The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, September 23, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 38
Commission Has Offered
Aguinaldo Money
to Quit.
New York, Sept. 15. A special to
the World from Ithaca, N. Y.,saye:
Your iorrespondent is able to say on
authority that the Schurmao peace
commission offered every inducement
ahort of absolute self government to
' Aguinaldo and his -followers. -Agui
- naldo was promised as the price for
- the restoration of peace in the Taga)
tribe a bonus of more than $5000 a yrar
while the Tagrals remained peaceful.
He was told that he could choose men
from his tribe for the minor municipal
.offices. The commission went so far
as to promise Aguinaldo the moral
support of the United States trovern-
- ment, If such were neeced, to make his
leadership of the Tagals thoroughly
With a1! these inducements, tempt
ing as they must have been, Aguinaldo,
as the recognized head of the insurgent
movement, declined to yield. He in
slated upon immediate self-government
and as his lnsistaoce was so firm as to
make an agreement impossible, the
American commissioners ceased nego
tiations. .'
President Schurmao was frank in
telling your correspondent a dayr
two ago that he favored giving to tbe
various tribes the largest possible
measure of home rule at tbe earliest
moment. He thought the several
tribes could administer their local
affairs, elect their municipal officers,
establish courts and penal institutions,
etc., but he did not believe it possible
to allow the natiyes to participate in
tbe general government.
"How could they govern the islands,
in view of tbe hetrogeneity and multi
plicity of tbe tribes?" be added.
To Pot Down the Rebellion.
New York, Sept. 15 A dispatch to
the Herald from Caracas says "Presi
dent Andrade has started for Valencia
to take personal command of the troops
in the field, against the revolutionary
leader, Casto. It is his intention to
put down the revolutionary summarily.
Important development are expected
within a fortnight."
I. Will Become a competitor of American
Wheat Farmers. ,
New York, Sept. 15, A special to
the Herald from Washington says;
American , farmers are to have com
petition from a new quarter in tbe
wheat market of the world. Consul
Monagban, of Chemnitz, in a report to
the state department, gives interesting
details of the agricultural possibilities
of Asiatic Russia. Mr. Monaghan
says that this vast territory is destined
to be one of tbe world's richest and
most productive places. It is particu
larly well adapted to the growing of
wheat and other cereals, and since the
building of the trans-Siberian road,
wheat from this region has already
found its way to the European markets.
At present the resources of this
region are undeveloped, and must re
main so for some years, as the popula
tion is as yet greatly scattered, being
less than one inhabitant to each square
mile. Immigration from Europe to
Russia is setting in, however, and
4000 persons entered tbe region last
Third Day's Session was Fairly Well at
tended. Chicago, Sept. 15. Workingmem
trust adherents, advocates of single-tax
theories, and students of political
economy were heard today at tbe third
day's session of the trust conference.
Some of tne speakers spoke in vigorous
terms against industrail, financial and
transportation combines. The problem
in its relation to workingmen was
discussed. The long list of prominent
speakers announced for today served
to draw the largest crowd, of the con
ference. " , '
The committee on resolutions named
by the conference yesterday held its
first meeting at 9:30 this mor Ding, and
organized by elected ex-Governor Luce
of Michigan, chairman, and Ralph
Easley secretary.
The events on the program for to
day's session were overshadowed by
the announcement that in th) evening
Colonel Bryan, of Nebraska, and
Bourne Cock ran, tbe elequent head of
New York delegation, would speak
from the same platform. The political
prominence of the two orators gave
it a general feeling that the night
session would be of more politican
than economic interest,
Lout Bis Valise and Money.
San Francisco, Sept. 15. R. B.
Banning, a Hawaiian capitalist, ar
rived from Honolulu on the steamer
Australia last Tuesday and registered
at tbe Occidental. Among his effects
was a valise containing between $30,000
and $50,000 in bank notes, bonds and
sugar stocks, together with a number
of other valuable documents. A few
hours after hia arrival he missed the
An investigation has been made and
it is thought it is on its way back to
Honolulu, having been sent on board
the Nippon Maru by mistaka as part of
the baggage of Purser River, of that
Governor Will Not Interfere.
