The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, September 09, 1899, Image 1

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PorlluuJ Library
Minx r.tXBRK. Velame XXXV
NO. 30
This Is What General
Lee Advises.
Chicago, Sept. 1. A special to the
Times-Herald from Washington says
General Fitznueh Lee bas made an
elaborate report on prevailing coodi
V lions in the territory in Cnba under
'bis jurisdiction, and takes strong
ground for an independent Cuban gov
ernment under an American protec
( torate. The war department in March
: directed the commanders" of the de
partments in Cuba to make a ' report
on the conditions of their several
sections, and to accompany it with
recommendations as to the treatment
of the natives. General Lee is the
only commander who bas so far re'
General Lee begins his report stat
ing conditions in Havana and Pinar
del Bio provinces are making rapid
progress toward a state of peace, good
order and prosperity. He goes into
this in great detail, taking: up the
subject town by town, and showing a
general improvement throughout the
western end of the island. His report
in this retpect is very gratifying, in
dicating as it does that there is not so
much suffering: from want of food as is
often reported in unofficial reports.
' Turning: to recommendations, Gen
eral Lee urges the taking of self-go v
ernment. General Lee thinks that
the next steps should be the careful
consideration of the question of suf
frages for the Cubans. He takes it for
granted that there will be elections by
the natives, and he points out the im
porta oce of wise action in determining
the qualifications of voters.
Be recommends an independent re
publican government, with a president,
vice-president and a congress. He
would have this established soon, and
advises the holding of a general elec
tion for the selection of those officers.
He says nothing about a constitution,
leaving it to be inferred that he either
overlooked that step or would have it
left to the Cuban congress to provide
after its installation in office.
General Lee evidently foresees that
while the United States might provide
Cuba with a model system of govern
ment, the natives would be-likely to
spoil it in the administration and he
has submitted suggestions for keeping
the government machinery running
along lines that commend themselves
to '.ho American mind.
Even after relieving the Cubans in
part of American protection he 'would
nave United States troops maintained
in the island to protect American and
other aliens in the enjoyment of their
personal and property rights.
Better Time Now Maae In Omltllla County
Than Brer Before.
Pendleton, Or. Sept. 1. By the
introduction of the big now pattern of
threshers the work of separating grain
from the straw has undergone a change
in this country. A few years ago a
good day's work ot threshing was 1500
' to 1800 bushels. Now there are thresh
ing machines at work that turn out
r from 1500 to to 2000 sacks, according to
the condition of the straw. When the
straw is a trifle tough, the day's work
is only about 1500 sacks, or more than
3000 bushels. When the straw is in
prime condi Jon, dry, the big machines
threash 2000 sacks every day they are
in operation.
Two thousand sacks will make on the
average about 4350 bushels, as the sacks
overrun two bushels considerably.
The combine harvesters, which cut,
thresh and sacks the grain as the ma
chine moves along the field, get away
with 80 acres in a day, which is equal
on an average of 25 bushels to the acre,
to 2000 bushels. The big stationary
threshers, separating ZOUU sacks In a
day, are disposing of one quarter of
section of land.
This Will be the Outcome of the Domini,
can Be volution.
New York, Sept. 1. A dispatch to
the Herald from Santo Domingo says
There is little doubt that Jimmines
will succeed to the presidency as soon
as he arrives. The peace and tran
quility which pervade the city are in
marked contrast with the conditions
that existed a few days ago and show
how popular the revolution is with the
masses. Apparently the entire h land
is satisfied that the change in govern
ment promises improved conditions.
The newspapers all urge moderation
on the part of the revolutionists and
advise all citizens to refrain from dis'
Figuereo was permitted to reach
home unmolested, and the revolution
ists everywhere are behaving with the
utmost moderation, even going so far
as to pay for the property -aken and
supplies used. It is believed that all
fighting is over ana that with the ar
rival of the leaders of the revolution
on Sunday to take charge or the gov
ernment all cause fur alarm will have
been removed.
