THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. JUNE 10. 1899. CONSOLIDATED 1882. II i-HOCSTAIMEEB. X.III M IVT1IIBB, VlIlM XXXT Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum fafrfng powiWit ate fncgieataft mntttt to health of the paentoay. - OVt UCJWO POWPg. CO., WCW VOWK. OVERLAND ::V; - TRAIN HELD UP Express Car Blown Open With Dynamite . Denver, Colo., June 2. A special. to the Times from Cheyenne, Wvo., says: At 3 o'clock this morning the Union Pacific mail and express train No. 1, was held up one and one-half miles from Wilcox station, in this state, by six masked men, evidently professionals, who blew open the safe of the express car and carried away all Its contents. The mail was not touched on accouut of 'the fact that four armed mail clerks were in charge. The mail and express runs as first section of No. 1 ' overland limited The second section follow only 'five minutes behind. A bridge two miles from the scene ' of the . robbery was fired to prevent the second, section from coming up during operations. A bridge in front of. the train was dynamited. The trainmen were all covered with -Titles and Xhv- robbers took their time. ' The value of the plunder is unknown, but it is repre sented as light. The sheriffs of ' Albany and Carbon counties, with posse and United States marshals,- are after the bandits, who are supposed to be members of the notorious "Hole in the Wall" gang, which has terrorized the state for years. . ' Omaha, Neb., June . 2. The Union Pacitic offlciais-furn isbr thefeHowing account of the robbery of west-bound xraitrNo.i; which left this city yes terday: Just before daylight this raiii, the train was held up just beyond .Wilcox, Wyo- The robbers, blew the express car .open "with dynamite, severely: "wounding Engineer Jones, and then escaped in the mountains. According to the officials of '.the -express company, the robbers only ob tained a nominal reward for their dar ing crime. . . - A posse under the Command of the sheriff of Carbon county is in pursuit and is confident of capturing them. The soft ground caused by the rain will aid in tracking the robbers. A late, telegram pays rtne priage was shattered, but has been repaired suffi cient to permit th3 paaeage of trains. Passengers were badly frightened, bat the robbers made no effort to molest them, confining their operations to the express car. " On Avery Bottle.' ' - Of - Shiloh's Cousumptipa Cure is this guarantee: "All we ask of you to use two-thirds of the. contents of this bottle faithfully, (hen ' if you can say you are not berriftted return the bottle to your druggist and he may refund the money." Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1.00. Blakeley and Houghton. . AM " ACTOB'S GIFT. Among . Other Legacies Be Wills Hte Wife to Bla Brother. . Ntt.ot Yobit. Jnnn 2. Sam T. Jack willed his wife to his brother James C. Jack. ' The last testament of the actor and theatrical ' manager, pro prietor of several theaters, "Creole" and other burlesque companies, who died' April 27, has' been- filed for pro bate in the office of the surrogate. It contains this remarkable provision. 1 ' : "It is 'my wish -first and foremost that my brother James and my wife Emma' shall ' become' husband - and wife." Mrs. Jack, the "Emma" of the will, was Miss Emma Ward, the favorite actress in the old Lily Clay burlesque company, which was playing at Niblo's In 1892 when Sam T. Jack married her. James C. Jack was asked if he would accept the bequest of his broth er, but he would make no statement. - The estate is valued at $75,000, of which $60,000 is said to be in banks in this city and Chicago.- The testator left one-third to his brother James C. Jack and divided the remainder among other relatives. Cheyenne Indiana. New York, " June 2. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Secretary Alger has directed the commanding general of the depart ment of Dakota to order a troop of the First cavalry to proceed to the Tongue river agency and prevent a conflict between the northern Cheyenne In dians and the white settlers residing in the vicinity. It is thought hostili ties can be avoided. Captain George W. Stouch, Third infantry, who is acting Indian agect, has called attention to the fact that there are many whites on the reserva tion, not all being bona fide settlers. Yoa Try It, If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure, take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty year on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Morton, Bllaa A Co. no More ' New York, June 2. The Journal and Advertiser says: ' With the dis solution of iha banking-iirm . of Mor ton, Bliss &Co.i one of the old land marks in Wall street will have been removed. Negotiations are now pend in 2 by whicn the firm will cease to exist and its business in all probability be taken over by a trust company which ' is to be' organized. The new trust company will, it is supposed be under the name of the Morton Trust Company, of which Levi P. Morton now bead of the firm, will become the