The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 21, 1899, Image 1

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    Portland Library
NO 42
English Armored Train
English Killed.
London, Oct. 13. The Evening
NewS publishes tne following dispatch
(mm Cane Town: Armored train
has been destroyed south of Maleking.
TMtMa British trooDS killled. Boers
ahelled the wreckage after' the train
. was destroyed."
An official diBDatch received at the
Colonial office says: "Armored train
was destroyed near Kraaipan station
. while on the way to Mafekinjr with
(runs." This disposes of the fear that
manr women and abildren were in
volved in the disaster.
LONDON, Oct. 13. A dispatch from
Paris late this afternoon says' the
Boers, with twelve euns, are preparing
. to assault Mafeking.
London, Oct. .13. The announce
ment that Boers destroyed an armored
train on the western border of the
transvaal is calculated to bring home
to the man in-tbe-street" the realities
of war. Attempts are made to liken
the occurrence to the blowing up of
the tJ. S. battleship, Maine, in Havana
harbor, but that event occurred in
times of peace. The JQer were (Joubt?
less within their rights as belligerents
if they are responsible fop the destruc
tion of the train.
highly of their bravery. Chaplain
Hull, of the First Montana regiment,
gave the volunteers the highest praise.
General Frederick Funston, formerly
I colonel of the Kansas regiment, spoke
briefly of the campaign and the patrio
tism exhibited by the American sold
iers in the Philippine.
CoDgresaiomil Committee Coming.
Washington, Oct. 15. A subcom
mittee of the industrial commission
will leave Washington some time in
November for the Pacific coast, where
extensive examinations will be made
through Oregon. Washington and
California into all conditions of labor.
In its operations this subcommittee
will foliow the same lines of research
that are adopted by the commission at
Washington. The subcommittee will
be presided over by Senator Kyle, of
South Dakota, and will consist of E.
E. Conger, A. L. Harris, liepresenta'
tive John J. Gardner, of New Jersey,
and Representative L. F. Livingston,
of Georgia.
Yacht Kace AgalD Postponed.
Mew YORK, Oct. 13. The prospect
for a race between the Columbia and
Shamrock in the present series of con
tests for America's cup were not bright
at 7 o.clock this morning. The same
old fog bung over the upper bay.
although there was more life in the air
and the waters were not as glasslike as
on preyious days. What little wind
was blowing came from the North
At 10:30 the wind had not increased
to any appreciable extent and a dense
fog settled over the course. . There
being no prospect of a clearing the
race was postponed until tomorrow,
but lney bueeeeaea in
Blowing Up a Train.
qVKEK opposeu to
Poller Mured Befit Would be Trouble
soma, but Not Dn(teron,
Niw Yohk. Oct. 15. A dispatch - to
the World from London says:
Queen Victoria's efforts to maintain
neace has been a sore obstacle to
Colonial Secretary Chamberlain and
the war party. She was aided in the
cabinet chieflv by Prime Minister
Salisbury, and the Duke of Devon
shire, the latter of whom, the lord
president of the council of ministers,
aas incurred the bitter hostility of the
jingoes by making two speeches de
claring peace stui possible atter up,
Chamberlain and Sir Alfred Millner,
- the British high commissioner in
South Africa, had irrevocably com
mitted themselves to war. Bad Dev
onshire succeded, Chamberlain's resig
nation would have been inevitable.
The chancellor of the exchequer. Sir
Michael Hicks-Beach, is also under
stood to bq opposed to the war, prin-
eipa'Uy oecaiise of fcis profqni pro
fessional uenonal distrust of Chamber
, When General Buller, after being
designated as commander-in-chief of
the British forces in South Africa,
went to Balmoral to take his official
leave of his sovereign, the queen Im-
Dressed noon him her hatred of war
and her desire for its rapid termina
tion, peneral Buller assured her
majesty bis conviction was that "the
war will be troublesome, but ngt
Kan ton on the Biraatlon.
