The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 07, 1899, Image 1

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A FipiARI-
I and that the Venezuelan government
is treating with him. Business is be
in? resumed, says Hemphill's dispatch,
and affairs look more settled.
Fifty ThoaHanrt Men In the Land Parade at
New York.
NeW YOrk Did HOnOrS tO ade yesterday capped the cli max.
New York, Sept. 29. Lons before
annriae the Blue Jackets on Admiral
Dewey's flagship were hard at work
preparing for the most magnificent
naval demonstration that baa ever
taken place in an American port. A
like activity was In progress on other
sea fighters riding at anchcr.
The scene was a glorious one as the
, eun's rays glistened on the white sides
"of the larger " vessels and the black
hnlla af small ones. The weather
could not have been more beautiful.
Dewey made his appearance shortly
after eight o'clock in undress uniform
At 1 o'clock sharp the squadron got
under way. It was an inspiring mo
ment as the column started up the
harbor and the great naval parade be'
' pun to be a reality. The steamer
Sandy Hock, having on , board . the
mayor and representatives of the city
government, steamed alongside of the
Olympia. After the Olympia came
the cruiser New "Y ork. The Chicago
brought up in the rear. Following
the New York were the Indiana and
the Massachusetts. In the rear of
these came the Lancaster, a type of
the old navy veseels. then followed the
gunboat Marietta, with the auxiliary
cruiser Scorpion
Abreast were five torpedo boat,, and
fall napt n a fVinm t.ha rnvanue cutter
Next were the transports Sedgwick,
MoPbersoo and' NcClellaa and the
hospital ship Missouri. . Then began
the civic and maritime aspect of the
parade. Having on board the re pre
sentatives of the naval militia, came
the steamer Monmouth, followed by
. i i . r . i 1 . 1 1
militia. Then the General Slocum
and Glenn Island with members of
general committee and citizens, the
Mount Hope with the legislative
branch of the city government, the
Warwick with the heads of the city
departments, and the Mattewan with
the members of the press. Then
came ninety-eight yachts, led by the
Corsair, and Sir Thomas Lipton's
yacht Erin. After the yachts came
one hundred steam ships of the mer
chant marine.
The third and last division consisted
of more than one hundred handsomely
decorated tugs, yachts, pleasure crafts,
etc. The parade was off the Battery at
1:45, and the crowds assembled there
cheered time and again as the warships
From this point until Grant's tomb
was reached there was a. succession of
scenes of enthusiasm such as has
rarely, if' ever, been equalled. The
roof of every building commanding a.
view of the river was crowded with
people who litterally went wild cheer
ing the admiral. The crowd waiting
at Grant's tomb was the largest ever
gathered there. The parade was an
hour and fifteen minutes passing Ful
ton street.
Boers Preparing to Give the British
Warm Keception.
London, Sept. 26. A meeting of
the British cabinet on whose delibera
tions practically hangs war or peace
in South Africa, began this afternoon.
President Kruger's reply to the last
note of imperial government has been
received and was the pivot of today's
discussion. The cabinet adjourned at
3:15 p. m. The ministers were heartly
cheered by the waiting crowds.
Dispatches from Cape Town con
tinue the story of military activity in
the Transvaal, in Natal and Cape
Colony. The Boers are concentrating
in the country contiguous to Natal,
where the first outbreak of hostilities
is likely to occur. The excitement
continues at fever heat. There is
great activity at the war office at Pre
toria.' The artillery reserves have
called out Arrangements to defend
the frontier are complete, and the work
of equipment is proceeding rapidly.
Answer Filed.
Toronto, ntario, Sept. 29. The
Ontaria government has filed its an
swer to the petition of the right of the
Michigan lumbermen. It pleads:
First, the longstanding provision of the
lawll licenses granted must be sub
ject to such conditions, regulations
and restrictions as may be established
from time to time; second, that all
regulations were not complied with,
the crown lands commissioner had
no authority to renew their licenses to
the suppliant; third, that the suppli
ants acquire no inforceable right in re
spect to the licenses beyond a year
from date of issue; forth, that the log -export
law is intra vires. But the
main defence appears to be that the
purchasers' enforceable rights are
limited to a year license.
Immense Swindle at .New Orleans.
New Orleans, Sep- 29. Intense
excitement prevails on the cotton ex
change here and the directors have
met and suspended business. The New
York marKet closed today and quota
tions were from Liverpool. In half
an hour the reports showed that the
Liverpool market bad jumped nearly
a cent. The operators were uc
aole to explain the tremendous
jump and the belief is that the wires
have been tapped and a gigantic
swindle game is afoot somewhere.
