The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, May 20, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 19
Makes the food more
Death and Destruction at
a Mexican Town
, Dallas, Tex., May 12. A spefeial
to the News from Eagle Pass, Texas,
aaya: -'
The Hondo coal mine 100 miles
south of here in Mexico, ws visited
Wednesday at 6 p. m. by a .terrific
tornado, dealing death and destruction
in its path. The upper story of the
general office, hotel, depot and a pump
house were bown away. A string1
' of freight cars was carried several
hundred yards out on the prairie.
Eight bodies haye been recovered, and
others are supposed to be in the ruins.
A great many were seriously wounded,
among them Superintendent McKin
Bey, Lawrence McKinney, his son be1
ing cneofthe dead. The tornado
also struck the town of Sabinas 12
; mlies away, killing two persons. This
section has heretofore been oonsider-
' ed far out of the zone of tornadoes.
Tell lonr Sister.
A beautiful complexion is an I tripos
aibility without good pure blood, the
sort that only exists in connection
with good digestion, a healthy liver
and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea
acts directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys keeping them in perfect
health. Price 25 cts and 51); cts.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.'
Dewey Will Sail for America
in I
Short Time.
Washington, ' May 12. "Send
Olymp'a mall to B. F. Stephens, No. 4
Trafalgar Square, London, England."
. was the notice given out at the nayy
department today.
This is the first formal indication
that the famous flagship is coming
, home immediately. Upon inquiry it
was ascertained that Secretary Long
last evening cabled Admiral Ddwey
permission to return ' at once to tho
United States. ' He has been relieved
of the obligation of remaining at Ma
nila until the Philippine commission
completes its wort. He it not even
required to await the cessation of hos
tilities, but may start homeward at
once. The notice posted at the navy
department amounts to the informa
tlan that the Olympia will not remain
long enough to receive the next out
ward mail. The Mr. Stephens refer
red to is the navy department's agent
at London to distribute all of the mail
for the United States warships in
European waters, so he will see to it
that the Olympia receives herd as soon
as she passes the Suez canal.
Do Too Know
Consumption is preventable? Science
has proven that, and also that negleot
la suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure. Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years. Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
Two Battalion From Manila Sent to Re
inforce Mac Arthur.
Manila, May. 12. Fresh troops are
beginning to go the front. .Two bat
talions of the Seventeenth infantry
(regulars,) that had been holding the
lines about the city of Maqlla. will
join General MacArthur's division at
San Ferdando tomorrow, and one bat
talion of the same regiment will re'n
force General Lawton's division near
Bacolor. These troops will be replaced
by the Twenty-first infantry regiment,
which arrived from the United States
on the transport Hanacock yesterday
Captain Grant, of the Utah battery,
whose success in managing the army
gunboats Laguna de Bay and Cavadon
ga has won him tho soubriquet of the
"Dewey of the army," has been put in
command of the recently purchased
Spanish gunboats, whose arms the in
surgents captured. These vessels are
now being prepared for operations on
the rivers and along the coast, ; The
arming of the gunboats is being pushed
with all diligence.
loans Mothers.
Croup is the "terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic in cases of croup. It
has never been known to fail. . The
worst cases ' releived immediately
Price 23 cents, 50 cents and $1.00
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.
Bis; Gun Being Mounted Back of Old
Fort Scott.
San Francisco, May 12. The de
fenses of this harbor are rapidly being
strengthened. Tho work under way
now is the mounting of the second
battery of 16 mortars on the bluff
above and back of old Fort Winfield
Scott. Eight of the huge pieces of
ordnace are already in position and
the others are being mounted by men
from the Third artillery. These
mortars are considerably larger and
more destructive than the battery of
16 that was mounted about three years
ago. The new mortars are12-inch
steel, breach-loading weapons, throw
ing a shell . weighing 1000 pounds
while the others carry 800 pound
shells In addition to the mortars a 12
Inch rifle and disappearing carriage of
the newest model are ready for ship
ment from the east. 1 A number of
-other big guns of modorn type are
nisbed or in process ot construction,
delicious and wholesome
and will be placed in position around
the entrance to the bay as soon as
they are received here.
Mnrderer of John Llnd Legally
Eugene, May 12. Claude Branton
was hanged today for. the murder of
John Lion.
Branton retired last night at 11
o'clock, after writing several letters.
