VurllituU i.iOi'ui . . M l r tlSRK, VilutXXXT THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. JUNE 17. 1899. CONSOLIDATED 1882. NO. 23 T tt-HOVXTAISEEB, ptfJli ilaiijeel Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum bairns' powders are fhe greatest mrtntcm to health of the promt day. norm baking rtnntn to., mm mm. CUBANS MAKE DESPERATE THREATS Will Burn the Islands or Have Independence. New York, June 9. In a private letter received from a distinguished Cuban, now a resident of the United States, is a most sensational statement about the plans of the irreconcilable Cuban leaders. The writer is conser vative and is in a position to know what is going on at present in Cuba. . The information is as follows: "The latest story fromCuba, which I have every reason to believe, having been told me by a prominent Cuban whose Intimacy with tbe leaders in Havana lends authority to the statement, is that the former revolutionary element has decided to make a virtue of nec essity and gracefully, to outward ap- pearances, accept American inter vention. "At the end of two years, however, if Cuban independence is not acknow ledged and the government transfei red to the Cubans, tbe torch is to be applied from one end of the island to . the other, by which means all foreign investments will be destroyed. When it is considered that the wealth of Cuba is dependent on agricultural development?, chiefly cane and tobacco and that a firebrand maliciously ap plied in a dry cane field would cause the destruction of thousands of dollars of value in a single night, tbe enormity of the plot becomes apparent." "I. .'-Many lover ' TT JI I . 1 JI i wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Earl's Clover Root Tea puri fies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold fot years on absolute guarantee. Price. 25cts.,and 50 eta. Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. FOB ffOMKN ONLY. Hovel Scheme For Conducting a Chicago Botel. Chicago, June 9. Within two weeks Chicago will have a botel con ducted by women and exclusively for women. A, 10-year lease has been taken on the 100-room botel building in Micbigon avenue, known as the Richelieu annex, and for tbe last six weeks workmen .have been putting it In condition for occupancy. When completed it isto be tbe home for Chicago business women and women travelers wbo stop over in tbe city. It will be called the Laurel Club hotel. Four women form tbe directory -of tbe club, and will have full manage ment. Women clerks will be employed and the only men about the place will be the porters and other servants to to do tbe heavy work. Chaperones will be furnished for theater .parties and outings, and twice a month an en tertainment of a social nature will be given at the bouse. Don This Strike Yoof Muddy complexions, nauseating breath come from chronic consump ion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. . Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake ley & Houhton. druggists. BUYING NEW ARMS Cabana Invert The Pay for Their Old Uune In New One. . New York, June 9. The Rev. Al fred de Barrltt, wbo four months ago founded tbe Congregational church in tbe city of Havana, bas returned to this country for aid in bis religious and educational work in Cuba. Dr. de Barrltt spoke today about present conditions in Cuba and the possibility of an outbreak against the, Americans. - "If this occurs," he said, "it will be the fault of the Americans. Tbe CubaDS are a peaceful people, but they ara also proud and sensitive, at,d many things have been done recently to an ger them. Tbe Cubans feel that they are being treated very much as though they bad been conquered by us. At any rate, the Washington authorities should do away with the present mili tary government. It is worse than uneceesary; it is doing, an immense deal of barm. A great many of the American officers do not like Cubans and don't scruple to let this be known. How can you expect the Cubans to like them? General Brooke and General Lee are liked and trusted, but their influence for good is nullified by tbe attitude of other officers. "Tbe payment of the Cuban troops and requiring them to lay down their arms was a mistake. The disarming was a great humiliation to tbe men, and the first thing a good many of them did with the $75 each was to buy new guns and machetes. There is vet no distinct idea in the minds Of tbe majority of people as to what they really want, whether annexation or independence. But tbey obtain their ideas of the United States government from