Chicago, Oct. 13. A special to he
Times-Herald from San Francisco says
''J see no reason why the Americans
should not be the soja masters gf the
Philippines by March next year.1'
This is the opinion of Brigadier Gen
eral Funston, "The situation in the
Island," be says, "has reached a stage
where it is easy to cope with it. There
must be no temporizing, no wasted
sympathy, no foolish sentiment. It
must be a case ot fijht. The Filipinos
are in such a frame of mind that they
will not yield until throughly thrashed.
Aguinaldo is shewd but not clever. If
the people could be induced to accept
jhe Situation they would desert him
tomorrow. If the American . army
fights them at every band I believe
they will come flocking into our camp
and will have no further use for that
prince of confidence operators, Aguin
lawtoa and
Mac Arthur
New Yoek, Oct. 13. A
the "Herald
Will Move
Bpecial to
from Washington says:
While General Scb wan is engaged in
scattering the enemy in Cavite pro
vince, Generals Lawton and Mac
Arthur are making preparations for
an important movement to the north
in the hope of tapping Aguinaldo
and bis forces between the three coj
umns. - General Scbwan's movement, to the
southward of Manila is more in itie
nature of a demonstration, -and for
the purpose of scattering insurgents
who have intrenched themselves in
Cavite province, the borne of Aguinaldo
and the nest of the rebellion.
Baking Belief Fund,
CAPETOWN. Oct. 13. Mr. Hofmeyer,
In bis appeal issued under the auspices
of the Afrikander Fund, asking for
subscriptions for the relief of the
widows and families of burghers killed
in the Transvaal conflict, says that
notwithstanding strenuous efforts to
preserve peace, war has been virtually
declared. He says that there are few
Afrikanders who are not bound by the
ties of relationship and friendship with
the inhabitants of both republics, and
that they should express tbeir
natural sympathy.
Their duty as British subjects for
bids them from taking up their wea
pons, and joining in the work of war
fare. Accordingly, be appeals to each
to contribute the utmost possible.
Beception to Volunteers.
Oakland, Cal., Oct. 15. The Mon
tana and Kansas volunteer regiments
were given a rousing reception in this
city in honor of their return from
Manila. A parade was formed to escort
the soldiers through the city. At the
Exposition building an address of wel
come was delivered by Mayor W. K.
Snow. General Shatter made a short
address. He commended the men for
'the excellent service they had done in
tbe Philippine campaign and spoke
Baert WJI1 Fight to, a Flniah.
Pretoria, oct. 15 The Cape gov?
prnroent gas advised the telegraph
department here that no futher tele.
grama will be receiyed frpiq the repub
lie, Commnnioatlons by way of Natal,
however, is still eucu.
All reports frpm voiksrust agree
that the burghers there are unanimous
in the opinion that the settlement this
time must be conclusive. Thev are
not anxious to fight, but they prefer
fighting to giving their assent to an
unsatisfactory solution of the crisis.
Stratton Escapes.
Denver, Oct. 13. James K. Strat-
ton, the noted mail box robber and
forger, hag escaped from, phe peniten
tiary at tJanyqn Ulty, where ne.was
serving a -sentence Of a years-im
prisonment, in a most mysterious man.
uer, Warden Hoyt says no tools were
used and be beiyes the prisoner must
have reoeived help from some on on
the Inside. Sr&tton escaped from the
same prison in . September 1893, and
was recaptured a year later in Chicago.
London, Oct. 15. According to dis
patches from the front, the Boers have
made several attaks upon Mafeking,
all of which have been repulsed.
In connection with the rumored at
tack upon Mafeking, a disquieting re
port comes from Pretoria to the effect
that tho Rustenburg and Marico com
mands have crossed the border and en
tered the Booigrond territory between
Lichtenburg and Mafeking. blowing
up a bridge over the Malopopo river
aud destroying a trainload of dynamite
and the track. As Mafeking depends
Roalgrond for its water supply, the
significance of this move is evident.
The Exchange Telegraph Company
received a dispatch from Cape Town
saying the Boers have blown up an
other armored train carrying telegraph
operators from Mafeking.
