The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, July 29, 1899, Image 1

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' "
(jTl!BCK. Volume XXXV
AO. 30
Makes the food more
They Try to Blow Up a
Car Barn.
Cleveland, July 21. --A dynamite
bomb was thrown upon the roof of
the Big- Consolidated Street Railway
Company's barn at Lakeview at 3
o'clock this morning. A jagged bole,
two feet square, was torn in the roof.
A Wade Park avenue car, which
stood directly beneath the bole was
wrecked. The wildest excitement
prevailed among1 the men in the barn.
The explosion was hear a for blocks
and hundreds of people were attracted
to the scene. No one was injured, but
many windows in the big barn were
shattered by the explosion. The
shock was such as to cause the grounl
to tremble and it seemed for a few
moments as if the barn itself would
Last night and early in the morning,
lawless crowds were actively destroy
ing the trolley and feed wires and
placing all kinds of obstructions on
the tracks. Police Director Barrett
stated today that troops would doubt
less be called out soon to suppress
mob violence.
Tell lour Sinter.
. . A. beautiful complexion u an impos
sibility without good pura blood, the
sort that onlv exists in connection
'with srood digestion, a healthy liver
nod bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea
acts directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys keeping them in perfect
health. Price 2o cts and oO cts
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
The Body of a Girl Found In a Portland
Portland, July 21 Clara Fitch,
the 19-year-old daughter of George A.
Fitcb, who lives at 623 East Salmon
street, was found dead in Cycle Park
yesterday afternoon at 4 o'slock, and
Frank McDaniel is now in jail charged
with the murder. -
. The body was found by George
Arnold, who is employed by Mrs. J.
Platz. He was hunting for the cows
in the park when he saw a woman's
feet sticking out from under some
ferns. The remainder of her body was
completely" covered with the ferns.
He thought it was a sleeping woman
at first, but pushing the ferns aside
and ' touching the woman, who lay
with ber face in her hat, he discovered
she was dead, and at once gave the
alarm, when the police and coroner
were notified.
The spot where the jjirl was found is
200 yards norili-jast of the mt:u en
trance and it little distant from an
unfrequented path. There were some
' signs of a slight struggle.- The ferns
were somewhat trampled down but
evidently no violent struggle had oc
curred. The girl bad left her home Wednes
day evening saying she was going to
see a girl friend, but did not return.
Her mother thought she had remained
oyer night with tar friend. She bad
been seen entering the park with
Frank McDaniel, her lover, about 9
o'clock, and McDaniel admits to hav
ing been with tbegirl in the park,
but claims to have la Hen her to with
in two blocks of her home at 10 o'clock
leaving her there because her parents
had refused to allow him to visit ber.
The belief is that McDaniel strangled
her to death.
Sou try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price
of 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure,
take the bottle back and we will refund
your money. Sold for over fifty year
on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and
60 cents. ..Blakeley & Houghton, dru;
' gists.
Toe Ureat Aguo.tto a Victim of Apr
New York, July 21. Robert G.
Ingersoll died at his home in Dobbs
Farry, N. Y., this afternoon, of ap
oplexy. Ingersoll went to his home in Dobbs
Ferrv two days ago, apparently in
good health. Shortly after his arrival
he complained of slight indisposition.
He spent the morning in his room, and
shortly before stricken bis wife offered
to have luncheon sent up to .him.
He laughed, and replied that while be
did not feel quite as young as formerly
he euessed he was not yet an Invalid,
and would go down with the others.
As he finished speaking and was about
to rise, he fell back into bis chair.
A physician was immediately sum
moned, but when he reached the house
found that Ingersoll had died almost
instantly. The physician did not
give the cause of bis death, but the
family believe it was due to apoplexy.
Ingersoll's wife and two daughters
were with him when he died.
loans Mother.
Croup' is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak
so agdnizing and frequently fatal.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic in cases of croup. It
has never been known to fail. The
worst cases releived immediately
Price 25 cents, 50 cents and SI. 00
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.
An infuriated Mob Hang Them to
Tre. .