the American officers and t'aese ideas are nor favorable." Booming Fairbanks. Tacoma, Wash., June 9. Republi pans of this city are forming a Fair banks Club to boom United States Senator Fairbanks, of Indiana, for the presidency in 1904, and will promise tbe state delegation to bim. Fair banks is now in Tacoma on his way to Alaska to secure personal! knowledge of matters to come before the joint United States Canadian commission, of wbicb be is a member. NO REST FOR THE SOLDIERS Fighting Continues in all Kinds of Weather. Manila, June 11. General Lawton has occupied Paranaque and the villages of Malibay, to tbe north, and Las Pinas, to tbe south, . preparatory to moving upon Bacoor, whence tbe rebels &si during the night. The rebels' deserted Paranque and the trenches south of Manila at midnight, finding tbe Americans behind them, and escaped along the coast. Only alleged amigos were found in Para naque. At day break yesterday a force of 4500 men under Generals Lawton, Wheaton and Ovenshine advanced from Sac Pedro Macati, .sweeping the country between the bay of Manila and Bay Lake, south of Manila. By noon the country will be cleared al most to Paranaque. , Tbe Americans lost two officers killed and 21 soldiers wounded. The rebels resisted desper ately at the stronger of their positions and left 50 dead in the trenches. Many more wounded were left behind by tbe rebels in their retreat. The beat during tbe day was over powering, and there were many pros trations of American soldiers from that cause. lonnf Mothers. Croup is tho.terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shilob's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like m.igic in cases of croup. It has never been known to fail. The worst cases releived immediately Price 25 cents,. 50 cents and $1.00 Blakeley & Houghton druggist. A CHANCE FOiC PROMOTION. Volunteer Ofllcear Will Be i Offered Com mission la the Army. Washington, June 9. The cabinet in connection with tbe possible neeea-. sity of enlisting an additional force of volunteers, today discussed apian for enlisting several skeleton regiments in" Manila from among the volunteer who desire to remain in the service. and subsequently filling out the regi ments with recruits enlisted in this country. General. Otis, according to this plan, will be given authority to select tbe officer of these regiments from the volunteer officers who are to be mustered out. The plan, which commends itself to the favor of members of tbe cabluet generally, would form a nucleus of veteran officers and men seasoned to the climate und familiar with tbe work to be done. Such a force leaven ed with veterans doubtless would bo immeasurably superior to a force of raw recuits, undisciplined and unac climated. The plan was only discuss ed in connection with future contin gencies, and did not reach the stage of action. Tbe attorney general announced his opinion that tbe army reorganization bill, fixing the maximum strength at 65,000 did not enlist a hospital corps, about 2600 men, so that tbe enlisted force can be increased to that number. Tell oar Slater. A beautiful complexion is an Impos sibility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Earl's Clover Root Tea. acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping tbem in perfect; health. Price 25 . cts and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Lieutenant Povey's Assignment. Washington, June 11. In tbe re port of Quartermaster Saw tell, of the fighting division of the army of the Philippines, be says: "The supplying of forage Is In the bands of Second Lieutenant George W. Povey, of the Second Oregon, as sistant quartermaster, wboee duty it is to procure and supply it." He adds that although some confu sion resulted on account of the division of responsibility at first it was quickly rectified, and no suffering to tbe ani mals resulted. Lieutenant Povey bad charge of the supply of forage for Mac Arthur's entire division. Dangerous Situation. - . London, June 8. Advices today from South Africa, emanating from British sources, show more completely the utter failure of the recent confer ence at Bloomfonetin between Presi dent Kruger and the British high com missioner. Sir .Alfred Milner. The London afternoon papers all refer to the dangerous situation. Captain Nichols Dead. Washington, June 11. A cable gram received at the navy department from Captain. Barker naval officer In command at Manila, announces the death of Captain Henry E. Nichols from sunstroke. Captain Nichols was commander of the monitor Monadnock. Do