The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, August 19, 1899, Image 1

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    Puilliiuil Library
tat II VEKK. Volaae XXXT
NO. 33
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
baking powders are the greatest
crs to health of the present day.
amn BAKtwa romtn ea, hew took.
Porto Rieo Has a Terrible
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. Tne war
department today received a cablegram
' from General Davis, giving fuller de
tails of the damage done io Porto
Rico by the hurricane.
"Later reports show the hurricane
was far more severe in the interior
and southern part of the island than
fioiA Ttat.o frtf an natima t.o nf thn
number of Porto Ricoans who have
lost everything is deficient, but I am
forced to believe the number on the
island cannot fall below 100,000 souls,
and famiue is impending. 1 ask that
two and one half millions pounds of
rice and beans, equul in quantity each,
be immediately shipped on transports
to Ponce, and some here. Urgent ap
peals come to all post commanders for
food for the destitute. Am I authoriz
ed to relieve distress by food issues?
Rice and beans only are desired.
"There have been many deaths of
natives by fallen walls. So far, only
one soldier is reported dangerously in.
jured. Several towns are reported
entirely demolished. As yet we have
reports from only four ports; complete
destruction of all the barracks at two
and at two others one company of each
bad tbeir barracks destroyed. JNo re-
ports yet from the largest ports, Ponce
and Mayagu, but tney were in tne
vortex of the storm. At least half of
people of Porto Rico subsist entirely
on fruit and vegetables, and the storm
has entirely destroyed this source of
If Otis Betlres He will Hare Command
at Manila.
Npw YnHir. Ainr. 11. A (menial to
the Hearld from' Washington says:
Major General Otis will remain in
surpreme command of the Philippines.
Should he be releived, Major General
Lawton will be assigned to duty as his
sucessor. This is the decision reached
by the president and Secretary Root
during their conference at Lake Cham
plain. Secrntary Root made no secret
of the purpose of the president to re
tain General Otis in control at Manila,
and so informed General Miles at a
long conference.
It is evident, notwithstanding Gen
eral Merritt's expressed desire to re
turn to Manila, he will not have the
opportunity, and even Lawton's pro
motion is conditional upon the request
of Otis to be detached from command.
It' is learned that former Secretary
Alger, just before his retirement,
recommended that General Otis be
relieved on the grounds that he has
not proven himself equal to the emer
gency. Five Hundred Killed,
San Juan, Porto Rico,- Aug. 11. It
is now said that 500 persons lost their
lives at Ponce during the hurricane.
Terrible distress prevails there. Ar
royo, on the south coast, has been de
stroyed. Sixteen lives were lost there
and the town is still submerged in
water. At Guayamo houses are 3tiil
standing. Seven persons were killed
there and a number of houses were
pillaged. (squads of soldiers were
unable to maintain order and starva
tion.threatens the people. The water
supply of San Juan has been stopped.
He Was M'Kinley's Partner.
Chicago, Aug. 11. A special to the
Tribuue from Cleveland, Ohio, says:
Robert L Walker, of Poland, Mahon
ing county, has filed a petition io
involunatr bankruptcy. Walkeristhe
man with whom President McKinley
was interested in a metal stamping
buisness and lost his property through
signing notes for Walker.
Walker admits liabilities to the a
mount of $100,000 and averts that he ia
without assets.
Wrecks at 8t. Michael.
Seattle, Aug. 11. Captain Mason,
of the steam whaler Jeanie, confirms
previous reports of the damage done
to St. Michael shipping in the storm
which raged around and off St. Michael
island on July 12. The wrecks of 30
river steamers thrown indiscriminately
upon the beach bear silent testimony
to the force and fierceness of the gale.
The full damage exceeds $500,000.
He saw $200,000 steamers offered for
12,000 and other wrecks for $100. The
City of Paris U half full of water. The
captain could not remember the names
of the other wrecked vessels.
Dewey's Flag-Ship.
New York, Aug. 14. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
The navy department has practically
decided to send the cruiser Olympia,
upon her arrival home, to the Boston
navy-yard for repairs. It is understood
to be the intention to give the vessel
a t borough overhauling and to mod
ernize her. It is probable the flag
quarters will be removed, so that Ad
miral Dewey will be the last flag officer
to fly bis flag on board her.
Our Boys Have Returned
From the War.
