a) rorlUiid Library HIUirAIVEIK, VilnieXUT CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1899. NO. 41 TIKKt-HOrXTitlMBRB. XIII Ik ENGLAND AND THE BOERS Both Countries Waiting an Opening". London, Oct. 6. All reliable intel licence from South Africa pc ids to a continuation of the exiatiu? situation - for some time, as both sides are appa rently diffident about commencing an attack, altbouzb from dispatches re ceived here it seems aa if the move ment of a patrol, and every cloud of dust made by the herd of cattle, were turned into a general advance by both armies. The delay tends for good, inasmuch as it gives time for further negotia tions, and today's indications ap parently show a willingness on the part of the British government to con tinue to utilize diplomacy. A well de fined conviction is prevalent that the foreign office is trying to discover a way out of the impasse which has been created by the admitted mistakes and miscalculations, and it is evi Jent that the peace advocates and peace counsels are gaining ground. While the distaste for war evidently increases in Great Britain, dispatches from the scene of possible hostilities grow more and more threatening. Ad vices from Pretoria describe the Trans vaal organs as crying for impossible terms, and Presidant Kmger referring to the prospective struggle as a means of setting the republic "totally free of England." it is also said, ucviuraii g to advices from tbe same oii t, tbtt the Boer forces at Voltcsrust will ad vance today to the Natal border. MURK SHIPS fOK WATSON. The Manila Fleet Will be Strengthened by sending- More vessels. New Yobk, Oct. 6. A sieeial to the Herald from Washington says: The vessels which have thus far re ceived orders for Manila are: Armored cruiser Brooklyn, en route to Hampton Roads, preceeded to New York for repairs and fitting out and changes in personnel. . Protected cruiser New Orleans, en route to Hampton Roads, proceeded to New York for repairs and changes in personnel. Gunboat Nashville, now at Santo Domingo; proceed to Manila without delay yia Suez canal, and stopping at San Juan for coal and needed repairs. ,' Auxiliary cruiser Badger, now at f UsnriFtHncr; "prepare for orders to pro-4- ceed to Manila. Tbe other vessels which will be bod. to Manila are the protected cruiser Albany and the gunboats Marietta, Machias and Bancroft. Of these the Albany is now being completed in England. Her officers and crew will be sent about January 1, and she will proceed at once to Manila. The Mari etta is now at Washington under orders to proceed to the mouth of tbe Orinoco. She will probably carry out orders, returning when relieved to prepare to join Admiral Watson. JOHN HAYS HAMMOND TALKS. Thinks That Great Britain Will Win Aftel fehort W ar. New Yobk, Oct. 6. A dispatch to the Tribune from Paris says: John Hays Hammond, the American civil engineer, connected with leading South African mining companies, who returned from tbe Cape two months ago, after a brief holiday in the Tyrol is now passing a few days In Paris. The appreciations of the situation in the Transvaal expressed by Mr. Ham mond in conversation with the Tribune correspondent are' of interest as shoe ing how a war with tbe Boers is re garded by an observant representative American, enjoying tbe advantage of unsurpassed knowledge of the facts, enabling him thereby to grasp the situation. As to the justice of the war Mr. Hammoud did not wish to express an opinion, but when asked whether the war would be a lODgora short one, he said: "It will be a short war, ending with the capture of Pretoria, a'ber which the Boers will recognized tbe futility of futher fighting. Tbe Boers today aro not as formidable fighters as they were 15 years ago. For example, their former enormous advantage in marks manship over the British troops no longer exists, because, game having to a great extent disappeared, tbe Boers have no experience in shooting at a moving object. A few old doppers are still good shots, but they are fast dying out. Harrow escape of a Trader. Vancouver, B. C. Oct. 6. Dr. Vaughan, an American, who has worked up a large trade among the people of New Guinea, i arrowly es caped being caught by a native a few weeks ago. Tbe news of his experience has been