New Orleans, July 21. Special
dispatch from Tallulab, La., says:
Six Italians were lynched there last
night. " The names of the lynched
were unobtainable. Yesterday, Dr.
Hedges, a prominent physician of
Tallulab. quarrelled with an Italian.
The latter wounded the ' physician
delicious and wholesome
with a shotgun. Thesbootlngcreated
intense excitement. A mob immedi
ately rounded up the would-be assas
sin and five of his friends, strung them
all to trees and then filled their bodies
with buckihot.
He Consents to Step
Alger's Shoes.
Washington, July 23. Elihu Root,
of New York, has accepted the war
portfolio in President McKinley's
cabinet. The telegram of acceptance
was received shortly after noon, while
Secretary Long was with the president.
Secretary Alger bad just left.
The tender of the war portfolio was
made to Mr, Root Friday night after
the conference at the White House.
As the president will leave for the
Adirondack Wednesday or Thursday,
it is probable that Mr. Root will come
to Washington to confer with him
before that time. It is regarded as
more likely that Mr. Root will meet
the president at Lake Champlain in
the latter part of the week.
(Elihu Root was born at Clin
ton, N Y., February 15, 1845, and
graduated at Hamilton college and the
New York university law school. He
was admitted to the bar in 1807, since
which lime he has been in active
practice in New York city. He was
one of the most prominent members of
the New York state constitutional
convention where be served as chair
man of the judiciary committee.)
Do Son Know
Consumption is preventable? Science
has proven that, and also that neg-leet
is suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure. Sold on positive,
guarantee for over fifty years. Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
Four More Companies Examined
SAN Fbancisco, July 23. Four
more companies of the Second Oregon,
A, L, B, and E went before the medi
cal examiners yesterday. This work
will consume but little more time if
the remaining companies have their
rolls ready when their turn comes.
Examinations are not so detailed . as
when the troops mustered in, except
where a soldier claims to have jLui-.
feed some disability in the service.
In such cases, care is taken to learn
whether the alleged trouble was so
incurred. From present indications,
not many of I he Oregon men will be
classed as permanently impaired.
There are several cases of dysentery
that will defy remedies for some time
to come, and may not yield to anything
less than skilled and prolonged treat
ment. Some of the wounded, of
course, are injured for life, although
the number is not large.
Will Need More Surgeon
Manila, via Houg Kong, July 23.
Chief Surgeon Woodhul! considers
the increase io the military force in
the Philippine islands will necessitate
the employment of 40 additional sur
geons. Wood hull's recommendation
to that effect has been disapproved by
General Otis. There are nearly 3000
soldiers ic the hospital. The official
report last week showed 1800 in the
hospital in Manila, and there are
several hundred at San Fernando and
other garrisons. There are also 175
sick in quarters in Manila. Regimen
tal surgeons report that large number
of soldiers who are on duty are unfit
for service.
AitacKeda Robber Hand.
Washington, July 21. The war de
partment received the following tele
gram: "Manila, , July 21,-rCuptain B.
A. Byrne, Sixteenth Infantry, with 70
men, surprised the united robber
bands of negroes, BUmberlng 450,
killing 115, wounding many, and cap
turing a few rifles and revolvers, many
band weapons and a large quantity of
stock. Fighting was at a close dis
tance. Byrne's . loss was one killed.
one wounded, names not given. .This
action is very beneficial for the quiet,
of the negroes,"
On Every Bottle.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure la
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of this
bottle faithfully, then If you can say
you are not benlfited return the bottl
to your druggist and be may .refund,
the money." Price 25 cts., oOcts., and.
$1.00. Blakeley and Houghton.
. Much Uold Has Come.
NEW YORK, July 22. 'Jeorge H.
Roberts, director of the mint, called,
at the local assay office recently. Ia
discussing the outputof gold from tb
Klondike country, Mr. Roberts said:
'We have already received $11,000,
000 in gold from the Klondike tnis.
calendar year. That is as much as
last year's entire receipts from that
reg'on amounted to, and from infor
mation received from leading buyers
of bullion, I believe that this year's
total yield will reach $18,000,000 or
$20,000,000. This gold goes first to Sao.
