The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, August 05, 1899, Image 2

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" . OOUTHIT, PubUht.
'. .. . TMTX.Y ' -
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Wombs ,
I. Si
Vam Vur, by nail..
ft Ml
.AUGUST ., 189
Our fathers built wisely. We of tb is
feneration praise tbe work of our
fathers. Liberty and opportunity
have been the common heritage of all
Americans from the foundation
of the republic to the present time.
What of the next generation? Will
: our children - applaud our deeds and
- bless our memories as we do thoe of
our fathers? We expend annuaiiy
over one billion of dollars for educa
tional purposes. What is the object
of this? It is to develop the faculties
of our boys and girls so as to increase
their power over nature in order that
they may exault with greater joy in
their triumphs. This is the purpose
' to which the school bouse, colleges
and universities, with which our land
is filled, are dedicated. The grandeur
of our institutions of learning and tbe
liberality with which we sustain them
vindicates the good intentions of this
generation toward tbe next. But
will the result meet our expectations?
These are solemn reflections, from
, which no thoughtful parent can eS'
. cape. How can parents look into tbe
bright eyes of tbe boy or girl that is
their joy and pride and attempt an
answer to tbe questions tnat tney -win
future without a shudder when they
realize the changes that are so rapidly
taking place changes that may elim
inate all opportunity from the life of
; tbe child, such as has been open to ail
Americans from the foundation of the
". government, says the National Watch
, man.
But with these conditions confront
Ing us, what are we going to do about
it. What can we do to betler tbe con-
- dltion of those who come after us, or
guarantee to tbem the liberties which
tbe founders of the nation intr uded
should be their heritage? We of the
present generation have seen small
beginnings in life crowned with en
' during success. We have seeu tbe
boy leave his parents' home barehand
ed to return at the end of a decade or
a score of years .at the bead of some
profession or the bead of ome large
' tural, manafaoturlng or mining world
or perhaps at tbe head of one of our
. railway or navigation companies. It
has been the glory of our nation that
Its rich men were self-made and that
' intelligence, industry, thrift and
honesty were the passports to success.
' Free competition in industry Is one
i of the corner stones' upon which our
' civilization rests. ; When Jefferson
abolished entail and destroyed heredi-
: tary privilege he felt that liberty was
i secure. But we have created an artl
nciai Deingtnat nas aeveiopea into a
tbe 11 Denies oi tne people wnose
creature be is. The corporation, a
, legal entity, is tbe monster that stands
' . across our rath with ooen iaws to de
vour us.
Industrial despotisms trusts have
their genesis in the corporation. The
law; not natural law, but human law
' made by legislatures and congresses
lair that can be repealed by the people
through their state and national legls-
- latlve bodies.
Tbe territory embraced in the Unit
ed states, leaving out oi account our
recent acquisitions, is sufficient to
accomodate fully three hundred mil
lions of people, comfortably provided
for in American homes. Our develop
ment is but just fairly entered upon
Aided by invention and scientific
knowledge those who are to live in the
coming century, under good govern
ment, ought to enjoy opportunities far
beyond anything that has gone before!
We are standing at the parting of
the ways. Liberty and free institutions
are trembling in tbe balance. The
. . final test of fitness for self-government
crosses our path and its challenge can
not be evaded. Tbe artificial person
age we have created by law and en
dowed with the power of millions of
men and billions of wealth has usurped
tbe power of the government and is
undermining our civilization and set
ting up a depotism. Are we capable
of dealing with the problem that con
.fronts uu? If we are not, it is a mis
, - I - 3 .... .LIU T-.-11I
- iue to euuvku) uur euiiureu. . xntpiu-
gence, education and refinement can
i only make slavery more galling and
the agonies of the slave more unbear
Let us remember that we are the
connecting link between tbe past and
the future; that our fathers wrought
- not for us alone, but for all who are to
come after us through all time; that
we bold in trust for the future the re
sults of tbe sacrifices ' and achieve
ments of the past and we must deliver
that trust to the future or the guilt
will rest upon our own heads.
. Tbe popular government and free
Institutions inherited from the fathers
are adequate to any emergency, if in
telligently administered. Our contol
over the machinery of government is
absolute if we will but use it Tbe day
is only sixteen mourns distant wnen
all tbe power of tbe government re-
vpti Inti t.liA tianrla nf fcVi a rvonnl A
On that day we are to be consulted
and a verdict of the majority can order
whatsoever it will. On that day tbe
vote of every man is as potent for
good or evil as the vote of every other,
Therefore we have an Interest in the
intelligence of our fellows, and are
under bonds to enlighten them, the
penalty of their error being the loss of
our liberties as well as theirs.
Our neighbor may be guided by po
litical prejudices, and may so cast his
vote that it will contribute to make
bis own children, as well as ours,
laves. No person will dare question
the love of eyery man for his own off-
anrlnir. No man would do his own
children and his country a wrong,
knowing it to be such. No man could
be Induced to cast his vote to estab
lish trusts, Industrial despotism and
deprive his children of opportunities
and consign them to a life of serfdom
and vassalage if he were conscious that
such would be the result of bis act.
It will afford us but little satisfaction
if the majority vote wrong and evil
comes upon us, to reflect that we our
selves were not responsible because
our own vote was cast for the right.
Such reflections will not mitigate our
sufferings or those of our children.
In such a case tbe reflection that if we
bad put forth a greater effort we mUbt
h ive educated our neighbor and friends
and avoided the calamity would be
very galling indeed. In a republic
where the government rests upon the
will of the governed we are our broth
er Keepers, mere is no way we can
escape the calamity', that', will follow
the errors of our brother. This is th-
bond we ar under to enlighten .btrr.
The'evils we have to contend with
are not insurmountable. Every mon
opoly that contains any element of
danger can be disposed of by repealing
the laws from which thoy draw their
nourishment without any affirmative
legislation whatever, if all the states
would act. Legislation is potent to
destroy all mocoplies that are of such
a nature that the interfere witb tbe
liberties and opportunities of the peo
ple. Individuals are not to be feared
as Individuals. Monoplies destructive
of tbe opportunities ' of the people
can never be brought about through
individuals or through volunteers as
sociations of individuals without hav
ing priviliges and immunities granted
to them by law.
The Hood River Glacier still insists
that the Hood River Lumbering Co
bad a valid lease of Hood River as a
public highway at tl.e time an order
was made by tbe county court annul!
log their lease. It ays in its la-me of
the 28tb "Their lease was properly
filed with tbe county court," and draws
conclusions from this statement- that
it was necessary for tbe', county court
to proceed to condemn their lands
and declare tbe river a public
No doubt tbe Glacier thinks it is
correct in stating a bond was riled by
the company, but the records of the
county court do not bear out tbe state
ment. In fact they deny that a b ind
was ever filed. The following entry
appears in book "G," page 622, county
court journal, after giving 'ate, Sept
12,1898. and setting up the title of the
matter under consideration, "Tbe
matter of tbe lease of Hood River'
and stating the parties appearing for
the county and for tbe Hood river
Lumbering Co:
"Tbe court bavirg examined the
record, and flies of said county, and
being fully advised tbereo:, undo as
follows: That on the 10th day of
January, 1896, an agreement was made
and entered into - between Wasco
county, party of tbe first part, and tbe
Rood River Lumhering Co., a corpora
tlon, party of tbe second part, wherein
the party of tbe first part leased to the
narty of the second part; f ir a- term of
60 years, the stream of Hood river,
east, west and middle forks, as all de
scribed in a contract of fease of raid
date, reference to which, for the. par
ticular tima thereof, is hereby made,
and also the record thereof In ' tbe
commissioners' journal of said county.
That as a condition precedent to said
lease the county required qf.said party
of tbe second part to give 'a bond in
the sum of 12,500 to be approved by
said court, conditional for" the faith
ful performance of the conditions of
said lease and tbe covenants and agree
ments thereof, on tbe party of tbe
second part. That said party never
gave said bond as required or at all,
and no bond was ever received or "ap
proved by said court."
This entry in the court journal cer
tainly is evidence that there was never
a bond filed by tbe Hood River "Lum
oertng company, and tnere Deing no
bond filed, the provisions of tbe Jeae
and contract were void, in fact there
was no lease, for a bond duly executed
and properly approved by tbe county
court was necessary before the lease
could be made operative.
The Glacier makes another con ten
tlon that Is as faulty as the one that
thrre was a bond filed. It is that the
"appeal was necessarily defanded by
the county," and that "tbe Lost Lake
Lumbering Co.,' being a private cor
poratlon, could not condemn private
property." This the Lost Lake Lum
bering Co. or any other company could
havrt done had It secured a lease from
the county court of the river, under
the provisions of the act of February
25, 1889, and the river bad been de
clared a public highway by the county
court, which lease it could haye se
cured on proper application, since there
ws no valid lease of the river. This
act provides that any corporation ob
taining a lease of a stream that has
been declared a public highway, be
comes, a publio carrier and may, by
due process nf law, condemn private
property for its necessary use.