Yesterday was the climax to the
government. Ine government was
powerless to retard the progress of the
revolution. Word had come that all
the principal towns in the interior on
the north side had gone over. Added
to this bad come news that anotner
hurricane was forming and that the
United States cruiser New Orleans
would have to put to sea and that the
foreign residents would be left to the
mercy of the revolutionists.
Business was practically at a stand
still and chaos reigned. People dared
not stir from their homes at night.
In this dilemma came Figuereo's an
nouncement that he would resign in
order to prevent bloodshed and at
once the situation changed.
Transvaal Excited.
Capetown, Sept. 1. Reports re
lieved here from various outlying dis-
tricts of the Transvaal describe them
as being in a state of excitement. The
burgbei s, it is said, are watching the
developments keenly, but the majority
of them hope for a peaceful settlemen
of the crisis.
There is a general exodus of British
subjects from the large towns. Orders
have been issued to commanders and
field coronets to have themselves and
the burghers in readiness in the even
of an outbreak.
Gave China an Ultimatum.
London. Sept. 1. A dispatch from
Shanghai reports that trouble occurred
in Kiao Chou Hinterland, between the
Germans and Chinese in which six of
the latter were shot. The German
minister to China bas handed an ulti
matum to the Chinese government de
daring that unless there is security of
life and property -and order is main
tained in Hinterland. Germany will
take steps to protect her own interests
Goodrich Takes the Iowa.
San Francisco, Sept. 1. Captian
C. F. Goodrich, of the cruiser Newark,
has been detached from that command,
and today will assume command of the
battleship Iowa, releiving Captian
Terry, who is ordered home on waiting
orders. At the time the command of
the Newark will devolve upon Captian
B. H. McCalla. It is expected that
Captian Terry will soon be promoted
to the rank of rear-admiral.
Sampson to be Kelleved.
Washington, Sept. 1. At the con
elusion of the Dewey celebration, it is
announced, Admiral Sampson will be
relieved of command of the North
Atlantic squadron. This action is
taken at the request of Sampson, who
has already bad much more than his
portion of sea service in his grade.
Admirals Farquuar and Remey are
prominently mentioned as Sampson's
Burglary at Cornelius.
Cornelius, Or., Sept. 1. Burglars
broke into the saloon of G. A. Brinn
last night and stole some goods. The
cash register was broken open, but
the burglars got no money, for it was
empty. Tbey took a quantity or
whisky and some cigars and sardines.
a Millions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the pub
lic to know of one concern in the land
who are not afraid to be generous to
the needy and suffering. The proprie
tors of Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, Coughs and Colds, nave
given away over ten million trial bot
tles of this great medicine; and have
the satisfaction of knowing it has ab
solutely cured thousands of hopeless
cases. Asthma, Droucmtis, noarae-
ness and all diseases of the throat,
chest and lungs are surely cured by it.
Call on Blakeley &, Houghton, drug
gists, and get a free trial bottle. Regu
lar size 50 cents and $1.00. Eyery bot
tle guaranteed, or price refunded.
Brave Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons
in the blood, backache, nervousness,
headache and tired listless, rundown
feeling. But there is no need to feel
like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner,
Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric
Bitters are just the thing for a man
when he is all run down, and don't
care whether he lives or dies. It did
more to give me new strength and
good appetite than anything I could
take. I can now eat anything and
have a new lease on life." Only 50
cents, at Blakeley & Houghton's drug
store. Every bottle guaranteed.
How is Tour WUeT
Has she lost her beauty? If so, con
stipation, indigestion, eick headache
are the principal causes. Karl's Clover
Root Tea has cured these ills for half
a century. Price 2o cts. and 50 cts.
Money refunded if results are not
satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton
Do Ton &bov
Consumption is preventable? Science
has proven that, and also that neglect
is suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure. Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years. Blake
ley & Houghton, druggist?.
Tell Tour Sister.