Ton Know Consumption is preventable? Science bas proven that, and also that neglect i9 suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Sblloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years. Blake ley & Houghton, druggists. That Kentucky Vendetta. Manchester, Ky., June 8. Tom Baker and bis brothers were arraigned today on the charge of the murder of Wilson Howard and Bruce Stores. They plead not guilty. Soldiers have been sent for witnesses who fear to attend. Wanted To rent or bay a second j band tent. Apply at this office. ON THE HOME WARD TRIP The Pride of Oregon Sailed From Manila. Washington, July 13. General Otis has notified tbe war department that the Second Oregon bas sailed from Manila direct for Portland. (If there is no mishap on the journey the regiment should reach Portland not later than July 12th, as tbe trans ports on which tbey sailed are both capable of making the run-cro9a tbe' Pacific in 30 days, and under tbe most favorable conditions could reach tbe mouth of the river In 28 days. As they will not touch at any point connected with cable, there will be no news from tbem until they arrive outside the bar at the mouth of the Columbia. RAINY SEASON CAMPAIGN. American Soldiers Can Fight in Any Kind of Weather. Washington, June 11. rhe Amer ican advance from Manila south toward Paraaaque confirms the recent reports that the war against the in surgents would be carried on despite the rains. General Otis recommended such a course some time ago, but the president was averse to subjecting the troops to any exposure wnicn mignt bring a repetition of the .terrible ex perience in the trenches around San tiago. The Morong expedition and the adyance on Paranaque, however, are considered sufficient proof that the rains will not necessitate inaction in the next two or three months, and that tbe advantage already gained will be followed up. While General Otis' recommenda tion that the rainy season need not necessarily deter the American ad vance bad "great weight 1 with the president, the visit of General Miller last week, on his arrival from Manila. was even more convincing, as by per- sonal conversation and inquiry the president was enabled to view every phase of the situation. General Miller told tbe president that tbe rainy sea son in the Philippines was vastly dif ferent from that in Cuba. The rains, be said, were not continuous, and, wnile the down-pour at times was ex ceedingly heavy, It was spasmodic. The soil absorbed the water like a sponge, and half an hour after a storm ceased the ground was dry and hard enough to permit the advance of in fantry and even artillery. The great est danger, be said, was from the beat. More.soldiers fell from beat exhaustion than from all other causes combinsd. BILLION DOLLAR TRUST. Plan on foot to Bay All the Breweries in the Country. Indianapolis, June 11. The Sen tinel publishes the following: v " , "Tbe trust mania has reached the brewers, and it is said, on the best authority, that a scheme is on foot to form a trust with $1,000,000,000 capita! and buy up all the breweries in the country. It is said that the scheme received impetus at the national con vention of brewers at Detroit, when plana were discussed secretly." Albert Lteber, manager of the brew ery syndicate of this city, which in cludes tbe three largest breweries bere, confirmed the story of the for mation of a giant brewery trust. Mr. Lieber had just returned from Detroit, and after learning that the story was out, said: - "A Pittsbury broker, named Merkie, representing the American Malting company, has just closed a deal Involv ing $92,000,000, whereby all the Penn sylvania breweries were consolidated. This was one of tbe first steps in tbe big scheme. Options are now out on a number of Indiana breweries, and the same is true of other stater. The principal factor in the big scheme is Seymour Scott, a wealthy broker of New York city, wbo has been working on it for some timo. The scheme is a stupendous one, and it will require at least three years to perfect it. The American Malting Company already has a monopoly on all the malt prod ucts in this country. Tbe distilleries will all be bought up, and also all of the 200 breweries. I should say It will at least require $1,000,000,000 to do tbe work." Escaped Bullets to Drown. Wardner, Idaho, June 11. Under the fire of bis negro guard, Mike John son, crazy and desperate, made a dash for liberty by jumping into the river today. Down tbe rapid stream he bobbed like a groat black cork, while on toe Dan ir bis