Chicago, Sept. 15. A special to the
Record from Richmond, Va., says
Governor Tyler bas decided not to
interfere with the sentence of the court
in the case of Noah Fioley, tbe negro
sentenced to be executed today for
highway robbery. This will be the
first hanging in this state for tbe crime
of high ay robbery. Flnley confessed
the deed.
Settling In Oregon.
L Grande, Or., Eepfc. 15. The
population of Union county is increas
ing. People are coming in from the
Middle West to make homes here.
Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas are
about equally represented among the
new-comers, with a goodly sprinkling
from Utah. The Salt Lakers mostly
come to grow sugar-beets. wnue
maoy of the old settlers are selling
their fardas or portions thereof, an in
quiry reveals the fact that very few are
leaving the country.
Discovered ty a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in
this country. "Disease fastened its
clutches upon her and for seven years
she withstood its severest tests, but
her vital organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent, fur three
mootii8 she coughed incessantly, and
could not sleep. She finally discovered
a way to recovery, by purchasing of
us a bottle of Dr. King a JNew uiscov
ery for Consumption, and was so much
relieved on taking first dose, that she
slept ail night; and with two bottles,
has been absolutely cured, her name is
Mrs. Luther Lutz.' Thus writes W.
C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby. N. C
Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug stcre. Regular size oOc and
81. 00. Every bottle guaranteed.
8ndden Demise. of Charles Braby Near
Sheridan, Sept. 15. Charles Brady
died suddenly at 5 P. M. yesterday,
while working with a threshing crew
four miles east of Sheridan. Mr Brady
was a son of Jonn Brady, a well-to-do
dairyman of Tillamook county. Mr.
Brady and family, consisting of a wife
and two small children, were on their
way to Tillamook faorn La Grance,
where they had made their home for
several vears. Hearing that there
was an abundance of work, they drove
out four aulas and camped on Mill
Brady immediately secured work
with McGpb's thresher. He worked
nut 60 minutes when he was seen to
tur n pule and begau to bleed pi'oluseiy
from tbe lungs. Medical aid was
summoned, but the man died in ten
The body was taken into Chapman's
undertaking establishment.
There was no post mortem held but
the 8uposition is that death was due to
Glorious .News
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four
bottles of Elecric Bitters has cured
Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which bad
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sores would brealc out on her
head and face, and the best doctors
could give no belp; but her cure is
complete and her health is excellent.
This shows what thousands have
proved that Electric Bitters is the
best bl"od purifier known. It's the
supreme remedy for eczema, tetter,
salt rheum, ulcers, bolls, and running
sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and
bowel?, expels poisons, helps digestion
builds up tbe strength..-.- Only 50 cents.
Sold' by Blakeley & Houghton drug
gists. Guaranteed.
He Fooled the Nnrgeons.
All doctors told Renic Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O, after suffering 18
months from Rectal Fistula, be would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed, but he cured himself with five
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the world. 25 cents a box.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, 'drug
gists. The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics
whose stomach and liver are out of or
der. All such should know that Dr.
King's New Life Pills, tbe wonderful
stomach and liver remedy, gives a
splendid appetite, sound digestion and
a regular bodily habit that insures
perfect health and great energy. Only
25 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's
drugstore. -
Wh Is 8hUohT
A grard old remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption; used through
the world for half a century, bas cured
Innumerable cases of incipient con
sumption and relieved many In ad
vanced stages. If you are not satis
fied with tbe results we will refund
your money. Price zo cts., and 50 cts.
Blakeley & Hougnton. druggists.
Sick Headache".
The curse of overworked womankind,
are quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Koot Tea, tne great Dlooa puri
fier and tissue builder. Money re
funded if not satisfactory. Price 25
cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley St Hough
ton, drugg'sts.
Yon Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price
of 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure,
take the bottle back and we will refund
your money. Sold for over fifty year
on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and
50 cents. Blakelev & Houghton, dru-
On Every Bottle.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of this
bottle faithfully, then if you can say
you are not benifited return tbe bottle
to your druggist and be may refund
the money . " Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and
$1.U0. Blakeley and Houghton.
foanr Mothers.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic in cases of croup. It
has never been known to fail. Tbe
worst cases releived immediately
Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.