A Beautiful Complexion 1b an impose!-
dility without good pure blood, the
sort tout only exists in connection
with good digestion, a healthy liver
and bowels. Karl's Glover Root Tea
acts directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys keeping them in perfect health
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Does This Strike loaf
Muddy complexions, nauseating
breath come from chronic consump
tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an
absolute cure and has been sold for
fifty years on an absolute guaranteo.
Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake
ley & Houhton, druggists.
Morgan City Aground.
Washington, Sept. 4. The quart
ermaster of the Morgan City, aground
near Nagaskai, Japan, cables the war
department that all troops are landed
afely. The transports Ohio will take
her troops to Manila.
f Small Annoyances
fret and worry '
one. Sour milk 1
overnight; no
milkman in the
morning ; no
cream for the ,
coffee; no milk i
for the baby.
is always available. Has stood
first for forty years.
Send for Book oa " BabiM."
Gail Borden
Eagle Brand
Probably All the Reserve
Will Be Closed.
Washingson, Sept. 3. Tho secre
tary of the interior has canceled the 68
permits that have beemgranted sheep
men to graze within the Rainier forest
reservation, Washington, and here
after all sheep will be excluded from
the reservation. The 68 permits
reDreaent 260.000 sheep now on the
reservation. In making his exclusion
order, the secretary said: "The grant
ing of such permits was not in con
formity, but rather intereferei with
the objects, for which reservations are
created." For this reason he declined
to sanction such permits. It was
mainly through the instrumentality of
Commissioner Hermann that these
permits were granted in the first place,
they coming from the general land
office. Hermann has been of the
opinion that sheep-grazing in the open
areas of forest reservations was not
niurious to the forests, but special
agents of the interior department
have made extensive investigations
and reported to the contrary.
Secretary Wilson, of the agricultural
department, strenuously opposed sheep
grazing on reservations, ana in toe
face of such opposition the sheep will
have to go. This decision of Secretary
Hitchcock is but a precedent, aud it
will ba only a matter of time before
Bheep are excluded from all the forest
reserves of the country including' the
great Cascade reserve in Oregon. The
secretary is convinced that sheep kill
the young growth of trees, shrubs and
grass, and therefore will exclude them.
Members of Retiring Cabinet Planning
Another Revolution.
New York, Sept. 3. A dispatch to
the Herald from Santo Domingo says:
Members of the retiring cabinet of ex-
President Figuero haye been detected
stowing a lot of arms and ammunition
on board schooners which they intend
ed sending to Azua. This discovery
caneed great excitment in the city and
led to serious demonstration. Large
crowds quickly formed in the streets,
majority being young, hot-headed
men who marched up and down the
thoroughfares in disorderly mobs,
houthing t'Viva Jimenes," and "Viva
revolution" at the top of their voices.
A great throng finally gathered
around the governor's palace, angrily
demanding that the ministers should
relinquish airtheir powers: "The mob
then broke into the palace and destroy
ed a painting of the late President
Heureaux, hanging in one of the rooms.
From the palace the mob marched to
the residences of several members of
the cabinet and began burling stones
through the windows, after smashing
the shutters. The governor appeared
powerless and made no effort to curb
the disorder.
These riotous demonstrations con
tinued until midnight when the frigh
tened and helpless ministers announced
that they would turn over their power
to men to be selected by the citizens.
Four citizens were promptly chosen by
the mob to act as a committe of safety,
and it was agreed that this committee
should act in concert with governor
Mejio until the members of the pro
visional government arrive and take
control of affaira. Then the mob
dispersed after tiring maay shots but
without injuring any person.
Jimenes cabled that his emissaries
would soon arrive here and that he
would follow them. Jimenes is popular
n this city, but the mass are fickle and
will desert him on the slightest pro
vocation. The popular idol just now
is Caceres, who has assumed the office
of minister of war.
Guy Parker Severely Stabbed by
AN ATONE, Wash., Sept. 3. At a
dance Friday evening, held to celebrate
the completion of the Inland Tele
phone Company's line to this place
from Asotin, a disturbance occurred
between Guy Parker, of Asotin, and
Press Montgomery, of Wallowa, Or.
