The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, July 22, 1899, Image 1

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    i7rii in i in hi
NO. 29
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
wm XUflWO PgWPtW OO., WtW YOfWC.
England and Transvaal
at Fever Heat.
Object to Censorship
Manila News.
Mid Din and Roar of
Cannon and Cheers.
cral Beauregard the fir9t news of Lee's
surrender, and also bore to Jefferson
Davis the dispatch from General
Breckinridge announcing the assassi
nation of President Lincoln.
"- San Francisco, July 14 Not since
the departure of the California volun
' leers for the Philippines have the
streets of San Francisco presented
such a scene of animation as they did
today nor have steam whistles, can
nous and bells created such a rumpus,
and ail this in honor of the regiment
of Ordgon . volunteers and the Cali
fornia signal corps who have returned
from foreign snores after over 14
'months, of hardship and fighting.
Some gaunt ' and sick, broken in
health and spirit, and some bearing
the marks of Filipinos' bullets, others
returning to their native country full
of vigor and life, and even bettered by
.their experience in the tropical
climate and the vigorous campaign
against followers of Aguioaldo.
The cause of tui demonstration was
the landing of the Oregon volunteers
and the Californians, preparatory to
going into camp at the Presido and
the final mustering out, and then the
last stage of the journey to Oregon and
borne.' Early In the day great crowds
of people com-nenced gathering along
the line of march, and on every cross
ing were lined up carriages, busses,
buggies and trucks, all freighted with
anxious people waiting to add their
hurrahs to the welcome given the re
turning troops. Factory whistles
were blown and the bay steamers
added to the shrieking. Cannons
were fired at several points and bells
rang out the welcome of Sao Fran
cisco to the- Webfooters and the small
group of native sons who made up the
signal corps of the California regl
1 be crowds increased witb every
minute and the minutes lengthened
into' hours, almost before the first
group of soldiers left the transports.
As the line lengthened the waiting
crowds became fully aware thatithe
men were actually in sight, and then
the din and roar C mechanical . noises
mingled witn the cheers of thousands,
made it seem as if bedlam had really
broken loose. First in the line of
march was Major Noble, . General
Shatter's aid, followed oy the band of
the Third artillery. Then came Gov
ernor Geer, of Oregon and bis staff,
and they were followed by the Cali
fornians, who shared the cheers witb
the Oregon lan s.
Then came the regiment, beaded by
Brigadier-General Summers, and its
band. As the men marched, company
front, up the wide street, they made a
splendid appearance. An ambulance,
bearing the sick and wounded, fol
lowed, then battery C, of the Third
artillery. All along the line of march
the men were cheered to an echo, and
bards hired by individuals played
lively music.
How u Sour Wife?
Has she lost her beauty? If so, con
stipation, indigestion, rick headache
are the principal causes. Karl's Clover
Root Tea has cured these ills for half
a century. Price 26 cts. and 50 cts,
Money refunded if results are not
satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton
Sbed. Ban Been Changed! Into Charnel
"Victoria, B. C , July 16.' Particu
lars of the catastrophe at the Toyokuni
coal mine, Kiushu, on the morning of
the 15th ultimo are to hand. A tre
mendous sound, accompanied by
violent quaking of the earth, was ex
perienced by people living adjacent to
the mine. Instantly tbey rushed ou.
of doors and saw a column of dense
black smoke issuing from the pit,
throwing pieces of wood and other
articles high up into the air. A party
of rescuers for there had been some
200 men and women working in the
mine when the disaster occurred
essayed to go into the pit from a side
entrance, but were driven back by the
suffocating gas that filled ; the pit.
Steps were at once taken to ventilate
the gas-laden pit. It was, however,
some time before the people could go
into the shaft. Uoto the night of the
16th ouly five bodies bad been recover
ed, charred, and with terribly - Injured
limbs The work of recovering
corpses was still in progress when the
Olympia sailed Miners' sheds have
been changed into big charnel houses,
where the ghastly operations of wash
ing blackened bodies, coffining and
cataloguing thorn are being carried on
by a large number of miners who have
come from other mines In some
cases wbole families bave been an
nlhilated excepting the infants and
aged people.
Many a Lover
Has turned witb disgust from an other
wise lovable girl w'tn an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath by its action on the'
bowels, etc, as not hing else will. Sold
foi years on absolute puarantee. Price
25 cts., and 50ct6. Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
' Sick. BawlMlw. .. .