president. How m tour Wife? Has she lost her beauty? If so, con stipation, indigestion, fick headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Koot Tea has cured these ills lor nan a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton druggists. BAMNA IN TBB SADDLE. Hla Man mash Nominated for Governor of - Ohio. - " Columbus, O., June 2. Owing to midnight conferences of the leaders, the republican state convention did not come to order until 10:20 today The ball seats 6,000, but so many tick eta were given out that some holders could not secure standing room While the band discoursed from the galleries there were wild demonstra lions as the leaders came' into the hall. be republican committee's rules on order of business and permanent organizations were adopted. The counties then called for nomina tion for governor, and it required a long time for these speeches. The came of Hon. Jobn M. Daugherty was presented by James W. Holcomb, chairman of the contesting Cuyahoga delegation that had just been seated. The name of Judge George E. Nash was presented by Hon. Henry C. Tay lor, of Franklin county; the name of Judge L. W. Hull, by Judge E. W. King of Sandusky First ballot for governor: Daugherty 211, Nash 289. Jones 76, Nevlns 82, Hull 39, Durbin 48. Douglas 60, Orr 17, necessary to choice 407. On the second ballot Cox capt 86 votes of Hamilton county for Nash, and there was a tremendous demonstration. Nash was nominated on the second ballot.. Chairman Holcomb attempted to move a suspension of the rules to make the nomination unanimous be fore the ballot was completed, but the ballot procoeded. Subsequently, on motion of Chairman Holcomb, the nomination was made unanimous with out a count. SPAIN 'SELL SOME ISLANDS. She Closes Oat Ber Colonies at a Good ':. Price. ' . Madrid. June 4 Germany, it is an nounced, pays 27,000,000 pesetas for the Carolines,- Pelew and -Marianne islands. " Spain retains three coaling stations, one In each group, and Ger many undertakes to defend these sta tions in case of war. Germany in ad dition, grants Spain the most favored nation treatment in Germany a'nd in the Colonial islands. Washington, June 3. Tne opinion here is that Spaitf has a good bargain in the pripe she obtained for the Pa cific islands. The cash compensation is about equal to '$5,000,000 Americrn money, .but in addition the guarantees afforded by Germany are regarded as extraordinary. .;' Tbo. undertaking to protect coaling stations for Spain, it is said, commits Germany, in a sense, to an alliance with Spain. It is said that the United States, might have acquired these islands some time ago on practically the same terms. - , ' Senator ' MeBrlde'a Condition. New York, June 4. United States Senator George W.McBride, of Oregon, is at the- New York post-graduate hos pital, on Secood avenue and Twentieth street. The senator entered the hos pital early last week, suffering from a complicated rupture.. He came to New York - from Washington in the bope of obtaining relief by means of an operation, which was periormea by Pro'fessor W. B. D'egarmo. '- It is thought the operation was- entirely successful. -, Today, Senator McBride was resting easily,' and apparently he had rallied from the shock. : He was cheerful and sent messages to his friends..- ; , "Ordered to Manila . ,.i ' 1 San Francisco, Juae -2. Troops A and F, of the Fourth cavalry, recently stationed in the Yellowstone Park, have been ordered to sail to Manila on the transport Sheridan, scheduled to depart on June 7. .- Two companies of the Fourteenth 'infantry and 1275 recuits will go to the Philippines on tbo Sheridao. ' '"' The Battle-Ship Iowa. San Francisco, June 2. The bat-' tie-ship Iowa is now takinr on coal, preparatory, it is presumed, to going to the Bremerton naval station on' Puget sound, where she will be placed in the dry dock. :. Steel bilge keels re to -be fitted to her bull to prevent rolling in beavy weather. . Wb U ShllohT A grard bid remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, has. cured innumerable cases of incipient con sumption and relieved many in ad vanced 'stages. If you are not satis fied -with ' the results we will refund your money. Price zb cts., and A) cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggisis. Good Price for Mohair. CorvalXiIS, 0-., June 4. George A Houck, who shipped a quantity of Mohair to a Maine manufacturing es tablishment, has received his returns. Accompanying the check was a letter saying that the lot was the best aver age lot of mohair ever received at the establishment. The appreciation of the manufacturers showed up tbe best, in tbe price allowed for tbe product. It netted Mr. Houck 42 cents per pound. Sick Headache. The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, tbe great blood puri fier and tissue builder. Money re funded if not satisfactory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough ton, drugg'sts. TiF.MPR st- bock and Pils RnpA " ner Beer on draught at D EaLj Li : th White House saloon Chas. Michklbach. Froprietor. Ice 