The directors have officially announ
ced that today's suspension is due to
fraud. It is estimated that the loss
suffered here by the swindle is over
Provisional Government Established.
Washington, Sept. 29. Captain
Hemphill, commander of the cruiser
Detroit, cables the navy department
from Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, that
rumors are current that General Castro,
the insurgent leader, has established a
city, state and nation united in vast
demnnnr.rat.inn wnrt.hv nf LhA hprn f J
Manila. The earth trembled under
the tread of 50,000 men', and the ai
was torn by the shouts of millions
The naval parade of Friday was magB
iflcentand suberb, but tbe wonder of
modern times was the land parade
Thousands of proud men of our land
and sea forces, the miiitia of 15 states
and the veterans of the civil and Span
ish-American wars swelled tbe ( r c
sion and gave it the dignity in size that
it boasted in sentiment.
Walls of people miles long streached
down the line of march on either side
a dense, impregnable mass. Fifth
avenue from Fifth ninth street to the
Washington Park, at Fourteenth
street, where the parade disbanded,
was solitary packed with spectators,
who overflowed into the buildings,
windows and on to the roof lines, sat
in embrasures and crowed scarToling.
Along Broadwar, where it crossed tbe
avenue, the skyscrapers were as crowd
ed at the top as on the bottom, and for
blocks down tbe intersecting streets,
tenants hung from the windows and
fire escapes and multitudes of them
were on the roof, lying flat on their
stomichs, peering down. First in the
parade cam the tars of lht Olympia
following S.-iii-ia's band and then came
the hero of Manila bay, and the officers
of the fleet in all tbe glory of their
gold laced uniforms and gold-rimuied j
cocked huts. All were in open ra
rou lies, and at their bead was the inn
of the hour. Mayor Van Wyck sat
beside Admiral Dewey iu the carriage.
The front siat whs banked with bi-Hut-if
ul floral pieces The people did Dot
baye to give a second glaiioe at the
man who features have been blazoned
everywhere for weeks. He was recogn
ized on the instant, and tbe cheers
and buzzahs that had greeted the
Olympia's men seemed lame when
compared with the shout they raised.
It seemed fairly to lift the sky.
The gallant captains of the ships en
gaged in the destruction of Montojo's
fleet, except poor Gridley, who died
after tbe battle, followed and also got
a rousing welcome. Tbe three ad
mirals, Hovvison, Sampson and Philip,
as they rode by with their brilliantly
accoutersd staff, were easily recognized,
and got flattering applause.
But it was Rear-Admiral Schley,
who divided honors with the central
figure of the day. He received a
demonstration second only to that of
Dewey. People along tbe line of
march fairly arose at him shouting
their lucerated throats to tbe breaking
point. "Hurrah for the hero of Santi
ago, " I here is tbe man that smashed
Cervera'a-fleet,"-. "Hip, hip. hurrah,
for Schley," and kindred .cries came
from all parts of the line.
The parade closed at ):4D and every
body pronounced it the grandest re
ception ever givec a returning hero.
American Prisoners Re
leased by Filipinos.
Cord wood Burned
Pendleton, Oct. 1 One thousand
cords of wood caugh lire in the O. K.
& N. yards here yesterday morning,
endangering the company's buildings
on all sides. Sparks from a wood
sawing engine started the fire. H.
Kopittke owns the wood. A heavy
wind was blowing at the time the con
flagration began. The city water was
shut off by the engineer in charge of
the improvements being made by the
Pacific Bridge Company, and no water
was obtainable for nearly a quarter of
an hour.
Thanks to the berolo work of the
firemen, the woodyard fire was kept
from spreading farther than the one
pile in which it started. Two hnndred
cords of nood, valued at $800, were
destroyed. It was not insured. .
Killed In a Drunken Row.
Pendleton, Or., Oct. I. James
Town send Friday night killed William
Hale, commonly known in the country
south of Pendleton as "Wild Bill."
A sheepman named Tuttle and Hale
became involved in a quarrel, all three
men being intoxicated, and Hale cut
Tuttle badly with a knife. Tuttle was
a friend of Towusend, and the last
named drew his pistol and shot and
killed Hale.
The Peace Commission.
Manila. Oct. 1. Noon The Filipino
psace commission, which arrived at
the American lines yesterday morning,
brought a request from Aguinaldo that
be be permitted to tend a represenata
tlve of bis governmont to negotiate for
peace' . General Otis refused the re
quest. .There will be another conference.