A Continuous Ovation on Their
Homeward Journey.
Received With Open Arm by The Dalles
Last Saturday morning the steamer
Regulator left Portland, beautifully
decorated aud festooned with Ameri
can nag?, naval signals, banners re'
presenting all Dalles fraternal orders,
the flaps of all nations and a profusion
of buntiDg and flowers. The occasion
of tbis display was the homecoming of
the volunteers from Wasco county who
entered the service of their country,
fifteen months ago, and were on board
the boat reluming to tbeir cherished
homes. In addition to the boys from
this county were Capt. Wells, Lieu
tenants Keller ana forty, and some
J5 members of company L, who reside
in Portland, but who came up with
their comrades in arms to escort them
to tbeir place of fiuai disbanding
1be returning volunteers were met
at Portland by Congressman Moody
and a number of tbeir parents and
friends, and at Cascade Lock9 they
were met by another delegation of
Dallesites, and there their first ovation
in Wasco county was given. All the
residents of the locks and some fifty
people from The Dalles who were
camped there turned out in full force
to receive them, and it was indeed a
hearty and demonstrative welcome.
From there to The Dalles at every
landing made by the boat it was a con
tinuous ovation. The soldiers were
received with booming of anvils, firing
of bombs and a vociferous cheering
that convinced them that everybody
was glad to see them.
Long before the lime for the arrival
of the boat here people began congre
gating at the dock, hundreds having
come from the surrounding country to
see the volunteers come home. When
the familiar whistle of the Regulator
was heard below Crates point at 5:30,
it was a signal for the demonstration
to begin. Steam whistles shrieked.
aoviu and bomb(J were fired and bejls
rung, enthusiastic citizens vied with
eaih other to see who could make the
most noise, while Engineer Geo. Brown
rent the air with a steam siren attached
to the boiler of the steam laundry.
When the steamer was docked, the
soldiers marched ashore to the tune of
' Borne, Sweet Home" rendered by the
D. C. & A. C. band. After a brief
greeting at the dock the returning
soldiers were lined up, and a procession
formed led by the mayor and council,
the D. C. & A. O. band, and Co. D, O.
N. G. Next came the volunteers in
command of Capt. Wells, and follow
ing them were the G. A. R. and W. R.
C, while the rear was brought up by
by about fifty little boys and girls
handsomely costumed and carrying
After parading tbtough the principal
streets the procession halted in front
of the armory, and from there the re
turning volunteers were escorted to
the banquet hall, where they and
their immediate friends, the G. A. R.
and the militia were seated at long
rows of tables, and were treated to a
feast that, to say the least, was not of
ten met with on the firing line in the
Philippines. The banquet was under
the immediate charge of a committee
consisting of Meadames. Berger, Par
kins and Mrs. McArthur, who deserve
great credit for the results they ac
complished, and also to the ladies who
assisted in preparing and serving the
refreshments much credit was due.
On the tables were spread all that
heart could wish or appetite demand,
and that the spread was relished was
evidenced beyond doubt by the hearty
manner in which all partook.
The banquet lasted until 7:30 and
from that time until 8:30 the boys
mingled among their friends, receiving
congratulations and greetings. At
the latter hour they assembled at the
Armory, where the formal reception
was given. The Armory was beautiful
ly decorated under the supervision of
Lieut. Spivy, and it was indeed a
merrier crowd that assembled last
Saturday night to welcome the boys
home than the one who congregated
over a year ago to tender the farewell.
After the invocation by Rev. J. H.
Wood, Mayor Kuck introduced Fred
W. Wilson, who delivered an eloquent
address 'of welcome, in which he re
ferred feelingly to the heroes who
had been left in the Philippines,
the seven members of Co. L, who
sacrificed their lives in the cause of
tbeir country. Capt. H. L. Wells
responded very happily, referring in
glowing terms to the men from
Wasco county who were in his com
mand, praising them as good soldiers,
competent men, boys who can be'
trusted not only as soldiers but as
men of affairs. Miss Myrtle Michell
rendered a pretty solo, "Oregon Vol
unteers" and responded to a hearty
encore. Lieut. Telfer was next called
and spoke in complimentary terms of
the young men whom The Dalles had
sent to the war and of all the members
of the company to which he was at
tached. Prof. Landers delivered a
pleasing address on behalf of The
Dalles high school. After the rend
ing of the 'Roll Call" by Rev. D. V.
