The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 14, 1899, Image 4

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From Saturday's Daily.
E. C. Warren, the popular traveling
salesman, is in the city.
Dr. Eshelman is in the cily from hie
home at Dufur.
Mrs. Rue was a vasseoser on the
boat for Lyle this morning.
Matthew A. Thorbourn, of Kingsley,
U in from his home near Kiogsley
Henry, Edward and John Bolton,
of Kinjfsley, were in the city last
Mrs- Robert Kelly returned last
evening from a two day's visit to
Dufur and vicinity.
Mrs. Charles Schmidt and Miss
Roecoe went to Lyle on the Regulator
today where they will spend the dy,
A. J. Dufur and family, who l.uve
been spending a few weeks at Dufur
will return to their home in Portland
this afternoon.
Misses Lna Thompson and Julia
and Clara Nickeluon, left for Portland
thU morninir where they will vuil
friends and attend the exposition.
G. W. Johnston, of this city, left on
the boat for Portland today where he
will attend the exposition and visit
his daughters who 1 eside in that city.
There will be about 350 South
Dakota volunteers in the city to
morrow. They will leave Portland on
' a special train tomorrow and
dinner at the Umatilla House.
Mr. Twrenca Ainsworth. of Port-
Hod, has accepted a position in the D.
P. & A. N. office in this city. Be Is
an experienced man having filled a
like position in the company's office
' in Portland.
It was the intention of the council
to hold an adjourned meeting laet
evening but they failed to have a
' quorum and adjourned without doing
any business. Another meeting will
be called by Mayor Kuck in a snort
' time.
Yesterday Sheriff Kelly made an
attachment on the goods of P G. Daut
the optician and jeweler. The suit was
. brought by a San Francisco supply
' house and an invoice of the kooiJs
have been taken and they have been
; placed in the hands of a keeper.
Owing to the amount of freight mov
ing over the D. P. and A. N. line Hie
steamer Regulator will leave the dock
in this city tomorrow morning as about
6 o'clock. The steamer Dalles City
will make a trip from Portland to this
place. .
It is said in railroad circles that it. is
the intention of the O. R. & N. and
Union Pacific railroads to put on an
other through pasaenger train which
will make two trains dally to the east.
' As yet the arrangements have not
been perfected but it Is thought that
matters will be fully arranged about
:, the 15th Inst.
The deckhands on the steamers
Regulator and Dalles City have anj-
' thing but an easy time since the
enormous amount of wheat which in
being shipped keeps them working
late and early. Until the wheat sea'
' son is over the boats will probably run
on Sundays In order to keep It from
. piling up.
Dr. Russ has bought Dr. Tackmaa's
office In the Vogt block and Is now
readv for business. Dr. Rnss has
practiced dentistry In Portland for 17
years, and Is a first class workman In
eyery respect. Gold tooth crowns and
bridge work a specialty. Teeth filled
and extracted painless. Prices as
reasonable as good work can be done
Dr. O. C. Holllsterand little daught
er Florence came up on the 'Spokane
Flyer yesterday from their home in
Portland. Dr. Hollister wbo is a
partner of Dr. Hudson, of this city,
comes to visit some of his patients
while Florence is the guest of Miss
Genevieve Fish. The doctor returned
home this afternoon while Florense
will visit here for a few days.
Persons coming over the road from
Dufur and other points south of here
state that the roa4s are getttng worse
all the time and if they cuntinne to be
cut up, without some effort being made
to improve them, they will in a short
time bo about Impassable. The road
is covered with deep ruts and is very
dusty so that a trip oyer them is any
thing but enjoyable and the farmers
who have a large grain crop to market
have any thing but an enviable job.
A large number of Warm Springs
Indians, wbo have been picking hopp
in the vicinity of Eugene, for a month
- past, started back toward their reser
vation Wednesday morning, going by
the old military road. They have with
them plenty of rifles and ammunition,
and it Is supposed some
weeks on the road and will slaughter
deer. Going there a month ago, they
are said to have killed about 300, but
the game warden was unabta to do
anything in the matter. Agent Cowan
- should look after his charges else they
mar find themselves in the clutches of
the law.
The board of equalization which
has been in session this week for the
purpose of equalizing assessments and
correcting any errors that might have
been made finished their work today,
so that this years t .x roll Is now
ready to hand to the sheriff for col
ection. Those who have had any
grievances to lay before the board
and have not taken advantage of the
ample opportunity offered have no one
to blame but themselves and should
not come with their complaints later.
Marshal Hughes, C. A. Borders and
Recorder N. EL Gates returned this
afternoon from the Meadows where
Mr. Borders has been looking into tbe
condition of tbe tbe Dalles city water
ditches, while Messrs. Gates and
Hughes were taking an outing and a
rest from their labors. It was their
intentions to go over to Badger Lake,
which is so famous fer its large trout,
but the weather was so threatening
that they feared they would get caught
in a enow storm and decided not to
trn. There was a heavy frost at the
Meadows last night.
But little has been beard of late io
rr1 to the fortifications at Fort
Stevens and it is generally supposed
that they are about completed. The
fact that the British ship Lorton, from
Antwerp, consigned to Meyer, Wilson
& Co., which arrived in the Columbia
a day or two ago, baa on board 8000
barrels of cement for the government,
to be used on these fortifications,
hows that they are yet far from belnf
completed. It is evident that the
government intends to have the en-
tnoca of the Columbia thoroughly J
fortified, and in case of war with any
nation there will be small chance uf
any of the enemy's ships of war reach
ing Portland. The sight of United
States war yet-9els in thb harbor is al
ways a welcome one, and it will be a
good thing if no other kiod are ever
seen here.
The La Grande sugar factory has
been running now for two weeks The
men employed number about 130, dis
tributed among the various depart
ments. Tbe La Grande Journal says
that the weather for. many das past
has been all that could b di-sired
In fact, had it been made to order it
could not have been improved upon.