The Boers it is reported, have seized
a railroad station north of Fourteen
Streams, between Vryburg and Kim-
berly. Fighting is still continuing in
the neighborhood.
Latest reports from Vryburg say
the armored train that was destroyed
at Kraaipan contained in addition to
Nesbitt's force, a number of workmen
and six residents of Maribogo. south of
Mafekina. who, on hearing of the
Boer advance, took refuge on the train.
When Dewey Visits Chicago.
Pbicapq, Qq$. i5 CbicagQ
begun to arrange for a aelehration to
Admiral Dewey. , The committee of
the oitycouncil appointed to arrange
a celebration in honor at the admiral
met at the Grand Paoiflc hotel. Mayor
Harrison presiding.
The mayor announced that word had
come from Admiral Dewey that he
would likely visit the West in Novem
ber, the exact dates to be furnished-
before November 1.
Boers Thought to Have
Attaeked Kimberley
London, Oct. 16. The gradual cut
ting off of outlying points at the scene
of hostilities in South Africa from
telegraphic communication reduces ac
curate news obtainable to a minimum.
Thus far, therefore, no reliable inforr
nation has been reoeived of any actual
fighting, except at Kraaipan and an
occasional exchange of shots at various
outposts. There Is no lack of circum
stantial stories regarding fightug at
various points, but these are scarcely
published before they are denied.
The only salient facts in this morn
ing's telegrams are that the Boers
have advanced beyond Newcastle and
formed a laager near Danhuser about
12 miles north of Dundee; that Kim
berley is isolated and probably in
Kimberly thus become the im
mediate center of interest. The last
message from Kimberly prior to the
cutting of the telegraph and railway
by the Boers, said: "All troups at
Kimberley are well.''
fou Try It.
If Shlloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price
of 25 pts. 50 cts. and 91.00 does not cure,
take the bottle back and we will refund
your money, bold lor over nity years
on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and
50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, dru-
Cabinet Council In London.
London, Oct. 13. The oabiaet met
in counoil at noon today. Public in
terest in decisions was very keen.
Salisbury and Chamberlain, who are
popular favorites, were cheered as they
arrived.- Although the latest phrase
of the situation in South Africa was
considered the principal business,
arrangement were made for the ass
ambling of parliment next Tuesday
and other preliminaries. Council ad
jurned at 2 o'clock.
Murder In First Decree.
Pendleton, Or., Oct. 15. The
grand jury yesterday found, an indict
ment for murder in tae first degree
against Tim Townsend, accused of
murdering William Bale, at Dale, on
September 23. To vnsend has not yet
been arraigned, and the day o the
trial has, therefore, not yet been set.
Sick Headache.
The curse of overworked womankind,
are quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Root Tea, tne great blood puri
fier and tissue builder. Money re
funded if not satisfactory. Price 25
cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
That Was thp Jury's Verdict on the Second
St. Helens, Or., Oct. 15. A verdict
of not guilty was returned at 1 o'clock
Saturday morning by the jury in the
ease against ex-Sheriff G. A. Massie.
The jury retired at 7 o,clock in the
evening, and it is stated that only four
ballots were taken. The first ballot
was 9 for acquittal and 3 for conviction;
the second ballot, 10 to 2: q third,
1 1 to 1, and finally tb,a last man yielded.
Alalia was accused of embezzling
tax moneys while he was sheriff. This
was his second trial. The jury at the
former trial disagreed. The trial just
closed was largely attended, people
oomlng to hear it from Rainier, Ver-
nonla and other points.
One of the influences that doubtless
had some bearing on the result was the
fact that Massie was shown to, ba.Y9
had dealings wib locals persons or
iqtitutiqna supposed not to have been
above profiting at his expense, and
the impression was created that Massie
suffered ' from such relations. The
defense, of course, made the most or
Immediate Advance Expected.