Poling, the event which called for the
greatest demonstration of the evening
was witnessed. Walter Reavis and
Earl Sanders, two Dalles boys who re
sponded to the first call, and had ser
ved throughout the war, were called to
the stage. Whtn Mr. Reavis appeared
there was an applause that fairly
shook the building, and it was several
minutes before order was sufficiently
restored to allovr his voice to be heard.
Then Mr. Sanders stepped to the front
of the stage and he was greeted with an
applause that was fairly deafening.
Sargeact Edwards.of Portland, a mem
ber of the company, was also called
and made some hanDV remarks. The
reception closed by the audience sing
ir.e- "America." at the eud of which
the Armory was cleared and the re
mainder of the evening wa Unvoted to
dancing, and until midnight the vol
unteers mingled with the "girls they
left behind them'' when they went to
The Wasco countv bovs wno re
turned were Henry Bolton, A. A Bon
ner, D. J. Bonner, W. E. Bonner, W.
W. Brown, W. E. Cook, A. J. Cooper,
J O. Elton, Harry Fredden. F. B.
Friendly, C. F. Kennedy, D J. Kretzer,
E. R. Lemison, A. F. Martin, W. H
Reavis. C. E Sanders, J. E. Stilwell,
B. F. Ulrich, M. J. Bartell, S. F.
Fouts, G. H. Dufur, C. F. Wagner,
Arthur Trask. Fred Hillert, C. 3
Lowe, John Binns and Walter Dickey
were discharged some time since on
account of sickness, and W. C. Lee,
W. D. Lukenbeal and Thomas Smiley
are in tne bospital at aan t rancisco.
Attempt to Assassinate
Dreyfus' Principal
Rennes, Aug. 14. Maitre Laborl,
counsel for Dreyfus, was waylaid and
shot this morning at 6 o'clock while
on his way to the trial.
After the shooting the would-be-
murderer ran across the fields until he
reached a railroad; be dashed across
the track In front of a train just ar
riving and disappeared in the dense
woods. Colonel Picquart and his
brother-in-law, Gas t,-who accompanied
Labori, pursued the murderer for
some distance, but as both were heavy
men, they were unatle to continue
the pursuit, and returned to the
wounded man, leaving the chase to a
number of peasants and laborers.
Madame Labori, wife of the lawyer,
who is an American lady, was notified
and ruahed to ber husband's side doing
everything possible to ease his agony.
It Is reported that the famous lawyer
said as he lay wounded on the ground:
"I may die from this, but Dreyfus is
The shooting of M. Labori, leading
counsel for Dreyfus, robbed the inorn-
ng session of ' the Dreyfus court-
martial of its paramount interest.
The murderer apparently chose today
for the attempt, for it was anticipated
that Labori would crush Mercier, the
former minister of war, with his cross-
questioDing. The news of the shoot
ing caused an immense sensation in
the court-room where the audience
was assembled, awaiting the entrance
of the judges. Labori's absence bad
just been announced, when suddenly,
Juanay, syndic of the judiciary
press, rusbed Into tbe room and
"M. Labori has been shot."
AH present gave a gasp of horror
and surprise, and every man jumped
to his feet and a volley of questions
was hurled at Juanay who, crying
That is all I know!' rushed out of
the court again. Those who remained
excitedly d tscussed the crime and
vigorously denounced the authors.
Terrible Fatalities Cansed by the Porto
Klco 8'orm.
Ponce, Porto Rico, Aug. 13. The
terrific wind which accompanied tbe
recent storm destoryed the crops and
demolished a number of houses on tbe
higher ground. While the floods de-
troyed bridges and houses and caused
great loss of human life. A large
umber of cattle were killed.
The storm was most severe in the
central part of the-island and along the
southern coast. Many hundred bodies
have been buried in tbe city of Ponce
and it is estimated that 2000 persons
were drowned in the Ponce district.
The number of people of tbe lower
classes lost is not known, but it is
certain that there were few fatalities
among persons of the better class, and
noneamong-the Americans. Tbe work
of clearing away the debris progresses
During the progress of the storm tbe
municipal hospital was wrecked and
its patient were removed to the military
Bucoaya, Adjuntas and Homacoa
were devastated, and in some instances
entire villages were swept out of
existance. One hundred persons are
reported to have been killed on a
coffee plantation. Everybobyis ruin
ed; pestilence threatens and a many
months' work are needed, and a news
paper appeal has been made for relief.
