I Por"'""i r.n.P S 11 HdUMTAISEBB. Volute XXXV CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1899. tIMEA-MOOITAISEEB, XIII NO 44 u mtiiwjefo NO GLAD HAND FOR REGIDOR Aeruinaldo's Envoy Not to be Reeognized. New Yoek. Oct. 27. A special to the World from Washington says: Secretary of State Hay, when asked if Senor Regidor, the Filipino envoy, would be permitted to appear before the Philippine commission, said: . "I have heard that he contemplated vlsitlnz the United Stales and would present some such plan as that outlined by the newspapers. He would have no official or diplomatic status in Washington, either as agent of the . Filipino insurgents or as a diplomatic representative of the socalled Filipino government. The Question of his being heard by the Philippine peace commission rests entirely with the commission itself. The state depart men is not concerned in the matter in any way." : From a confidential source, it is . learned that Senor Begidor will em- . ploy as his legal representatives a well- known firm of Washington lawyers, who have had much experience in in- .' ternational problems. The basil of . demand of the Filipinos for the estab lishment of an independent govern ment will be contained in a memorial to be filed with the commission as. . coming from a number of the leading residents of several of the larger islands of the Philippine archipelago, representing yarious races and not by any means confined to the Filipinos. The Filipino envoy, Senor Begidor, it is understood, will not confine him self to diplomatic representations. If . he is refused an official status he will immediately start a newspaper propa ganda, much after the fashion of that instituted by theiCuban junta during , the early years of their war. He will ;" endeavor to have literature favorable to the FUpinos published in the Con gressional Record, which will be dis tributed throughout the country, and in this manner arouse sympathy for his people. Senator Hoar and others Of equal note can be depended upon to assist in this crusade. Members of the house will also be willing to champion the cause of the Filipinos. The with , drawal of Speaker Reed is regarded as Of material assistance to their oause, for the reason that while personally favoring . the independence of the . Filipinos, he was so great a party' man ' that be refused to permit a discussion of the question in the house. .. "...'-.. Discovered by a Woman. Another great uiuoovery - has beeu made, and. that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened Its clutches upon her and for seven years - she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and . death seemed imminent, for three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a fray to recovery, by purchasing of a fwttle of rjr.' King's New Riscoy- . err for Consumption, and was so pauch relieyed on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured, her name is Mrs- Luther Lut.' Thus writes .W. C. Hamnlpk$ Co., of Shelby. N. C. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Regular size 50c and $1.00, ' Every bottle guaranteed. BOPTEU TUB BURR4 Oyer Five Hgndred of Them Reported to Pave JJeen Killed, London, Oct. 27. A magistrate at Vryburg is responsible for the report made to Premier Sohreiaer, at Cape town that 513 Boers were killed at Mafeking. LONDON, Oct. 27. During the mom entary lull in fighting in Natal comes news from the western border, which temporary shifts the scene of chief interest to beleaugeted British force at &imberley. The sharp struggle there ' Tuesday appear to have been the result of a sortie with a view of breaking the cordon surrounding the place. The British, apparently 500 strong, met 700 BoerB, and, according to official and other accounts, routed them after severe fighting, in w filch the armored rains appeared o have dope valuable, service. The Boers were strongly entrenched seven miles northward, and the British brilliantly carried the enemy's position without serious loss. It is said the Boers twice unfairly used the white flag. Botha, who was among the killed, was a niamber pf the yokrsaaf and a famous putch fighter, Qe diatlorujsbed himself as a marksman at Brenkoop itprult when the Ninety-fourth British regiment was mowed down. He after wards defended- a farm-houce against the British. When he surrendered the farmhouse, Botha was found with five wounds, bathed in blood. Gloriona New, Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles . of Elecrlo Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help: but her cure is bbmpletevand ber health is excellent. Ttfta shows'1 what 'thousands have prbved that Jklebtrld Bitters is the best blnod purifier known. 