Throughout this entire controversy
the Glacier has displayed a lack of in
formation that compares with its as
sersion that the Hood River Lumber
ing Co. filed a bond. It says "the
county court instituted proceedings to
make Hood river a publio highway on
the petition of over 160 citizens of
Wasco county, and tbe court could not
ignore this petition." Tbe county
court never instituted any such pro
ceedings whatever. What it did was
to issue an" nrder on September 12,
1898, terminating the alleged lease of
the Hood River Lumbering Co. Then
on Liecemoer a, iovo, toe court ap
pointed three viewers, Messrs, S. L.
Brooks, G. A. Liebe and G. M. . Miller
to view and appraise damages to be
paid tbe Hood River Lumbering Co for
tbe use of certain property belonging
to it and to be used for the opening of
Hood river as a publio highway
These viewers made their report on
December 20, 1898, assessing the
damages at $2,040. and on that date the
court made an order ratifying the re
port of the viewers and condemning the
company's property. From this order
the Hood River company appealed. It
was an order that should not have been
made, as was shown by a recent decis-
sion of the supreme court, which is
substantially that private property
cannot be condemned except by due
process of law. Hence there was no
action begun by the county court to
declare the river a highway, but an
order to condemn property. The
county court is not called on to instl
tute proceedings to declare a stream a
public highway. It can do so by order,
and then lease it to an individual or
corporation whose duty it then be
comes to make it a public highway,
and if any expense is required to make
it such it must be born by tbe parties
leasing, not by the county.
"What are you going to do with tbe
rnmppines uniess you wnip me na
tives into subjection and then make a
United States possession of them?"
asks the radical imperialist. Simply
give them their liberty; let them es
tablish a republican form of govern
ment, and tell the nations of the world
to keep hands off until they are capable
of protecting themselves. By so doing
we would gain their friendship and
control their trade, but so long as we
keep on shooting them we will have
their enmity and prevent them from
trading with u or any other nation.
Despite the statement of Admiral
Dewey that he will not accept a home
as a gift of the peoDle of the United
States, tbe committee having the rais
ing of funds in hand are still making
appeals for more money:' They havs
contributions amounting to $16,700,
and now announce that they will be
sati.-fied if they can swell tbe sum to
$20,000. when they will present the
admiral with a home whether he wants
it or not. Their persistence is child
ish, and they will no doubt receive a
rebuke from Dewey when he reaches
bome. for though he appreciates the
esteem in which he is beld by the
American people, lie does not desire
to be an object of charity; hence tbey
had as well desist, and either return
the money already collected ' to tbe
doners or turn it to some other pur
pose. If Dewey were in need and not able
to provide a home for himself, there
would be some excuse for forcing a
home on him as a gift, but be is not
in need. In fact be is already a well
to do man, and beside, the salary he
receives from the government is over
91,000 a montb, and while receiving
such a salary, his pride would prevent
Li co from accepting a gift from tbe
people. .If the Washington committee
that Is so determined to do tbe hand'
some thing by the admiral would please
him, tbey will instead of . presenting
bim a home erect a "'monument to the
memory of the men who fell io battle
since the hero of Manila won bis great
victory. That would please him more
than to force a gift- upon him that he
does not want.
. If M'lles had acted on that great
truth which soldiers always have to
bear in mind, that it is "theirs not to
reason why" his future would probably
not be behind him as It. Is now. St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
In tbe eyes of the Globe-Democrat
and those who are so party blind that
they endorse the acts of tbeadminis'
tration whether rigbt or wrong,
Miles would be a greater man bad he
k0pt still about tin embalmed bief and
the inferior provisions supplied the
army. By so- doing he would have
kept in touch with tbe powers at
Washington, and likely would have
supplanted General Otis ere this. But
in tbe eyes of the American people
be would not be as great a mau as be
is today. Because be did question the
reasons . why. be caused an investiga'
lion to be made tbat demonstrated be
yond ail doubt tbat a fraud was being
perpetrated upon tbe government and
an injustice upon the soldiers. His
future is not behind him by any means.
Probably be will not be in fact the
head of the army under the present
administration, but he has made a
name for himself tbat will not be
obliterated tbe name of a man who
would, sacrifice his own personal in
terest in order tbat justice should
prevail. General Miles is today a
greater man than be would have been
had he not unearthed the rascality of
tbe people who supplied the army with
beef. He is a greater man than those
who sought to discipline him.
. General Otis not only ' refuses to
allow newspaper corresponeents to
tell the truth abont tbe game of bide
and seek he Is playing with tbe Filip
inos, but he desires to shut discharged
soldiers out of the opportunity to make
a living on the islands, except tbey re
enlist. Private Grady, of Co. M,
Second Oregon, came over on tbe
transport Hancock, with the Nebraska
regiment, and here is the way he ex
plains why he did not stay in Manila:
"Otis froze me out of Manila.: I
wanted to start a little restaurant
there, and begged Otis for a license,
but he wouid not have it that way.
He said I wanted to have my eating
house too close to a Spanish place of
business, and that tbe competition
would not be fair. Another man
wanted to go in with me. He told
Otis he would starve unless he could
get employment soon. 'If you do not
want to re-enlist in the army you
would better leave the island,' was all
the satisfaction be got. There is no
show for a soldier in Manila."
If Americans are not to be allowed
to go into business in tbe Philippines,
what are we seeking to gain control of
the islands for? What are w6 going
to do with tbem? It would seem if
Otis has bis way we are to make of
them a trade center for Spaniards and
other foreigners, while our own citiz'
ens must enlist in the army or get out.
Representative Clay too, of Alabama,
attended the recent meeting of tbe
democratic national committee of
which be, is a member, and while in
Washington last week be talked very
interestingly of political matters. For
instance he said: ' "I learned while in
Chicago tbat Bryan would be a dele
gate to tho democratic national con
vention, and I do not violate any con
fidence in saying that if future devel
opments should give a peculiar em
phasis to any -public question, and
should lead a majority of the delegates
to regard any other faithful democrat
as better fitted to lead the party Mr.
Bryan will arise in his place in the
convention and support that candidate.
J know that be has no selfish purposes
to serve, and regards victory for the
party as paramount to any ambitions
which he may have. 1 look upon
Bryan s renomination as a foregone
conclusion. He has the confidence f
tbe common democracy of the country,
as no other man has or could have.
The democratic masses support him
without regard to section. He is
stronger than any faction of the party,
and can come nearer to uniting all the
elements of the party than any other
Some Washington correspondents
and a good many papers are asserting
tbat Secretary Root will onlv be a
figurehead in the war department, and
that Corbin will continue to run affairs
as he has tbe past few months under
Alger. In this expressions are made
too hastily. Root has ability as at
torney and may develop into a . good
executive officer. At all events he
is entitled to a trial before he is con
demned. Tbe fact that he - has
never had any connection with the
army is not in his favor, but other
secretaries of war have been selected
from private life and have proven ef
ficient. Root may yet develop into a
good secretary of war; at least he can
not prove worse than his predecessor.
Judgement should be withheld until
he demonstrates what there is in him.
Kdncate Your Bowels With Cuemrata.
100,8a. li C C-C, 111, drufKUu refund mooer.
For the Year 1897.
By virtue of a warrant issued by the
clerk of the county court of the county
of Wasco, for the state of Oregon, dated
the 17th day of June, 1899, to me di
rected, commanding me to levy on the
goods and chattels of the delinquent.
tax-payers for said county, for the year
1897, thereto attached, and if none be
found, then upon the real property as
set forth and described in the said de
linquent tax roll, or so much thereof as
shall satisfy the amount of taxes
charged therein, together with the costs
ami expenses, I will, on
Jkday. the 14!h day of Angust, I8D9
at the front door of the court house in
said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest, bidder for
cash, subject for redemption, to satisfy
said warrant, cost and accruing costs,
the hereinafter described pieces or par
cels of land, having duly levied upon
said pieces or parcels of land and being
unable to find any goods or chattels be
longing to the respective delinquents
therein named.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, July 14,
Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon.
Abraham. Rose: lot 22. blk 3, H
RPark t
0 54
Abraham, Sarah ; lot 23, blk 3, H
R Park
Alcorn, Ida V ; lot 40, blk 1, H R
Allen Cvnthia C ; lot 13, blk 3, H
RPark ....