The calamity, with the commercial
depression, has produced a terrible
condition of affairs. A calvary patrol
has been established.
Ureat Damage Done by Friday Night's
Chicago, Aug. 13. According to
dispatches received from points in Il
linois, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa and
Wisconsin, a great deal of damage was
done by last night's storm. In some
laces there was loss of life, due to
lightning, and the loss in crops and
destroyed buildings reaches a heavy
figure. Those killed are:
Collins, farm hand, near Harvard,
111., struck by lightning; Frank
Stlckney, 17 years old, struck by light
ning near Janesville, Wis. '
The injured: John Carr, Harvard,
111., stunned by lightning; Christian
Krause, Elgin, 111., shocked by light
ning; son and granddaughter of above,
stunned by lightning; John Orr, Har
vard 111., stunned by ligntniog.
In many places livestock was kiiled.
A large party gathered in a new barn
preparatory to dedicating it with a
dance. Lightning demolished tbe
structure and injured a number of
those inside. An icehouse belonging
to tbe Knickerbocker Company, of
Chicago, was burned by lightning at
Probaely Call For
More Troops.
Washington. Aug. 13. Secretary
Rnnt hns under consideration the
question for calling for volunteers.
While he has not decided definitely to
do so, preparations are being made for
the call should it be decided to issue it
when the 13 regiments now being or-
eaclzed are completed. It Is said that
additional troops may be needed to r&
lleve those who have served some time
in the tronical countries. It is also
suggested that It may be deemed
advianhla to increase the army of
General Otis.
Secretary Root has under consider
tions suggestions Irom trenerai
. i
Brook for bringing home some of the
troops now in UuDa. it nas oeen
nra-itieallv determined to have five
battalions sent to the United States.
Troops Will be Given a Mixture of Meat and
WASHINGTON; Aug. 12. Just by
way oi experiment, tne war aepari
ment is sending to Manila 25,000
pounds of a new kind of emergency
ration. It Is Btuff tbat comes in one
pound cans, and is understsod to be
composed of meat and vegetables.deslc-
cated so as to be extremely compact
and highly condensed. When wanted
for eating, it is crumbled in a pint of
cold water and boiled five minutes, the
result being a thick and very nutritious
porridge. The latter, when cold, may
be sliced for frying, like mush. Pro
fessors Chittenden, of Yale, and At
water, of Wesleyan, have analyzed the
substance and commended it strongly.
Much meat being undesirable as
food for troops In so torrid a latitude
as that of the Philippines, the sub
sistaoce bureau of the army is trying
to introduce lighter articles of diet for
consumption by Yankee soldiers in
the Eastern archipelago. Dried bone
lees codfish by the ton is being shipped
from Boston to Manila, and pickled
whitefish and other fishes in brine are
being forwarded likewise, not to men
tion large quantities of canned salmon.
These are furnished to the boys in
"khaki" in place of beef or pork, to a
considerable extent, the daily allow
ance for one man being 14 ounces of
codfish, or 16 ounces of canned salmon'
or 18 ounces of pickled fish. Two
ounces of prunes, or dried apples, or
evaporated peaches are supplied also
as part of the regular ration, for
health's sake.
Do Yon Know'
Consumption is preventable? Science
has proven that, and also that neglect
is suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure. Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years. Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
Mo III Feelings Existed Between Dewey
and .Diedrichs.
Chicago, Aug. 14. Lieutenant
Kebrl, of the German navy, who Is
touring America for pleasure, is in the
city. The lieutenant was an officor on
the Gefion, Admiral Diedrichs' flag
ship, in the Philippines during the
war with Spain. He said:
"There was a misunderstanding be
tween Admiral Dewey and Admiral
von Diedrichs over harbor regulations,
but the affair has been much exagger
ated. The admirals were good friends
and frequently dined together. The
stories of the bitterness of the feeling
between them came from English
sources. Tbe English people wish to
impress upon the American mind the
aid they rendered this country in
order to pave the way for the alliance
which they seek with the United
"England would also like nothing
better than to see the United States
and Germany go to war so that she
might get control of that much more
of the commerce of the world. The
feeling Baid to have grown out of the
Manila incident does not exist in Ger
many.'' On Every Bottle.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of this
bottle faithfully, then if you can say
you are not benifited return tbe bottle
to your druggist and he may refund
the money." Price 25 cts., 50 eta., and
$1.U0. Blakeleyand Houghton.