He slept well, and got up at the usual
time this morning, but would not eat
breakfast. - Reverends Patterson and
Haadsaker, of the Christian church,
were admitted to the jail at 7 o'clock
this morning, and remained to the
end, praying and singing with the con
At 9:30 his people were admitted to
the jail door, and conversed with Dim
a few moments. Sheriff Withers then
read the warrant.
Branton left the cell at 10:45 under
the charge of the sheriff and two
deputies. He ' walked upon the scaf
fold unassisted and took his place on
the trap When asked if he bad any
thing to say, he replied that he had
but little.
In a firm voice be told those present
that he did not want them to bear any
ill-will against his people on his ac
count. He asked for sympathy and
prayers, and ' urged them to walk in
God's way.
Sheriff Withers sprung the trap at
10:50, and 15 minutes later life was ex
tinct, and the body was cut down:
Not a hitch occurred in the whole
proceedings, everything passed off as
smoothly as possible.
The crime for which Branton was
hanged was the murder of John Lino
at the foot of the Cascade mountains
on McKenzie river,in Lane county, on
June 15, 1898. Branton andCourtland
Green had induced Linn to cross the
mountains with a band of horses to
Braoton's house at Walter ville where
Branton was to trade Linn a piece of
land for an interest in the horses.
While Linn was asleep Branton shot
him to death, then he and Green
burned his body; Green finally con
fessed the crime and is serving a life
sentence in the penitentiary.
Long; Imprisonment for His Yarn.
Alexandria, May 14. Bazani, the
inventor of the story of a plot, to as
sassinate Emperor William during his
majesty's visit to Egypt, which trip,
however was abandoned has been
sentenced to 7i years' solitary confine
ment and to three years, subsequent
police supervlsiou for having imposed
upon the police. The plan of the con
spirators according to Bazani, was to
drop a bomb of gun cotton and fulmin
ate of mercury upon the emperor's
carriage in one of the narrow streets
ot Carlo, in the course of his majesty's
visit to that city.
Ooes This Strike You?
Muddy complexions, nauseating
breath come from chronio consump
tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an
absolute cure and has been sold for
fifty years on an absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cents and 50 ctnts, at Blake
ley & Houhton. druggists. :
Fell From a Train.
Tacoma, Wash., May 12. William
Godsby, assistant cook of the west
bound overland Northern Pacific train
miraclously escaped death from falling
from the train near Ellensburg, while
going 30 miles an hour. He landed in
a clump of willows beside the track.
His fall was not noticed. He walked
to the nearest station and took the
next train to this city, being only
slightly bruised.
Will Be War of Extermination.
New York, May 12. A special to
the World from Hot Springs, Va.,
says: - ,
"Force the fighting. Penetrate far
into the interior and capture or de
stroy every warring Filipino." That
is the pith of a long cipher cablegram
President McKinley sent to General
Otis at Manila. It was prompted by
several dispatchos from General Otis
transmitted by Secretary Alger, which
greatly encouraged the president.
' Many a Lover
Has turned with-disgust from an other
wise lovable girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath by its action ou . the
bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold
fui years on absolute guarantee. Price
25 cts., and 50 cts. Blakeley St Hough
ton, druggists.
'. ' Wonderful Electric Gun.
London, May 14. The Daily Mail
this morning says the admiralty
has offered 75,000 for an elec
tric gun invented by the son of a
Portland grocer. The gun throws an
explosive shot a distance of 5i miles,
with a velocity of two seconds. It is
noiseless and smokeless.
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Grotoo, S. D. "Was
taken with a bad cold which settled on
my lungs; cough set in and finally
terminated in consumption. ' Four
doctors gave me up, saying I could live
but a short time. I gave myself up to
my Savior, determined if I could not
stay with my friends on earth, I would
meet my absent cnes above. My hus
band was advised to get Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial,
took in all eight bottles. It has cured
me, and thank God, I am saved and
now a well and healthy woman." Trial
bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's
drug store. . Regular size 50 cents and
$1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded.
ARE YOU l?aerdeBr1. ffi
THIRSTY satisfy your thirst
Oreeronians Had a Hand
in the. Fight.
Manila, May 14. Two companies
of the Second Oregon Volunteers, and
the same number of Minnesota men,
with 20 American scouts, under Capt,
Case and Burkheimer, flanked the in
surgents at San Udefonso yesterday
and captured the place.