Parker received several bad wounds
the fleshy part of the left leg near
the groin, and one stab in the back of
the neck. He.was unconscious for a
while. He was carried into the hotel
and word was sent to Dr. J. B. Morris
son, of Lewiston, wno arrived a few
hours later and dressed the wounds.
While one of the wounds is very bad,
the doctor intimated that, with per
fect quiet and proper nursing the
chances were favorrble for the patient
pulling through all right.. Sheriff
VVormell went to the scene of .the
trouble, but Montgomery had skirped
Tralnrobber Richardson Escapes. -
Salem, Sept. 3. George E. Richard
son, the trainwrecker, escaped from the
penitentiary last night. Richardson,
who bad been a trusty for about five
months, deliberately walked away
from the institution. He was received
July 7, 1893, for eight years. He is 30
years ol.l. He had only seven months
of his trusty time to serve. A reward
of $100 is offered for his capture.
Kow Between Strikers and Repair Gangs
Resulting in One Death.
WILKESRARRE, fa. Sept. 3. As a
result of a fight between strikers at a
colliery in West Pittston and a repair
gang, John Pollock was . shot and
killed, William Thayer seriously in
jured and about eight men hurt. About
500 men are involved in the strike.
which has been in operation nearly
six weeks. A large number of deputy
constables are guarding the mine
The strikers are worked up to a high
pitch of excitement and threaten ven
geance. All of them are armed, and it
would not take much provocation to
start a general riot. Sheriff Harvey
will take precautions to preaerye the
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
peace. The officials ot the company
say it was absolutely necessary to send
men into the mine, as the heavy fall
of top rock threatens to do great dam
age, and had not repairs been made at
once, the loss would nave run into
thousands of dollars. It is said the
strikers warned the few "company
hands" who had remained loyal to
their employes that the first one who
entered the mine to work would be a
marked man.
Insurgents Attack Angeles.
Manila, Sept. 3, The insurgents
made an unsuccessful attempt early
yesterday morning to drive Colonel
Smith, s command out of Angeles with
artillerj, the tirst time they have at.
tempted to use this arm for months.
They brought two Krupp guns from
Poracand fired eight shrapnels at the
town at dawn. Only a few of the shells
exploded, and, the aim of the gunners
being bad, no damage wa9 done. Lieu
tenant Kenley's guns of the First ar
tillery were brought into action im
mediately and soon drove the enemy
from their position.
At 4:30 o'clock this morning a small
party of rebels fired into Guada, which
is held by two companies of the Ninth
regiment, supported by the gunboat
Lagune de Bay. One native resident
was wounded. The enemy was driven
off by infantry fire and the guns of the
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar
coated globule of health, that changes
weaknee9 into strength, listlessnessl
into energy, brain-fag - into mental
power. They're wonderful in building
up the health, only zoc per dox.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
Argogula Taken.
Manila, Sept. 3. Argogula, the
the most impregnable stronghold of
the bands which have been destroying
plantations and levying tribute on the
people of Nfgros, was taken Thursday
by the Sixth infantry, under Lieuten
ant-Colonel Byrne. .The .only means
of reaching the town was up a perpen
dicular hill, covered with dense
shrubbery and 1000 feet high. The
Americans accomplished this under
fire, although an officer and several
men were hit and rocks were rolled
down upon them. The native strength
was estimated at 400. Many of the
rebels were wounded and captured
and 21 were killed. The American
forces captured a quantity of stores
and destroyed the fortifications.
Red Hot From the tiun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman,
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil war.
It caused horrible ulsers that no treat
ment helped for 20 years. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him.
Cures cuts, bruises, burnes, boils.
felons corns, SKin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. 25 cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
Declared For Jimenes.
Porto Plata, Santo Domingo, Sept
3. Santo Domingo City, the capital,
has deel ared for Jimenes. Telegraphic
postal and railroad.communication has
been restored without censorship
throughout the country. The members
of the provisionel government have
left Santiago for the capital.