Jealous Husband Suicides.
PORTLAND.Sept. 29 Walter Clyatt,
a plumber living at Albina, shot and
killed himself this morning. Before
taking his life he shot his wife in the
back of the head. . She is still aliyeand
the doctors think she will recover.
Jealousy Is supposed to have been the
cause of the deed.
Fire In Grant's Pass.
Grnt's Pass, Sept. 29. A fire which
started about 1 o'clock today in Wade's
grocery store, and' is still burning, has
already destroyed Wade's building, one
hotel, one confectionery and one bar
ber shop. Tbe buildings occupied hy
Dixon & McCracken, dry goods, and
Jewell's hardware store are now burn
ing. Epworth League President Knllsts.
Chicago, Sept. 29. Fred O. Brown,
president of the Epworth Leage of the
Chicago Northern district, has en
listed for service in the Philippines.
He will leave his home this afternoon
for Fort Meade, Pa., where he will join
the Forty-seventh regiment of volun
teers. ToTransfei Prisoners.
Manila, Sept. 29. American au
thorities are arranging tbe details for
tbe delivery of American prisoners at
Angeles. Tbe insurgents have been
instructed that they may send a repre
sentative to confer with General Otis.
provisional government at. Valencia, i The regiment are resting at Porac.
Manila, Oct. 1. Yesterday jwas an
eventful day at Angelee, where the re
lease of 14 American prisoners held by
the Filipinos took place.' The FiUp.
no commission arrived early followed
by the American prisoners. Lh".D a
committee of three Spaniards, to negO'
tiate for the release of Spanish prison
ers, departed up the railroad with a re'
tinue of servants and Buffalo carts
carrying their baggage. At San Fer
nando the train carrying the com
mission and prisoners to Manila met a
special train crrrying . Major General
Otis and Generals La wton, Bates and
Schwann to Angeles, on a tour of in
A party of correspondents and pho
tographers waited in a trench of the
American outpost, before the wrecked
"bridge across tbe river separating the
two armies, and at 9 o'clock a group
came down the track waiving nandker
chiefs on bamboo polps and haulted
before the bridge. The bugle then
sounded "'attention," and -Mijor
Shields, of General Wheaton's staff,
and fivrt soldier's, with raised hand
kerchiefs, nicked their wav across the J
ridge. The Filipino introduced
themselves s Generals A'exanflrius.
Lieucenant-Cotonel Crino and Major
' Ortes, the 1aitr of German blood and
j ppaki'tg Enirlisn fluently.
Tbere soon appeared a second party
j of fnu 'fen Americans, marching bp-
i tween fiie of Jn?urirp-t' soldiers.
They looked thf picture of health, and
were dressed in new Filipino uniforms
of blue gingham, and carrying mon
key's and other presents from their
Filipino friends.
General Mac Arthur's first inquiry
was for Lieutenant Gilmore's party,
and General Aiexandrius replied
vaguely that they "were in tho north."
General MacArrhur asked if they
would be released, and General AJex-
jandriu paid:
.."I "must consult tomorrow, my
gornment, before answering."
The prisoners unanimously praised
their treatment. One man said:
"We have been given the best the
country afforded fine houses, for
quarters, servants, good food, plenty
of wine and a money allowance.
Aguinaldo visited us and shook bands.
Three of the boys rofused to shake
hands with him. : !
Judging from the stories of the
prisoners, they have been lionized by
the Filipinos. They report that five
sailors of Naval Cadet Wood's party
,m. to
i it you can say
return the hotr.le
hot.tli faithfully, th
vou are not benifitdl
to vour druggist acd Ke m;ty
tbe money." Prica2") ts...r0
Sl.lX). Blake'evani Houghton
f' d
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Housing Gathering In
the Lone Sta
Dallas, Tex., O
democratic carnival
event of the morninj
of William J. Bryt
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
packed with proniinent democrats
representing 4U states, UKlatioma ana
2. Tho two days
opened today, the
being the arrival
n. ihe city is
St. Louis, Kansas
have delegations
This Is Otis' Message to
his departure for Hawaii. It is under
smalllmpdrtance is' attached" to their
judgement, they agree in saying that
the Filipino1 all say that they are
"tired of war, bul will fight for inde
pendence to the last.' The released
soldiers also say tbe idea of Indepen
dence has taken a firm hold on the
FilipiTios, and they threaten if con
quered to exterminate the Ara.HricD.DS
by assassination. AgruinaHo seemed
popular among all tbe people the
prisoners met. The country they say,
is full of rich crops.
