porllnud LibMr v M VTAIXKKK. VtlneXXXT jcONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER2, 1899. NO. 35 tllKS-XOPXTAIXGEB. IDEA OF THE BOERS Think British Plan One of Conquest. is New York, "Aug 25. Georpe Van Sciecle, a lawyer of this city, has re' ceived an interesting- letter from Gen eral Jourbet, commander in chief of the South African Republic, in which the general says: "Your letter is at band, I am clad to learn that a person can still be found and that too in the United States, who thinks the Transvaal may be in the right. It 19 impossible to dispel from the minos of the Boers the idea tbat Chamberlain has been involved with Rhodes in the raid and ravages of Jameson upon the republic in 1896 and that it is this failure that lies in his throat,, lump so hard that he is un able to swallow it, and because of this he uses as a false pretence to declare war against us the asserted grievences of tbe (Jitlanders. But it is really in order that he may annihilate our small people and annex our country." 8UMHABI TKK6ENCE. Cowboys Dealt Out Justice to Human . Brute ENGLE, N. M.t Aug. 25. W. J. Spralding, a wealthy cattleman, con trolling stock interests in Chloride, was killed by cowboys near Fairview in revenge for bis murderous assault up on Miss Nellie McKinstry. Spralding without provocation made'a threaten ing remark to the woman as he was riding by, both being on horseback, and following It up by firing a revolver at her point blank. Tbe shot took ef fect in the woman's neck and she fell from her horse. Cowboys near by started after Sprald ing, who emptied his revolver at them. A fusilade from Winchesters in tbe hands of the pursuers brought Sprauld ing to the ground with six bullets in his body and head. He died almost instantly. The injured woman came herefrom Marion, Ind.,toact as house keeper for Spralping. She will recover. No cause for the trouble is known. revolutionary movement having de veloped a high organization command ing popularity and exciting enthusiasm throughout the republic, even in tbe interior and the capital Santiago, it is alleged, is preparing to declare in favor of Jiminez, San Dominago alone is loyal, buteven there revolutionary demonstration have been forceible suppressed. Negroes Want a Job. Washington, Aug. 25. Great pressure has been brought to bear on the administration to organize a colored regiment for service in the Philippines. The matter is still under consideration. It is understood if a regiment is organized it will be officer ed by colored men. Feace-at-any-Price People. Mystic, Conn., Au?. 25. Three thousand ' eople attended tbe annual meeting of the Universal Peace union and th 3 Connecticut Pease society to day. At the afternoon session the principal address wad by William Lloyd Garrison, who took for bis theme, ,sNo Compromise With War." Six Beglments to Move Washington. Aug. 27. Orders were issued vesterclav directing the Thirtieth volunteers, commanded by Colonel Gardiner, to move from Fort Sheridan to San Francisco, September 10. Orders were also issued moving the Thirty-second infantry commanded by Colonel Craig, from Fort Leaven worth to San Francisco, Septeaber 20. The four regiments which were pre viously ordered to move are making active nrenarations to leave. The Thirty-first is leaving Fort Thomas, Kv.. todav: the Thirtv-fourth will leave Fort Logan Colo., on the 28th the Twenty-seventh will leave Camp Meade, the 29th, and the Twenty-sixth will leave Piattsburg, September 5. These regiments will sail from San Francisco as soon as transports can be provided. ng in Parts. New YOEK, Aug. 25. Dispatches from Paris to the Evening Journal says there was serious rioting between the anti-Dreyfusitiesand friends of Dreyfus in Rue Lafayette, St. Denis, in which 12 persons were badly hurt The police charged upon tbe rioters and made many arrests. RACE WAR IN GEORGIA The Militia Is Rounding" up Rioters. - Anthracite Miners Meet. WrLKESBURG, Pa. Aug. 25. Tbe United States Mine workereof America are endeavoring to organize tbe an thracite miners, whose union collapsed 20 years ago. A convention was held here lust night with delegates present, from Lackawanna. Luzere, Columbia, Scbu.. kill and Carbon counties. John Mir.