1 It!s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rbeum, ulcers, bolls, and running soes. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength'. Only 50 cents, gpld fey Blakeley 1 Houghto'p drug gists. ftuarapteed; STATE KEPCBLICAN LEAGUE, Meeting Wu Held In Salem Thursday Evening. Salem, Or., Oct. 27. A meeting of the executive committee of the Repub lican League of Oregon was held last evening in this city. Those present were; President, Claud Gatch; secre tary. H. L. Wells, Portland) T. A Macrum, Forest Grove: S. B. ' J2akin, Eugene; ?. W. Mulkey, Portland- It is announced that Captain Wells will not be present at the meeting of the league in February, and J. P. Kennedy was elected assistant secret tary to act for him at that time. The league will meet on the second Tues day in February, and republican clubs will be notified that in order to send delegates to the meeting of the league they must have been organized six months prior to that time, and must send lists of members to the secretary 30 days before the meeting. It is ex pected that the president of the national league will be present at the meeting in Portland in February. He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Renic Hamilton, of West Jeffersos, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was per formed, but he cured himself with hve boxes of tiucklen's Arnica balve, tne surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Cangh in Kansas. Salem, Or., Oct. 27. Earl Murray, who escaped from the penitentary in July, 1896, has been captured in Kansas and will be returned to Oregon to com' plete his two-year term, one year yet remaining. After his escape from the Oregon penitentiary Murry went to Kansas and entered into a conspiracy to hold up a train in Indian territory. Being die' covered he was retried, convicted and mprisoned in the United States prison at Leavenworth. The Oregon officials obtained their clew to Murray's where abouts by a letter from the superin tendent of the penitentiary in Kansas, and proceedings were immediately commenced for his return. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver' are out of or der. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Hlmi Found Gnlliy. Pendleton, Oct. 27. This morning at 9i40 o'clock the jury in Mlms murder trial came into the courtroom with a verdict of manslaughter, with a recom mendation for extreme mercy. The jury stood nine for acquittal, and three for conviction for murder, the verdict apparently being a compromise. The jury had been out since Wednesday i afternoon at 5 o'cock. The penalty under the statues of Oregon for manslaughter is imprison ment in the penitentiary for a term of from one to 15 years, and a flue not exceeding $5000. Judge Lowell set Monday at 1:30 to pass the sentence. Tell Your Sister. A Beautiful Complexion. is an.impossl- dllltv without good pure blood, the sort thst only, exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. . Karl's Glover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping them in perfect health Price 25 cts, and 50 cts. .... .-j.. - To Cfonor -schley. . Washington, Oct. 27. A committee representing: the Women's National Industrial and Patriotic . League and the - Washington Industrial League called upon Rear-Admiral Schley and informed him that the league had decided and was ready to. undertake the task of procuring by popular subscrip tion a borne for him. here at the capi tal. The admiral thanked the ladies of the committee, and again informed them that he left matters in their hands, saying that any thing. .they- might do would be acceptable. . Do yon Know Consumption is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal, i be worst cold or cougn oan be oured with Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty' years. ' Blake ley & Houghton, druggists. Otis' Report of Operations. Washington, Oct. 29. The war de partment today received the following dispatch from General Otis: "Manila, Oct; 29. Young struck the insurgents at Santa Rosa, north of San Isidro, yesterday, driving them off. He captured some of their property. The casualties were two killed and one wounded. Evans' Sixth fnfantry struck a robber band in Negros on the 27th. " He killed JO, wounded many an captured 20 prisoners. Sirnons, Tixth infantry, struck a small band, dispersed f,hein and killed 32. No casualties." How is four; Wife! Has she lost her-beauty? If so, con stipation, indigestion, pick headache are the principal