Large school sponges, 1 cent each.
Pencils, 5 cents per doz. Pens, slatea
and all other school supplies below
any of our competitors prices. Jacob
sen Book & Music Co.
MA tape worm eighteen feet Ions; at
least came on the scene after my taking two
CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused my
bad health for the past three years. I am still
taking Cascarets, the only cathartic worthy of
notice by sensible people."
Go. W. Bowtjb, Baird, Was.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent.
Good. Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c. iOc
Sterns CssessT. CUn, Umtntt, ttm If. SB
I S"! Tfl 9tn gold and snsrsnteed by an araf-
j hW'IWiia liMUUVJUlwamaHu
The Chicago Trust Con
ference Nothing But
Chicago, Sept. 17. The conference
on tbe uses and abuses of trusts closed
its sessions 'here yesterday in a blaze
of oratory, in which Colonel W. J.
Bryan and W. Bourke Cock ran were
tho central figures. Mr. Cockran fol
lowed the noted Nebraskan, buDdis
claimed any Intention of debating tbe
conclusions of his immediate prede
cessor. and declared bis complete
concurrence in much that Mr. Bryan
had said. The Westerner delivered
tbe speech of the day during tbe fore
noon, amid frequent interruption of
tumultuous applause. Mr. Foulke, of
Indiana, commenting on tbe speech,
made assertions which Mr. Bryan
desired further to discuss. He was
requested to take the stage and com
plied for tbe second time, facing a
wildly enthusiastic house. At the
conclusion Mr. Cockran aroe and
obseryed: "Just a few words." The
spectators wanted more and refused to
subside until he had taken tbe plat
form. He agreed with Mr. Bryan he
said, hut he wanted information.
The crowd which greeted Colonel
Brvan when the doors were thrown
open amounted almost to u mob. Cen
trul Music hall was jammed from fit to
gallery witb admirers of the Mebras-
kan. WheD be tiad concluded his
speech, 80 per cant of the audience
dispersed, leaving a few scraggling
spectators to listen to the remaining
speakers and tbe report of the com
mittee on resolutions. Ex-Governor
Luce, of Michigan, was chairman of
this committee, and be rigidly adhered
to the resolutions prepared yesterday,
which set forth that tbe sentiment of
tbe conference on the trust problems
be presented or considered. Mr.
Easley, a member of tbe committee,
declared he had spoken with Colonel
Bryan and that the latter had given it
as bis opinion that tbe nature or the
conference made discussions expres
sive of sentiment on the problem out
of place. He proposed that to the
original resolutions be added some
thing to the effect that tbe conference
bas been of benefit to the delegates,
has cleared their minds of maoy doubts
and enlightened their understandings
These resolutions were not considered.
The decision of the committee, as
submitted in Chairman Luce's report,
was adopted, as was a motion put be
fore the house, thanking the Civic
Federation for its entertainment of
the delegates.
It was decided those who had pre
pared but who bad not been allowed,
owing to the limitation of the pro
gramme, to read their papers should
deliver them into the hands of Secre
tary Easley to be published in book
form, together with those which have
been delivered from tbe stage.
At the adjournment, many of the
anti-trust delegates met in the Sher
man bouse to formulate resolutions
expressive of their views.
Unnsnal Number of Serious and Fatal
CliATSKANI, Or., Sept. 17. August
Fogel, who lives near this place, ac
cidentally shot and killed himself yes
terday morning. " He was hauling
wood from tbe woods to his residence,
when, his dog barking at something
up a tree near by, he sent for his rifle,
and when be obtained it he stepped
upon a pile of wood to see what the
dog was barking at, when the gun
went off, the bullet striking him in the
ret ion of the heart killing him in
Wallace, Idaho, Sept. 17. George
Walls, a 12-year-old boy, accidentally
kilted himself with a shotgun Friday,
at Osburn.
Drain. Or., Sept. 17. Edward Red-
ford, aged about 18 years, accidentally
shot himself through the heart and
died Instantly yesterday.
Lebanon, Or., Sept. 16. W. H.
Klepper was badly hurt this morning
while helping to unload straw at tbe
paper mill. Tbe derrick and about
33 pounds of straw fell 30 feet upon
him. He was dug out from under tbe
straw and louna unconscious. ine
physician thinks he ie not fatally hurt.
