundod. ' Otis" . Sick Headache. The curse of overworked -womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood puri fier and tissue builder. Money re funded if not satisfactory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough ton, drugg'sts. . Will Be a Oewe-f Time. TAOOHA, Nov. 3. A. M. Dewey, sper cial agent of the government depart ment of labor, has announced here that all members of the Dewey family related to Admiral Dewey would hold a reunion at the Waldorf-Astoria ho tel in New York in January or Febru ary. Dewey, who Is a cousin, of the admiral, has bee'u one of the. prime movers in the platf of reunion. He- says acceptances have been received from all parts of the country indicat ing that 1500 Deweys will gather in New York to meet the admiral and bis bride. ' " ; WHITE'S RETREAT CUT OFF Boers Have Control of Colenso. - London, has Usued Nov. 5. The war office the following announce ment; "The cononial office has received in formation to the effect that the British troops have withdrawn from Colenso acid have concentrated futfaer south, but we-have no news of any erigagment in that neighborhood.". - . The evacuation of Colenso is un doubtedly a most serious matter for the British In Natal, as It not only testifies to the complete investment of Lady smith by the Boers, but makes the relief of General Sir George Stewart White an extremely difficult operation. Cole d so is the point where the railway from Ladysmlth crosses the Tugela riyer, which is now in flood. The town itself is of smell importance. It is dominated by the hills on the north side of the river, and so was untenable if the Boers have advanced, as they seem to have done. Moreover, only a small naval and colonial force was sta tioned at Colenso. The seriousness of the evacuation, however, lies in the fact that Commandant-General Joubert, while com pletely investing Sir George White at Ladysmlth, can seize this Tugela bridge, and, if be has aufficent troops, can detach a force and- sent it south ward on Pietermaritzburg, and, inany case by destroying the bridge and rail pay, can prevent any relief expedition reaching Sir George White for some time. Wanted several . bright ; and HONEST persons to represent us as managers in this and close by counties Salary $900 a year and expenses Straight, bona-fide, no more, no less salary. Position permanent. . Our references, any bank In any town. It is , mainly. -office work conducted at home. Reference. . Enclose self-ad dressed stamped envelope. The Do ca nton Company, Dept. 2, Chicago ' THIEVES IS TBE TOILS. " Convicted In Idaho After a Noted Career in the Northwest. Colfax, Wash., Nov. 6. -Word has been received from Silver City, Idaho, that Chet Hardesty and W. O. Starr have been convicted- of grand larceny, The convicted men are two of the most noted horse and cattle thieves ; that have ever operated in the Northwest. They were the leaders of, a gang of thieves ' that . during .the past . three years-haye stolen thousands of bead of cattle and horses in Eastern Oregon and Washington aod Northern Idaho, and through the completeness of their system of ' espionage have during all this time succeeded in escaping arrest and conviction. " In Januaay- of this-year Hardesty and Starr, who at that time was gen erally known by the name of Casey passed through Whitman county, ' and on the way gathered up a numbe f horses belonging to other people. . The sheriff was notified within a few. days, and the stolen horses were located in Walla Walla county. A man was em ployed to watch the horses, while fur ther search was made for the thieves. The two men were located in Umatilla county,' 'Oregon, and Sheriff Canutt went to Athena, where .the men were reported to be. That night the horses were stolen from the guard and the men struck out into the .blue moun tains. The next heard of them was when' they were arrested by the Idaho officers, after a battle in which Starr, or Casey, was shot through the body. ' What Is ShUohT A grand -old ; remedy ' for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through tne world lor nail a century, has cured Innumerable cases of incipient con sumption and 'relieved many in ad vanced stages. If .you are not satis fied with the results we will refund your money. rlce it cts., and oO cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.' IB 1MB GKTS FIVB TEAS.' Also Required to Pay a fine of One Thous and Dollars. Pendleton, Or., Nov. 5. Judge Lowell yesterday passed sentence up on Edwin L. Mims, convicted of man slaughter in the killing of J. Henry Miller on the night of August 23, 1899, in Miller's saloon. The defense had moved the court for a new trial, and for the setting aside of the yerdict, setting up the finding of new evidence, and . the' fact that the jury had merely copopromised in reaching a verdict and intimating . that the jury, instead of considering the rights of the 'de fended, bad been actuated by motives of economy in saving the county fur ther expense, which would be incurred in case of a disagreement. This mo tion, Judge Lowell denied. When he came to the passing of sentence, the oourt asked Mr. Mima if be had anything to say why the judg ment of the court should not be passed upon him, and he replied: "Nothing, your honor,- excepting the fact that I am not guilty.'.' . . Time for passing sentence, having been waived by the defendent, Judge Lowell' pronounced the judgment of the court, which wa9 that be be con fined in the state penitentiary for a term of five years, and that he p.iy a fine of $1000. Many a Lover . Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri fies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold fot years on' absolute guarantee. Price 25 ctB., and oOcts. Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. ' HOLD1BB TRAIN DITCHED. Only One Man 8eriously Hurt In aa Aeel- dent In Wyomlnjr. Salt Lake, Nov. 5. A special to . the' Tribune from Evanston, Wyoming, flays: ; .. -;. At about 4 o'clock; yesterday morn- ing a section of the train carrying the Forty-second Uuited States Infantry, which section carried seyen coaches full of soldiers, en route to the Philip pines, was ditched at a point about one and a half miles east of Castle R ck Of the entire train the engine alone remained on the track. Tne tende first left the rails, and was followed by all the coaches. Thn acnident occur rod c.n a dug way. the bank being on tue Il-io Hide and Lir-inim,' the oilier citulu of a curve. Against this bank tho pntii-e train was jammed. According : to the best information obtainable at this distance, the train wiis running down the Wasatch hill with a double header. The grade be ing very heavy at that uint. the- road engine was applying tne air brakes, allowing tne Helper engine to run slack, causing the coupling pin to jump out between them. It is reported that one of the-soldiers was seriously injured aod others badly bruised. .' -. lor Over Fifty Tears. An Old and Well-Tried Rem edy. Mrs.. Wmsiow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tne best remedy lor dtarrnoea. is pleasant to the taste. .Sold by drug gists in every part of tne worm Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wlnslow's. Artlllei y Duel at Ladysmlth.' London, Nov. 4. A dispatch from Ladysmlth, dated November 2, morn ing says: "During the night the Boers moved near the British position and mounted guns in fresh places. Meanwhile the naval guns have been moyed to more favorable ' positions, nearer the town and commanding some of the Boer batteries. At 6 o'clock this morning General White ordered the bombard meat ' of the enemy, and the blue jackets opened the ball. The Boers replied vigorously. They fired straight, and some of the British were hit. A terrible artillery duel has been pro ceeding for over three hours. So far the naval guns are the only ones that have engaged the enemy." Another special dispatch from Lady- smith, bearing date of 'November 2, says: : "The artillery duel Is. proceeding splendidly. ' The- British - guns ! are tiring three shots to the Boer's one .lour Mothers. . Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of croup. It has never been known to fail. The worst cases releived immediately Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00 Blakeley & Houghton druggist. Rates to the East Cut. San Francisco, . Jwv. . 