ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY' .'boOTiiitT, piibii1. SUBSCRIPTION . BATES. . DAILY $6.00 S.OO ttoata... 1.60 . - WXEKX.Y Ira Year, by 1 Six months. . . 11 Ml 75 SATURDAY. ...JULY 29. 1899 " 2!H4T HOOD RIVER CASE. The Hood River Glaoler in attempt ing to correct statements made in-, the Times-Mduntaitaeer regarding the case of the Hood River Lumbering Co. vs. Wasco county, leaves the matter in a very confused manner, and if not cor. rected would leave a misconception on tha minds of its readers. Io fact . the Glacier- seems to not understand the Btatuts of the case, or the matter In controversy between the county and the lumbering company. It says An article in The Dalles Times- Mountaineer of July 13th, in which the county court is criticised for the expense incurred in the suit of Wasco County vs. The Hood Rivar Lumber ing Co., makes a number of statements that are very misleading to the people of Wasco county who are not acquaint- ed with tha facta in the matter. The county court instituted -condemnation proceedings to make Hood river a pub lic highway not for the benefit of any private individual or for any corpora tion but for the interest of the people of Hood River and the county in gen eral, in order that any person or set of persons might improve the river lor the floating of logs and lumber, and that mills and factories might be cstab lished here. ' The parties who had con trol of the river under a lease made no attempt to imp-ove the stream, and their lease prevented others from doing so. It certainly ought to be the duty of the county court to grant citizens an open river, free for the use of any one." , The facts are that nobody has a lease of Hood river now nor was there anv lease in force at the time the county court sought, by order, to con demn certain .property belonging to the Hood River Lumbering Ci. A lease was . granted that comjany on January 16. 1896, however, one pro vision of the lease was that a bond should be executed by the company for the performance of certain require ments to make the lease binding. No hond was ever filed with the county court bv the company, therefore the lease was. void, and when the condem nation order was issued by the county court, the r'ver was free for the use or any and all persons. What the county, court sought to do was to condemn certain lands belonging to the Hood River Lumbering Company adjacent to the stream, that were said to be necessary for making a highway oi the river. . The Hood River Lumbering 3om pany never had a valid lease to Hood river, from the fact that it had never filed a bond or cumplied with any pert of its contract with the county, there fore the river Is now and has ever been open to the use of. all. That It be made a public highway could not bene fit .any. great number of taxpayers in Wasco county.-' In fact, the Lost Lake Lumbering Company, which has built a large mill at the mouth of the river, is about'- the only party that could be benefited by the river being opened for the floating of timber. If that company desired the river deicared a public highway, it was its privilege to apply to the county court for a lease thereof, under the provision of the act of February 25, 1889. and to then proceed to condemn- private property by due process of law, for Its use and benefit In making the river a public highway. This company being the one to re deye the benefits of the use of the river Is the party that should have born the expense of the condemnatory proceedings. It Is not the province of the taxoayers generally or at least should not be, to improve rivers or build roads for the use of a few Indi viduals or for a single corporation. Things that cannot be of utility to the general public should not be paid for out of public funds. Hood river, as a public highway for the floating of tim ber, cannot be used except by a few individuals, perhaps one company, therefore it should not be Improved at public expense, nor should the ex pense of attempting to condemn pri vate property along Its banks, for this purpose, have been borne by the tax- Lpayers of the county. BRYAN. ON THE PHILIPPINES. W m. J. Byran attended a democratic meeting in Chicago, and when called 1 upon to express his views on our obligations in the Philippines said: "First There are but two sources of government force and consent. ' The monarchies are founded upon force; republics upon consent. "Second The Declaration of Inde - pendence asserts that all governments derive their just powers from the con sent of the governed. "Third If the Declaration of Inde pendence is correct, we cannot right fully accquire title to the Philippine Islands by conquest or . by purchase from an alien monarch to whose re - bellions subjects we ourselves furnish ed arms. "Fourth If the Filipinos are and of right ought to be free, they should be ' immediately assured of our nation's intention to give them independence I as soon as a stable government can be established. "Fifth The Filipinos having fallen into our hands by accldent of war, - should be dealt with according to , American ' principles and nut only be given Independence, but protected " from outside interference while they ; work out their own deatiny." CRITICISM A DUTY. The Oregonian is being severely de nounced by ft number oi niae Douna nanan hmnte o( its crltl- Ycism. of the national administration, I whereas It should receive their com-' jmendatlon. Because the Oregonian espouses the principles of the re innhlican party is no reason why It should endorse every act of a republi can administration, wnetner ngnt or i wrong- Diu it ao so woum uwumo tool of the party, na i mnueoce or good would vanish. To criticise the acts of public of ficials is not only the privilege but the duty of every paper. By so doing It my wield ft beneficial Influence, but "by covering up wrongful acts, and st apling to Justify everything done by pficlal because toe otmjum snaoces to be of the same political faith as the paper, does an injustice to the public. If the administration of national, atate, county or municipal affairs is corrupt, Is controlled by scheming politicians, or is wasteful of public fund, it. becomes the duty of all papers that would wield a good influence to Inform their readers of such short comings. Honeut criticism has a ten dency to make honest officials, whereas blind endorsement of every act of official tends to breed dishonesty. The officer who enter upon the duties of his Doiiioo ' with the knowledge that his acts, if not. strictly honest, will be- endorsed and defended by the press of his party, is liable to become corrupt, but, if he knows he will be held accountable, and whatever be does will be held up to public gaze, he -will be- a better and more faithful public servant. It is sucb criticism as has been pub lished in the Oregonian that has caused the retirement of Alger -and will hold the national administration in check. Bad not such as the Oregonian and other republican papers demanded a reform in the war department, Alger would still be at its head. And were it not for the fear of such criticism, there is no telling to what extent politicianj would be able to control the administration. FORMOSA AND LUZON. A Japanese statesman, Mr. Kentaro Kaneko, who is now in this