Tbe first day's run was commenced
on 500 tons of beets at the factory, and
since that time the beets have heen
delivered in regular quantities. The
average percentage and purity will ex
ceed that of last year. The repoi ts of
the yields per acre from the various
beet farms are very good, many
fields yielding from 15 to 20 tons per
acre, which makes the sugar beet
raising industry a success and settles
the question of the bnefi'. of a sujrar
factory to that community.
Tbe fheepmen of Lake couiity are
jubilant over tbe prospects for 1910.
Two prominent wooljrrowera of Lake
view, in conversation with the Ex
aminer representative a fow days ago,
declared that next year wou d bring
advanced prices for wool and' sheep
over tbe prices of this season; that in
their opinion the price of wool would
pass the 15 cent mark, and it will not
be surprising if it reaches 18 or 20
cents. There was a material advance
in the market last wsek io London,
at.d there will be a continual increase.
The reason of that is said to be that
tbe wool of tbe country Is all taken up
and is in the bands of the mill men.
The surplus of sheep has been bought
uu and shipped out of tbe country, and
Pacific coast sheep have been shipped
to other states where great losses
were sustained for the past four win
ters. The outlook is certainly flatter
ing for stockmen who have passed
through two successful seasons with
even better prospects awaiting them.
From Monday's Daily.
Charles Lord, of Arlington, is in the
A. D. Loonev. of Mitchell, is a guest
at tbe Umatilla House.
Mut K . sell, advance agent of the
Metropolitan Opera Co., is in the city.
William .S. and E. W. Gribble are
in the city from their home near Mt.
An adjourned meeting of the city
council will be held tomorrow eveu
ing. Mr. P. Campbell left yesterday to
visit bis daughter io E.verton YVasO
ington. Mrs. H. Lauren sen left yesterday
moroing for Aberdeoe, Wash,, where
she will spend a month visiting.
W. H. H. Dufur, superiotaudeot of
the Cascade forest reserve, returned
Saturday from a trip to Lost Lake.
Miss Male Elton returned from Hood
River last evening where she has been
visiting her sister, Minnie, for a few
Miss Annette Micbell has returned
from Portland 'where she has ibeen
taking a course in the Holmes business
Commencing Tuesday, Oct. 10, tbe
regular communications of Columbia
chapter, No. 33, O. E. S, will begin at
7:30 sharp.
Will Lauder, of Bakeoven, is in the
city today having returned yesterday
evening from a business trip to the
Wilammette Valley. Be has recently
purchased 1000 bead of stock sheep.
- It Is said that there are at present
12000 bead of sheep between this place
and Sherar's Bridge on their wa to
Tbe Dalles for shipment east. Tnis
meaus quite a profit for the railroaa
F. W. Silvertooth, of Antelope,
spent yesterday in tbe city and left for
Antelope this morning. He was ac
companied by Dick Nolan, who has ac
cepted a position as bar tender in Mr.
Silvertootb's saloon.
'Vanity Fair," the newest of Hill's
extravaganzas, with what is said to be
an excellent company in its cast will
be at the Vogt .opera house ou Sat.,
Oct. 14, for one night. All of tbe best
elements of farce, 60og, dance and up-
to-date music tiave beeu selected to
make this one of the brightest and best
entertainments ever seen here, an im
portan and very novel performance
M. E. Carey, formerly an Eastern
Oregon boy, who at present resides at
Johannesburg, in South Africa, passed
through the city yesterday after hav
ing visited his relatives at Prinevilie.
He is returning to bis home in the
dark continent.
Last Saturday evening a number of
lady members of the Degree of Honor
called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nel
son and presented them with a hand
some wedding present. They also
took with them a quantity of edibles.
and spent the evening entertaing Mr.
Nelson and bride.
John Spencer returned from tbe
ylcinity of Prinevilie the first of tbe
week, having secured 450 head of liam-
bouillets, Delaine and half bred Lincoln
bucks, which .he shipped from here
Tuesday morning for Rawlins, Wyo.
from where be will drive them to Lost
Cabin, tbelr final resting point, says
the Heppner Gazette.
J. E. Barry, who Is charged by Mr.
S. L. Dayls of having embezzled money
and goods while employed in ruuning
Mr. Davis' feed yard iMs summer, was
arrested by Sheriff Frazier, of Mult
nomah county, Saturday and brought
back to this city by Constable Hill,
yesterday. His preliminary bearing
was set for 1:30 this afternoon in Jus
tice C. E. Bayards court, but as the
attorneys were not ready the case was
postponed until 9:30 tomorrow morn-
ng. Hon. A. S. Bennett appears for
Barry, while District Attorney A. A .
Jayne, will conduct the prosecution.
Commissioner Halley, uooo tbe evid
ence being presented by the govern
ment against Barkley and Farrens,
held them to the federal g rand jury at
Portland, in the sum of $10,000, for the
alleged crime of robot rin the On tat io
Burns stage mails, on September 2JA.
During the bearing statements were
marie by witnesses for the government,
which tended to connect Van C. Alex
ander with-tbe robbery. Alexander,
a one of the witnesses, swore to having
giv n? up Sliu to tne omcers. tie lives
at lluntraan. Baker county. That a
third man, he-iides Barkley and Far-r.-ns,
was implicated, was conclusively
) suit
I leg.
proven in the testimony.
J and
From Tueday'a DaUy '
Hon. Joseph Morton, of Hood River,
Id tbe city on business.
Miss EarJiDft, of La GraDde, who
been visiting her brothers family ! Mr.
f r severrl days left for Portland this
VV. II. Mahon, of Gohiendale is a
guert at the Umatilla House.
.1. A. Henderson, of Whi'e Salmon,
c-i:ne up on the bj:it last evening.