6. The Southern - Pacific - Railway Company has announced a new special ; schedule of passenger rates, available only to parties of 10 or more. The new tariff is intended for returning miners from Alaska and the Klondike, and cutis have been made to keep this business out of the' hands of ticket brokers, i The rate to Chicago has been cut from 852.50 to $45, and to Missouri river points from $40 to $36. Propor tionate reductions are made to inter mediate points. ' ', - r- . Don't Bisk Tour Life. . . Many of your friends, or people whom "you know of have contracted consumption, . pneumonia or other fatal diseases by neglect of a simple cold or cough. - Foley's Honeyand Tar, a safe and pleasant cough medi cine, would have saved them.'. It is guaranteed. Clark & Falk, dr uggist. Miles at Paget Bound. ' , Post Townsend, Wash., Nov. 5. General Miles arrived here yesterday on a tour of inspection of the triangular system of fortifications at Point Wil son , Marrowstone point and Ad mlralty head. His proposed visit to Neah bay is significant, from' the fact that some weeks -ago a corps of government engineers made a survey of that section, as well as the bay, and it was rumored that the government contemplated erecting- forts, and also building . a breakwater for a harbor of refuge. For Hoarseness. George A. Pontine, Upper Sandusky O., writes: I have been using Foley's Honey - and Tar for sore throat and hoarseness and find it is the best rem edy I have ever tried. It stopped ' the cough immediately and relieved; all soreness. Clark & Falk, druggists!. Wire Mill Knrned. ; Chicago, Nov. 5. The American Wire & Steel Company suffered a loss of $500,000 today by the burning of a portion of the WaahburnA Moen wire works at Wautcegan. The loss is offset by an insurance of $314,000.- ' It is thought that three men lost their lives by the burning of the wire mill. Their names are not known.-'.. - . Sick Heaeache. i is the bane of women. Wljat is wanted is not relief alone, but relief and cure. Dr. 'Loyal Ford's Dyspeptictde will cure sick neadacne tor an time, xt makes the stomach right. Clark & Falk, druggists. - Free Delivery for Baker. Bakeb City. .Or., Nov. 3. Baker City's free delivery . system, so anx iously being waited, for by all, will be inaugurated November 10. Three car riers have been - appointed, Walter Mecham, H. C. Corey and T. Corey as extra man. . ' Ton Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure, take the bottle back aod we will refund your money.. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hougbton,drug dists. Vice President Urows Weaker. Patterson, N. J., Nov. 3. Al though Vice President Hobart is rest ing easy, this morning It is admitted he is gradually growing .weaker. 1 His failure to take nourishment in sufficient quantities is responsible for this. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascaret Candy Cathartic. lOo or (So. If C.C.C fall to cure, druggists refund money. A BIGGER JOB THAN EXPECTED Boers Will Not-Be Easily t Whipped. London, Nov. 6. The movement of Boers in Cape Colony is beginning to awaken British fears that they have grea'.ly underestimated the forces they will have to meet, and that General Buller's task is not o easy as antici pated. It Is becoming apparent that all British calculations based on the loyalty of the population, jire hopelessly lib sea, ur iuere use uwa a yery serious leakage of Dutch sympathizers from Natal and Cape Colony.' . Otherwise there Is no accounting for the large forces of bufghers reported from all directions. Tie war office is consequently being urged to haye more troops in readiness for all pos sible demands. What a Well Known Railroad Man and Resident of Lima Thinks of Foley's Kidney Cure. . I have been troubled a great deal with backache. I was induced to try Foley's Kidney cure, -and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly recom mend it to any . one 1 especially ' my friends among the train men, who are usually similarly afflcted. George H. Hausan, Engineer on L. E. A W. R. R. A. H. Thurness, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co. Buffalo, Ohio writes: , I haye been affected with kldnev and bladder trouble for years, passlog gravel or stones, accompanied by ' ex cruciating pains. Other medicines only , gave temporary , relief. After taking Foley's Kidney Cure, the re sult was surprising. - A few doses started the brick - dust, little fine stones, etc., and now I have no pain across my kidneys and feel like a new man Foley's Kidney cure Has done $1000 worth of good. : Clark & Falk, druggists. Mrs. Thomos Riddleman, Parshall ville, Mich, writes; I was troubled- with salt rheum for over thirteen years and had fied a number of doctors without Relief. - My husband bought a box of Banner Salve, which I applied two or three times and my ' hands: be gan to get better. In a short time they were entirely .cured. Clark & Falk, druggists. CONQUEST Or NATAL. Jonbcrt Plans More Daring; Movement r Than Sherman's March to Sea. i New York, Nov.