country, having come here to receive a degree from Harvard University, of which in stitution he is a graduate, has given an interview upon ' the subject of the war la the Philippines which contains a few points of more than ordinary Interest. He believes that the Ameri cans, with their characteristic self reliance and practical energy, have bee j a little too precipitant io the measures they have taken in the Phil ippines and have hot sufficiently stud led the experience of other nations. Japan, he says, made the same mis stake in Formosa when that island fell into her hands after the war with China, and It has been very costly. Mr. Kaneko says Japan's policy in Formosa went through three distinct stages. First, commissioners were sent to the natives and assured them that there was no intention to inter fere with their religion, customs or institutions further than giving them an orderly government, but the na tives placed no confidence In the Jap anese, and this policy failed. The recourse was arms, and a vigorous. wr of conquest followed. Formosans did just what the Filipinos are doing. They fought and ran away. They could not btand before the Japanese in battle, and were routed again and again. ' VBut," says Mr. Kaneko, "it was only like brushing away flies with the hand to see the swarm reunite. The experience proved too costly in men and money for the meager results attained.' - . - Then came the third experiment tried by Japan. The defensive atti tude was assumed, the towns taken were garrisoned and no attempt was made-to overrun the country district?. But by degrees trade sprang up be tween the strongholds and ton sur rounding country; the peopie became acquainted with the Japanese and be gan to like their ways, and to want to be annexed. Village after village was taken in, and the lines of occupation extended as fast as the people were ready for it. This last policy, Mr. Kaneko says, is proving successful. and in ten or twenty years Japan will have advanced in this way over, the whole of the island and will have par.-. tially civilized it. . ' Cabinet changes. When El ihu Root takes bis seat in President McKlnley's - official house hold there will oe bu three of the original cabinet in office Secretaries Gage, Long and Wilson. During the past two and one half years there have been more changes in the cabinet than has been customary during an entire- presidential term, which ap pears as if the president either made grave mistakes In selecting his first advisors, or found companions who were uncongenial. , The first change in the cabinet was the elevation of Judge McKenna. of California, who was his attorney-gen eral, to the supreme bench, against the protest of leading lawyers all oyer the country, and John W. Griggs was selected to fill the vacancy. Next Jonn Sherman, of Ohio, found the duties of the secretary of state's office disagreeable, and way to make a place for Assistant Secretary Day, and be in ' turn gave way to Mr. Hay, that he might be recalled from Eng land. The early retirement of Mr. Sherman was anticipated when he was appointed, for he was only made sec retary of state in order to give Mark Hanna a place in the United States senate, and nobody expected him to remain at the bead of the state depart ment longer than was necessary to satisfy the ambition of the Ohio boss Postmaster-General Gray's health failed him more than a year ago ana he returned to Maryland, leaving a vacancy to be filled by Charles Emory Smith, of Pennsylvania, who had done herculean work in '96, and to whom the administration owed a debt of gratitude. Then Mr. Bliss discovered bis business in New York demanded his attention more than did the duties of the office of secretary of the interior and Mr. Hitchcock? ex ambassador to Russia, was appointed to the interior department. THIS TRAGEDY IN ALASKA. Here a little and there a little, every week aud almost every day, we hear something of the horrors of prospect ors' life in Alaska. Some are drowned, others-starve; other are.frozen to death. One company is lost and never heard from agair; another is down with the scurvy, and despairingly facing a hor rible death. And thousands, yet well and strong, are broke, and know , not where to turn in the great, inhospit able land to secure a share of the gold they sought, nor bow to get back to home, comfort and civilization. This Is the briefest and faintest sum mary of the great tragedy that for two years has been enacted in the Northern interior. Gold was and is there; and a few obtain enough to pay for the time, trouble, effort, hardship, priva tion and suffering expended In obtain ing it; but most of the goldseekers are helpless victims of the grim tragedy's relentless unfolding. Portland Tele gram. Admiral Dewey has accepted the in vitation of Mayor Van Wyck to be the guest of New York city on hie return to America. The admiral states be expects to arrive at New York about October 1, and then will be the biggest celebration the metropolis has ever bad. . JLBOVt ROADS. : While The Dalles is discussing means for improving Its trade and building up business, the matter of good ' road s ' lead i n g i ritO t b e " i n ter i or should cot be overlooked. They "will do more to increase the mercantile and shipping business than anything else, and as these are our principal inter ests, they are indeed worthy of foster ing. While there are comparatively good roads leading to most parts of Wasco couoty they are susciptable of improvement and should receive the attention of those who are to be benefitted by the trade which may be induced to come here. But better roads leading into Crook, Sherman, Grant, Gilliam and Klickitat counties are of greater '' importance to The Dalles at this' time, for by them new trade can be secured and old trade re gained. A road that is of more im portance than all others is one leading into Crook county, that will be free, f ir the payment of tolls is ever a draw back to travel. It is said hy those who have passed over the country to the south that a practicable route can bs had across Deschutes river at the o'd Maupio ferry, then up the river to the mouth of Trout creek and on to Prlneville, that would reduce the dis tance between the latter place and The Dalles 20 miles, also that the bills on this route are not nearly so steep as those on the road now traveled. This road it is-said can be built for not to exceed $3,000 and a bridge across the river could be constructed for $1500 or $2000, which would bring the entire improvement within $5000. - If these statements are correct The Dalles can well afford to subscribe a liberal amount, toward the road, while the bridge should be built by ' the county, for it would accomodate all those residing in the country south and east of Deschutes river. Such a road would insure nearly all the trade from Cr6ok county coming hero, since The Dalles would then be as near Prineville as is Moro, which is likely to be the terminus of the Columbia Southern for some time, and if the producers of Crook county can reach The Dalles over a free road with no longer distance to travel than they can reach any other point, they will always come here because of the cheaper transportation, better ware house facilities and higher market frr ' their products. The trade of Crook county is valuable to The Dalles, and is worth putting forth an effort to re tain, for without It our. shipping In terests and the business of our mer chants would be greatly curtailed. Improved roads leading into the southern part of Gilliam county would have a tendency to draw -all the wool business of Wheeler county and the southern part of Gilliam this way, and some of the wheat from the southern part of Sherman would find its way to The Dalles if better facilities for travel were offered. The trade of Klickitat Is also ours if the people of that county are given an opportunity to come here with heavily loaded teams. The Lyle Goldendale -railroad is yet a matter of conjecture, and will likely not be built for mtny years if the necessity for it is averted by the construction of good wagon roads into the. country it is in tended to tap. What The Dalles greatly needs today is good roads leading into all the sections mentioned above, and It can well afford to subscribe money for their construction.