Four r.Hi n noltuge on Liberty street
Mi rent. Inquire of Audrew Keller.
Airs. II. Kcil.v. kMs of Sheriff Kelly,
left for Portland ou the morning train
Take jour prescription to the Rutler
Drug Co. Tiiey put up w hat the doctor
Peijr, of Mosier, was
among tbe o ill r.- ;.l t'.n: Times-Mountaineer
oIEck umav.
Thomas VV Gi.iV.y, of Kingsley
left for Poi tUmi this morning on a
tfipi-f business iusd i lewsure.
Mrs T. J. a uf-rfi t leftou the early
morninir train today for Portlac.d,
wbe e she will yisii for a few days.
The ci:y -ecorder reports that one of
our brigiite.4. young society la lies bs
iikt-n to d'-iuk. If this be true it is
indeed .-a-l
Clarke & Falk h. ve a full line of
oai s carriage, wauoc, and- barn
paints, manufactured by James E. Pat
ton, Milwaukee, Wis,
Vanity Fair at the Vogt on Saturday
night. Box oHi.?r-o-ieiw at .be Butler
D ng Co on l'h.i:siy morning.
Tickets 25. 35 and ) ceni.s.
On Thursda" evening the perfor
mance at tbe Vogt will begin promptly
at 6:15. admission 25 cents,
reserved seats 35 and 50 cents.
Willimi Crossen returned from
Portland last- night where he has been
taking an examination for th civil
service, and assumed work tod-ty in
the post office.
Coui ty Clerk K-lsay today issued a
marriage license to J. FJ. Richards, of
Lower Fifteen mile ai-il Miss Jena
Starr, of Dufur, also to 'Frank Wing,
of Warn 'C and Miss Annie Johnston.
Mrs. J. S. FUh and Nicholas J.
Sirinott. left for the Willamette valley
this morning to attend the wedding of
Roger R innott to Miss Agusta
Ger'rude Lvn which will take
place next Thru dav Oct.. 12'h.
What i -'otn-r t. all i worth
doing well. A" Eft man Kodk will
will inire?-'"-d '. Gta complete
outfit " Bnlr TVnor ri rr)
when you talrp a ri Mi'-p will have
a thing of beauty :ind a j-y forever.
J. E. Barry had his prHiroinnrv i
henrlng in Justice Bitvn"'' "' M j
forenoon on a charge of -m' z ! n-er . ,
The evidence introduced was sti--h s !
to justify the justice in setting the j
prisoner's bonds at $500 to appear be
fore the grand jury.
C. W. Emerson, ho lives 13 miles
erst of The Dalles made the Moun
taineer office a pleasant rail today. He
brought in a sample of some sp'end'.d
late Crawford peaches which he raised
on bis place. The peaches are free
from all disease and of splendid flavor.
Roger B. Stnnott left for the valley
nn the 5 o'clock train this morning.
Before returning he will enrich tho
county treasury of thecotinr.v in which
Miss Agusta Lawnsdale resides to the
extent of 2 for a marriage license.
After the ceremony he and bride will
leave for a trip to tbe east.
Vanity Fair which will be presented
at the Vogt opera house on Saturday
night is a first class yaudeville shoV.
It is clean throughout., a provoker of
mirth and a show that will make a
bit with ant audience, while the prices,
which are 25, 35 and 50 cents puts a
most delightful evenings pleasure
within the reach of everyone. .
Mr. Parkins of the Elite Tonsorial
Parlor has one of the finest mirror
cases that we have ever seer. It con
tains nine large nvrrors while the
frame is mide of polished oak which
matches spiendidlv with the grain of
the chairs recently purchased. The
new fixture adds much to the appear
ani e of the shop.
Thursday evening October 19tb will
be Native Sons' aad Native Daughters'
night at the Industrial Exposition in
Portland. A special program is being
arruoged for that evening, and special
rates on the railroads leading to Port
land will also be secured for the oc
casion and all nativo sons and daught
ers should attend wbo can possibly do
so. Those iu attendance will wear
the hats which constitutes the uril
forms of tbe order as the members will
march to the exposition in a body.
A la-ee number of theater goers and
persons who delight io a high class
opera have already signified their in
tention of attending the Metropolitan
Opera Company's performance on
Saturday evening when tbey will
render tbe charming comic opera
Mikado. In their rendition of La
Mascot a fsw months ago tbey won
tbe hearts of Dalles theater goers and
they will certainly play to a crowded
bouse oq Saturday night.
Captain Waud, of Dawson City, has
favored its by Bending a bill of fare
Used in the Fait view hotel Grill Room
aud Cafe and as many may desire to
know what it costs to live in Dawson
we qnote a few rates, bleaks range
from $1.50 to $4 00 each, soups, $1.00
per plate, roast and boiled meat $1,50
two egg omilettes $1.50, cold chicken
$2.00, cheese 50 cents per slice while
everything else mentioned on tbe
lengthy bill of fare costs accordingly.
From this It is plain to see that to
digest a $10 Dawson City dinner would
not inconvenience any one.
Dr. Styner, tho electric doctor, from
tbe Electric Theropeutic Co., of Port
land, arrived yesterday. The doctor
offers a new electrical home treatment
for nervous and chronic diseases of
men and women and claims tbe ability
of correctly treating any disease by
electricity, whereby he tells sick
people the cause of tbe trouble, finds
defects acd locates diseased organs by
ao electrical influence without a-king
questio .8. He gives advice on elec
trical disease treating free, and can be
consulted at his office at the Obarr
bote! Hours from 10 A. M to 4, and
from 7 to 8 p. M.
Circuit court convened in Pendleton
yesterday morning. It promises to be
no'- only the longest but aiso the most
interesting and irroortant term eyer
held In Umatilla county. There are
two murder trials on the docket, that
of Edwin Mimsforthe murder of J.