London, Oct. 13. The second edition
of the Standard says that a dispatch
from Ladysmith dated yesterday morn
ing says it is again reported that the
Boers have occupied Lirg Nek, the
yoqnger burghers insisting upon the
occupation, despite more prudent
Telegraph wires connecting the Free
State haye been cut, and a immed
iate advance of the Boers, is anticip
ated, 1
OB For Africa.
London, Oct. 15. General Si." Rei
vers Buller, who will have ohief com
mand in South Africa, accompanied by
his staff, left Waterloo station Friday
afternoon for Southampton, where he
will board the Dunottar Castle for the
Cape. His departure was the occasion
of patroitic demonstrations.
For Over Fifty Fears.
An Old and Well-Tried Rem
edy. Mrs. Wiusiow's Soothing Syrup
has been used for over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teethiqg, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug
gists in every part of- the world
Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value
is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow's.
Saltan Was Drowned.
London, Oct. 15. A special from
Burcharest says the sultan was
drowned in the Bospborus. Several
ladies of the harem are .suspected o;
complicity with members of the young
Turkish party.
Xonng Mothers.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shilob's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic in cases of croup. It
has never been known to fail. The
worst cases releiyed immediately
Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.
Passenger. Steamer Burned.
New York, Oct. 15 The Bridge
port line steamer Nutmeg State was
burned in Long Island sound, off Sands
Point, L. I., at sunrise yesterday morn
ing, and 10 persons were burned to
death or drowned.
Many a lxver
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath by its action ou the
bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold
foi years on absolute guarantee. Price
25 cts., and 50 cts. Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
Mora English Troops Arrive.
BuRBAN, Oct. 13. The First and
Second battalions of the Manchester
regiment, under lieutenant-Colonels
Curran and Ridley, haye arrived at
Female Btage'Kobber Escaees.
TUCSON, Ariz , Oct. 13. Pearl Hart, a
female Etage robber, broke jail this
morning by cutting an opening through
the wall ten feet above the level of the
cell floor.
It Will Be Six Weeks Before British Can
Be Aggressive.
New York, Oct 16. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says: After
three days of alarms and sensations
there is general impatience over the
vagaries ot catch-penny journalism,
and an increasing disposition to criti
cise the government for waiting too
long before providing adequately for
the defense of the imperial possessions
io South Africa. Sir Charles Dilke is
known to have strong views on the
subject, and will probably take a line
of his own when parliamant meet,
unless George Wyndham silences him
in advance by a satisfactory statement
of the details of the military prepara
a nign military official is quoted as
saying that Ens-land now has the
toughest job wbiiih she has undertaken
in very many years. The experts
agree that the British forces must re
main on the defensive fully six weeks,
and that the war will not be ended
this year. Same of them assume that
the delay will be demoralizing to the
Boers, and will force them to attack
strongly intrenched positions where
they cannot choose their own gronnd
Masterly inactivity has followed Sir
George White's reconnoisance iu
Natal. It is now doubted whether
General White was actually trailing
his coat or merely practicing his sub
ordinates in handling a large compli
cated column in a difficult country
His force is still reported at Lady
smith, but in several newspapers the
latest messages reoeived are dated Fri-
Anxiety centers in Mafeking. The
wires being cut all communication
with the place is suspended, and it is
ot known whether reinforcements
ave yet reached Colonel Baden
Powell. If not, he is resisting 8000
Boers with a force of 600. Yet the
opinion expressed in milirary ciroles
that Colonel Baden-Powell's re
sources and almost uncanny-luck may
pull him through.
If you want rock assayed for mineral
Dring or send to Unas, summers, care
of TJmasilla House, The Dalles Oregon.
Charges 50 per element. Satisfaction
garanteed. d and wlm.
WaBgon's Ups and Downs.
Boston, Oct. 16. Among the mem
bers of the forty-sixth regiment, which
will leave for Manila, via San Fran
ciseo, tomorrow, is Sergeant James A.
