The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, September 16, 1899, Image 1

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    Portland Library
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m. 37
mi xtT'tt m ni
iney win iaKe uiarare
of the War.
Chicago, Sept. 8. A special to the
Record from Washington says: etel
son A. Miles, general commanding the
army, will eo to the Philippines to
direct the military operations during
the ADDroachinGT . campaign. . This
statement, while not authorized by
any announcement from the president
or the secretary of war, is made upon
the authority of one of the officers of
the department.
--There is no doubt-that General
Miles desires the assignment, and un
less the unexpected happens between
now and the middle of October he
will start for Manilla.
After. 48 hours of almost constant
discussion among the president, secre
tary Root. Professor Schurman, Sena
tor Beveridge, General Miles and
Aujutant-Ueneral Corbin, it may be
stated positively that General Merritt
will go to the Philippines.
No statement is made as to what
position General Merritt is to assume,
but it is probable the movement con
templates the division of Otis' present
duties into two departments, Auerritt
to have charge of tbe military end.
Philadelphia Will be FlagHhip of Pacific
Hqaitdron Instead of Iowa.
SAN FeaNCISOO, Sept. 8. As soon
as repairs on the cruiser Philadelphia
o nnmnlnutd at Mare island, she will
be made the flagship of tbe Pacific
on nanVnn And Admiral Kautz will
transfer his flag to her from the Iowa.
Rumors have bsen in circulation of
late that the Iowa will soon' leave for
PnorAt. onnnd and then will sail for
Santa Barbara with the squadron for
target practice and review.
Admiral Kautz said in an interview
that, the Tiiwa would not leave this
port, in bis opinion, uniil the Phila-
rinlnhia is made ready. He ha-l not
heard of any plan of the navy depart
ment to assign to the Pacific coast two
squadrons as has been reported.
Chicago, Sept. 8 Senator Thomas
IT. barter, of Montana, was at the
Auditorium annex yesterday on his
way home after having spent several
months in Europe. Of European mat
ters he said:
"The situation in France is critical,
in my opinion. The general impres
sion prevails that Dreyfus js iunocent,
and more people belieye he will be
acquitted than think he will be convict
ed. .
"In Germany, the feeling toward
this country is very friendly. There
ds some feeling on the part of the
emperor against us on account of the
Tray we have encroached on German
trade, but this feeling is purely a com
mercial one.
"Englishmen think that Oom Paul
needs a thrashing. There is little
doubt in England that there will be a
light, and, of course, that Eogland will
Mo Ultimatum to Transvaal.
London, Sept8. The cabinet coun
cil today attracted greater public at
tention than meetings of tbe ministers
Inr ven.rn past. A crowd Of i.WO or
3,000 people impatiently thronged the
foreign office throughout the session.
Althnnirh the foreiern office has not
given out a statement, the general
impression was that no ultimatum will
be sent to the Transvaal at present,
and thai a time limit will be placed
for a conference at Cape Town. The
nnnrt duration of the council and tbe
earlv departure of the military men
summoned were taken as indications
that the situation ia more pacific,
though of course this is only a surmise.
Gold Standard Proclaimed in India.
Simla, Sept. 8. At yesterday's
session of the Indiau council, Viceroy
Baron Curzon, concurring in the state
ment of Clinion Hawkins, a member
who introducted a currency bill, said
that in the absence of a mint proclam
ation from England it will be decided
to make gold the legal tender immed
iately on conclusion of that other
measure, which would save India from
disastrous embarassment and fresh
Soldiers for Sooth Africa.
XONDON, Sept. 8. It is understood
the result of the cabinet meeting estab
lished these facts: Parliment will not
be summoned; the reserves will not be
called out and 10,000 troops will be sent
to South Africa. The representative
of the Associated Press learns that a
strongly worded dispatch has been sent
to the Transvaal which will be publish
ed here immediately on its delivery
Ag-ulncldo Appoints ufflclals.
Manila, Sept. "8. TheFilipnos who
tas arrived from Tarlac says extra
ordinary session of tbe revolutionary
ongres9 took place at Tarlac on Aug
uet 24. Aguinaldo presided and cbose
Mobinias president of the supreme
court and Gongaga attorney general
They both represent the most conser
vative and temperate element.
Convent Burned.