H. Miller and Tim Townsend, for the
alleged murder of William Half.
There will alio be a $30,000- damage
against the O. R. & N. brought
James McKenna for the loss of a
Both Mims and Miller, tbe man
was kitltd. were widely known
t he trial of tbe former Is looked
firwir to with much interest by
A fire alarm and telephone station
has been placed in tbe tostoffice by
Aliaky, the oriioator of the mer-
chants patrol, for turning in alarms
after the places of husiness which are
on his beat are closed anri no other
telephones are within reach. A red
liht to be operated from the Seufe.-t
& Condon telephone i Mice, will al-o
be used t let the patrolman know
when he is wanted at I ho phone
This will be placed t the Commission
Co.'s corner and will aid great'.y in
fi iding an oflictr when needed. Mr.
All-k's beat runs as far East as
Laugblin street and, with fewexcei, every busiuess house west from
that street have encsurayed the scheme
of putting on an extra nightwatchman.
Mr. Alisky is an old police officer and
thoroughly uniiirstauds the business
so that there is little doubt that he
will prove the right man in the right
Four Companies uf Minnesota Boys Fau
1 broiiKh thu City.
Over three hundred of the dis
c larged members of the Minnesota
regiment passed through the Dalles
shortli afier noon vest. niay. en route
home from the Phili-piiies; they hav
ing been must.eru.l our, in San Fran
cisco Thursday
The boys reach- d P'-rtland Saturday
afternoon and .hat city fairly outdid
herself in entertaining ber visitors
wbo spent the aftemoou and eight
Tbe first batallioo. conistiug of com
panies A, B, I, and F. and tbe second
batallion consisting of companies C,
II, D and E, left over the Great Nor
thern while the Third batallion was
the one that passed through The
Dalles on the O. It. & N.
The Minnesota boys were well
acquainted with Oregon's loyal regi
ment the two organizations compris
ing General Law ton's main forces on
! the occasion of his effective campaign
north of Manila.
A strong tie of friendship, born of
association in time of sctive service,
exists between the members of the
two regiments and many a friendly
meeting wa there between the veter
ans of the Oregon regiment and their
veteran-comrades, the brave Minnesota
As soon as the train pulled in din
ner ns ready the Umatilla House
aad the roldi-rs r-roceed-rd to satisfy
their hunter. They ar" :i 6ne look
ing set of men ami th i" conduct on
the whole w.ts wood I ilrt in tile CUV.
ii'.h coul'i rot !' aj.i of tt couple of :
Dilie girls who proCeevU-il to give 'he
boys a reception that which might
be given to Furs. on or Hobs...,. The
e.-ud laiiyh. u i ru in loi-corn, howe. r,
e.rly iu the game and the vnat maj .r-
Ity of the heroes from Mtuuesota, es
caped unosculated and it is likely tbey
thanked Providence that they did.
The Little
Craft May
Soon ko Into
The little steamei Inland Flyer of
tbe D. P. & A. N. Company came up
from Portland yesterday, and It is said,
although tbe report is not officially
confirmed, that it will be used as a
through passenger boat between Tbe
Dalles trnd Portland.
Tf such were the case it would he
likely to leave Th? Dalles at about 8
oi 9 oVo-k and arrive iu Portland
UiUcb earlier tbau does the. Regulutoi
and Dalles City and by so doing it
would induce many who do not travel
by boat at present to do so on account
of the trip being made in less time.
Tbe Flyer Is iu command of Captain
W. H. Whitcombe, who Is an ex
perienced master and a genial good
fellow. He states that the Flyr
handles better than ever before and
since the new wheel was put on makes
much better time. It is now possible
to run tbe boat at full speed and bold
up to tbe necessary steam pressure.
This was one of tbe great troubles
with the boat before tbe last improv
meuts were mide.
The boatir being changed so that it
will furnish more room and better ac
commodations for p.isseugers. Th
upper cabins are being made three
feet wider and about eight feet longe
which makes room for eighteen peopl
in tbe dining room at one table, while
two roomy staterooms are being built.
The kitchen and pantry are also being
enlarged so that patrons can be served
with (-very thing desired in the culii
nary line.
Although the members of the com
pany have not stated that the Flyer
would go Into service it is likely tha
it will, ai;d that they will soon make
an anouncement of tbeir intentions is
also expected.
A Plea-aut Surprise I'arty.
A pleasant, surprise party was 'giyec
at tbe residence of Mr. aud Mrs. T. A
Campbell at tbeir home on Alvard
street last evening by their friends
and neighbors. It was also a fare
well party g-iven to Mr. and Mrs,
Campbell prior to their leaving for
Dailas, lezas, where tbey (fo to visit
Mr. Campbell's svepson and wbere
tbey may make their future home.
Tbe evening was spent in music,
singing and recitations, the most in-tereeting-
being the recitation by Mrs.
If.. J TJJ. f L-t
mauu muou, ia wnicn sne gives a
beautiful description of co irtship.
Mr. Hugh Gourlay followed with a
from exercising: common sense? Yon
can't do it As the old rhyme runs:
"The man's a fool wbo tries by force or skill
To torn tbe current of a woman's will
For It she will, sbe will, you may depend on't
And If she wou't she wuu't, to there's an end on't"
Common sense tells a woman that when
she's sick she needs a doctor.
Common sense tells a woman that in
disease the first question is not of man or
woman, but of recognized medical ability.
Common sense annlierl tnaftv,;..-.
which invite women to "write to a woman
because she is a woman and understands
women," will show the women so appealed
to, that it's no use to write to Znrn
about disease
unless mat woman is a
Common sense nsed in the reading of
advertisements will discover that no claim
is made in them to a physician's knowl
edge or diploma. And that ia not because
the claim wonld be morally culpable as a
he, but because it would be legally pun
ishable as a fraud. The law permits you to
masquerade as a doctor in an advertise
ment, just ao longr as yon don't actually
claim to be a doctor, or put M. D. after
your name That's why the advertisement
is worded write to a woman " instead of
write to a doctor.