Alexander, George W ; sw qr, sec
28, 5 s, 12 e, IM)a
Allison, Charles; lot 4, blk 34
Gates' ad to Dalles City
Alcorn, W A; lot 44, blk 1, H R
Ainsworth, L B ; lot 9, blk 1. H R
Anderson. W A; lots 13 and 14,
blk 6, Erwin and Watson's 2nd
Arbuckle, WH ; personal property
Asher, Adella; lot 17, blk 10, F.r-
- win & Watson's 1st ad to H R..
Bachelor, Mrs. Wm H; s hf of shf
sec 10, 2 n, 11 e. and n hf, nw qr
and sw qr. nw qrand nw qr, sw
qr. sec 15, 2 n, 11 e, 320 a
Bail, Frank ; 20 a, in sec 17, 2 n,
10 e
Baker. W J ; se qr of ne qr. and
commencing sw corner of se qr
nw qr sec 2, 2n, 10 e, thence e,
68 70 rods ; thence n 91 rods to
line of Benson's D L C; w
68.70 rod" ; s to beginning all in
sec 2, 2 n, 10 e, 80 a
Baldwin, Charles M ; sw qr sec 34
2 n, 15 e, 160 a
Baldwin, J 0! : commencing nw cor
of Main and Union sts ; thence
n liO . feet : thence w 100 feet ;
7 70
20 70
24 64
2 70
30 25
8 80
thence s 120 ft; thence e 100 ft
to beginning, all in blk e, Trev
- ad to 1) C....
31 05
Bargainmin, B D : lot 20, blk 10,
Erwin and Watson's 1st ad
dition to Hood River
Barnhart, Mary ; . lot 1, blk 11,
Bigelow's bluff addition to D
.. 2
Bart. F B ; lots 39 and 40. blk 7,
E& Wist ad to H R 1
Bennett, J T, lot 4, blk 11, B ad
to Antelope :..
Benson, T C; personal
Billings, A B ; personal property
Birgfeld, Laura E ; 8 hf of ne qr
11 00
2 40
and n ni oise qrsecso, t b, ie,
160a ,, 10 60
Birgfeld, Otto ; personal property 21 70
Blake & Osbnrn ; n hf of s hf of n
wqrof swqrsecll, 2 n, 10 e
10a... -
Blanchet, F N ; s 60 ft of lots 1 and
2, blk 6, Trevett's ad to D C . . .
Boorman, Wm ; commencing s w
corner of s w qr of se qr of sec 3
2 n, 10 e, thence w 20 rods ;
thence n 80 ; thence e 20 rods ;
s 80 rods, 10 a. .
1 35
27 60
8 30
Blumauer. S ; lots 6HJK and L,
blk 15, Military ad to V V
13 80
Bordie, Joseph ; lots 1, 2 and 6,
blkl.Belvue ad D C 2 07
Botsf ord, Florence : lots 19 and 20,
, blk 3, Erwin & Watson's 1st ad
H R..... 60
Boyd, N H; lots 25 and 26, blk 1,
Erwin & Watson's 1st ad H R. 60
Briggs, Mrs M E ; personal prop. . 18 63
Brock, Anna J; com 40 rods n of
- center of sec 13, 2n, 10 e ; thence
n 20 rods : thence e 80 rods' ;
: thence s 20 rods : thence w 80
rods; 10 a
14 00
Brown, Walter J; lots 45, 46, 47,
48. blk 6, Erwin & Watson's 1st
adtoH R....
Brown.v John ; lots 1, 2, 3, blk 9,
Erwin & Watson's 2nd ad H R.
Brown, George H; shf of swqr
and nw qr of sw qr and sw qr of
nw qr, sec 25, 2 n, 12 e, 160 a. .
Bnblman, John ; personal prop. .
Buckley, Honora; lot I, blk 76,
Mil ad DCV.
Bunnell, Catherine E ; lots A, B,
C, J, K, L, blk 84, Mil ad D C..
Bunnell, D; lots E and F, blk-45,
-Mil ad DC
Bnrlingame, James ; ne qr of sw
1 20
3 00
8 64
8 22
5 18
6 21
2 7
qr and n hf of se qr and ne qr oi
se qr, sec 34, 4 s, la e, lou a. . . .
11 49
Baird, Jessie ; lots 3 to 12 incl, blk
3, and lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 and.
part of 7, blk 13, Baird's ad to
Cable, Albert E, lots 5 and 6, blk 6
Erwin & Watson's 1st ad to H R
4 80
1 20
Campbell, GC; personal prop..
Campbell, H G ; nw qr of nw qr,
10 35
sec is, zn, iu e, wa....
8 40
3 62
Campbell, Henry H ; lots 3 and 4,
sec ta, l 8, ii e, ty a
Campbell, Myra; lots 27 and 28,
impugn ixxyin- iuia auu
blk 9. Erwin & Watson's 1st ad
to H R 1
Campbell, W J; shf of swqr of
nw qr, sec 13, z n, ju e, zu a. . . .
2 70
4 40
Candiana, C F ; personal prop. . .
Carter, M W; lots 17 and 18, blk
7, Erwin & Watson's 1st ad to
Cascade Water Go : personal prop
erty zz uu
Cates, D L ; commencing at the
ne cor of lot now owned by
John Cates on the a line of Al
vord avenue ; thence southerly
at right angles to said avenue
to the alley; thence easterly
along said alley to the w line of
the D L C of W C and Mary
Laughlin; thence n along said
w line of said land claim to the
s side of Alvord avenue ; thence
w along said avenue to begin
ning, all in D C, Wasco Co.,
2 73
Chambers. W M ; lot 1. being ne
or of ne qr. sec 26, 3 n, 10 e,
39.90 a 3
Clark, D S ; sw qr se qr sec 21, 2n
10 e, 40 a o 4U
ClarV, r A ; personal property. .. 7 21
Clark, Levi ; peasonal property. ..
Clear Lake Lumbering and Irri
7 42
4 40
6 75
gating Co. ; se qr sec 32, 4 a, e,
160 a....
Cleavenger, A C ; se of nw qr sec
12, zn, iwe, w a
Coatsworth, Grace, estate of ; ne
qrand a mot swqr ana sw qr of
sw qr and n hf of se qr sec 12, j
1 n, 13 e, also n hf of nw qr sec
13, all in 1 n, 13 e, 3" a 7rt 74
Coats, Harrv C ; se qr sec 25, 2n,
9 e, 160 acres 6 05
Cockerline, M J ; s hf of se qr and
s hf of sw qr of sw qr section 17,
1 s, 143, 100 acres, 82 84
Coe,-H C and 0 L Stranahani ' -
-CMrimenoingarenw corner of ne
corner of N Coe D L C. is sec .25, t
--S 4i, JO e, thence s to the center .
of O R & N Co's right of way on
tbe west line of said D L C
thence in an easterly direction
following the center line of said
right of wav 935 feet, thence n, .
30 feet to the north boundary of
said right of way at which point
a stake was set for beginning on
corner; thence n .209 feet;
theiu-e e 209 feet ; thence s 209
feet ; thence w 209 feet to be
ginning. 1 acre. .............. 15 75
Clements, Thomas ; sw qr sec 20,
1 s, 11 e I6uacre8.r. zo
Coe. Mrs Kittie: about 30 acres in
s w corner of N Coe D L C being
. an unsold portion of said 'laim,
sections 3ft ad 36, 3 n, 10 e, ex
cept 2 acres described in vol
Y of deeds page 156 ; about 25
a in nw cor of N Coe, D L C,
being an unsold portion of said .
claims, sections 25 and 26, 3 n,
10, e lots 6 and 7. blk 2. in
Wancoma. : lota 5. 6. 7 and 8 in
blk 22. Hood River proper 96 60
Collins. E J & Co. : personal prop
erty 16 60
Comini. Lonis : lota F and G blk
76, Mil ad to D C 13 94
Coon. Jack. (Indian) lots 1, 2, 3,
set-4, 2 n, 11 e, 1-22 a 8 96
Cordes, P F ; beginning ne cor sec
27, 3n, lOe; thonce e, 5.93 eh
. n, 8.62 rh to bluff; w along bluff
to w line of sec 27 : thence s to
beginning, 3 a- . 3 90
Crabtree, D P ; nw sec 35, 4 8, 13
e, 160 a 8 48
Crawford, S E ; lots 1 and 2, blk 6
Erwin & Watson's 2d an to n K 1 Zll
Crehan. Wm ; lots 39 and 40, blk
10, Erwin & Watson's 1st ad to
H R 60
Crocker, A C ; lots 19 and 20, blk 7
E & W 1st ad to H R 60
Crossen, LA; lot 1 blk 1 Trevet's
ad to D C 31 05
Crum, Albert; n hf of ne qr, sec
24, 2 n, 12 e, 80 acres 4 32
Cutts, E O ; lot 2, sec 33, S n, 9 e,
35 acres 1 12
Carr, Matilda ; iota 18, 19, 22. 23,
26, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38. 39, 42,
43, 46, 47, blk 4; lots 35 to
48 inclusive, blk 2 ; lots 3. 6, 7,
10, II, 14, 15. 18, 19, 22, 23, 26,
27,30,31, 34,35, 38,42,43, 46.47,
blk 8; lots 13, 16, 17, 20, 21,24.
