NO 15 ounrttwecK. vmxxxT CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OKEGON, SATURDAY. APRIL 22. 1899 CAPTURED TWO "-MORE TOWNS General Lawton Takes Longos and Paete. " New Yoki., April 14. A dispatch to the Herald from Manila aavs: The expedition under Major-General Law ton yesterday moved 12 .miles further ijOngos ana .faete. a squaaron 01 toe Fourth cavalry was left to garrison . Santa Cruz. There was only desultory shooting' " from rtrnntincr nncmg until the .." advance reached Paete, the center of ,. the insurgent military government in the road is flanked by steep hills on had constructed great long trenches, and also across the road. The .North Dakota regiment ran into a cross fire. Squads of five sharpshooters each were 6ent up the steep hill and though the thick brush to flank the insurgents. One squad of the North Dakota rel ment suddenly came to the insurgent trench, halting when only 15 yards off. Only one man in this squad got away unhurt. The thin-clad gunboats shelled the insurgent's position for an hour. The enenmy was finally driven, out. Our loss was five killed and two wounded, the greatest loss Lawton has . yet sustained. The launches captured Tuesday are worth $60,000. Young Mothers. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of croup. It has never been known to fail. The worst- cases . relelved immediately ..Price 25 cents. 50 cents aod $1.00 . nlftlralflv ac Rniiirhtnn rimer or it. SCANT SATISFACTION. What the War Department Will Keplv to . . gGovernor Lee. WASHINGTON, April 14. The war department will reply to the telegram , of Governor Lee of South Dakota, to President McKinley, asking for the immediate muster out of the South Dakota troops in the Philippines, that - all the troops will be brought home as soon as it is deemed expedient by the Uuited States and as soon as possible with the transports at band. It is said at the war department that the law requiring the muster out, of the troops contemplates that the ex ecutive department shall have time to issue the necessary orders and make preparations to properly discharge the soldiers and bring them home. Does This Strike Ton? Muddy complexions, nauseating breath come from chronic consump tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an aosoiute guarantee. Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake ley & Houhton, druggists. . '' ' A DEFINITK AGREEMENT BEACHED. 8amoa ConunlMlonen of the Three Power to Be Instructed Alike. Washington, April 14. After hearing this morning from the Ger man and British embassies, the state department was enabled to announce positively and finally that the three parties to the Berlin treaty had agreed upon the.instructions to be given their Samoan. commissioners, and that it was certain the . commission . would leave San Francisco April 25. , The instructions to the commission ers are identical, the three, govern ments haying accepted a form which compromised . the differences which have existed up to this time. The commission will be empowered to deal with the situation as it finds it in the Samoan islands upon its arrival. This applies to the aots necessary to place the affairs of the islands in a peaceful and satisfactory condition for the time being and subject to the approval of the three powers. The commissioners will have no power to alter the treaty of Berlin. Do loo. Know Consumption is preventable? Scieno has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold on positive -guarantee for over fifty years. Blake ley & Houghton, druggists. Affairs st Havana. Havana, April 14. Spanish silver Is now quoted at 89, the highest figure reached in this decade. Three-fourths of the inland telegrams are quotations of money for country customers. Orders have been published in the American camps - to muster out the me J who enlisted as regulars for the war. There are about 300 such men in the Eight infantry and 59 in the Second artillery. If any a Lover .Has turned wita august irom an uiiuor : wise lovable girl with an offensive -fles -the' breath by its action on the 'bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold . fury ears on absolute guarantee. Price 25 eta., and 50cts. Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. . '.. Beaten Bat Not Defeated. Chicago, April 14. The Greater Chicago resolution was beated in. the Illinois bouse of representatives, but : Greater Chicago is not defeated. - : The plan-now is to organize a com mittee of 100 representative men of Chicago to carry on - an active cam paign which shall familiarize the people of Chicago, Cook county and the state with the advantages of gov ernmental consolidation, and show exactly what is proposed by the advo- ' cates of the resolution. .. MCKINLEY COMING WEST. Tne President to Visit Yellowstone Park and Some Coast Cities. ' Chicago, April 14. United States Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food . against alum Alum bating powden are fiat greatest mmrTT to health of the present day. OVAL SAJGM POWDER 00., NEW VOflH. Senator Thomas H. Carter, of Mon at the. Auditorium An nex . He is en route to Butte, Mont., from Washington. He said President Mo Kin ley is golog to make a tour of the Western states during the month of July, and that bis stop in Chicago was for the purpose of arranging a few de tails for the president's sojourn in the city. The plan as outlined by Senator Carter provides for an interesting trip for the president. Accompanied by Mrs. McKinley and a considerable number of intimate official associates, he will leave Washington about July 15. He will make a quick trip from Washington to Chicago, but from Chi cago west to Yellowstone Park the trip will be slow and a few speeches may be made. In the Yellowstone Park the entire party will "rough it" for a number of days, traveling by stage. After leaving the park the presiden tial party will visit some of the princi pal points in the Western states and then make a quicic return journey to Washington. ASK RETURN OF VOLUNTEERS. McMlnnvUle Meeting Sends a Message to McKinley. McMiNNVTJLLE, Or;, April 16. At a mass meeting held yesterday, resolu tions were adopted asking President McKinley for the' immediate return of the Oregon volunteers in the Philip pines. Towns that have companies in the Second Oregon regiment were re quested to send delegates to Salem next Saturday to confer with Govern or Geer and tb" Oregon congressional delegation relative' to the discbarge of the soldiers. McMinnville's delegates are ex-Sheriff w. X.. Warren, J. C Cooper, Wyatt .Harris and A. V. R. Snyder. Tbey will be backed by strong petitions, as the people of Yam hill county, believe that the Oregon boys have more than done the1' work for which they enlisted. The resolutions set forth that many promises have peen made by the war department regarding the return of the Oregon boys; that many trans ports are coming back empty to the United States, though peace has been officially declared; that Eastern volun teers have been discharged. All ef forts to make political capital out of the question of discharging the Ore gon men or continuing them in the Philippine service are strongly con demmed. The plan suggested by the resolutions is that the volunteers be given free choice as to whether they wish to stay or come borne, and that there be no pressure from the war department or government officials. Not to the Filipino Liking;. Singapore, April 16. The latest news received by the local Filipino junto from Manila describes the proc lamation of the United States Philip pine commissioners as "vague and unsatisfactory." The Filipinos are reported as repudiating It, "because their experience Is that American ac tions belie American promises and because the proclomation contains no tangible guarantees of self-government or that the Islands will not be exploit ed by the syndicates, adventurers and carpet-baggers." The proclamation of Major-General Otis, according to this junta dispatch is considered "equally injudicious," and it is asserted that "no faith can be reposed in General Otis or Colonel Denby." Half the City Inundated. Denver, April 14. A special to the Times from Cheyenne, Wyo., says: Word has reached this city from Wyoming that Goose Creek has swolen to alarming proportions. The bridges are all washed away and half the city Is under four feet of water. Many residences have been deserted. The situation is alarming and great con sternation prevails. The water comes from the Bad Lands, where the snows were unprecedented. Ureat Wheat Shortage. OHICAGO, April 16. Board of trade dealers say the winter wheat crop is seaiously damaged. It will be 70,000, 000 or 100,000,000 bushels less than last year. Ex-President Baker says It Is not a question of export, but whether we will have enough for home consump tion. Reports from Indiana, Illinois, Kansas and Ohio, are extremely dis couraging, and a partial or total fail ure of acreage is reported. Tell lour Sister. A beautiful complexion is an impos sibility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acta directly on the bowels, liver aud kidneys keeping them in perfect health. - Price 25 cts and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. A Hontlneton Bill Passed. Austin, Tex., April 14. The house of the Texas legislature yesterday passed the senate bill confirming the action of the Galveston city council in granting to C P. Huntington 10 blocks of wharf privileges on Galveston bay. There was a strong fight