The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, May 27, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 20
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
norm tnam
Will Delay Peaee
Manila, May 19. General Luna is
reported to be making desperate efforts
to restrain educated Filipinos within
the limits of hjs self-appointed juris
diction from communicating with the
Americans, even to arresting - Enca
mino and Herrera, two of the most
Influential officials coming via San
Isidro today.
This and the removal of the seat of
" government to Tarlic, 30 miles nor I
of San Fernando, may lead to compli
cations and delay in pacification, but
it is generally conceded that further
opposition to American sovereignty is
useless and ridiculous. Neither Gen
eral Luna or General Bio del Pilar
has sufficient force to resist or compel
General Wheaton has been relieved
of the command of the Second division
for special assicnmeat, and General
Funston has been assigned to his
brigade. " A board consisting of Col
onel French, of the Twenty second
Infantry, and, Major Cabell and Cap
tain Randolph, of the Third artillery,
has been appointed to proceed to
Batavia for the purpose of investigat
ing European methods or providing
for the health of troops there and to
report on the subject for the benefit
of Americans here.
What la ShUohT
A grard old remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption; used through
the world for half a century, has cured
innumerable cases of incipient con
sumption and relieved many in ad
vanced stages. If you are not satis
fied with the results we will, refund
your money. Price 25 cts., and 50 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Even the Gam-Chewing Girls Magt be
New York, May 19. The Tribune
say: The chewing gum combination
which is to be known as the American
Chicle Company, will be Incorporated
at Trenton with a capital of $9,000,000,
Of which $3,000,000 will be 6.. per cent
cumulative preferred stock, and 86,
000,000 common stock. The company
will acquire the "following concerns:
The Beeman Chemical Company, W.
J. -White & Son, Cleveland; the Kiss
Me Gum Company, Louisville, Ky ;
J. P. Primley, Chicago; St. Britten &
Co. Toronto, Tind M. Adams & Son,
Brooklyn. Charles R. Flint is iden
tified with the new company, he-being
the largest importer of chicle, which
is found only in Mexico, and is the
principal ingredient used in making
gum. Levy Mayer, o? Chicago,' will
be the general counsel of the new
On Every Bottle.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of this
. bottle faithfully, then if you can say
you are not benifited return the bottle
to your druggist and he may refund
the money."' Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and
$1.00. Blakeley and Houghton.
Sympathy With Dynamiters..
San Francisco, May 19. The San
Francisco building trades council has
adopted a resolution condemning the
action of the governor and other of
ficials of Idaho, and also General
Merriam for their course during the
recent miners' strike. The miners'
union is congragulated for having re
fused to comply with the mandates of
General Merriam and the state officials
of Jtfaho. The delegates of the labors
council have been instructed to bring
the matter before that body with the
request that immediate action te taken
to bring the grievance to the attention
of the federal authorities.
JBIjg Hotel Burned.
Philadelphia, May 22. Fire of un
known origin this morning destroyed
the unoccupied Oxford hotel building,
including Oxford hotel, oncer "famous
for political meetings held there.
Loss, estimated, $100,000; partly in
is dependent npon the health of the wife
more than on any other one thing. If a
woman is troubled in
a distinctly feminine
way the most delicate
nerves of her body are
in a state of chronic
irritation. She has
headache and back
ache. She is listless
and spiritless. She is
cross and bine. She
feels that life is not
worth living and her
temper reflects the
condition of her
nerves. Poor, suffering wife poor, dis
tracted husband. If the husband is a
cheerful, good - humored man he will
sympathize if he is nervous, tired and
irritable himself, he will probably go off
to the club or seek elsewhere more con
genial company.
A sick woman is to be pitied because
she is miserable and because she has not
yet learned that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription will make her well.
The "Favorite Prescription" was de
veloped over
thirty years
I ago in the reg
ular ' practice
of Dr. R. V.
Pierce who is
and was then,
chief consult
i ing physician
' to the Inva
" lids' Hotel and
Surgical Insti
tute, at Buf
falo, N. Y.
Since then it
has been nsed
by millions of women and has brought
health, happiness and contentment to as
many homes.