Occupying; San Maeto
Manila. Aug. 14. A reconnoissance
yesterday by troops of General S. B. M.
Young's brigade, with the object of
discovering the whereabouts of the
enemy near San Matea. northeast of the
San Juan reservoir, about 10 miles
from Manila, resulted in the occupation
of San Mateo. The American loss was
three killed and 13 wounded, including
a lieutenent of the Twenty-first infan
try. Twenty-three of the enemy are
known to have been killed. This is the
first action in which Colonel Burn's
colored troops have participated.
They behaved well, their leader having
difficulty in holding them back.
General Young accompanied Capt
ain Parker's column, and was under
fire throughout the engagement. It is
estimated that the enemy numbered
between 300 and 400 men.
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess ana maiu
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
Bv mailSOc per box; 6 boxes
for $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
Clinton A Jackson Sts CHICAGO, ILL.
Sole bv Blakeley A Houghton, The
"- Dalles, Oregon.
" I have been natnr CASCABETt and as
a mua ana enective tuxauve tDer are Bimply won
derful. Mr daugoter and I were bothered with
sick suttnacb and our breath was very bad. After
taking a lew uoses ur cascareis we nave Improved
wunuenuiiy. uej great ueip in me iamuy.
1137 Biuennouae St.. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Pleasant, palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
owj, 0oici oiuuui i cueu, ur tjrripe. 1UC. -OC. 5UC.
gleril.t Utmttj C.Mp..y, CblCTg H. Tarfc. 316
Nf1.T0.Rlfi 8?M rnaranteed by all drug.
UU . I U'DMW guts to CVUM. Tobacco Habit.
s. bennm
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or.
Attorneys At Law.
Kooms 39-40 over IT. S. Land Office.
Notice 's herebv riven that the nnders'trned.
has been dulv aDDointed bv the Hon. County
Court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco County,
as administrator, with the will annexed, of the
estate of George W Rowland, late of Wasco
Couney. Oregon, now deceased. All persons
having claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same properly verified,
to me at my ottce in Dalles City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice.
Dated tbis 29th day of June. 1899.
Administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of Geoige W. Rowland, deceased.
July l-5t,
Notice Is hereby given that Geo. A. TJebe.
executor of the estate of Richard G. Closter,
deceased, fc as filed in the office of the county
clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, his final ac
count and report in the matter of said estate,
and that the Honorable Robert Mays, County
Judge of said County, has ordered that said
final account and report and the settlement of
the said estate, as well as any objections there
to, shall be beard at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
on tbe 3rd day of July, 1899. the same being tl.
regular July term of said Court for tbe year
Said hearing, settlement and objections, li
any, will be heard pursuant to s ild order in the
county court room in tbe court house of said
county at Danes uity, Oregon.
This notice is given by order of the Hon.
Robert Mays, Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Wasco County, of date
May 26th., 1899.
Datea June ara.,
Executor of the estate of Richard U. Closter.
TT. S. Land Office, 1
The Dalles, Or., July 20, 1899. f
A sufficient contest affidavit bavin? been filed
in this office by Ed. S. Beach, contestant,
against homestead entry No. 6201, made August
13, 1897, for 8? qrneqr and lots 1,2, and 3 of
section 5, township 3 s, range 12 e, by Bert fl.