Kruger Withdraws His Coneessions to
Great Britlan.
London, Sept. 4. A dispatch from
Johannesburg definitely announces the
reply of the Transvaal republic to the
British communication. It withdraws
the franchise proposal and agrees to a
conference at Cape Town.
The reply of the Transvaal republic
to the command of Great Britian in
creases the term of years residence
necessary to obtain the franchise.
The afternoon papers take the view
that if the forgoing dispatch is correct
Kruger's reply is ominous, as it was
palpably made to gain time. Sir
Alfred Milcer's suggestion of a further
conference with Cape Town was insti
gated with the sole purpose of consider
ing the details and government con
cessions offered by the Boers. If the
concessions are withdrawn there can
be no object from a British point of
view for parleing any longer. The
inference to be drawn is that the Boers
have taken Chamberlain in a broader
sense than he intended and they now
want to begin negotiations over again
on a new basis.
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in
this countrv. "Disease fastened its
clutches upon ber and for seven years
she withstood its severest tests, but
her vital organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent, for three
months she coughed incessantly, and
could not sletMi. she hoally discovered
a wav to recovery, by purchasing of
- 1 . .-1 n.. L-inj'a Van. nonir.
erv for Consumption, and was so much
relieved on taking first dose, that she
sleDt all night; and with two bottles
has been absolutely cured, her name is
Mrs. Luther Lut-z.' Thus writes W
C. Hamick & Co., of Shelby, N. C.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug s tc re. Regular size ouc and
$1.00.. Every bottle guaranteed.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath by its action on the
bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold
foi years on absolute guarantee. Price
25 cts. , and 50 cts. Blakeley & Hough'
ton, druggists.
President Has One For
Governing Islands.
New York, Sept. 4. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
There is good authority for the state
ment that the president has returned
to Washington with these genera!
ideas uppermost in his mind as to his
future course in relation to the new
The Philippines Civil government
by three commissioners to supplement
military rule immediately after the
rebellion is crushed.
Cuba Continued military control
until it is determined by means of a
general election whether the inhabi
tants want independence or annexa
tion. If independence, the new gov
ernment elected will be recognized by
the United States and will be giyen
encouragement and every opportunity
to establish its stability. If annexa
tion, the president will be governed
by the sentiment of American citizens
as it may then exist.
Porto Rico Civil government of the
territorial form, similiar to that
which prevails in Arizona.
Hawaii Territorial form of eover-
ment as recommended by the Hawaiian
commission and as provided for in a
measure now pending in congress.
Some weeks will elapse before the
president settles down to the actual
preparation of his message, but
he has . returned, from his
vacation with some well defined
yiews as to the difficult problems
which confront him and will immedi
ately commence discussions of the de
tails with the members of his cabinet.
It has been generally supposed that
with the war still in progress in the
Philippines the president would avoid
committing himself to recommenda
tions of the future government of the
islands, but such will not probably be
the case. His Pittsburg speech leaves
no room for doubt that he will insist
upon American control of the Philip
pines. To this extent he has come out
squarely and thrown down the gaunt
let to the anti-expansionists.
Mr. McKinley not only fayors the
permanent control but is prepared
with all the forces at command to
fight for it, but to avoid the charge of
militarism, and that in his reason for
making the . recommendations, he
purposes outlining a plan to congress
for submitting a civil form of govern
ment for the military the moment
peace 4s oo tained and the complete
supremacy 'ol the United States estab
Gambling House Balded and Considerable
Money Stolen.
Spokane, Sept. 4. The first gamb
ling house hold-up in Spokane since
the exciting cleaning out of the Le
Roi a year ago, happened at 3:45 o'clock
Su fnl ay morning in Harry Green's
gambling hall. Two masked men with
four heavy caliber guns robbed the
place of about $1700 in gold, silver and
bills. They escaped unmolested
through rear hallways and by the back
During the pursuit Policeman Gem-
mriz was mortally wounded. An ex
convict named Frank Fair, age 23
years, has been arrested on suspicion.