' Remarkable .Rescue.
.Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plaiafield, 111.,
makes tbe ita;emenc. that she caugrht
cold, which settled on her lungs; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but graw worse. He told
her 9he was a hopeless victim of con
sumption and that ' no medicine could
cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion; she bought a bottle aDd to her
delight found herself benefited from
first dose. She continued its use and
after taking six bottles, found herself
sound and well; now does her own
housework, and is as well as she ever
was. Free trial bottles of this Great
Discovery at Biakeley & Houghton's
drugstore. Only 50 cents and $1.00,
every bottle guaranteed.
The Ohio Democrats.
Hamilton, O., Oct. 1. The demo
cratic state campaign ooened here yes
terday with a great demonstration and
speeches by John R. McLean, candid
ate for governor; caudidates ,for .other
offices on the democratic state ticket,
and others.
The spirit of the leaders, as indicated
in the keynote speech of Mr. McLean
and all the other speakers, was for war
on the trusts, and for war on the bosses,
with Senator Hacna as the target for
theattacton the bosses and on Nashi as
being the favorite of the "boss'.' sen
ator. There were 22 other speakers
who spoke from four: different plat
forms. '
Story of a Slave.
To be bound band and foot for years
by tbe chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery. George D. Williams,
of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a
slave was made free He says: "My
wife has been so helpless for five years
that she could cot turn over in bed
alone. After using two bottles of
Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully
improved and able to do her own work."
This supreme remedy for female dis
eases quickly cores nervousness, sleep
lessness, melancholy, headache, back
ache, fainting and dizzy spells. - This
miracle working medicine is a god
send to weak, sickly, run down people.
Every i bottle guaranteed. Only 50
cents. ' Sold by Biakeley & Houghton,
Washington, Oct. 2 A dispatch
from General Otis was received at the
war department this morning, giving
an account of his meeting with the in.
surjent enyojs.
General Otis said the interview with
Aguioaldo's representatives indicated
that the leader were maneuvering
Rolety with n vie" to secure recogni
tion of the insurgent tov-rnmynt.
All fuch overtured wer rejected, and
ih envoys were informed that the
only thing the Doited Stales will
recognize is a white fl ig and the
grounding of arms. He also informer
the envoys that such capitulation on
the part of tbe insurgents should come
quickly in order to avoid the conse
quences of active war, as the United
States does not intend to permit any
delay in the matter
The course of General Otis is ap
proved at the war department.
Will Apply to Congress for a Coat of
New York, Oct. 2. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
Brigadier General Charles P. Egan,
who was suspended from rank and
duty as a result of the language em
ployed by him before the war investi
gating commission, hopes to obtain
vindication from congress during the
coming session.
General Eagan is at Washington to
settle matters connected with the fur
niture of tbe bouse he occupied before
Indian Territory,
Citv and Milwaukee)
here to work for the! next national con
While the prospective arrival of
Bryan kept many U town during the
morning, the state fkir grounds early
showed signs of the jgreat crowd that
had gathered to hea tl e flood of demo
cratic oratory that ii promised. Meetings-were
arranged for morning, after
noon and evening, -each with its at
tractions of national leaders. . There
was no end of enthusiasm, and each
speaker waa made to feel that his
words for the democratic cause had
fallen upon wilting ears.
Mr. Bryan arrived on tbe grounds
shortly after 10 o'clock, and was ac
corded a great ovation. Among those
who surrounded him on the speakers'
stand were Hon. O. H. P. Belmont of
New York: Governor Sawyers, of
Texas; ex-Governor Reagan and all
the Texas congressional d-!eg:ition.
The latest arrival was Governor Stone
of Missouri, who was rec-.iive-l winh
M-k Hetla,-lie.
The curse of ove-oril 'A-':n i-iiir-d
are qui'-kly ana su-ely i-ureii ny ivark
Clover Root Tea. toe gi-.-at duiod puri
fier an I tissue Sni '. Nionev re
funded if not -Nor.Mry. Price 23
cts and 50 oents IJ'-.ik fV .v Hough
ton, drugit'si.
U of
Viiui:? Hothprn.
Croui) is tho term- of tiio n
young mothers beoau-ic us om ;. ;iw
so agonizing and frequently f-nui.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic m cases of croup. It
has never been known to fail. The
worst cases releived immediately
Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00
Biakeley & Houghton druggist.