The Filipinos, ia terror and panic.
fired 20,000 rounds of ammunition, but
only slightly wounded one scout. One
insurgent officer was- killed and six
men wounded.
Twenty per cent of the opposing
rebel force has been killed and wound'
ed since Law ton began bis advance
May 1.
General Rios, Spain's military rep
resentative here, says the inhabitants
of Zamboanga, island of Mindanao,
demanded arms from General Lontero
for defense against the landing of the
American forces but their request was
refused. Therefore, the natives at
midnight opened fire on tho Spaniards
with machine guns and rifles stolen
from the former Spanish gunboats re
cently sold to the United States.
The natives were repulsed with
great loss. General Montero, a major
of engineers, and Captain Builea were
gravely wounded; Lieutenant Granado
was slightly injured; one private
soldier was killed and three wounded.
The natives have cut off the water
supply and other resources of the
Spaniards at Zamboanga.
Caring for Prisoners at Wardner a Serious
Task for Idaho.
Wardner, Idaho, May 14. Gover
nor Steuoenberg himself arrived on
the ground yesterday to look personal
ly over the situation. His first care
was to see to the comfort of the pris
oners now in custody here. Together
with General Merriam and Bartlett
Sinclair he spent some time discussing
the means for providing the captives
with every reasonable accommodation.
The completion of the new guard
house, which will be done early next
week, will make that task a more easy
one. It will then be possible to re
move the men from Mullan and Gem
out of toe box cars where they have
been under guard for the past week
and will also permit suitable accom
modations for the men now kept in
the barn.
The matter of feeding the prisoners
is not so serious an item as the ques
tion of bedding. The new bunk house
will be provided with bunks for the
inmates, but it will take a vast quan
tity of blankets and quilts to care for
the 500 occupants. By this time a
good part of the prisoners have been
supplied by friends with bedding, but
still many of the less fortunate ones
are obliged to hustle at night in order
to keep warm, and it was no joke
sleeping without blankets these cold
nights in the upper altitudes of north
ern Idaho. In the past the state has
not been in position to furnish bedding
while General Merriam commanding
the federal troops, has no care of the
prisoners other , than to guard them
and has not been qualified to furnish
supplies for the states captives.
Will Not Hold This Year's Clip for High
Prices. . '
Pendleton, Or. May 14. It is the
belief here that the wool market will
open up in a couple of weeks, and that
the clip of this year will move off at
at the prevailing prices. The growers
are not inclined to repeat the error of
last year and hold their wool for higher
E. Y. Judd, of the Eastern house of
H. C. Judd & Root,of Hartford, Conn.,
and who is the heaviest holder of
stock-in the Pendleton Wool Scour
ing & Packing Company and in the
Pendleton Woolen Mill Company, has
arrived here for the summer. Regard
ing the situation, he said:
"It cannot be denied that the condi
tions just now are by no means ideal,
and that they do not warrant the hope
that the woolgrower will receive as
much for his wool as he could have ob
tained last year, and that wa9 obtained
by those ho let their clips go. Never
theless, there is every reason to expect
improvement, and that before long
this improvement will have brought
its effect here in Eastern Oregon.
"It is now not denied that the wool
growers hare lost from 2 to 3 cents a
pound for all the wool they held, and
this has been a lesson to them. It is
also true that all the big bouses that
bought any wool last year lost money,
and some of them lost very heavily. In
fact, they lost exactly in proportion to
the amount of wool they succeeded in
inducing the grower to part with, and
had they induced the sale of any more
their losses would have been by just
that much greater."
Freight Train
in Cow Creek
. Roseburg, Or., May 14. Through
freight train No. 322, from Portland to
San Francisco, was wrecked in Cow
Creek canyon, at Rattlesnake point,
six miles south of Riddle, 'at noon
yesterday. James McCalley, 'the en
gineer, was killed, and James Mer
riam, the fireman, was seriously in
jured. It is reported that a boy tramp,
who was stealing a ride, was killed,
and that another boy is under the
wreck. The names of the boys are not
known. '
The train was drawn by locomotive
No. 18, of the Astoria-Portland'system.
It is one of the heaviest on the road.
Its great weight' caused the rails to
spread. .
Ihe locomotive and five loaded cars
left the track and plunged over a per
pendicular bank, 35 feet high. The
engine turned over twice, and a car
load of flour piled on top of it. The
tank was bottom side up, with Fireman
Merriam underneath.