keeper, breaking through tbe underbrush, peppered at blm with his Karg-Jorgenson rifle balls. Somehow or other tbe floating target evaded the fire, but the treach erous eddies were too mucn lor mm, and Johnson's body was found 20 min utes later drowned. He was one of the men nnder arrest in the bull pen on suspicion of having been connected with the dynamite outrages of April 29. A FORGER ARRESTED. Ex-Deputy Auditor Evans In tbe Toils of the Laws. Olympia, Wash, June 11 Ex Deputy State Auditor George D. Evans is in the custody of Chief McLaughlin of the Portland police force, having been arrested there by a dective. Evans was deputy auditor under L. R. Grimes and J. E. Front' and forged warrants to the amount of $10,000 possibly more that may not have been unearthed. Eyans was empowered to sign the auditor's name to warrants by himself as deputy. His system of operating was, when a claim was audited and al lowed for supplies a warrant was issued by Evans, who took the 'precaution to make two duplicate copies of even date and number. The originals were for warded to the payee, while the dupli cates were disposed of by Evans when convenient. In many instances Evans made no attempt to disguise bis band writing, but signed tbe payee's name "Per E." and the forgery of O. A, Bowen's name was almost perfect, so much so that it was hardly possible to detect It. ' It Is within a few days of one year since the forgeries were made public and Evans proclaimed a furg'tivefrom justice. The forgeries began in September, 1895, and no estimate can be made as to how long tbey were continued. It was not believed that anyone was in collusion with Evans, except possibly in disposing of tbe warrants, and as tbe amounts, num bers, etc., were identical, probably no two could have been sold in tbe same city without serious risk of detection. Tbe places these forged warrants were sold were Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. FATAL SERENADE. The Bride Killed and the moom Terribly Wounded. Wichita, Kan., Juue 12. While a party of young men were serenading Mr. and Mrs. Say Hlggins near Watonga, Oklahoma, the bride and groom or two nours appeared on trie front porch and ordered the serenaders to leave. Tbe party, composed of about 20 friends of the young married people refused to go. Instead tbey continued to make deafening noises by beating on pane and firing shot guns. One of the party, Harry -Randall deliberately pointed his gun at the young people and tired, me Dride's face and breast was filled witb buck shot. She fell fatally Injured, shot through tbe lungs, and died an hour later. Tbe groom was also shot In the face, but not fatally. After the accident tbe charivari party fled. No arrests have been made yet. A small brother of tbe bride was also wounded, but not seriously. PAI OF NATAL OFFICERS. Dewey Will Beeelve 13,500 Work or Play. v New York, June 12. A dispatch to the World from Washington says: The avy department bas issued a circular xing the salary of officers under the navy personuel bill. Admiral Dewey will receive $13,500 whether on duty on shore or sea. Tbe senior rear-ad miral's pay is fixed at $7500 at sea and $6375 on shore. Rear Admiral Schley is in this list, but only receives tbe minimum amount as be Is assigned to shore duty. Tbe junior rear-admirals receive $5,500 while on sea duty and $4,677 on shore. Rear-Admiral Samp son is in the junior list, but having a command at sea receives the maximum pay. Should Schley be given on assignment at sea he would receive $2000 more a year than Sampson, but as it now is, his pay amounts to but $875 more. Captains receive $3,500 at sea and $2074 on shore. ' Favorable to Silver. New York, June 13. The silver men ' of this state will send represen tatives to Chicago to the meeting of the democratic national committee on June 20, to urge the adoption of a resolution, which it is said will be reccoa mended by ex-Governor Stone of Missouri, declaring that only such delegates as come -from states in which tha democratic convention en dorse the 'Chicago platform will be seated as a regular delegate in the national convention. John Gardner, of this city, a per sonal friend of Bryan and one of the leaders in the "dollar dinner' organ ization here, said that he intended to be in Chicago when tbe democrats meet. , He said that it would be a good thing to force Tammany and the state organization to declare either for or against the Chicago platform in the state convention bere. Indlctmrnts Dismissed. Salem, Or., June 12. The three remaining joint