- 6. A dispatch to the Tribune from' London says: 'With the War office reduoeo.to-Jie extremity of holding back important- information and announcing from bouse to bouse that there is no news, and with the war correspondents, in the phrase applied by Grant to Butler, "bottled up," and tightly corked, South Africa remained until midnight v "darkest .. Africa, There. were splinters of bejated . news regarding Thursday's artillery duel at Ladysmlth, in which aBoer40-pounder was wrecked, and also a suspiciously brief account of a 'brilliant sortie by which a Boer camp was surprised at Besters hilL - r ' Later came a : message by pigeon post, forwarded by General Buller, showing the town holding out on Fri day and hard fighting going on. There was also a .brief reference' to a Boer attack upon Colenso, the sequence, of which had already oome in the tidings from the colonial office that the Brit ish garrison bad fallen back and aban doned the defense of the bridge over the Tugela. -.-,.... General Joubert's object was appar ently secured In breaking communica tion with the coast and preventing the movement of reinforcements to Lady smith, but some military men predicted that he would set a large force in motion for Pietermarltzburg and Dur ban and ' complete the conquest of Natal before the arrival of the British armycorps. . ' ' - This would be a bolder and moie reckless movemoot than Sherman's march to Savannah, since the British fleet commands the seacoast. 'The more probable theory is that Joubert has closed in upon Ladysmlth, after driving the English out 'of Colenso, and is making strenuous efforts to overwhelm White's army with; his superior force. . ' . ; - .. i A rumor of a' general uprising' of Basutos against the Orange Free S'tate had not been officially confirmed at midnight. .Their chief has a force of 60,000 well-mounted, well-trained war riors, which is capable not only of placing the Free State on the defensive, but also of rousing Swasis, Kaffirs, Zulus and other black races and setting all South Africa aflame as. far aa the Zambesi river. - This black menace adds a new terror to the darkness cow brooding over the camps and garrisons of the two warring white races. .. ' i Beauty Ia Blood Deep. . Clean blood means a clean skin! No beauty without it. Cascaxets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- E unties from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c BBITI8H HOBS HOPEFUL Continental Ke ports of Disasters Proven to Be Ontrne. . London, Nov. 6. An immense weight has been lifted from the public mind by a brief official dispatch pub lished this morning, by which the con tinental stories of disaster at Lady smith are proveu to be false. From the fact that General White is able to take the offensive and shell the Boer camp, it seems that Ladysmlth is not so closely besieged as was supposed. The movement of the Boers in Cape Colony is beginning to awaken the British fears that they have greatly underestimated the forces they will have to meet, and that Bailer's task may not be so easy as anticipated. The war office is being urged to haye troops In readiness for all possible GBNBRAirLLBBALTH, m You run no risk. Satisfactory results are guaranteed. For cuts, bruises or sores Stats or Ohio. City or Toledo, I Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be Is the senior partner of the ttrm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and ever case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curb. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1868. A. W.GLEASON. 