causes. JJarl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Blakeley & Hough ton druggets, Baigar. Officially Denied, Paris, Oct. 27. An authoritative statement was issued this afternoon, formally denying the rumors of an in tended Franco-Russianjnterventlon in the Transvaal war, and declaring France has no ground and no desire for any such intervention at present, and that Russia is most likely placed in the same position, adding that Ger many Is the only power directly con cerned in the matter. Does T his Strike Ton? - Muddy complexions, nauseating breath come from chronic consump tion. Karl!s Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has' been -sold for nity years qn an apspiufp guarantee. Price 25 cents and 5Q cents, at Blake ley & Houghton.'druggists. Philippine Sliver Ore. Custer, . D., Oct. 29,. Captain Mc: Cleiland, company I, Prat South Dakota volunteers, brought back with him from the Philippines some silver ore given him by a native, who said there was a large amount 10 miles from Manila. The ore has been assayed, and runs 1400 ounces. Black' Hills miners are much interested, and may send McClelland back to prospect. Will Hail In British Waters, New ycjRK, qct. 27. t is stated, on good 'authority that the victorious cup defender Columbia will participate in the regular circuit races in both the Mediterranean and in British waters. The Columbia will leave for theother side in the early part of December, and will be commanded by Captain Charlie Barr, who piloted her to victory in the contests against the Shamrock. POSTMASTER DEFENDS HIMSELF Shoots an Assailant Through the Heart. La Camas, Wash., Oct. 29. The town was thrown into a state of excite ment about 9 o'clock last night by the fatal shooting of a footpad, who had waylaid F. C. Yoeman, the recently appointed postmaster. Mr. Yoeman was returning to his home in the out skirts of the town, by a path leading across a vacant lot, when he came upon a rope that had been stretched across, with tne evident purpose of tripping him up. - As he carried a lantern he discovered the line in time to avoid it, when he saw a man approaching. He ordered the fello n to stand back, but. was answered by a rock, which just grazing 'his head, and then Mr, Yoeman fired, shooting the man through the heart. On aid being summoned from the neighborhood, the dead man proved to be Ed. Bartholemy, a hand employed at the paper mill, fie had armed him self with a revolyer and slungshot, the latter made of a handkerchief con taining the rock which had missed Mr. Yoemau. Bartholemy, who was about 30 years old, had lived in Clark county for sev eral years. Although he was always hard up" nothing wrong was known of him. He had a wife and one child and his parents reside on a farm near La Camas lake, about two miles from town. The body was not disturbed, but was guarded, where it fell, In order that his relatiyes and the officials should understand from the surroundings that Mr. Yoeman was justified in the killing. . Iror Over Fifty Tears. An Old and Well-Tried Rem edy. Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. : Sold by drug gists in every . part of the world Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its yalue Is -incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winsiow's. BEACHED THE LIMIT. ' . White Must Klther . Meet the Combined Boer Forces or Ketreat. LONDON,Oct.'29. The South African war has now been in progress nearly three weeks, and so far the British arms have been constantly crowned wiuh mommentary successes, though at a cost wblch verifies President Kruger's prediction that the conflict would stag ger humanity. ..But, though victory has fallen to Great Britian whenever and wherever they were of paramount importance, General , W hlte's position today is scarcely more reassuring than at the outbreak of the war. So far he has only shown his ability to outwit by strategy the Boers' strategy. That, In its conception, meets high praise from the British military circles. Now he ap pears to have reached the limit of this game of war by which he was able to prevent the massing of the Boers col umns, and must either meet the enemy's combined forces or retreat. Many people think General White should rest content with the successes sd far achieved and fall back on Colenso, pointing out that be appears to be fully able to move his forces quickly and without deterioration. It is scarcely probable that he will follow this course, preferring rather to hold Ladysmith, though against superior numbers, until reinforced. ; It is the feeling that the general intends to follow