Wasaun, graduate of West Point, and
and ex-paymaster in tho army. Was-
son graduated from the academy at the
head of his class, was promoted in the
service, was sent to Egypt by President
Grant to assist the khedive in reorgan
izing the army, and subsequently went
on a similar mission to Japan, where
he arose to high favor.
Returning to the army of the United
' tates he fell lata evil ways, became
f ort in his accounts, and was cash
i red. He became a oivil engineer in
Missouri, then went to Japan and
helped that country in the-war with
China. Now be has re-entered the
American military service as a non
commissioned officer.
No Bight to Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would be attrac
tive must keep her health. If she is
weak, sickly and all run down, she will
be nervous and - irritable. If she has
constipation or kidney trouble, her
impure blood will cause pimples,
blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch
ed complexion. Electric Bitters is
the best medicine in the world to
regulate stomach, liver and kidneys
and to purify the blood. It gives
strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety skin, rich complexion. It
will make a good-looking, charming
woman of a run down invalid. Only
50 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's
drug store.
The flew Navy.
New YorK, Oct. 16. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
Five battle-ships, one cruiser, one
cadet train ingshipand25 torpedo-boats
and torpedo-boat destroyers will com
prise the new construction completed
and added to the navy within the next
year. Rear-Admiral Philip Hichborn,
chief constructor of the navy, makes,
this estimate in his annual report for
the fiscal year ending July 1 last, which
he has just submitted to the secretary
of the navy.
Beauty la Blood Deep.
Clean blond means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im-
unties trom tne Ooay. Begin to-aay to
anish Dimples, boils, blotches, blackheads.
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Rstray Hotter.
Notice is hereby gives that I have
aken up and posted 25 bead of sheep
branded with M, and marked with slit
in right ear and crop off left ear, and
will sell the same at public anction, at
my place on Mill creek, Wasco county,
Oregon, six months from the date of
this notice, Oct. 0, 1899.
Theo. Mesplie.
Oar Forces, in the Philippines.
New York, Oct. 16. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
The combined military and naval
forces of the United States in the
Philippines when all the troops and
ships now under orders reach their
destination will aggregate more than
70,000 men and 45 war vessels. The
last of these forces will arrive in
Manila early in December.
Educate Your Howels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cw-e constipation forever.
10c. 25c II C C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
,A good watch free with every suit or
oyercoat, boys' or mens', at Pease and
Clark & Falk's flavoring extracts are
fresh and pure. Ask you,r grocer for
The Bicycle Doctor.
When your wheel is sick and in need
of fixing take it to Charlie Burchtorf,
Second street, next to Gunning's
blacksmith shop. Full line of bicycle
supplies carried in stock. Agent for
the celebrated Rambler. tf
' To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Gundy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
October Standard patterns at Pease
& Mays.
Paint your bouses with paints that
is guaranteed to stand. Clarke & Falk
have them
are made with Royal Baking
Powder, and are the most appe
tizing, healthful and nutritious
of foods.
Hot biscuit made with im
pure and adulterated baking
powder are neither appetizing
nor wholesome.
It all depends upon the bak
ing powder.
Take every care to have
your biscuit made with Royal,
which is a pure cream of tartar
baking powder, if you would
avoid indigestion.
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or.
Attorneys At Law.
Kooins 39-40 over U. S. Land Office.
"3 ill jtfk
t III j9dKE out ana
111 Hi? wei.Hl.
5 . ft
NO MONEY, cut thin Ad.
send to us. Ute roar brisht ud
brut ntuarc, ienrlh f mmmI
trom enUw down baek to watit It,
t color vuKd and we will
seua you una MMfeiohwb 07 ex-
yivwu. v., euDjeci co ex
aim nation; examine and 117
tt oa at onraarcM tiprns
efle and if found exactly mm
represented ana by Car U
rrtatt-fcl value worn ever saw ff
heart of, pay your exprens afrenf
and express charwa.