Harry Green is hugging himself be
cause hold-up men neglected to take
from the safe, which they looted, a tin
document box containing $3,500 in $20
gold pieces, jewelry to the value of
$1,000, $350 in paper money, $500 in
checks and $1,000 in certificates of de
posit, a total wealth of $6,550. The
robber who went through the safe
tucked this box under his arm, hesitat
ed and set it down on the floor evidently
not caring to be encumbered by its
weight and size.
Thousands of Veterans.
Philadelphia, Sept. 4. With the
arrival today of Acting Commander-in-chief
Johnston, the thirty-third na
tional encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic was formally inaugu
rated. Colonel Johnston was accom
panied by the post of Cincinnati and
several bands of music. Every in
coming train Is bringing its quota of
veterans and visitors and the streets
are thronged.
Camp James A. Sexton in Fair-
mount Park, was formally opened at
6 a. m. today with the firing of the
national salute and unfurling of the
Stars and Stripes over the headquart
ers of Colonel MacGinnis, who is in
charge of the camp.
Dewey at Glbralter.
Gibraltar, Sept. 4. The Uuited
States cruiser Olympia, with Admiral
Dewey on board, arrived this morning.
The usual salutes were exchanged be
tween the Olympia and the garrison.
Dewey is slightly indisposed at present
and intends to live ashore.
During his stay here this afternoon
Dewey went ashore and paid a visit to
General Sir Robert Biddulph, governor
and commander-in-chief of the garri
son. The Olympia is expected to sail
September 11th direct (or New York,
The crew are all well.
Kruger Is Weakening.
Pretoria, Sept. 4. The reply of the
Transvaal government to the imperial
government's last dispatch bas been
received by Conyngham Green, the
British agent here. It is understood
that the government is willing to meet
the other side in a conference at Cape
Town, as suggested, and to explain the
working of the new franchise law,
The Transvaal government is also
willing to receive the friendly suggest
ion of the imperial government. A
more hopeful feeling prevails here.
General Strike of Seamen.
London, Sept. 4. A general strike
of seamen and steamer firemen was
declared today, the shipowners refus'
ing to accept the seamen's and fire
men's union for conference. At South
' Shields 2,000 men have gone out. It is
not likely the strike will be completely
organized for several days. The
manifesto of the union men ordering
the strike including all ports in the
United Kindom. The basis of their
demands is a few shillings more per
One American Killed.
Manila, Sept. 24. Five men of
Colonel Bell's regiment yesterday en
countered a rebel outpost near Porac,
and, in the fighting which ensued, one
American was killed and another
wounded. The remainder drove the
rebels from their position and captured
a bull cart in which to remove the in
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheent & Co , Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transact'
ions and financially able to carry out any obli
gations made by their firm.
West & Tbcax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo
WALDiNG, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfacesof the system. Testimonials sent free
Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or.
Attorneys At Law.
Rooms 39-40 over U. S. Land Office.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon f o
Wasco county.
H. S. Wilson, as receiver of The Dalles National
Bank of Dalles City, Oregon, a corport'"7i,
A. N. Varney and Alice Varney, defendan .
By virtue of an execution, decree and order
of salQ, duly issued out of and under the
seal 6t the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Wasco, to me directed
and dated the 35th day of July. 189. upon
a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mort
gage, in favor of plaintiff and against said de
fendents. and judgment rendered and entered
in said Court In the above entitled cause, in
favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendant,
A. N. Varnuyas judgment debtor, in the sum
of three-hun 'red and eighteen dollars ($318.00).