Francisco or Seattle. Of that which,
is sent to San Francesco, a large part,
goes to private refineries first, and.
then to the mint.
That Tbrouulnt Headache
Would quickly, leave you, if you used
Dr. King s Mew Life pills. Thousands!
of sufferers have proved their match
less merit for sick and nervous head
aches. They make pure' blood and
strong nerves and build up your health
Easy to taKe. Try them. Only 25 cts.
Money bacK- if not cured, sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
ir Wilfred Laurier Loses
His Better Judg
ment. New York, July 24. A special to
the world from Toronto says: Profes
sor Goidwin Smith, after reading
Premier Laurier's speech upon the
Alaska boundary dispute, Raid:
"I am surprised and sorry Sir Wil
fred Laurier should have even alluded
to the possibility of war over the
Alaska boundary question. It would
be a disgrace to statesmanship if it
were possible that war should break
out between Great Britain and the
United States about such a matter.
"This question is not pressing.' All
that is immeditaely wanted is some
joint arrangement foj the preservation
of order in the disputed territory
After a little reflection and everybody
has had time to cool, means will be
found for settlement of the question in
an amicable way.
T have thought from the beginning
that it would have been better if the
Alaska boundary question had not
been mixed up with o'.her questions,
such as reciorocity questions, with
which it had uotbinir to do. Let the
Alaska boundary question be kept
apart and let conference on commercial
reciprocity proceed. The two thing9
I repeat, have nothing to do with each
There is a great deal of talk about
general elections in Canada being held
next fall. It is reported that the
Laurier government decided before
Minister of Public Works Tarte left
for England a few weeks aiiO to appeal
to the country, and word comes from
different provinces that preparations
are being made for general elections.
Also More Money Per Child Than Last
Salem, July 23. Superintendent of
PublicInsiruction Ackerinan yester
day certified to the state treasurer the
number of persons between 4 and 20
years of age residing in the several
counties of Oregon on the first Monday
of March, 1899. The list is as follows:
Counties. Children
B ker 3,523
Beuton 2.460
Clackamas 7.888
Clatsop 3.K72
Columbia' 2.183
Coos. 3,738
Crook 1.232
Curry 706
Louias f,283
Grant 1,976
Gilliam 1.441
Jackson , 4,856
Harney 970
Josephine 2,392
Klamath 1,107
Lttentinvrr.nnr - 939
Counties. Children.
Lincoln 1.304
Linn 7,186
Malbeur 1.2M
Marion 9.SS3
Morrow 1.586
Multnomah 24.385
Polk 3.887
bherman i,30
lillamook. ...... 1.672
Umatilla 5.K53
Union ... 5,575
Wallowa ........ 1,966
Wasco 4 306
Washington 4,704
Yamhill 4.486
Lane.. , 7,110 I Total 132,388
The total number of pupils for last
year was 130,753. While there has
been a gain in the. whole state, some
of the counties have reported a smaller
number of children this year than
The ollicials in the treasury depart
ment are unable to say, even approxi
mately, how much money there will
be for distribution August 1, when the
apportionment will be made. Last
year the total amount distributed was
$156,903.60, and that amount is already
on hand. There are several payments
that will be made to the treasury be
fore August 1, so it is certain that the
total amount distributed to the schools
this year will exceed that of last.
Last year the per capita was $1 20. .
A creed To Disagree.
Colfax. Wash.. Jnly . 22. W. R.
Gragg, the Elberton farmer, who ou
July 1 attempted to murder his wife
and Mrs. Carroll, of Spokane,and then
endeavored to commit suicide, has
almost recovered from self-inflicted
wounds, and will be given preliminary
examination Monday. Both the
women have entirely recovered.
Gragg and his wife have signed articles
of separation, Gragg giving his wife
$600. a team and buggy, and arrang
ing for her doctor's bill. Tha agree
ment also provides that Gragg will
not oppose his wife in ber suit for
divorce. It is understood there was
also an agreement that Mrs. Gragg
would not appear against him In any
criminal action.