The curse of overworked womankind,
are quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Root Tea, tbe great blood puri
fier and tissue builder. Money re
funded if not satisfactory. Price 25
cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley St Hough
ton, drugg'sts.
Aarolnaldo Planned to Annihilate the
Americana at Manila
San Francisco, July 14. The offi
cers of the Second Oregon regiment,
while very guarded in their statements,
admit that the condition of the
American troops at Manila at the out
break of hostilities between Aguioaldo
and the United States was very critical.
The capture of a letter sent from in
side our line" in Manilla to an emissary
of Aguioaldo U probably all that saved
our army from a terrible disaster, and
- possible annihilation. Tbe letter was
taken to General Otis, who found in it
tbe plans of a plot to open the gates of
Manila, sack the city, murder the
guards, aad allow the insurgent army
to pour into the American camps and
surprise the men.
The United States troops were under
arms all night to meet the expected at
tempt, but spies bad learned of tbe
' capture of the letter, and tbe only
part of the plot that was carried out
was the burning of a portion of tbe
- What is Shlloh?
A grard old remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption; used through
the world for half a century, has cured
innumerable cases of incipient con
sumption and relieved many in ad
vanced stages. If you are not satis
fied with tbe results we will refund
your money. Price 25 cts., and 50 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
A Spanish Busier Boy Enlists.
New York, July 14. Pedro Orizar,
12 years old, who was cabin-boy and
bugler on tbe Spanish cruiser, Vizcaya,
has enlisted in the United States navy
at the Brooklyn navy yard. He will
be sent to the training school at New
Major Courtney Dead.
Atlanta, Ga., July 14. Major
John Calhoun Courtney, president of
the Virginia Society of Atlanta, sec
retary of tbe Capital City Club and
manager of the Western Union Tele
graph Company, died at bis home in
this city last night, at tbe age of 65.
Major Courtney, during the civil
war, was closely associated with Gen
erals Lee, Beauregard and Johnston
in establishing communication be
tween the Confederate' armies and
headquarter!. He delivered to Gen-
Tarrible Energ-les of War Owned by tbe
Army. ,
Washington, July 16. The war
department bas recently concluded an
exhaustive series of experiments at
Sandy Hook, with high explosives and
light field guns that promises to mark
material advance ' in the artillery
branch of the service. The experi
ments were under the board of ordi
nance and fortifications, composed of
both lino and staff officers, of which
tbe major general commanding the
army is chairman. ' The recommend
ations of the board are in shape to be
presented by the secretary of war, and
if adopted will result in tbe arming of
tbe troops in the Philippines with the
most advanced type of field guns which
can fire 15 armed shots per minute,
which can be operated by one man
and which, by its full crew, can be
taken to pieces in 13 seconds for load
ing on mule back for transportation
wherever needed. It Is of three-inch
caliber and can carry solid shot, shrap
nel or a bursting charge of high ex
plosive, which will kill by concussion
in a radius of 200 feet. The high ex
plosive bas been tested for a year and
is said to be superior to either lydite,
the British, or melinite, the French
high explosives.
' Does Tnls Strike YooT
; Muddy complexions, nauseating
breath come from chronic consump
tion, narrs uiover ttoot lea la an
absolute cure and bas been sold for
fifty years on an absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake-
fey & Houhton. druggists.
Invested at Spohaue.
Spokane, July 16. Sixty-five thous
and dollars cash was yesterday paid on
behalf of the Great Northern railroad
for about 40 acres of land on Haver
male island. This is but a small per
centage of the amount the road con
templates investing in Spokane in tbe
near future, and is considered -but an
earnest of the truth of the assertion
that James- J. Hill intends spending
$1,000,000 in improvements in Spokane,
such as passenger and freight depots,
trackage, etc.. in the immediate future,
. But one thing will prevent the car
rying out of these plans, according to
those in a position to speak authori
tatively, and that is the developement
of a ''hold up" d-sire ' on the part of
those owning property which the road
needs. It is said that but for tbe ex
tortionate prices asked by land owners
tbe Great Northern would now have
large depots erected here and be en
tering and leaving tbe city on its own
roadbed. But for a repetition of these
demands these conditions will exist
before another year passes.