Common sense has brought more than
half-a-rnillion women, afflicted with some
form of female disease, to Dr. R. V Pierce
a . . 1 ?xPert physicians in the
United States in the treatment of female
diseases. Dr. Pierce is a specialist He
has given more than thirty years of active
practice to the treatment of female dis
eases. Dr. Pierce is not a " physician " by
courtesy. He is a physician regularly grad
uated, legally empowered to practice and
with thirty years of experience in the treat
ment of diseases of women, which he has
made his specialty.
The offer of free consultation by letter
made by Dr. Pierce is a real offer, an honest
offer. It is an offer backed by a medical
institution, with a world-wide reputation,
a staff of nearly a core of regularly grad
uated physicians, a practice which reaches
every state in the Union and a record of
more than half-a-million women treated
and ninety-eight out of every hundred
perfectly cured.
Write to a doctor. That's the first thine
Write to the doctor. That's the next thing
The woman's doctor, is Dr. K. V, Pierce,
of the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, H. Y.
recitation on the same subject in
j which he describes it as it is in Ire
land, both were most interesting and
j highly pleased those present.
A fine lunch of couVe and cake was
served during the evening and the
plesent party wound up by the sing
ing of that be autiful and most appro
priate Scotch lj il I a J Auid Lang Syne.
Before those present left Mr. Gourlay
in a short speech presented to Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell a beautiful autograh
album in which were engraved the
names of those presen, which wire as
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gourlay, Mr and
Mrs. Levi Cnristman, Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Young, Mr. rid Mrs. John E
Barnett, Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. F. Ross,
Mr anil Mrs. VV H Groat, Mr. and
Mrs. John M Fiem:ng, Mr. and Mrs.
A C Geiger. Mr.! and Mrs. A R
Thomp-on, Mr. and Mis. Fred Fisher,
Mr. and Mrs. James Ireland, Mrs An
na Schooling and Mr--. Maud Eddon.
KdisoD's ftew Process.
Thomas A. Elison announces posit
ively that he has devised a method of
s-iviu-r the p'acer gold without water.
He is installing a plantin New Mexico
fur the purpose of extracting the gold
from the auriferous sands of the dry
placers there. It is an electrical pro
cess similar to one he uses in New
Je.-sey for the extraction of iron from
ores found there.
Mr. Edison is quoted as saying that
bis process will save gold from low
grade ores at tar less cost than any
other method known. He estimates
that ores running as low as $1.25 a ton
can be made to pay if found in sufficient
quantities. HU New Mexican plant
will be watched with much interest by
mining men, as there are vast deposits
upon which the process can bet mployed
if it proves a success
Everything Indicates 1 hat It Will soon
be loustrncted.
Never were secr-is more closely
kept than ure the rl of the Central
Construction & Navigation Company
in connection with the building of the
portage around the dalles of the Co
lumbia on the Washington side of the
Every day there are contractors and
engineers loOKing oivr tho right of
way but their rr.oii'.hs at sealed in
regard 'o what N b-ing done.
A railro.-id camp hfs tieer es'ahlisbed
and it is said iliat a contract has been
j let fP one 8ecti6o of the road,
Other contractors are looking over
. ,. ,-uht-of-way tttm' jt i8 expected
i lhur, in a short time the contract for
j tne grading of the entire line will be
let. Until then it will be impossible
to stat- i nytning definite as to the
intentions of tbe company.
It Is more than likely, however, that
the portage will be built as the prep
arations are of too substantial a
nature for a bluff, and it, is likely that
before this time next year the road
will be io operation and a line of boats
will be runningin connection with the
sime on both the upper and lower
t , Advertised Letters.
f ollowing is the list or letters re
maining unclaimed io The Dalles post
office Saturday. October 7th, 1899,
Persons calling for same will please
giye the date on which they were ad
Clarke. Mrs Ollie Drane. Mrs J T
Pagan, Mrs Deniza Johnson, Alma
Job us, Mrs L D
Keller, MrL D
Wires, Mrs P E
Peterson. Inez
Brown, Lena
Oubbiley. J M
Darh-. Wilhelm
Pnplish. A H
Evans, Wallie N
Martin, John
Malm. Mrs L O '
St Martin, F F
Brcwn, Lewis L
Oonnick, Clarence
Eib, Frank
Evans, Will N
Harvev, G W
Taylor, Wlllard
rime to Fell Stock.
James Taylor, of Echo, Umatilla
county, was in Golde'ndale Wednesday,
Jboking after the sale of 2,000 bead of
sheep to Crofton Bros, at $2.50 per
head. '"Uncle Jimmy" is an Oregon
Pioneer of 1845. Discussing tbe stock
industry from 45 years experience, be
says be believes it is not a peod time
to go into the cattle business, but a
good time to sell cattle. He expects
to bold bis cattle until spring.
If you want rock assayed for mineral
bring or send to Chas. Summers, care
of Umasilla House, The Dalles Oregon.
Charges 0 per element. Satisfaction
garanteed. dandwlm.
The tlenkios-tciddell Kuptials.
A pretty home wedaing occurred at
the residence of tbe brides parents in
tbis city at 1:30 this afternooo it being
that of Mr. Carey Howard Jenkins and
Mies Ethel Louise Riddell.
The ceremony, at which were pres
ent but a few friends and acquaintances
of the young couple, as performed by
Presiding Elder Rev. Robert Warner,
of tbe M. E. church.