When Conductor Eyerton rushed
through the smoke and steam, he
found Engineer McCalley standing
erect, with one hand on the leyer and
the other over his mouth. When car
ried out he looked at his scalded bands
and exclaimed, "My God. this is aw
ful." He lived only a few minutes.
He was terribly scalded.
Fireman Merriam was unconscious
when released. On regaining con
sciousness he said Engineer McCalley
told him not to jump. He is badly
cut about the head, and - his body
is bruised, but he is not considered in
It Must Be Unconditional Surrender or
New York, May 15. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
A satisfactory conclusion is expected
by the administration of affairs from
theconferonce which win beheld by
the American Philippine -commission
with the commission which Aguinaldo
proposes to send to Manila.
In his dispatch to the war depart
ment today, General Otis announced
that Aguinaldo had sent a messenger to
him expressing a wish to send a com
mission to "arrange terras of peace."
The administration officials express
the opinion that this commission
will submit to President Schurman
and his associates the answer of Agui
naldo to the propositions made by the
American commission to Colonel Ar-
guelles, Aguinaldo's emissary, regard
ing the character of govern ment which
would be given to the Filipinos, and
which Arguelles declared was satis
It is probably apparent to the Fili
pinos that there is nothing to be
gained by conducting negotiations for
the purpose of obtaining a temporary
cessation of hostilities- General Otis
will not grant an armistice, and he has
shown that he does not propose to stop
fightiDg, no matter how many peace
emissaries Aguinaldo may send to
Manila, unless they agree to uncon
ditionally surrender. In bis dispatch
General Otis shows, despite the fact
that Aguinaldo states his purpose to
send a commission to arrange peace
that he is making preparations to con
tinue military operations.
Cmpqna River
Still Holds
on to Its
Portland, May 15. W. W. Mc
Guire, brother of the late Hollister D.
McGuirn, returned Saturday from the
Umpqua, where be baB been lor a
month, searching for the bodies of his
brother and A. F. Reed.. '
While he has found little to encour
age him, Mr. McGuire says the search
will be continued until the last ray of
hope has vanished.
In addition to the boat and the coats
of the two men, which were found a
few days after the drawing, two mem'
orandum books have been found. One
had belonged to Mr. McGuire and the
other to Mr. Reed. These were not
found for two or three weeks after the
coats were found. ; '
The . memorandum of Mr. Reed
showed sigus of having rubbed on the
rocks, one corner of it being worn
away. It was found four miles below
where the drowning occurred, and
from the place where it was lodged it
is evident that it floated down 10 or 12
days after the drawing. The river
was something like two feet lower at
the time the book lodged, which bears
out this theory, as it had fallen about
two feet in 10 days.
Ten Vessels Will Soon be Engaged In
Training Men for Gunners.
New York, May 15. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
. Under .instructions given by Sec
retary Long, the gunboats Annapolis
and Vicksburg are to be placed out of
commission and refitted for service as
gunboats instead of training ships.
Experience has demonstrated thafr-
these vessels are to small for the train
ing service, ind their places will be
taken in this service by the Mononga
hela, on the Atlantic coast, and the
Hartford and Pensacola in . Pacific
waters. Not counting these ships, 10
Vessels "will soon be engaged in train
ing boys to be sailors, landsmen to be
seamen and seamen to be expert gun
ners. The Am phi trite and Lancaster
will soon come north, and the men
who have undergone training in gun
nery exercises for the last six months
will be transferred -to other ships and
new classes will take their, places.
That Throbbing- Headache.
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their-matchless
merit for sick and nervous headaches.
They make pure -blood and strong
neryes and build up ysur health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only- 25 cents.
Money back it not cured. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton druggists. .
Battalion of Porto Rlcans.
New York, May 15. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
Within a few weeks a fully organ
ized battalion of Porto Ricans wear
ing Uncle Sam's uniform will be per
forming duty in their native island
under the direction-of American of
ficers. The organization of the com
mand will be authorized by Secretary
Alger and General Henry has directed
the commanding officers of the ports
of San Juan, Ponce, Mayaguez, Are
cibo, . Aguiadilla, Cayay,' Humacao,
Adjutitas, Yauco, Coamo, San German,
Bayamon, Manila, Lares, Aibonito to
designate an officer to enlist, equip
and instruct 25 men, including tone
sergeant and two corporals. General
Henry recommended the enlistment of
Porto Ricans because there was little
work and a great deal of restlessness
on the island. r
A Frightful Blunder.