Lonon, July 16. Another week of
bickering, of beated invective and
virtuperation, accusations of tyrar. ny
on one hand, treason on the other,
increasing distress among the
landers of the Rand owing to
ordered business, of military prepara
tions, and throughout it all the ap
parent maintenance by the Boers of
their stolid attitude of indifference.
All the representations made bave
only served to add to the perils of tbe
Transvaal situation, and ' everthing
tends to confirm the opinion that tbe
imperial government means to obtain
reforms. Tbe ministers bave practi
cally pledged themselves to enforce
them, peaceably if possible, otherwise
forcibly. The empire appears abso
lutely united on this subject.
Tbe startling telegram published by
the Boer organ here, tbe Digger News,
Friday showing apparently that the
Transvaal was giving in and cordial
relations bad peen resumed, which
was promptly denied by the secretary
for the colonies, Joseph Chamberlain,
though evidently tinged to 'suit the
susceptibilities of tbe doppers, was so
circumstantial and apparently author
itative that momentarily the hope was
aroused that the end of tbe quarrel
was in sight, but tbe only foundation
for the dispatch was found in the fact
that Mr. Chamberlain on Wednesday,
before the new franchise bill was
introduced in the yolkraad, requested
that the text be cnmmicated to him,
and suggested that the debate be
postponed pending such friendly rep
resentations in regard to alterations
therein as the imperial government
might desire to make in the interest
of peace.
The refusal of President Krueger to
accede to tbe request is regarded here
as a fresh affront and only served to
clinch the belief that the president is
still dominated by Dr. Leyds. the
European representative of tbe Trans
svaal, who has, it is claimed, proved
the. evil genius of the Transvaal and
continues to delude tbe Transvaalers
with the dangerous theory that if they
can only gain time by simulated con
cession no real reform will be neces
sary, as a new grouping or tbe powers
will shortly occur, whereby Great
Britain will no longer have a free hand
in South Africa.
"For six year I was a victim ofdrs
pepwa in in worst iorm. I could eat nothing
out milk toast, and at times my stomach would
bu rou(n mm uwrst even toai. iast Marcn I
began taking- CASCARETS and since tben I
Dare Bxeaauy unproved, untu I am as well si I
awn M mj 'lit.
nf david H. MCBPHT, Newark. O.
i nnasaw
Manila, July 11, via Hong Kong.
July 17. Tbe constantly increasing
strictness of censorship of the press
dispatches which has prevented the
cabling to the United States of any
thing that did not reflect tbe official
views of important events and con
ditions resulted in a united effort on
the part of correspondents here to
secure an abatement of the rigor of
censorship. The inltative in this
direction was taken a month ago, and
resulted in the forming of a statement
which was presented on Sunday, July
9, to Major-General Otis, commanding
the military forces of the United States
in the Philippines, with a request for
permission lo telegraph it to the
United States.
Correspondents also asked for per
mission to cable their papers all tbe
facts and different phases of events as
they transpired here. Tbe correspon
dents bad two long interviews witb
Otis, in the course of which they
claimed tbe evident purpose of censor
ship was not to keep information from
the enemy, but to keep from a public
knowledge of the real condition of
affairs here. It was also asserted by
correspondents that newspapers
printed in Manila which reach the
enemy weekly, are permitted to pub
lish statements similar to those which
to correspondents are forbidden to
wruuu. tTor oiuaveu, vt oBBtja, ur wipe. IUC, aaC. sue.
smut Sea. t CMP", "'tl. MiMiim. mw tara. sa
M.Tfl.Rlf! 8ld nl Guaranteed Dy an dnn-
I U'DA W gius to CXM.K Tobaooo Habit
Chas. J
. Stubling,
pig Inducements for Cash Trade.
Wines, liquors, Cigars and Beer.
The Celebrated Olympia Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrine,
a non-alchoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic.
173 Second street,
The Dalles, Oregon, 5
Attorney at Law
Booms 8 8 and 10. Vogt Block, Tbe Dalles. Or.
State Normal Moo
Attorneys At Law.
Rooms 30-40 over U. 8. Land Office.
To See His Dying; Mother
Portland, Ore., July,! 6. A special
to the Oregonian from Albany, Ore.,
saysr Frank M. Girard, a member of
Company I, Oregon volunteers, arrived
here yesterday from San Francisco
in violation of orders. On reaching
San Francisco harbor, while still on
shipboard, be received a telegram an
nouncing that his mother, who resides
near Monmouth, was dying, and ask
ing him to come at once. He applied
to the officers for a furlough, offering
the telegram as the reason, but it was
refused. By tbe aid of sympathetic
comrades be was let bown by a rope
into a small boat and went ashore,
taking tbe train at once for home.