1-r'l.' cream,. soda for sale at Eel tf. FIGHTING HAS Brisk Battle Fought Last Saturday. Manila. June 4. A vigorous cam paign was begun Saturday against General Pio del Pilar's force of 2000 rebels in the foothills at the north of Laguna de Bay, and in tbe towos of Cainta, Taytai and Antipolo, under the supervision of General Lawtoo. General Hslip with 2500 men, moved northwest from tbe pumping station, and Colonel Wholley, who relieved General King in command of bis brigade, proceeded east from San Pedro Macau, the two divisions ap proaching each other. Colonel Whol ley captured Cainta with small loss the rebels fleeing before the advance of the United States troops. General Hall drove tbe Filipinos from the vicinity of Mariquina, sweeping them toward Colonel Wholley 's column. Santiago Is Prosperous. Washington, June 4. Tbe war department has received a lengthy re port from General Wood at Santiago, in which he says that be has just re turned from a long trip through the interior and along the north coast of Santiago province. This, with the preceeding trip, completed about ten days ago, has included every town of importance in the province, as well as most of the smaller oues. The people are all at work, peaceful, and, as far as one can see, fairiy happy. "The whole problem in Cuba today," says General Wood, "is to put the idle people, who are running the incen diary press, to work, relegate to a back seat tbe politicians -whose pres ent importance rests solely upon tbo attentions they are receiving from our people, ' ana tbey will not have fol lowers enough left to give them the slightest importance or weight in tbo community." - BEPCBLIC IN ASHES. Business District of the Town Destroyed By Fire. Republic, Wash.. June 4. A dis astrous fire broke out here at 6 o'clock yesterday morning, and before the flames were brought under control the damage amounted ' to $250,000 At noon today the business portion of -he town is a mass of smouldering .ruins, while on three sides - are rows.- of scorched buildings marking the path of the flames. The fire-fighting ap paratus could not check the blaze, and it was only used to save some of the buildings outside tbe fire zone that were smoking and breaking into flames at times. The fire was started by the explosion of a gasoline stove in theSiegel ouild- ing on Clark avenue, where men were cooking breakfast. It spread on the west side of the street to Browne's restaurant, and south to the Republic Trading Company's store. - On the west side two entire blocks were de stroyed. " ' Powder 'was used to blow up the building occupied by Alexander's law office on the opposite side of the cross street from- Percy's building. Then the latter building was sent skyward, and the flying brands scattered the fire to tbe buildings on the east side of Clark avenue. It is rumored that two opium fiends were burned in one of the buildings. No authenticity is given for the reports and it is impossible to learn where the supposed victims were. Twenty-eight buildings are ruined.' Odd Fellows In Taeoma. ' '' Tacoma, Wash, June 5. The 21st annual session of the Washington state' grand lodge of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs convened here this morning for a four days' session. ' A large dum ber of delegates are present. Mayor Nickeus will welcome tbem in a pub lic address this evening. A'special train reached here this morning bearing the delegates from the late ' Baptist convention in San Francisco. The visitors were received by the mayor and prominent citizens, dined and shown about tbe city. They left later for the East via. Seattle and Spokane. ' ' ' War Tax Will, Continue. San Francisco, . June 5 Nathan B. Scott, United States senator from West Virginia, and until recently United States commissioner of intern al revenue, is in the city on bis brief visit. . He had much to do with ' fram ing the war-tax bill, - which he says has increased tbe annual revenues of the government about $100,000,000. He thinks that with a few modifies-' tions the measure' 'will continue in force for some time to come.. In his judgment the Filipinos' ought to be subdued and given a form of govern based on home rule principles before the question of expansion is made a political issue. Dewey Bas Started Borne. - HONO KONG, June 5. -Admiral Dewey left tDe Peak hotel and return ed to the Olvmpia yesterday. This morning he paid farewell calls to Governor-General Gascoigne and com manders of the warships in the har bor. , Dewey's health bas been consider ably benefitted by his residence at the Peak. Tbe Olympia will sail at 4 o'clock tomorrow, but Dewey will not give a farewell dinner nor will he ac cept one. Tbe details of ports at which he will call are still undecided. Tbe admiral seems anxious to avoid all display and merely seeks rest. York state Wheat. Geneva, N. Y., June 2. Already about one-tenth of the wheat crop in this section has been destroyed by the work of the Hessian fly. It is thought that within a week's time a much larger part of the wheat in