" My wife was sick for over eight years," writes
Albert H. Ftilte. Esq.. of Altamont, Grundy Co.,
Tenn. " She had uterine disease and was treated
by two physicians and got no relief. At last I
read about Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I
sent to the drug store, got one bottle and the
first dose gave ease and sleep. She had not slept
any for three nights. Being sure that it would
cure her I sent for five more bottles and when
she had taken the sixth bottle she was sound and
well. We now have a fine boy at our house."
.The "Favorite Prescription" contains
no alcohol and no opinm or other narcotic,
and is perfectly harmless in any condition
pf the svstem,
I 1 1 -
mm i
pommen eo., hew yohk.
Commissioners Finally Agree as to the
Ronte and Cost.
New York, May 19. A dispatch to
the Tribune from Washington says
The Nicaragua canal commission, Ad
miral Walker, Colonel Haines and Mr,
Haupt, are understood at last to have
settled the previous disagreements
which have so long delayed the report
of the committee. The compromise
effected .among the commissioners
result -in their fixing the cost of the
proposed waterway, whijh Is pro
nounced entirely feasible, at $125,000,
000. The members of the commission
had agreed after the elaborate and
thorough consideration they have
given the subject, believe that the last
objection to the beginning or tne in
ter-oceanic water wav has been swept
aside, and that congress may be relied
upon to promptly authorized tne can
al's construction. A modified route
is recommended-
In its preliminary report the com
mission declared its positive belief
that the canal across Nicaragua was
.entirely feasible, but the Maritime
Canal Company, which held the con
cession and exerted powerful Influence
prevented agreement to a modified
route.. The majority of the commis
sion. Admiral Walker and Colonel
Haines, favored what is known as the
Lull route. They adhered to dime a
sions considerably greater than ever
before proposed, both in length of
locks and in width, depth and radius
of curvature of the canal, in order that
large ocean steamers, and especially
warships, could securely and quickly
make the trip over the divide. This
tbev said necessarily made a corres
ponding increase in the estimated cost
in no way inconsistent with tne esti
mates made by former surveys, which
contemplated a much smaller and
cheaper canal.
The Loss - Was Four Mil
lion Dollars.
Victoria, B. C. May 21. The main
portionof the city of Dawson was de
stroyed by-fire- on April 26, -causing a
loss of $4,000,000. In all 111 buildings
including the bank of British North
America, were burned. - .
The news was brought down by L.
Hume, son of Mayor Hume of Se
attle, J. Toklas and a third party who
left Dawson on April 27, and made
their way out by canoe to Lake La
barge and then over the Ice Toklas
reports that the fire occurred in the
very heart of the business center of
the city, commencing near the opera
house on the water frost, and spread
ing with great rapidity, driven by a
strong north wind, destroying every
thing on its way on that street down-
to and including Donobue & smith's
establishment, and taking all of the
water front buildings abreast of the
same blocks. Tne hre crossed tne
street, burned through and spread over
to second street, covering tne prin
cipal business portion of Dawson,
leaving It all in ashes witn tne n re-
men powerless.
rne nre consumed every thing, irom
Timmins's Royal cafe down to the
buildings opposite the Fairview hotel
Tne town is paralyzed, because
nothing can be done until the opening
of navigating, which will not be for
several weeks. As was the case . with
all fires in Dawson, this one was
caused by a drunken woman upsetting
a lamp. '
How is lour Wife?
Has she lost her beauty? If so, con
stipation, indigestion, fick headache
are the principal causes. Karl's Clover
Boot Tea has cured these ills for half
a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Money refunded if results are not
satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton
Wor.h Dakota Buyer Figuring on a Large
Pendleton, May 21. Horses, for
several years a drug on the market,
have suddenly risen in value, and are
now bringing a very good price in the
Eastern Oregon and Wasbington
region. -Horsemeu say that the in
creased demand 1b due to the work
being done on the different railroad
Draft animals have recently beeu
sold at prices ranging from $175 to
$225 per span of broken horses, and in
many instances they have received as
much as $75 apiece for unbroken range
horses heavy enough for work.