brought here by the steamer " Aoraogi. Early in September Vaughan, with several men, went on a trading and scientific trip up the Musa river, and inadvetently came into an unfriendly territory, a district very rich in pecu liar natural features, and were com pelled to retreat hastily to their launch. In the middle of the river their mach inery broke down and tbe boat drifted helpless with the current. The natives ran along tbe shore hurling spears at those iu the craft, while Others followed la war canoes. Several of the men were wounded, but a suit was rigged up and tbe laiiuch got out of reach of the savages. To Releeate The Dram. New York, Oct. 6. At the opening session of the grand field council of the volunteers of America, convened at Blue Point, Long Island, anc com posed of the officers of bigbest rank from all parts of tbe country, presided over by General Ballington Bootb, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: " '-Resolved, That in yie of tbe con flict with the civil authorities on the jrt of other organizations, and in view of our strong desire to respec and uphold tbe municipal laws, we authorize that the use of the drum be abandoned, both outdoors aid in, i connection with tbe whole movement. except with a brass baud, a lie and drum corps, or at the head of a Durade officially authorized by the sectional officer. It is recommended, however, that in tbe plicn of tbe drum a cornet, small organ,concerttna, guitar or otbi r stringed instrument be used," Does jTbis strike IfoaT Muddy complexions, nauseating breath come from chronic consump tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee, Price 23 cents and 50 cents, at Blake ley & Houghton, druggists. Prairie Fire In Illinois. PANA. 111.. Oct. 6. Prairie fires three miles west of here yesterday de Btroyed hundreds of acres of meadow and corn, a thousand tons of hay, fences and buildings. Tbe fire is still raging, though heroic efforts are being made to stay its progress Tbe loss will be many thousands of dollars. Tell Your Slater. A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi dllitv without good pure blood, the sort thst onlv exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Glover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping them in perfect health Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Agreement Hatifled. Chicago, Oct. 6. A special to the Chronicle from Washington sajs: Tbe stale uepariueot was informed today from Loudon taatibe British foreign office had ratified the Alaskan provis ional boundary iiue as agreed upon by Secretary of rilatts Bay ana Mr. Tower. tiritlsD cDarge U'auaires. How is lour fiifeT Has she lost her lieuur.y? if so. con stipatiou, iuuigt-tiuon, tick teauauue are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cared these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton druggists. Will Quash the Drey f as Verdict. LONDON, Oct. 6. The Paris corres pondent of tbe Daily Mail says: I liaro that Germany is about to hand over documents' which will lead to the quashing of Dreyfus verdict. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for sick and nervous head aches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health Easy to taire. Try them. Only zo cts. Money bacK if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Offering Their Service. Havana, Oct. 9. Several hupdred person?, including a number of team sters, have made offers to Mr. Griffith, acting British consul-general, of their service in South Africa. Some of these persons areEnglisb, but a ma jority are Americans. They have no organization and the offers are seldom made by more than three persona together. A Frightful Blander Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Ar- nica Salve, tbe best in tbe world, will kill tbe pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on eartn. Unly zo cts. a box Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. or over Fifty Tears. An Old and Well-Teied Rem edy. Mrs. Wiaslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in every part of the world Tbenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is uncalculable. . Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow ' fillplno Pardoned. New York, Oct. 9. A special to the Herald from Washington says: For saving the life of an American soldier, Major-General Otis has granted a full pardon to Demingo Magno, a Filipino prisoner who was sentenced by a Spanish court in 1897 for penal servi tude for six years for robbery. Magno suffered confinement for tbe alleged offense for four years prior to his trial and conviction. During the attact on Manila last February by insurgent sympathizers, tbe prisoner saved the life of an American soldier, and the provost marshal-general reported that the prisoner had displayed good conduct during the time he had been under surveillance by the Americans. Stove, Stoves, Stoves. Before purchasing your stoves and ranges call and examine our line. As we have the most complete line in Tbe Dalles. Our Bridge-Beach superior line consists of 16 different sizes; in the Universal line we have 12 sizes. As we purchased our stoves before tbe advance, we will start you on new cook stoves at $6.00, A ir Tights at $2.75. Bed room sets at $8.50. $11.00. $13.00 and $14.00. We have a big stock and little prices. Du Boise Furniture Co. 133 Second street, Jd-wtf The Dalles. mm Acti MBoth my wife and myself have been using CASCARETS and they are the best medicine we bave ever had In tbe house. Last wee'c my wife was frantic with beEdacbe for two days, she tried some of your CASCARETS, and tbey relieved tbe pain in her bead almost immediately. We both recommend Cascarets." Chas. Stedeford, Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co., Pittsburg, Pa. CANDY TOADS' MARK MOWTtMO Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, Uc, 250, SOo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... aurtit aaaiy CMur. (Uarn ntwl, lw int. tiT MTU B s ft Sold aw) roarsnteed by all drng i U'avAW isi to sAata Tobaooo Hihlt SHOW SIGNS OF WEAKENING Boers Said to be Return ing to Their Homes. London, Oct, 8. Mo't important news comes, from tbe Irancvaal whicb, if true, probably indicates that tbe South African Republic is about to yield, or in any case, that the Boers bave abandoned all ideas of invading Natal. The news . is comprised in a cablegram from Newcastle, Natal whicb nays that the farmers that ar rived there from tbe Buffalo river state that the Boers are returning to their homes; leaving patrols along tbe river. The commanders still remain on the free state border. Tbe dispatch also says that the Boers do not intend to attack that place, p ud that the evacuation of the town was premature. A dispatch from Durban also states that the exitement tbere has abated, owing to the Boers holding back from tbe frontier. This retirement of the Boers is what the British authorities have expected, as their defective commissariat would prevent them from long remaining massed along the border. Telegrams received here lately bave made fre quent reference to the sagacity of for age and supplies in tr-e Boer laagers, and havtj slate.1 that many of those in the companies were inclined to strike out for their liom s, unless acti reoper ations were unde:rak-in imiiiedialely. I The dispatch from Newcastle looks as if tbey had done as threatened, and had abandoned the Idea of fighting, .Veanwbile further transports from (Ha, with two field hospitals and hus sars, bave trrived at Durban, and tbe men and material were forwarded to Cadysmitb instantly. General Sir George Stewart White, V. C., who willicomrnand the British forces in Natal, has also arrived and landed. He was greeted by a large crowd. General Sir William" Tyroons, his second in command, came from Glen coe to meet him, showing that he does not fear a Boer incursion into North Natal. A number of other officers were present, and the whole party left by train for Pietersmaritzburg, amid great excitement and cries of "Remem ber Majuba." AUCINALDO QUOTES ATKINSON. ' Be Believes the Filipinos Will Yet Get Their Bights. - - Manila. Oct. -8. Agninaldo,4n - a proclumalton announcing tbe release of American prisoners, and authoriz ing Filipino soldiers in the northern province to return to their home says: "In America there is a great party that insists that the government re cognize Filipino indepentence. Tbat party will compel tbe United States to fulfill the promises made to us in all solemnity and good faith, though