-hull thn national nreaidnnt nf thn union mineworkere, of Indianapolis, was present, as was also tbe national secretary, A. F. Pearce. Mr Mitchel addressed the delegates at length and "urged them to follow in tbe footsteps of the bituminous miners and organize. It is understood that the United Mine-workers will aid financially the new men now on strike In the an thracite region. California Troops Borne. San Francisco, Aug. 25. The California regimeut landed from tbe transport Sherman today and marched to tbe Presidio. As this was tbe San Francisco home regiment tbe demon stration exceeded in enthusiasm the reception accorded other regiments. There were fully 100,000 strangers in town. The troops marched to tbe Presidio escorted by tbe Third artillery, the Colorado regimentand the national guard. Immense crowds lined tbe streets for miles and gave tbe volun teers a royal welcome home. Work of the American Army. London, Aug. 25. A Labuan cor respondent of. tbe Reiter telegraph nMAann AaKlaa lh. ..alinHlA noma received there direct from Manila says an indescribable state of anarchy pre vails. Americans, according to those advices, occupy a radius of 100 miles there; around Ilo Ilo.they occupy a radius of nine miles and around Cebu they occupy a small radius. The rest of tbe country, it is said, is in the hands of the Filipinos. Tbe correspon dent also says it is reported that tbe .Filipinos murdered the crew of the B.AomAi. Snt.npnna. whfoh wan heafthed nnder the insurgents trenches at San Fernando and burned August 2. i Transport Ohio at Manila. Washington, Aug. 25. The follow ing has been received at tbe war de partment: s . ' . 'Manila Aug 25. The transport Ohio arrived this morning; no"casual ties. Five sick men left at Honolulu Otis " The transport Ohio sailed from San Francisco July 26 with companies C and L, Nineteenth infantry, and recruits, 11 officers and 726 men. Colonial Questions. Washington, Aug. 25. It is believ ed in higher quarters here that many of the imported questions relating to Porto Rico will be left to congress to deal with instead of being settled by excutive action. One of the9e relates to the free exchange of commodities between Porto Rico and this country. This is said to have been considered at the recent conference at Lake Chain plain, but the impression is grow ing among those usually well informed that favorable consideration was not to the proposed plan. BeTolutlonists Save the Best of It. Cape Haytien, Aug. 25. Severe fighting took place yesterday and Wednesday In the neighborhood of Monto iCbristo, Santo Domingo, be tween the government forces and the revolutionists. It is said the former lost heavily while the latter only suf fered a slight loss. Tbe revolutionises are reported to be continually receiv ing reinforcements. Dominican Revolutionists. Kingston, Aug. 25. Dominican mall dispatches just received declare that instead of the revolution being invertebrate through lack of organiza tion and activity, the government of an Domingo It really paralyzed, the Darien, Ga., Aug. 27. The round up of riotous negroes In Mclntosb county by the militia yesterday re sulted in the surrender of Henry Dele gal, the murderer of Deputy Sheriff Townsend, and the location for future arrest of Delegal's brother, and tbe woman directly implicated in the kill ing. Delegal's surrender was made to Lieutenant Wood, in charge of a de tachment of 30 Savannah soldiers stationed 15 miles iu the country to back up tbe sheriff's posse, who were scouring tbe swamps. I he arrest of Dulegal and the arrival of reinforcements for the militia seem to have broken the backbone of the de fiance of tbe law by the negroes. A whole regiment of troops is now on duty in and about Darien, under com mand of Colonel Lawton, but it is not believed there will be further bloodshed. There are still several ring leaders of the blacks wanted by the officers of., the law. Unless they come in and surrender, or are brought in by their friends and turned over to the authorities, the troops will go after them tomorrow. At noon yesterday a courier from the swamp, 18 miles out, arrived and reported that tbe negroes had congre gated in and around the house of the the Delegals, six miles from the swamp, and would not surrender or permit the Delegals to be taken. The sheriff with a posse of 100 men, went to the Delegal house, but returned without making an attack. He gave out the information that he would need more men to enforce a demand for the much wanted negroes, and set about enlarg ing his posse. Colonel Lawton, after communicat ing with Governor Candler, ordered the Liberty independent troop of light cavalry here and tbey left Jones' sta tion almost immediately and came through the country over the wagon robds, a distance of 25 miles, arriving about 4 o'clock. Colonel Lawton also ordered the first regiment. Georgia voluuteers,at Savannah, to proceed at once to Darien. It had been reported here, that 