the latter course that creates uneasiness, for victories oyer the Boer units are not believed to indi cate that the same result can be achiev ed over the Boers when masseq. Com pared with this Injpendlng mqvement abqut Ladysmith, the fate of Klmberley and Mafeking and the progress of the Other independent operations are al most insignificant, . The rapidity of the Boer ady-ance, and the tenacity qf the endeavors q their coliimnf to concentrate on, Qen- era vyhite have prqyed. gleary that the Boers' plans were matured lQug be fore hostilities displaced negotiations, and though they may be unable to stand before the brilliant charges of the British troops or serye their artil lery with the skill of their opponents, they are a mobile force, and operate harmoniously under a carefully prepar ed plan of campaign. No one seems to have the faintest idea of what conditions will confront the British army corps upon its arrival in South Africa. Will it be an aveng ing force, whose duty will be to wipe out the defeat of General : White 'and the capture of Mafeking and Kimber ley or will it simply be a walk over Into Pretoria, dispersing Boer bands, dlslntergrated by the strain' of a' long' campaign an4 discouraged by constant reverse's,'? "These questions are upper most In the minds of all connected tyltti the war office. Qu Bery Botip. Qf Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guarantee; 'AU we ask of you to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, thee if you can say you are not benlfited return the bottle to your druggist and he may ref d themoue." Price 25 mi., 50 eta., ud $1.00. . BiakeVv and Houghton. GB ANTED MORE LATITUDE. Authority of 6, nerals Lawton and. Mae Arthur Inrreasedj. Washington, Oct. 29,. It is stated on positive information that Generals Lawton and MacArthur vrl hereafter, be given greater latitude n the Philr Ippines, and that Geneaa Otis will bet relieved of sqme of the responsibilities, jie now bears. The president has at last realized chat the commanding officers in the field should have more authority in conducting their cam paign, and while' Otis will remain as commander in the Philippines, be will divide his authority with these two officers. Lawton and MacArthur will operate in different parts of Luzon, acting independent of instructions from Manila, although Otis will ar range the general plan of campaign, leaving the two generals to fix upon their own method of procedure. Ularke & r alk have secured the ex elusive agency for James . Pattons celebrated mixed paints in Klickitat, Kiutas and Skamania Co s. Wash. Wasco, Crook, Giiliam, Sherman and Wheller Co,s. Oregon., FAIKBAVEN CANNERY BURNED. AU the Machinery and Mtoek Went up in Smoke. Fairhaven, Wash., Oct. 30. The Aberdeen Packing Company'scannery burned this morning at 1 o'clock. The loss Is estimated at $150,000. The can nery and contents were insured for $70,000, $20,000 of which was on the buildings. There were 15,000 cases of canned salmon in the building, very little of which will be saved. A mil lion and a half of labels, 13,000 empty boxes, $2000 worth of lacquer, 5000 cases of empty cans and other cannery ma? terlal were burned. The machinery was the best of its kind, and included a can making out fit. Out of the $15,000 worth, only the boilers and retorts will be worth any' thing. The rest is warped and de stroyed The cannery was 265 feet long and 185 feet wide, and this year the product put up was 70'000 cases. The fire originated from an explo sion, probably in the lacquer-room, and in a few minutes the building was all in flames. There was no wind, and the weather was damp and foggy, other wise the entire water front would have burned. The Fairhaven Canning Company's store-house, near by, was partly burned, and part of the $40,000 worth of sockeye salmon in it dam aged, but it is fully covered by insur ance. 8toves, Stoves, Stoves. Before purchasing your stoves 'and ranges call and examine our line. As we have the most complete line in The Dalles. Our Bridge-Beach superior line consists of 16 different sizes; in the Universal line we have 12 sizes. As we purchased our stoves before the advance, we will start you on new cook stoves at $6.00, A ir Tights at $2.75 Bed room sets at $8.50. $11.00. $13.00 and $14,00. We have a big stock and little prices. DUHOISE rTTRNITURE (JO. 133 Second street, dl-wtf . The Dalles. Mrs. Brawn Hot Guilty. COLVILLE, Wash., Oct. 29. Mrs. Nannie Brown, who for a week has been on trial for the murder of her husband, L. J. Brown, at North port, Stevens county, October 10, was ac quitted by the jury last evening. The judge limited counseLto one and one half hours each for argument, and de- liveieci bU cburye lo u.