Ottawa, 111. Sept. 8 St. Xavier's
academy and the Sisters of Merey con
vent were destroyed by fire early this
morning. The inmates, 60 sisters and
pupils escaped in their clothes without
injury. Loss 875,000; insurance, iwu,
000 It is though the fire started from
tinner's furnace left in a new build
Getting- Out of Transvaal.
Johannesburg, Sept. 8. The an
xiety here in regard to the crisis has
been intensified by the tone of the
Raad. The railroad offices continue to
be besieged by those wanting to get
out of the country.
British Ship Libelled.
TtnnMA. Sent. 8. Four seamen of
the British ship Fortevio. recently
arrived from the west coast of Africa,
have charged Captain Gilmour with
inhuman treatment and have libelled
the vessel for wages. The whip is i
the hands of
the United States mar
On Every Bottle.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure
this eruarantee: "All we ask of you to
l use two-tnirds or trie content.9 01 mis
botoie faithfuiiv. then if you can say
I vuu arc UUb uouiuueu rtrmi 11 uuo uui wn
to vour druererist and he may reruna
themonev." Price 25 cts., 50cts., and
$1.00. Blakeleyand Houghton.
Statement From uermanjr.
BERLIN. Sept. 8. The Reiohsanfiei
ger this evening, in the official portion
of the paper, publishes a statement
absolutely denying that Csptain Drey
fus ever maintained rela.ion- of any
kind with any German agent.
Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics
whose stomach and liver are out of or
der. All such should know that Dr
King's New Life Pills, the wonderful
stomach and liver remedy, gives a
splendid appetite, sound digestion and
a regular bodily habit that insures
perfect health and great energy. Only
25 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's
drug store.
All Ready for War.
London, Sent. 8. A special dispatch
from Natal, says that the British
troops there are actively engaged in
maneuvers over the hilly country.
The dispatch says: '"With transporta
tion and equipment of the Soest ever
seen iu South Africa, arid the health
of the men excellent, everything is
ready for war.
Be Fooled the argeons.
All doctors told Renic Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O , after suffering 18
month from Rectal Fistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed, but he cured hims"if with ne
boxen of BucklenV ArniM Slve. tbn
surest. Pile cure on Eirf.h. and the liept
Salve in the world. 2" centp a box.
Sold bv Blakeley & Houghton, drug
Two Negro Keglinents.
New YOKK, Sept. 8. A special to
the Tribune from Washington says:
Orders will be issued in a day or two
announcing the Geld and staff officer'
of tbe two additional volunteer regi
ments. Their jombany officers and
privates are exclusively colored men,
and they will be ready to sail for the
Philippines in November.
Cape Nome to the Front.
San Francisco, Sept. 11. The
steamer Homer arrived from Cape
Nome via St. Michaels yesterday
bringing about $200,000 in gold dtrst.
Captain M. A. Healy, of the Unitel
States revenue service, former com
mander of the cutter Bear, came down
on tbe Homer. The Homer left in
port at Cape Nome tbe schooner" Hera
and Maweena; at Dutch harbor tbe
cutters Grant and Corwio; transport
Garotte and British gunboat Icarius. .
A French Mission Annihilated.
Tripoli, Sept. 11. A courier who
has arrived here reports that the
French mission, beaded by Father
Foureau and Major Lamy, has been
He says the mission was attacked by
an immense body of Tuarege, who,
after suffering terrible loss, killed all
members of the mission by force cf
superior numbers.
Bas Joined the Rebels.
Manila, Sept. 11. Tbe mayor of
Imus has disappeared, and it is suppos
ed that be has joined the rebels on
promise of receiving a generalship in
their army. - He was a colone.1 in the
insurrection of 1887.
Peary Arctic Party.
Sydney, A. C, Sept. 12. The Peary
Arctic clubs,, which chartered the
steamer Diana, arrived here today from
North Greenland with all weil on
board. Peary and his party were left
at Etah comfortably housed for the
winter and supplied with two years'
provisions. Peary will attempt to
reach the pole by starting from Etah
next February. The Fram was last
seen oc August 18, ten miles from Etah
fast in tbe ice and beading north.
Have Many Complaints.
New York, Sept. 12. A dispatch
to the Herald from Hong Kong says:
Many serious complaints have been
made by the discharged soldiers now
on board the transport Tartar, which
is now being repaired here. These
men declare that the vessel is over
crowded, that she is in a bad sanitary
condition, and that the supplies of
food are insufficient.