SIOO Reward, SIOO.
The readers of .his paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages and that is catarrh Ball's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. C'attarh being a con
stitutional disease! requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and
mocous surtacesof the system.thereby destroy
ing the foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the cons
titution, and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer One Hun
dred Dollers for any case that it tails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Address.
F. J. Cbeent & Co , Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A Public Warehouse.
A company has been organized in
Portland known as the Mutual Ware
house Co., and will operate Montgom
ery dock No. 2, which has a capacity
for handling 750,000 bushels of wheat.
This concern proposes to accept wheat
for storage and act as brokers for its
sale. It will be a warehouse where all
buyers can have equal opportunity to
examine grain and make purchases.
Progress of Recruiting.
New- York, July 24. A special to
the Herald faom Vashington says:
Reports received by Adjutont General
Cerbln from the colonies of the new
volunteer regiments show that about
one-third of the provisional troops
have been enlisted. There was a
slight falling off in recruiting on
Fi iday, but the returns for yesterday
show an increase, bringing the total
up to more than 4500. Two regiments.
Colonel Petitt's and Colonel Ball's,
are more than two-thirds full.
The regimental recruiting officers
will begin active work this week in-
dependently of the recruiting stations
and from the reports General Corbla
i encouraged to believe that the re
maining 10,000 men will be secured
within a fortnight. The authorities
are building great hopes on this new
army, which has been organized in
such a short period, and should i-s
services be required in the Philippines
or not. it is the president's expectation
that it will be a part of the regular
military establishment.
A Frightful- Blander
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Buklen's Ar
nica Salve, the best in the world, will
kill the pain and promptly heal it.
Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers,
boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions.
Besi pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts.
a box Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Meant Just What Be Suldand Cannot Add
New York, July 24. A special to
the Herald from Ottawa say's Sir
Wilfred Laurier's speech in the house
of commons relative to the Alaska dis
pute with the United States has at
tracted great interest all over the
Dominion and it is everywhere re
garded as of high significance and
'My position in regard to this matter
of the boundary dispute," said Sir
Wilfred tonight, has not altered since
I started it on May 30. We are willing
to refer the question to any commission
of arbitration that would be acceptable
to any civilized nation or set of honor
able men. As to the order of refer
ence, we maintain that precedent set
by the United States is one to which
they should not in fairness object in
hs dispute, and that is the reference
n the Venezuela oounaary dispute.
'My views upon the present unsatis
factory statement of negotiations look-
ng toward submission of the quesMon
of arbitration were fairly set forth in
the remarks I made in the house of
commons yesterday, 1 cannot add
anything to them, nor do I wish to
retract or qualify one word which I
uttered upon that occasion."
An American Millionaire Thief.
PARIS, July 24. A sensational case
hicb recalls that of Mrs. Castle, of
San Francisco, in .London about two
years ago, is agitating Americans
ere. The lady, who is described by
some of tne papers Airs. A., an
American millionairess, well known in
New York society." but who the con
sulate here says is a Miss Hobbs, was
caught shoplifting in the Louvre.
ospector Albanet, head cf the detec
tives of the Louvre, followed her about
the store, -and noticed she picked up
something at every counter she pas
sed. The woman was arrested outside
the Louvre and taken to the police
station. Policemen searched ber
rooms at the Hotel Continental where
a number of stolen objects were found.
On paying for the property the woman
was released.
T-l.iL .or W ..''l-'tT Keare,..
EDY. Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup
has been used for over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug
gists in every part of the world
Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value
ia uncalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winsiow's.
For Male.
A Hodge Header, good as new, has
cut only 350 acres. A bargain. Call
on John Dalryimple, Floyd ranch, on
Five-Mile. j 22 2w.
Here's a Bargain.
A 14-horse power Buffalo Pitts
threshiug machine, will be sold cheap
for cash. May be seen at W. A.
Johnston's store. Call on C. W.