not put into writing. "Therefore we must show our grati tude and maintain our position more resolutely than ever. We should pray to God that the great democratic party may win the next presidential election and imperialism fail in its mad attempt to bubjugate us by force of arms. There are some Americans in the Phil ippines who have joined us because they disapprove a war of what Mr. Atkinson calls criminal aggression. When offered a chauce to return to their own camp, they declined." Throughout the proclamation, the "imperialists"instead of "Americans," are called enemies. He calls tbe world to witness that the Filipinos have not broken "the alliance made through Admiral Dewey with the Americans and with the American consuls at Hong Kong and Singapore." Tbe people, on seeing the American prisoners, cried out: " We do not wan t war against the Uuited States; we only defend our independence against tbe imperialists. The sons of that migbty nation are our friends " O'Belrne 8eks Kerognktlon. Washington, Oct. 8. General O' Bairne, of New York, whom the Transvaal government has appointed its representative in this country, ar ived here from New York last night and has an appointment with Acting Secretary of State Hill, when he will take up tbe matter of his recognition by this government as the South African republic's accredited diplo matic commissioner. General O'Beirne says that be will ask tbat tbe friendly offices of tbe Unltod States govern ment be used to avert hostilities be tween the Transvaal and the British empire. Me is not clear as yet as to the procedure to be followed Tbe Transvaal government, he said. probably already has cabled him full instructions, but they bad not yet reached him. HcRlnley Entertained. Chicago, Oct. 8. Thirty-five hun dred men gathered around tbe table? in the great banquet hall of the Audi torium last night at the annual ban quet at tbe Marquette Club, This banquet is a regular event, and, although coming at the same time as tbe fall testivities, is not distinctively a part of it. Tbe festival banquet, under the auspices of tbe bauquet committee, will beheld Monday night. The guest of honor was President McEicley, who sat ar aVatsed table on the east side of the bail. On tbe right of the president sat Aruiib.shop Ire land, of St. Paul. Others at tbe table were Secretary Gage. Attoroey-Gen-eral Griggs, Postmaster-General Smith. Secretary Hay, other members of the president's party and officers of tbe Marquette Club. There were no Sfiecial tiec irations at the banquet, a great mass of roans in front of the president being tbe only display. ew Gold Vein Found Cottage Grove Or., Oct. 7 The Riverside GolJ Mining Company, oi Bohemia, bis found a new vein on its property, tbat shows free gold. Tbe vein has been traced 1000 feet. This property has considerable develop- Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baiting powders are the greatest as to health of the present day. mmacers present day. ROVM. BAKING POWDER CO., HEW YORK. ment work done on the other vein, the ore assaying as high as $300 per ton. Jack Morgan, an old miner and pros pector, wbile doing tne assessment work on his property, unearth a large body of ore, that shows free gold The gold is fine, and the quartz is of honeycomb character. Onmanyother properties large bodies of high-grade ora bave been struck in tbe last two weeks in doing development and as sessment' work. On Every Bottle. Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guarantee: "All we ask of you to use two-thirds of the contents of this boule faithful! v, then if you can say you are not benifited return tbe bottle to yi'Ur druggist and he may refi d "enionej." frice 2o ftts., oOcts., aad I.UO Blakeley and Houghton. Falem's Small Scare. Salem, Oct. 8 MUappre nsion on tbe part of tbe public as to tbe s uallpux searn. in Salem leJ to tbe issuance today by the city health officer and the health and police committee of thd council of a statement giving assurance that there wad no danger of spread of tbe disease. The or ginal case. Mr 8. Battersby, and her immed iate family, are strictly quarantined at their home, while the new patient, Mr. Putnam was removed this evening from bis lodgings in the opera house block to the pest house, northwest of town, which was completed today. Do Xou Know Consumption is preventable? Science has proven tbat, and also tbat neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years. Blake ley & Houghton, druggists. Advance On Halabon. Manila, Oct. 8. The advance from Imus and Bacoor toward Malabou and Old Cavite began early this morning. General Lawton was in command. . ".ThftTennessee regimes, the last of tbe volunteers, will sail for tbe United States today on the transport Indiana, after a week passed in the harbor. Spain's Greatest Meed. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand remedy is whsthis country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney troubles, purifies tbe blood, tones up tbe stomach, strengthens the nerves, put vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired and ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Death Sentence Imposed. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 8. Albert Miihand was sentenced to death by hanging this morning for the murder of his divorced wife. The crime was committed less than 10 days ago. The date for carrying out the sentence is not ye- fixed. A Marrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally terminated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up. saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent cnes above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Regular size 50 cents and $1 00. Guaranteed or price refunded Act of a Beckless Boy. Woodburn, Or., Oct. 8. Jesse Settlemeir, jr., a 11-year-old boy, last evening shot Martin Forbes in the back with a 22-caliber Marlin rifle. It was not done with malicious intent, but deliberately as a joke. The wound is not regardad as dangerous. To Cure I-a Grippe in 1 wo Days Take Laxitive Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. For sale A two thousand acre stock and grain farm on the John Day river near Canyon City. Must be sold at once and at a sacrifice. Apply at this office. 4d2w Clarke & Falk have a full line of paint and artists brushes ft OR BUYS A S3.50 SUIT S.000 CKLaJlaaTKA aASTWKAaOCT4MMa Mt uilNkk kaaa. Batalar SS.M Bar S rHM Wfrrai "i" aji.ww. a I IW SUIT I1U for any of thM. lllltS which don gWe latudbctory vea Send No Money. oJSJ&VZ Uto r kj and uy whether Urge or nudl for age, and we will send yon the nit or expnw, C.O.D, snDject to examuv ....... Vnn n .unln. It at VOOT 0&U1UM office and If fonnd perfectly satisfactory and equal to salts sold In your town tot ea. m vonr exDress agent mr mtmm ' THEflfe KNKlANT SUITBiM f ha 4 to IS JiMl f , M""! .iifci at S3.1U. mm wua uouora am and knees, latert leSSetyle as illustrated, made from a sneeUl aaai laalauag, kesty- tatokt. ALL-WOOL Oakwell laailwira, Bess, nanaaoine w iVSTtae serge lining Cllaa patent tote'Unlng, pad ling, Maying and reinforcing, silk and Unen sewing, tee aJlaVaeetkmiheat. a anit any TOr pjnt would beproodof. yon ms cloth sasplss aMjVr? finite. oTereoats or ulsters), for boys 4 0 19 IBM, JhusW Sa.aU Bask Be. SOC contains fashion plates, lane measure and fnU Instructions how to order. . has'! Sella sad Onreeeta Base te srSar tnm Si. SO ea. Jam pies eent free on application. a"?".' BEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.), Chicago. UL :atS essjssseseai V 1 at OTIS HAS A Local Government Fo Captured Towns. Chicago Oct 9. A special to the Times-Herald from Washington says Major General Otis has informed the war department of his adoption of a comprehensive scheme of local govern ment for all the cities and towns in Luzon occupied by the American forces. Be has issued instructions directing that the system be put in force and places senior officers of tbe occupylog troops in charge of the for matioD of such (Kovernicent. ' In each town there will be a munci- pal council composed of a president and as many representatives or head men as there may be wards in the town, which shall be charged with tbe maintenance of public order and tbe regulation of municipal affairs. It will, by majority vote, through the adoption of ordinances or decrees, administer tbe municipal government but no ordinance or decree shall be enforced until approved by the com manding officer of tbe troops. The president shall be elected by