1 , Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous strf aces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, TBo. Hall's Family Pills are the best. demands. The evacuation of Colenso and the reported withdrawal of the British from Storm burger is still ' un explained. That the position at 'Pietermarltz burg is regarded as serious is apparent from the fact that a British cruiser is hurrying to that station. Clarke & Falk have secure d the ex elusive agency for James E. Pattons celebrated mixed paints in Klickitat, Kltitas and Skamania Co's. Wash. Wasco, Crook, Gilliam, Sherman and Wbeller Co,s. Oregon., AFTKB AGCINALDO. Generals Lawton, Wneaton and Me Arthur Giving Him a Chase. New York, Nov. 6. A special to the Herald from - Washington says: With forces aggregating more than 30,000 fighting men, Generals Lawton, MajArthur and Wheaton are now closing In on Agulnaldo's army. Gen eral Otis set November 5 and 6 as the dates for commencing the campaign all along the line," and the war de partment has Information today that the programme is being carried out. General Otis' dispttches are optimistic in the highest degree, and the officials are predicting that the rebellion will be crushed before the end of the pres ent month, and that Important victories will be announced within a few days. Dr. Loyal Ford's Dyspeptictde is a cure, not a mere relief for indigestion. It digests the food and makes ' the stomach right. Clark & Falk, drug- gut:. , ; ..-.v. '-"' :-; Equalising Assessments. Hillsboro, Or. Nov. 6. The county board of equalization, which was in session all of last week, completed its part of the work of equalizing Saturday evening, but the county board of com missioners, which wi'l meet next Wednesday, will continue the wort. It is estimated that about $50,000 have been added to the assessment roll on money, notes ana accounts, wn.cn will make an increase of about $1000 in the taxes. Among those whose assessments were raised were a number of moneyed men who had heretofore escaped the payment of taxes on their notes and accounts. .. Clarke & Falk have a full line of house, carriage, wagon, and barn paints, manufactured by James E. Pat ton, Milwaukee, Wis ' gamoan Qnettlon Settled. London, Nov. 6. Although the ex act terms of the agreement are still carefully guarded, the Associated Press is. able to say that the Samoan ques tion is practically settled and flnalties will take place within a few days. It can be said that the American control of Tutila island is confirmed, bile the United States has, it is un derstood, signified its approval of the projected arrangements between Ger- Parht your houses with paints that is guaranteed, to stand. Clarke & Falk have them . Pilot commission's Report. Salem. Nov. 6. The state board of pilot commissioners today filed its annual report in the office of the gov ernor. They report that 11 river pilots and seven bar pilots are engaged in the service. The state pilot schooner San Jose will be laid up during the winter months and the Joseph Pulitzer used instead. Total bar pilotage for year amounted to $25,123 69; river pilotage, $37,374 61, The total 'tonnage was ,255,997 tons. Clark & Falk's flavoring extracts are fresh and pure. Ask your grocer for them. Fraudulent Revenue Stamps. New York, Nov. 16. Frank , G. Thompson, chief of the internal reve nue bureau in this city, declares that 10 per cent of the revenue stamps used dMly in the Wall street district,1 and having already been cancelled, were fraudulent. .' BAP BLOB CiaCASETt da all elalatea fur tes ana are s truly wuuuon ui bnigu . , -i wiibsd for s medietas pleasant to take sod s last hare found it in Cucsrets. Since taklns them, my blood has been panned snd my complexion has lm nmred wonderfully and I feel much better In erery way." JdiiS. &ALL11 1L Hn.l.A" i.auru. Ten. Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c xe, Ow. CURE cussiiraiiun, .. Ct. Oliin, liilietlwl i n Tit ts Sold sridsBsranteed by aU draa- - w-bmiw alsiste I'll. DaUt Toeaooo BaaU. ffrfo CANOV II CATHARTIC yS ' TSEASE with no specific name, which seems to combine stom ach disorder, heart trouble, blood disorder and a host of other ills, and which can be de scribed only by saying you feel "all knocked out" and "good for nothing," means that your kidneys are overbur dened and need relief. Kidney derangement is almost al ways at the bottom of general ill health. Your doctor knows this, but he usually treats the various symptoms one at a time. Foley's Guaranteed Kidney Core gets