Emerson. j 22 6w
' Bow Are Tour Kidneys
Dr. Hobbs' Sparairus Pills cure all kidney Ills. Sam
ple free. Add. Sterling Bemedy Co., Chicago or N. Y.
Batons VITA LI
Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. Anerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
By mail 50c per box ; 6 boxes
J6r $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
Clinton Jackson St&, CHICAGO, ILL.
Sole by Blakeley t Houghton, The
Dalle. Oregon.
All Competition. Distance
A.tOiM. ircbVL "a p,cto
As regards TIME and THOUGH TAR
SERVICE to Denver, Omaha. Kansas City
od other eastern cities.
Only 3 days with no cbange
to Chicago; 41 days with one
change to New York.
Boston, (Philadelphia and other principal
points. Cars heated by steam and lighted by
Pintch light. Baggage checked through. Un
ion depots.
For Kates, Tickets, Sleeping Car Berths, etc.
apply to JAS. UiELAND, agent O. R. & N
Co.. The Dalles. Or., or C. E. BROWN. Dlst.
Pass. Agent, or J. H. LOTHROP, Gen. Apent
135 Third St.. Portlund. Or men 1
Keeps on draught the celebrated
Columbia Beer, acknowledged
the beat beer In The Dalles, at
the usual price. Come in, try It
and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
"IsntTered tbe tortures of the damned
wnu proiruuing pues orougut on oy constipa
tion with which I was afflicted for twenty
years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the
town of Newell. Ia., and never found anvthtw?
to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from
yuca -uu iiko a new man.
C. H. Kbiiz, Mil Jones St., Sioux City, la
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Goofl, Do
uuuu, flevcr sticucn. weaicen. or firipe. luc, jc. auc.
ttrilaf Remedy Compiny. Chlr.ra. Montreal, Hew Tor. SIS
HO.Tn.RJIP SoMand guaranteed by alldrug
liU'l U'BMb guu to CCRi; Tobacco Habit.
Attorney at Law
Kooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or
Attorneys At Law.
Kooms 39-40 over U. S. Land Office.
Notice s hereby Riven that the unders:f?ned,
has been duly appointed by the Hon. County
Court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco County,
as administrator, with the will annexed, of the
estate of George W Rowland, late of Wasco
Couney, regou, now deceased. All persons
baf'Op claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same properly verified,
to me at my o t ce in Dalles City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this uotice.
Dated this 29th day of June. 1899.
Administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of Geoiee W. Rowland, deceased.
Julv l-5t.
Notice is hereby given that Geo. A. Liebe.
executor of the estate of Richard G. Closter,
deceased, r as filed in the office of the county
clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, his final ac
count and report in the matter of said estate.
and that the Honorable Robert Mays. County
Judge of said County has ordered that said
final account and report and the settlement of
the said estate, as well as any objections there
to, shall be heard at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m
on the 3rd day of July, 1S99. th-j same being t).?
regular July term of said Court for the year
Said hearing, settlement and objections, 11
any. will be heard pursuant to s :id order in the
county court room in the court house of said
county at Dalles City, Oregon.
This notice is given by order of the Hon.
Robert Mays. Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Wasco County, of date
May 28th., 1899.
Dated June 3rd., 1899.
Executor of the estate of Richard U. Closter,
U S. Land Office. i
The Dalles. Or.. July 20.1899. i
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this office by Ed. S. Be;icn, contestant,
against homestead entry No. 62)1, made August
13. 1897, for s qrneqr and lots 1,2, and 3 of
section 5, township 3 s. racge 12 e, by Bert fl.
Leonard, eontestee. in which it is alleged that
aai .1 Bert H. Leonard left the said tract more
4hai a year since, and went- to Seattle, state
of Washington, and never returned to the state
of Oregon He is a married man, that he nor
hi family ever resided on said tract, and no
fencing or buildings are or the said tract, and
no residence was ever mrinlainrd thereon,
that such failures still exist, said parties are
heieby notified to appear, respond and offer
evl :ence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock
a. ra. ou September. 9, !99. before the register
and receiver a the UuiteJ Si ncs L-md Offl e
in Th-! DalH-s. Oregon The t-ni 1 e testant
haviu;. in a proper affidavit, tiled July ltb,
lnys. set forth facts which show that I'M' due
diligence, personal service of ihis uotice can
not be made, it is hereby ordered an 1 rirec ed
that such notice be given by due and proper
!l:44. p. m.