He says that he will return to his
regiment in a few days.
To Core Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic lOeorBo.
If C C. C. (ail to cure, druggists refund money.
Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, ail effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
By mail SOc per box; 6 boxes
lor $2.50; witb a written guaran
tee to core or refund tbe money.
Clinton A Jackson Stai, CHICAGO, IUL.
Sole by Blakeley A Houghton, The
Dalles, Oregon.
Lower California Miners.
San Feancisco, Cat., July 17. A
special to the Union from Bnsehada,
Lower California, says: The Mexican
man of-war Democrata.Captain Ugell,
bas arrived from San Roque witb 98
Americans and 25 Mexicans, who were
found on tbe beach there.
Most of the miners had sold all
of their grub and tents and made their
way to the landing, misled by the false
rumors, that the steamer St. Dennis
was due there July 5th. ' Tbe beach
was covered with hungry men. Not
one would admit, However, tnat ne
was broke, and in fact a committee or
ganized by them raised a purse of 1000
Mexican dollars and offered it to
Captain Urgeli to ke the crowd to
Eusenada. The captain refused' the
money. He treated the luckless gold-
seekers royally and brought them
Seven Were Drowned.
Seattle, July 17. News of the
drowning of seven men in Turuagain
Arm bas been received from Cook's
inlet Alaska. Those drowned were:
A. B. Johnson, Malone, N. Y.; Louis
Peterson, Chicago; Chris Madison,
Chicago; Porter, California; Hut
chinson. , Rockford, 111; two unknown.
They were in three rowboats, mak
ing their way up the Arm, when they
were overtaken by a great tidal wave,
which swamped tbe 3a Does. Johnson,
Peterson and Madison were in one
bo it, Porter and Hutchinson in an
other, and the two unknown in the
third. .The first three named were
prospecting partners of C. C. Smith,
of Ogden, Utah.
- Hoted Wheelman Dead. '
: New York, July 17 Henri Four
nier, the noted long-distance bicycle
rider, died at tbe Manhattan hospital
last night from injuries received in a
bicycle accident on Seventh avenue a
few hours previous. Fournier was run
down by a racing team. He was
thrown from bis wheel and was unable
to rise, another team was close on to
him when a citizen saw his peril and
dragged him; to the sidewalk. His
injuries .'were internal. He was 35
years old.
100 Reward, SJIOO.
Tbe readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages and that is catarrh Ball's Catarrh
Care is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Cattarh being a con-,
stitutional disease! requires a constitutional
treatment.- Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and
mocouB surfacesof the system, thereby destroy
ing the foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient, strength by building up the cons
titution, and assisting nature in doing lta
work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith in
Its curative powers, that tbey offer One Hun
dred Dollers for any ease that It fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Address.
F; J. Chb-bny & Co , Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
cable. Otis finally promised greater
liberality, agreeing to pass all matter
that he might consider not detri
mental to the interests of the United
General Otis appointed Captain
Green, of his staff, at. censor. The
statement of tbe correspondents is as
The undersigned, all staff corre
spondents of American newspapers
stationed in Manila, unite in tbe fol
lowing statement:
We believe that from official dis
patches made public in Washington,
tbe people of the United States have
not received a correct impression of
the conditions in the Philippines, but
that these dispatches bavj presented
an ultra-optimistic . view that is - not
shared by general officers on the field.
We believe that tbe dispatches in
correctly represent existing conditions
among the Filipinos in respect to dis
sension and demoralization resulting
from the American campaign, and to
the brigand character of their army.
We believe the dispatches err in tbe
declaration 'that the situation is weil
in band' and the assumption that the
insurrection can be speedily ended
without greatly increased force. . .
"We think tbe tenacity of the Fili
pino purpose bas been underestimated
and that the statements are unfounded
that the volunteers are unwilling to
engage in further service. Censor
ship has compelled us to participate
in this misrepresentation by exercis
ing or altering uncontroverted state
ments of the facts on tbe plea that
they would alarm the people at home,
or have people of the United States by
the ears."