37, 40, blk 9 : lots 1 and 2, blk
24; all of blocks 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 21, 22, all in H R P. . 2 70
Coe, ' Frank ; estate, easternmost
one of two springs in sw corner
of N Coe, D L Ceec 3i, 3 n. lOe, . -one
half acre 13 50
Daggett, George: lot F, block .36,
Military ad to D C 1 04
Dalles Commission Co ; personal
property . 34 50
Dalles Cold Storage and Commis-'
sionCo; personal property.... 20 70
Davenport,Frank ; se qr section 32,
3 n, 10 e, 160 acres...... 11 15
Davenport Bros Lumbering Co ;
n hf of sw qr.sw qr of sw qr, nw
qr of se'qr see 15, 2 n, 9 e, se qr
sec 14, 2 n'. 9 e, 320 acres 104 28
Davis. Silas W ; estate of, n hf of
nw qr. ne qr, and n bf of se qr
sec 14, 2 n, 12 e, 320 a, lot 4, blk
6,D C. 57 76
Dietrich, A ; all or blk 10, 3d ad to
Dufur . 9 75
Denton. C W ; D L C No 42...... 83 61
Derham, Charles; 4 lots in Baird's
ad to Antelope.'.. 3 00
Devin, James ; ne qr of ne qr sec
3, In, 12 e. 42 a. 2 53
Dillion, Charles : e hf of ne qr sw '
of ne qr ne qr of sw qr sec 22,
In, 14 e, 16i a . ,. 1144
Dimmiclt, Ann B ; ne qr sec 33, 1
n, 10 e, 120 a.. J 8 64
Dodson, John ; personal- prop. ... '3 30
Dowel!, Frank D; lots 3, 4,5,6,
blk 7, E and W ist ad to H R 2 70
Drake, R G; lot 48, blk 6, E and
W zd ad to n K . 58
Durbin, Sophia ; lots 47 and 48 blk
7, E and W 1st ad to H R 1
Edwards, Edward; nw qr ofnw
or sec 4. n hf of ne or sec 5. all
in 1 8,13 e, 120 a.... 11 56
Edwards, Julia, se qr of se qr, sec
33, 1 n, 13 e, 40 acres 3 30
Elliott. J M : se or sec 7. 2 n. 12 e.
160 acres.... ...... ..., 11 84
End, W E; personal property. . ... 1 77
Erwin, Robert, lots 4, 5, 36, 43, 45,
46. blk 9 : all of blks 2 and 3. E
& W 2nd ad to H R..i?. 3 90
Erwin, Jane A : ail unsold lots in
E&WlstadtoHR 3 00
Everett, Abbie L riots 5 and 6 blk
5, E& W2ndadtoHR 120
Falkner, Marcellus; lot 5 blk 1
DC 4 20
Feak, Edward ; n hf of se qr of ne
qr sec 13, 2 n, 10 e, 20 acres 4 20
Feak, James E: nf of nw qr of
se qr sec 2 n, lOe, 30 acres 6 30
Feldhansen, Peter; commencing
at se corner of nw qr of sw qr ;
thence n 70 rods ; thence e 40
rods ; thence s 30 rods ; thence
e 30 rods, thence 40 rods, w 70
rods, to beginning, sec 1, 2 n,
lOe 6 75
Ferguson, Luke ; beginning at a
point where the w line of Laugh'
fin'o nt n n.o.. ik. .
tin's D L C intersects the n line
of Alvord ave in Neyce & Gib
son's ad to DC, Or, thence n
66 deg w, along the n line of Al
iiord avenue 81 feet ; thence n,
32 deg 30 min e, 108 feet to the .
s line of Fulton's ad to DC; -
thence s 66 deg e, along the a
line of Fulton's ad to D C to the .: .
west line of Laughlin's D L C
to beginning 13 80
Fewel, Edward ; commencing 9.68
ch w of ne cor Benson's u L U
thence n 7 ch ; thence w 8.81 ch;
thence a 7 ch ; thenre e 8.81 ch
to beginning in sec 35. 3 n. 10 e.
6a 4 00
Fisher .George1 A : lots A.B.O.D.E. '
, blk iiz, Mil aa to.uc...... z U7
Fisher. J W ; undivided hf of lots
G,H,I, blk 12; undivided hf in
terest in lots A,B,C,D, E, F, blk
35 : nndivided hf interest in lota
K.L blk 38 all in Mil ad to DC. 2 94
Fisher, Joseph ; lot 11, blk 8, Big
ad to D C . , 2 69
Fisher, J W ; trustee, lots 4, 5, 6,
blk 21; Gates' ad to D C 43 13
Fitch, J C; lots 43,'44, 45, 46, 47,
48, blk 6, E and W ad to H
R 3 00
Fitzgerald . Wm ; lots 31, 32, blk
O.Eand W adtoHR 120
Falkman, J; lots 13, 16, 17, 20,
21, blk 8, H R Park 135
Foreman, W H ; personal prop. .. 3 31
Fowler, W H ; lot 2, blk 4, N and .
G ad to D C and also a strip of
land 12 ft in width and running
the entire length of same, lot 2
and immediately on the e side
thereof- 37 95
Fredenberg, A ; ne qr of ne qr.sec
28, 1 n, 1U e, s HI ot se qr, se qr
of sw qr, sec 21, 1 n, 10 e, 70 a.. 11 20
Fresie, August H : lots 15, 18, 19,
blkZ, iiKl-k l 36
Friendly, Seymour ; lots 39 and 40
blk 3, rwin Watson's aa u k i zu
Friendt, Columbus ; lots 4 and 6,
blk 4, Baird's ad to Antelope. . . 1
Frost, Edward C; beginning ne cr
of se qr of ne qr sec 34, 3n, 1U e,
thence w 20 rods, thence s 40 rds
less 30 feet, thence e 20 rods,
the n 40 rods less 30 feet to be
ginning, 5 a ..6 53
Gamble, W B ; s hf of sw qr, nw
nw qr of sw qr. sw qr of nw qr.
sec 36, 1 s, 8 e, 160 a 6 60
Garretson, Mrs E H ; per prop. . . 9 66
Gates, N H ; lots 9 and 10, blk 1,
Thorn ad D C, undivided hf of
lot G. H, I, blk 12, undivided hf
of lots A. B, C, D, E, F, blk 35,
undivided hf lots K and L, blk
38, all in Mil ad D C 10 84
Gates & Rock Creeg Ditch Co,
personal property 4 73
Gaunt, D B; personal property. . 40 67
Geary, Richard; lot D blk 77,
Mil ad DC '. 69
Glazier, I L ; personal prop. ..... 5 98
Gleason, Edward ; lot 4 and 9 blk
13, Baird's ad Antelope
12 75
uoouwin. n m i ni ot nw or ne
qr of nwqr nw qr of near sec
27, 1 n, 13 e, 160 a
15 40
6 50
Granger ,Hall ; per prop.
Grant, Allen; e- hf of irw qr, nw qr"
- oi swqr sec z, a nt ot swqr
' sec 16, s hf of ne qr nw qr of se .
qr ne qr of sw qr sec 18, all in 8 '
s, 17 e, and w hf sw qr ne qr of
sw qr nw qr of se qr sec 6, 8 ,
loe, om a
27 76
Green, J M ; e hf of e hf sec 9,1
8, 8e, 134 a...;
6 60
18 25
2 25
8 85
6 35
Gross, Charles, per prop
Hamilton, James ; lot not platted
in town of Antelope
Hand, E E ; lots 5, 9. 10. 17 blk 12,
Thom ad to D C.
Harris, G W; personal prop
Hartley and Hanna, per prop. . . .
7 50
Havnes, Joseph : w hf of ne qr, e
hf of nw qrsecl8,2s, 15 e, 160 a 18 41
Uaynes, Lenore ; w hf of blk 5, 2d
ad to Dufur
9 75
Henkle, F M ; com 40 rds n of
center of sec thence n 20 rds,
thence e 80 rds, thence s 20 rds
thence w 80 rds, sec 13, 2 n, 10
Henneghan, T M; per prop
Honrichson, C H ; commencing n .
e cor of sec 12, thence e 114 ft;
thence s 521 ft : thenre w 114 ft;
thence n to beginning: all in
Atwell's D L C sec 12, 2 n, 7 e
8 10
4 08
11 00
Henrv, G R : nw qr of nw nr. sec
15, 7 s, 16 e, 40a 120
Herrick Cannery ; per prop...... 61 75
Hinman, E S ; 50 ft by 100 ft in
sw cor of blk 5, 1st ad to Dufur
Hinman, E T; per prop... ..