THI8 HitKIMOsH b Bade
BI AOS ar BU R (reaalaf KA1NA
LKT doohle texture, waterpraafl (IK CLOTH, with fancy plaid
lining, velvet collar, double
aetacnaoie cape, extra full
ad n
sweep cape and skirt.
anteea latest style aoi
mrTtt-In la ladle aaaeklma
todies, write ror n-ee saaipia Bona A). tt&U AOPHFSS.
VEARS. ROEBUCK St CO. le.), CHirtui, iLfc
ftpaara. aoeonca to. av uaorascai r"""Tfri rnnaaj)
Jos. T. Peters & Co.,
uilding iv.uierialSi.
Farm Machinery, Etc.
Healthful Hints
The American Hoat Showed Her SuDerl-
ority Frem the Start.
Western Union Cable-Boat, Oct.
16 Columbia crossed fioish line at 3:54
in a mass of canvas, amid the shrieking
of whistles of the few boats present.
Shamrock finished at 4:05:001, unofficial
Boat Wanda, Off Long Beach,
Oct. 16. Result of the finish
fight between ; .Columbia..: , and
Shamrock for America's - cup and
yachting supremacy of the world is a
complete victory for the American
boat, the American skipper and the
American crew. Columbia did it all
iu windward work. She surprised
even those who knew her best. It was
not a hard thrash to the outer buoy,
but a good beat in the topsail breeze
with something of a sea on.
At no time after Columbta began to
pull away to the windward, 10 minutes
after the starting gun was fired, was
the first race of the series in doubt,
The defender rounded the outer 'mark
9 minutes and 47 seconds ahead, official
Volcanic Krnptlons
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob
life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
cures them, also old running and fever
sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts,
cuts bruises, burns, scalds, chapped
hands, chilblains. Best pile cure on
earth; drives out pains and aches.
Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. Movement of Troops.
San Francisco, Oct. 16 The next
regiment to ' go to the Philippines
after the Thirty-first infintry, which
has been in quarantine on Angle is
land, is the Forty-ninth infantry, D. S.
V., a colored regiment. Several officers
of that regiment have arrived, and the
regiment is expected to arrive from
the South this week. The Eleventn
cavalry is rapidly getting into shape t
go to the front.
The First Washington regiment will
be mustered out October 31, and will
leaye immediately for home.
The First Montana retriment, Colonel
H. C. Kessler, will be paid off tomor
row, and will leaye for home Wednes
day evening.
The Kansas regiment expects to be
mustered out on November 3.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach the
uiscaseu purt,iun 01 lue ear. mere 11 only one
way io cure ueamess, ana taat is Dy constat u
tional remedies. Deafness is cause-ibyan in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing. and when it is entirely closed, deafness is
the result, and unless the inflamation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearini; will be destroyed forever
nine cases out of ten are caused bv catarrh.
which -is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mocous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of deafness (causod by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars; rree
J CHENEY & Co. Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists. 75o. . ... ...w -.,-. -
Hall's Family Pibs are the best.
Stoves, Stoves, Stoves.
Before purchasing your stoves and
ranges call and examine our line. As
we have the most complete line in The
Dalles. Our Bridge-Beach superior
line consists of lb different sizes: in
the Universal line we have 12 sizes.
As we purchased our stoves before
the advance, we will start you on new
cook stoves at SS6.UU, A lr Tights at $2.75
JrSed room sets at $8.50. 911.00, $13.00
and $14,00. We have a big stock and
little prices.
Du Boise furniture Co.
133 Second street,
Jd-wtf The Dalles.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Ufa Awiy.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netlo, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bao,
the wonder-worker, tnat makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 60o or (1. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Bemedy Co. , Chicago or New York.
Wanted several bright and
HONEST persons to represent us as
managers in this and close by counties
Salary $900 a year and expenses
Straight, bona-fide, no more, no less
salary. Position permanent. Our
references, any bank in any town. It
is mainly office work conducted at
home. Reference. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. The Dom
inion Company, Dept. 2, Chicago
Keceptlon For Iowa Boys.
San Francisco, Oct. 16. The re
turning volunteers of the Fifty-first
Iowa Infantry will be given a rousing
reception on their arrival in this city.