a viva vorce vote of the residents of the town, approved by the commanding officer, and together wft.h the bend men shall hold offico for one var. He shall be of native hirt.h and parentage nd a resident aid nmrierr.y owner of the town. The hexd , men s'lall be lected by a viva vorce vote of resi dents of their wards The nrei-ident shall be the exeo"Mvc of the municipal council to execute its eorees. and the senior head men, or one designated by tbe council, shall be vice-president of the same, assis tant to the president and ex-offlcio lieutenant of police. The council shall have no jurisdiction in civil cases but on application or tbe parties ia interest and their agreement in writing to accept the award of the council it shall hear and decided cases involving property not exceeding $500 in value. In criminal matters tbe president, representing the council, shall make the preliminary examina tion, and according to the result dis cbarge the prisoner or transfer him immediately to the custody of the military authorities for trial by pro vost court. - A HAVANA PAPER'S VIEWS. Thinks Ametratn Breeept tbe Salvation of ' Cuba. Havana, Oct. 9. El Epoca says: "Contact with a race which does, r ot tolerate the shirk of daily labor, and among which, before everything, a man is the legitimate child of his own merits and his own deed, must be to us a powerful stimulus for discarding once and forever tbe accumulation of habits which constltued the unfortunate in heritance of a regime based upon the explotltation of the negro by the white, and of the native-born white by the peninsula white, and all by the gov erned. The sanitaMon of our cities by American methods has been productive of untold benefits, and who is capable of calculating the benefits which will be obtained by tbe cleansing of our conscience.-' Regarding the remerksof Senor Col lazo about tbe Cubans pulverizing an Europe power, the Epoca says: "If 40 years hence we shall all be willing to confess tbat, while we were able to gain victories over hunger, thirst, weariness and the rigors of climate, to the American army and navy is due the victory over the Spanish, why not be honest and confess it now?" WASHIfiGTOn KULDIEK8 ARRIVE. - Received Amid Noise and Bustle at 8an Francisco. San Francisco. Oct. 9. The trans port Pennsylvania, bearing the Wash ington volunteers, has been sighted a short distance outside the Golden Gate. Tbe Pennsylvania carries 42 officers and 776 enlisted men of the Washing ton volunteers; two officers 34 dis charged men, three men of the hospital corps, and seven civilians. As soon as word was received that tbe Pennsylyania bad been sighted, three parties, composed of Governor Rogers and staff, of Washington; a delegation of Washington people and a party of San Francisco people. boarded the tugs Governor Markham, Governor Irwin and the steamer Caro line, and started for the Golden Gate, to intercept the transport as she passed passed down the Bay to the quarantine station. As soon as the transport was made out through the heavy haze hanging over the ocean, a lively fusilade of steam whistles and calliopes was started, and continued duriugthe pass age of tbe transport down the bay. Out on the bay, the three welcoming craft presented a fine appearence, gaily decorated, as tbey sped along to meet the steamer. The soldiers crowded the decks and the riggings of the trans port, and as the steamer drew near a miehty hurrah floated out on the air. Governor Rogers was cheered to the echo, as were the other Washington ians and tbe Californians. Messages were shouted through megaphones, and the greatest excitement prevailed anionic the soldiers. The transport was headed for the quarantine station, and was followed by the Markham, Irwin and Caroline, but were not al lowed to go very close to the Pennsyl vania until an examination of tbe trans port's passengers was made by the health officers. Bow Uo-rs Can Prevent War. New York, Oct. 9. A special to the World from London says: The correspondent of the World hears tbat the British high commissioner in South Africa has been authorized to notify Prosident Steyn, of tbe Orange Free State, tbat a "peaceful" settle ment of tha Transvaal difficulty can be made if Kruger will disarm his people, grant