with interest thereon from the 4th day of
Sedtember, 1899. at the rate of ten (10) per cent
per annum, and the further sum of thirty-flve
(135.00) dollars, as attorney's fees, and the fur
ther sum of twelve dollars, costs, and the costs
of and upon this writ, and commanding me to
make sale of the real property embraced in
Siich decree of foreclosure and hereinafter
described: said decree and judgment having
been rendered and entered on the sza day or
May, 11S99. I will, on the
11th day of September, 1899,
At the hour ot 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of
said day, and at the front door of the County
Court house, in Dalles City. Wasco County,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand. all the right, title and in
terest which the defendants A. N. varney and
Alice L. Varney, or either of them had on the
4th day of April, 1892, the date of the mortgage
foreclosed herein, or which such defendants or
any of the defendants herein, have since ac
quired, or now have in and to the following de
scribed real property, situate and being in
wasco uouncy. uregon, to wit:
Lot E. in block No. 9, of the Fort Dalles
Military Reservation of Dalles City, Wasco
County. Oregon, or so much of said property
as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with
costs and accruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject to confir
mation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 26th day of
July, 1899.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
U. S. Land Office, I
The Dalles, Or., July 20, 1899. (
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this office by Ed. S. Beach, contestant.
against homestead en,try No. 6301. made August
J3, lour, lor sa qr ne qr ami iulh i , z, mm o ui
section 5, township 3 s, range 12 e, by Bert fl.
Leonard, contestee. in which it is alleged that
said Bert H. Leonard left the said tract more
than a vear since, and went to Seattle, state
of Washington, and never returned to the state
oi Oregon, ne is a marnea man, mat ne nor
hfc family ever resided on said tract, and no
fencing or buildings are od the said tract, and
no residence was ever maintained thereon,
that such failures still exist, said parties are
hereby notified to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock
a. m. on September. 9, 1899, before the register
and receiver at the United States Land Office
in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant
having, in a proper affidavit, filed July 18th,
1H99, set forth facts which show that alter due
diligence, personal service of this notice can
not be made, it is nereoy oraereu ana aireciea
that such notice be given by due and proper
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Solomon Houser,
deceased, has filed his final account and report
in said estate with the clerk of the county court
of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, and
that Tuesday, the 5th day of Seutember. at the
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon ef said day,
has been fixed as the time and the county court
room In the oounty court house in Dalles City,
Wasco county, Oregon, has been fixed as the
place for hearing said final account and report.
All persons interested in said estate are hereby
notified to appear at said time and place and
show cause, if any there be. why said report
should not be approved and allowed, and an
order made releusing the undersigned as ad
ministrator of said estate and exonoratiug his
Dated this 3d day of August. 1899.
' Administrator of the estate of Solomjn
Houser, deceased. jy5-5t
Notice is hereby given that Geo. A. Liebe,
executor of the estate of Richard G. Closter,
deceased, has filed in' the office of the county
clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, his final ac
count and report in the matter of said estate,
and that the Honorable Robert Mays, County
Judge of said County, has ordered that said
final account and report and the settlement of
the said estate, as well as any objections there
to, shall be heard at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
on the 3rd day of July, 1899. the same being the
regular July term of said Court for the year
Said hearing, settlement and objections, li
any, will be heard pursuant to s::id order in the
county court room in the court bouse of said
county at Dalles City. Oregon.
This notice is given by order of the Hon.
Robert Mays, Judge of the County Court of the
State or Oregon, for Wasco County, of date
May 26th., 1899.
Dated June 3rd., 1899.
Executor of the estate of Richard G. Closter,
Executor's Notice of Finat Set
tlement. Notice is hereby giv;n that John R. Doyle,
executor of the estate of Mary Doyle, deceased,
has filed his final account and report in said es
tate, and that Monday, the 4th day of Septem
ber, 1899, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the county court room in the county
court house of Wasco county, in Dalles City,
in Wasco county. Oregon, has been appointed
as the time and place for the hearing of said
final report and accounting, and objections
thereto, if any there be.
This notice is published by order of the Hon.
Robert Mays, count) judge of said county, of
date August 4 18W.
Dated August 5, 1899.
Executor of the estate of Mary Doyle, de
ceased. Jy55t
oreeoii soart Lms Beiiroen
The direct -route to
Montana rah l Vn.rn
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
the Union Pacific Fast 'Mail Line, or
the Rio Grande Scenic Lines.