9 13
9 75
Holmes, W H; neqrsec 10, 5 a, 13
e, irai a
10 78
Hopkins. Charlotte; all blk 6,
Pleasant View
Haska, Mary ; b hf of se qr sec 17,
2n 12 e, 80 a
Howe, Fred ; lots 3 and 4, blk 19,
H R proper
2 40
6 48
14 50
Howe, Joel T ; e hf - of sw qr, sw
qr of sw qr, e hf of nw qr of sw
qr, s hf of se qr, nw qr of se qr,
sea 13, Z n, 9 e, ZtiU a
13 64
Howe, J A ; personal property. . ,
Howells, Mrs R S ; e hf of e hf of
nw qr of nw qr sec 10, 2 n, 10 e,
10 a
Hoyt, John S ; w hf of se qr, e hf
of sw qr sec 11, 1 n, 12 e, 160 a. .
Humason, N and J G Wilson ;
' 18x60 feet in ne corner of lot 4,
being 18 fet on Main street, all
in blk 2DC
Hurst, U J ; sw qr sec 22, 1 n, 15 e,
160 acres
I 20
3 45
14 36
Hyde, Edward ; lota 3 and 4, blk 5
1 50
Iugalls, Eliza ; lot 7, blk 5, Winan's
adtoHR 120
Ingalls, Mrs J W ; nw qr of sw qr
sec 4, 2 n, 10 e, 40 acres. . . .....
Isenberg, A K.eataie of ; n of se
qr of ue qr, sec 10, 2 n, 10 e, 28 a
Isenberg, F H, s hf of ne qr of ne
qr sec 10, 2 n, 10 e, ZU acres. . . .
Jacobsen Book & Music Co, per
sonal property..
Jeffreys, Thomas ; commencing
, 171.2U rodB w and 69.3U rods n of
se corner of ne qr ; thence n 23.10
rods : thence e .48,49 rods;
tlit nee s 23.10 rods ; thence w
41S.49 rods to beginning, see 2, 2
6 08
4 57
3 03
66 24
n,lo e, 7 acres 4 20
Jenkins, John W, 8 hf of nw qr of
sw qr sec 3, 2 n, 10 e, 20 acres ;
also 10 acres in n part of nw qr
ol sw qr sec 11, Z n, 11) e, also lots
6, iu, li, iz, blk zz tfigiow's Piun
Jensen, Neils C;. lot K, blk 74,
Military addition to DC...;...
Johnson, Mary E ; lots H, I, J,blk
82 mil ad to D C. . . . ... . ... a .:
19 42
3 45
Jones, Burns ; commencing 80 rds
w of i post between sec 34,35'
, thence w 40 rds, thence n 4) rds,
tnence e 40 r.ds, thence s 40 rds
to beginning, sec 34, 3 n, lUe,
lu a : also lou 3. 4. sec 36, 3 n 9 -
e 3 90
Jones, Cordelia ; e hf of sw qr sec
31. 6s. 15e, lot 3, se or hi nw qr
B. Bs, loe, 177 a.. 6 60
Jones, J F; per prop ; 2 32
Jones, Leonard C; lots 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, '
blk 1 ; lots 17, 18, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 16, blk 2; all blks 3, 4, 6, 6,
7. 8. V. 10. II. 12, 13, all in Idle-
wilde ad to H R 15 00
Jones, Seth E ; lots B and C, blk
106, mil ad to D C
Kaelbauer, Antony; lot 7, blk 2
Thom ad to DC
Kallich, ML; lot 4, sec 27, 3 n, 10
e, 30 a
Kelly, J K; all of original Big D
L C, not embraced in plot of
Big bluff ad to D C, sec 1, 1 n,
13 e, 38 a; lot 7 8 blk A Big ad
to DC; undivided i of blk 48,
49, 50; lot 14. blk 2, lot 9, blk 8,
. lots 1 and 2 to 11 inclusive, blk
9, lou 1, 2, 7, 8, blk 12; lots 4,
5, 6, 9, blk 23 ; Iota 3, 4, 5, , 7,
11, 12, blk 26 ; lots 2, 3, 4, 7, to
12 inclusive, blk 27 ; lou 7 to 12
inclusive, blk 29 ; lou 1, 4, 7, 10,
blk 30 ; lou 3, 6, 9, 12, block 31 ;
lou 1. 2. 11, 12, blk 32, all in
2 95
2 70
Big bluff ad to D C 116 93
Kelaay. D A ; etal, se qr neqr sec
1 n,12e.40a......... 1 76
Kelsav. W S ; ne qr sec 28, 5 s, 16
e, 160 a ......20 69
Kendall, Wesley L ; se qr of sw qr
sec 2, 1 nr 12 e, 40a , .
Kennedy, Frances ; loU D,G,H,I,J
blk 64 mil ad toD C-
Kimberland, Mary ; lota C,D,I,J
blk 19, mil ad to D C
King, Libbie ; lot 5 and 2 feet on
w side of 6 blk 4. Laughlin's blf
2 64
2 07
7 42
adtoDC 8 63
Kline, Mrs S E; lot 10, blk 1, DC 27 61
Klindt, Fred J; lot A, blk 106,
Knebel, Thomas ; ne qr sec 20, 1 n
13 e, 100 a..,..
13 39
Keen, Michael; beginning 18.39
chains w of ne cor, thence n
10.50 chains, thence w 7.22 chns
. , thence s 4.94 chains, thence w
4.18 chains, thence 8 9.09 chains
thence 4.10 chains, thence s
. 60 chains, thence e 6.74 chains,
thence n 10.48 chains to begin
ning, all in Benson's D L C sec
2,2n,10e,18 a.... 17 60
Kramer. Henry: lota D. E, F, blk
:- 23, Mil ad D C 9 63
Kreft, Paul ; lot A, blk 54, Mil ad
-D C
KrauBe, Ernest W, estate of; sw
9 28
qr, s hi of se qr, sec zu, z n, la e
240 a
15 18
Labbe, Paul; lota 25, 26,27,28, blk
10, Erwin & Watson's 1st ad to
2 40
Ladd & Wood; toll road and bridg
to Cloud Cap inn, incidg inn
22 00
Ladow. Frank K and Mary M :
lot B blk 15, Mil ad D C 6 90
Larsen. E 8: 20 feet e side lot 9,
blk 1, Laughlin's ad D C 345
Lens. Albert; n hf of nw qr sec 9,
In, 12 e, 80 a 6 28
Lewis & M osier, personal prop. . . 18 60
Libby, Charles H ; lota 27 to 32
inclusive, bix z ; lot zz, dix 4,
all in Erwin & Watson's 1st ad
to H R 4 80
Liberati, Elese; lot 2, sec 26, 3 n
10 e, 40 a
3 00
Liebe. Harrv C : personal prop
24 67
Lindsay, Mrs NE; ne qr sec 18, 2
n,l0e,except 13 a sold to Armor
J Rogers, 147 a
10 94
Lock wood, W F ; se qr of ne qr sec
33, in, 13 9, 4ua
4 95
Logan, Frankie A; 10 feet off w
siue lot 1 1 j uuu iu ten uu e biub
lot 12, all in block 1, Langblin's
ad DC '. 3 45
Loy, George E ; all of se qr of nw
ar lying n and w o: uooa itiver,
sec 14, 2 n, 10 e, 10 acres....... 2 35
Luchsinger, A ; Lot 10 blk 21
Laughlin's ad to Dalles City. . . 17 25
Lynch. Peter; Lots 29, 30, 31. 32
blk 7 .Erwin & watson s is ad to
Hood River;.....,.... 2 40
Lvte. James K. Lot 6 blk 44
liatesaa toimnescity........ z
Mann. D W: Lota A. B. C blk 40 7
Mm tary ad to iaues uty 19 w
Marsch, Rudolph ; Lot 3 sec 26, 3
n 10 e, 39 9.1 acrs 3 00
Marx, Daniel; LoU 1, 2, 7, 8 blk 4
Langblin's ad to Antelope. . ... 9 45
Maupin, C P: 1 acre in nw cor of
swqr sec 32, 7sl7e 750
Meeks, Eliza ; e half se qr sec 18, 2
n 12, 80 acres 5 32
Maloney," Dennis; -ne qtte qr sec
36,-2 n 12 e, 40 acres. .: '. . . . 3 52
Meldrum John W; w'half no "qr "
' sec 6,- 4 8 9 e, 80 acres :. 3 24
Michell. Sarah ; Small tract, in
Federal St. fronting on Fulton st,
lota 3, 10 blk 3 Bigelow's ad to
Dalles City, lot 1 blk 7 Bigelow's
ad to Dalles City. 104 88
Michell. Wm: undivided lot
3 zee. 36. 2 n 13 e, undivided
lots . 1. 2 sec 20, 2 n 14 e, 86
acres.. 23 28
Miller. J G ; personal property. . . 17 25
Mitchell. L'cv A: swarseclO. ls
11 e..l0 acres 9 45
Moahns, Wm. estate of; lo 4 blk
6 Dalles City 69 00
Munroe, Isabel : 25 a of e side of
w hf of sw qr sec 2, 2 n 10 e 12 15
Moody, Myra L ; commencing at
an oak tree at. top of bluff on
south side of Columbia river,
thence s 96 rods to corner be
tween sec 34 and 27, thence w
61 rods, 13J6 feet, thence n SO
rods and 3 ft. thence w 15 rods
and 12 ft. thence n to bluff,
thence e to bginning. le por
tion sold to Lei tie J. Perry
Volnm W. page 555. Alco.