Leonard, contestee. in which it is alleged tbat
said Bert H. Leonard left the said tract more
than a vear since, and went to Seattle, state
of Washington, and never returned to tbe state
of Oregon. He is a married man, that he nor
his family ever resided on said tract, and no
fencing or buildings are on the said tract, and
no residence was ever maintain. a thereon,
that such failures still exist, said parties are
heieby notified to appear, respond and offer
evi tence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock
a. m. on September. 9, 1899, before the register
and receiver at the United States Land Office
in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant
having, in a proper affidavit, filed July 18th,
1899, set forth facts which show that after due
diligence, personal service of this notice can
not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed
that such notice be given by due and proper
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
H. S. Wilson, as receiver of The Dalles National
Bank of Dalles City, Oregon, a corponti-i,
A. N. Varney and Alice Varney, defendan .
By virtue of an execution, decree and order
of sale, duly issued out of and under the
seal of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore
gon, for the County of Wasco, to me directed
and dated the 25th day of July. 1899. upon
a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mort
gage, in favor of plaintiff and against said de
fendents. and judgment rendered and entered
in said Court in tbe above entitled cause, in
favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendant,
A. N. Varney as judgment debtor, in the sum
of three-nun' ired and eighteen dollars ($318.00),
with interest thereon from the 4th day of
Sedtember, 1899, at tbe rate of ten (10) per cent
per annum, and the further sum of thirty-five
($35.00) dollars, as attorney's fees, and the fur
ther sum of twelve dollars, costs, and the costs
of and upon this writ, and commanding me to
make sale of the real property embraced in
such decree of foreclosure and hereinafter
described: said decree and judgment having
been rendered and entered on the J2d day of
May, 1899. I will, on the
11th day of September, 1899,
At the hour ot 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of
said day, and at the front door of tbe County
Court house, in Dalles City. Wascd County,
Oregon, sell at public auction to tbe highest
bidder for cash in hand.all the right, title and in
terest which the defendants A. N. varney and
Alice L. Varney, or either of them had on tbe
4th day of April, 1892, the date of the mortgage
foreclosed herein, or which such defendants or
any of tbe defendants herein, have since ac
quired, or now have in and to the following de
scribed real property, situate and being in
Wasco County. Oregon, to wit:
Lot E. in block No. 9, of the Fort Dalles
Military Reservation of Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, or so much of said property
as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with
casts and accruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject to confir
mation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 26ih day of
July, 1899.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Solomon Houser,
deceased, has filed his final account and report
in said estate with the clerk of tbe county court
of tbe state of Oregon, for Wasco county, and
that Tuesday, the 5th day of Seotember, at tbe
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
has been fixed as the time and the county court
room in the oounty court house in Dalles City,
Wasco county, Oregon, has been fixed as the
place for bearing said final account and report.
All persons interested in said estate are hereby
notified to appear at said time and place and
show cause, if any there be, why said report
should not be approved and allowed, and an
order made releasing the undersigned as ad
ministrator of said estate and exonerating his
Dated this 3d day of August, 1S99.
Administrator of the estate of Solomon
Houser, deceased. JyS-5t
Executor's Notice of Flnat Set
tlement. Notice is hereby givjn that John R. Doyle,
executor of the estate of Mary Doyle, deceased,
has filed his final account and report in said es
tate, and tbat Monday, the 4th day of Septem
ber, 1899. at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the county court room In the county
court house of Wasco county, in Dalles City,
in Wasco county, Oregon, has been appointed
a the tune and place for the hearing of said
final report and accounting, and objections
thereto. If any t' ere be.
This notice is published by order of the Hon.
Robert Mays, county judge of said county, of
date August 4. 1899.
Dated August 5, 1899.
Executor of the estate of Mary Doyle, de
ceased. jy5-6t
Through Trips in 23 Hours
The Dalles every
at 6 o'clock.
Under new management ! Conducted on bust
iness principles!
Passenger Rates:
Dalles to Prineville $10.00
Dalles to Antelope $ 6.00
Freight rates, to Prineville 4 cents; to An
telope. 3 cents.
C. M. CORNETT, Prop'r.
Office at Umatilla House.
Will Saw Yoar Wood.
The steam wood saw will
run Tuesdays and Fridays,
when we will be ready to
saw your wood and will saw
It quick. Don't be bash
ful, but call up 'phone No.
201 when you have wood
to saw We will answer
W. A. C&TES, Pnm
Qregon Bakery
A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to furnlsli families,- hotels wd
restaurants with the choicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh Oysters Served in
Every Style.
Second Street, next door to The
Dalles National Bank
Sail Francisco
F. LEMKK, Proprietor.
ine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Beer on
Second Street, bet. Court and Union.
Mrs. Tackman's
..Green House
Near East Hill School,
Supplies all kinds of bedding- .
plants, roses, carnations, ger
aniums, etc. Cut flowers for
weddings and funerals ar
ranged in artistic designs acd
on short notice.
Visitors always welcome.
Mrs. A. H. Tackman, Prop.