Quite a number of horsemen who
had allowed their bands to roam the
ranges, un cared for and even un
branded, have of late gone out and
collected them and placed them on tbe
market, and found that the. property
they regarded as useless was worth
good money.
In addition to tbe local demand in
Oregon and Washington, there is con
siderable inquiry from tbe East, and
horsebuyers have been here from
Minnesota and the Dakotas. One
buyer from North Dakota is figuring
for several thousand head to be bought
from one man, and it is said that the
price to be paid is in the neighborhood
of $25 each
Body of McUulre Found.
Rosebtjrg, Or., May 21. Th9 body
of Fish Commissioner Holllster D.
McGulre, who was drowned in the
North Umpqua river, below Win
chester, April 8, was recovered yes
terday morning by J. Chapman, A.
T. Gee and Creed Gilliam. The body
of State Senator Reed, who was
drowned with Mr. McGuire, has not
been found.
Mr. McGuire's body bad risen and
floated a short distance. The clothln g
caught in brush on the east side of the
river, about 400 pards below the point
where Commissioner McGulre and
Senator Reed were drowned. '
Dewey Fond in San Francisco,
San Francisco, May 18. Contribu
tions received in this city to the
Dewey home fund now amount to
Partial Home Rule Of
fered the Filipinos.
Manila, "May 22. Professor Schur
mann, head of the United States
Philippine commission, today submit
ted the following written proposition
to the Filipinos.
While final decision as to form of
government is in the hands of con
gress, the president under his military
powers, pendine the action of congress
stands ready to offer the following
form of government: A governor
general to be appointed by the presi
dent; cabinet to be appointed by the
governor-general; all judges to be ap
pointed by the president; beads of
departments and judges to be either
Americans or Filipinos, or both: also
general advisory council, its members
to be chosen by the people by a form
of suffrage to be hereafter carefully
determined upon: the president earn
estly desires bloodshed to cease and
tne people ol tne fniuppines at an
early date to emov the largest meas
ure of self-government compatible
with peace and order.
The commission prepared this
scheme, and the president cabled bis
approval. The Filipinos have made
no definite proposition except lor ces
sation of hostilities until they can
present the question of peace to the
people. Schurmann told the Filipinos
they had no means of gathering the
people together, as the Americans
control most of the ports. He also re
minded them of the liberal form of
government offered Xhem, and pointed
out that it was better than conditions
existing under Spanish rule. Gozaga,
presieent of the Filipino commission-,
admitted the form of governemt pro
posed was liberal. Civilian members
of the Philippine commission have
declined to co-operate with the other
members of tbe commission, as tne
former consider Aguinaldo's late de
mand preposterous, after Otis's re
fusal of armistice, referring to his
wish for time in order to consult the
Filipino congress.
General Gomez May Uo to Washington
to Plead for His Country.
New York, May 22. A special to
the Herald from Havana says:
General Gomez says in his manifesto
that if the occasion required he would
goto Washington and plead for the
welfare of Cuba. Cespedes said he
thought Gomez would see President
McKinley if something was not done
immediately. Cespedes is going to
America on Thursday on personal bus
iness and Gomez may accompany him.
There is no information at Vedado in
regard to the much discussed decree.
General Gomez Is fast losing prestige
with his army, and the anti-Gomez
leaders are. talcing every opportunity
to Increase the feeling of bitternese.
Cuban officers were forced into ac
cepting the last agreement between
Generals Brooke and Gomez to disarm
quietly and hand over their arms to
municipal authorities by tbe strong
feeling of the Cuban people against
further delay and their desire to see
tbe men go to work, but now it is
probable another hitch bas arisen.
They condemn Gomez for ever enter
ing into negotiatlous with tbe United
States, declaring he has been a tool in
the Americans' hands.
Quietness prevailing among the old
assemblymen, and strong anti-American
element of the Cubans looks sus
picious. The leaders of the black
element are bitter against American
Filipinos Are Not Satisfied That the Amer- I
leans Will Keep Faith.
New Yohk, May 22. A dispatch to
the Journal and Advertiser from
Manila says:
In an Interview with Gregorio del
Pilar, in the presence of Dr. Robair, a
close friend of Aguinaldo, and another
peace commissioner, Zlalcita, who ap
proved the sentiments expressed by
General del Pilar, - said.