at the bottom of these troubles and cures them all at once. BANNER SALVE is best. PROFESSIONAL. S. BKNNKT Attorney at Law J. V. MOORS . JOHN OAVIH OORE & GAVIN, Attorneys At Law. Rooms 39-40 over XT. S. Lan d Office. HOW THEY SAVED THEIR H011E. They started their new happy life of love and hope together in a tnm-bnght-tlnted little house that stood back upon a terraced lawn. A smooth path led to the broad " stoop " and hospitable piazza. The long weep of roof, the wide-curving "bays" and the little western turret with oriel windows bespoke ample roomJand light and air and gorgeous sunsets. O. how thev loved that little home I He was industrious, frugal, ambitious ; she a tender wile with a heart full of devotion ; and both of them determined at any cost of struggle or sacrifice to earn and pay for this cherished dwelling place, and possess it as their very own ; a cosey nest In days 'of sunshine, a refuge in time of trouble, a fireside, a home. HOW TROUBLE CAMB. At first it seemed smooth sailing. He was glad to work over-time, and she being deft with needle and scissors helped the neighbors with their, gowns. In snch ways a few dollars were added to the small, home-making fund. Day after day, early and late, theT earnestly planned and toiled, never realizing that they were going beyond their strength, until the little break downs began to come. . Many a morning he would rise with his head feeling as he expressed R,"Uke a tnmp of lead," and no stomach for the dainty breakfast she had prepared. "O, you must eat 1 " she would exclaim anxi ously, "You can never work without it" And all the time trying to smile, she would pass her hand lightly across her own fore head as jt to brush away the pain that snapped and darted underneath. Then came days when he could neither eat nor work at all ; when his sight was blurred and dizzy, his -limbs weighted down as if with shackles ; his whole Dody full of sickness and nausea and distaste of living, and his mind dark with dismal forebodings. Describing this terrible time afterward he said to a friend : "What troubled me most was that I could not understand what was the matter with me. The doctors said it was con sumption ; they did me no good. I knew something was killing me by inches. Finally I had to give up and go to bed. I could hardly lift my head off the pillow. My brother wanted to write to Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, and brought me three bottles of his 'Golden Medical Discovery' and begged me to take it. I didn't have much faith but said to my wife : "What's the use? The doctors don't help me a bit and nothing else will, i At this rate I'll die anyway. .This ' Discovery ' canhnrt me; it may help me; I'll try these three bottles just to please Jim. He was right too. The first bottle we fit straight to my digestion and gave me an appetite so I relished my food. I felt as if every mouth ful was doing me good and making good blood in my veins. I began to feel better and pick up my flesh; my bowels came around right and I guess my liver sort of waked up. My cough stopped. I got good and strong and in four weeks I was back at work again like a man." - HOW TROUBLE WENT A WAT. "Mv wife never let on how miserable ' she was feeling all the while; when I, found it out I made her take tne discov ery too and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion for her nerves, and she says she's just made over new again. I sent for his great ' Medical Adviser. ' It's the grandest dook you ever saw. If we'd had it before, we would have saved hundreds of dollars.'' Then came new hopes, new plans, new Sower and fresh achievements. The little ome in time became their very own, earned and paid for by the erstwhile nerveless hands and brain now restored to vigor and activity by the most remarkable life-renewing " Discovery''' that medical science has ever revealed to man. And when at length a sweet, fresh little life came to bless their lives, they felt that happiness was complete. This is a true story and it cannot be told too often or too strongly. What this great " Discovery " did for this man, it has done for thousands of men and women in every corner of this Union, and in every civilized country on the globe. The " Golden Medical Discovery" is sold by all good dealers in