Spokane, Sept.' 16. Late advices
tonight bring news of a series of acci
dents and tragedies in tbe Inland Em
pire. At Garfield, Wash., D. T. Clarke,
a farmer, aged 25, fell In front of a
moving sickle and his left arm was
terribly cut and bruised.
Harry Reeves, a paper-hanger, also
of Garfied, fell from a ladder striking
on a pair of sUsors, which he carried
in his pochet. Tha blades penetrated
nearly through his thigh. .
W. E. Brown, of Wilbur, Wash.,
while hauling wheat, fell from his
wagon and was crushed to death un
der the wheels.
Highwaymen held up a harvest band
at Oakesdale last nigbt, receiving
small booty.
Incendiaries looted the dwelling
house of F. P. Hasbrouck, at Genesee,
afterward firing the bouse. There is
no traco of the miscreants.
Daniel Borden, a woodbauler, near
Spokane, suffered a horrible death in
a runaway today. The front braces of
his wagon gave way, and the heavy
load of wood carried Borden down be
neath tbe swiftly moving wheels.
Will Be Ably Defended.
Pendleton, Or., Sept. 17. E. L.
Mims, who is confined in the county
jail awaiting trial for muder, is to be
ably defended. He has wealthy relat
ives in Tennessee who will come to
his rescue. On of the leading lawyers
of that state will be brought here to
assist the local attorneys who have
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
been retained by Mims. O. L. Mims,
an extensive wholesale merchant of
Tennessee, and brother of tbe prisoner,
was at one time agent for tbe O. R. &
N. Co. at Meacham.
Was Opened With a Message from Presid
ent Diaz
City op Mexico, Sept. 17. Presid-
Diaz opened congress last night. His
message was a long one, dealing with
tbe varied phases of tbe national
administration's activity during tbe
past half year. The president said:
'Our relations with foreign countries
have ex peri need no alternation, except
in the favorable sense.''
1 he president noted the remarkable
growth in exportation!), notable of
mineral products, and the continual
and healthy augmentation of the manu
facturing industries. The federal
telegraph service shows marked in
crease, as also does the postofnee.
Tbe federal revenues for the past fiscal
year were estimated a $51,650,000, but
rose to 59,000,000. Tbe conversion of
tbe foreign debt bas been effected on
tne most favorable terms during tbe
past half year.
Regarding the Yaqul outbreak the
president says tbe rebels have been
defeated in various skirmishes, and it
may now be expected that small forces
of troops will bring the revolt to an
end, while the Myo revolt In Yucatan
will also be speedily suppressed,
Will Sail From Portland.
Washington, Sept. 17. The
quartermaster's department is making
arrangements to send the Thirty-fifth
regiment from Portland. Thequarter-
master at San Francisco has been
directed to designate ships to go to
Portland, giving dates when they will
sail from San Francisco, probably date
of arrival at Portland and of tbe depart
ure of the regimen", from Portland.
Plnmmer Received Orders.
Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 17.
Lieutenant-Colonel Plummer bas re
ceived omciai notice irom tbe war
department thatthe Thirty-fifth infan
try, United States volunteers, under
his command, will take transports for
the Philippines from Portland. No
date is fixed in the advices for the
departure of the regiment.
Horse's Kick Was Fatal.
Forest Grove, Or., Sept. 17. S. G.
Kanes, aged 30 years, was kicked by
bis horse Thursday night at his home,
two miles west of Forest Grove, died
this morning. He was born in this
county, on the farm where he died,
ana uvea there all bis life. He left a
wife and one child. '
Having a Good Time. .
Tacoma. Sept. 18. The Indian hop
pickers at Kent are today celebrating
returned prosperity by indulging in
the sun dance. About 2000 Indians are
now picking hops in the Puyallup
valley. This is the first time they have
been employed in five years. Many
have arranged a singing gambling
game for next Saturday, when all their
earnings will be stacked. No trouble
is apprehended oyer the festivities.
A Soldier Suicides.