A large delegation of citizens of their
state has arrived in this city, and will
await their arrival. It is headed by
Adjutrnt-General W. H. Byers, Frank
H. Merrlman, state auditor, and Secre
tary of State G. 1 Dobaon, represent
ing the governor.
Clarke & Falk have secured the ex
clusive agency for James E. Pattona
celebrated mixed paints in Klickitat,
Kititas and Skamania Co's. Wash.
Wasco, Crook, Gilliam, Sherman and
Wbeller Co,s. Oregon.,
Andrade Preparing; to Ban..
Paris, Oct. 16.-A dispatch from
Caracas, Venezuela, says that Presi
dent Andrade Is preparing to leave the
country, and the insurgent leader,
General Castro, is master of the situation.
Ailments of Little People
require more careful treatment
than in the case of adults. The
juvenile system cannot stand
strong remedies and is easily
effected by impure drugs. Be
sure the doctor's prescriptions
are compounded accurately
and from
Drugs of Absolute Purity
Bring them here. The quality
of everything used is high
We carry a line of Infant's
Foods, Toilet Articles, etc.
Don't forget the baby and hie needs
We give you many helpful hints r
healtd and supply the means for cany
ing them out. O line of toilet ar
ticles, for baby and his mother, is com
plete, fastidious and of highest hygen-
c worth.
Up-to-Date Pharmacists
175 Second Street.
Do you -want
to get rich?
A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced,
five miles from Antelope, for sale on
easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul
tivation, good house, barn and other
outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of
horses, splendid spring of water, nice
roune orchard Dearine iruit. a popu-
ar stand on the road that takes in from
$100 to 200 a month.
To be sold on reasonable terms.
Call at this office or address
my2d-w Antelope, Or.
Cut this ad. out and send to us.
SKSiD KG BOSKY and we will Mnq
you this watcn ty express, u. U. u.
tmbJect to examination. Voa ean
examine it at ytmr expra (
ana IX iounu pnwuj mi MM
torr, muttliT a rvpreMi
lasverjr way qal f wslea
ss. 7m to . im unaer men
muieaainir aetsenpttons
as KisHa Style, Ascrksa
Hiyia, uif riua ories:
FiUd WalehM, mtm. If
ou and it the equal or
better than any of tne
watches, pay tmm aiprcsa
mmrmt OL R PRICE, .&
ana express cnarges.
Don't be Deceived
mj eatcky adnrtlacaisats
which would lead you to
believe yon eou la gret a
BX&.0O mr S&0.00 vatek
for ft. 7 ft 96.3 &, vim w stll the aawa wsteh f ar f.2 . 4 5
ftraofUpea Face, stem wind and set, Mid plated, handeom-
ly enpraTed and polished, teaks Ilka a kitrk-tr Roldlilcd
aa l a great tradias; watea movement isa nickel 7-jeweled
stem wind American, warranted, and a (rood time
keeper. For Watekea trmm 9H eaals ea, jrold-llled wateke
SS. & aad ib, writ for It W alck sad Jewelrj CatalMne.
"". SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). Chicago
(Beers, iiqwiswi se 17 ii "j
Qregon Bakery
and O-JEZE
A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to larnisb families,- hotels
restaurants with the choicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies,
Fresh Oysters Served iix
Every Style.
Second Street, next door to The
Dalles National Bank
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions am
wasting diseases, all effects of self
b abuse, or excess and indis
t' SJt cretion. Aiierve tonic and
11 blood builder. Brings the
restores the fire of youth
45S5 By mail SOc per box; 6 boxes
tor $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund tne money.
Clinton A Jackson Sts CHICAGO, ILU
Sole by Blakeley &. Houghton, The
Bailee, Oregon..
Butchers k Farmers
Keeps on draught the celebrated
Columbia Beer, acknowledged
the best beer in The Dalles, at
the usual price. Come in, try it
and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
SANDWICHES, all kinds, ON H ND
Through Trip in 23 Honrs
Leave The Dalles every morning
at 8 o'clock.