-." Governor Geer is being petitioned to pardon James Lee., who has been sen tenced to three years .In the peniten tiary for a criminal assault upon a girl. The petition is signed by eleven of . the jurors, and it ; sets . up the fact that "Lee, at the time of the com mission of the alleged crime, . was a mere boy, under 16 years of age; the evidence was not very strong, and the defendant was not closely identified.'.' If the statements setup in the petition, are true, the jurors who found the boy guilty must have had little retard for their oath, and committed a crime by returning a verdicV on evidence that was "not very strong" and In a case where the "defendant was not clearly Identified." There is a lame place in the law that allows jurors to find such verdicts and then attempt to undo their wot k by petitioning the governor to pardon the party convicted. There ought to be some provision for giving such jurors a short term of punishment. Some papers are continuing to criti cise .the Oregon soldiers for having selected San Francisco as the point of mustering out, but it is very likely those who are condemming them, If If they had been in the boys' shoes, would have done the same thing. A trip of thirty days in a transport is none too pleasant, and no doubt the soldiers' greatest desire was to get on land ar the first point reached, in order that they might find more com fort. Then the offer of travel pay was an inducement,' which frail humanity could not refuse. The soldiers htd done their duty and had rendered a service that was a credit to the state, and nobody should complain of them for heing in a hurry to end their serv ice and at the same time get a little extra pay. While all Oregonians would have preferred that the regi ment come home as a body, yet we who had not undergone the hardships they, endured have no right to crltl else them for not coming home to be discharged. ,-. ' Robert G. lngersoll was "called" and went with a promptness to "the other world" that saved him the mortifica tion oi lying on a aeatn Dea and re ceiving the prayers of certain people who have vivid imaginations of the fate in store for him. It Is to be hoped that in years to come no ranting evan gelist will declare that lngersoll left this world In horrible agony of death aad its fullfilment, as Is often done in connection with the death of Tomas Paine. Death to one man is about we same as another and means about as much. . The law of nature is no respector of persons. Its penalties fall upon the. just and the unjust, and a guilty conscience is its own accuser. The man who expects to be rewarded in the future life for being good in the present life is a tougher sinner than Bob lngersoll ever was. East Ore gonian. The fate of Clara Fitch, the girl who was strangled in one oi .Portland's lonely parks, should serye as a warn ing to parents to exercise more care over their girls, to know where they are after dark, and to be more cautious in selecting their associates. The fact that the girl's parents had forbid her keeping company with McDaniel proved insufficient. It was their duty to see that she did not go with him and also to have prevented clandestine meetings. Haw Ar Tmif KMacys t Dr. Hobtw' Broruru Pill core mil kidney 111. Sto- pi Ira. A44. BtcrUos Bemadf Co, Chicago or M. X. TAX SALE For the Year 1897. By virtue of a warrant issued by the clerk of the county court of the county of Wasco, for the state of Oregon, dated the 17th day of June, 1899, to nie di rected, commanding me to levy on the goods and chattels of the delinquent tax-payers for said county, for the year 1897, thereto attached, and if . none be found, then upon the real property as set forth and described in the said de linquent tax roll, or so'lnucb. thereof as shall satisfy . the amount of taxes charged therein, together with the coats and expenses, I will, on M nday, the 14:h day of August, 1899 at the front door of the court house in said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject for redemption, to satisfy said warrant, cost and accruing costs, the hereinafter described pieces or par cels of land, having duly levied upon said pieces or parcels of land and being unable to find any goods or chattels be longing to the respective delinquents therein named. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, July 14, 1899. ROBERT KELLY, Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon. Abraham, Rose; lot 22, blk 3, H - RPark f 0 54 Abraham, Sarah ; lot 23, blk 3, H R Park Alcorn, Ida V ; lot 40, blk 1, H R Park ".. Allen. Cvnthia C ; lot 13, blk 3, H RPark... Alexander, George W ; sw qr, sec 28, 5 b, 12 e, 160 a Allison, Charles; lot 4, blk 34 Gates' ad to Dalles City 20 70 Alcorn, W A ; lot 44, blk 1, H R Park Ainsworth, L B ; lot 9, blk 1. H R Park Anderson, W A; lots 13 and 14, blk 6, Erwin and Watson's 2nd adHR Arbuckle, W H ; personal property Asher, Adella; lot 17, blk 10, Er win & Watson's 1st ad to H R.. Bachelor, Mrs. Wm H ; s hf of s hf sec 10, 2 n, 11 e, and n hf, nw qr and sw qr. nw qrand nw qr, sw qr, sec 16, 2 n, 11 e, d20a.. 24 64 Bail, Frank ; 20 a, in sec 17, 2 n, 10 e. . Baker. W J; seqr of ne qr. and commencing sw corner of se qr nw qr sec 2, 2n, 10 e, thence e, 68 70 rods ; thence n 91 rods to line of Benson's D L C; w- 2 70 68.70 rod" ; s to beginning all in - sec 2, 2 n. 10 e, oil a 30 25 Baldwin, Charles M ; sw qr sec 34 2n, 15 e, 160 a Baldwin, J O ; commencing nw cor of Main and Union sta ; tbence n 1.0 feet; thence w 100 feet; thence s 120 ft; thence e 100 ft to beginning, all in blk e, Trev 8 80 ad tol U 31 05 Bargainmin, B D: lot 20, blk 10, Erwin and Watson's 1st ad- ' dition to Hood River Barnhart, Mary; lot 1, blk 11, Bigeiow's bluff . addition to D . City Bart, F B ; lots 39 and 40. blk 7, E& W lstadtoH R. 30 2 69 1 20 7 75 Bennett, J T, lot '4, blk 11, B ad to Antelope Benson,-TC; personal. 11 00 Billings, A B; personal property Birgfeld, Laura E f a hf of ne qr 2 40 and n at oise qrseczu, t s, ie, 160 a. 10 60 Birgfeld, Otto ; personal property 21 70 Blake & Osbnrn ; n hf of s hf of n w qrof sw qr sec 11, 2 n, 10 e 10 a 1 35 Blanchet, FN; a 60 ft of lots 1 and . 2, blk 6, Trevett's ad to D C . . . 