1000 negroes were in tbe vicinity of Dele gal's house having come from all parts or liberty and Mcintosh counties, Recunoitering was done by courier. but as the negroes were scattered for several miles through the swamp, their number was not definitely as certained. Lawton late in the afternoon ordered tbe Fourth regiment, with camps at Brunswic, Valdosia, Waycross and other towns in this section, to be pre pared to move at a moment's notice. The soldiers at Brunswick, and Way cross are in their armories awaiting orders to proceed to Darien. Tbe white- people were aroused for miles around, and came in during tbe day in large numbers, and every avail able white man in Mclntosb county is deputized by Sheriff Blount, but still he could not muster a very large posse. The negroes number five to each white man. Business is suspended in Darien for the time beiug, and it is reported that farms in the county have been temporarily abandoned. The whale trouble here began four d-ms ago, when Henry Delegal, an elderly negro man, was charged with assault and arrested. He was taken to Savannah tbe day following for safe keeping. Bis two sous began to talk in an incendiary manner of their father's imprisonment, and aroused other negroes in this vicinity. All alarmists among the negroes were ar rested. Tbe jail was not large enough to hold them, and 25 of them were sent to Savannah yesterday. Sheriff Blount called for military aid. Deputies Townsend and Hopkins went to the bouse of the Delegals Thursday night to arrest tbe sons for inciting a riot, whea Townsend was killed and Hopkins wounded by John Delagel. Since that time the negroes have determined to stand by the Dela gels In their fight against tbe officers, and have congregated in large num bers. The Boers Are Firm. Capetown, Aug. 28 Replying to the latest proposition of British Secre tary Chamberlain, the government of tbe Transvaal notified bitn that it ad heres to its lattest offar and will not make an; father concessions. Bryan Still For Sliver. Kansas City, Aug. 27. Hon. W. J. Bryan stopped here between trains yesterday while en route to Denver. "I shall continue to discuss silver," said Mr. Bryan, in response to a reporter's query, adding: "There is a story from Des Moines recently that was putting silver in the background, lam not. I will not. I was incorrectly reported. Silver will be placed along' side of the other great issues, and it will be given its due share of consider ation. I stand by tbe Chicago demo cratic platform. When a new baby is born In a household tbe parents do not expel tbe othbr children. Because thn democratic party is making a fight on imperialism, militarism and trusts is no reason why we should send from our household tbe older child. We should gather all these children into our arms and fight for tbem. MIMS BELU FOtt MURDER. The .Coroner's Jury at Pendleton Charge Murder In First Degree. Pendleton, Or., Aug. 27. The coroner's jury yesterday returned a verdict, in tbe inquest over tbe body of J. Henry Miller, of murder in the first degree, which crime they charged against Edward L Mims. Miller was shot in his saloon Wedges lay night by Mims, and died at 3:30 Friday morning. An autopsy by Dr. N. E. J. Smith and Dr. J. Nichols established the fact of Miller's death from the wound, and witnesses examined at tbe inquest related tbe facts of the killing. Mims has been beld on a cbarsre of as- sult with a dangerous weapon, without bail. Upon return of tbe verdict, a warrent for Mims' arrest on a charge of murder in the first degree was issued. The orgical case was dismissed, and I Mims was arraigned on the new charge, Edward L. Mims is a son-in-law of William F. Matlock, ex-senator from Umatilla county. He has been a prac titioner of the local bar for three years, and served as deputy internal revenue collector during Cleveland's adminis tration under Henry Blackman. , ' Mims' statement to the press was that be shot Miller in self-defense, and that Miller was beating him so severely that he was convinced Miller might kill him. He asserts that Miller was enraged at Mims' alleged attempt to undermine him in bis business. AN ORPHANAGE The Lives of Five In mates Were Lost. New York, Aug. 28. The entire group of buildings, with tbe exception of the hospital, which comprized tbe convent of St. Ignatius and the orphan age in charge of the Dominican sisters, near Sparkill, Rockland county, was burned early today. Four lives were lost and many persons were injured. The fire was soon communicated to the building occupied by the older boys. Word was quickly passed