Unaer new managemea 1 1 Conducted on Dust
iness principles 1
Passenger Rates:
Dalles to Prtneville 110.00
Dalles to Antelope .00
Freight rates, to Prtneville 4 cents; to An
telope, 3 cents.
C. M. CORNETT, Prop'r.
Office at Umatilla Uous .
To Core L Grippe in Two Days
Take Laxitive ' Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25o. '
. Headquartcrscf or .
Uite Headers, Milwaukee Cbaiolcss ail Columbia Mowers ad Hedge Rate
Extraslforall machines'we handle. If you want anything in the
line of Agricultural Implements call on
W. A. Johnston,
The Dalles, Oregon
General Commission and Forwarding Merchant
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
' (Adjoining Railroad-Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention paid to those who favor'me with their patronage
The Eleventh Annual Exhibition
Second Eastern Oregon District
Agricultural Society.
Embracing the counties of
W2sgo, wm, Gilliam, morrow, Ciook & oiainia
..will be held at
Antelope, Wasco County, Oregon,
On the grounds of the Antelope Fair Association,
Goimeiii M IB, 1899, roitipg Mi Dags.
A liberal amount in Gash Premiums for Agricul-,
tural, Stock and Mechanical Exhibits, WorksJ of
Art and Fancy "Work and for Trials of Speed.
$1,500 Cash Given by the State for ."Agricul
tural Exhibits.
J. O. MACK..
Pioneer Bakery.......
I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am
now prepared to supply everybody with
Also, all kinds of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Pioneer Grocer.
Tti'S phiCVCi 0PED1A ! our cabtlomie for tpiintr and n
mi jiii-A it u i' a Li liicii? in uze, cuuuudi tliuuvruida vi qu
tauonsanj tllunlmtions, the handsomest. mortoompW'Uand lor
priced cutAluKm ,-ver puM.M.eO. NAtf ESTHE LOWEST WHOLE
to. wt, buur, llalear Jaw-dry, Mtc, Kun, Hufreb-, I'trria, Swlg
Mfcinni, Itkjeln, Ontuw, fUaw, Minlc! iMlnwrali, lrup, Yhmim
iraptitc lifKxU . TttllB junt what your storekeeper at borne mat
By for wuul be bars and will prevent him from orvrrbanrintc yo
ou what you buy, explains Just bow to order. bowrnuofcUialrtuttit,
express or mall tll be on anything to your town.
flllO COrC ATCTD -'ul 111 dvrufnm1 oof
JUPf r ittt Vlrrtrt and send to us with loa, im
tampH to buip to pay the poUv and tbe ftijr Book will be nent to
you ikKR qj pMipaio, ana 11 you uun mmj wuriu ibic
the 10 cvntM yon send, as a key to the lowest wholesale prices oC
everytmntr. nay so. ana we win innatriv mam ywar ir
WhA Tnfc KKtSB A1
1 1A a inouuincAl
(Minn.) Tribune.
A wonderful piece of work. Waahlnjrton National Tribune
The catalotrue is a wonder." Manchester N. H.) Lnlon.
"Hears, Roebuck A Co. Is one of (he largest booses of Its fcjns)
la Chicago.' Chicago Inter Ocean.
"The bifr ratal oKue forma one of the finest snnpptnfr medlnms ttass
eon Id rx.ssibiT be sent Into a district." Boyos's Monthly, Chicago
- Their eatalotrne In a Tast department tore boiled down." Atlanta Constitution.
Their eatalotfue la certainly a merchandise encyclopiedla. Chleafro Epworth Harald.
A law should be passed compelling the use of thl catalotrue In all public schools. - -The Hon. ft. A. BoutntOOss)
neterisatBadBsl slamsr vifrseis. ik iu 11.1 1 p si vxxmmmm jwm hi rv iv "7
r will InnrnfiafriT refara year IO eeata.
I of business Information." Minneapolis
1 (ddress. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A.