27 60 Boor man, Wm; commencing s w corner of 8 w qr of se qr of sec 3 ' 2 n, 10 e, thence w 20 rods ; : thence n 80 ; thence e 20 rods ; s 80 rods, 10 a 8 30 Blumauer. S ; lots G H J K and L, blk 15, Military ad to V U 13 80 Bordie, Joseph ; lots 1, 2 and 6, blkl.Belvue ad D C ..... Botsford, Florence ; lots 19 and 20, blk 3, Erwin & Watson's 1st ad H R Boyd, N H; lots 25 and 26, blk 1, Erwin & Watson's 1st ad H R. 2 07 60 60 18 63 Briggs, Mrs M E ; personal prop Brock, Anna J; com 40 rods n of center of sec 13, 2 n, 10 e; thence n 20 rods ; thence e 80 rods ; thence s 20 rods ; thence w 80 - rods; 10a ... 14 00 Brown, Walter J; lots 45, 46, 47, 48, blk 6, Erwin & Watson's 1st adtoHR Brown, John ; lota 1, 2, 3, blk 9, Erwin & Watson's 2nd ad H R. Brown, George H ; s hf of sw qr and nw qr of sw qr andsw qr of nw qr, sec 25, 2 n, 12 e, 160 a.. Bnhlman, John ; personal prop. . ' Buckley, Honors; lot I, blk 76, Mil ad DC 1 20 3 00 8 64 8 22 5 18 Bunnell, Catherine E ; lots A, B, C, J, K, L, blk 34, Mil ad D C.. 21 Bunnell, D ; lots E and F, blk 45, Mil ad DC 2 7 Burlingame, James ; ne qr of sw qr and n hf of se qr and ne qr of se qr, sec 94, 4 s, iz e, iou a. . . . 11 49 Baird, Jessie ; lots 3 to 12 incl, blk 3, and lots 1, 2, 3, 10, U, 12 and part of 7, blk 13, Baird's ad to Antelope... Cable, Albert E, lots 5 and 6, blk 6 ' Erwin & Watson's 1st ad to H R 4 80 1 20 Campbell, G C; personal prop.. 10 35 Campbell, H G ; nw qr of nw qr, sec 13, 2 n, 10 e, 40 a Campbell, Henry H ; lots 3 and 4, sec 19, 1 s, 11 e, 67 a Campbell, Myra ; lots 27 and 28, blk 9. Erwin & Watson's 1st ad 8 40 3 62 to H R 1 20 Campbell, W J; s hf of sw qr of nw qr, sec 13, 2 n, 10 e, 20 a. . . . 70 Candiana, C F ; personal prop. . . Carter, M W; lots 17 and 18, blk, -7 T?.n.;m Jtr Waonn'a lot aA tt 40 60 H R.. Cascade Water Co ; personal prop erty 22 00 Cates, D L ; commencing at the ne cor of lot now owned by John Catea on the s line of Al vord avenue ; thence southerly at right angles to said avenue to the alley; - thence easterly along said alley to the w line of the D L Cof W C and Mary Laughlin; thence n along said t line of said land claim to the s side of Alvord avenue ; thence w along said avenue to begin-, ning, all in D C, Wasco Co., Oregon . . 2 73 Chambers. W M ; lot 1. being ne qr of ne qr, sec 26, 3 n, 10 e, 39.90a ... 3 00 Clark, D S ; sw qr se qr sec 21, 2 n 10 e, 40 a... o J Clark, D A; personal property... Clai k, Levi ; peasonal property. .. Clear Lake Lumbering and Irri 7 21 7 42 4 40 6 75 gating Co. ; se qr see 62, 4 s, e, 160 a Cleavenger, A C ; se of nw qr sec 12, 2n, 10 e, J a. ..i Coatsworth, Grace, estate of;ne qrand e nf ot aw qr ana sw qr oi sw qr and b hf of se qr sec 12, :. - 1 n, 13 e, also n hf of nw qr sec : all in I n, 13 e, 379 a 76 74 Coats, Harry C ; se - qr sec 25, 2ri, -. 8e, 1W) acres....! . ,6 05 -Cockerline, M J ; s hf of se-qr and . .-: . . s lit ot sw qr oi Sw-qtfsectionriTT 1 s, 143. ion acres,;-. : . . .7. . . . :..:82.84 Coe, H C and 0 L Stranahari, c-inrnencing at nw corner of n e . corner of N Coe D L 0 in sec-25, 3 n. io e, thence s to the center of O R & N Co's right oi way on - ' the west line of 'said D L C . thence in an easterly direction following the center line of said . . . right of way 935 feet, thence n, 30 feet to the north boundary of said right of way at which point a stake was set for beginning on corner; thence n 209 feet; ' . thence e 209 feet ; thence s 209 . feet : thence w 209 feet to be ginning. 1 acre........'...".'... 15 75 Clements, Thomas ; sw or sec 20, 1 s, 11 e 160 acres 8 25 Coe, Mrs Kittie: about 30 acres in e w corner of N Coe D L C. being an unsold portion of said claim, sections 35 and 36, 3 n, 10 e, ex cept 2 acres described in vol Y of deeds page 156 ; about 25 a in nw cor of N Coe, D L C, being an unsold portion of said . claims, sections 25 and 26, 3 n, 10, e lots 6 and 7. blk 2. in Waucoma : lots 5. 6. 7 and 8 in blk 22, Hood River proper 96 60 Collins. E J & Co. : personal prop erty 16 60 Corairri, Louis ; lots F and G blk 76, Mil ad to D C... 13 94 Coon, Jack, (Indian) lots' 1.2, 3, sec 4, 2 n, 11 e, 122 a 8 96 Cordes, P F ; beginning ne cor sec 27, 3 n, 10 e ; thence e, 5.93 rh n, 8.62 ch to bluff; w along bluff to w line of sec 27: thence s to , beginning, 3 a 3 90 Crabtree, D P: nw sec 35. 4 s. 13 e, 160 a ;,. 8 48 Crawford. S E : lots 1 and 2. blk 6 Erwin & Watson's 2d ad to H R 1 20 Crehan, Wm ; lots 39 and 40, blk 10. Erwin & Watson's 1st ad to h r ....r. eo Crocker, A C : lots 19 and 20. blk"7 ' E & W 1st ad to H R: 60 Crossen. LA: lot 1 blk 1 Trevet's ad to D C. . .v: 31 05 Cram, Albert :n hf "of ne qr. sec 24, 2 n, 12 e, 80 acres 4 32 Cutta, EO: lot 2. sec 33.. 3 n. 9 e ' 35 acres 1 12 Carr, Matilda ; lots 18, 19, 22, 23, . 26, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 42, 43, 46, 47, blk 4 ; ' lots 35 to 48 inclusive, blk 2 ; lots 3. 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, . 27, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38, 42, 43, 46. 47, blk g; lota 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24. 37, 40, blk 9 : lots 1 and 2, blk 24; all of blocks 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, all in H R P. . 2 70 Coe, Frank; estate, easternmost -. one of two springs in sw corner ' of N Coe. D L C sec 35. 3 n. lOe. one half acre . . . . . i 13 50 Daggett. George; lot F. block 36. Military ad to D C 1 04 Dalles Commission Co: personal property '. 34 50 Dalles Cold Storage -and Commis sion Co ; personal property. ... 20 70 Davenport, Frank ; sear section 32, : 3n,10e, 160 acres... ......... 11 15 Davenport Bros Lumbering Co ; ' n hf of sw qr.sw qr of sw qr, nw qr of se qr sec 15, 2 n, 9 e, se qr sec 14, 2 n, 9 e, 320 acres .104 28 Davis, Silas W ; estate of, n bf of . nw qr, ne qr, and n hf of se qr -sec 14, 2 n, 12 e, 320 a, lot 4,.blk " 6, D C. .".,.,.,...., 57 76 Dietrich, A? all of blk 10, 3d ad to - Dufur 9 75 Denton, C W ; D L C No 42: . .: -. 83 61 Derham, Charles; 4 lots in Baird's . ad to Antelope 3 00 Devin, James ; ne qr of ne qr sec 3, I n, 12 e. 42 a.... ... ..-... 2 53 Dillion, Charles e hf of ne qr sw of ne qr ne qr of sw qr . sec 22, ' 1 n, 14 e, 160 a. ... ... . . .. . .. . . U 44 Dimmick, Ann B ; ne qr sec .33.1 - n, U e, 120 a... 8 ti Dodson , Joh n ; personal prop . . . .; 3 SO Dowell, Frank D ; lots 3, 4, 5, 6, . blk 7, E and W 1st ad to H R 2 70 Drake,' R G; lot 48, blk 6, E and -' W2dad to H R... V 68 Durbin, Sophia riots 47 and 48,blk I i, su tuiu vi bv aura u xbj ... Edwards, EHward pw qr,.of,flw: : ' '. ... qr sec 4, n nf of ne qr sec a, auro in l.s, 13 e, 120 a.,.......,".... 11 56 Edwards, Julia, se or of se or. sec -. 33, 1 n, 13 e, 40 acres - 3 30 Elliott, J M ; se qr sec 7, 2 n, 12 e, 160 acres .........At. 11 34 End, W E; personal property'.;.'.', . X .77 Erwin, Robert, lots 4, 5, 36, 43, 45, 46. blk 9 : all of blks 2 and 3. E &W2ndadto H E 3 90 Erwin. Jane A: all unsold lots in: E & W 1st ad to HR 3 00 Everett. Abbie L : lots 5 and 6 blk 5, E & W 2nd ad to H R. . . . r:t 1 20 Falkner Marcellus; lot 5 blk-1 D C ...v. ...... 4 20 Feak, Edward ; n hf of se qr otne ,qr sec 13, 2 n, 10 e, 2 acres. . .. 4 20 Feak, James E: nf of nw qr of . se qr sec 2 n, 10 e, 30 acres. . . 