through the nine buildings and the sisters soon bad the occupants of the dormitories out of bed. Tbe work of getting the children out of the burn ing buildings was heroically performed by the sisters, assisted by nurses and many of tbe boys. All tbe children were taken out alive, and but two little tots perished, and they died of convulsions after being rescued. An aged nurse known as Jane is supposed to have perished in the building. Theresa Murphy, 16 years of age, es caped but went back to save a oaby and perished. Six of tbe sisters jumped from tbe second, third and fourth floors of tbe building, but only one, sister Bertrand, was seriously injured. Sister Agnes ha ! a miraculous es cape from injury and possible death. After climbing out of a fourth story window, without apparent Injury. There were 326 children in the building when the fire started. Kate MacCalpy, the fifth victim of tbe Sparbill fire is dead. All the in jured are doing weil. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Sail Francisco BEEE HALLi F. LEMKK, Proprietor. The Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga ALL BONDS OF BOTTLED BEER, Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. 9 -9MtJ5 Jos. T. Peters A Co., Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. BOYAt BAKIKO POWWrt CO., NEW YORK. Second Street, bet. Court and Union. SHERIFF'S SALE. PROFESSIONAL. A. S. BENNLT Attorney at Law yyM. tackman Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, Tbe Dalles, Or. J. F.MOORE. OOEE & GAVIN, JOHN GAVIN. Mc Attorneys At Law. Rooms 38-40 over U. S. Land Office. jun' LONDON FINANCIERS GLOOM V. TWO INFEBNaL machines. Addressed to Prominent Hen in Salt Lake Opened by Police. Salt Lake, Aug. 27. Judge O. W. Powers, a prominent attorney of this city, this afternoon received by express from Eureka, Utah, a wooden box con taining about five pounds of gaint power and dynamite. By some in tuition the judge did not open the box; but handed it over to the police, who very carefully opened it and found explosives, with tbe necessary ap pliances, matches, sandpaper and percussion caps, so arranged that had the box been opened in the ordinary way it could not have failed to explode A search of the express office result ed in the discovery of a similar box; containing nine pounds of explosives, addressed to Warden Dow, of the state prison. The sender of the packages is supposed to be a man named John Smith, who 10 years ago, Judge Powers, when he was on tbe bench, sentenced to nine years in prison for trainrobbery. Better Have Kept Still. Victoria, B. C, Aug. 28. The steamer Tacoma brings news of a recent attempt to seize the throne of Corea made by an alleged member of the old royal family, Wang Eui Soo. This partriot or politician has been an exile since his birth. He returned to Seoul on May 2, at once made himself known at the royal palace and declared him self the rightful king. He was arrested, but so unusual were his actions, that the court physicians adjudged him insane. He was then liberated but immediately after re arrested by order of Lady Mo, the power behind the throne of the king dom. He was sentenced to death and was beheaded. HAS PROBABLY FALLEN. Snnto Dominican Government Reported to Have Surrendered. Santo Domingo, Aug. 28. The revolutionists aro beaded by Caceres and Vasquez. The towns of San Francisco de Marco, la Vegal Real and Cotuy are in the possession of the revolutionists, who are marching on this city. The government sent a commission to meet them and ascertain from the revolutionists what they want. Nothing will he done until the commis sion returns. New York, Aug. 28. Adrian G. Sullone, representative of the Santo Dominican revolutionists, has received the following cablegram: "Santigo de Cuba Revolutionists are in tbe capital. The government surrenders. (Signed) Lamarche." Lamarcbe is the representative of the Jiminez revolutionists at Santo Domingo. No details have been received. What is ShUohT A grard old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, has cured innumerable cases of incipient con sumption and relieved many in ad vanced stages. If you are not satis fied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 cts., and oOcts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggist. They Are Experiencing Difficulty in Keep ing Kates Firm. New York. Aug. 28. fhe Times London financial cablegram: Tbe bank of England is gradually getting beaten in its attempt to sustain tbe money markets rates. It has borrowed freely from the market this week in the hope of maintaining discount at its