Both the young people who have
lived in Trie Dalles the gre iter - part
of tbeir lives are well known and re
spected b; .vveryqoe and will leave for
their home io PortUi.d with the best
wishes of all thef acquaintances. "
After the ceremony a splendid wed
ding dinner was servad after which
tne young people were Kept nusy re
ceiving congratulations until tbe
Portland bound train arrived.
Mr. Jenkins who has been persuing
tbe study of dentistry for the past
year will enter a dental college in
Portland and finish his conrje in that
De&fnesft Cannot be Cared
by local applii aliens as they carrot reuchthe
aiseaseo pori'Ot, ,.r tuewr. i here If only one
way to cure uealnest.. and that 1m hv intMHtii
tional remedies. Deafness is cause- by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining cf the
iusiacnmn u uoe. when this tube Is inflamed
you nave a tumbling sound or imperfect hear.
li if. and when it is entirely closed, dearness Is
tbe result, and unless tbe innamation can be
taken out aod this tube restored to its normal
condition, ceanri"? will be destroyed fo ever;
rine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
tne moc-ous sun aces.
we will give C ne Hundred Dollars for any
case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send lor
circulars; free
'.J CHENEY i Co. Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists. 7&e.
Hall's Family Piljs are the best.
cut this ad. out and aand to ns,
BIKD BO MOSEY and we will send
you this watcn by axpreaa, c. o. O.
aabjact to examinatloiv Too can
ana u iounu srauj Mttaftw-
W7, nmj nartMaua sat
la awry way eeeal tm watches
uat are Dele asterUeeaas
. te . it under each
misieaainB; descriptions
aa Ilfla Style, aawrtesa
SlTle, UeM rillM or Leek
rilled Weteaee, ete. If
yon find It the equal or
better than any o( than
watches, aer e express
eeal Ol'B MUCK, S,aa
and axpreaa eharffea.
Oon'i be Deceived
ay eatcay as mlliaejeeta
whleh wonlrl Imwm
beUera yon could get a.
ft. lite
it. SO ar M.o wstek
$2.45 WATCH J? tun i, n.'.uX;
i i
Ii. Wb nil
areerusee rue, stem wind and set, tela elates, handsora-
v IZ." Pouanea, lee, like s elffe -sree eeia We
Zf5j,JTV;Z.i',.:"'k' "cwaaantfia TfTjewiu
eastern rlMrtat, warranted, and a frood tune.
Keener Vr w",-i fVaaaaa OS atstsats. h - -
St. It writ fer frt Wat mm4 IrTTtirjUflmmmmT
An Elegant Dinner and Valuable Gift
Uiven Him.
We take tbe following from the
Klondike Nugget published in Dawsns
City on Sept. 9th concerning the well
known and popular Captain Waud
formerly of the steamer Regulator
On Wednesday night Capt. Waud,
the phenomenally successful pilot
and captain of the plucky little steam
er Ora was treated to a surprise party
that was really and truly a surprise
Ibe gift of a gold watch is so generally
anticipated by the recipient that it is
refreshing once in a while to see the
secret kept until the proper time to
explode it. Io this case the officers
and crew of the Ora from cook to
master, had become so impressed with
the modesty and worth of Mr. Waud
that they decided to substantially at
test tbeir appreciation and not wait
until that gentleman was dead before
saying It. An elaboiate turkey dinner
was arranged in the cabin to which
tbe unsuspecting capta'n was particu
larly invited. Tbe only guests out
side the crew were Messrs. Flocton,
Sampson and Parsons,of the company,
and Mr. A. F. George, who had been
selected to make tbe presentation
speech. After tbe elegantly appointed
dinner a toast was drank in imported
beer. Then the chosen speaker rose
to express the sentiment1; of the con
tributors to tbe watch fund. Be
pointed out the good feelings of those
who bad served one and two seasons
under Capt. Waud, and complimented
him on bauiog in such aremarkal le
degree secure their esteem. The
speaker pointed out the unassuming
merit of the gentleman in whosehonor
tbe feast was inaugurated, and con
eluded by drawing out the engraved
gold watch and presented it with the
sincere compliment-' of the donors.
Mikado Saturaay Night at the Bald
No attraction will be more welcome
than the Metropolitan Opera Co. that
appears here Saturday night io Gilbert
and Sullivan's m&bterpieca Mikado.
Tbe company numbers 35 people this
season, carry 76 trunks, special scenery
and equipments. X e sale of seats has
been large and society people of this
city have certainly shown their
appreciation to this high classed
organization. Should companies of
this nature be more patronized The
Dalies would receive all the large com
panies going to the coast. The com
pany make a jump from Boise here
and go to Seattle tbe next morning
having Sunday to make the jump, j
Seats here sold rapidly aod the per-I
formance will be properlv given in !
every detail. Some few seats can I e
had at Blakeleyi& Houghton's drug
Vanity fair.
What may be considered 89 a posi
tive oovelty io tbe list of thia season's
attractive attractions offered by the
manager of tbe Hill's "Vanity
Fair." It is said to have all tbe
special new mu.-aic, new songs and
varied features of a humorous nature,
well calculated to give an evening's
pleasure, free frm a dull moment; in
terpreted by a company of unusual ex
cellence. "Vanity Fair" will be seen
here at the ' Vogt Opera House, on
Saturday evening, Oct. 14. Prices
will be 25, 35 and 50 cents.
Exposition Rates.
For the Oregon industrial exposl
tion to be held at Portland, Oregon,
Sept. 26th to Oct. 26. the Oregon Rail
road & Navigation Co. will make i
rouna trip rate of 83.25 which will al
so mciuae two admission coupons to
the exposition. Tickets will be good
goiDgoa train No. 1 on Wednesday,
September 27 and every Wednesday
thereafter and for train No. 3 on
lnursaay, aeptetnoer aatn and every
Thursday thereafter to and including
Thursday, Oct. 26ih. Tickets will be
limited for return passage to expire
the Sunday night following the Wed
nesday or Thursday on which ticket
la sold. oct 26
Clarke & Falk have secured the ex
clusive agency for James E. Pattons
celebrated mixed paints in Klickitat,
Kititas and Skamania Co's. Wash.