this section will be entirely laid to waste. A New Bnemy Appears. . New York, June 5. A dispatch from Bong Kong to the Journal and Advertiser says: The Sultan of Sulu, who, It was supposed, was favorably disposed toward the United States, now it turns out, has imported a large quantity of arms from Singapore via Sandaken, with a view of resisting the Americans. These arms he stored on the island of Siasi, and he is raising a force of sepoys at Singapore rco ui sepoys av oiogaturo. It is believed that the decision the sultan to fight the United States is the result of Bray's mission to Sing apore in April. PROBABLY THEIR LAST F1UHT. Oregon Troops Gave the Filipinos a Fare well Battle. Manila, June 5. General Hall's column, in the movement on the Mor- ong peninsula, completed tbe circle of 20 miles over a rough and mountainous country,, having two engagements with the insurgents, " one of them severe, and keeping up an almost con stant fire against scattered bands of rebels for nearly 24 hours, from 4 o'clock Saturday morning, when the column left the pumping station. The Pbiupinos were driven in every direction, and tbe country through which General Hall passed was pretty thoroughly cleared up. At 10 o'clock Sunday morning the column reached a point a few miles from Taytay, where General Hall was met by General Lawton, who had already entered the town and found it deserted. General Hall's objective point was Antipolo, 10 miles off and there was desultory firing all along tbe line of march. The column, after driving the rebels from tbe foothills near Maria Chino, with a loss of but two or three slightly wounded, proceeded with all possible baste toward Laguna de Bay, tbe Fourth cavalry in the lead, the Oregon next, and tbe Fourth infantry last, At 5 o'clock these regiments fought their second battle of tbe day, and it resulted like the first in tbe complete rout of a large Filipino force located in the mountins and having every advantage of position. In this fight the American loss was four killed, three cf the Fourth cavalry and one Oregooian, and about 15 wounded. Oregon Boys Make a Gallant Charge. In this engagement our troops made one of the most gallant charges of the war, and the enemy was forced to flee in the greatest disorder. ' The cavalry, the Oregonians and two companies of toe Fourth -infantry b:id just crossed a small creek about 5 o'clock in the afternoon and entered upon a sunken road, from which they were emerging upon a small valley surrounded on all sides by high and heavily wooded hills, when tbe rebels. concealed in the mountains on the three sides of - the plain, opened a hot Are, and sent showers' of bullets into the ran fcfc'of the Americans General Hall's advance was first momentarily halted after he bad crossed tbe first range of hills to the east of Monte, a. town in the valley at the edge of the hills. The in surgents were , driven out of the town and it was burned. 1 The Second Oregon volunteers pocketed the Fili pinos on three sides, and a brisk fight ensued. . General Summers threw a battalion on each bill, and the Americans chased the rebels for some distance. The Oregon regiment lost three men killed and six wounded. Discovered Dy a Woman. Another great discovery bas been made, and that too, by a lady in this country.. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven , years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed, imminent, for three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She fi nally discovered a way to. recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, bas been absolutely cured, her name is Mrs. Luther Lulz.' Thus writes W. C. Hamick& Co., of . Shelby. N. C Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug stcre. Regular size 50c and $1.00. ' Every bottle guaranteed. , . Major Devol's Keport. Washington, June 5. Reports from the.cbief signal officer at Manila and from Major Devol.quartermaster's department, were made public by the war department today. Tbe report of the signal officer sketch iu consider able detail the work of the signal corps on tbe island and speaks in terms of high praise of the war of both officers and men. . The report of Major Devol relates . merely . to tbe number of con veyances, pack trains and saddle animals in service with the troops, the statement being that they are well supplied for all requirements. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach tha diseased portion of the eai . There s only one way to care deafness, and. tbat is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mocous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed yoy have rambling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is tbe result, and unless tbe lnflamation ean be taken out and this tube resto ed to its normal - condition, bearing will be destroyed f. rever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh. which is n- thing but an inflamed condition of tbe mocous surfaces. . We. will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. P. J CHENEY & CO-, Props., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. 