desired franchise to the Out landers, and pay Great Britian in- PROFESSIONAL. S. BEN NET Attorney at Law yyM. TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. F. MOORS . JOHN GAVIN M CORE & GAVIN, Attorneys At Law. Rooms 39-40 over U. S. Land Office. iu demnity for the cost of her military preparations, which now would be less than $1,000,000. Rumors are again prevalent that Lord Salisbury is working for peace Stampede to Nome Baa Begrnn. Victoria, B. C. Oct. 9. The steamer T?es, whicb has just brought back $50,000 in gold from Alaska, reports tbat a stampede is now on in earnest from Dawson to Nome. When the miners who arrived by the Tees left Klondike, river steamers were being left without crews, tbe seaman desert- ng to join tbe great crowds hurrying down the river to the new Eldorado- Navigation will close next week on the upper river, and the steamers will go into winter quarters near White Horse. Wanted several, bright and HONEST persons to represent us as matifci'Hrs in t hit-arid close hv co nniea Salary $9.)0 a year and fx.it-ns.-s Straight, bona tide, mi mure, mi Irs i salary. Position p-r.Tiiii.i. Otir ' references, any bank in any town. It: nitinly otH.M work oi lu.:rd at! home. R feo-ncre. Knuiiise i-if a(l- re-sfd Ktampi'd env. loje. The Dum- j nion Companv, Dept. 2. Chicago- pacific: R U N S ULLMAN SLEEPING CAIS ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CAIS MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL . GRAND PORKS DULtJTH ' FARGO CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA an BCTTE to THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOUTH.' For information, time cards, m rti it i'lk call on or write. W. C. AI L J V t . t 1 1 Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant f teisl P sen ger Agent. No. 225 Morrisonn Hud, ner ol Third Street. Portland, O ercn Healthful Hints Don't forget the baby and khi?" needs We give you many helpful hints fr healtd and supply the means for carry ing them out. O line of toilet ar ticles, for baby and his mother, is com plete, fastidious and of highest hygen o worth. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON Up-to-Oate Pharmacists 176 Second Street. LOUIS OAKES, Suoeessors to J. H. B laker EXPBESSMAN GcodB Delivered to Any Part o BRANCH OEFTCE Oregon Viavi Co Room 7, over French' Co's. Batik. Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m. Charlotte F. Roberts. Local Manager. , Free health lecture every Thursday afternoon 13 d. m Job Printing Of all kinds done on short notice and at reasonable rates at this office. Ailments of Little People require more careful treatment than in tbe case of adults. The juvenile syBtem cannot stand siroog remedies and is easily effected by impure drugs. Be sure the doctor's prescriptions are compounded accurately and from Drugs of Absolute Purity Bring them here. The quality of everything used is high grade. We carry a line of Infant's Foods, Toilet Articles, etc. M. Z. DONNELL THE DRUGGIST St. s Under the Direction of the : : : : : Sisters of lh H' ly Names f Josus md Mary. THE DALLZS, Wasco Co., Oregon TbM institution is t.leasuQtly "ttuated noui the Columbia o the iin of the raiiroal: thence it U ea.y of aucess for all who desire to secure a comfo table home and a progressive seat of learning for their daughters or wai ds. The location of the Academy is one rt the most hi althy on the Pacitio slope, this portion of Oregon being proverbial for its pure water, bracing air and ploturesqun scenery. The Academy is incorporated and authorized by the state to confer Aoademio honors. Board and tuition per scholastio year, 1160. Studies will be resumed Tuesday, Sept. 6th For detailed informatian apply to the Sister Superior. July 1-2 m Do you want to get rich? HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY. A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced, five miles from Antelope, for sale on easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul tivation, good house, barn and other outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of horses, splendid spring of water, nice young orchard bearing fruit. A popu lar stand on the road that takes in from $100 to f 200 a month. To be sold on reasonable terms. Call at this