The officers in charge admit the
reasonableness of some of these com
plaints, but they declare that the dis
charged soldiers crowded tbe ship of
their own accord, although they bad
an option of remnining in Manila
until tbe next troop ship .should sail.
The condition of the vessel will se
riously affect the health of the'return
ing soldiers. There are 1200 of them
on their way back to San Francisco.
Death Come Suddenly at His New YorK
New York, Sept. 12. Cornelius
Vanderbilt died at 5:15 this morning
at his home, Fifty-seventh street and
fifth avenue.
Mr. Vanderbilt arrived from New
port with Mrs. Vanderbuilt at 9 o'clock
last night. He appeared in good health
and spirits and retired soon afterwards.
About midnight he was siezed with a
serious stroke of paralysis, the second
from which he has suffered. The
household was aroused, and telegrams
were sent to Dr. James, Dr. Janeway
and several other physicians, who ar
rived in short time. Everything pos
sible was done for tbe patient, but he
grew rapidly worse and died at 5:15
o'clock. He was semi-conscious until
When he died, his wife and his
daughter, Glayds,aod bis son, Reginald!
were with him.
(Cornelius Vanderbuilt was the son
of William Henry Vanderbilt, and the
grand-son of Cornelius Vanderbilt,
tbe founder of the famous Vanderbilt
fortune. He was born November 27,
1843, and upon tbe death of his father
became chief manager of tbe fortune
with his brother, William Kissam Van
Verdict of the Court Ren
dered Last Saturday.
RENNES. Sept. 10. Drevfus wan
found puilty. In was the sentence o
the court that he be imprisoned lor a
term of ten years.
Tbe magnificent oratory of Demnage
was without effect on the court, which
listeued to tbe thundering peroration
echoing throusb the court at)d corri
dors without interest.
Although tbe verdict seemed deter
mined upon before tbe court retired.
two hours were consumed in delibera'
The court returned at 5:02 P. M. It
tood 5 to 2 for condemnation. Ex
tenuating circumstances were found.
The verdict was greeted by the
crowd outside with cheers for the
Dreyfus maintained his iunocence to
thelast, his last words being, before
the court retired, "I amirm that I am
Five years of the ten-year sentence
ave already been served by the pris
oner, he has but hve years remaining
to serve.
Tbe scenes of the morning at Rennes
were dramatic. 1 he streets were
filled with soldiers, aud the little ton
looked as ihousrh in a plan- of seisre.
Persons who stopped or loitered were
ordeivd to move on by the (iei.darmes,
wbo were ouiut present.
Those who w-re admitted to the
courtroom by ticket were lira searched,
The ladies beinsr forced to part with
even their parasols.
Labori waived his right to speak,
and when Demange hid finished his
masterful address, the court retired to
Will Send Him to the Philippines If Neces
sary. WASHINGTON, Sept. 10. The im
pression is growing that Otis will have
to be superceded. There will be no
sentiment with Secretary Root about
keeping Otis in command if he thinks
another man can do better. The secre
tary regards success in the Philippines
as far more important than the fame of
any man. He will not allow any reeling
to stand in his way. Root is now ser
iously considerihg Miles as the man
for the emergency.
' - The president hesitates because of
sen-mental fondness for Otis ans be
cause of the insistence of Corbin than
Otis should remain in command. But
there is still greater fear about sending
Miles. From close friends of the
administration, it is learned that the
president fears miles might close the
Philippine war in a blaze of glory and
be formidable competitor for the presi
dency. This same fear has prevented
tbe administration from giying Miles
any command commensurate with the
position he has held as a general com
manding the army. If the president
is determined that Miles shall not go
to the Philippines, Root will be unable
to send him, and will try and do the
best with the other material he has to
crush the Filipino rebellion.
Accepts the Proposal for a Joint Commis
sion of Inquiry.
Pretoria, Sept. 10. In the course
of an interview today, State Attorney
Smuts said that the Transvaal, having
withdrawn its offer of a five year's
franchise, the conditions thereto at
tacted, namely the relinquishment of
suzerainty, also falls to tbe ground.'
He understands the Transvaal's last
di patch as an acceptance of the propos
al for a joint commission of inquiry.