75c Hall's Family Pills are the best.- , Btowaays Did Well. San Francisco, June 5. A new theory regarding the loss of the box containing 325,000, which was stolen from the steamer Alameda is tbat it was taken by three stowaways, two of whom boarded tbe vessel at Sidney and the third at Apia. Tbey were al lowed tbe privileges of regular em ployes, and all left the steamer at Honolulu. Tbe police here, however, have not abandoned tbe idea that the coin may have reached this city, and still continue their search for it. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of or der. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily babit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. Harmony Whisky . For family and medicinal use. by Ben Wilson, Tbe Dalles. - Sold WILL START HOME AT ONCE rpi r T j j of 1 He UTegOU. Regiment 10 Leave Manila This Week, v '; Washington, June 5 -General Otis advises tbe war department that tbe Oregon regiment yrill leave for the United States this week. It. .will be sent direct to Portland for muster-out at Vancouver. If the regiment leaves Manila this wiekthe boys should arrive in Port land early in July, possibly in time for the celebration of tbe Fourth. They will come direct to Portland and then go to Vancouver barracks to bo mus tered out of service. It will take the transport from 28 to 30 dayB to cross the Pacific from Manila to Portland and if there are any delays they will hardly reach Portland before tbe sec ond week in July, but if there is fair wpatber.and nothing to interrupt their trip, they mav get borne In time to help celebrate tbe national holiday. Plans for receiving and entertain ing the gallant Oregonians in Port land are taking shape rapidly. At the entrance of tbe Columbia tbe trans ports carrying the boys will be met by a fleet of boats and steamers loaded wiih their friend and relative?. En terprising steamboat companies pro pose to run special excursions to meet tbe returning conquerors and heroes. The entertainment in Portland will be novel and interesting. The man agement of the Marquam Grand has offered the use of tbe theater free, and the best talent in the city will con tribute tbeir services for the occasion. Steamboat Falls From a Train. The little steamer Elida, which last fall, it will be remembered, sank while moored to the Yamhill-street wharf, is making a beautiful record as an un lucky craft. But a short while ago she was haul ed out of the water and fixed in con dition to be transported overland to some waterway in the vicinity of The Dalles Though the boat is 65 feet in length, it was found possible to trans port tbe craft b; rail, and with tbat purpose in view, she was hoisted on a gigantic flat car. Hardly had this tedious job been accomplished " before the .Elida, believing, herself in - the waves, gave a fearful list to starboard, with the disastrous result tbat she fell off the car onto the trestle work. Several ribs were broken aod it was feared for a while that the back was broken also. However, tbe owners are not so easily discouraged, and a force of men are now at work raising the unlucky craft on to another flat car. Portland Telegram. Teachers Be-electad. Tuesday was tbe date for electing teachers for The Dalles public schools, for the ensuing year, and all tbe for mer teachers were re-elected, hence tbe only change to be made in the corps next year will be that of P-of . Landers transferred to tbe city sup erintendency, and his place as prin cipal of tbe high school having been taken by Professor Neff, mention of which wus made some time since. The re-election of all the teachers is not only, a compliment to them, but speaks well for tbe excellency of The Dalles schools. . Teachers . having given such satisfaction in their past work tbat tbe school board saw no need of change in a single instance is a good guarantee that the school are presided over by a corps of most excel lent teachers, therefore the schools are good. -An Absconder, James Caruthers, ex O. E. & N agent at Elgin, is a fugitive from justice, account defalcation. He was in Walla Walla June 4th, and is thought to have passed through Pen dleton on tbe night of the 4th, west bound. His description is as follows: Five feet eleven . inches in height, weight about 145 pounds, hair dark with streaks of gray, smooth shaven, thin features, .when last seen, wore dark coat and vest, dark blue sweater over vest, and corduroy pants.. Na tional surety company will pay $100 on production of Caruthers in Union county. Agents will give this mes sage all publicity possible, communi cating to this office and sheriff of Un ion county any knowledge received regarding his whereabouts. E. S. Benson. .Jror Over Fifty Xeara. An Old and Wbll-Tkied Rem edy. Mrs. 