indictments against P. H. D'Arcy, S. T. Richardson, John Carson, W. J. D'Arcy and William Rafter were dismissed on motion of District attorney Hayden. Tbe indictments were found last term of court against these lawyers, charg ing tbem with fraudulently altering the ballots and election tally sheets of Butteville, Monitor and Mt. Angel precincts at tho last state election, the first-named attorney then being a can didate for circuit judge in this district. Tbe first case was tried last term and resulted in dismissal on the ground that the evidence was not sufficient to permit the case to go to the jury. Two Oreffonlana Died. Washington, June 12. General Otis has notified the -war department of the following deaths since hip last weekly report, from wounds in action. May 20, Privates Daily, Miles and Branigan, Fourth cavalry, Ninth, Clifford H. Bowson, first sergeant Company K, First Colorado, Typhoid fever. Third John J. Sax ton, private, company M, First Montana; Privates King and Garrison, Seventeenth in fantry, dysentery; Ralph A. O'Dell, private company A, Second Oregon incineratlve colitis. Fourth, Oscar A Finnager, private Utah artillery, drowned; J. J. Cboe, private, company G, Second Oregon. Plague Increases In Egypt. Alexandria, Egypt, June 9. There bas been 21 cases of plague bere and seven deaths from that disease. Two new cases have just been reported. ' Transport St. Paul Arrives. San Francisco, June. 12. The transport St. Paul arrived from Manila today, the voyage occupied 37 passen gers, mostly returned soldiers. NERVITA fcstsrea VITALITY. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOC Cures Impotency, Nigbt Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings tbe pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mailfJOe per box; 6 boxes for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund tbe money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson Sts CHICAGO, IU. Sole by Blakeley A Houghton. HKUBO LYNCHERS. They Pnnlsh One of Their Own Raee for Revolting: Crime. Sardis, Miss., June 12. Simon Brooks, (colored) bas been lynched by a mob of negroes near here. Tbe crime thus avenged was most atrocious, Saturday night a Degress named Armlstoad, while returning- from snopping tour to ner nome, was as' saulted by' Brooks and another negro, Tbe woman was outraged, her throat was cut and she was severely beate about tbe bead and her jaws tightly tied to prevent breathing. Her body was then concealed in some rubbish. The woman rallied sufficiently to give the alarm and the names of her assailants. Parts of the goods taken from the woman) was later found in a trunk belonging to Brooks, The mob, wbicb was con-posed entirely of negroes, did its work quickly.- Tbe white people knew nothing of the af fair until hours after it occurred. Filigree Out of Politics. Detroit, June 12. The Free Press today says: Governor Pingree will cot be a candidate for office, either tbis year or next, accorning to a state ment made today by one of bis closest friends, and advisers. It is said that bis family desire his retirement for social reasons, and also that the gov ernor bas political reasons. In con versa tion about the next election, he said: "Well, I shall not be a candi date for office; you cm bet on that." Notice to Farmers. The Daisy McCormack reaper and McCormack mower will be handled this season by Jos. T. Peters & Co., at The Dalles, where extras can also be found. The McCormack Machine Co. ml3-2m CURE FOR APPENDICITIS. New York Physician Relieves a Patient Without Instruments. Dr. George Helmer, a New York doctor, bas just cured a patient of ap pendicitis in eight minutes without tbe use of a knife, ice packs or poultices, He applied one band to a point mid way between the top of the right leg and a point above tbe stomach, tben bent up the right leg of the patient, at the knee joint, and gave the leg a slight twist, by means of a quick motion, repeated two or three times, and the operation was over. This forced oat of the appendix tbe clog ging particles that occupied it. Just back of the appendix is tbe largest muscle in tbe human body, known as the psoas magnus. It is attached to the femur or big bone of the leg, and is the muscle by which one can re volve the leg as on a pivot at the heel. It Is this muscle. which is made to do tbe trick of emptying the appendix. Using the fingers of one band to hold the waits of the abdomeiffrr place; and to prevent rupture of delicate internal structures, with the other band a spasomodic contraction of tbe psoas magnus is