13 Days to SALT LAKE
2 Days to DENVER
3 Days to CHICAGO
4 Days to NEW YORK
Free Reclining Chair Cars, Uphol
stered Tourist SleeDing Cars, and
Pullman Palace Sleepers, operated on
all trains.
For further information apply to
JAS. IRELAND. Agent O. R. & N. Co.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent
124 Third St.. Portland, Or
Mrs. Tackman's
..Green House
Near East Hill School,
Supplies all kinds of bedding
plants, roses, carnations, ger
aniums, etc. Cut flowers for
weddings and funerals ar
ranged in artistic designc ai d
on sbort notice.
Visitors always welcome.
Mrs. A. H. Tackman, Prop.
Telephone 74
Butchers I Farmers
Keeps on draught tbe celebrated
Columbia Beer, acknowledged
tbe best beer in Tbe Dalles, at
the usual price. Come in, try It
and be convinced. Also tbe
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
Sail Francisco
F. LEMKH, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Beer on
Second Street, bet. Court and Union.
Baldwin f
74 Front St., The Dalles. X
Tables supplied witn the best in $
the market.
I 0
X Parties served and lunches for J
picnics and excursions
T prepared. X
Oysters in every style.
W. W. WILSON, - Manager,
New and
Second Hand
Furniture Store
At the Old Stand,
Second Street, The Dalles, Ore.
Horses bought and sold on con
mission. R. B. HOOD, Prop.
Do you
to get jpicli?
A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced,
five miles from Antelope, for sale on
easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul
tivation, good house, barn and other
outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of
horses, splendid spring of water, nice
young orchard bearing fruit. A popu
lar stand on the road that takes in from
$100 to f 200 a month.
To be sold on reasonable terms.
Call at this office or address
my2d-w 'Antelope, Or.
480 acres, well Improved, located in
the best range county in Eastern Ore
gon 250 head 9t borses well bred
Clnyelad Bay, Clydesdale and Shire,
one imported Sbire stallion, 50 grown
geldinps. 30 large dry mares, 30 young
mules, 10 old enough to wotk. Ranch
and horses will be sold together or
seperate. Address.
Paulina, Or.
Or call at this office. jlO lp
Slock Ranch
Jos. T. Peters k Co.,
Farm Machinery, Etc.
Headquarters for
Hodge Headers, Milwaukee Chainlesj and C'rtumljia Mowers and Hodge Rakes
Extras for all machines we handle. If you want anything: In the
line of Agricultural Implements call on
W. A. Johnston, - The Dalles, Oregon
teal Commission and
391. 393 KND 395 SECOND STREGT.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will be paid to those who favor me with their patronage
Carries the Best and Choicest
..Vegetables and Fruits..
Direct from the gardens t
and orchards
Chickens Dressed or Alive.
Free Delivery to any part of the City.
Call up Phone 12 and place your orders
any time during the day. ......
J. A. Tarnaby &
Headquarters for
Roche Harber Lime. San Juan
Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash
Fruit boxes, Plum Crates Filled 7ic
i i x fU
Peach and Tomato Boxes 4c Half Crates 00
From new mill and lumber
Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring : Wagons
J. I. Case Plows, Blssell Chilled Plows, Hoosler Drills,
Cbampioi Mowers, Binders and Reapers,
Champion Hay Rakes, Henney Buggies.
J It will be our
Line of
And we invite
to our stock
Butler Drug; Com'y.
Successors to Snipes-Kmersly Drug Co. '
Corner Court and Frjont Streets,
Carries Everything to tie Found in a First-Class Liquor Store.
Whiskey from $3.00 per Gallon and Up.
The Celebrated Colombls Brewery Beer oa Tap
Forwardins Merchant
Co., Proprietors
Sz. CO.
Lime, Trowel Brand Cement,
and Doors, Paints and Oils.
Cantalope Crates Jo t
Pmt Rniei ......10
for the sales of
aim to cairny a 2
0" 2(
your atttention
of .... '.