Notice 's hereby riven that the nnderaiimiul.
has been duly BDDolnted bv the Hon. Couniv
Court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco County,
as administrator, witn the will annexed, of the
estate of George W Rowland, late of Wasco
Couney, Oreson, now deceased. All Demons
huviuk claims uram&t saia estate are nereov
notified to present the same properly verified,
to me at my o nee in Dalles City, Oregon,
witiiin six rauauut irom tne oute oi uus notice.
uatea tins atn day or June, iw.
Administrator with the will annexed of the
estate or ueoige w, Kowiana, deceased.
juiy i-st.
New Buildings! New Departments
Ur graded Country School Work.
Strong Courses. Well Equipped Training Department. Normal Course quickest and best way
w aww iscrLiuuuiie. .xpeue lor year irom iiaiio siou. or ooara cz.&u to &3.uu per weea.
Tuition 6.25 per term of te i weeks. Pall term begins Sept. lwtb;
Summer term, June 27 -Sept. 1.
For Catalogue address, P. L. CampbrM, or W. A. Wann,
President. Secretary of Faculty.
Pioneer Bakery.
The above cut represents one of our handaoma BronzATMnnlra nnm nn r
hibltion at our store which we propose to give to our cash customers entirely
free of charge, in consideration of their liberal Datronace. We beo- to state that
our prices, which are always rock-bottom for first class goods, will remain the same
and this special offer, which will bold good for a limited time only, is made for
the purpose of increasto? our cash tradu. These eloetcs are made, of hmau.
are beautiful mantel ornaments, as well as first class time keepers. Please '
give us an earlv call and we will take pleasure in showing vou the clocks, and
explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts.
We have a lot of damaged RUBBER COODS- eonsiiitino- nf Mnn'a hln
Rrifl IrnAa hnn:.D anf-tiw a.nlnl.i.. A l.alru. .Hm ...kluu T ,3 1 llt..ut..J
' wwvo, duv A..uw. a, . . 1 W I. uo , BWIUl J II HOB , 1U18BQB KUU
Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by water and which
wui ue ciosea out at a great sacrince.
One Price Cash House, Cor. Second and Court 8ts.
I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am
now prepared to supply everybody with. . ..
Also, all kinds of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Jos. T. Peters & Co.,
PR) rtf
I Building Materials 1
' Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made,.-and that too, by a" lady in
this country. "Disease fastened its
clutches upon her and for seven years
she withstood its severest tests, but
her vital organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent, for three
months she coughed Incessantly, and
could not sleep. She finally discovered
a way to ' recovery, by purchasing of
us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, and was so much
relieved on taking first dose, that she
slept all night; and with two bottles,
has been absolutely cured, her' name is
Mrs. Luther Lutz.' Thus writes W.
C. Hamsick & Co., of Shelby. N. C.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough,
ton's drug store. Regular size 50c and
$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed.
Notice is hereby given tbat Geo. A. IJebe.
executor of tbe estate of Richard G. Closter,
deceased, lias filed in the office of the county
cierxoi wasco uounty, uregon. nis nnai ac
count and report in tbe matter of said estate.
and that the Honorable Robert Mays, County
Judge of said County, has ordered that said
final account and report and the settlement of
the saia estate, as well as any objections there
to, shall be heard at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
on the 3rd day of July. 1899. the same being tLe
regular July term of Bald Court for tbe year
Said hearing, settlement and objections. U
any, will be heard pursuant to s Id order In the
county court room in the court house of said
county at Danes mty, uregon.
This notice is given bv order of the Hon.
Robert Mays, Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Wasco County, of date
May 2Sth., ltsw.
uaiea June sra, law.
Executor of the estate of Richard O. Closter,
aeceasea. . .
Pioneer Grocer.
-Headquarters for
Genuine Cumberland Blacksmith Coal
Class, Paints and all Kinds of
Roche Harbor lime. San Juan Lime, Trowel Brand Cement
Pine Lumber and Boxes, Sash and Doors.
It rats with yon whether yon eontinm tba
Barre-kuling tobacco bablt. N.TO-UA(Xl I
remove, tne desire for tobacco. wltbfT fl J
tine, purine, the biooie.Tj I a I'AlSj.
tores km manhood.X.1' B SV'ogeboxei
fPWiaHfil VI 1"0 TO B A ' from
2f II J fJor owa drnjrglrt, who
rjm B. W wiu .tracn lor OB. l .ne i wits
1 fV A will, patiently, peratetenUy. One
I W box. si, uually cum: s boxes, su.
rarnted to cure, or we refund money,
t HirTln i it cm., mif,Mumt,Mr tmk.