brought about, which snaps it against the appendix and forces out of that organ whatever foreign sub stances it may contain. That Throbbing; Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less tnerli for sick and nervous bead aches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to tane. Try them. .Only 25 cts. Money bacs If not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. A GREWSOME FIND. Body of a ' Woman Discovered Floating in the River at Spragae. Last Sunday tbe body of a woman was found floating in the river near Sprague, Wash. The body had no cloth Ing on except stockings and shoes, and bore marks of violence that indi cated a murder had been committed. From appearances it had been in the water for some time, though it was pretty well preserved. , It was taken to Sprague, where it was properly cared for and burled temporarily and notice was sent to the ' Portland Ore gonian, with request that efforts be made to secure identification. It was tbe body of a woman about 24 or 26 years of age, five feet four inches In height, dark complexion and short bair. On one finger was a small gold ring witb a blue opal set. Whom tbe body is is a mystery, though it is probably that of a fallen woman wbo committed suicide by jumping into tbe Columbia at Grand Forks, B. C, some three weeks ago, and whose body was never recovered. As there bas been no account of a murder being committed at any point on tbe river recently, tne marKs oi violence are probably tbe result of the body being dashed upon ' the rocks while floating down tbe river. Entertaining the Delegates. . After attending theEpworth League convention at Moro on the 9th, 10th and 11th, the delegates from this place invited those from North Yakima to spend a day with them and participate in an excursion down the Columbia. In consequence today they were given a ride on the Regulator. The delegates from Yakima were Charles and Helen Durse, Walter Wasel, Ruben Schwartz, Dr. W. F. Hawk, Eva Clark, Mert Martin, Rob ert Morgan and Lucy Scbaftner. They were accompanied on the excur sion by John Parrott, Martha and Constance Wbealdon, Mabel Collins, Edythe' Randall, Nettie Fredden, Clyde Biiddell, James Slmonsen and Guorge Ruch, of The Dalles, also Miss Voleda Dunlap, of Wasco. Deafness Cannot be Cored by local applications, as they cannct reach tha diseased portion of the eai . There s only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an In flamed condition of the mocous lining of tbe Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets In flamed yoy have rumbling sound or Imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is tbe result, and unless tbe infiamation ean be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mocous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. 3 CHENEY & CO-, Props., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best.' . Ice cream Sweets. soda at the Palace of PROFESSIONAL. S. BESNEX Attorney at Law yyM. TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or, J. F. HOORI. JOHN GAVIN, CORE & GAVIN, Attorneys At Law. Booms 39-40 over TJ. S. Land Office. . jun9 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE- Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Hon. County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, as ministrainx oi tne estate oi Thomas waisb, deceased, and all parties having claims against said estate are required to present the said Sroperly verified to me at my home near Celilo, regon, within six months from the date of this notice. Mrs. Margaret Mart Walsh. Dated May 20, 1899. . 5U NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that by order of the Hon. Robert Mays, judge of the county court tor wasco uounty uregon. maae on tne vtn day of March, 1899, the undersigned was appointed administrator of the estate of John Brook house, deceased, and John J. Brookhouse. All parties having claims against said estate are hereby notified and reautreu to Drexent the same, properly verified, at tbe office of Sinnott 8. binnott, in Danes (Jity. uregon, within six months from the date of this notice. K. J. GORMAN. Administrator of the "arlnershiD estate of jonn oroottnouse, aeceasea, ana jonnj. uroon nouse. w5t Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly aoDointed as administrator of the estate of Lvdia A. Richardson, deceased, bv order of tbe Hon County Court for Wasco county. State of Oregon, which order bears date of May 1st. 1899. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same properly verified to me at the office of my attorneys, Dufur & Menefee, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated May 4th, 1899. J. S. FERGUSON, Administrator of the estate of LdiaA. Richardson, deceased. may5-5t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that Geo. A. Liebe. executor of tbe estate of Richard G. Closter, deceased, has filed in tbe office of the county clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, his final ac count and report in the matter of said estate, and that tbe Honorable Robert Mays, County Judge of said County, has ordered that said final account and report and the settlement of the said estate, as well as any objections there to, shall be beard at the bour of 10 o'clock a. m. on the 3rd day of July, 1899. the same being tl.e regular July term of said Court for tbe year lWtf. Said hearing, settlement and objections, if anv. will be heard Dursuant to s ild order In the county court room In the court house of said county at Danes uity. uregon. This notice is given by order of the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of the County Court of tbe state or Oregon, lor wasco uoumy, oi aate May 26th., 1899. Dated June sra., inni. GEO. A. LIEBE, Executor of the estate of Richard U. Closter, deceased. The Wasco County Forest Re serve Protective Association, of Wasco County. Oregon, will pay $100.00 for tbe arrest and conviction of any persons setting fires out ard destroying government timber on the Cascade mountains in Wasco County between the east fork of Hood River and White River. I. D. DRIVER, M. J. Anderson, Sec. Pres. FOR SALE Stock Ranch Horses 480 acres, well improved, located in tbe best range county in Eastern Ore gon 250 bead oi Horses well orea Clnyelad Bay, Clydesdale and bhire, one imported Sbire stallion, 60 grown geldings. oO large dry mares, du young mules, 10 old enough to wotk. Ranch and horses will be sold together or seperate. Address. . L. D. CLAYPOOL Paulina, Or. Or call at this office. jlOlm QUA 1899 MACKINTOSH 6ND oat &Dd i flU A A. ( Via Mils SLU end to as, ttet ymr IwlfataW mlimr 4mm uk to wste4 Um, nil Ito to hrtfm M aklrtj bd you thi Mfclatoah by x- piw v m Wi luujeut aju mar uninationi examine and try it a at ittr HUMt ! aeto and If found exactly as nnmenlid aaa k nv lae twera f, pay toot express agent THIS ACEIKTOSH Is a) BLAca er Dit r"" mabv UT eoefele toitar. wititynul 8ERQE CLOTH, with fancy plaid aij rfnaihl detachable cape, extra fall sweep cape and skirt, guar anteed latest style ana finest tailor-made. WOm IU CLOTH SAHPtn of SkAHS. ROEBUCK ana&Bfc m HIS inDDfCB Sail Francisco BEER HALL F. LEMKK, Proprietor. ine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER, Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. Second Street, bet. Court and Union. HENJtl L KECK, .-Manufacturer of and Dealer In Harness and Saddlery) East End, Two DoorWe8t-of Diamond Flour ing Mills. Second Street. THX DALLBS, OBZnCH All Work Guaranteed tog Give Satisfaction. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN Seventh and Washingtor Sts. PORTLAND. OREGON Thos. Gutnean, - . Proprietor BATES UROFEAJTPIAa SS.0Otl.tO ctoo actkicaji ru ttsm u $im Slufl fiBwaid 3 9 MPERUL HOTEL (OLEML Depart FROM THB DALLBS ARRIVE Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fast Hall- Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail U:4i p. m. sas City, St. Louis. 2:56 p. m. Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Flyer Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer 6:35 p.m. Duluth, Milwauke, 5:00a.m. Chicago and East. 8 p. m. FROM rORTLAND 4 p.m. Occaa Steamships All SaUing Dates sub ject to change. For San Francisco Steamers leave Port land every live days. 8 p. m. Colombia River - P- m. Ex.Sunday Steamer Ez.Sunda; Saturday 10 p. m. To Astoria and Way. Landings. 8 a.m. Willamette River 4:80 p.m. Ex.Sunday Ex.Sunday Oregon City, Newberg, Salem & Wav-Land's 7 a. m. Willamette aart Yamhill 3:30 p. m. Tues.Thur, Rivera. Mon.,Wed. and Sat andFri. Oregon City, Dayton.and Way-Landings. 