Wasco, Crook, Gilliam, Sherman and
Wbeller Co,s. Oregon.,
Ask your grocer for Clark & Falk'e
flavoring extracts.
Clark & Falk have a complete line
of American artist tube paints.
The IJicycie Doctor.
When your wheel is sick and in neea
of fixing take it to Charlie Borcbtorf.
Second street, next to Gunning's
blacksmith shop. Full line of bicycle
supplies carried ia stock. Agent for
tbe celebrated Rambler. tf :
fcorest Protective Association Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that thi
semi-annual meeting of the Foreet
Protectiva Association will be held i
The Dalles on Saturday, November 4th
at IP o'clock A. M. All members of th
Be.auciai.iun ana an persons in sym
patby with the objects of the assoeia
tion are invited to be present.
I. D. Driver,
M. J. Anderson, President,
Secretary. pet 4-1 m
ulark & Falk's flavoring extracts are
resh and pure. Ask your grocer for
Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I have
taken up and posted 25 bead of -hepi
branded with M, and marked with el.
in right ear and crop off left ear, aud
will sell the came at public anction, at
my place on Mill creek, Wasco county
"reeoo, six months from the date of
tbis notice, Out. 9, 1899.
' Theo. MESPLIE,
Clark & Falk's flavoring extracts art
fresh and pure. Ask your grocer for
See Pease & Mays cotton underwear
25 ceots gents furnishing poods da
par t men t.
Ask your grocer for Clark & Falk
avorirjg extracts, ;
acsuTosa roa S2.7S.
Send Wo Money. Siilo
tt your -ffU mm4 weight, Btatti
number of iaebe aronsd body at
hrMart taken over noder eoml
close up nuder arme, and we will
aMUia you vum oosvx oy ex prow, v. is
and try It on at oar nearest es
preta office and u found exactly
aa twnnaanted and the most wot
derf nl Talus yoa ever em or heard
of and eonai to an eoafcroa can buy
for M7 U XfrM mem evapwlal
aVr arte nd express charges.
IBM style, made from heavy wmUrpr I,
taa eeler, pitlM Dsta Cevert Cteta e x tr
inn or. donble breasted. Baser Telret
collar, fancy plaid lining, waterproof-
d, strapped and cemented seems.
Itable (or both rataereverreet, and
atiaranteed areateet raiee ever oixereej
by tta or any other hour a. - fee Free
Cfela Sisipln of Men's Mackintoshes up
to 6JW, and Made-to-Heasure Sulta
Orareoats at from
ora imi to ini.ue, writs ac ana
eek Be. eWC Address,
V 1
Fast Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. Fast
Mall- Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
11 :44 p.m. sas City, St. Louis, 2:56 p. m.
Chicago and East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, e
Flyer Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer
6:'J5p.m Dulutb, Milwauke, 5:00 ft. m.
Chicago and East.
8p.m. FROM PORTLAND 4 p.m.
Ocean Steamships
All SaHing Kates sub
ject to change.
For San Francisco
Steamers leave Fort
land every nve days.
8 p. m. Colombia River P-
Ex.Sunday Steamers Ex.Sundar
10 p. m. To Astoria and Way.
Landings. Willamette River 4:p. m.
Ex.Sunday Ex.Sunday
Oregon City. JJc-wberg,
Salt m & Wav-Land's
7a.m. Willamette and Yamhill S:30p. m.
Tues.Thur, Rivera. Mon..Wed.
and Sat and Fri.
Oregon City. Dayton, and
6a.m. Willamette River 4:311 p.m.
Tues, Tbur Tue Twir.
and Sat- Portland to Corvallts and Sat
and Way -Landings
Snake River.
lv Rlparia . Lv. Lw'n
da.y -Rlparia to Lewlston, daily
Parties desiring to go to Heppner should take
trr-ln No. t. leaving Tbe Dalles a. 5:3U P. u. to
make direct connections, returning, making di-ret-t
connections at Heppner Junction witbNo
1. arriving at Tbe Dalles at 3:15 P. M.
No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not
carjy pussenge. 8 : arrives 2:50 a. m.t depart
3:60 a. m.
No. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east
bound; arrives 4 :g0 p. m., departs 8:15 p. m.
No. 31, west-bound through freight, does not
carr passengers; arrives 8:15 p. m., departs
9:30 p. m.
No. 23, west-bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrives 515 p. m, departs 8:30 a. m.
For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'t
a ent The Dalles, or address
W. B. HURLBUBT. Gen, Pass Areni
Portland. Oregi ii
Ih eland Agent. The Dalles
MO HONEY, cut this ad
end to as, tut 7r kalgkt aad
t BMMNi Itwfth of fanMat
m crtUr mwm bek tm wmlttt 11m,
waist Ii to MtM mt aklrtt
ito Mttr wasted and w will
ud you this auckiatoaB by ex-
press m w, .t suDjec vo ex
ml nation i examine and try
Km jaar aaaraal aipraaa
'aaVa and if found exactly aa
represented aa 17 arw
ajraaUat walas yea ever aaw ee
fcaare par your express agent
; BPniaLurrKK ram.ea,ra
nd express cfianres.
this mackintosh la suae m
BLACK ar B1XB eaalae RUN
LET eaatla toxtora. wMrail
SEMI CLOTH, with fancy plaid
HnlnB, elvt collar, doobla
detacnaow cape, exum tuu
, sweep cape and skirt, guar
anteed latest style ana finest
ararTtfclas la lastM aiaea
ltM, writ, fer rrw.