Suit Lake. Denver, Ft
2:55 p. m.
Worth. Omaha, Kan
sas City, St. Louis.
Chicago and East.
6:25 p. m.
Walla Walla, Spokane
Minneapolis, St Paul
5:0u a. m.
Dulutn, Milwauke,
Chicago and East.
Hp. m.
Ocean Steamships
4 p. m.
All Sa'.ling Dates sub
ject to cnange.
For San Francisco
Steamers leave Port
land every nve days.
8 p. m.
Ex. Sunday
. 10 p.m.
Columbia River
To Astoria and Way.
4p. m."
6 a. m .
Willamette River
4:30 D. m.
Oregon City. Newberg,
salema way-4-ana s
7 a. m.
and Sal
Willamette aid Yamhill
3:30 D. m.
and ill.
Oregon City. Dayton.ond
6 a. m.
Willamette River
4:30 p. m.
Tues, Thur
Tues Thur.
and Sat
Portland to Corvallis
and sat
. and Way-Landings
Snake River.
Riparia to L;wiston,
LV Riparia
Lv. Lew'a
Parties desiring to go to Heppner should take
train No. 4, leaving The Dalles at 5:30 P. u. to
make direct connections, returning. niaKing di
rect connections at Heppner Junction with No
1, arriving at The Dalles at 3:15 P. M.
No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not
caray passengers: arrives 2:50 a. m., depart9
3:50a. m. ...
No. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east
bound; arrives 4 p. m , departs 3:15 p. m.
No. 21. west-bound through freight, does not
carry passengers: arrives 8:15 p. m., departs
9:30 p.m..
No. 23, west-bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrives 5-15 p. m, departs 8:30 a. m.
For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'a
a ent The DaKes. or address
W. H. HURLBURT, Gen, Pasi Agent
Portland. Oregon
J Ibklard Agent, The Dalles
Coiuiia paMiit
.Corner Third and Washington..
Cured and Dried Meats,
Sausages of All Kinds
Orders Delivered toky Part of the City
liJoifuo lile
l 1
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to
the consumer as pure hand-made sour
mash Whiskey for family and medical
use. Sold by
..Best of Teeth..
Best Crown and Bridge Work
22k golill per tootli ft. mi
Set of TVetti, fully guaranteed,
(rubber) 5.01
Best (iold Filling $1X0 up
Beat Alloy Filling 5CU' up
Teeth extracted without paiD 50c
Everything Guaranteed Just as Advertised.
Portland Dental Parlors,
Rooms II. 12, 13 Chapman Block. Second Street
Dr. Sanford Murray, D.D.S., Manager.
A. Ad.
... RcnGvvnea Old
J 90 Second Street, i id door from Court Stree,
I Tom Bourke's and
I , Homestead whiskey.
Best Domestic Liquors Wines and Cigars
j The Largest and Best of August Buchler's
Homo-Made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Publishing Co., New York.
Z. F.
391. 393 RND 39S SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Hail road leim )
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will be oald to those who faor m with their patronage
Pioneer Bakery.
I huve reopened this well known Bakery, and am
now prepared to supply everybody with
Also, all kinds of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
prosaic Vm,
pay (or
vn what
vv :" A 'CHICAGO idJLSAj
iddres?. SEARS. ROEQUCX & CO.
Did You Ever.
Stop to think that this is the time of year that
a merchant wants to sell off all bis heavy goods.
Well that is the case with me. Come in before
the assortment is broken and get your choice of
the stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Blankets, Furnishing Goods.
Corner Court and Front Streets,
Carries Everything to be Found in a First-Class Liqnorj tore.
Whiskey from S3.00 per Callon and Up.