"The insurgents are anxious to
surrender, but want the assurance
first that there will be no putting to
death of the leaders in the rebellion,
and some proof that Americans will
carry out the generous statements in
their proclamation. We have been
acquainted with the Americans but a
short time. If they are sincere, we
will agree to unconditional surrender.
"In negotiations entered into with
authorized Spanish officers in the
previous rebellion similar promises
were made but not carried out. Ruiz
and others were put to death in spite
of the promises. If we give up pur
arms we are at the complete mercy of
tbe Americans. We realize the hope
lessness of a Filipino republic, for tbe
people are now impoverished and a
continuance of hostilities would only
increase the sufferings."
Cblcagoans Will Apply some of the
World's Fair Profits to Hake
Cuban Heroes Comfortable.
- Chicago, May 22. A fund of 8160,
000, drawn from a dividend on 406,038
shares of world's fair stock, is being
set aside for needy and suffering mem
bers of the various Illinois volunteer
regiments of Crook county who served
in Cuba. Funds are reported now on
hand to pay a 4 per cent dividend on
the stock, and a relief committee will
be appointed from the society of the
army of Santiago to act with a com
mittee of colonels of the regiment to
secure the dividend.
Otis Will Walt.
Manila, May 21. Major General
Otis has declined to recognize the
rebels to the extent of agreeing to an
armistice, but he has notified the
American commanders to refrain tern-
Restates VITALrnr,
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess ana indis
cretion. Anenre tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
By mail 50c per box; 6 boxes
for $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund tbe money.
Clinton et Jackson Sta, CHICACO, ILL
Sole by Blakeley A Houghton.
porarily from aggressive action. Thus
he is in a position to resume hostilities
at any time. This will defeat any sub
terfuges to eain time, which would
not be the case if the general agreed
to an armistice.
The Filipinos are so deceptive that
the people hesitate to credit with good
faith their latest overtures, but more
attention is now paid to them than to
their previous advances. The Fil
ipinos commission is under instruc
tions from Aguinaldo and the congress
but it is possible that if peace is agreed
upon Generals Luna and Pilar will
continue a guerilla warfare.
Dewey Has Started.
Manila, May Zl. The cruiser
Olympia, with Admiral Dewey on
board, sailed out of the harbor on her
homeward journey yesterday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. The big cruiser was
given a farewell salute by every vessel
in the harbor.
The Woodmen of Oregon Have Taken
Hold of the Proposition.
The movement to create a fund to
erect a monument to the memory of
Oregon's soldiers who have fallen in
the Philippines is one that appeals to
all patriotic citizens, and the Interest
the Woodmen of this state are taking
in the matter is indeed commendable.
This grand order has arranged for a
reunion in Portland on May 30 and 31
and June land 2, to help aloug the
monument fund. A splendid program
has been arranged, which will consist
of a grand street parade from the
Woodmen hall in Portland on the
30th which will be participated in by
the G. A. R., O. N. G., ciyle societies,
etc. On the 31st there will be exem
plification of the amplified work of the
order at the tabernacle, and in the
evening there will be a memorial con
cert at the O. N. G. armory, also dif
ferent addresses, including a memorial
oration by Governor Geer; admission
25 and 50 cents. On June 1st and 2d
there will be entertainments given at
Cord ray '8 to which the admission will
be 2o, 50 and 75cents. The local camp
here bas arranged for an. excursion
down the Columbia, to leave here at
4 a. M. on the morning of the 30th,
and to arrive in Portland at 10:30,
round trip tickets being placed at 32.
Eyerybody is invited to join in the
Building Boom In Umatilla County.
Pendleton, Or., May 21. A regula
tion building boom has struck the
towns of this county, abd in every
quarter residences and building blocks
are going up. So many buildings are
going up and have been put up this
year that material is scarce. About
thirty residences are in the course of
construction, and more than that num
ber have been put up since January
1. Tbe year 1899 will have seen oyer
100 residences built, and the demand
appears to wtrrant their erection.