office or address TV. N. WILEY, my2 d-w Antelope, Or. THE DALLES, OR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky FROU LOUSVIIXJE. Very Best Key West Cigars Bes of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwauke Beer always on hand. MAETZ & PTJNDT PROPRIETORS Qregon Bakery ana A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared to lurnlah families,- hotel od restaurants with the ohoioesl Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh Oysters Served in Every Style. Second Street, next door to The Dalles National Bank STAGE LINE. Throiigli Trip In 23 Hours Leave The Dalles every morning at 6 o'clock. Under new management I Conducted on busi iness principles I Passenger Rates: Dalles to Prlneville S10.00 Dalles to Antelope I 0.00 Freight rates, to Prlneville 4 cents; to An telope, S oents. C. M. CORNETT, Prop'r. Office at Umatilla Houa . CHARLES FRANK ' TIE t EXCHANGE Keeps on draught the celebrated Columbia Beer, acknowledged the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try It and be convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SANDWICHES, all kinds, ON HAND Mary kray Sample Dalles-Prineville Batchers Farmers Jos. T. Peters k Co., ..Building OF ALL Farm Machinery, Etc. M. H. JOHNSTON, Beadquarterssfor Hod,re Header?, Milwaukee Chainless Extras, for all rnachluewe handle. If yon want anything'intlie line of Agricultural W. A. Johnston, Z. F. MOODY end CofflmisioD and Forwarding Merchan 391. 393 KND 395 SECOND STREGT. (Adjoining; Railroad" Depot.) , Consignments Solicited Prompt attention wllljbe paid to those who favor me with their patron are CTTrrrrrrrrinfiffiiiiiiimnimiiiiiiiinmniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii Chas. J. WHOLESALE Wines, liquors, Cigars and Beer. , The Celebrated Olympla Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrine, a non-alchohollo boyerage, unequaled aa a tonic. 173 Second street. The Dalles, Oregon. rfrniriiiiimmiiiiiimiiimiiiimmiiiijnminiiiniiiii UdKinnnw ICI HUI lllUllj IIIUIVU" Ikl This brand of. Whiskey is guaranteed to " the consumer as pure hand-made sour mash Whiskey for family and medical use. Sold by BEN WILSON, Pioneer Bakery....... I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply everybody with BREAD, PIES and CAKE .Also, allkindsof. Staple and Fancy Groceries GEO, PX7CH, Pioneer Grocer. mmwWL :llusi hated catalogue jreei THIS BtG t 5 it J'tfTZZm. rj v a- 'as.- i jt-... Their rrti'kai?ertn;v T"rchn'1.e wiC7Clopl."ho-ro. Epwortll HetmliL a law ah oul l be naa l "iiucli.nv lb - till- A. xn in ravm 4dr.u. SEAKS. ROEBUCK & CO. Materials.. KINDS. and Columbia Mowers and Hodge Rake Implements call on The Dalles, Oregon Stubling, Whiolrpw - The Dalles, Or. Lr.UCCLGPEDIA 1 our mtnlomie for prtnir ud mnw 3 fBBB: Aiufji i tf- li ...cues in couuuiw iouumukm i quo ttiuu uiK' ill . in.tiuli, Ui haadfuuiwt, luohl complete and loet lHa tauio.r pubiUhed. hAtt EST HE LOWEST WHOLE MLCf.h'4tiC f .-tCESON EVERYTHING tetUl-,, ttoak IHraa, i. mmr, H.tt. Mrirr, Stave, It Ha!, t'mfrlasyea, tm ..., htc..-fc, , Hon. Mttascal ItMnuaevU, Itrekjrt, flMla r -i.c taw-Ht .a. ?eilitt iuat your storekeeper mt borne n.uat ur v. ...a. li.. i, iguana will pieventbJra from orwrcbenrlnir -o wl.ui ;vuti.f plain )ut how to order, bow mtMsnUfcetreitfh tf.rv or ptcH will be on anvtblnff to your town. THU fcir; 0 ,K COST OS HEALVl"?Sn(Jf,ft Oaf? FEt Cg OFFER. and Mad to aa alia lea. la uu.n . I.. I,t.i r in. alaaaand til. Big Book will b. arnt to r "O IKl.l k, mil .uaM. and If you dont say It la worth Kwtima tl . ) iviila jna nenil. aa s k.y to tha low .at wholmal. price. o e-vthilie av a- . and w. wilt imm4iltj rMmr mr l .Mia. WHAT THE Pf ESS 8AVS ABOUT THIS CATALOOUf t "It I mo.iuiDUit of boslaaaa lalomalinn Mlnn.aNiia "Vonilerlut piaovof work. Washington National TribooSa Th. catalog, la a wond.r." ManoaMMr IN. H. I Union. "ara, Rofli'ick at Co. la on. of las Urga booms of Us kiss Is CMcaeo."-Oi.cao inter Ocaan. , 1 hw hit' catalojru. forma on. of ths flnMt anomrtnir madiam. Uaal ootild pnviblr b. iwnt Into a dlatrlct" bojro.1 Moalalj, Cfeanco. " Atlanta Constitution. ulon. In all pu blip aehoola." T uses ialia.rt iiiil.itt. Tb.Hon.O. A SonUil (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILL.. U.S.A.