-j. jury in a hali hour, concluding at 9:15. The jury re" ported a verdict of not guilty. Mrs. Brown heard the announcement with calmness, but the crowd in the courtroom set up a cheer and was re proved by the judge. Indies in the room congratulated Mrs. Brown. She was self-possessed through the trying ordeal. Mrs. Brown, who shot her husband rs he carne out of tho room of a woman with ' whom he had been contorting, pleaded emotional insanity. The testimony proved Brown to have been a most disreputable character and a cruel husband. Clarke & Falk have a full line of paint and artists brushes -- " To Investigate Commercial China. New York, Oct. 30. A special to the Herald from Washington says: President McKinley is expected to renew in his forthcoming message his recommendation that an appropritlon be made for a commission to investi gate' the commercial and industrial condition of the Chinese empire. : No radical change in the policy of the United States, with respect tq Chna is contemplated by the president, but t is proposed to. safeguard American interest in every way. Jo discrimina ting treatment of American citizens or American trade will be permitted for 4n instant, and undoubtedly the In aguratlon of the exclusion policy on the part of the foreigh governments possessing spheres of influence in China will be bitterly opposed by this govern ment. However, such contingency as the latter is ppt expected, Clarke & Falk have a full line of house, carriage, wagon, and barn paints, manufactured by James E. Pat ton, Milwaukee, Wis Bryan's flying Trip. Omaha, Oct. 28. Hon W. J. Bryan started on bis flying trip through the state today, making 17 speeches, beginning at Superior at 8:30 a. m., and closing at 6:45 this even ing at Benkelman, within 20 miles of the Colorado line. He plainly shows the effect of the hard campaigning, and others nave been added to, the. party to do some of the talking. The speeches were la.rge.ly confined to national issues, imperialism, and m,oney being the pr.lncipr'. topics. Mr. Bryan wr pretty well tre put by the labors pf the day, but expressed confidence in hs ability to finish the campaign, (hough it is evident that the exertion after his recent illness is a severe strain upon him. dark & Falk's flavoring extracts are resh and pure. Ask your grocer for tnem. Mafeking; and Klmberly. London. Oct. 30. The latest new; from the western border. ba,s. apparently assure! the British authorities as to the ability of Mafeking and Klmberly to withstand assaults. A dispatch from Fort Tull, forwarded during the evening of October 24, announces that Blackburn' force in a skirmish at Rhodes Drift, killed 12 Boers. A. Kaffir spy reported many more Boers, were lying In the IJrift SWe- fi'ack burn oiep of his wQU.nda on returning to Fort Tuli. - Scouts there report that Boere are concentrating strongly on the Rhodes lan border with maxima. LADYSMITH IS INVESTED, Boers . Attaek It With Twenty Thousand Men. LiADYSMITH, Oct. 30. Firing com menced at 5 a. m. this morning, the Boers shelling Ladysmith with 40 pounders. After seven shots, the British gunners succeeded in silencing the Boer force. A force of Boers is now advancing on the British left flank. - T Berlin, Oct. 30. A report has been received from Holland saying the whole of the British army at Lady smith has surrendered and the troops are now prisoners. London, Oct. 30. A dispatch to the Associated Press from Ladysmith this morning, shows the crisis which the present stage of war operations has reached and that the attack on Lady smith by the joint Boer forces has opened. Apparently the Boers have concen trated for a supreme effort at Lady. smith. They have with drawn their forces from other points, which they consider momentarily to be of less im portance. The ease with which they reorganized the German corps, which was almost annihilated at Eland's Laagto, and General Lucas Waler's column, shattered at Talanahill, shows bow great are their recuperative powers and their fertility of resources. Unless the present attack Is merely a feint to occupy the British while the invaders are cutting off from the southward, the battle which opened this morning may decide the issue of the war so far as fighting in the open is concerned, as unless the 18,000 or 20,000 Boers about Ladysmith are able to destroy 12,000 British, they can hardly hope to cope with General Bul- ler's army corps, so it may be expect ed the Boers will return to the attack of Ladysmith if they were beaten off so long, as they must be fully cognizant that news of their success will bring thousands of sympathizers and ad venturers to their standard. Clark & Falk'B flavoring extracts are fresh and pure. Ask your grocer for I them ' A Brash With Insurgents. Washington, Oct. 30. The war de partment haa received the following from General Otirr-; -v-.