This same condition obtains in tbe
other towns of the county, Weston,
Milton and Athena, and the lumber
yards and brick yards will be crowded
to supply the demand for material.
Ion Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price
of 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure,
take the bottle back and we will refund
your money. Sold for over fifty years
on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and
50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists.. Stabbed by a Beggar.
New York, May 19. John E. Eng
11s, formerly president of the Wall
about bank of Brooklyn, was stabbed
in the neck .today by Christopher
Daly, a beggar. The wound Is se
vere. Daly had been to Englis' house
a few days . ago to ask for alms and
was dissatisfied with the food given
him. He lay in wait and abused Eng.
lis for this, ending today by stabbing
him. The wounded man is 64 years
of age. Daly was arrested.
Sick Headache.
The curse of overworked womankind,
are quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Root Tea, tbe great blood puri
fier and tissue builder. Money re
funded if not satisfactory. . Price 25
cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough
ton, drugg'sts.
On a Tour of Insptction.
Los Angeles, May 19. General
W. S. 8challenberger, second assis
tant postmaster-general of the United
States, has arrived here on a tour of
inspection of the postal service on the
Pacific coast.
For Over Fifty Tears.
An Old and W ell-Tried Rem
edy. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup
has been used for over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug
gists in every part of the world
Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value
is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow's.
First National Bank
General Banking Business Transacted.
Deposits received subject to sight draft
or check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly re
mitted on day of collection.
Sight and telegraphic exchange sold on New
York. Sau Franclsoo and Portland.
J S Scbssck.
H m.Bxaix.
Moit Bood Sample Room
BeSt Kentucky. Whisky
Very Best Key West Cigars and Bes
of Wines.
English Porter, Ale and Milwauke
Beer always on hand.
The WMtehovse
CHA8. BUCHKLBACH, Proprietor.
First-class Wines Liquors and Cigars
Always on Hand.
Corner Second and Court Street8(
Physician and Surgeon,
Rooms over Dalles Nstional Bank. Office hours, 10
a m to 12 m, and from 2 to 4 p m. Kesi
dence West End of Third Street,
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or.
Notice is hereby given that by order of the
Hon. Robert Mays, judge of the county court
for Wasco County Oregon, made on the 9th d3y
of March, 1899, the undersigned was appointed
a iministrator or tne estate or jonn tsrooK
house. deceased, and John J. Brookhouse. All
Sanies having claims aeainst said estate are
erebv notified and reauired to present the
same, properly verified, at the office of Sinnott
& Sinnott, in Dalles City. Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Administrator of the partnership estate of
John Brookhouse, deceased, ana jonn J. tirooK
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed as administrator of
the estate of Lyaia A. Kicnarason, aeceasea, Dy
order of the Hon. County Court for Wasco
county. State of Oregon, which order bears date
of May 1st, 1899. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same propeny verinea to me at tne
office of my attorneys. Dufur & Menefee, in
Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, within six
months from the oate of this notice.
Dated May 4th, 1899.
Administrator of the estate of L.i dia A.
Richardson, deceaseds may5-6t
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been aDDOinted by the Hon. County Court of
or. tne state or uregon, ror w asco jouniy, aa
ministratrix of the estate of Thomas Walsh.
deceased, and all narties haylng'claims against
said estate are required to present the same
properly verified to me at my home near Celilo,
Oregon, within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dated May 20, 1899. ' . b.
yp THE ,
Butchers & Farmers
Keeps on draught the celebraced
Columbia Bker, acknowledged
the best beer in The Dalles, at
the usual price. Come 4a, try it .
and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors .
and Cigars. i -
SANDWICHES, all kinds, $N HND
Do you
want f t
to get rich?
A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced,
five miles from Antelope, for sale on
easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul
tivation, good house, barn and other
outbuildings, shed room for 100 head of
horses, splendid spring of water, nice
young orchard bearing fruit. A popu
lar stand on the road that takes in from
$100 to $200 a month.
To be sold on reasonable terms. .
Call at tbia office or address
my2d-w Antelope, Or.
After June 1st, 1899, the following
prices for milk will prevail:
lpint a day, per month..