Tbe Transvaal, be said, is anxious to
terminate tbe tension existing, because
tbe trade is stagnant and the country
is being ruined. Hence the Trausvaal
has a greater interest than has the
British government in bringing about
tbe settlement.
The News prints an official stetement
from E. W. Reitz, secretary of state of
the South African republic, in which
Reitz says:
"Three courses are disclosed by tb6
communications of Joseph Chamber
lain. The first is a commission of
inquiry; the second is a commission of
delegates from both governments to
discuss technicalities, and the third a
conference in Cape Town."
Reitz adds that the Transvaals gov
ernment news agrees to the second
proposition and has invited Great
Britian to define the constitution of the
commission suggested, and the place of
Wool growers Protest.
North Yakima, Wash.. Sept. 10.
At a meeting of tbe Woolgrowers, As
sociation of Eastern Washington, held
here yesterday afternoon, a telegram
was drafted and tent to the secretary
of Interior, asking to reciud his order
canceling the grazing permits on
Rainier forest reserve. It informed
him that the life of tbe most important
industry of Eastern Washington is
dependent on tbe summer ranges of
reserve; that tbe industry represents
an !nvestmenvi of $1,500,000; that it can
be demonstrated that no injury has
been done to tbe reserve by tbe sheep;
that no fires of note haye ocenred in
the Blue mountains in the 35 years
they have been used as summer ranges
for sheep, that sheepmen are interested
in protecting the reserve, and that to
close it now means death to tbe sheep
industry and bankruptcy to the owners
of sheep.
Order Issued Yesterday for Their Organi
sation. Washiniton, Sept. 10. An order
for the organization of two colored
regiments, to be known as tbe Forty
eight and Forty-ninth volueteer infan.
try, was issued from the war debar
ment yesterday. All the field officers
of these regiments are white men now
ia the regular army. All company
officers are colored men who served in
the war with Spain. The Forty-eight
will be organized at Fort Thomas, Ky ,
and the Fortv-ninth at Jefferson bar
rack?, Missouri.
The full completement of officers has
been selected, and following are tbe
field officers:
Eortv-eieht Colonel, William P.
Duval, captain Ffr9t artillery lieuten
ent colonel, Thaddeua W. Jones, rapt-
ian Tenth cavalry; majors Sedgwick
Rice, first lieutenant Seventh cavalry;
Alex Dade, first lieutenact Third cav
alrv: John Howard, first lieutenant
Nineteenth infantry.
Fjrty-ninth Colonel, William H
Beck, Tenth cavalry; lieutenant-colon
el, Arthur C. Ducat, captain. Twenty
fourth infantry; majors; Ernest Hinds,
first lieutenant Second artillery; Geo.
Kirkman. captain, Twenty-tbird infan
try; James E. Brett, captain, Twenty'
fourth infantry.
Wha U Shlloh?
A grard old remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption; used through
the world for half a century, has cured
n numerable cases of incipient con
sumption and relieved many in ad
vanced staares. If vou are not satis
fied with the results we will refund
vour money. Price 25 cis., and 50 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Three Towns Attacked.
Manila, Sept. 9 A force of 450
rebels, with one cannon, attacked
Santa Rita early Saturday morning,
nd simultaneously Guagua and San
Antonio rere attacked by bodies of
rebeln numbering about 500 men. All
the insurirenls were repulsed without
u Americans.
Colonel Hell and his regiment, while to take the rebels in the
rear, met two small patr.iia, anil sue-eeedf-d
in capturing the rebel? a cap
tain, lieti'enant nnd six privates.
Glorious News
Corner from Dr. D. B. Cargile,'of
VVasiuta. I. T. He writes: "Four
bottles of Elecric Bitters has cured
Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her ereat suffering .for years.
Terrible sores would bretiK out on her
head and face, and the best doctors
could irive no help: but her cure is
complete and her health is excellent.
This shows what thousands have
proved that Electric Bitters is the
best blod purifier known. It's the
supreme remedy for eczema, tetter,
salt rheum, ulcers, boils, and running
sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and
bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion,
builds up tbe strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton drug
gists. Guaranteed.
Participation of the Navy.