6 30 Feldhansen, Peter; commencing . -at se corner of nw qr nf sw ' qr ; thence n 70 rods ; thence e 40.' : -rods; thence S 30 rods; theijee1'5. '" e 30 rods, thence 40 rods, w 70 ' rods to beginning, sec 1, 2 n, v 10 e...... ....:..,'.; 6 75 Ferguson, Luke ; beginning at a point where the w line of Laugh- ' - Jin's D L C intersects the n line of Alvord ave in Neyce & Gib-; '" son's ad to D C, Or, thence n 66 deg w, along the n line of Al- uord avenue 81 feet; thence n, ' . 32 deg 30 min e, 108 feet to the; ; ' . ' s line of Fulton's ad to DC; thence s 66 deg e, along the s . line of Fulton's ad to D C to the ' west line of Laughlin's D L p " to beginning 13 80 Fewel, Edward ; commencing 9 68 . ch w of ne cor Benson's 1) L. U . thence n 7 ch ; thence w 8.81 ch; " . thence s 7 ch ; thence e 8.81 ch to beginning in sec 35, 3 n. 10. e. ' . 6a 4 00 Fisher .George A ; lots A.B.C.D.E. F, blk 112, Mil ad to D C . .... ' 2 07 Fisher. J W ; undivided hf of lots " G,H,I, blk 12; undivided hf in- terestin lots A,B,C,D,E, Ft blk'i: 35 ; nndivided hf interest in,lots-. - K,L blk 8 all in Mil ad toDC. 2 94 Fisher, Joseph ; lot 11, blk 8, Big adtoD C ..i..; . 2 69 Fisher,-J W r trustee,' lots' 4, 5, 6, ; blk 21; Gites ad to D v.. . . . .'. 43 13 Fitch, J C; lots 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, ou 48, blk 6, E andW"ad to H'!- Fitzgerald . Wm ; lots 31, 32, blk;" 9,Eand W adtoHR J 20 Falkman, J; lots 13, 161 17, 20. 21, blk 8, H R Park. . . . . , . r 1 35 Foreman, W H; personal prop,.. 3 31 Fowler, W H ; lot 2, blk 4, N and G ad to D C and also a strip of land 12 ft in width and running the entire length of same, lot 2 ' and immediately on the e side thereof-. 37 95 Fredenberg, A ; ne qr of ne qr.sec 28. 1 n. 10 e, s hi ot se qr, se qr of sw qr, sec 21, 1 n, 10 e, 70 a.. 11 20 Fresie. August H ; lota 15, 18, 19. blk 2, H R Pk 1 35 Friendly. Seymour ; lota 39 and 40 . blk 3, rwin x watson s mhk i zo Friendt. Columbus ; lota 4 and 5, blk 4, uaira s aa to Anteiope. . . l zo Frost, Edward C; beginning ne cr - of se qr ot ne qr sec 34, 6a, lu e, thence w 20 rods, thence 8 40 rda lees 30 feet, thence e 20 rods, the n 40 rods less 30 feet to be ginning, 5 a..... 6 53 Gamble, WB; s hfofswqr, nw . nw or of sw qr, sw qr oi nw qr. sec 36, 1 s, 8 e, 160 a 6 60 Garretson, Mrs E H ; per prop. . . 9 66 Gates, N H; lota 9 and 10, blk 1, Thorn ad u, u, uncuviaea nt ot lot G, H, I, blk 12, undivided hf of lota A . B, C, D, E, F, blk 35, nndivided hf lots K and L, blk 38, all in Mil ad DC........... 10 84 Gates & Rock Creeg Ditch Co, personal property. 4 73 Gaunt, D B ; personal property. . . 40 67 Geary, Richard; lot D blk 77,- 69 5 93 12 75 16 4r 5 60 Glazier, I L ; personal prop ...... Gleason, Kdwanl ; lot 4 and 9 blk 13, Baird's ad Antelope Goodwin. Win: s hf of nw qr. ne g'r of nw qr. jhf qr of neqr see 27, In, 13 e: 16i)a. .'.........:.. Granger .Hall ; pet prop. Grant, Allen: e hf of nwqr, nw qr of sw qr sec 27, s hf of sw qr Fee Ifi, s hf of ne qr n w qr of ne . qr ne qr of sw qr sec 18, all in 8 s, 17 e, and w hf sw qr ne qr of sw qr n w qr of se qr sec 6, 8 s, 18e, o-'U a 27 76 Green. J M ; e hf of e hf sec 9,1 8, 8 e, 134 a. .' 6 60 Gross, Charles, per prop 18 25 Hamilton, James ; lot not platted in town of Antelope 2 25 Hand, E E ;lots 5, 9, 10, 17blk 12, Thorn ad to D C 8 85 Harris, G W; personal prop 6 35 Hartley and Hanna, per prop. ...... 7 50 Havnea, Joseph ; w hf of ne qr, e - hf of nw qrsec 18, 2 s, 15 e, 160 a 18 41 Haynes, Lenore ; w hf of blk 5, 2d ad to Dufur. 9 75 Henkle, FM ; com 40 rds. n of center of sec thence n 20 rds, thence e 80 rds, thence s 20 rda thence w 80 rds, sec 13, 2 n, 10 a.. 8 10 Henneghan, T M ; per prop. .... 4 08 Hcnrichson, C H ; commencing n e cor of sec 12, thence e 114 ft; thence s 521 ft : thence w 114 ft; thence n to beginning; all in Atwell's D L C sec 12, 2 n, 7 e 1 a 11 00 Henry, G R ; nw qr of nw qr, sec 15, 7 s, 16 e, 40a 1 20 Herrick Cannery ; per prop 51 75 Hinman. E S ; 50 ft by 100 ft in sw cor of blk 5, 1st ad to Dufur 9 13 Hinman, E T; per prop 9 75 Holmes, W H; ne qrsec 10, R s, 13 e, ieoa Hopkins, Charlotte; ' ' all blk 6, Pleasant; View.' ................ Haska, Mary ; s hf of se qr sec 17, . 2 n 12 e, 80 a. . . . . . .... . . . . Howe, Fred ; lots 3 and 4, blk 19, H R proper...,.; . . .' . 10 78 2 40 6 48 14 50 Howe, Joel T; e hf of .'sw qr, sw qr of sw qr, e hf of nw qr of. sw qr, s hi of se qr, nw qr of se qr sea 13, 2 n, 9 e, 260 a 13 64 1 20 Howe, J A ; personal property. . . Howells, Mrs R S ; e hf of e hf of nw qr of nw qr sec 10, 2 n, 10 e, 10 a... Hoyt, John S ; w hf of se qr, e hf of sw qr sec 11, 1 n, 12 e, 160 a. . 5 40 7 04 Humason, N and J G Wilson ; - 18x50 feet in ne corner of lot 4, being 18 feet on Mam street, all in blk 2DC 3 45 Hurst, U J ; sw qr sec 22, 1 n, 15 e, 160 acres. .. 14 36 Hyde, Edward ; lota 3 and 4, blk 5 H R Ingalls, Eliza ; lot 7, blk 6, Winan's adtoHR ingalls, Mrs J W ; nw qr of sw qr sec 4, 2 n, 10 e, 40 acres Isenberg, A K .estate of ;.n of se qrof ne qr, sec 10, 2 n, 10 e, 28 a Isenberg, F H, s hf of ne qr of ne qr sec 10, 2 n, 10 e, 20 acres. . . . 1 50 1 20 6 08 4 57 3 03 Jacobsen Book & Music Co, per ' sonal property 66 24 Jeffreys, Thomas ; commencing 171.20 rods w and 69.30 rods n of - se corner of ne qr ; thence n 23.10 rods; thence e 48,49 rods; . thence s 23.10 rods ; thence w 48.49 rods to beginning, see 2, 2 n,lue, 7 acres..... Jenkins, John W, s hf of nw qr of sw qr sec 3, 2 n, 10 e, 20 acres ; also 10 acres in n"parttf nw qr of sw qr sec 11, 2n, lOe, also lots 6, 10, 11, 12, blk 22 Biglow's bluff 4 20 ad to D (J. . 19 42 Jensen, Neils C; lot K, blk 74, Military addition to I) V. ..... . Johnson, Mary E; lots H,I, J, blk . 82 mil ad to D C Jones, Burns; commencing 80. rds w of i post between, sec 34, 35 thence w 40 rds, thence n 40 rds, : tbence e 40 rds, thence e 40 rds ! to beginning, sec 34, 3 n, lOe, 10 a; also lots 3, 4, sec 35, 3 n 9 e,.... ......... Jones, Cordelia ; e bf of bw qr sec 31, 6s, loe, lot 3, se qr hf nw qr 6, 6s, loe, 177 a. ..v. . Jones, J F; per prop.; ;;;....... 'Jones, Leonard C; lots 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, .- blk 1 ;4ota 17, 48,- 7,8, 9, 10, 11, ! 12, 16, blk 2 ; all blks 3, 4, 6, 6, 3 45 3 90 6 60 2 32 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, all in Idle- wilde &d to n 4. .. 15 00 Jones, Seth E ; lots B and C. blk 106, mil ad to DC...... Kaelbauer, Antony ; lot 7, blk 2 Thorn ad to D C 1 Kallich, M L ; lot 4, sec 27, 3 n, 10 e, 30 a Kelly, J K; ail of original Big D LC, not embraced in plot of Big bluff ad to D C, sec 1, 1 n, 13 e, 38 a ; lot 7 8 blk A Big ad to DC; undivided i of blk 48,' 49, 60; lot 14. blk 2, lot 9, blk 8, low 1 and 2 to 11 inclusive, blk 9, lots 1, 2, 7, 8, blk 12; lots 4, 5, 6, U, blk 23 ; lots 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 11, 12, blk 26 ; lots 2, 3, 4, 7, to 12 inclusive, blk 27 ; lots 7 to 12 inclusive, blk -Ji) ; lots 1, 4, 7, 10, blk 30 ; lots 3, t, 9, 12, block 31 ; lots 1.2, 11. 12, blk 32, all in 68 2 95 2 70 Big bluff ad to D C. 115 93 Kelsay , D A ; et al, se qr ne qr sec 1 n, 12 e, 40a Kelsav. W S : ne a r sec 28. 5 8. 16 e, 160 a. 20 69 Kendall. Wesley L ; se qr of sw qr . set 2, 1 n, 12 e, 40 a ........ 2 64 Kennedy. Frances : lota D.G. H.I.J blk U4 mil ad to D C 2 07 Kimberland. Marv : lots C.D.I.J blk 19, mil ad to D C 7 42 King, Libbie ; lot 5 and 2 feet on w side of 6 blk 4. Laughlin's blf adtoDC 8 63 Kline, Mrs 8 IE ; lot 10, blk 1, DC 27 61 Klindt, Fred J; lot A, blk 106, - MiladDC 52 Knnbel. Thomas': ne or sec 20. 