minimum, but has failed and the work ing rate is about 3i per cent with a tendency downward. I believe money I must become cheaper for several reasons, cblel among which is tbe stagnation of biusness prod uc ted by politics in South Africa and France. Our manufacturing industries are kept in full activity by orders booked before either of these sources of anxiety become acute, but new orders are not now pressing forwari and unless these clouds soon disappear we shall have an outcry about the scarcity of .work with efforts to reduce wages, which are sure to produce labor troubles. As for stock exchange speculations, it cannot get scope anywhere, and even in American rails the publis is doing scarcely anyhing. We are sorely tern pted by advancing prices in Wall street and by all good news about crops and manufacturing prosperity . sent over the cables daily, but tbe mass of people find their courage fail tbem before the dangers of war and revolu tion. It is impossible to keep the discount at 31 per cent when seven day loans can be had at 21. I am doubtful, be casue directlv they go low enough to open 'our bullion market for foreign buyers, gold will flow out, and the rate hoisting process will have to be resum ed. So near is export cold now, that tbe bank can only command supplies coming to hand by offering a farthing more than the mint price for them. Got the Wrong Man. Bird Gillis, the returned 'volunteer who was arrested at Wamic last Satur day and was taken to Portland by Detective Ford, proved to be the wrong man when confronted by the district attorney and witnesses from Hillsboro, hence be was discharged from custody and theautborities paid his fair back to Tbe Dalles. Tbe man wanted at Hillsboro on a charge of seduction is named GUI'S, and is supposed to have enlisted in the volunteer army either from Oregon or Dakota, but the young man arrested here is not the party in demand. On returning here last night Mr. Gillis said -he bad been treated well by tbe officers both here and in Portland, the latter doing every thing in their power to compensate him for the inconvenience 'to which they had put him. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon f o H. S. Wilson, as receiver of The Dalles National car.K oi uaiies City, Oregon, a corporation. VS. A. N. Varney and Alice. Varney, defendan . By virtue of an execution, decree nnrl nni.. of sale, duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated the 25th dav of .Tulv ioo nnn a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mort gage, in favor of plaintiff and aeainst said rie- fendents. and judgment rendered and entered in said Court in the ehnve entitled favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendant. A. N. Varney as ludement debtor, in the cum of three-hun dred and eighteen dollars (831-.W)), With interest therenn from the Ath riot, Sedtember, 1899. at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum, and the further sum of thirty-live $35.00) dollars, as attorney's fees, and the fur. ther sum Of twelve dnthirs. crista nnHth.imt. of and upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real nrnnertv emhraroa in such decree of foreclosure and hereinafter described: said decree and judgment having been rendered and entered nn the rrt H.n. rt May, 1899. I wiU, on the 11th day of September, 1899, At the bour ot 2 o'clock, in the nftemnnn nf said day, and at the front door of the County Court house, in Dnlles Tit.v Wncm rmmi. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand.al) the right, title and in terest which the defendants A. N. varney and Alice L. Varnev. or either of them had nn the 4th day of April. 1892, the date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which such riefenritmtu n. any oi me aerenaants herein, have since ac quired, or now have in and to the following de scribed real property, situate and being in Wasco County. Oregon, towit: Lot E. in block Nn. 0. nf th. Pnrt rtnlloa Military Keservation of Dalles City. Wasco County. Oregon, or so much of said nmnorr.. as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs and accruine costs. Said property will be sold subject to confir mation and redemption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles. Oreran. this 9Aih dav nt July, 1899. ROBKRT KTST.T.WV Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. STEAMERS Regulator Dalles City i Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood Kiver. Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland j Touching at Way Points on both siues oi tne Columbia river. cotn oi the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent i nuape ior tne season of 1899. The Regulator Line will endeavor to give its patrons the beat sible. For Comfort. Eeonomv nr Pleasure travel by the steamers of j ue neguiator Line. I he above steamers will leave The jjaiies ana jr-ortiand at 8 a. m., and arrive at destination in ample time for I vuo uubguiu trains. ..Building la terials.. OF ALL KINDS. Farm Machinery, Etc. M. 7L JOHNSTON, Headquarters for Hodge Headers, Milwaukee Chinless and Columbia Mowers and Hodge Rake Portland Office, Oak St. Dock, The Dal et Jfflce. Court btreet. W. C. ALL A WAY, General Agent. St Mary's Academy OTIS STILL SANGUINIS. He Sends tbe Usual Encouraging Report From Manila. Washington, Aug. 28. The follow ing has been received from General Otis: "Hughes, at Iloilo, reports four soldiers ambushed, killed and muti lated four miles south of the city of Cebu. Tbe names are not given. Also that the robber bands of Negroes are scattered and most of the same are returned to work on the sugar planta tions. The armed Tagala who entered that island were serverely punished and the conditions are favorable for tbe formation of a civil government under military supervision. There is little change in the situatinn on the Pany and Cebu Islands; the withdrawal of volunteers and regulars discharged prevented an active campaign in those islands, which the meditated reinforce ments will cure. Tne Kentucky Way. Louisville, Aug. 28. A special from London, Kentucky, says the News has received a report confirming the pitched battle on Saturday between James Hays and his three sons on one side and Senator William Clarke and Sherman Leadford . on the other. Clarke received three pistol wounds, his condition is critical. Young Hays was shot in the breast and will die. Many a Lover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri nes tne breatn by its action on tbe bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold foi years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts., and 50 cts. Blakeley & Hough' ton, druggists. Son Try' It.-, If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price oi Zo cts. oo cts. and $1.00 does not cure. take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on tnis guarantee, f rice za cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, dm dists. Ked Hot Irrom the God Was the ball that hit 6. B. Steadman, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil war. It caused horrible ulsers tbat no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures cuts, bruises, burnes, boils, felons corns, snin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Xonr life Amy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Battle at Zsmboangi. Washangton, Aug. 28. A dispatch has been received from General Otis stating that Dato Mundl, of Zamboanga attacked and defeated the insurgents there on Auj.r 26th. killing thirty. The dispatch was mnch confused and tbe officials were unable to ascertain who Dato Muoiii is. It is thought, however, that be is one of the smaller chiefs. Alameda's Treasure. San Francisco, Aug. 28. The police declared that two of the men who robbed the treasure room of the steamer Alameda of 5000 sovereigns some time ago have now been accounted -for, one of them, Jack Casey, who is in custody, asserting tbat Jimmie Kelly, an alleged associate in tbe crime is dead. Casey came here from 1 Paso, Texas, last Friday and was arrested on Saturday night. He declared that he knows nothing of the crime commited on the Alameda, No Bight to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure ' blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them, also old running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts bruises, burns, scalds, chapped bands, chilblains. Best' pile cure on earth; drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. , -. , Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of bis splendid health Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bowels are out of order. If you want those qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder ful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling it be says: I was taken with typhoid fever, tbat ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. "I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave me great relief. I con tinued to use it, and now am well and strong. I san't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and - $1.00. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug store; everv bottle guaranteed. CONTEST NOTICE. TJ. S. Land Officb, 1 The Dalles, Or., July 20, 1899. f A sufficient contest affidavit havinv been filed in this office by d. S. Beach, contestant, against homestead entry No. 6301, made August 13, 1897, for 8- qrneqr and lots 1,2, and 3 of section 5, township 3 s, range 12 e, by Bert fl. Leonard, contestee. in which it is alleged tbat said Bert H. Leonard left the said tract more than a year since, and went to Seattle, state of Washington, and never returned to the state of Oregon. He is a married man, that he nor his family ever resided on said tract, and no fencing or buildings are on the said tract, and no residence was ever mrintained thereon, that such failures still exist, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evi ience touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on September. 9, IK99, before theregister and receiver at the United States Land Office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, -filed July 18th, 1899, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed tbat such notice be given by due and proper publication. . ...-- JAY. P. LUCAS. Kegiptar. Under the Direction of the : : : : : Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, Wasco Co., Oregon Extras for all machines we handle. If you want any thine In th line of Agricultural Implements call on W. A. Johnston, - The Dalles, Oregon This institution is pleasantly situated near uio ijiuniuia on me line or the railroad; thence it is easy of access for all who desire to secure a comfortable home and a progressive seat of learning for their daughters or wai ds. The location of the Academy Is one rt the most healthy on the Pacific slope, this portion vi irreiruu ueiog proverDiai ior its pure water, bracing air and picturesque scenery. The Academy is incorporated and authorized by the state to oonfer Academic honors.- Board and tuition per scholastic year, $160. Studies will be resumed Tuesdav. Sent, fir.h For detailed informatian apply to the Sister ouyenur. . July 1-a m z. n l n uenerai m F. MOODY anil Forwarding Merchant 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T. (Adjoining Railroad; Depot.) Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is herebv riven that the nndersfiraed. administrator of the estate of Solomon Houser, deceased, has filed his final account and report in said estate with the clerk of the countv court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, and m" -x uesaay, tne oin aay oi aeDtemoer, at me hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, has been fixed as the time and the county court room in the county court house in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, has been fixed as the place ior hearing said final account and report. All persons interested in said estate are berebv notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any there be, why said report should not be annroved and allowed, and an order made releasing the undersigned as ad ministrator ox said estate and exonorating nis uunusmen. Dated this 3d day of August, 1S99. GEORGE A. LIEBE. Administrator of the estate of Soloman Houser. deceased. jya-5t Mount Hood Sample Room Consignments Solicited . Prompt attention will be paid to those who favor me with their patronage American Market THE DALLES, OR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky FROM I.OTJSVIIXE.. Very Best Key West Cigars and. Bes of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwauke Beer always on hand. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice !s hereby given that the undersigned; nas oeen amy appointea Dy tne uon. (jouniy Court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco County, as administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of George W. Rowland, late of Wasco Couney, Oregon, now deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same properly verified, to me at my office in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 29th day of June, 1899. FRANK MEFEE, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Geoige W. Rowland, deceased. juiy i-bt. MAETZ & PUNDT PROPRIETORS Qregon Bakery and OJFE A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared to furnish families,- hotel nd restaurants with the ohoiceat Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh Oysters Served in Every Style. Oaxries the Best and Choicest ..Vegetables and Fruits.. Direct from the gardens and .orchards. .... FISH AND fiAME IN SEASON. Chickens Dreesed or Alive. Free Delivery to any part of the City. Call any up Phone 12 and place your orders time during the day. . . ... EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. Second Street, next door to' The Dalles National Bank Notice is hereby given that Geo. A. Liebe, executor ot the estate of Richard G. Uloster, deceased, bas filed in the office of the county clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, his final ac count and report in the matter of said estate, and that tbe Honorable Robert Mays, County Judge of said County, has ordered that said final account and report and the settlement of the said estate, as well as any objections there to, snail be neard at tne nour oi lu o'clock a. m. on the 3rd day of July. 1899. the same being tl,f regular July term of said Court for tbe year tew. Said hearing, settlement and objections. U any, will be heard pursuant to s lid order in the county court room In the court house of said county at Dalles city, uregon. This notice is given bv order of the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, of date May zetn., itw9. Dated June 3rd., 1899. GEO. A. LIEBE. Executor of the estate of Richard G. Closter, aeceasea. 100 Bewail The Wasco County Forest Re serve Protective Association, of Wasco County, Oregon, will pay 8100.00 for the arrest and conviction of any persons setting fires ont and destroying government timber on the Cascade mountains in Wasco County between the east fork of Hood River and White River. I. D. DRIVER, M. J. Anderson, Sec. Pres. J. A. Carnaby & Co., Proprietors HOWE Sz. CO. . Headquarters for Roche Harber Lime, San J uan Lime. Trowel Brand Cements Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash and Boors, Paints and Oils. FRUIT BOXES! FRUIT BOXES! Fruit boxes, Plum Crates Filled 71c Cantalope Crates ...9a ' Apple Boxes 8c Pear Boxes 7o Peach and Tomato Boxes 4c Half Crates...., ..6a . From new mill and lumber Smith Bros, will give a dancing party in the K. of P. ball next Satur day evening;. Music will be furnished by Professor BIrgfeld &294d. - Executor's Notice of Finat Set tlement. Notice is hereby givn that John R. Doyle, executor of the estate of Mary Doyle, deceased, has filed his final account and report in said es tate, and that Monday, the 4th day of Septem ber, 1899. at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the county court room in the county court house of Wasco county, in Dalles City, in Wasco county. Oregon, has been appointed m the time and place for the hearing of said final report and accounting, and objections toereto, u any tiere oe. This notice is published bv order of the Hon. Robert Mays, county judge of said county, of aate August 4. low. Dated August 5, 1899. JOHN R. DOYLE. Executor of the estate of Mary Doyle.de- ceasea. jyi-ot DallBS-PriD8Yill8 STAGE LINE. iS Headquarters for tbe sales of , - Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring : Wagons J. I. Case Plows, Bissell Chilled Plows, Hoosier Drills, Champion Mowers, Binders and Reapers, Champion Hay Bakes, Ilenney Baggies. snimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmminmmmmnK 3 It will be our aim to carry a Through Trips in 23 Hours g Leave The Dalles every at 6 o'clock. morning I ST Uet e Line of the Purest Drugs The Whtteiioose CBA8. HICHELBACB, Proprietor Under new management ! Conducted on busi iness principlesl Passenger Rates: Dalles to Prineville 110.00 Dalles to Antelope $ 6.00 Freight rates, to Prineville 4 cents; to An telope, 3 cents. - G. IV! . CORNETT, Prop'r. Office at Umatilla Hous . And we invite your atttention to our stock of Fir8t-cla88 Wines Liquors and Cigars Always on Hand. Corner Second and Court Streets, THE DALLES OREGON. A. A. BROWN Ka s FULL ASSORTMENT Will Saw Your Wood. nuiUE HUT The steam wood saw will run every day, when we will be ready to saw . your wood and. will saw. it quick. Don't be bash ful, but call up 'phone No. 20 1 when you have wood - to saw. We will answer promptly. . ' W. A. CITES, Prop. AND PBOVISION8 Special Prices to C?'-;, Buyers SECOND STREET. 1 PARKER'S l&t HAIR BALSAM j CXmdm and beautifies th bait. v 8 Promote luxuriant growth. k J" -r. Hover Tails to Botox Gray : i?kxV Hair to 1U Touthftil Color. aw?Vl Can caip diaeam Jt hair tallu l sttcaDdtl-UOat Drugging ' PAINTS, OILS, CLASS AND WALL PAPER. Butler Drug Com'y. Successors to Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 3 miiuuuiiiiiimuimmiiiiiu imimmumiiiiuiiuJiiuuiiK THE BALDWIN"- ANDREW BALDWIN, Proprietor. Corner Court and Front Streets, Carries E?erytMng to be Fonnd in a First-Class Ltqnor Store. Whiskey from S3.00 per Gallon and Up. The Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer on Tap THE DALLES. OREttfW. V J I i