Washington. Sept. 10. General
Otis has been instructed in framing
his plan of campaign for the dry season
to allow for the fullest participation o
tbe naval forces now in tbe Philippines,
and as soon as he has been beard from,
necessasy orders will go forward to
commanders to co operate with the
army to an extent not before contem
Tonne; Mothers.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic in cases of croup. It
has never been known to fail. Tbe
worst cases releived immediately
Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.
Dyea Will Be Moved.
Victoria, B. C, Sept. 11. The
town of Dyea is fcoon to be moved
across Lynn canal on scows to Skag
way, to argument the growing town at
tbe head of Lynn canal. The pro
moters have been working on the
novel scheme for some time, Mr. Fore
man, of San Francisco, who conceived
tbe plan, has been working quietly at
Dyea for fome time, add has secured
3-'0 buildings, large and small.
A small army of men have been em
ployed for the work of transporting
these houses to Skagway.
loo Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price
of 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure,
take the bottle back and we will refund
your money. Sold for over fifty year
on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and
50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton.dru
dists. Graceful Act. ' ,
Gibraltar, Sept. 11. Before sail
ing from here yesterday for New York,
Admiral Dewey and the officers of the
cruiser Olympia presented 30 to
Pcppiatt, the gunner of the British
battle-ship Devastation, who met with
an accident while the warship was
firing a salute in honor of the arrival
of the American admiral September 4,
by which his band was shattered by the
explosion of the charge which he was
ramming home. Peppiatt's arm has
been amputated.
Sick Headache.
The curse of overworked womankind,
are quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Root Tea, the great blood puri
fier and tissue builder. Money re
funded if not satisfactory. Price 25
cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough
ton, drugg'sts.
480 acres, well improved, located in
the best range county in Eastern -Oregon
250 bead of horses well bred
Cleyelad Bay, Clydesdale and Shire,
one imported Shire stallion, 50 grown
geldings. 30 large dry mares, 30 young
mules, 10 old enough to wotk. Ranch
and horses will be sold together or
seperate. Address.
Paulina, Or.
Or call at this office. jlO lm
' th:
Keeps on draught the celebrated
Columbia Beer, acknowledged
the best beer in The Dalles, at
the usual price. Come in, try it
and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
Stock Rani
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
General Otis Will Beerin
Operations at Onee.
New York, Sept. 11. A cpeeial to
the Heraicl from Wahinton auyt:
Considerable- protjres-a lia been
inat'e by Mujor-Geueral Oois upon the
plan of campaign i:o vvui ii.u-urui.e
uumeiiiateiv upon Hit: t't i i in. c ,;; ,.t Uie
ry st ii.-o ii . iu pivveut eiiuiliir pie-
l re partition bel! iiiuue iy int.: li,-
surgeins, an u leuoivo muvimeut by
the cumiuaiitis of Major-Generals
Lawtuu ana Morthur will begin
at once.
It tint, been expected that this move
ment would have beguu tbe lani. n k,
but evidently either the preparations
have not beeu completed or the ele
ments have prevented, for up to this
time so far as the deportment has been
advised, nothing has been done. The
officials are in hourly expectation,
however, of advices showing that the
columns under tbe command of the
officers named . have begun a now
campaign against Aguinaldo's troops.
General Otis proposes to divide the
army of 64,649 combatants, and the
mountain batteries and dynamite guns,
which he will have in December, in
to two diyisions commanded by Mc-
Arthur and Lawton. One of these
will operate to tbe north of Manila and
the other to the west and south. Each
commander will have six brigades un
der bis command, the remainder of tbe
troops being employed to garrison
Manila and other seaport towns
through which the insurgents are re
ceiving supplies. .
The navy and marine corps will be
doing effective work. It is understood
to be the intention of tbe administra
tion to enforce a blockade of Philip
pine ports. This action has been con
sidered upon recommendation of Rear
Admiral Watson, who has called at
tention to the amount of supplies
which the insurgents have teen re
ceiving. The blockade which will be
enforced to II 1 be municipal in' charac
ter, so as to prevent any of the foreign
nations seizing upon a blockade, if it
were formally declared, as a pretext
for the recognition of the Philippines
as beligerents.
The Northern Roads Have Begun Making;
Portland, Sept. ll. All the rail
roads except the Southern Pacific are
again tangled up in a passenger rate
war. '
The Northern Pacific made the initial
cut Saturday, red ucingeast-bound fares
from North Pacific coast points to
Chicago from $51.50 to $48, effective
Septemder 12. The rate promptly met
by other Northern roads.