'Wmsiow's Soothing Syrup bas been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for- diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in every part of tbe world Thenty-nve cents a bottle, its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslowjs. It Must Be Genuine. DlEAGO, Cal., June 5. A to the Union from Ensenada, California, says that several have arrived at San Quentin San special Lower miners from the Sierra Piotana placer They had 80 ounces of gold, bought supplies and started back with their families. The rush to the new fields continues from Lower California. NERVITA Batons VITALITY. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOC Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mailSOc per box; J boxes for $2.50: with a written guaran tee to cure or refund tbe money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson 8t&, CHICAGO, IU. Sole by Blakeley A Houghton. PROFESSIONAL. S. BKNNL-1 Attorney at Law yyM. TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and iO. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE- Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Hon. County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, as umiisinimi oi tne estate or xnoraas waisn, deceased, and all parties having claims against said estate are required to present the said properly verifled to me at my home nearCelilo, Oregon, within six months from the date of i ms notice. Mrs. Margaret Mart Walsh. - uatea May 20. 1K9. 5u Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed as admin strutosnaf the estate of Lydia A. Richardson, deceased, b v uruer ui tne non county lourt lor wasco county. State of Oregon, which order bears date of May 1st, 1899. All persons having claims against saiu estate are nereDy notinea to pre sent the same properly verified to me at the office of my attorneys. Dufur & Menefee. in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, within six montns irom tne cateoi this notice. Dated May 4th, 1899. J. S FERGUSON. Administrator of the estate of I,, din A. Kicnardson, deceased. mays-&t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given thit bv order of the Hon. Robert Mays, judge of the county court for Wasco County Orr icon, made on the 9th dav of March, 1899, the undersigned was appo nted a .ministrator or tne estate oi jonn Brook- bouse, deceased, and John J. Brookhouse. All parties having claims aeainst said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, properly verified, at the office of Sinnott & Sinnott, in Dalles City. Oregon, within six montns irom tneaate oi this notice. R. J. GORMAN. Administrator of tbe partnership estate of jonn nroonnouse, deceased, ana John J. urooK- nouse. w5t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby Riven that Geo. A. Ltebe, executor of tbe estate of Richard G. Oloster, deceased, has filed in the office of the countv ciem ui w atco county, uregon. nis nnai ac count and report in the matter of said t state. and that the Honorable Robert Mays, County uuuKe ox huiu uoumy. nas oraereu tnac saia final account and report and the settlement of me saia estate, as well as any objections there to, shall be beard at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. on the 3rd day of July, 1899. the same being tLe regular July term of said Court for the year 1BW. Said hearing, settlement and obiectiens. lr any, will oe neard pursuant to s -Id order in the county court room in tbe court house of said county at Dalles City, Oretron. this notice is eiven ov order or tne Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oreeon. for Wasco Countv. of date may zotn., ihwu. Dated June 3rd., 1899. GEO. A. LIEBE. Executor of the estate of Richard G. Closter, oeceasea. Qrogon Bakery and O-rfAJF'E A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared to furnish families,-hotels . restaurants with the ohoicest Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh Oysters Served in Every Style. Second Street, next door to The Dalles National Bank Will Saw Your Wood. The steam wood saw will run Tuesdays and Fridays, when we will be ready to saw your wood and will saw it quick. Don't be bash ful, but call up 'phone No. 20 1 when you have wood to saw. We will answer promptly. W. A. CITES, Prop, A. A. BROWN -Ke FULL ASSORTMENT AND PROVISIONS Special Prices to Gash Buyers Tp X HSU nailUlldJ. naiim THS DULLES. OREGON General. Banking Business Transacted. Deposits received subject to sight draft or check. - Collections made and proceeds promptly re mitted on day of collection. Sight and telegraphic exchange sold on New ' York. San Francisco and Portland. . J S'SCHENCR. President BkBuu.. Cashlei Sail Francisco BEER HALL F. LEMKE, Proprietor. Fine Wines. Liquors, and Ciga ; ALL KINDS OP BOTTLED BEER, Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. Beooad Street, bet. Co art and Onion. CHARLES FRANK OP THE iers (6 Farmers EXCHANGE Keeps on draught tbe celebrated Columbia Beer, acknowledged the best beer in Tbe Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Also tbe Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SANDWICHES, all kinds, ON HAND liOliiiUfiiR Packing Go., Corner Third and Washington BEEF, VEAL, MDTTON, PCRK, LARD - Cured and Dried Meats, Sausages of All Kinds Orders Delivered toAny Part of the City PHONB S ; The Dalles, Portland and Aston, Navigation Co. STEAMERS ulator DallesCi ty Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood Kiver, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at Way Points on bo sides of the Columbia river. Both of the above steamers havo been rebuilt, and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899. The ! Regulator Line will endeavor to give its patrons the best service nns- sible. For Comfort. Economy and Pleasure travel by the steamers of tbe Kegulator Line. The above steamers will Wv Th Dallas and a fi u m A arrive at destination in ample time for me outgoing trains. Portland Office, The Dalles Office, Oak St. Dock, Court Street. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. R U N pullman SLEEPING AxtS ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL GRAND FORKS. DtJLTJTH FARGO CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BCTTE, TO THROUGH TICKETS CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For Information, time cards, maps and ticket call on or write. W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas sen ger Agent. No. 225 Morrison Street. Cor ner of Third Street. Portland. Oregon au Competition Distanced VIA THE Union Pacific Railroad As rerards TIME and THROUGH CAB SERVICE to Denver. Omiibtt. Kansas Citv nd other eastern cities. - Only 3 days with no change IX- 11 L ' . A 1 J 4- L MA change to New York. Boston. Philadelphia and other principal points. Cars heated by steam ana lighten ov pintcn light, anxzuee enecKea tnrousn. l a ion depots. Pnr Rates. Tirirets. SlfieniMT Car Berths, e' c. annlv to JAS. IRELAND, agent O. R. & .X Co., The Dalles. Or., or C. E. BROWN, DUl. Pass. Agent, or J. H. IX)THK01, Uen. A (rent 1 Third St.. Portland, ur men t Oregon snort Lias Balirasa The direct route to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via tbe Union Pacific Fast -Mail Line, or the Bio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME.... H Days to SALT LAKE 2 Days to DENVER 3 Days to CHICAGO 4 Days to NEW YORK Pre Reclining Chair Cars, Uphol- Rtered Tourist Sleeping Cars, and Pullman Palace Sleepers, operated ou all trains. . For fn.-ther information apply to JAS. IRELAND. Airent O. R. & N. Co., The Dalles, uregon. C. O. TERRY. W. E. COM AW. Trav. rass. Afrt. 124 Third St.. f oraana. jt. BRANCH OEFICE Oregon Viavi Co. Room 7. over French & Co's. Bank.! Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m. Charlotte F. Roberts, Local Manager Free health lecture every Thursday afternoon 1 3 p. m. Mrs. Tackman's ..Green House Near East Hill School, Supplies all kinds of 'bedding plants, roses, carnations, ger aniums, etc. Cut flowers for weddings and funerals ar ranged in artistio designs and on short notice. Visitors always welcome. Mrs. A. H. Tackman, Prop. r Telephone 74. NBRTIEBN PACIFIC Big Inducements aL -. MAI NETJ The above CUt represents one of hibition at Our Store Which we DrODOSO free of charge, in consideratiou of their liberal patronage. We beg to state that our prices, which are always rock-bottom for first class (roods, will remain the same and this special offer, which will bold good for a limited time only, is made for the purpose of increasing our ca9h trade. These clonka am muin nf kmnu. are beautiful mantel ornament, as well as first class time keepers. Please give us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing you the clocks, aod explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts. We have a lot Of damaged RUBBER COODS. pnnalot.lno- nf Mn' Mn and kne hno.-.n. finnw ATfilnHnra Aluab J - - ... . . . Children's rubber goods of all kinds, mi uo uiuaou uub at a great sacriuoe. J. P. McINERNY, One Price Cash House, r Jos. T. Peters t Co., ..Building OF ALL Farm Machinery, Etc. THE CELEBRATED Columbia AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-kno-vn brewery is and Porter east of the Cascadea. manufacture of good healthful only tne first-class article will be placed on the market East Second Street The Dalles, : Oregon- .e. Harmony This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as pure hand-made sour mash Whiskey for family and medical use. Sold by BEN WILSON, - M. H. JOHNSTON, .......Headquarters for Hodtre Headers, Milwaukee Chamless and Columbia Mowers and Sodje Mes Extras for all machines we handle. If you want anything in the line of Agricultural Implements call on W. A. Johnston, - The Dalles, Oregon. Pioneer Bakery I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply eveiybody with BREAD, PIES and CAKE Also, all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocsries GEO, PUUH, Pioneer for Cash Trade. our handsomn RrnnzA"ninnlra nnw nn ar to cive to our Rash nnatnmnra nMrlr - ua at.m .,, KV,nno t vr t .nAt ,1 ,. .j, vvi, IU auuwio, UWllOfl , lUiHCI UUU slightly damaged by water and which Cor. Second and Court Sts. Materials,, KINDS. rewery now turning ouf the best Beer The latest appliances for the Beer have been introduced, and Whiskey n. The Dalles, Or, Grocer. jBia