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Voirt Block, The Dulles. Or.
Attorneys At Law.
Hooms 39-40 over U. S. Land ofilop.
rhe Delias. Portland and I storu
Navigation Co
7 j:-ijUT;y'Jut-.T-:'ji
Waters Dalles Ik
Daily (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Food River,
Ca edit; Locks.
eters & Go,,
R ri;
N to
s m
SLEEPING fJAlii? Ef llllfllllflr I
ELEGANT g B 1 11 li E I U 1 1 Ef I
1ST. I'ACU j!"
-n Is Farm
BUTTE Yvfcj,
1 i I
BOSTON and all
rormiorniation, time enrds, cars- ire
;ru on or u riK.-. W. C. 1 1 V- .
Or A. D. CHAKLTON. jl':,isil ci u
si:i:pir AKiot. No. if? i i ,r, of Th-r! Str . Port.l in-l. O -ejo r
For sale A two thousand acre stock
and grain farm ou the John Day river
near Canyon City. Must be sold at
once and at a sacrifice. Apply at this,
office. 4d2w
Restores VITAUT?.
& a g Hand manhood.
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions ana
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or escesa and indis
cretion. Aucrvc tonic anti
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks an(
restores the fire of youth
By mail SOc per box : C boxes
ior W2.G0; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
R ith nf the above
h-,,in rebuilt-, iM-i.1 iin
rfeguinicr Line
I'ive is patrons
U-Bm-rs hav
in rseJIent
i! 1SH1 T).,-
Mitavcr It
t.'ie b--et service pos-
For Comfort, Economy and
Pleasure travel by the steamers of
the Regulator Line.
The above steamers will leave The
Dalles and Portland at 8 a. m., and
arrive at destination in ample time for
the outgoing trains.
Machinery, Etc. j
Hii;c H'iidep, Vihv,n;k-e Cbin!es and C lumliia Mow-jk and Hed'e Rate
Portland Office,
Oak St. Dock,
Tbe DaL'es Office.
Court Street.
General Agent
enlist the sympathies of the members
of congress in order to obtain a con
gressional investigation of the beef
There is no intention on the part of
the administration to restore General
Eagan to duty. In fact, it is desired
that he pbonlr) apply tor retirement in
order tba". the president may appoint
Golonel Weston, now acting commissary-general,
a brigadier and commissary-general
of subsistance.. The
president is anxious to do all he can
for the colonel. During General
Egan's stay here a determined effort
will be made to induce him to apply
for retirement, but many think he
will not do so, in view of the fact that
be is now drawing" full pay, and would
only receive three-quarters on there
tired list.
Clinton & Jackson Sts CrilCACCiscr
Sole by Biakeley & Houghton, The
Dalles. Oregon.
Tolcanie Kruption
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob
life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
cures them; also old running and fever
Sores, Ulcers, Boils,' Felons, Corns,
Warts. Cut9, Bruises, Burns, Scalds,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best
Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains
and aches. Only 25 cents a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold at Biakeley &
Houghton's drug store.
"I have been using CASCARETS for
Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted for
over twenty years, and I can say that Cascarets
have given me more relief than any other reme
dy I have ever tried. 1 shall certainly recom
mend them to my friends as being all they are
represented." Thos. Gillard. Elgin, UL
taoi mm nmu
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do
Good, Nerer Sicken. Weaken, o i Gripe. Kc Kc. SOo.
torttaf Bw4j C ax. rtHif, i.l. itow Irk. Sl
NO-TO-EAC SSStoftPMSSflHahST J use two-thirds of the contents of this
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous
energy are not found where stomach,
liyer, kidneys and bowels are out of
order. If you vant these qualities and
the success trey bring, use Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They develop every
power of brain and body. Cnly 23c, at
Biakeley & Houghton's drug store.
England Unprepared.
London, Oct. 2. The general drlft
of news indicates that the posit'on of
the British troops io South Africa is
critical, owing to the delay in sending
reinforcements, and in the event of
hostilities early reverses are regarded
as probable. The latest advices show
that the Transvaal mobilization; has
been rapid and comprehensive. Many
Boers, it is said, did cob wait to be
commanded, but proceeded to tbe
border spontaneously. It is calculated
that the Oiange Free State already
has 7000 men on the border.
Whi is ShllohT
A grard old remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption; used through
the world for half a century, has ,cured
innumerable cases of incipient con
sumption and relieved many in ad
vanced stages. If you are not satiE
6ed with tbe results we will refund
your money. Price 25 cts., and Z0 cts.
Biakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Ton Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price
of 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure,
take the bottle back and we will refund
your money. Sold for over fifty ye&ri
on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and
50 cents. Biakeley & Houghton, dru-dists.
In Honor of Olympia's Chaplain.
New York, Oct. 2 Twenty-six De
troit men, headed by Mayor Maybury,
haye arranged for a luncheon at the
Cadillac hotel tomorrow in honor of
Chaplain W. H. J. Reney. of the
Olympia. Reney is from Datroit, and
the party includes several of Detroit's
most proaiinent men.
On Every Bottle.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
03 I V J SEND NO MONEY, cut tbis ad-
- I out and send to as, ufU juar height uS
C I TV? weight, but mmn, Ingtk of gmraat
ArA freai enti&r tmw b.cht waiat hM
tut clor wutc4 and we will
soud yon this uckintosli by ex
press m. u. uw. suDjecv co ex
aminatinp; examine and iry
It oa . your aearmrt express
oAee&ndif found exactly aa
represented aad by Bar ua
niiMlnlifna r saw
wart or, pay your express agent
and exnreBB ehanres.
BLACK ar BLCB ireaala RA1K6
I.RT dosMe texture, waterproof
SERGE CLOTH, with fancy plaid
Unix.?, velvet collar, double
detachable cape, extra full
ween caoe and skirt, sraar-
anteed latest style and finest
sverrttilm la ladles' aackia-
teehea, write for free Saapto Book H. 8ft C ADDRESS,
fiEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (ie.), Chicago, Ofc
ijitara, aWaboca Ce. aie 1km mnfktg wlliMti Mtm
San Francisco
F. LEMKE, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Beer on
Second Street, bet. Court and Union
Hi. bKLL ill .tl.h.; If Alii WlltUKS to snattfa
say kair atn-oan 6 JO $3.25, the aaai el
witches tbat retail ai 3.00 1 0.
fl!IR OPPFP' Cat this ad out and send
uun vrrfcl" to us. i ne!u-e a gooti sized
sum pie of tue exact ibw wanted, and cut it
out as near the roots as poasi hie, inclose
ear special price gaoled aad ft cents extra to
pay postage, ana e will aiafce the i"k la
sistcli yuar hair exset, amd send to you hy
mail, postpaid, and if y oa are not perfectly
satis tied, return it and we will immediately
l rejunu journiouey.
CarSDeelal Offer Frieeasfollewit -oz. switch
20-in. ion?, Ions stem, 65c; short stem.
V90c; S-oz. 22-in.lontr, short stem, SI.25
hi-oz. 22-in. lonjr, short stem, $1.50; 3z.
f4-in,longr,shortsteni,S2.25; S-oz. 26-1 n.
ion?, snore stem, 93.25. vib ulakaatki
V- j vis hum luo niKuem frraae on mo
fm market. Order ateetee aad get these special
prices, letir xsoae retaniea ir jam are aei
pleased, write jnr ree Catalogue of
' Hair Goods. -Iddress,
' SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago.
tfaeis, Massac Csw are taMraasali reUahte, hrtfataci
Througli Trip in 23 Hours
Leave The Dalies every morning
at 6 o'clock.
Under Dew management ! Conducted on busi
iness principles!
Passenger Rates: -
Dalles to Prineville (10.00
Dalies to Antelope 6.00
Freight rates, to Prineville 4 cents; to An
telope. 3 cents.
C. M. CORNETT, Prop'r.
Office at Umatilla Hous .' .
Beanty I. Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
Danish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
To Care Constipation Vorever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25s.
nC.CC. tail to cure, druggists refund money.
Fast Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. - Fast
Mail, WortQ, Omana, Kan- -- Mu-
Jli4(-P- mas- City, Sttr- Louw,J-2:6& p. m.
Chicago and East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, " e
Flyer Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer
6:25p.m. Duluth, Milwauke, 6:01) a.m.
Chicago and East.
8p.m. FRON PORTLAND 4 p.m.
Ocean Steamships
All S.i'ling Dates sub
ject to change.
For San Francisco
Steamers leave Port
land every Uve days.
8 p. m. Columbia River 4 p.m.
El. Sunday Steamers Ex.Sundar
10 p.m. To Astoria and Way.
Ia.m. Willamette River 4 :30 p. m.