The cut has shaken things up consid
erably in railrord row and the effect
reaches to tbe Alantic seaboard.
While the lines east of Chicago have
not made any cut, the reduction on the
Western lines enables them to make a
reduction of $1 50 to Washington, D
O; $1 to Boston and $1 to New York
The Northern Pacific openly accuses
the Great Northern of being tbe dis
turbing factor, alleging that Mr. Hill's
road for some time past had done busi
ness through scalpers and violated its
agreement to maintain tariff rates.
In retaliation the Great Northern
claims that its men had secured a
heavy business, which excited the envy
of the other roads to such an extent
that they trumped up an excuse for
reducing rates, and then make tbe re
duction. Whichever the case may be,
it is certain that there is bitter ani
mosity so far as trad? is concerned,
betwean the Great Northern and the
Northern Pacific, which promises a
wholesale slashing of rates before the
trouble is adjusted.
Recent Tests Practically Assure Adoption
of the Mauser.
Kansas City. Sept. 11. Dr. K. D.
Griffith, of this city, bas just completed
for the government an official test of
the Mauser pistol in use by German
cavalry and under consideration for
adoption by the United States. The
test was make not only with targets,
but with human cadavers also, and Dr,
Griffith says it proved at ranges from
50 to 500 yards the Mauser pistol is the
the most effective and deadly weapon
of its kind ever invented, and that up
to the maxium range tried, it is pract
ically as good as in the hands of marks
men as a Xrag-Jorgenson, a Lee or a
Mauser rifle.
The pistol fires 10 shots without
reloading, and can be emptied with
accuracy of aim in less than three
seconds. Tbe cartridges are 30 caliber,
and are propelled by smokeless nltro
power. The bullets weigh 85 grains
each and have a lead core surrounded
by a nickel-plated copper jacket. It is
said to be probably that as a result of
Dr. Griffith's tests tbe government will
adopt the Mauser pistol. '
Educate Tour Bowels With Casearets.
Onndv Cathartic, cure constimLtinn rnm...
j K)o.2&c It & C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles. Or.
Attorneys At Law.
Rooms y-19 over U. S. Land Office.
AiJments of Little People
require more careful treatment
than in the case of adults. The
juvenile eysif-m eannot stand
strorg remedies inrl is et!i!y
t-rTeei (! Iv impure drugs. fi"
sure the doctor's prescriptions
ar-f compounded accurately
Drugs of Absolut Purity
thin here '! q-i-iliry
,,f v-y!hn u-(l Iiitih
U'e e.irrv t linn of Infant's, Toilet Articles, etc.
Under the Direction
of the : : : : :
Sisters of the Holy Names
of Jesus and Mary.
THE DALLES, Wasco Co., Oregon
This Institution Is Dleasantlv situated near
the Columbia on the line of the railroad;
thence it is eusy of access for all who desire to
secure a comfortable home and a progressive
seat of learning for their daughters or wai ds.
The location of the Academy is one f the
most healthy on the Pacific slope, this portion
of Oregon being proverbial for its pure water,
bracing air and picturesque scenery. The
Academy is incorporated and authorized by
the state to confer Academic honors.
Board and tuition per scholastic year. $160.
Studies win be resumed Tuesday. Sept. 5th.
For detailed informatiun &dd1v to the Sister
Superior. july 1-2 m
Manufacturer of and Dealer In
Harness and Saddisry,
East End, Two Doors-West'Of Diamond Flour-
In.MlUs. Second Street.
All Work Guaranteed Give
Special Pricss to C :. Bayers
After June 1st, 1899, tbe following
p ices for milk will Drevail:
1 pint a day, per month ... .$1 50
1 quart " " " " .... 2 25
3 pints " ' " " .... 3 00
2 quarts" " ". " 4 00
3quarta" " " " .... 6 00
1 gallon 25c . day, two gallons or
more a day 20c per gallon.
I also keep a thoroughbred Jersey
bull for service on the Ie place, east
of tbe fair ground.
B. T. COLLINS, Prop.
Telephone 63.
First National Bank
General Banking Business Transacted
Deposits received subject to sight draft
or check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly re
mitted on day of collection.
Sight and telegraphic exchange sold on New
York, San Francisco and Portland.
J. S. Schenck.
H. M. Beau..
Oregon Viavi Co.