1 n 13 e. 160a 13 39 Koen, Michael ; beginning 18.39 chains w of ne eor, thence n 10.50 chains, thence w 7.22 chns ' thence s 4.94 chains, thence w 4.18 chains, thence s 9.09 chains thence e 4.10 chains, thence s 60 chains, thence e 6.74 chains, thence n 10.48 chains to begin ning, all in Benson'a D L C sec 2. an. 10 e. 18 a...v. 17 60 Kramer. Henrv: lots D. E. F. blk 23, Mil adDC 9 63 Kreft Paul ; lot A, blk 64. Mil ad Krause, Ernest W, estate of ; sw or. s hf of se or. sec 20. 2 n. 15 e 240 a.......; 15 18 Labbe, Paul; lota 25, 26,27,28, blk 10. Erwin & Watson's 1st ad to H R.. 2 40 Ladd & Wood: toll road and bride to Cloud Cap Inn, incldg Inn.. 22 00 Ladow. Frank K and Mary M ; . lot B blk 15, Mil ad DC 6 90 Larsen. E 8 : 20 feet e side lot 9, blk 1, Laughlin's adDC. 3 45 Lanz. Albert: n hf of nw or sec 9. In. 12 e, 80a o zs Lewis & Mosier, personal prop. . . 18 60 Libby, Charles H ; lots 27 to 32 inclusive, Dik i ; lot zz, die 4, all in Erwin & Watson's 1st ad to H R : 4 80 Liberati. Elese : lot 2. sec 26. 3n 10 e, 40 a 3 00 Liebe, Harry C; personal prop... 24 67 Lindsay, Mrs N E ; ne qr sec 18, 2 n,10e,except l i a sold to Arthur J Rogers, 147 a 10 94 Lockwood. W F : se or of ne or sec S3. 1 n, 13 e, 40a 4 95 Logan, Frankie A; 10 feet off w side lot 1 1 , ana lu teet on e siae lot 12. all in block 1. Laughlin'B adDC 3 45 Loy, George E ; all of se qr of nw or lying n ana w o: nooa iwver. sec 14, 2 nr 10 e, 10 acres. 2 35 Luchsinger, A ; Lot 10 blk 21 Laughlin's ad to Dalles City... 17 25 Lynch, Peter; Lots 29, 30, 31, 32 oik 7 mrwin en watson's isaa to Hood River 2 40 Lyte, James K, Lot 6 blk 44 Uate's aa to uaiies tjity i. Mann, D W; Lota A, B, C blk 40 Military ad to Uaiies uity mvn Mil ad DC Marsch, Rudolph : Lot 3 sec 26, 3 n 10 e, 39 9H acre 3 00 Marx, Daniel; Lota 1. 2, 7, 8 blk 4 laughlin's ad to Antelope. .... 9 45 Maupin, C P: 1 acre, in nw cor of tew qr sec- 32,. 7 a. 17 e. . .-.-. .r:f "7- 50 Meek; jiK;o half jso qr sec IS, 2 : n 12, 80 acres : .:-.,..- $-85 Maloney, Dennic ; ne qr se qr sec 36. 2 n 12 e, 40 acres 3 52 Melrlrum, John W; w half ne qr sec 6, 4 s 9 e, 80 acres 3 24 Michell. Sarah; : Small tract, in . Federal St. fronting on Fulton st, lota 3, 10 blk 3 Bigeiow's ad to Dalles City, lot 1 blk 7 Bigeiow's ' ad to Dalles City 104 88 Michell, Wm; undivided lot 3 sec 36, 2 n 13 e, undivided lota 1, 2 sec 20, 2 n 14 e. 66 acres 23 28 Miller. J G ; personal property. . . 17 25 Mitchell. Lncv A : sw ar sec 10. 1 s lie, 160 acres 9 45 Mosbns, Wm. estate of: lot 4 blk 6 Dalles City . 69 00 Monroe. Isabel : 25 a of e side of w hf of sw qr sec 2, 2 n 10 e. . . . 12 15 Moody, Myra L ; commencing at an oak tree at top of bluff on sonth side of Columbia river, thence s 96 rods to corner be tween sec 34 and 27, thence w 61 rods, 13 feet, thence n 30 rods and 3 ft. thence w 15 rods and 12 ft, thence n to blnff, thence e to beginning, less por- tion sold to Let tie J. Perry. Volume W, page 555. Also fractional nej of swj, seJi of swT. all in sec 37. 3 n. 10 e. 8 acres 46 40 Moonev. E C : lots 7. 8. 9. block 5. Wsu'coma add to Hood River.. 10 75 Moonev. Jessie - K : commencing 3.50 chains s of hi post, between sec 35 and 36, 3 n, 10 e, thence s 5.70 chs. thence w 4.25 chs. thence n 5.70 chs. thence e 4.25 chs to beginning ; 2 acres 8 40 Moore. Mrs Alvira J : lot 4 and eU of 5. block 20. Gate's addi tion to Dalles City.....'. 35 TO Moore, H' E'; personal property. . 1 81 Moorehead, H J ; per property. . 6 67 Morehand. J C; nndivided 1-6 of ' fractional n hf of ne qr, sec 4, 1 n, 13e,12 a.....:.. 13 28 More. J W; s hf of a hf of nw qr of sw qrsec 11, 2 n, 10 e, 10 a... 135 Morgan, Clarence: beginning 5.98 chains w, and 17 chains n of ne cor Benson's D L C, thence n 5.43 chains, thence w 8.81 chns, thence s 5.43 chain, gience e 8.81 chains to beginning, all in sec 35, 3 n, 10 e, 5 a Morris, David ; lot 3, blk 11, Thm adDC.............:.:......,. Mosier. Dollie C : e hf of w hf of Richard Marshall's D L C, 2 and 3 n,12e. 80a....... Mt Hood Stage & Livery Co ; per sonal prop Mnlholland, WE; se qr ne qr sw 4 00 4 69 6 82 18 00 qr, n hf se qr sw qr, sec 38, 2 n, 10 e ; 14 96 McCaffery, John : lota 3 and 4, nw . qr of se qr, sec 36, 2 n, 9 e, 120 a McCormack & Mundy ; ne qr of nw qr sec 7, 2 n 8 e, lot 3 sec 6, 2 n 8e, 82 a... McCoy, D R: personal property ; . . McCoy, Geo W ; w hf of ne qr se qr of ne qr ne qr of se qr sec 18, 5 S, 12 e, 160 acres; also se qr sec 5, 2 n, 9 e, 160 acres. McDonald, John: personal prop erty 8 80 24 75 3 75 14 08 23 00 McDonald, Ronald; personal prop erty .. 3 31 McFarland, Mrs Ida; commenc .. ing 350 feet e of nw corner of sec 3, 2 n, 10 e; thence e , 12 rods; thence e 40 rods; thence w 12 rods: thence n 40 rods to begin ning, 3 acres 5 07 McGrail, P J; ne qr of sec 8; also whfofwhfsec 9. all in 2 s. 14 e. 320 acres. ............ . 32 88 McGuire. Margaret : lot B blk 29 Mil ad to Dalles City. . .... 1 04 Mclntosth. Geo W: sw ar sec 21. 2s 14 e, 160 a li oo Mcintosh, Geo W; w or of sw qr sec 12, 2 n 10, 40 a o 70 McKinnon."John M: nw ar 'of he ar sec 26. 8 19 e. 40 a 2 20 f .T -wl . A f unii .TnoAnh Hfft. Jacbern; all or but 7-, racknurst a uo McRae. Alexander: s W of aw - 2- ot sec 36, 3 n, 8 e; 80 acre 4 48 McRevnolds. Jacob'! ne t of section o, i b, io e; loo acres.-;;. i.ioee Nace, Seraphine, n t of se i, sw i oi se . ne ot s w t sec 22. -J s. 13 e; 160 acres.. v ; is 76 Nelson. James: sw M sec 4. 1 a 12 e; ito acres v vn Newstadter, Leopold, w i of nw J, sw s oi se sec 11. a s. 10 e: 320 acres. I... . . .12 88 Newton. E R: lots 3 and 10, block 4, laughlin's add to Antelope. . o 00 Nolan. Catharine A: lot D. blk 68. Millitarv add to Dalles (Jity... ss Norman, Mrs Grace;-e t of w i see 17. 3 s, 13 e, 320 acres 10 00 North. Henrv: lota 44. 45. 48. blk . , n f TT 1- . AO , ikxxi m ver, rar. 1 uo Orchard, Mary J; commencing 30 ft w and 00 rods a 01 nw corner of Wilson lot, thence w 13 rods, thence 11 12J4 rods, thence e 13 rods, thence 8 12) rods to be ginning: all in Sim's D L C. No 39, 1 n, 13 e.. 6 18 Oiler, Mrs Mattie;.ne J sec 12, 1 n, 9 e. 160 acres: lota 1. 2. 3. block 7, town of Winans 7 26 Olinger & Bone; lots 7 and 8, blk A, 1st add to tiood Kiver 13 00 Ostlnnd. L P: lota A. B. C. block 24, Military add to .Dalles (Jity. 6 90 Ostrander, W H; per property. . . 2 80 Palmer, Prudence C; lots 37, 38. blk 2. Erwin x Watson s 1st add to Hood River 1 16 Perkins, George; sei of nw i, sw ; i of ne i. nw t of se x. ne t ol sw i, sec 5, 1 s, 10 e; 160 acres. . 10 24 Pen-in, C F; personal property. . . 6 25 Perry, Lettie J; commencing 30 .. rods w and 10 roas n ot t corner bet sees 34 and 37, thence w 31 rods 13, ft, thence n 20 rods 3 ft, thence w 15 rods 12 ft, thence " n 66 mdd to bluff, thence east- . erly to point 86 rods n of begin- ning; thence 8 86 rods to begin- ning. less 7 acres: all in aec 34. 3 n, 10 e; 22 acres 52 20 Phelps, C W; personal property.. 15 94 Phillips. Edwin U: n M of se 1. sec 17, 2 n, 12 e: eo acres o 40 Pilkington, J. B; commencing 30 rods sot t corner net sees zi and 34, 3 n, 10 e, thence w 10 rods, thence n 20 rods, thence w 48 rods, tbence n 10 rods, thence w 16 rods, thence south 10 rods, thence w 18 rods, thence n 1 rod, thence w 18 . rods, thence n 9 rods, thence w 5 rods, thence s 20 rods, thence w 15 rods, . thence - n 3 rods, thence w 30 rods to section line, tbence south 143 rods to sw cor- ' ner of nw i, thence e 160 rods, thence n 130 rods to beginning. 