Ex.Sunday Ex.Suncay
Oregon City, Newberg,
Salem St Wav-Land's
7 a.m. Willamette and Yamhill 3:30 p.m.
Tue8,Thur, Rivers. Mon.,Wed.
and Sat and Fri.
Oregon City, Dayton,and
8 s. m. Willamette River . 4:30 p.m.
Tues, Thur Tues.Thur.
and Sat- Port'and to Corvallis and Sat
and Way-Landings
Snake River.
Lv Riparia Lv. Lew'n
dally Riparia to Lewiston, daily
Parties desiring to go to Heppner should take
train No. 4, leaving Tbe Dalles at 5:30 P. M . to
make direct connections, returning, making di
rect connections at Heppner Junction with No
1, arriving at The Dalles at 3:16 p. m.
No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not
caray passengers: arrives 2:50 a. m., departs
3:50 a. m.
No. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east
bound; arrives 4 :0 p. m., departs 8:15 p. m.
No. 21, west-bound through freight, does not
carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p. m., departs
9:30 p.m.
No. 23, west-bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrives 5-15 p. m. departs 8:30 a. m.
For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'s
a ent The Dalies, or address
W. H. HURLBTJKT, Gen, Pass. Acent
Portland. Oregon
J Ireland Agent. The Dalles
Ailments of Little People
require more careful treatment
than in the case of adults. The
juvenile system cannot stand
strong remedies and is easily
effected by impure drugs. Be
sure the doctor's prescriptions
are "compounded accurately
and from
Drugs of Absolute Purity
Bring them here. The quality
of everything used is high
We carry a line of Infant's
Foods, Toilet Articles, etc.
The direct 'route to
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or
the Rio Grande Scenio Lines.
2b Days to DENVER
3 Days to CHICAGO
4 Days to NEW .YORK
Free Reclining; Chair Cars, Upbol-
sterea Tourist siee-Ding (Jars, and
Pullman Palace Sleepers, operated on
all trains.
For further information apply to
JAS. IRELAND. Agent O. R. & N. Co.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'i Agent
124 Third St.. Portland. Or
Healthful Hints
Sl.Qfi BUYS A $3.50 SUIT
nt uadaaM kiM. Begalar tt.iO Bar' t-
FiM Kaee-Fut BsiU rout u SI. 93.
A NEW 811T FHKK for any of these suits
which don't give satisfactory wean
Send Wo Money. dtZ'
tale tc f -my and say whether large or
mall for acre, and we will send you the
trait by express. C.O.D., subject to examin
ation. You can examine It at Tour express
office and If found perfectly satisfactory
and equal to suits sold in your town fof
VS. so, pay your express airent ear apaciat
offer price, $1.05 and esprrw ehanrrs
beys froai 4 to IS years or ago, aad ar retallc-i
verywhere at 3.50. Slide wltb double Seal
and knees, tateot iyU as Illustrated,
made from a soectal wcarmlllair, heavy
ALL-WOOL Oakwcil eaaoiaere, neat, handsome pat
em, fine serve lining, Claytea patent Interlining, pad
ling, staying and reinforcing, silk and linen sewing,
liar-Made threasrhoat, a suit any boy or parent would
De proud of. fr"Olt FRKB CLOTH SAMPLES of Boya' Ctotking
Baits, oTercoats or ulsters), for boys 4 TO 19 YKAHtt,
artto lor Baaiple Bwk Vo. DOC contains fashion plates,
tape measure and full Instructions how to order.
' finiu m4 Overeoau siado f order froai ap
Samples sent free on application. address,
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, III.
. Ca. arattsiamhlTsallaala, dllr
Oregon Viavi Co,
Room 7. over French" Co's. Bank.
Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m.
. j
Charlotte F. Roberts,
Local Manager
Free health lecture every Thursday afternooc
1 3 D. m
Successors to J. H. B laker T
Goods Delivered to Aay
the Orcy.
Part o
Don't forget the baby and hieuaeedt
We pive you "inny helpful hints
healtd and supp! tiie means for carry
ing them out. C line of toilet ar
ticles, for baby and his mother, is com
plete, fastidious and of highest hygen
c worth.
Up-to-Date Pbarraacistii
176 Second Street. -
St Mary's Academy
7 , Under the Direction
. . of the : : : : :
Sisters of the Holy Names
of Jesus and Mary.
THE DALLES, Wasco Co., Oregon
This institution is pleasantly Bltuated near
the Columbia on the line of the railroad;
thence it is easy of access for all who desire to
secure a comfortable home and a progressive
seat of learning for their daughters or waids.