Room 7. over French & Co's. Batik.
Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m.
Charlotte F. Roberts,
Local Manager
Free health lecture every Thursday afternoon
tSn. m
74 Front St., The Dalles.
Tables supplied witn the best in
the market.
T o
T Parties served and lunches for
picnics and excursions
Oysters in every style.
o T
W. W. WILSON, - Manager. T
Marys Academy
s s
BOSTON and all
For information, time cards, maps a-id r, o'mik
3111 on or write. W. C. ALLAWAY. A(.eit
Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Geiiiml Pas
sentcr Acrent. No. ts Slwnwo Simv Cir
ncrof Third Street. Por-.lanrt. 1 rK?on
Bo j mi
' ii)
t o i?et Fieli?
A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced,
five miles from Antelope, for sale on
easy terms. There are 100 acreB in cul
tivation, good house, barn and other
outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of
horses, splendid spring of water, nice
young orchard bearing fruit. A popu
lar stand on the road that takes in from
flOO to $200 a month.
To be sold on reasonable terms.
Call at this office or address
my2d-w Antelope, Or.
New and
Second Hand
Furniture Store
At the Old Stand,'
Second Street, The Dalles, Ore.
Horses bought and sold on com
mission. R. B. HOOD, Prop.
University i of i Oregon
First term begins Sept 18, 1899. Ex
cellent courses in Ancient and Modern
Languages, Sciences, Mathematics etc,
Graduates from the tenth grade and
from all accredited school admitted
without examination.
Students not fully prepared to enter,
can take studies in jvhich they are de
ficient, in the Eugene City High
For catalogue and further informa
tion, address the President or Hon. J.
J. WALTON, Sec, Eugene, Oregon.
Qregon Bakery
1 : A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to furnish families.- hotels nd
restaurants with the choicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh Oysters Served in
Every Style.
Second Street, next door to The
Dalles National Bank
Sail Francisco
F. LEMKfcJ, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Beer on
Second Street, bet. Court and Union.
Successors to;j. H.-Blakery
Goods Delivered to Any Part o
the Orcy.
Hotel Brewster,
Third Street, cor. Flanders, Portland, Oregon
Hotel complete with electric lights, bells,
steam heat, bath room on each floor, elevator.
Rates: tl 00 to tl.2A per day, according to room,
meals 25 eents. Free bus to and from trains.
Jos. T. Peters & Co.,
Farm Machinery, Etc.
. Headquarters for. .
Mv. Header?, Milwank ij fliain!es
Extras for all machines we handles. If you want anything: in the
line of Agricultural Implements call on
W. A. Johnston,
This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Beer
and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and
only the first-class article will be placed on the market
East Second Street
Tbe Dalles, : Oregon
A. Ad.
... Renownef Old
90 Second Street, and
Tom Bourke's and
, Homestead whiskey.
Best Domestic Liquors Wines and Cigars
The Largest and Best of August Buohler's
Home-Made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Publishing Co., New York.
Headquarters for "
Roche Harber Lime. San Juan Lime, Trowel Brand Cement,..,
Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils.
Fruit boxes, Plum Crates Filled 7ic Cantalope Crates "
Apple Boxes 8c Pear Boxes
Peach and Tomato Boxes 4c Half Crates
From new mill and lumber
Headquarters for the sales of ,u,u
Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring : Wag n
J. I. Case Plows, Bissell Chilled Plows, Hoosler Drills,
Champioi. Mowers, Binders and Reapers,
Champion Hay Rakes, Henney Buggies.
General Commission and
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Railroad' Depot.)
Consignments Solicited- e
Prompt attention will be oald to those
Tlxe -ver37- "best
White Lily Tea and
If they do not give satisfaction, bring them i.u
back and get your money.
lw.&a wi
Sold only by C. S. Smith, East End Groce
For Pure, Fresh GROCERIES, call up 'Phone
o7fi t,TiA fV.ov will hfi delivered at vour door. iii..oW,
4 V j UUV " 1
,nd Columbia Mowers and Hodge Rakes
The Dalles, Oregon
Oro Fino Saloon
door from Court Stree,
5 ? ,J
.i i
Forwarding Mercki
ii ...1
11 I.J..
who favor we with their patronage',
77 i. .I
Clover Lawn Butte;,;.;
- '