medicines every where. (Senator Morgan's Views. New York, Nov. 6. A special to the Herald from Washington says: "Congress should at once take' ac tion In relation to the Philippines," said Senator .Morgan. "This action should be taken under section four, article four, of the constitution, which provides that the United States shall guarantee every state In the union a republican form of government." i Educate Tonr Bowels With Caseareta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever kTc26c If C C. C. full, druggists refund money Mac Art bur and Wheeler Active. Manila, Nov. 6. Magalaqg. the town, taken yesterday by MacArthur, is a strong place midway between An geles and A ray at. The movement Is part of a plan for the Americans to possess all country southeast of Tarlac. Wheeler's brigade Is formed at Ange les and prepared for a general engage ment. ; Haw Are Tear KMaeys f Dr. Hobbs' Bpararai Pills cure sU kidney Ilia Ban Die (res. Add. SierB ng Itemed? Co., CbJcaso ur M. If Fost-Intelllgeneer Bold. Tacoma. Nov. 6. The Evening News today announces autoritatlvely that the Seattle Post-Intelligencer has been sold, and that formal transfer will be made December 1. The names of the purchasers have not been given, but it is understood the deal is made in the interests of Senator John L. Wilson. Jos. T. Peters fi Co., ..Building OF ALL Farm Machinery, Etc.fj W. H: JOHNSTON, x Bead quarter, i for A ;e Headers, Milwaukee Ckinless Extras.' for all machlneswe handle. If you want anything: In tha line of Agricultural Implements call on W. A. Johnston, Z. F. General GomniissioD and ForwardiDg Merc!!!!'! 1 t 391. 393 75ND 395 SECOND STREOT. (Adjoining Railroad J)epot) ; Consignments Solicited Prompt attention willjbe paid. to those whO'favorJme with tbelr p&troL. - ' Clias. j, Stubling, WHOLESALE Wine?, Ijprs, ' The Celebrated Olympla Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrine, a non-alchohollo boverage, unequaled as a tonic-' 173 Second street, The Dalles, Oregon, LiimmiiiimnmiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiMMmiimiiiiMiiii D. W. VAUSE, ....DEALER IN.... Wall Paper, Paints, OILS, GLASS, ETC Finest line of Wall Paper in th city. Send for Samples. Painting, Paper-Hanging and Kalsomlr- , , ing a Specialty. ' Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon 0"WS Sz, CO., Roche Harber Lime. San Juan Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash and Doors. Paints and Oils. FRUIT BOXES! FRUIT BOXES! Fruit boxes, Plum Crates Filled 7fc Apple Boxes f...8c Peach and Tomato Boxes 4c irom new mm Headquarters Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring; : Wagons J. I. Case Plows, Blssell Chilled Plows. Hoosler Drills, Champion Uowers, Binders, and Reapers, Champion Hay Bakes, Henney Buggies. ,. SEND US ONE DOLLAR r-'XOUR $38.50 0 ' yWONDER Lmtm. Jt a-a. (l.alHntt I - X materials.. KINDS. and Colombia Mowers and Ecfcf3 Eaker The Dalles, Oregon Cigars and Beer i -t.. MOODY Headquarters tor .-'' Lime,' Trowel Brand Cement, Cantalope Crates ,9a Pear Boxes 7c Half Crates 6e and lumber - for the sales of err Tiro iw. our am to i a its oil aouua, avnd w SPECIAL HIGH CRAPE cod 70a oar $38.50 STQCK SAPPIS r imim c a. i. m uwumm. YOU CAW EXAMINE IT fl Krfctlj aalUTMtarr, anally aa mraiilit, An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle tnfl m qntJ of mAAim moid kw void mmrr whys m tmm OUR PRICE, $38.50, th. frvlirht .Mni .mm th. ai.aa AMaalt. ar aBT.M. ud IraWbl ' rhiiia . Thla Saddle la made on a ISSw 16-Inch Genuine Ladeama or Nelson Heavy Stei Fork.... CAHITrLLV ELECTF. EAWBIUI VOTFBrit TKl:K bound or roll witl., itMl iMawcovmd Mmi or rtiirh ok bow brawl boond, Mdailnd. Wta Had band Tm"lTMAXTRA8TR0WQ '"JJ lhiMl, S-lnch mU UoeatlfTup lafclhm, llt-lnoh tlnrM, itra long on Di-ar aid, atnek to buokla oa offalda, ki. f eottoa twlatad Mvitoaa Hnea front cinch, ha.y notion balling Bank cinch, uananltna' atraa. iMoaaaaj.aaalaad Jookay all oaa plaoa. ElECANT HAND RAISED STAMPING aa llliutrntad. Watfbt of add I a abant aaaadal nackad for ahtpmant, Upoaada. 'aaiaaT UlLI Amn.1 i.e. roa lira ua aiLia. WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE. HARNESS AND SADOLI CATALOGUE, ihowinf s full linn at Caaba. RiacHar SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL 1 mmmmm m v as y f