The Celebrated Colombia Brewery Beer on Tap
nskey.t. I
- The Dalles, Or,
Best of Materials
Best of Prices
Crown and bridge work at $4.50 per
tooth, 22-karat told, give the same
comfort in mastication as the natural
teeth. We can save you money on den
tal work.
Oro Fin Saloon...
Forwarding Merchant
THIS Glu Civ'CirCLOPEDIft It out cnUlosroe tui eprtpir and ran
pncMl camlwue tver published. NAftlESTHE LOWlbST WHOLE
SALECHICAliO PRICES ON EVERYrMIIMilui'ta. tfc..k,. imxn
kMi, tuiiM-., H.tetars, Blaiafc. IUmt huatitm, t'orriijccc, fe'.litt
MMklnc. HWyciM, UM. l'l&K HulMtl ABftlrblM, Atup.
9U. Telia lure nt your crei.erper i noim. n.m
wb&t be bay and will prevent him from o'trcbbnnnp vol
you buy; explains just now oruer.nuw rau
or mail will be on anvtbmf? to your town.
Cue tUtB Ad v.rue menc ou
and send to us muti iuc ii
lam us to boip to pay the Klafr and tne BIB fcoofc ftllV. '
youTBM kjM.llpJttiw.and If you don'l ay It u worth 100 time,
the 10 cents yon (end. a a key to the lovest wholesale price, ol
everything. ay so. and we will l.wrtiilelr rWor j.r IO
it i a monument ol builnoa. InrormaUon.'--MitneapoU.
("A,w!de,Aul piece of work.--Waahmaton National Trlbon
"The catalogue is a wonaer."-Manchester(N. ) Lnion.
Sears Roebuck 4 Co U one 01 the largen house, ol lt kind
.CWh'J(?; medium, tut
eooldTweTbly be sent into a dirtrict."-Boj oe' Monthly. Chicago.
j it itlr.nia t'nr.ritllTIOrj.
(Inc.). CHICAGO. ILU.. u.fc.A
Big Inducements
ft , F
The above cut represent one of our hnndsonio Bronze Clock now on e
htbitlon at our etore which we propose to give to our cash customers entirely
free of charge, in consideration of their liberal patronage. We beg to atatn Mm)
our prices, wnicn are always rocK-ootiora ior rstciassKooas.wui remain mooaiu
and this soecial offer, which will hold good for a limited titne only. Is made to
the purpose of increasing-our cash
are beautiful mantel jrnameots, as
give us an earlv call and we will take
explaining In detail how you can secure one 01 tnese useiui guts.
We have a lot of damaged RUBBER GOODS, consisting of Men's hlrf
and knee boo.a, snow excluders, Alaskas, storm rubbers, Ladies', Misses and
Children's rubber croods of all kinds,
will be closed out at a great sacriOce.
One Price Cash House,
Jos. T. Peters & Co.,
Farm Machinery, Etc,
Headquarters for '
Hodire Hderc, Milwaukee Cbain!ess
Extras for all machines we handle. . If you want anything1 io t
line of Agricultural
W. A. Johnston,
Chas. J.
Wines, Liquors Cigars and Beer.
The Celebrated Olympia Beer, Anheuser-BuBch Nutrlne,
a noD-alo.'noholic beverage, uoequaled as a tonio.
173 Second street,
6 AWall
Thi9 well-known brewery
and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances f
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduce
only the first-class article will be placed on the market,
East Second Street
The Dalles,
for Caii Trade
trade. These clocks are made of bronze!
well as Hrat class time Keepers, neasi
pleasure In showing you the clocks, and
slightly damaged by. water and wblcif
Cor. Second and Court Sts
and Columbia Mowers and fledge M
Implements call on
The Dalles, Oregd
The Dalles. Oregon.
. ...DEALERIN....
Paper, Pain
Finest line of Wall Paper
the city. Send for Sample
Painting, Paper-Hanging and
ing a Specialty.
Third Street. The Dalle. Or
is now turning ou( the besi
: Oregoi