6 a.m. Willamette River 4:30 p.m. Tues, Thur Tues.Thur. and Sat- Portland to Corvallls and Sat and Way-Landings Saake River. Lv Riparia Lv. Lew'n daily Riparia to Ldwiston, daily 1 Parties desirine to iro to Hemjoer should take train No. 4, leaving The Dalles at 5:30 p. m . to make direct connections, returning, making di rect connections at Heppner Junction with No , arriving at 'rne uaiies at 3 AS) p. M. No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not carjy passengers: arrives 2:50 a. m., departs No. 24. local freight, carries n&Hseneers. east bound; arrives 4 :g0 p. m., departs 8:15 p. m. No. 21, west-bound through freisht. does not carr passengers; arrives 8:15 p. m., departs ou p. Ul. No. 23, west-bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrivesS-lSp. m, departs 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'s ent The Da"es. or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen, Pass. Agent Portland. Oregon J Ireland Agent, The Dalles. PACIFIC R U N S ULLMAN SLEEPING AxiS ELEGANT DINING CARS OURIST SLEEPING CARS MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL GRAND FORKS DULTJTH FARGO OROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BCTTE. TO THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For Information, time cards, maps and ticket call on or write. W. C. ALLAW AY, Agent Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas gen ger Agent. .No. 225 Morrison Street, Cor ner of Third Street. Portland. Oregon Oregon Sfioii mm The direct route to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast -Mail Lir.e, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME.... li Days to SALT LAKE 2i Days to DENVER 3 Days to CHICAGO 4 Days to NEW YORK Free Reclining- Chair Cars, Uphol stered Tourist Sleeoine Cars, and Pullman Palace Sleepers, operated on all trains. For further information apply to JAS. IRELAND. Agent O. R. & N. Co., The Dalles, Oregon. O. TERRY, W. E. COMAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. - Gen'l Agent 124 Third St.. Portland, Or. All Competition Distanced VIA THE Union Pacific Railroad I PICTO" As regards TIME and THROUGH CAR SERVICE to Denver. Omaha. Kansas City and other eastern cities. Only 3 J days with no change to Chicago; 4$ days with one change to New York. Boston, Philadelphia and other principal points. Cars heated by steam and lighted by Pintch light. Baggage checked through- Un ion depots. For Rates. Tickets, Sleeping Car Berths, etc.' apply to JAS. IRELAND, agent O. R. A N Co., The Dulles, Or., or C. E. BROWN. Blst. Pass. Agent, or J. H. LOTHROP, Gen. Agent 135 Third St.. Portland. Or men 1 A. A. BROWN -Ke FULL ASSORTMENT st&fle w mi mm AND PROVISIONS Special Prices to Gash Buyers 7a sboono sra hi or. NORTHER IV- Big Inducements The above cut renresents one of hibition at our store which we propose free of charge, In consideration of their liberal patronage. , We beg to state that our prices, which are always rook-bottom for first class goods, will remain the same and this special offer, which will bold good for a limited tlmeonly, is made for the purpose of increasing our cash trade. These clocks are made of bronze, are beautiful mantel ornaments, as well as first class time keepers. Please give us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing vou the clocks, and explaining in detail how you can secure We have a lot of damaged RUBBER GOODS, consisting of Men's hin and knee boots, snow excluders. Alaskas. storm rubbers. Ladies'. Misses' and Children's rubber goods of all kinds, will be closed out at a great sacrifice. J. P. McINERNY, One Price Cash House, r Jos. 1 Peters k Co., ..Building OF ALL Farm Machinery, Etc. M. H. JOHNSTON. Headquarters for Hodge Headers, Milwaukee Chainlet V. rt,i' Extras for all machines we handle. If you want anything In the line of Agricultural Implements call on W. A. Johnston, - The Dalles, Oregon Did You Ever. Stop to think that this is the time of year that a merchant wants to sell off all his heavy goods. Well that is the case with me. Come in before the assortment is broken and get your choice of the stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Blankets, Furnishing Goods. t THE BALDWIN' ANDREW BALDWIN, Proprietor. . Corner Court and Front Streets, Carries Everything to be Found in a First-Class Liquor Store. Whiskey from 82.60 per Gallon and Up. Pioneer Bakery. I have reopened this well now prepared to supply BREAD, PIES and CAKE ..... .Also, all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries O-EO, ZR-CTCT3:, Pioneer Grocer. for Cash Trie. our handsoma Bronzaff!! antra now on ar to give to our cash customers entirely ' one of these useful gifts. slightly damaged by water and which Cor. Second and Court 8tsa Materials.. KINDS. and Columbia Mowers and flofle . .0. F. STEPHENS. 1 D.W. VAUSE, ....DEALER IN..... Wall Paper, Paints, OILS, GLASS, ETC. Finest line of Wall Paper in the city. Send for Samples. Painting, Paper-Hanging end Kalsomln ing a Specialty. Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon THE DALLES, OREGON. known Bakery, and am f everybody with.