Telephone 74.
Ailments of Little People
require more careful treatment
than In the case of adults. The .
juvenile system cannot stand
strong remedies and is easily
effected by impure drugs. Be
sure the doctor's prescriptions
are compounded accurately
and from
Drugs of Absolute Purity
Bring them here. The quality
of everything used is high
We carry a line of Infant's
Foods, Toilet Articles, etc.
Do you
to get rich?
A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced,
five miles from Antelope, for sale on
easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul
tivation, good house, barn and other
outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of
horses, splendid spring of water, nice
young orchard bearing frnit. A popu
lar stand on the road that takes in from
$100 to $200 a month.
To be sold on reasonable terms.
Call at this office or address
my2 d-w Antelope, Or.
PW KaM-Put 8n.Ut.laf si St. 95.
A SKW SUIT FBKK for any of these suits
which don't (rive satisfactory wea&
Send Wo Money. CuJkdth,dAt.S
at.t . f boy and e&y whether large or
.tti.ii for am. and we will Knd tod the
nit br ezoreaa, C.O.D., robject to examln-
atlnn. Vnn ran ...mln. it at TOQr eXDieflfl
office and If found perfectly eatlafactory
and equal to aulta sold In your town for
... MA, pay jour NHn. ou. i . a
Her r1. SI. 99 pry rt.nw.
THESE X duub wi.
tnlnaUl.;nrttri. awlannulM
ncrrwkm at (3.50. ua doable wal
and knee. UlMt lgMtjtt aa illuitrated,
malt, fmm . anArlal MMHUlbt, huff.
vicM. ALL. WOOL OMlan. neat, handsome pat.
Srn, One aerge lining, Cl.ytw patent Interlining, pad
ling, staring and reinforcing, n Ik and linen Mwing. Sa.
MlT-mmf ura.ik..t, a rait any boy or parent would
m proud ot ran rn cloth saMPLgs eM!?!
ulta, OTereoaU or a Intern), for boyl 4 IO 18
irriu tor SaU , contains f amnion plate
tape mearara and fall instruction, how to order. m
En's S.IU a. OratMU mm t. m4r trtm a.
Sample, lent free on application. aadrsss,
SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, IIL
a r
i i
j Tlis Dalles, Portland and Asian
Navigation Co
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River.
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at Way Points on bo
sides of the Columbia river.
Both of the above steamers have
been rebuilt, and are In excellent
shape for tbe season of 1899. The
Regulator Line will endeavor to
give its patrons the best service pos
sible. For Comfort. Economy and
Pleasure travel by the steamers of
the Regulator Line.
The above steamers will leave The
Dalles and Portluud at 8 a. m., and
arrive at destination in ample time for
the outgoing trains.
Portland Office,
The Dal es juice.
Court btreet.
Oak St. Dock,
General Agent.
Under the Direction
of the : : : : :
Sisters of the Holy Names
of Jesus and Mary.
THE DALLES, Wasco Co., Oregon
This Institution is pleasantly situated near
the Columbia on the lini of the railroad;
thence it is easy of access for all who desire to
secure a comfortable home and a progressive
seat of learning for their daughters or wai ds.
The location of the Academy is one r-f the
most healthy on the Pocillc slope, this portion
of Oregon beingproverbial for its pure water,
bracing air and picturesque scenery. The
Academy is incorporated and autnorizea Dy
the state to confer Academic honors.
Boara and tuition per scholastic year, lieu.
Studies will be resumed Tuesday, Sept. 6th.
For detailed informatian apply to the Sister
Superior. july 1-2 m
Mount flood Sample Room
BeSt Kentucky Whisky
Very Best Key West Cigars and Bea
of Wines.
English Porter, Ale and Milwaukee
Beer always on hand.
NO MONET, out thin ad.
end to us. Mat yoar height a4
euarc, agia m garnea
collar 4ow baek to waisl Hn.
waist Um to batta af akirci
aator waaU4 and we will
aud you this Mcktatsali by ex
press U. u. u., snDjec o ax
ftiunuioni inmine maa iry
It a at yoarMaraal ipi-eM
tec and If found exactly as
represented aaa hj tar tk
KreiteU nlmt ym awr aaw M
hMrdof pay your express afeenf
IK Bf aciAXurtaiK nuiiw 'a
ad express cfaanros.