fractional ne1 of sw, sej of
sw. all in sec 37. 3 n. 10 e. 8
acres ...-....., 46 40
Mooney. E C : lots 7. 8. 9. block 5
Wrucoma add to Hood River. . 10 75
Mooney. - Jessie R: rommenHng
3.R0 chains s of post, between
seen 35 and 86. 3 n. 10 e, thence
s5.70ch. thence w 4 25 ch.
thence n 5.70 ch. thence e 4 25
chs to beginning ; 2 acres 8 40
Moore. Mrs Alvira J : lot. 4 and
of 5 Mock 20. Gate's addi
tion to Dalles City 35 50
Moore, H E : personal property. . 1 81
Moorehead. H J : per property. . 6 67
Morehand. J C: undivided 1-6 of
fractional n hf of ne qr, sec 4, 1
n, 13e,12 a 13 28
More. J W ; s hf of s hf of nw qr
of swqr sec 11, 2 n. 10 e. 10 a... 135
Morgan, Clarence: beginning 5.98
chains w, and 17 chains n of ne
ror Benson's D L C. thence n
5.43 chains, thenre w 8.81 chns,
thence a fi.43. chains, thence e
8.81 chains to beginning, all in
sec 35. 3n. 10 e, 5 a 4 00
Morris, David ; lot 3, blk 11, Thm
ad D C 4 69
Mosier. Dollie C: e hf of w hf
of Ri-hard Marshall's D L
C, 2 and 3 n, 12. 80 a 6 82
Mt Hood Stage & Livery Co ; per-
sonnl prop 18 00
Mnlholland, WE: se or ne qr sw
qr, n hf se qr sw qr, sec 38, 2 n,
10 e 14 96
McCaffery, John : lota 3 and 4, nw
qrofaeqr, secSfi, 2 n, 9e,120a 8 80
McCormack & Mundy ; ne qr of
nw qr sec 7, 2 n 8 e, lot 3 sec 6,
2n8e. 82 a...., 24 75
McCoy, D R: personal property. . . 3 75
McCoy. Geo W : w hf of ne qr se
qr ot ne qr ne ar ot se qr sec i,
5 a. 12 e. 160 acres: also sear sec
fi. 2 n. 9 e. 160 acres , 14 08
McDonald. John; personal prop
erty : 23 00
McDonald. Ronald: personal prop
erty .-. 3 31
McFarland, Mrs Ida; commenc
ing 350 feet e of nw corner of sec
3, 2 n. 10 e; thence e 12 rods;
thence t 40 rods; thence w 12
rods: thence n 40 rods to begin
ning, 3 acres 6 07
McGrail. P J; ne qr of sec 8; also
whfofwhfsec 9. all in 2 s.
14 e. 320 acres...... .. 32 88
McGuire. Margaret: lot B blk 29
Mfl ad to Dalles City 1 04
Mclntosth. Geo W: sw qr sec 21,
2 8 14 e, 160 a !. :. . . 11 50
Mcintosh. Geo W; aw qr of sw qr
sec 12, 2n 10. 40a.... 6 75
McKinnon. John M; nw qr of ne
qrsecze. 8al9e, 40a......... 2 20
McLeod. A M and Joseph Mc-
Eachern; all of blk 7, Parkhurst 9 00
McRae. Alexander: s W of sw M.
of sec 36. 3 n, 9 e; 80 acres 4 48
McRevnolds. Jacob; ne i of section
o, 1 8, 15 e; loo acres io so
Nace, Seraphine, n t of se 1, sw i
of se t. ne olaw sec zz. s s.
13 e; 160 acres 13 76
Nelson. James: sw sec 4. 1 a 12
e; 160 acres v 4o
Newstadter, Leopold, w t of nw i,
sw of se sec li. a s. lo e:
320 acres 12 88
Newton. E R: lota 3 and 10. block
4, -Laugbiin's add to Anteiope. . o uu
Nolan. Catharine A: lot D, blk 68,
MilUtary add to Dalles City... 35
Norman. Mrs Grace: e i of wf
sec 17, 3 s, 13 e, 320 acres 16 Utt
North. Henry; lota 44, 45, 48, blk
A UJ Si... ' 1 (19
Orchard, Mary J; commencing 30
ft w and 56 rods s of nw corner
of Wilson lot, thence w 13 rods,
thence u 12)4 rods, thence e 13
rods, thence s 12)4 rods to be
srinnine: all in Sim's D L C. No
39, In, 13 e 6 18
Oiler, Mrs Mattie; ne sec 12, 1 n,
9 e. 160 acres: loU 1, 2. 3, block
7, town of Winans 726
dinger & Bone; lota 7 and 8, blk
A, 1st add to Hood River 13 60
Ostlund.LP; loUA. B, C, block
24, Military add to Dalles City, o W
Ostrander, W H; per property. . . 2 80
Palmer, Prudence C; lota 37, 38,
blk 2. Erwin dc Watson's 1st add
to Hood River 1 16
Perkins, George; se of nw i, sw .
of ne . nw oi se . ne t ot
sw i, sec 5, 1 a, lOe; 160 acres. . 10 24
Pen-in, C F; personal property. . . 6 25
Perry, Lettie J; commencing 30
1 i .A 1 . r ,
roas w ana iu roas ssit corner
bet sees 34 and 37, thence w 31
rods 133 ft, thence n 20 rods 3
ft, thence w 16 rods 12 ft, thence
n 66 rods to bluff, thence east
erly to point 86 rods n of begin
ning; thence s 86 rods to begin
ning, less 7 acres: all in sec 34.
3n, 10 e; 22 acres. 52 20
Phelps, C W; personal property. . 15 94
Phillins. Edwin U: n H of se 1.
sec 17, 2 n, 12 e; 80 acres 6 40
Pilkington, J B; commencing 30
rods 8 of t corner bet sees 27
and 34, 3 n, 10 e, thence w 10
rods, thenco n 20 rods, thence w
48 rods, thence n 10 rods,
thence w 16 rods, thence south
10 rods, -thence w 18 rods,
thence n 1 rod, thence w 18
rods, thence n 9 rods, thence w
5 rods, thence s 20 rods, thence
w 15 rods, thence n 3 rods,
thence w 30 rods to section line,
thence sooth 143 rods to sw cor
ner of nw i, thence e 160 rods,
thence n 130 rods to beginning. 30 16
Pilkington, Mrs L S; fractional
lot 4 and all ol lot uix u .Baird's
ad to Antelope.. 13 50
Pollock, Thomas ; commencing at
se cor of nw qr of sw qr sec 1, 2
n 10 e thence n 70 rds, thence w
80 rds, s 30 rds. e 40 rds. a 40
rds, e 40 rds to beginning 3 75
Porter. J T : w hf of ne ar se ar of
nw qr sec 27, 5 8 12 e, 120 a. i. . o 61
Potter, W B; beginning 8.91 chains
e of nw cor of Bee, tnence e 8.02
chains, thence s 6 5 chains,
thence w 8.02 chains, thence n
6.5 chains to beginning, all in
sec 3, 2nl0, 5 a 2 45
Powell. H L: s hf of se qr nw qr
se qr sec 14, 1 s 12, 120 a 6 6Z
Powell. Lottie H; all of blk 2 3d
ad to Dufur 3 25
Powell, O A; sw qr sec 14, 1 s 12'
160 a v 03
Purser, Joseph; e hf oi ne qr sec
3,2 n 10 e, less iu acres described
vol G. page 590 and 2 acres
sold to I J Nealeigh, 65 a 14 78
I Quinlan, P B ; sw qr of nw qr sec
31, 3 n, li e, 4U a ; aiso lou i to
9 inclusive and lota 14 to 26 inc
- blk 4. lota 1 to 6 inc blk 6. all in
Waucoma ad to Ii R 21 00
Rath, Peter:
lota C, D, blk 104,
14 SO
Reed & M linger; a hf of se qr, e
ni oi sw qr sec 16, z n, 12 e 8 64
Reeder, J M & G H ; s hf of ne qr
s ni ot nw qr sec 14, s hf of ne
qr, nw qr of se qr, ne qr of sw
qr sec 15, all in 7 s, 16 e, 320 a. . 75 53
Reynolds. Alvira: lots 1, 2, 3. blk
1 , Ke nolds ad rl K 3 75
Rich, Anna F; lots 9, 10,11,-12 ' "
ana w ot lots A, is. C, D, E, -G;
all in the town of Belmont. . 16 63
Riddell, George H ; s hf sec 2, 1 n
14 e, 32U acres 27 36
Risch, Elizabeth ; lots 7,8, blk 34,
uates aauu o i&
Roberts, Daniel ; sw qr of sw qr '
sec 16. I 8, 11 e, 40 a. .... . . Z 16
Rodenheiser, Wm H ; e hf of e hf
sec 6, 1 s, 10 e, 160 a II 88
Rogers, Bert ; lota 5, 8, blk 7, Bds
ad Antelope 6 (U
Rood. EL; w hf of blk 4. lota 26,
27,28, blk 5, E& W'8 2dadHR 2 45
Rosenthal, L; ne qr sec 27. 1 n.