1 quart " " . "
3 pint " " ." " ..
2 quarts " " " . .
3auarts" ' " "
.$1 60
. 2 25
3 25
4 00
6 00
1 gallon 25c a day, two gallons or
more a-day 20c per gallon.
I also keep a thoroughbred Jersey
bull for service on the Lee place, east
of the fair ground.
B. T. COLLINS, Prop.
Telephone 63.
The- great Mexican Hair Vigor,
manufactured ty Mrs. Dora A. Dreyer,
can now be had in this city. Mrs.
Dreyer is prepared to treat all diseases
of the scalp, and ladies wishing home
treatment may leave their address
with Chas. Frazer. Carmelite is on
sale at Mr. Frazers' barber shop and at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store.
See display on Friday and Saturday in
Blakeley & Houghton's window.
Special Prices to Gash Buyers
Will Saw Yoar Wood.
The steam wood saw will
run Tuesdays and Fridays,
when we will be ready to
saw your wood and will'saw
it quick. Don't be bash
' ful, but call up 'phone No.
20 1 when you have wood
to saw. We will answer
W. A. CATES, Prop.
Rnliiiiifiia PacKino Co,
.Corner Third and Washington..
Curedand Dried Meats,
Sausages of All Kinds
Orders Delivered toAny Part of the City
A Wonderful Discovery
All Competition Distanced
As regards TIME and THROUGH CAR
SERVICE to Denver. Omaha. Kansas City
una otner eastern cities.
Only 3 i days with no change
to Chicago: 4 days with one
change to New York.
Boston. Philadelphia and other principal
points. Cars heated by steam and iighted hy
Fintcn iifrnt. Baggage cnecKea tnrougn. un
ion depots.
For Rates. Tickets, Sleeping Car Berths, etc.
apply to JAS. IRELAND, agent O. R. & N
Co., The DaUes, Or., or C. E. BROWN. Dlst.
Pass. Agent, or J. H. LOTHROP, Gen. Agent,
I3i xmra St.. Portland, ur men l
Oregon snori Line Baliroad
The direct route to
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
tne Union .faeihe f ast -Mail Line, or
tbe Kio Grande Scenic Lines.
li Days to SALT LAKE
2i Days to DENVER
3i Days to CHICAGO
4i Days to NEW YORK
Free Reclining: Chair Cars. Uphol
stered Tourist SleeDine Cars, and
Pullman Palace Sleepers, operated on
an trains.
For further information apply to
JAS. IRELAND, Agent O. R. & N. Co.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent
i2 xmra sc.. t-oruana, ur.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Regulator s Dalles City
Daily (except Sunday) between
The DaUes,
Hood River
; Cascade Locks, r
and Portland
Touching1 at Way Points on bo
sides of the Columbia river.
Both of the above steamers have
been rebuilt, and are in excellent
shape for the season of 1899. The
Regulator Line will endeavor to
give its patrons the best service pos
sible. For Comfort, Economy and
Pleasure travel by the. steamers of I
the Regulator Line.
The above steamers will leave The I
Dalles and' Portland at 8 a. m., and
arrive at destination in ample time for
the outgoing trains.
Portland Office,
The Dalles Office,
Oak St. Dock,
Court Street.
General Agent.
Depart from THB Abbivi
Fast Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Fast
Hall- Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
11:40 p.m. sas City, St. Louis, 2:55 p. m
Chicago and East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane
Flyer Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer
6:25 p. m, Duluth, Milwauke, 5:00a.m.
Chicago and East.
8p.m. . FROM rORTLAND 4 . m.
Oceaa Sttsmshlpa
All Sailing Dates sub
ject to change.
For San Francisco
Steamers leave Port
land every five days.
8 p.m. Columbia River 4P"mi
Ex.Sunday Steamers Ex.Sunday
10 p. m. To Astoria sad Way
Landings. 8a.m. Willamette River 4:30 p.m.
Ex.Sunday Ex.Sunday
Oregon City, Newberg,
Salem & Way-Land's
7 a.m. Willamette aaa Yamhill 3:30 p.m.