Headquarters for the sales of .
Mit liell : Farm : and : Spring: : Wasons
Case Plows, Bissell Chilled Plows, Hoosier Drills.
Champion Mowers, Binders and Reapers,
J. I.
......Headquarters for
ke Headers, Milwaukee Cbainless and Columbia Mowers and ledge Rakes .
. Champio Hay Rakes, Henney Buggies.
49Cntil after the danger of high watsr is over fir Wood will be Sold at 12.50 con! easli. '- 1
in r ii l
ana r orwaraii Mraani
Consumes . Much Cloth for the Makina; of
Jaea Tar's Clothes.
New YORK, July 17. Fire ac the
Brooklyn navy yard last night threat
ened moon valuable property in tbe
building; occupied by the provision and
clothing- department of tbe bureau of
supplies and accounts. The fire was
discovered on tbe third floor, in which
white duck cloth was kept and out up
for men in the navy. About 95.000
worth of cloth was on the floor and it
is thought that it was entirely con
sumed by flames as tbe fire swept from
one end of tbe buildin? to the other.
: On the second floor was stored, in
bales covered with waterproof material
all the other cloth for the other suits
worn in the navy and needed for other
purposes. The cloth on this floor was
estimated to be valued at about $5,000.
How much of it was destroyed by
water could not be learned, but it was
thought that it must have been some
what damaged,' despite tbe fact tbat it
was protected by waterproof covering
Haw an Tmp KMaey t
Dr. Hob be" Sparsni Pills core all kidney Ills. Sara,
pie free. Add. Sterling Remedy Ck, Chicago or M. Y.
Transport Crew "Struck."
San Francisco, July 17. Sixty
seven members of tbe Chinese crew of
the transport Tartar have been on a
strike for several days, having de
manded double pay for the voyage to
Manila. ' The vessel was acquired by
the go verment from tbe Canadian
Pacific Railroad Company, and the
action of tbe men rendered them liable
to six months imprisonment when the
vessel reached a British port.
Secretary W 11 eon st Seattle.
Seattle. July 16. James Wilson,
secretary of the department of argri
culture, arrived here yesterday. He
will Investigate the agricultural and
kindred industries of this section. '
Educate Toir Bowels With Caaeareta.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, iSc IIC.C.C. fall, drug-giata refund money.
Past Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Fast
Mail-' Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
11:' p. m. sas City, St. Louis, 2:56 p. m.
Chicago and East.
Bpokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane
Flyer Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer
6:45 p.m. Duluth, Mllwauke, 6:00a.m.
Chicago and East.
8 p.m. FROM rORTLAKD 4 p.m.
Oeeaa Steamships
8 p.
iu p. m.
0 a. m
7 a.m.
and Sat
Tues, Thur
and Sat-
l,v Riparia
All Sailing Dates sub
ject to onange.
For San Francisco-
Steamers leave Port
land every five days.
Colaaibia River
To Astoria and Way.
Willamette River
Oregon City, Newberg,
em a wav-Land's
Willamette aa Yamhill
Oregon City, Dayton.and'
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot )
Consigniiiei ts Solicited
Prompt attention will be paid to those who favor me with their patronage
4:80 p. m.
30 p. m.
? Wall
Extras for all machines we handle. If you want anything- in tna
line of Agricultural Implements call on .
W. A. Johnston, - ; The Dalles, Oregon
D. w. VAUSE, mmntmmmmnintmmm mtmnmmmmmmmmmfc!
Paper, Paints,
It will be our aim to carry a
Complete Line of tie Purest Drags
Finest line of Wall Paper in
the city. Send for Samples.
Painting, Paper-Hanging and Kalsomin
ing a Specialty.
Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon I
And we invite your atttention
to our stock of .... .
1 Butler Drug Com'y.
Willamette River
Portland to Corvallis
and way-Landings I
and Sat
p. m.
rp,,fw n-Mir
Saake River.
Riparia to Ldwlston,
Lv. Lewi
Parties desiring tugow iieppuor .,uuo.u ut
train No. 4. leaving Tbe Dalles at 5:30 P. M. to
make direct connections, returning, making dl
rect connections at Heppner Junction witb No
1, arriving at Toe Dalles at 3:15 P. M.
No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not
carjy passenge s: arrives 2:50 a. m., depart
8:50 a. m.