-v-'. "Manila, Oct. 30. A detachment of Bell's reglmot, the Thirty-sixth volunteers, while reconnoiterlng to ward Flordia Blanca, West Guagua, struck a body of insurgents in newly constructed trenches. They attacked and drove the enemy, who left, in the hands of the detachment, four insurgent officers and 18 enlisted men killed, three prisoners and nine rines. .- Casualties: Captain French and Lieutenant Ferguson wounded, not daogerously, one enlisted man killed, six wounded." Clark & Falk have a complete line of American artist tube paints, . Sister Confessed. . Kamxoops, B. C, Oct. 30. Asa Quigley. alias John Hayes, has been arrested here on a charge of murder. He is accused by the confession of his sister, Mrs. Nelson Hagel, of helping her to kill her husband near' Alberta last year.' Mrs. Hagel says that Quig ley fastened the lines with which she was driving a team around her hus band's neck. She then held them while her brother took a hammer and broke Hagel's skull. They then buried the body iq a swamp. The remains haye been recovered and identified. Faint your bouses with paints that is guaranteed to stadd. Clarke & Falk have them Movements of Transports. San Francisco, Oct. 30. The navy hospital ship Solace, wbloh has been undergoing extensive repairs at Mare Island, har been placed in commission and will sail for Manila in a few days. She will bring Invalided and discharged men from the Philippines. Of the transports now here, the Ben Mohr Is scheduled to leave on November 1; the Senator on the 3d; the Felham on the 5th; the Hancock on the 6th, and the Dnde of Fife on the 10th. Clark & Falk's flavoring extracts are fresh and pure Ask your grocer for them,' Another Negro Lynched, St. Lotus, Oct. 30. A, special to he Post Dispatch from Fayette, Mo., says tlayaen, a negro, aged iA years, was taken from the officers who had him under arrest for the murder of Andrew Woods, a young white man and hanged to a tree near here. The killing took place just previous to tbe lynching, and was the result of a fight over a game of craps. Boers Forced Back. LONDON. Oct. 30. The war office re ceived a dispatch which says General White fought an engagement, presum ably with Joubet's forces, which were pushed back after several hours of fighting. The British lost about 1C0 men; the Boer - losses were much greater. Boers wg pe, i u greater num bers, and had better artillery. Dos't Tobaeeo Spit sad Smoke Toar lift Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag nelie. full of lite, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bao, the wonder-worker, tnat makes weak met strong. A 11 drugffista,S0eorSl. Cureguaran teed. Booklet and aampls free. Addreat Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York ftrests with ynuvckstkeaBoa armtnrae the. nurre-illllng tobacco habit. O-TO-U AO remove, tne aesire ior Moaooo, w out hervous distress, expels 1, purifies the blood, r -es lost slaahoo6V--af" storea makes you in health, nerve 400,000 cured. Bur and AO-TO-BAC from ' own rfr-THTo-iulL whfj ea. hi Tonrh fornt Tsvkr- it with will. DatlentlT. nrsistntJv-. One box. 9U anally cures ( t boxes, ft-fiO, gusrantsd to ure, or we refund money. eOl I irons- .Mill la- ,ld. rvae-n U I'lPcue, Pocaoi--ss . i mm- book. r-B SJS-'voui - .sTIIr" Avwlll -V I st - Lift by the use of Royal Baking Powder is considerable. Royal is economical, because it possesses more leavening power and goes further. Royal saves also because it always makes fine, light, sweet food; never wastes good flour; butter and eggs. iviore im portant still is the saving in health. Royal Baking Pow der adds anti dyspepti c qualities to the food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Sour Stomach After I waa ladaee to try CAaCA SETI, I wUI neTerbe without tnem In tbe boose. 