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will kill
the burn and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils,
felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best
pile cure on earth Only 25 cts a box
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
' Ask your grocer for Clark St Falk's
flavoring extracts
Will no Longer Repre
sent the Cuban Army.
Havana, May 15. General Gomez
informed General Brooke today that
he could no longer act as the represen
tative of the Cuban army in the di
tributioi of the $3,000,000, appropriated
for the payment of the Cuban troops.
General Gomez said he bad arrived
at this decision with great relutance,
and the most friendly feelings toward
General Brooke personally and official
ly,but he felt he could no longer repte
Bent the Cuban army, because a cabal
composed of many of subordinate-com
manders existed to oppose add if pos
sibie defeat the plan for partitioning
the money. He explained that former
members of the Cuban military as
sembly, led by Mayai Rodriguez,
Manuel Sanguilly, Juan Gualbertto
and other malcontents, had organized
a majority of officers against him ap
parently, and though he (Gomez)
might persist and possibly carry the
payment to a successful conclusion, be
was disgusted and wished to wash his
hands of the whole business. There
fore he thought if he left General
Brooke free, the latter would be able
to act with equal effectiveness alone.
General Gomez communicated this
view to General Brooke at an inter
view, which continued for an hour and
a ball. General Brooke expressed
sympathy with Gomez and said he re
gretted the position he had taken, but
the American commander added that
if his decision was uncbangable be
would proceed to deal with tho ques
tion alone.
Mormon Stakeholder Absconds.
Logan, Utah. May 15. Orson
Smith, president of the Cache county
stake of the Mormon church, left here
two weeks ago, and it is learned that
be has left indebtedness to farmers
throughout the county aggregating
$30,000. He was the owner of a large
elevator in this city, and it is reported
that his affairs are in bad shape. It is
believed that he has gone to the
Klondike country. Smith was a na
tive of Iowa, and was appointed presi
dent of the stake in 1890, and appointed
postmaster at Logan by president Mc
Kinley last November. He was also
the representative of Studebaker Com
pany in Cache valley. -
Russia Demands Concession
Peking, May J 5. The Russian de
mand for a new railroad concession
connecting Peking with Russia's pres
ent railroad system in Manchuria, is
still exciting the gravest anxiety
here. Germans and Japanese are
particularly uneasy on the subject of
the unexpected imove on the part of
Russia, and it is said there is a feeling
among the prominent Chinese that
the moment has 'come to make every
effort in the direction of securing
British sympathy and aid.
Do You Want Government Land?
If so call on P. F. Fouts, Gambrious
saloon, who can give you pointers that
will be of advantage to you, and can
show locations in the best fruit section
ot Oregon. a2R-lm
Fast Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Fast
Mail- Worth, Omaha, Kan- MaU -
ll:4(i p.m. sas City, St. Louis, 2:56 p.m.
Chicago and East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane
Flyer Minneapolis, St. Paul, Flyer
6:26 p. m, Duluth, Mllwauke, 5:00a.m.
Chicago and East,
8 p. m. FROM PORTLAND 4 . m.
Oceaa Steaaishlps
All Sa'ling Dates sub
ject to change, -For
San Francisco
Steamers leave Port
land every five days.
8 p. m. Colombia River ..f-m:
Ex.Bunday Steamers Ex. Sunday
10 p. m. To Astoria and Way.
6a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m.
Ez.Sunday Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, Newberg,
Salem & Way-Land's
7 a.m. Willamette mm Yamhill 3:30 p.m.
Tues.Thur, Rivers. Mon. Wed,
and Sat and Fri.
Oregon City , Da yton.and
, Way-Landings. .
a. m. Willamette River 4;30p.m.
Tues, Tnur Tues.Thur.
and Sat- Portland to Corvallls sand Sat j
and Way-Landings
Saake River.
Lv Riparia Lv. Lew'D
daily Riparia to Lswlston, daily
Parties desiring to go to Heppner should take
train No. 4. leaving The Dalles at 5:30 P. M. to
make direct connections, returning, making di
rect connections at Heppner Junction with No.
1, arriving at The DaUes at 3:16 p. m.
No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not
carjy passengers
arrives z:so
a. m., departs
B:au a. m.
No. 24. local freight, carries passengers, eastr
bound; arrives 4 :s0 p. m., departs 8:15 p. m.