30 16 Pilkington, Mrs L S; fractional lot 4 and an 01 lotvmk visaird's ad to Antelope...... 13 50 Pollock. Thomas ; commencing at se cor of nw qr of sw qr sec 1, z n 10 e thence n 70 rds, thence w 80 rds. 8 30 rdB, e 40 rds, a 40 rds, e 40 rds to beginning : 3 75 Porter. J T : w hf of ne ar se qr of nw qr sec 27, 0 s 12 e, 120 a. . . . 0 61 Potter, W B; beginning 8.91 chains e of nw cor of sec, thence e 8.02 chains, thence s 6 6 chains, thence w 8.02 chains, thence n 6.5 chains to beginning, all in sec 3, 2nl0, 5 a 2 45 Powell. H L: s hf of se qr nw qr se qr sec 14, 1 a 12, 120 a 6 62 Powell, Lottie H; all of blk 2 3d ad to lufur 3 25 Powell, O A; sw qr sec 14, 1 s 12 160a 9 03 Purser, Joseph; e hf oi ne qr sec 3,2 n 10 e, less 1 0 acres described vol G. narc 690 and 2K acres sold to I J Nealeigh, 66 ft : 14 "8 Qufnlan, P B ; sw qr of nw qr sec 31, 3 n, 11 e, w a ; aiso lots 1 to 9 inclusive and lots 14 to 26 inc blk 4. lota 1 to 6 inc blk 6. all in Waucoma adtoHR 2100 Rath. Peter: lota C. D. blk 104, Mil adDC... J4 80 Reed & Mimger ; 8 hf bf se qr, e-. lit olsw qrsec 1, 2 n,- 12 e ... 8 C4 Reeder, J M & G II ; s hf of ne qr shfof nw qr. sw: 14, s lif of ne -" qr, nw qr of se qr, ne qr of sw --qr sec 15, all in 7 s, 16 e, 320 a. . ?5 53 iReynoldsi.Alyira: . lots'j 2, 8, blk ..Reynold ad II K. .'. ......" 3 76 Btcbi-Anha-F;- lots '9 10, 11, li'. '. and w of lots A, B. C, D, E, ; G, all in the town of Belmont. . 16 53 Riddel), 'George H : s hf sec 2. 1 n 14 e, 320 acres 27 36 Risch, Elizabeth :, lata 7.8, blk 34; Gates ad D C 5 18 Roberta, Daniel : sw qr of sw ar sec 16, 1 b, 11 e, 40 a 2 16 Rodenheiser, Wm H : e hf of e hf sec 6, 1 a, 10 e, 160 a 11 88 Rogers, Bert ; lota 5, 8. blk 7. Bds ad Antelope - 5 01 Rood. EL; w hf of blk 4. lota 26. 27,28,blk5,E& W's2dadHR 2 45 Rosenthal, L : ne qr sec 27. 1 n. 12 e, 160a, .. :.. 12 00 Rowe, H S ; all of blks 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, lota 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 blk 1. lota 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 blk 3, lot C anH lots 1 to 8 inc blk 4, lots 3 to 10 inc plk 5, lot E and lots 1 to 8 inc blk 7, lota 1 to 8 inc blk II, lots 1 to 5 inc blk 12, lota I to 6 inc blk 13 11 00 Ruff ner, Peter M ; s hf of se qr, nw qr of se qr, sw qr of ne qr sec 24, 2 n, 12 e, 160 a 12 00 Runyan, George W; w hf of Tal bot Lowe D L C No 46, 1 n, 13 e, 160 a, lota A, B, C, D, E, F blk 33, lots G, H, I blk 34,lots G,H, I blk 84, lots A. B. C, D, I. J,K, Lblk 100. lota A. B. C. D. E blk 101, all in Mil ad D C 30 76 Rowland, George W; nnd hf tract in Methodist Mission, C L vol 2 5 91 Senecal. James & Bro; se qr of ne qr ne qr of se qr sec 8, 2 s 13 e 80a 8 60 Shackelford, Mrs R S: lot 3 blk 6 Dalles City all f blks 43, 44 lota G, H, L J, K; L blk 71. Mil ad toDC. 76 15 Shackelford, Wm; track in blk 9 Trev ad to D C. decribed in val F638. n 631. p 308: lots A. B. C, D, E, blk .25; lots A, B, K. L, blk 30. all of blks 31. 56; lota A. B. C. D. E. F. blk 71. lots A. B. blk 72. lots A. B. C. D. E. F. blk 82. all in Mil ad to D C. . ... 68 14 Shoemaker. W E; 5 a in ww cor or se ot nw qr sec iv, 2n, 11 e. ... 70 Shoemaker, J H; per prop. , 8 37 Simonson. A J; per prop 10 46 Slocnm. A K; lots 1. 2. blk 10. and beginning st sw cor of fractional blk 10, thence s 1-M) ft, thence e, ' 135 ft, thence n 150 ft, 1 hence w 135 ft, all in Parkhurst 6 00 Smart, H C; lot J blk 9 Mil ad to Dalles City 2 66 Smith, Jasper M; sw of ne J, se i of nw , ne J of sw i, nw ' i- of se J, sec 9, 1 n, 13 e, less 10 -. acres sold to John Robinson, et ox. Volume L, page 268. 150 : acres 23 60 Snipes, Ben E; Snipes mill site . described in Vol "D," page 339, section 4, 1 n, 13 e. 23 60 Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co; per- . sonal property....... 82 80 Snyder, Susan; nw of nw . sec 2, 1 n, 12 e; 40 acres 2 64 Sorbin, R L; lot' D blk 7, Cascades 1 64 Spencer, Mrs H; lota D, E, F blk 102, Military ad to Dalles City. 11 73 Spurrier, W E; sw of se less , block 1, and lota 3, 4, 6 block 2,. ' Belevue addition to Dalles City, ' sec 18. 1 n, 13 e; 38 acres. . . . . ' 8 85 Starts, J G. Estate of; n i of nw ' sec 8, 2 s, 13 e, 80 acres ........ 4 84 Steele, George A; e t of ne i sec 6, 4 s, 9 e; 80 acres 2 70 Steele, F B; personal property ..... 4 30 Sterling. George M; w of ne i, n of nw i, se of nw J, ne i of sw Ji, nw Ji of se i, section 7, In, 13 e; 2:0 acres 20 36 Story, J L; lot 9, blk 22, Bigeiow's Bluff add to Dalles City........ 173 Stranshan, George F; beginning ' ; 80 rods w of se corner of sec 9, ' 2 n, 10 e, thence .w 20 -rods, . thence n 80 rods, thence e 20 rods, thence s 80 rods to begin- .' . ning; 10 acres....... , 2 89 Sutherland,' James; lot 3 and 26 feet off w side lot 2 and lo feet off e side of lot 4. all in blk 11. ' DC 34 60 Swagger,' Wm A; 15 acres' in ob-i . long form beginning at nw cor - ner section 6, 1 n, 13, e, so as not to include August Watson's house i . . ;-. 1 98 Sylvester, Mrs. E G: lot 4. block . 13, Laughlin's ad to D C. . 27 60 Sing, Gee; personal property. ',.'.' 20 70 Tann a washer, Tom; n hf of sw qr section 13, 2 n, 11 e, 80 acres. . . 3 85 Taylor, Frank. P; personal prop erty 8 43 Taylor, James M: lota G H. blk 23. Military ad to DC; 6 62 Taylor, Lucy J; lota 1 and 2, w hf of nw qr section 35, 1 n 13 e, 103 a 10 92 Taylor, Q D; s hf of se qr sec 15, . 2 n, 10 e, 80 acres; s hf of sw qr of s w qr sec 14, 2 n, 10 e, 20 a, ' commencing 76 7-35 rods 8,' and 64 4-275 rods e of nw corner of Sim's D L C No 39; thence s 16 rods: thence e 10 rods, thence n ' 16 rods; thence w 10 rods 1 a.... 9 76 Thomas, Polly C; e hf of se qr, sw ' qrof seqr. seqr of sw qrsec 26, 1 n, 13 e, 160 acres...... ...... 12 60 Tucker, George; lot 6, block 5. Waucoma ad to Hood River. ... 15 00 Turner, Almira L; w hf of ne qr, e bf of nwqr,sec 28, 1 s 15 e, 160 a 12 32 Turner, Geo; lota H. G blk 70 Mil ad to Dalles City 63 TJlrich. Katherine; lota S, 4, 5 blk 2 uellvue ad to Dalles Uity. . . Underhill, James jr: per prop.... Vanestrom. N: se or of ne ar sec 16, 1 n 12 e, 40 a. 2 64 Vorhees, C G; commencing 21.69 chains w of qr cor bet sec tt and 7, 2 n 11 e, thence a 43 rda 191 links, thence e 88 rds 6 links, thence n 1 rd 233 links, thence northerly to beginning, 12ta.. 3 50 VanCamp, P J; per prop. S 13 Wallace, Charles; s hf of s hf of se qr ot ne qr sec 9,2 n 10 e, 10 a 4 38 Wallace, Mrs Sarah; 619 ft front ing on Main Bt, lota 1, 2 blk 3 and 150 ft bv 200 ft in blk 2 Baird's ad to Antelope.......; 42 00 Wallace, N W; s hf of se qr ne qr of se qr se qr ot sw qrsec 28. 7 s 17 e, 160 a 13 20 Washington, David; a bf of se ar sec 12, 1 n, ise, ao a 4 9 60 Watt, Alexander; commencing at nw cor ol se qr 01 sec 12, 2n, 7e, thence 10 rds; thence e 32 rds; thence n 10 rds; thence w. 32 rds, 2 a 4 40 Watson. Martha E; lot A blk 36, mil ad to D C 1 03 Watson, May G; beginning at the nw cor ot the claim known as the N Coe DLCSn, lOe, w, m, and run tbence e 100 ft; thence 8. 