Portland, Sept. 15. It developes
that J. N. Waldren, a soldier, who
commlted suicide at Vancouver bar
rack yesterday, was a well known law
yer of Chicago. He was highly edu
cated and was company clerk: . He
enlisted in Seattle, where it is said be
came on buisness. It is supposed that
he had been drinking heavly when he
Window ttlasa Combine.
Pittsburg, Sept. 18. James A..
Chambers, president of the American
Glass Company, is authority for the
statement that the window glass com
bine has been finally effected. A new
company will take in fifty of the largest
concerns in the country. The new
company will bear tbe fld name,
American Glass Co., and will be capi
talized at $17,000,000.
Will Kat Xmas Dinner in Manila.
New York, Sept 28. A special to
the Herald from Washington says that
arrangements have been made by tbe
war department for tbe departure for
Manila by November of all troops in
tended for General Otis. This means
that Secretary Root's statement that
"every mother's son of the reinforce
ments will eat bis Christmas dinner in
Manila" will prove correct. It is nec
essary to provide transporations for
29,918 men.
Ship Destroyed by Fire.
London, Sept. 18. The ship George
Steton, of Bath, Me., Captain Patten,
from Portland, Or., June 17, for Taku,
China, has been totally destroyed by
fire at Loochoo. No lives were lost.
The Stetson registered 1854 tons, and
was owned by Arthur Sewell & Co.
74 Front St.. The Dalles.
Tables supplied witn the best in
the market.
Parties served and lunches for
picnics and excursions
o .
Oysters in every
W. W. WILSON, - Manager.
Will Make But Few Con
London, Sept. 18. The Transvaal
situation remains practically unchang
ed. General apprehension in regard
to tbe outcome was reflected by the
decline io consols and stocks on the
stock exchange where, although all
stocks continued depressed, there was
not tbe slightest approach to excite
ment. Tbe text of President Kruger's
reply was issued by the secretary of
state for the colonies, Chamberlain,
this afternoon Tbe language in
many places is taken to indicate a
firm, unyielding position. The reply
however, concludes: '"If her majesty's
government is willing, and feels able
to make this decision of a joint com
mission, as at first proposed by
Chamberlain, it would put an end to
the present state of tension. Race
hatred would decrease and die out and
tbe prosperity and welfare of South
African Republic and the whole of
South Africa would be developed and
furtberedtand fraternization between
the different nationalities would in
1 B1NK lr A MjVCESS.
that is the Opluion Mr. U.a I lias of the
Trust Conference.
Chicago, Sept. 18. The Times-
Herald says: .Save for the work of
publishing tbe report of the trust con
ference, the Civiu Federation's work
in the big meeting is Tally accomplice.
Franklin H. Heai , its president. ii
confident that the result of tbe discus
sion will be far-reaching and bene
ficent, and he feels that this organiza
tion was justified in its expenditure of
laborandtime Fifty thousands copies
of the report are to be printed and dis
tributed through the country, so that
those who did not attend theconvention
may have the advantage of the views
expressed by leading economists, law
yers, politicans and thinkers from
all the different sections of the United
States. This Mr. Head deems highly
Protest Against Schley's Assignment.
WASHINGTON. Sent. 18. Governor
Lowdes, Senator Wellington, Major j
Malster, of Baltimore, and Gon. Felix I
Angua called on the president today
and formally protested against tbe as
signment Admiru.1 Schley to the oooj
mand of the Scutli Alan tic station on
the ground, it is not commensurate
with his dignity and the service he had
rendered during the Spanish-American
war The protest was made voluntar
ily and without Schley's knowledge.
The president listened -attentively to'
hat the Maryland republican leaders
had to say but be gaye no Indication as
to what he would do.
Odd Fellows Meet.
Detroit, Sept. 18. Sovereign grand
lodge and the grand encampment of
tbe Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows met today in the seventy-fifth
annual session. Hon. Alfred S. Pin It
er too, the grand sire, in bis annual
report states that on December 31st
last, tbe subordinate lodge member
ship was 830,961, and tbe numoer of
sisters enrolled in the Rebekah lodges
numbered 190,007. He reported tbe
affairs of the brotherhood were gener
ally in a prosperous condition.
Returned Stolen Alonej.
Chicago. Sept. 18. A Special from
Memphis, Tenn., says: Charles O.