The location of the Academy Is one ft the
most healthy on the Pacific slope, this portion
of Oregon beingproverbial for its pure water,
bracing, air and pioturesque scenery. The
Academy is incorporated and authorized by
the state to confer Academic honors.
Board and tuition per scholastio year, tUSO.
Studies will be resumed Tuesday, Sept. 6th
For detailed informatian apply to the Slater
Superior. july 1-2 m
Extras for all lnucliiiies'we handle. If you want anything: in'tho
line of Agricultural Implements call on
W. A. Johnston,
The Dalles, Oregon
ri in in r ii
ittTui Willi ana MwariiM m
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Railroad-Depot.) '"
ConsignmeDts Solicited
Prompt attention wiirbe paid to thosewho favor me with their pairorja?-
This well-known brewery is now turning ou' the best Beer
and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and
only the first-class article will he placed on the market
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oregon
Tlie ver37- "best
White Lily Tea and Clover Lawn Butter.
If they do not give satisfaction, bring them
back and get your money.
Sold only by C. S. Smith, East End -Oroce
For Pure, Fresh GROCERIES, call up 'Phone
270,and they will be delivered at your door.
iRO"w:e Sz. co.
Headquarters for
Roche TIarber Lime. San Juan Lime, Trowel Brand Cement.
Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash and Boors, Paints and Oils.
Fruit boxes, Plum Crates Filled 7ic Cantalope Crates .9e
Apple Boxes 8c Pear Boxes 7c
Peach and Tomato Boxes 4c Half Crates 60
From new mill and lumber
Headqua.-ters for the sales of
Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring: : Wagons
J. 1. Case Plows, Bissell Chilled Plows, Iloosier Drills,
Champioi. Mowers, Binders and Reapers,
Champion Hay Itakes, Henney Buggies.
... 1 C-iJ
- I- i
our c-fiVilKve for i.rinz an 4 3 tint
.i :i i'i'.'t)" lT HU', '.'uhutilts ttixUMtKUM Vi '(Ufv
.;- .ens. i.v libidw-AnW, D.ccvco'iii.iww aitd lc t-af
. . (o,.. rKolriS LOWtSI MHtLE-
' . ;lcC'N LVCfiVfnGintift-m. tl.'t, Dr-
'.,.' .. , rftwciiy, Muva, KH);.-, iiuirtkrk, I'lrntfti, htnin
- . t- :u: i ii.-f, Slu.rtnl InMraAti ntk, itrntrn, Vtf-im
i ;-j , j.j't vour ft-trt L. fjtcr tt htun p
-' i1' :. 'A v.i.t ;'- cih him tium trvhrVni: v-nj
' -..r. - .:iai. jUtt iMw to ordar. bow mui-h UiufreiKttla
. .1 :.p rtn rfvtiiinir to vour town.
. ; costs w early i.oo.
" ' C fc" i f- ';:t t,Uli r,i"!wwt oat
.- ,. i ; li e pftitr .mrl tr lt hook will le mm io
. (. ': -.' ,. you ion'i a ft 'nrtta Kli tirni
' '; r, at ft (:y't' the lfvr'!. n-i-l"i pnoK if
t f f; . S3 SAVS ABOUT THIS CAT LOCt'f f
p 'M .lu.iitiit of buhiiJCM iiifoniUou." illUUtMapoUl
i . isv - a woiuier. vnnrhrficr (.n. H.J I. ulna.
- I..-?.-.,: & Co. it. rme of the Urgutt buusrM of Its kln4
in i -n. i "' i, -fi Ititr (k-vitn.
5LjU' -i.ian-.jn .ii;prtKuaAaV .;--; i. t' forms one ol the finefrt nhnpntnir mlumtliaA
Th!'Irt"ar:'.UtTTJ-i i. a Tajt d"a.rtTiit ftrw b ;..( n." .tJanta "oiii,tttMtion. . ,
Their cl! ;ue !.t ctrtninU a n r-'iirMit f i-r r,,nrirdfti (."iilcatro Kpworth Hrrald.
A law f'niui i b-T','-'-'l i-'nu'iH'lIhiiT tli-1 " f hi ' f"iuii'ti" In all pubtlo rhnola.M-TheHoii.O. A. RonUitoaa
aaM J91 f a klmlMr "tr. SK;i KM nTl 4TtM Kaa4 jttm will i-! tk Uti by rolitiiMU.
uJdress, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), CHICACO, ILL.. U.S.A
I. -