Tues,Thur, Rivers. Mon, Wed,
and Sat and Frl.
Oregon City, Dayton, and
0 a.m. Willamette River 4;30p.m.
Toes, Thur Tuesrhur.
and Sat- Portland to Corvallis aand Sat J
and Way-Landings
Snake River.
LiV Riparia Lv. Lew'D
dally Riparia to Ldwlston, daily
Parties desiring to go to Heppner should take
train No. 4, leaving The Dalles at 5:30 p. M. to
mae direct connections, returning, matting di
rect connections at Heppner Junction with No
I, arriving at Tne uaues at 3:15 p. M.
No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not
earjy passengers; arrives 2:50 a. m., departs
s.du a. m.
No. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east-
oouna; arnves4:U p. m., departs 8:16 p. m.
No. 21, west-bound through freight, does not
carr passengers; arrives 8:15 p. m., departs
v:du p. m.
No. 23, west-bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrives 5-15 p. m, departs 8: a. m.
For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'s
a ent The Dalles, or address
,f. H.
HTJRLBTJRT. Gen, Pass. Agent
Portland. Oregon
J Ikxlahd Agent, The Dalles
Do You Want Government Land?
If so call on P. F. Fouts, Gambrinus
saloon, who can give you pointers that
will be of advantage to you, and can
show locations in the) best fruit section
of Oregon. . a26-lm
TO J Ftnon
BOSTON and all
For information, time cards, maris and ticket
call on or write, w.u. AL.L.A way, Agent
Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas-
sen ger Agent. No. 225 Morrison btreet, cor
ner of Third street. Portland, Oregon!
are not all in flowery petals. The bes t
are here, secured in glass and ready to
impart a pleasing fragrance to "my
lady's" taster Toilet.
All the well-known makes of Toilet
Waters and Perfumes in plain or fancy
bottles are offered at these prices.
per oz., - SOe
- - - COc
Lazell's, per oz.,
Healthflll HiDtS
Don't forget the baby and his needs
We trive vou many helpful hints for
healtd and supply the means for carry-
inir them out. Our line of toilet ar
ticles, for baby and his mother, is com
plete, fastidious and of highest hygen-
c worth.
Up-to-Ikte Pharmacists
175 Second Street.
Qrogon Bakery
and .O-AJF'E
A. KELLER, Prop'r.
AmTprepared to furnish families,- hotels
restaurants with the choicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh Oysters Served in
Every Style.
Second Street, next door to ine
Dalles National Bank
74 Front St., The Dalles. ;
Tables supplied with the best in X
the market.
Parties served and lunches for X
picnics and excursions
Oysters in every
W. W. WILSON, - Manager.
Sau Francisco
F. LEMKE, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Beer on
Baoond Street, bat. Court and Cnloa.
For uniformity in baking, per
fection in roasting, immensity
in water healing, greatness in
fuel saving, simplicity, of con
struction, ease of management;
cleanliness in use, strength in
parts, certainty of no repair
bills, makes the best authorities
unanimous in their declara-
tions that the
jestic Steel flange
is the very best
exclusively by
! Mays fe
How about your office stationery?
Run over your supply, and see if
you are not in need of some Job
Printing. 'That's bur lihe.7
Big Inducements
The above cut reDresents one of our
hibitlon at our store which we propose
free of charge, in consideratiou of their liberal patronage. We beg to state that
our prices,whlch are always rock-bottom for first class goods, will, remain tbe same
and this special offer, which will bold good for a limited tlmejbnly, is made for
the purpose ol increasing our casa trade. These clocks are made ol bronze,
are beautiful mantel ornaments, as well as first class time keepers. Please
give us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing: you the clocks, and
explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts.
We have a lot of damasred RUBBER
and kne9 boots, snow excluders, Alaskas, storm rubbers, Ladles', Misses' and
Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by water, and which
will be closed out at a great sacrifice.
One Price Cash House. Cor. Second and Court 8ts.
Jos. T. Peters Co.,
Farm Machinery, Etc.
for Cash Trade.
handsome Bronze Clocks now on ex
to drive to our cash customers entirely
COOD3. consisting of Men's hip
on earth,
-i ...