BliCI ar BLII vmaiae EAIKfi
IKY doable Uxtun, water!
8IRGK CLOTH, with fancy plaid
llnino. Telret collar, doable
detachable cape, extra fall
; 2 sweep cape end skirt, guar.
Anteed latest style and finest
talior-mmce. ,
avarrtlalB la' akJ
toshea, write tor fr Saapla Bok li. 0C ADDRESS,
SEARS, D"K "rr
Corner Third and Washington
Cured and Dried Meats,
Sausages of All Kind
Orders Delivered toiay Part of the City
i ad. out ana send to us,
ON IT and we will send
watcn by express. U. O. D.
to examination. Yon can
examine It at your cxprcaa aMes
a i loan a panvetiy asuaiaa
tary, esactl aa rcprcaeatcal aad
very way aaaai ca waicaa
that are Diag aaveniaM ac
ft. 7 t t. It under such
misieaainfr descriptions
as Kigla Style, Aawricaa
Style, M4 rillta or Look
Like WO. OOte MM0 wJ
rilled Walehaa, eta. It
too And it tbe equal or
better than any of the9
watches, pay the mzprrum
ageat um ran a, x.t
end express charges.
Don't be Deceived
fry eatehy aavartfatweais
which would lead you to
believe you could get a
SS.OO ar S&0.00 wilt
for , 7 ta . 7fc, wbea we asll thawaM watofcfer 92.45.
OUR 2 WATCH gen" 1&-Blze HuUi
raoropwaFae, stem wind and set, gala plated, handsom
ly engraved and polished, lawks Ilka ahlhfraa nldllled
aati la a great trad Jag watck, movement Its a nickel 7-Jewei-ed
stem wind American, warranted, and a good time
keener. For Watches ft-aei 98 eaata ap, golcVailetJ watches
tX.H mmi writ far free Watch aa Jewelry Catalegwe.
", SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. f Inc.), Chicago
gasis, Mtifcack Jjta. era ifciiisKfciy
The Wasco County Forest Re
serve Protective Association, of
Wasco County, Oregon, will pay $100.00
for the arrest and conviction of any
persons setting fires ont and destroying
government timber on the Cascade
mountains in Wasco County between
the east fork of Hood River and White
Kiver. I. D. DRIVER,
M. J. Andebson, Sec. Pres.
T&e Whltehoose
GBA8. SUCHELBAGB, Proprietor
First-class Wines Liquors and Cigars
Always on Hand.
Corner Second and Court Streets,
III V At oat and i
W aad
1 V
X Cut tUU
2 St. 8KXDKO
isJ? m von this
W rl aubiact
Jos. T. Peters A Co.,
Farm Machinery, Etc.
Headquarters for......
Hode Headers, Milwaukee Cbainless
Extras for all machines we handle. If you want anything in the
line of Agricultural
W..A. Johnston,
General Commission and Forwarding Merchant
391. 393 KND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will be naid to those who favor me with their patron are
Headquarters tor
Roche Harber Lime, San Juan Lime, Trowel Brand Cement
Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash and Doors. Paints and Oils.
Fruit boxes, Plum Crates Filled 7ic Cantalope Crates 9o
Apple Boxes 8c Pear Boxes 7o
Peach and Tomato Boxes 4c Half Crates 6o
From new mill aud lumber
Headquarters for tbe sales of
Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring : Wagons
J. I. Case Plows, Bissell Chilled Plows, Uoosier Drills,
Champiob Mowers, Binders and Reapers,
Champion Hay Rakes, Henney Buggies.
Corner. Court and Front Streets,
Carries Everything to be Found in a First-Class Liquor Sfort
Whiskey from $3.00 per Gallon and Up.
The Celebrated Colombia Brewery Beer on Tap
Carries the Best
Direct from
and orchards.
Chickens Dressed or Alive.
Free Delivery to any part of the City.
Call up Phone 12 and place your orders
any time during the day
J. A. Carnaby &
It will be our
e Line of
And we invite
to our stock
Butler Drug Com'y
Successors to Snipes
and Columbia Mowers and Hodge Rates
Implements call on
The Dalles, Oregon
and Choicest
and Frnlts..
the gardens
Co., Proprietors
aim to carry a 3
tie Forest Drags j
your atttention r3
of -
- Kinersly Drug Co. 3