No. 21, west-bound through freight, does not
carr passengers; arrives 8:la p. m., departs
0:30 p. m.
No. 23. west-bound local freight, carries oas-
sengers; arrives 5-15 p. m, departs 8:30 a. m.
For fall particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'s
a ent The Dalles, or address
W. H. HTJRLBUBT, Gen, Pass. Agent
Portland. Oregon
3 IRMLAXV Agent, The DaUes
Sirs. Tackman's
..Green House
Near East Hill School.
Supplies all kinds of bedding
plants, roses, carnations, ger
aniums, etc. Cut flowers for
weddings and funerals ar
ranged in artistic designs and
on short notice.
Visitors always welcome.
Mrs. A. Ha Tackman, Prop.
Telephone 74.
BOSTON and all
For information, time cards, maps and ticket
call on or write, W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent
Or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pa.8
sen ger Agent. No. 225 Morrison Street, Cor
ner of Third Street. Portland, Oregon,
The Dalies. Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Daily (except Sunday) between '
The Dalles,
Hood River, .
. Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at Way Points on both
sides of the Columbia river.
. Both of the above steamers have
been rebuilt, and are in excellent
shape for the season of 1899. The
Regulator Line will endeavor to
give its patrons the best service pos
sible. . ;
For Comfort, Economy and
Pleasure travel by the steamers of
the Regulator Line. -
The above steamers will leave The
Dalles and Portland at 8 a. m., and
arrive at destination in ample time for
the outgoing trains.
Portland OiAce,
Oak St. Dock,
The Dalles Office,
.Court Street.
General Agent.
Healthful Hints
Don't forget the baby and his needs
We give you many helpful hints for
healtd and supply the means for carry
ing them out. Our line of toilet ar
ticles, for baby and his mother, is com
plete , fastidious and of highest hygen
c worth. ..
Up-to-Date Pharmacists
175 Second Street.
Qrogon Bakery
and 0-AETE3
A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to furnish families,- hotels and
restaurants with the choicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh Oysters Served in
Every Style.
Second Street, next door to The
DaUes National Bank
ut fc-Urtfr-650$3.25,
witch Uat ratal! at .0 ! M.O.
OUR OFFER" Cut this ad out and tend
uun vrrcn. too. incloacrod sixed
sample of the exact aaaae wanted, and cut It
out as near the roots aa possible, inclose
im eeats extra to
and we will teake tee sw4 te
py postage.
Bale. 71
mr eelr exact, and send to too dt
mall. DOstoald. end if too are not nerfeetl v
satisfied, return it end we will immediate lj
refund your money.
Oar Special OCer Pries as fWtlewi. t-OK. switch
SO-in. long, long- stem. 690 short stem,
OOo: t-os. tS-iru lootT. short stem. SI.2S1
,3-ox. S2-ln, long, short stem, Sl50) 3-os.
9-in. lon.saorvsfcem, tZmitO -os. xe-io.
Ion, short stem, 93.25. Wl taKASTaB
uub wuHi tne bigness grraae on tne
marine Orer at eace aas rt tse spcelal
prices. Tear mmtj fetaraes If jee are eel
6 lease. Write for Free Catalogue of
air Goods. Address,
SEARS. ROEBUCK ft CO. (Inc.) Chicaotv
1 J
Physician and Surgeon,
Booms over Dalles National Bulk. Office boors, 10
a m to in m, ana rrom z to p m. resi
dence West End of Third Street,
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly aDpointed as administrator of
the estate of Lydia A. Richardson, deceased, by
order of the Hon. County Court for Wasco
county. State of Oregon, which order bears date
of May 1st. 1899. All persons having claims
against saia estate are nereD? notinea to pre
sent the same properly verified to me at the
office of my attorneys. Dufur & Menefee, In
Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, within six
months from the date of tnis notice.
Dated May 4th, 1889.
' Administrator of the estate of L) dia A.
Klcharason, aeceasea. mayo-bt
Notice is hereby given that by order of the
Hon. Robert Mays, judge of the county court
for Wasco County Oregon, made on the 9th day
of March, 1899, the undersigned was appointed
administrator of the estate of John Brook
house, deceased, and John J. Brookhouse. All
oarties having claims against said estate are
hereby notified and required to present the
same, properly verified, at the office of Sinnott
& Sinnott, in Dalles City. Oregon, within six
months from-the date of this notice.