No. 24. local freight, carries passengers, east
bound ; arrives 4 :c0 p. m.. departs 8 : 15 p. m.
No. SI. west-bound through freight, does not
carrj passengers: arrives b:15 p. m., departs
8:30 p. m.
No. 23, west-bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrives 6-16 p. m, departs 8:30 a, m,
- For full particulars call on O. H. & N. Co.'s
a ent Tbe Dalies, or address
W. H. HCSLBUBT, Gen, Pass. Aeent
Portland. Oregon
J Ibilakd Agent, The Dalles
r x
Ciinnnrrnrp ft Cninac.VinorcIv flriiff Pn
ZUimiiiiU'tiii'iiuiiaiiiiium .MMMMimuiuimuiuuuw
i, .
THIS BIB ENCYCLOPEDIA keareatalogMfor spring and suav
mer of U9S. It ie I z LI inches la siae, eon uln. Uwiianrit of quo
tation, and lUartrattoBS, tbe taaaatomeet, moet eomplete and Unreal
priced catalogue eier pubUaned. NAMESTHE LOWEST WHOLE
!., SUylM, Orteea,
fewalrj, IHiiii, I
(aaa, Meat. Mm
Telia joat wbat your storekeeper at borne muat
ana wiu prevent aim rrorn ovvrcnarfrina: yoa
car for what ha tmv.
on wbat yon bay; explain, juet how to order, bow much Ue freight,
ezprom or mail will be on anything to your town.
miD rocc nrrco Cut thle aaTert&emeot oat
vvn r -w w r w a-. and send to as Wlta l
i to help to pay tbeaaaunnaad tbe Big Book will M sent to
yon rail eymmintiahli aad IT yon oont any u v
the 10 cent, yon send, as a key to tbe loweet wboli
Stock Ranch Ikes
480 acres, well improved, located in
the best ranfrecouhty in Eastern Ore
(Too 250 bead of horses well bred
Clnyelad Bay, Clydesdale and Sbire,
one imported Shire stallion, 60 (frown
geldings. 30 large dry mares, 30 young
males, 10 old enough to wotk. Ranch
and horses will be sold tog-ether or
seperate. Address. .
Paulina, Or.
Or call at this office. jlOlm
Hotel Brewster,
Third Street, cor. Flanders. Portland, Oregoa
Hotel complete with electric lights, bells,
steam beat, bath room on each floor, elevator.
Bates: Si 00 to II 2 per day . according to room,
meals 5 eents. Free bus to and from train.,
yon dont any It u worth KP times
r Ml UM IU. UP. wiiwi nmm mm
everything, aay to. and will lnM4i.urtM.ra jmmr ! eama,
ji'wooderSl piece of work.-Waahf irtOTi -.aonal Trlboaa, .
The eataloroe I a wonder.". -Whtr (N.H.) Union.
"geara, Hoeboek at Oo. 1. one of tbe largest hnoim of Its ktow
ta Chicago." Cnleago Inter Oeeaa.
'Tn Dl eauUoffue form, one of the flnart ahoppln meamm. rang
' w,m Tki. i-TSnt into a duttrlct"- Boras, aonthly. Ccicaas.
-Their earalnrn. a vat deumituient store boiled "antaOegaawaon.
"Their catalogue hi certainly a merchandise eneyelopalla.-hleago Kpworta "eraio. -
I law aboald be Muwed compelling the m of thfr catalogue in all poblie aeboolt"--The Hoa. O. A. Sontntoaah
idre. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), CHICACO, ILL., U.S.A.
TflE Dalles jllarDie and Granite Works
COMINI & WEEKS, Proprietors.
(Successors to Louie Comini.)
Immense Stock. Twenty Monuments
On the way and will arrive soon
Call and see our stock before placing orders. We save you money
Did You Ever.
Do not order monumental work until you obtainjour prices,
for good work our charges are always the lowest.
You will fine
Corner Court and Front Streets,
Carries EyerytMog to be Found in 1 First-Class Liqnor Store.
Whiskey from 83.00 per Gallon and Up.
Tte Celebrated Colombia' Brewery Beer on Tap
Stop to think that this is the timo of year that
a merchant want3 to sell off all bis heavy goods.
Well that is the case with me. Come in before
the assortment is broken and get your choicd of
the stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Blankets, Furnishing Goods..
This well-known brewery is now turning ou( the best Beer
and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and
only the first-class article will be placed on the marketj
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oregon