Summers, formerly a detective and
also an escaped convict, has returned
here and given himself up. He rob
bed tbe Southern Express Company's
safe. He was arrested and sent to
prison for five years. He escaped and
went to Dawson. Now he has re
turned here and made good what be
stole and also reimbursed tbe express
company and the state for expenses
incurred in arresting him. The entire
amount is over $2,000.
Kegro Fired the First Shot.
Muhphyboro, 111., Sept. 18. Com
pany C, Fourth regiment I. N. G. is in
full control of the situation at Carters-
ville, the scene of ye&terday's battle
between the' miners. No arrests have
been made and much difficulty is an
ticipated in discovering the identity
of tbe white men who killed tbe negro
miners. Hon. O. J. Paste and Post
master Landon were within 20 feet of
the scene of the riot when it began.
They declare that one of tbe non-union
colored miners fired tbe first shot.
Chicago Democratic Headquarters .
Chicago, Sept. 18. Chicago will be
tbe working center of the democratic
national committee during tbe coming
campaign, in preparation for the next
presidential election. This was decided
on today that a meeting of the executive
committee held there definitely settl
ing tbe rumor that the head quarters
would be changed J. G. Johnson, of
Kansas, it was decided, will have
charge of the work. The ways and
means committee discussed the plans of
financing the campaign.
Boers Prepare For War.
London, Sept. 18. The second
edition of tbe Times contaics a dis
patch from Johannesburg which says:
There is, I am informed, some early
coup in contemplation. Quantities of
compressed forage forwarded in tbe
direction of the Natal border indicates
some move on the part of the troops
in that quarter. Tbe government is
buying horses freelv today. The even
ing papers all indicate the seriousness
of the crisis.
Holidays In Honor of Dewey.
Albany, N. Y., Sept. 18. Governor
Roosevelt today issued a proclamation
setting apart Friday and Saturday,
September 29 and 30, as holidays to be
observed throughout the state as days
of general thanksgiving in honor of
the return of Admiral George Dewey
to the United Etates. This will make
the days indicated legal holidays.
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or,
Attorneys At Latv.
Rooms 39-40 over tj. S. Land Office.
Ailments of Little People
require more careful treatment
than in tbe case of adults. The
juvenile sysw-m sanriot s'and
strong remedies ind is ea-sily
effected bv impure drugs. Be
sure the doctor's prexcriplioiis
are compounded accurately
and from
j DfUgS
of Absslute Purity
B'-ir.g t hem here '' hi
of Vfrything u-,i-J
We enrry a lin of Infant'.
Foo:l, Toilet Articlen, etc.
Under tbe Direction
of the : : : : :
Sisters of the Holy Names
of Jesus and Mary.
THE DALLES, Wasco Co., Oregon
This institution is pleasantly situated near
the Columbia oa the Una of the railroad:
thence it is easy of access for all who desire to
secure a comfortable borne and a progressive
seat of learning for their daughters or wiu ds.
The location of the Academy is one rt the
most healthy on the Pacific slope, this portion
of Oregon beingproverbial for its pure water,
bracing alt and rJ'yun'rJ'i"A ".r"-7 T2lC
Acodemy is incorporated and authorized by
the state to confer Academic honors.
Board and tuition per scholastic year. S160.
Studies will be resumed Tuesday, Sept. 5th.
For detailed infonnatian apply to the Sister
Superior. julv 1-2 m
mn m mi mm,
Special Prices to C:. Buyers
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Harness and Saddlery,
East End, Two Doors- West-of Diamond Floor,
ing Mills. - Second Street.
All Work Guaranteed to Give
480 acres, well improved, located in
the best range county in Eastern Ore
gon 250 bead of horses well bred
Cloyelad Bay, Clydesdale and Sbire,
one imported Shire stallion, 50 grown
geldings, 30 large dry mares, 30 young
mules, 10 old enough to wotk. Ranch
and horses will be sold together or
seperate. Address.
Paulina, Or.
Or call at this office. jlO lm
Sail Francisco
P. LEMKK, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Beer on
Second Street, bet. Court and Union.