Administrator of the partnership estate of
John rirooknouse, deceasea, ana jonnj. urook-
74 Front St., The Dalles.
Tables supplied with the best in
the market.
are not all in flowery petals. The best
are here, secured in glass and ready to
impart a pleasing fragrance to "my
lady's" faster loilet.
All the well-known makes of Toilet
Waters and Perfumes in plain or fancy
. bottles are offered at these - prices.
Lundborg's Violet, peroz.,
Lazell's, per oz., -
Oregeu SDorl Line Railroad
The direct route to
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
the Union PaciSe Fast 'Mail Line, or
the Rio Grande Scenic Lines.
li Days to SALT LAKE
2i Days to DENVERJ
3i Days to CHICAGO
4i Days to NEW YORK
Free Reclining: Chair Cars, Uphol
stered Tourist sieeDing jars, ana
Pullman Palace Sleepers, operated on
all trains.
For further information apply to
JAS. IRELAND. Agent O. B. & N. Co.,
Tne Dalles, Oregon.
r. TERRY. ' W. E. COMAN.
Trav. Pass. Atrt. Gen'l Agent
124 Third St. . Portland, or.
San Francisco
F. LEMKE, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Beer on
Second Street, bet. Court and Onion.
f9 A
s Golden Weddine Edition to celebrate
rbur 50th year in business is a work of art. 94
pages lithographed in colon. 4 pages souvenir;
nearly 100 pages filled with fine halftone illus
trations of Flowers, Vegetables, Plants,
Fruits, etc It is too expensive to give away
indiscriminately, but we want everyone inter
ested in a good garden to have a copy, there
fore we will send a copy of the Guide with a
Due Bill for 35 cents' A R Mo We have a
worth of need for only iU new plan of
selling vegetable seeds, giving more for your
money than any seedsman, and also a scheme
giving credit for the tull amount of your pur
chase to buy other goods. Don't fail to get
our catalogue, it will pay yon.
Vlot'B Uttle Gem Catalogue, free.
Vlck'S Magazine, enlarged, improved, and
. up to date on all subjects relating to garden--ir;
50c. a year. Special 1899 offer the
Magazine 1 year, and the Guide for 15c
HMiUttil-fi(i(:i I
, tne market. ; T lifsJ
T Parties served and lunches for 7 ' a
7 picnics and excursions X as ill II f ' I I '
I Oysters ly style ! jj . , J flff Ifl Bl 6 Q I S f
X W. W. WILSON, - Manager. J (5 $
ttttf ;' M U
, OF ALL KINDS. ' ' : . '
k I Farm Machinery, Etc., f ;
Big Inducements
fl 4S.)ii t.
The above cut represents one of
hibition at our store which we propose
free of charge, in consideration of their
our prices, which are always rock-bottom
ana tbis special offer, which will hold good for a limited tlmejonly, is made lor
the purpose of increasing our cash trade. These clocks are made of bronze,
are beautiful mantel urnaments, as well as drat class time keepers. Pleasev
give us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing you the clocks, and
explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts.
We have a lot of damaged RUBBER GOODS, consisting of Men's hip
and knee boots, snow excluders, Alaskas, storm rubbers, Ladles', Misses' and
Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by water and which
will be closed out at a great sacrifice. ' .
One Price Cash House,
ORGANS ......
Are the LEADERS and a better
1 1 Jos. T. Peters & Co., I
in any Music House.
During the
remainder of the this month we are holding out '
special inducements.
If you ever intend purchasing, call at once,
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second St.,
A. Ad.
... Beijowneil Old
118 Oct 15
Tom Bourke's and
. Homestead whiskey.
Best Domestic Lipors Wines and Clprs
The Dalles, Or,
SI worth checks
good for IOc
drink or
A check given to
every Customer.
Agent for the Swiss Publishing Co., New York.
Wall Paper.
129 Second Street
General Commission, and
391. 393 KND 395 SECOND STRE9T.
(AdjoinlngRailroad Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will be paid to those
for Cash Trade.
our handsomo Bronze Clocks now on ex
to give to our cash customers entirely
liberal patronage. We beg to state that
for first class goods, will remain the same
Cor. Second and Court Sts.
' j'
assortment could not be found
The Dalles, Or. v -
On Fioo Saloon...
90 Second Street, and door from Court Slree ,
The Largest and Best of August Buerger's
Home-Made Beer and Porter.
Forwarding Mercian!
who with their patronaffo