308.5 ft to the s line of the right of way of the OR &N Co and the V P R C; thence e following the a line of said right of way 1930.3 ft; thence s 190.5 ft to the n line of the town of Waucoma in Wasco Co; thence a, 87 deg 3 min w, 690 ft; thence 8 780 ft; thence 8, 87 deg 3 min w 10 ft; thence a 200 ft; thence b 87 deg 3 min w 300 ft; thence 8 84 deg 37 min w 400 ft; thence n 86 deg 53 min w 607 ft, to the claim cor on the w boundary: thence n, 245.85 ft to claim cor; thence e, 89.1 ft to claim cor; thence n, 2014 ft to beginning, " 5269 a 120 00 Watson, T J, Trustee; lots 6, 7, 8, 9, section 26, 3 n, 10 e, except beginning at nw corner of said lot 8, sec 26, 3 n, 10 e, the said initial point being the center of eaid section, thence 8 159.91 ft, thence e 1362 ft, thence n 159.91 ft, tbence w 1362 ft; 75.163 acres 6 00 Welch, Clarissa: com'ng 130 26-33 -rods s and 19 27-13 rods east of n w corner of Sim's D L C, 1 n, 13 e, thence e 20 "rods, tbence s 1 1 rods: thence w 20 rods. thence nil rods 25 86 of nor of ne sec 36, 1 n, 12 e; 4 40 West Brothers; per'l property... 8.30' . .Wheahlon, W 'Lurinda;comiuenc- ''' : ing 66 feet of nw corner of lot . 1, blk 6, Nevtk Uibton's ad . dition to Dalle City, thence w '. "200 feet, thence a 70 feet, thence ' w to e line ol military, -reserra- "- 'tion, thence southerly TO ft Yo'h ' ' line of lots purchosetf"byO. D. : Taylor from - Korfen '-estate, 1. thence easterly 245 ft to w line of Xeyce & Gibson's .addition. , n 1 30 feet to beginning, being Sart of lots 1 aiid 3, block 14, alleCity ,','. 3l .i0 . Whealdon, N: w hf of se qr e hf of swsec31, 1 n, 10 e, iti- acres.. 11 24 Wheeler, J H; 3 hf of the follow ing' tract: commencing at ne cor ner of se qr of se qr we 27, 3 n, 10 e. thence w 20 rods; thence s 40 rods: thence e 20 rods; thence n 40 rods to beginning, 2 acres 1 45 Whitcomb, M J: lot 1 sec 36, 4 n, 11 e 8 69-l.iNMicres...... ....... 65.. Wjckman, R F; neqr of seqr see 7, 1 s, 12 e, 40 .aires.. ....... 3 96 Wickham, J; w.hfotne qr.sec.20 "' "2n, 10e,80acres. ....... ...... 9 61 Wilder, Laura C; nwqr sec 10,1b, : 12 e, 160 acres , 12 32 Williams, Wra G: lot J, blockjl22, Military ad to D C. 69 Wilson, J G;' estate of; part of lot 4, blk 2, laughlin's ad to D C, commencing at nw corner of lot -6, in said blk; thence w, along Main st 18 ft; thence s, 60 ft: thence e, 18 ft to w line of lot 5; , thence n, along w line of lot 6 to lwginuii)g... 1 '73 Wilson, Mrs. R J; lot 7, blk 7, Bigrlow's ad to D C 4 32 Winans, Audubon; ne qu sec 14, 1 n 9 e, n hf of sw qr, sw qr of nw qr, sw qr of sw qr sec 18, 1 ' n, 10 e, 320 a, lot 3 blk 2, lot 6 blk 4, Winan's ad to Hood River ....... ..-28 10 Winans, E T; n hf of n hf sec 9, 1 n9e, 160a...;.. 7 04 Winans, Mattie A; se qr see 13, - -1 n, 9 e; 160 acres. Lots 16 to 24 inclusive, block 26, Winans 8 15. 1 1 luatto, v, xT, go u is. lid 14a A, . 1 n, 9 e, sw qu of se qu, sec 38, 2 : ' n, 6 e: lots I, 1, ... 8, blk 8; lota 1,2, ."S. blk 5: lots 6, 6, 7, 8, . block : luis 6. 6, 7, 8, block 9; lot 8, blk 2; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, blk 8; lota 1,4, 6, 6, 7,8, blk 1; all in town of Winans 13 35 Wolford Jc Bone; per'l property. . 62 00 Wood, John; ne qr sec 34, 1 n, 15 e; 160 acres...... ' 21 66 Wood, Thomas G; lot B, blk 11, Military addition to Dalles City ' 1 35 Wood, Wm A; ne qu sec 33, 1 n, 15 e, nwqr sec 34, 1 n, 15 e; 230 acres 29 16 York, H A; lot 3, block 6, second . addition to Hood river 13 75 Zybach,- John: lot 6, block 2, . Thompson's addition to Dalles-' City 3 9.1 Shstiiri AMMimHU. Berleo, CL;HR Park lots 1.J4. 6,8, blk 4.;... $ 1 19 Engle. J M; E and W 1st ad H R lots6, 6, blk 2..... 60 Johnston, A W; lots 1, 4, 5, 8, blk 4 H R Park 1 OA Sherlock, Samuel; 37 ft off a side of lot 12 blk 1.... . 6 17 Portland Land, Irrigation' Lum ber and Fuel Co; 20 miles of ir rigation ditch including right ' r '' - of way commencing at head ' waters of Clear creek, running tbence to termination of said ditch in Juniper Flat country in tp 5s. r 13 e W M. Said ditch Is 8 ft Wide by 4 ft deep.. 242 00 Whitcomb, Bertha and Belle; H R Park lot 39, blk 3 27 Williams, T F and George; w bf of ne qr or lots? known a Sal mon Island, sec 22, 2 n, 7 a..;. Wlgle, David C; e bf lota 1 and 2 see 11, 1 n, 13 e Towne, B C; E and W 2d ad H R lots 1 to 10 inclusive 20. 31 51 1 45 Jones, A B; Wauooma lot 4, blk 3.... 4 75 Derry. E W; E and W 1st ad lots 43,44, blk 2...; 1 20 Carr, Matilda: per prop......... 0 00 Everson, Emma V; E and W 2d adHR, lota 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, blk 9 1 50 Carr, Matilda; lots 18, 19, 22, 23, . 26, 27, 30. 31. 34, 35, 38. 39, 42. 43, -46, 47, blk 4, lots 85 to 48 Ino blk 6, lots 2, 3, 6, 7, 10. 11. 14,15, 18, 19, 22,23, 26,27, 34, 35, 38, 39. 42. 43, 46, 47. blk 8, lots 13, 16, 17, 20, Zl. 24, 37, 40, blk 9. Full blks 13 to 19 Inc and 21, 22, 24 H RPark ... 18 90 InYestijratlog- ImmlKnuit 1aw NEf York, July 25. The subcom mittee of the industrial commlslou is in session here to Investigate the Im migration question. Commissioner of Immigration Thomas Fltchle, in testi fying before It, suggested tint the laws be changed so aa to impo; fine on any company landing or attempting to land any passengers suffering front a contagious disease. ' The commie sloner said he believed It wou'd be a . good thing If all the officers of . th .. department were taken out of the civil service. : . ' . Assistant Commlsssoner Edward McSweeoey recited the difficulties in enforcing the law regarding the ex clusion of the various classes of unde sirable Immigrants. He said that any allurements offered to any one to come here to labor, should be deemed suf ficient to bar the immigrant. Mr, McSweeney said he believed the time bad arrived when the laws should ho revised. '. .- Killed a Playmmt. Chicago, July 26. A special to tht Chronicle ' from Hartford City, Iod. says; Coroner M. M. Clapper, of thii city, has Sled with the county cleik his findings in the inquest on RulyU Shelby, a 9-year-old Mooteilier buy who died from tbe effects ol a threeh- the hands of four playmates July 13. The coroner found that death was due to a blood clot ami inflam mation of the spinal cord at t he ha of the brain as the result of the injur ies. Cliff Hasklns, Orville Bowman, Herman and will Payne have been un''i ' rested as his murderers. Boot Calls' oa Algvr Washington, July 25. Secrery Alges attended a meeting of tbe cabi net todsy. Tonight tbe secretary will leave Washington, to be absent until August 1, the date when bis resign tion takes effect. Meiklejooo will oe acting secretary until that time. Root, tbe new secretary, called at the war department toJay and discussed with Alger matters relating to the depart ment. Hoadnras aad Mloararaa.. MANAGUA, Nicaragua, July 25.-.- Presldent Zelaya, of Nicaragua, has gone to meet Ueneral Terrencio M erra. president of the republlo of Honduras, In the Gulf of Coochagus, on the coast of Salvador, with tbe ob ject of making an offensive and de fensive treaty between Nicaragua and Honduras. - General Wheeler FalU. San Fbancisoo, July 25. The transport Tartar has sallc 1 for Manila with a portion of the Nineteenth In fantry and a number of reorults for the army in the Philippines. General Joe Wheeler was.alsq 00 board. Buaela aad Japna. PARIS, July 25. The Politique Co lonial states Russia and Japan are arming with a view to potslble conflict lo Core.