11 7 llTer was in a Terr bad sbape. and my bead ached and I bad stomach trouble. Now. tines tak ing Csaeareu. I feel flno. Mr wife has also used them with beneficial results for soar stomach. Jos. KRSHi.iwa. laa Congress Bt. Mais, Mo. CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 18c 2ac Wo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Stlribc BiMiJy Cwmr, CMMf, MM, mm Tart. 311 M.Tfl.Rlf Sold and guaranteed by all drag lU'BAlf gtu to CtBE Tobacco Habit QI.QK BUYS A $3.50 SUIT mt uSSMki kaM. Iillllr SS.SO BjV - VMS. lufrrui awiwiH ai.vo. A hew suit ran for anr of tbue ulta which dont glvs auiiteotoiy vat Send No Money. J iUU a W Imj and say whether large or mall (or age, and we will tend you the it by exDreea. C.O.D.. aabjeot to examin ation. You can examine it at your expreea oflloe and If found perfectly aatlsfactory and equal to suit sold In your town for MP, pay your expmp a-gvu iTer pnee. BleVD u nnmii THS8S KNELB-P A1TT 8TJTTB at ftaf era tnm U lfr jwm mt A. aacanratallMl mm whet at 93M. Mmim with double eeat and kneea, latert lSMatyle ae lllutrated. tnsiule from a aTDeeial wiir wtallaw. bmvy 1 wteM. ALL-WOOL Oakw-tll eatwlwra. neat, handsome pat Mm, line eerge lining. CUytea patent Interlining, pad ling, staying and reinforcing, n Ik and linen ee wing, aae Allar-vaade Unaihwi, a suit any boy or parent would ranlta. oTMWoat. or ulsters), for boys 4 TO proud or. roa nil uatth bamtlmo er voytr uuib wrtu tor hail. BMk . SOC, contains fashion plates, tape measure and fan instruction, how to order. Salle as 0nrs.ls sua. te eraw frem St. OS Bp. Samples sent free on application. iisn , BEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, lit aoaarsai anil aasi . STAGE LINE. Through Trip In 23 Hours Leave The Dalles every morning at 9 o'elook. Under new management ! Conducted on Dust iness principles I Passenger Rates: Dalles to PrlneviUe 110.00 Dalles to Antelope I 8.00 Freight rates, to Prinevllle 4 cents ; to An telope, 3 cents. G. M. CORNETT, Prop'r. Office at Umatilla Bous . $2.75 " PAIMCQAT "aucaisTOBa TOa.S. Sefrd NO Money. mnJ send to us, state tout a.lc- sad weW, state number of inches around body at reset taken over vest under ooai does up tinder anna, and ws wtu u wi .hi. tvMt b. ezDresa. C. O. a., safchet is ersa-l..llest examine and trr it on at your nearest es pies offlee and ft found exactl-, ks renresented and the most won. dertul value tou ever saw orheara " j un.t?L.anvMAatvoaeanbuv f or ts.oo, 7 tk. w- '"'T.''f 1MB artvle. made rrom mmmwj wBipivw- .lsiOa-taCe-ertCletkiextrS tonaTdouble brrasted. Safer velvet ?&. fancy pd Uiiint -rpr- ewed. strapped and eemented seams. suHabie firbotkrJa.re-.KeaU and KVDMd mMrt ! ever offered n or any other taou-e. Servrse aSataales of Men's lUcklntoehee an to S6.M1 end Mede-ieasure nun. sad Overcoats at rrom so. --1 -' Hotel Brewster, BUST BRICK IN CITY Third Street, oar. Flanders, Portland, Oregon AMERICAN PLAN Hotel complete with electric lights, bells, steam heat, bath room on each floor, elevator. Rates: tl 00 to I1.2A per day, according to room, meals 25 cents. Free bus to and from trains. SANDERS oVjBATEMAN, Props.! BANNER SALVE heals all V 1 Dalles-Pnplle.. J Sold by Clarke and Falk, The Dalles, Oregon. There is no baking powder so economical in practical use, no matter how little others may cost, as the Royal Imitation baking powders almost invariably con tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome. PBOFKSSIONAL. J.8' BKNNKt Attorney at Law TyM. TACKMAN Dentist. Booms 8 S and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. J. r.VOORC. . JOHB GAVTN. jyjOORE & GAVIN, Attorneys At Law. Rooms 39-40 over TJ. S. Land Office. Deafness Cannot be Cured. by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There if only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constltu tlonal remedies. Deafness is causeu by an In flamed condition of tbe mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube islnflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect heav ing, and when it la entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflamatlon oan be taken out and this I 'ibe re tored to its normal condition, hearing 111 be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mocous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (causod by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free . J CHENEY & Co. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 78c. Hall's Family PLUs are the best. HENRI LOCK, Manufacturer of and Dealer to Herness and Saddlery, East End, Two Dnon-West-of Diamond Flour log Mils. . . Second Street. TdK DALLES, OREOfH All Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. Olffl 1899 .MACKINTOSH MO MOUSY, out this ad. CM send to as, state year fceiffst sad BMaaere, aeefta at sstsmm ites and era will ief aklrti sead you this analn by e press u. v. as, euojeof so ea aminetinni examine and try I. as and If found exaetly as representea ssm ey tnuMtnaep lie f. nav vonr r express agent Briuitwris raife.ss.i'aj ,1 1 111 ii ehartraa. this sUCiirrroSH Is L1C1 er BLCB aeaela sUIBS. LIT seaMe testers. mi)iiil SJCSflB CUHTS. with faaevnlald Linus-, velvet oollar, doubla oeeacnaoa. cape, extra inu weep eaps and skirt, guar anteed latest style sad finest nuior-maae. FOB f BU rXOTB SiBTUS of MLm nit. fkr rrse laanb Bms Sa. SIC ADDRESS. si.iil.aai at lasiM' sis BEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (las.), CHIliuo, Oa olsar-.sisasae.ssltSiieslj'rsHisis IsMsaJ All Competition Distances VIA THE Union Pacific T- 1 J - As regards TIME and THROUGH CAR SERVICE to Deowr. Omaha. Kansas City and other eastern, cities. Only days witli no change to Chicago; 4 days with one change to New York. Boston, 'Philadelphia and other principal points. Cars heated by steam and lighted by plntch light. Baggage checked through. Un ion depots. , For Rates. Tickets, Sleeping Car Bertha, ete apply to JAS. IRELAND, agent a R. A N Co., The Dalles, Or., or C. K, BROWN, Dlst Pass. Agent, or J. H. LOfPQBOP. Qeo. Agent xnira iSt..Pot;UnAG mchl III V 7 BStTD III ontandi J 1 i on a uiri Mi B LW 3WARD Brighft disease, p diabetes, gravel or other serious kidney or bladder I disease is what thousands ' are doing who do not know it. You Wy be one of them. Are yon neglecting that backache, tir.d-Mt ieeling, dizziness or other symptom oi kidney disorder? The symptoms of kidney disease are many and peculiar baffling even to doctors. Here is a simple and sure test which any one may try : Set aside a bottle of nrine for twelve hours. If a sediment or settling occurs it is a sura 8ig4 of kidnev disease. Foley's Kidney Core is absolutely guaranteed. You run no risk. See that you get Foley's, the guaranteed cure. hurts but Cupid's wounds. IF Jos. T. Peters & Co., ..Building OF ALL Farm Machinery, Etc, M. H. JOHNSTON. Headquartersifor...... Hodge Headers, Milwaukee Chainless Extras'for all niachineswe handle. If you want anythlnln ths line of Agricultural W. A. Johnston, Z. F. MOODY eneral Commission anil Forwarding Merchant 391. 393 RND 395 SECOND STREST. (Adjoining Rallroado Depot) Consignments Solicited Prompt attention wlUJbe Dald tathoaeVho faTor'mo with their patronafre Pioneer Bakery....... I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply everybody with BREAD, PIES and CAKE Also, all Staple and Fancy Groceries Pioneer erj-sa-i. C. S. SMITH, THE UP-TO-DATE .Fresh Eggs and A SPECIALTY. Telephone 270. SECOND STREET. 3z CO Headquarters for Roche Harber Lime. San Juan IJme, Trowel Brand Cement. Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sasb and Doors, Paints and Oils. FRUIT BOXESI FRUIT BOXES! ! ! Fruit boxes, Plum Crates Filled..... 7rc Cantalope Crates... 00 Apple Boxes 8c Pear Boxes J 7o Peach and Tomato Boxes 4c From new mill Headquarters Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring 7as.ori3 T. I. Case Plows, Blssell Chilled Plowts; Hoosler Drills. Champlon Vowers, Binders -and Reapers, ; Champion Hay Rakes. n?7nney Bngrgles. SEND US ONE DOLLAR Ml $38.50 s i WONDER if J, f asm mm Vi.sjv mm' v,,;;.,;., Materials.. KINDS. and Colombia Mowers and 0 Rk Implements call on .1 The Dalles, Oregon kinds of ..... , Grocer. CROCER. Creamery Butter, Half Crates ; 60 and lumber . for the sales of . - CTTTWrt km TO l HITS Oil MLLB and we will cod 70a oar SPECIAL HIGH CRAPE $38.50 STOCK SADDLE ey frelskt O. O. 1. aaajee. V iiuIuUm. YOU ON EXAMINE IT Z??Tl?ZV,'l 1 orpot, and If fWna4 ycrfeeUjr HUafMUa, UMil; 1-pi-e-Masit.Ar An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle and the oqaaJ of smddW fxld rywlMr at from- Ky tb frrlirht arn OUR PRICE, $38.50, tit AmwilU MT.M, and CiiicnV rhanre. This Saddle Is made on a 1554 or 16-Inch Genuine Lades ma or Nelson Heavy eteel Fork... CARFFrLtT WKLKCTUD HAWHIHE COVFRFa-TKKI-, bound or mil oauitl, fjtol iMtl-vroo-rvrvd tirrup Hods or x-uifB oxbow vrmasj doubo. mm ommmsu win i tuiMsj TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG S?Jli"'i!M,wh ""US' a aaaaaaV.a a. Itrth DOtsTJ' WOOl lined, t-lnch wld Uoe aUiriip lMtharg, lk4oh tlvitrapav xtrm ionfr oa nravr midm, t-lnra to buokla oa offslda, baavw cotton twlstod MAadoaa (-Inch front dnea, hmmvy anoa belting flavnk clnrh, oonnactlixf trap Uxp MaA, mmrnX aad jockvx all oo plwa. ELECANT HAND RAISED 8TAWIPIWO flia-crmlod. Wvlclit mf -Hsaddlo iWit & jal II akeat a Mri. ptaCK4i tot sinipnisni, u poUDOi. wmMitmT MM VI LI Al WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE. HtRMFSl aMD aanni e riiH ti mom nuw. CATALOGUE, (hovinf a lull hn. .1 Cowaoj ana Daackar Oiitfil. at Ih. IowmI .riCM avevu.lea. Addruaa, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICA60, ILL 1 . .. .. - ; 1