12 e, 160a 12 00
Rowe, H S ; all of blks 2, A, ft. 9,
10, loU 1, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7 blk I. lots
1, 3, 4, 5, 6 blk 3. lot C an ' lou
1 to 8 inc blk 4, Ms 3 to 10 inc
plk 5, lot E and lots 1 to 8 inc
blk 7, loU 1 to 8 inc blk II, lots
1 to 6 inc blk -1 '. lots I to 0 inc
blk 13 11 00
Ruffner, Peter M : s hf of se qr,
nw ar of se nr. sw ar of ne ar
sec 24, 2 n, 12 . 160 a 12 00
Runyan, George W: w hf of Tal
bot Lowe D L (' No 46,1 n, 13 e.
160 a, loU A, B, O. D, E, F blk
S3, lots G, H. I bV- H4,lot O.H,
I blh84, lots A. It. C, D, 1 J.K.
Lblk 100. lota A. B. C. D. E blk
101. all in Mil ad DC 30 76
Rowland. George W: and hf tract
in Methodist Mission, C L vol 2 5 91
Senecal. James & Bro: ae qr of ne
qr ne qr of se qr sec 8, 2 a 13 e
80a ..: 8 60
Shackelford, Mrs R S: lot 3 blk A
. Dalles City nil of blks 43, 44 .
lota G. H, I. J, K, I. blk 71, Mil '
adtoD C. 76 15
Shackelford, Wm: track in blk
Trev ad to D decribed in val
F538. n531.i. 308: lo's A. B.
C. D, E, blk 2": lots A. B, K.
L, blk 30. all of blks 31 T.H; lots
A. B C. D. E. IV blk 71. lot A.
B. blk 72. lots A. BCD K, F,
blk 82. all in Mil ad t DC... 68 14
Shoemaker WE: 5 a in wwcor
of se of nw qr sec 19, 2n. II e. .. 70
Shoemaker, J H: per prop 8 37
Simonson. A J; per prop 10 10
Slocnm. A K;lots 1. 2 Mk 10. and
beginning nt swworof frn tional
blk 10. thence s li'-O ft. tlmnce e
135 ft. thence n 150 ft. ili-nce w"
135 ft. all in Parkhurst .' 6
Smart, H C; lot J blk 9 Mil ad to
Dalles City 2 66
Smith, Jasper M; sw M of ne i,
se i of nw M. ne i of sw i, nw
i of Be i, sec 9, 1 n, 13 e, less 10 .
acres sold to John Robinson, et
ux. Volume L, page 268. 150
acres ; 23 60
Snipes, Ben E: Snipes mill site
described in Vol "D," page 339,
section 4, 1 n, 13 e. . . : 23 60
Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co; per
sonal property 82 80
Snyder, Snsan: nw M of nw J
sec 2, 1 n, 12 e; 40 acres., 2 64
Sorbin, R L; lot D blk 7, Cascades 1 64
Spencer, Mrs H; loU D, E, F blk
102, Military ad to Dalles City. 11 73
Spurrier, W E; sw of se K less
block 1, and lota 3, 4, 5 block 2, .
Belevue addition to Dalles City,
sec 18. 1 n, 13 e; 38 acres 8 85
Statta, J G. Estate of; n i of nw i
sec 8, 2 s, 13 e, 80 acres 4 84
Steele. George A: e 1 of ne J sec 6.
4 s, 9 e: 80 acres 2 70
Steele, F B; personal property . 4 30
Sterling.George M; w 4 of ne i, n
of nw i, se of nw i, ne i of
sw nw yi of Be i, section 7,
1 n, 13 e; 2 0 acres 20 36
Story, J L: lot 9, blk 22, Bigelow's
Bluff add to Dalles City. ....... 1 73
Stranahan, George; F; beginning '
. SO rods w of se corner of sec 9, . ; -'
2 n, 10 e, thepce w 20 rods,
thence n 80 rods, thence e 20
rods, thence s 80 rods to begin
ning; 10 acres 2 89
Sutherland, James; lot 3 and 26
feet off w side lot 2 and lt feet
off e side of lot 4. all in blk 11.
DC 34 60
Swagger, Wm A; 15 acres in ob
long form beginning at nw cor
ner section 6, 1 n, 13, e, so as
not to include August Watson's
house 198
Sylvester. Mrs E G: lot 4. block
13, Laughlin's adtoDC 2760
Sing, Gee; personal property 20 70
Tannawa8her, Tom; n hf of sw qr
section 13, 2 n, 11 e, 80 acres... 3 85
Taylor, Frank P; personal prop
erty 8 43
Taylor, James M; lota G H, blk 23,
Military adtoDC 5 52
Taylor, Lucy J; lota 1 and 2. w hf
of nw qr section 35, 1 n 13 e, 103 a 10 92
Taylor, O D; s hf of se qr sec 15,
2 n, 10 e, 80 acres; 8 hf of sw qr
of sw qr sec 14, 2 n, 10 e, 20 a.
commencing 76 7-35 rods s, and
64 4-275 rods e of nw corner of
Sim's D L C No 39; thence s 16
rods: thence e 10 rods, thence n
16 rods; thence w 10 rods la.... 9 76
Thomas, Polly C; e hf of se qr, sw
ar of se ar. sear of sw or sec 26.
1 n, 13 e, 160 acres...... 12 60
Tucker. George; lot 6, block 5.
Waucoma ad to Hood River. ... 15 00
Turner, Almira L; whf of ne qr, e
hf of nw qr,sec 28, 1 a 16 e, 160 a 12 32
Turner. Geo: Iota H, G blk 70 Mil
ad to Dalles City 63
Ulrich, Katberine; lota 3, 4, 5 blk
2 Bellvue ad to Dalles City
Underhill, James jr: per prop.... 128
Vanestrom, N; se qr of ne qr sec
16, 1 n 12 e, 40 a 2 64
Vorhees, C G; commencing 21.69
chains w of qr cor bet sec 6 and
7, 2 n 11 e, thence 43 rds 191
links, thence e 88 rds 6 links,
thence n 1 rd links, thence
northerly to beginning, 121 a.. 3 60
VanCamp, P J; per prop 3 13
Wallace. Charles: s hf of s hf of
se qr of ne qr sec 9,z n 10 e, 10 a 4 38
Wallace, Mrs Sarah; 619 ft front
ing on Main Bt, lota 1, Z Dlit 3
and 160 ft by 200 ft in blk 2
Baird's ad to. Antelope 42 00
Wallace, N W; s hf of se qr ne qr
of se qr se qr of sw qr sec 28, 7 s
17 e. 160 a 13 20
Washington. David: 8 hf of se or
seciz, l n,i3e, sua. ....... ou
Watt, Alexander; commencing at
nw cor ot se qr oi sec 1Z, zn, 7e,
thence s 10 rds; thence e 32 '
rds: thence n 10 rds; thence w,
32 rds, 2 a. 4 40
Watson. Martha E; lot A blk 36,
mil ad to DV 1 U3
Watson, May G; beginning at the
nw cor of the claim known as
tbe N Coe D L C 8n, lOe, w, m,
and run thence e 100 ft; thence
8. 308.5 ft to the s line of the
right of way of the O R Sc. N Co
and the U P R C; thence e
following the a line of said right
of way 1930.3 ft; thence a 190.5
ft to the n line of the town of
Waucoma in Wasco Co; thence
s, 87 deg 3 min w, 690 ft; thence
s 780 ft; thence s, 87 deg 3 min
w 10 ft; thence s 200 ft; thence
s 87 deg 3 min w 300 ft; thence
s 84 deg 37 min w 400 ft; thence
n 86 deg 63 min w 607 ft, to the
claim cor on the w boundary:
thence n, 245.85 ft to claim cor;
thence e, 89.1 ft to claim cor;
thence n, 2014 ft to beginning,
5269 a 120 00
Watson. T J, Trustee; lota A, 7, 8,
9, section 28, 3 n, 10 e, except
beginning at nw corner of said
lot 8, sec 26, 3 n, 10 e, the said
initial point being the center of
said section, thence s 159.91 ft,
thence e 1362 ft, thence n 159.91
ft. thence w 1362 ft: 75.163
acres 6 00
Welch, Clarissa: com'ng 130 26-33
rods 8 and 19 27-33 rods east of
nw corner of Sim's D LC, 1 n,
13 e, thence e 20 rods, thence
s 1 1 rods; thence w 20 rods,
thence n 11 rods 25 88
Wes sells, David, ne J of ne i, e i
of nw i of net sec 36, 1 n, 12 e;
60 acre 4 40
We Brothers; per') property. . . 8 SO
Wbealdon, W Lucinda: commenc
ing 66 feet s of nw corner of lot
1, blk 6, Neyce & Gibson's ad
dition to Dalles City, thence w
200 feet, thence s 70 feet, thence
w to e line of military reserva
tion, thence southerly 76 ft ton
line of lou purchoeedhy O. D.. . .