The Dalles, Portland and Aston?
. Navigation Co.
Regulator s Dalles City
Daily (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood Rivert
Cascade Locks.
and Portland
Touching at Way Points on both
sides of the Columbia river.
B ith of the above steamers have
been rebuilt, and are io excellent
-hape for the season of 1899. The
Regulator Line will endeavor to i
give its patrons the best service pos
sible. For Comfort, Economy and
Pleasure travel by tbe steamers of
tbe Regulator Line.
The above steamers will leave The
Dalles and Portlaud at 7 a. m., and
arrive at destination in ample time for
the outgoing trains.
Portland Office,
Oak St. Dock,
The Dal ea Offloe.
Court Street.
General Agent.
i BaLi. aim hum Bwinuu unaue
"7. .V?" 650 u 3.25, Ikeeaeai el
svlteees last retail at te ai.0.
UUK UrrEH: J-Ut outand send
sample of the exael seade wanted, and cut It
outaa near the roots aa possible. Inclose
sar special pries eeeles aea a Mate extra to
pay Postage, and
mj puetagB, ana we win attt las w"h te
tta rear aalr exact, aad aend to von hw
mall, postpaid, and If yon are not perfectly
satisfied, return It ana we will immediately
refund your money.
90-ln. long, long stem, 35cj short stem.
IsZta. ton'e hort."tern?s2 25 ti i
inr.,h-.,?:2w,c"!M I
ar-vaw M-iu, iunKt nor. stem, 91.251
OCK WOBK tha highest grade on tha
market, Orser at eaee aae ret tbeee pedal
. " . r i my reierees It yea ere Bel
elrseed. Write for Free Catalogue ol
aravir trooos. AXKireaS,
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.dnc.) Chicaos
et a Ce. are isniasali " -flam
Oregon s&oiLQg EM
Tbe direct Toute to
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
tbe Uriinn Pacific Fast Mail Line, or
tbe Rio Grande Scenic Linee.
2i Days to DENVER
3 Days to CHICAGO
4i Days io NEW YORK
Fre RecliniDg- Chair Cars, Uphol-
-tprtd Tourist S leonine Cars, and
Pullman Palat-e Sleepers, operated on
til. irain.
For further information apply-to
JAS. IRELAND. Agent O. R. & N. Co..
Tbe Dulles, Oregon.
C O. TF.""v. W. E. CO MAN.
Trav. .fas. Agt. ueni a Ken
i rt.. Portland. Or
Hotel Brewster.
Third Street, cor. Flanders. Portland, Oregon
Hotel eoiiiLiiete with electric llid.ts. be 'Is
team heat, oath rcoin on each floor, elerator.
Rates: II 00 to tl.'in per day. aocordioi: to room
meals rb ennts. Tte ooa to ana irom traina.
10 III
03 X f SJS1TD
I a 01
The Eleventh Annual Exhibition
Seeond Eastern
A?i ieultural Society.
Embracing Ihe counties of
mi mam,
will be
Antelope, Wasco County, Oregon,
On the grounds of the Antelope Fair Association,
mmm M. I8. 1899, CLmiriuirg Tared Days.
A liberal amount in Cash Premiums for Agricul
tural, Stock and Mechanical Exhibits, Works of
Art and Fancy Work and for Trials of Speed.
$1,500 Cash Given by the State for Agricul
tural Exhibits.
American : Market
Carries the Best an! CluMcost
..Vegetables aod Fruits..
Direct from the gardens
and orchards t
Chickena Dressed or Alive.
Free Delivery to any part of the City.
Call up Phone 12 and place your orders :
any time during the day. . . . . . '
J. A. Carnaby & Co., Proprietors
A. Ad, Keller,
... fiepned H Oio Fino Saloon ...
90 Second Strs it, 2d J Joir from Court Strea,
Tom Bourke's and
Homestead whiskey.
Best Domestic Liquors Wines and Cigars
The Largest and Beat of Augu.t Buohler'a
Home-Made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Publishing Co., New York.
Strong Cour es Well Eqiflpped Training Department. Normal Course qulckext and beat wT
to State Certiorate. Kxpense for year from $l0 to 1100. or board li.du to 13.00 per week.
Tuition to.2& per term of ten weeks. Pall term begins Sept. 1Mb;
Summer term, June 27 -Sept. 1.
For Catalogue address, P. l CampboH, or W. a. Waan,
President. Secretary of Faculty.
This well-known brewery is
and Porter east of the Cuscades.
mauu"l;ture of good healthful
only the first-class article will he
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oitstod
7 j
ie.O'W'.'e: sc co.
Headquarters for
Roche Harber Lime. San Juan
Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash
Fruit boxes, Plum Crates Filled 71c Cantalope Crate Be
Apple Boxes 8c Pear Boxes 7c
Peach and Tomato Boxes 4c Half Crates ,...6o
From new mill and lumber
Headquaters for
Mitchell : Farm : and
J. I. Case Flown,'U Chilled Plows, llii..r Drills,
Chumnioi. "Mowers, Binders and I.'
Champion Hay Takes, Ilenney li",
Tlie -vexy "best
Write Lily Tea and Clover Lawn Butter.
If they lo not give satisfaction, brin.; the in
back aud get your money.
Sold only by C. S. Smith, East End Grocer.
For Pure, Fresh GROCERIES, call up 'PLone
270, and tbey will be delivered at jour door.
the -
Oregon District
itiow, s m & umaiiiia
held at
Stale Normal School
New Buildings 1 New Departments'
Ungraded Country School Work.
now turning: on
The latest i pi l
the best Beei
i.mces for tbe
Beer have bftn uaroduced, and
placed on th i mulct
placed i
Lime, Trowi I it rand Cement,
and Doors, l'aiut and Oils.
the sales of
: Sprin r : Wagons