Keeps on draught the celebrated
Columbia Beeb, acknowledged
the best beer in The Dalles, at -the
usual price. Come in, try it
and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars. ,
SANDWICHES, all kinds. ON H ND
All the latest and most popular
magazines and periodicals can now be
had a Jacobsen Book & Music Co. jyll
St. Mary s Academy
Ski Rani
BOSTON and all
or information, time cnr.-ls. m:i .mil
jail on or write. w r. at.t.i x v a
Or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant :.-m-r
eoBfr aeent. No. ra MnH " "-wt
jrof Third Street. Portland. Oregon
0 msjfcf? Oiip
Fsivt term boyins Sept. 18, 1899. Ex
llenieour- in Aui-ienl iiml Mo.Wc
LinsT'its-, Sifii-ii.-i-i. .M.'iilitimaticd etc.
Grailiiitit- fi'uiii bho tenth grade and
from all accredited school admitted
without examination.
Students not fully prepared to enter,
can take studies in ffhicb tbey are de
ficient, in the Eugene City High
For catalogue and further informa
tion, address the President or Hon. J,
J. Walton, Sec, Eugene, Oreeon.
Do you
to get rich?
A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced,
five miles from Antelope, for sale on
easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul
tivation, good house, barn and other
outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of
horses, splendid spring of water, nice
young orchard bearing fruit. A popu
lar etand on the road that takes in from
$100 to $200 a month.
To be sold on reasonable terms.
Call at this office or address
my2d-w Antelope, Or.
Si Reward.
The Wasco County Forest Re
serve Protective Association, of
Wasco County, Oregon, will pay $100.00
for the arrest and conviction of any
persons setting fires out and destroying
government timber on the Cascade
mountains in Wasco County between
the east fork of Hood River and White
River. I. D. DRIVER,
M. J. Anderson, Sec. Pres.
Sirs. Tackman's
..Green House
Near East Hill School,
Supplies all kinds of bedding
plants, roses, carnations, ger
aniums, etc. Cut flowers for
weddings and funerals ar
ranged in artistic designs acd
on short notice.
Visitors always welcome.
Mrs. A. H Tackman, Prop.
Telephone 74.
Orep SM Lt saw
The direct -route to
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
tbe Union Pacific Fast -Mail Line, or
the Rio Grande Scenic Lines.
11 Days to SALT LAKE
2i Days to DENVER
3i Days to CHICAGO
4i Days to NEW .YORK
Free Reclining Chair Cars, Uphol
stered Tourist Sleeping Cars, and
Pullman Palace Sleepers, operated on
all trains.
For further information apply to
JAS. IRELAND. Agent O. B. & N. Co.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent
124 Third St.. Portland, Or
Suoeewora to'J. H.-Bl&kery
Goods Delivered to Any Part o
the City.
Jos. T. Peters & Co.,
Farm Machinery, Etc.
Headquarters for
HjiIj! Headers, Mitatilra Oiaiotei
Extrasjforall macliincgwe handle. If you want anything: In the
line of Agricultural Implements call on
W. A. Johnston, - The Dalles, Oregon
Geneml Commission and Forwarding Merchant
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Railroad-Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will be oaid to those who favor me with their patronage
This well-known brewery is now turning ouf the beat Beer
and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances fortne
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and
only the first-class article will be
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oregon
Strong Coures. Well Equipped Training Department. Normal Course quickest and best way
W stale uertluoatti. expense ior year irom to fiou, or ooara cz.ou to a.w per ween.
Tuition 6.25 per term ot ten weeks. Fall term begins Sept. lVth;
Summer term, June 27 -Sept. 1.
For Catalogue address, P. I Campbell,
It will be our
Complete Line of
And we invite
to our stock
Butler Drug Com'y.
Successors to Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Tlie "very "best
White Lily Tea and
If they do not give satisfaction, bring them
back and get your money.
Sold only by C. S. Smith, East End Grocer.
For Pure, Fresh GROCERIES, call up 'Phone
270, and they will be
ad Columbia Mowers snd Hedge Rates
placed on the market
New Buildings I New Department
Ungraded Country School Work.
or W. A. Winn,
secretory 01 rncuity.
aim to carry a
the Purest Drags 1
your atttention
Clover Lawn Butter.
delivered at yourjdoor