Taylor 'from -Korten estate,
thence easterly 246 ft to w line
of Neyce A Gibson's addition, -
o 130 feet to beginning, being
part of lota 1 and 3, block 14, ..
Dalles City... 34 50
Whealdon, N; w hf f r hf of
sw wc 31, I n. io v, acres.. 11
Wheeler, J H: 3 hf of tho follow
ingtract: 'oinm-i):iii-at ne cor
ner of se qr ut-tf. qr ?cc 27, 3 n,
, IOh, tlii-im- w ..kIm; thence
a 40 rods: tln-ii.n e 20 rods;
thence n -lit hi l- to beginning,
2i acres..
Whitronib, M .i. tot 1 sec 36, 4 n,
- 1 1 t 8 69- acres
Wickman.l: !'; neqr of seqr sec 7,
In, 12 , -,. acres
Wii-kham. .1 : w hf of ne qr sec 20
2 n, 10 e, v acres. . . ,
1 46
3 96
Wilder, Lau-aC; nwqr sec 10, Is
12 e, ItMiHi-res
12 32
Williams. Wm G: lot J, block122,
Military :t I to DC
WiNon, J !; estate of; part of lot
4, blk 2, Uughlin'8 ad to D C,
comment-nig at nw corner of lot
5, in waiii blk; thence w, along
Main' st 18 ft; thence s, 50 ft:
thence e. 18 ft lo w line of lot 5;
then' c n. along w line of lot 5 to
1 73
Wilson, Mrs. R J; lot 7, blk 7,
Big. low's ad to DC 4 32
Winaiif, Audubon; ne qu Bee 14, 1
n 9 f, n nf of sw qr, sw qr of
. nw qi. r.v qr of 4W qr sec 18, I
n, M. e, 320 a, lot 3 blk 2, lot 6
blk 4, Winan's ad to Hood
Winans, E T; b hf of n hf sec 9, 1
ntte, 160a..?..' .....
Winans, Mattie A; se qr sec 13,
1 n, 9 e; 160 acres. Lots 16 to
24 inclusive, block 26, Winans
Winans, W R, se qu of neqrsec 1,
1 n. 9 e. sw q-i e qu. sec 36, 2
ii. v: -m- 8, blk 8; lota
1,2. . s. tlk 10U 6, 6, 7, 8,
bloi k a, lots 6, (i, 7, 8, block 9;
- lot 8, blk 2; lots 1, 2, S. 4, 6,
blk 3) loU 1, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, blk 1;
all in town of Winans
Vol ford & Bone; per'l property. .
Wood, John; ne qrsec 34, 1 n, 15
e; 160 acres
Wood, Thomas G; lot B, blk 11,
Military addition to Dalles City
Wood. Wm A; ne qu sec 33, 1 n,
15 e, nw qr sec 31, 1 n, 15 e;
230 acres
York. II A; lot 3. block 6, second
addition to Hood river
Zyhactu John: lot 6, block 2,
Thompson's addition to Dalles
2rt 10
K 15
13 35
62 00
21 66
1 36
2! 16
13 76
3 95
aharlffs AwMamaaU.
Berleo, C L; H R Park lota 1, 4,
5, 8, blk 4 1 16
Engle. J M; E and W 1st ad H R
low 5, 6, blk 2. -. 60
Jobnstoo, A W; lou 1,4, 5,8,
blk 4 HR Park 1 08
Sherlock, Samuel; 37 ft off e aide
of lot 12 blk 1 5 17
r-oriiaua liana, irngauoo Lum
ber and Fuel Co; 20 miles of ir
rigation ditch Including rigbt
of way commencing at bead '
waters of Clear creek, running
tbence to termination of said
ditch in Juniper Flat country ,
in tp '. r 13 f W M. Said
ditch is 8 ft wiilo by 4 ft deep.. 242 00
Whtieorab. Be-iha and Belle; H
li Park lot 39, blk 3 27
Wi liams, T Fand George; w hf
of ne qr nr lots 7 known as Sal
mon Inland, sec 22, 2 n, 7 e. ... 2 20
Wigle. David C; e hf lots 1 and 2
sou II, 1 n, 13 e. : 34 61
Towne, B C; E and W 2d ad H R
lou 1 to 10 inclusive
Jones, A B; Waucoma lot 4, bik
Derry. E W: E and W 1st ad lota
43, 44, blk 2..
Carr, Matilda: per prop
Everson, Emma V; E and W 2d '
ad H R, lou 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, blk
9 1 50
Carr, Matilda; lota 18, 19. 22, 23, '
.9 97 an i ha as an au a
, w, w., . uu, .rv, "
43, 46,47, blk 4, lot 35 to 48
ino blk 6, lou 2, 3. 6. 7, 10, 1 1.
14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27. 34,
. 35,38,39. 42. 43,46.47. blk 8,
Int. n IA 17 90 1157 An .
.wva .v, . V, mw, ... M . , v..
blk 9. Full blks 13 to 19 Ino
and 21, 22, 24 H R Park 18 96
This has been in truth an adminis
tration of commissions, says a Wash
ington correspondent ot tbe Philadel
phia Ledger. While the war has been
largely accountable for the president's
remarkable record In this direction,
he has, aside from this, gone far be
yond the average I u the appointment
of special advisers. He has appointed
21 seperata commiions, with an ag
gregate membershio of nearly 100, and
an aggregate expense of more than
$2,000,000, divided up as follows: .. .
William J. Calhoun, special commis
sioner to Cuba, $10,000.
Monetary comm'loo, 150,000.
Queen's jubilee c immlssion, 125,030.
Seclal commiitloo, Paris exposi
tion, 110,000.
Beciprocity commission, (Karton)
Commission to Jinan in connection
with seals (Bamli i i 10.000.
Commission to I'n-wU in connection
with seals (Foster 10.000.
Paris peace com mission, $150,000.
Cuban aod Por'o Rlcan evacuation
commission, t50'X).
War investigation commission, tlOO.j.
000 . u
Philippine cooio Usion, 1150,000.
Joint high com i Is-lon, 1100,000.
Commission to disarmament confer
ence, azs,ouu.
Samoan commi-sion, 925,000.
Nicaragua camil commission, $250,-
Isthmain canal commission, l,00f'.
Hawaiian com-x'ssioi, 125,000.
Paris expositiou commission, 30,-
Tariff commi-slon to Cuba (R. I'.
Porter) 15000.
Industrial eonvniaslon (per annum)
Insular com m' salon, 125,000.
Total, IQOJmo.
For more than a century following
the ill-starred attempt to tax the
American colonists, Great Britain h
not required her colonies to assUt io
carrying the iuerlal burden, but it is
stated officially that Canada has now
been invited to contribute to the gen
eral family maintenance of John Utll.
But the Canadians are approached in
a different manner from that in which
Lord North approached our fore
fathers. It is all tbe difference be
tween the col'tnial methods of tliA
eighteenth cen:ury and tbe last decade
of the ninetefltith. Canada is to be al
lowed to pay if she wishes; ' Our Laoy
of the Snows" U to be gently entreated,
whereas Virginia, Massachusetts and
the other colonial dames of 1773 wi-re
roughly ordered to obey. The debt
which Canada, Australia and South
Africa owe to tbe United States for
that lesson administered a huodred
years ago is greater than can be easily
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