on this bill, but It passed by a vote of 68 to 35, Consuls Ordered Back to Spain. Washington, April 14. The secre tary of state has directed the return to their posts in Spain of the United States consuls, who were obliged to leave on account of the war. , TRAP FOR AGUINALDO TrooDS Will Be Sent to A. the North by Sea. Manila, April 16. The Americans plan to trap Aguinaldo by sending troops via the tea route to the north of him. Then be will be between two lines of Americans, and it may result in his capture. General Otis declares be has crushed the rebel army and Agulnaldo's so called government. He adds that the Americans are not going to stop on account of rainy . weatoar, . but. will make an active campaign, cutting the rebel forces In two at Manila and trapping Aguinaldo to the north. He thinks the chief problem it now to exterminate the brigands and bandits who infest the islands in immense bands of great strength and daring. The condition of the Spanish pris oners is terrible. They are wean, emaclatsd, starved, beaten cruelly and ordered about by prods of bayonets. United efforts has been made by merchants of all nationalities to have the Spaniards set free by Aguinaldo. The petition is to be delivered at once. However, Otis thinks it will be some time before Luzon is pacified. THE ALLY OF THE TAOALES. Climate Depended on to Decimate the American Forces. New Yoke, April 17. A Hong Kong letter to the World says: "We are weak and you are strong," said Dr. Gallicano Apalrble, the head of the Filipino junta here, "but we have an ally and you have none. !Wo bbve 70,000 stands of arms and 30,000 troops in the field, and sufficient material to make cartridges to supply our troops for four years to come. Our ally is the climate of the Phil ippines. . Your bullets cannot kill one of our men where disease will kill 20 of yours once you begin yonr advance nto the Interior. We will harass your advance at the same time we welcome It. "We cannot fight pitched battles with you, and we do not need to. We shall be here today and there tomor row, attacking, then flying. You can no more catch us or conquer us than you can the wind." Youth seems to be the invariable fist requirement of leadership among the Filipinos. Only the younger generation of half-breeds have had ths advantage of education. -Dr. Apairble and Dr. Santos (after Apairable, the most prominent members of the Hong Kong junta) are under 25, and both have received the degree of doctor of law in Spain. Between them and the numerous young men who are their associ ates and the mass of Filipinos, there is about as much resemblance as between a quadroon and a full-blood negro. They were led to organize the repellion by a priest; priests educated them, and by the irony of fate, they now bold hundreds of friars as prisoners. Swept Into the RWer. . LiEWISTON, Idaho, April 16. B. F. Elliot, one of the bestknswn rivermen In the Northwest, was drowned in the Clearwater Tuesday. He owned a fine farm 75 miles above Lewiston, on the Clearwater, and while on the way to that place on foot he was caught In a snowslide which carried him into the river. He was expected at his home on Tuesday last, and on Thurs day a messenger started down the river in search of him. His tracks were found leading to the track of the snowslide, and they never left the slide. There can be no doubt about his fate. Great WhUkv Trust. CHICACO, April 16. A special to the Daily News from Louisville. Ky., says: The must gigantic liquor combin ation eyer engineered an amalgam ation of whisky and distillery interests with a united capital of $200,000,000 wiil be practically completed in all but the smallest details tomorrow In Chic ago, when the men now controlling the Kentucky distilleries and ware house companies finish arrangements for the pure Quae and absorption of nearly every distillery in the United States Beel May Resign. Washington, Apr J, 16. The re port that Tbounas B. Reed will resign the speaker-ship and will not be a caudidate for re-election gains credence here. It Is said he wiil practice law in New York, and be succeeded by Con gressman Sherman, of that state, who 1 McKinley 's candidate for that place. New York, April 15. Speaker Reed, who in here to night, refuses to affirm or deny the report. He will sail for Europe in a few day for a rest. ' FIUHC AMONG THEMSELVES. JL Spanish Row at an Election Twenty Hlx Persons Wounded. Madrid, April 17. During election riots at lUlboa, 26 persons were wound ed. Popular feeling runs high in Va lencia . and surrounding districts. There was a serious affair in the town of Port os, province of Tarragona, where the official candidate being iieaten, the municipal officials fired suns at the crowd, injuring a number of perbons. The newspapers have announced that Don Jaime, son of Don Carlos, the Spanish pretender, is on bis way to the Pyrenees. The latest indications as to the re sult of the elections are that the min isters will have a large majority. PARTITION THE ONLY SOLUTION nunoas Islands Must Be Divided Among: the Three -Powers. . New York, April 17. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Senator John L- Morgan, of Ala bama, a leading member of the for eign relations committee, when asked ior an expression o' the Samoan problem, said "There la but one permanent solu-" tlon of the Samoan question. That is a partition of the islands by the three great powers which have by common desire just formed a commission to reconcile the differences between themselves and the native Samoans. "The United States, Great Britain and Germany will, lav my judgment, act most wisely if they immediately proceed to a settlement.' I feel little good will result from a temporizing policy toward these warlika and blood thirsty-savages. "Whatever sentiment we may en tertain for tho rights of the Samoans, the arbitrary law of nature which pre vents an incongruous assimilation of people will ever bean insurmountable barrier to peace, progress and civili zation as long as governmental con trol is by the weaker class." Working; Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill Is a sugar- coated globule Of nealttfjrtbatr cbanges weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag Into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. WHY LAWTON WAS RECALLED. Ais Forces to Participate in a Movement on Ban Fernando. New York, April 17. A special to the Herald from Washington says When shown a dispatch announcing the recall of General Lawton, Briga dier-General Schwan, acting adju tant general, said It was In accord aoce with the understanding at the war department as to the purpose of General Lawton's campaign. 'General Otis sent this expedition to Southern Luzon," he continued, for the purpose of destroying any in surgent forces that might be found there, to make a careful reconnoisance of the territory and to spread broadcast the recent proclamation of the Philip pine commission, setting forth the pur poses of this government with respect to the islands. I expect he will clear all the prisoners he has taken, and tbey will be sent to their homes. By this action it is hoped he will prove to the Filipinos that the Americans are not as barbarious as the Insurgents pretend we are and that we propose to treat tins Filipinos humanely." "Why is General Lawton needed at Manila?" . ;' "General Otis has not communicated bis plans to the department, the mat ter being left entirely to his discretion. Tbe insurgent leader has established his headquarters at San Fernando, to the northwest of Malolos, and I sup pose General Otis contemplates a movement against the city. General Lawton had ouly I5U men under his command, and it was of course impos sible for bim to divide his force by stationing detachments in every vil lage captured. His command will be useful, however, in assisting in the ad vance on Malolos, or in reinforcing tbe line about the city of Manila. It is possible that when the lake rises, General Otis will resume the campaign in the southern part of the island. " Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results In loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, headache and tired listless, rundown feeling. But there is no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when be is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. Private Secretary Porter Resigns. Washington, April 17. John Ad aison Porter has resigned his position as secretary to. President McKinley. Ill health la given as the cause. . B. B. Cortelyou, at present assistant secretary to the president, will be promoted to fill tbe vacant secretary ship, according to generally accepted opinion. Red Hot From the Unn Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil war. It caused horrible ulsers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen'g Arnica Salve cured him. Cures cuts, bruises, burnes, boils, felons corns, ssin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Goats Yield Good Fronts. Forest grove, April 16. George Dooley, of Greenville, finished yester day shearing a large band of Angora goats. Eleven pounds of wool was ob tained from one goat. It sold for 83.85 or 35 cents per pound. The band averaged 82.50 each. Lawton Takes Calamba, Manila, April 16. News is re ceived here by the way of Taagis that Lawton has captured Calamba. It Is known that, he has landed, but the de tails of his taking the place are delayed on account of poor transportation. Ke Spanish Ambassador. . London, April 16. Special dis patches from Madrid say the Duke of Arcos, the late Spanish minister to Mexico, who married Miss Virgina Lowery, of Washington, has been designated Spanish ambassador at Washington. For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well-Tried Rem edy. Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in every part of the world Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's. Good Wood. ' To get tbe best dry fir and pine wood that the market affords ring up 40. Prompt delivery. The Dalles Lumber- log Co, A VAST ARMY ,-. . IS NEEDED Lawton Says 100,000 Troops Are Requir ed in the Phil ippines. . ; New York, April 17. A dispatch to the World from Man'la says: Ma- jor-General Lawtoo, at Paite, today authorized the World correspondent to make this statement: "The present prospect is that 100,- 000 troops will be necessary to pacify the Philippine islands." General Lawton's expedition has returned to Manila. All the territory he had captured was evacuated, and the launches he seized wilt be given back to tbe persons from whom Agul naldo's soldiers took them. After giving the opinion that 100,- 000 men will be required to subdue these islands, General Lawton ex plained the situation to' the World correspondent as follows: 'The difficulties in the way are those of fighting guerrillas in a tropi cal country. With my brigade I could force my way from one end of the island to the other if I did not have to hold the territory I traversed. But leaving garrisons behind would soon eat up the whole of the force." General Lawton regretted exceed ingly being compelled to evacuate the territory he had captured. Millions Given Away. -It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarse ness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call en Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists, and get a free trial bottle. Regu lar size 50 cents and $1.00. Every bot tle guaranteed, or price refunded. OREGON AND WASHINGTON. There Will Be no Material Shortage In Crops This Year. Oregon and Washington may be de pended upon to furnish considerable bread this year. ' Dispatches from Chicago state that good figures esti mate that winter wheat has been generally damaged . throughout the country. They declare that the wheat crop of this country will be from 70,- 000,000 to 100,000,000 bushels short of last year's yield. This is not true in Oregon and Washington. B. S. Pague, whose business it is to keep tab of crop conditions, as well as the weather, says that conditions are favorable to a good yield in the North west this year. The Februgry freeze damaged the crop in some sections, said be "but not enough to cut the general average. "West of the mountains -indications now are that the crop will be as good as last year. East of the mountains the freeze did some damage, but not enough to count. "Last fall was unfavorable for sow ing grain east of tbe mountains, conse quently not so much as usual was put in, and the crop of spring grain prom ises to be larger than usual. In Washington, 'practically the same conditions exist. Tbe damage in that state may be a little more than In this, but tbe difference Is very slight. The fruit crop is good. The freeze didn't do the 'damage many thought, and we will have our usual crop of all kinds of fruit and berries in this state. In the Willamette valley peaches and apricots are damaged, but tbe crop in Southern Oregon is fine. There will be an abundance for all through out the state." Careful estimates place both the fruit and grain crops of this state as not more than 5 per cent below last year, it tbe conditions remain favor able, it will not likely be a falling off of that much. IDAHO'S HONORED DEAD. Major McConvUle Laid to Rest With Proper Honors. A Lewiston dispatch of the 15th says: The funeral of Major Edward McConville, of the Idaho volunteers, who was killed on Fehruary 4 last lead ing bis battalion in the famous charge at Santa Ana, near Manila, was held today.. Interment was in the Masonic cemetery. Fully 6,000 people witnessed the ceremonies. Governor Steunenberg and other state officers and prominent fraternity men from eyory section of the state wore present. Two com panies of cadets from the state uni versity and a company of ex-members of the Idaho aod Washington volun teers led the procession, which was over a mile in length. The military ceremonies were appropriate to the rank of brigadier-general. An impressive feature of the funeral services was the presentation of a com mission as colonel of the Idaho Nation al Guard to Harry.McCooville, the 17 year-old- son of the dead hero, the commission having been issuod by tbe governor a few days ago. The young man was fighting as a private in bis father's battalion when Major McConville fell. For Hale. A two-seated hack, in good condition. Price 850.00. Inquire at this office, men 20. Fer Bale. A single buggy, end spring, and single harness, will be sold cheap for ' cash. Enquire at this office. PROFESSIONAL. C. HOLL1STER, Physician and Surgeon, Rooms over Dalles National Bank. Office hours, 10 imlnlzm, and from z to 4 p m. Keai dence Weat End of Third Street, S. BENNKT Attorney at Law TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vopt Block, The Dalles, Or. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office at the Dalles, Ohkgon, i March 15. 1KJ9. f Complaint having been entered M this office by Ray Htnson against John Vanthiers for abandoning Bis Homestead Entry No. f85fi. dated Augjst -', 1H96. upon the Lots II, 12 and lis, bee. la. ana Lot 14. sec. tti. all in Townshin 1, North of Ranee. 10 East. W. M., in Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this oflloe on the 28th day AprU, 1899 at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said.- alleged auauuunmeni,. ' JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given rlaat by order of the Hon. Robert Mays, judge o:' the county court for Wasco County Orriron. made on the Sth dav of March,' 1899, the undersigned was appointed a-imimsirator oi tne estate or jonn iJrooK - bouse, deceased, and John J. Brookhouse. All Earties having claims against said estate are ereby notified and reauired to Dresent the ! same, properly verified, ut the office of Sinnott & Sinnott, in DaUes City. Oregon, within six months of this notice. It. J. bUKHAN. Administrator of the tannershin estate nf juim orooiwouse, aeceasea, ana jonnj. xlrooK- nouse. w5t BOND ISSUE. Notice is hereby given, that uixm the 31st dav of March, 1899, the city of Antelope, Wasco county, uregon, wia sen to tne mgnest Didder for cash in hand, at Antelope, Oregon, foul thousand dollars in city bonds, as follows: Bonds are of the par value of five hundred dol lars each, payable ten years after date, but op tional after five years, and bearing six ner cent interest, per annum, Said bond issue was au thorized by an act of the legislature of the State of Oregon, at the regular, 1899, session, and by an ordinance of said city of Antelope. Sealed bids for said bonds should be ad dressed to City Recorder, Antelope, Oregon, and should oe sent in prior to March 31st, 1899. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved, By order of thefCommon Council of the City of Antelope. MAX LUDDIKAN, 18Ieb. flt Recorder, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION TJ. S. Land Officb, I The Dalles, Or., March 28, 1899. I Notice is hereby given that the following- pamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in suppor tof his claim, and tnat saia prooi will oe made Derore the regis ter and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Sat urday. May 6, 1899. viz: George Sherrili for the heirs of Mary Ellenv Sherrili. deceased, for merly Mary uiien UDnct ; u. is. 488. lor tne s4 aan ana aw a sec a ip is, u is east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and oultivation of said land, viz: D. D Nelson, William Wolfe, J. S. Taylor and Jacob Obrist, all of The Dalles, Oregon. JAY. P. LUCAS. Register, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF FINAL. SETTLEMENT. Notloe Is hereby given that the undersigned assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourland. an in solvent debtor, has filed his final account and report in said estate, xnd that the same will be called up for hearing in tbe circuit court of the State ot Oregon, for Wasco County, at the reg ular February term of said Court, on Monday the lOlh day of February. 1899, or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard by sa d Court. All persons interested in saH estate are here by notified to appear on or before said date and show cause, if any there be, why said report should not in all things, be allowed, ratified and approved, and an order be made by said court aiscnarging said assignee ana exonerating ms Bondsmen rrom further liability there under. Dated this 18th day of January, 1899. Ueobgb A. Libbi. Assignee of the estate ot O. M. Bourland an insolvent debtor NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officb at Thb dalles, Oregon, i March 14, 1899. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tnat saia prooi wm oe maae oeiore tne Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, April zt, 1899, viz: William A. Cates, of The Dalles; H. E. No. 4977, for the W54 SWX ana sn. sw sec. zd, ip. i in., n. isrj. w.u. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation oi saia lana, viz: J. M. Benson. J. P. Mclnemy, James Smith, Ed. Smith, all of The Dalles, Oregon. JAY P. LUCAS. Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah. D. M. Mc Lauchlan, plaintiff, vs. T. J. Watson, de fendant. By virtue-of an execution, and order of sale, issued out of tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Multnomah, to the sheriff of Wasco oounty. State of Oregon, directed, dated, the 17b day of March. 1899, upon a judgment and order of sale of the here inafter described attached real property, in favor of plaintiff and against defendant, ren dered the 27th day of November, 1893, for the sum of SI. 033.00 and the further sum of $100.00 attorney's fees, and the further sum of $36.45 costs and disbursements, and interest, I will, on Monday the 24th day of April, 1899, at the hour of two o'clock, P. M , at the front door of the county court house, at The Dalles, in the County of Wasc, State of Oregon, at publto auction, subject to redemption, sell the follow ing described real property and the whole there of, to satisfy said judgment and order of sale, interest, costs and all accruing costs, to-wit: The sou hwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 31 in township S north, range 1 1 east of the Willamette Meridian, said Wasco oounty, Oregon. Also the undivided one half of lots 13 and 14 in block 1 ; also the undivided half of lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in block 4; Also the un divided half of lots 14. IS. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 in said block!; also the un divided half of lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5 and 6 in block 6 in the town of Wauooma, in tne county of Wasco and State of Oregon. ROBERT KELLY, Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon Dated, March24, 1899. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasoo County. W. M. Watson, Company, a corporation, plain tiff. vs. George Christensen, defendant. By virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale, duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore gon, for the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated the 11th day of April, 1899. upon a decree for tbe foreclosure of a certain mort gage, and judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 13th day of February, 1899. in the above entitled cause.ln favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendant George Christen sen as judgment debtor, in the sum of nine hun red and sixty four dollars ($964.00), with interest thereon from the 13th day of February, 1899, at the rate of nine (9) per cent per annum, and the further sum of twenty-five ($25.09) dol lars, costs, and tbe costs of and upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real property embraced in such decree of foreclo sure and hereinafter described. I will, on the 15th day of May 1899, At the kour ot 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, and at the front door of the County Court house, in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, sell at publio auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand.ali the right, title and in terest which the defendant George Christen sen had on the 22d day of August. 1896, tbe date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which such defendant herein, has sinoe acquired, or now has in and to the following described real property, situate and being in Wasoo County, Oregon, to wit: - The southeast quarter of section twenty two (22) in township one (1) north of range fif teen (15) east of Willamette Meridian, contain ing one hundred and sixty (160) acres or so much of said property as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold subject to eonfir nation and redemption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this llih day of AprU, 1898. ROBERT KELLEY. Sheriff of Wasoo County, Oregon. Healthful Hints Don t forget tbe baby and his needs We give you many helpful hints for healtd and supply the means for carry ing them out. Our line of toilet ar ticles, for baby and his mother, is com plete, fastidious and of highest hygen- ic worth. BLAKELEY 4 HOUGHTON Up-to-Date Pharmacists 175 Second Street. Qrogon Bakery and O-A-ZEDB A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared to furnish families,- hotels ud restaurants with the choicest Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh Oysters Served in Every Style. Second Street, next door to The Dalles National Bank Mount flood Sample Room THE DALLES, OR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky FROM LOTJSVIXXJC Very Best Key West Cigars and Bes of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwauke Beer always on hand. MAETZ & PUNDT PROPRIETORS CHARLES FRANK 3F THE TBC (6 rs EXCHANGE Keeps on draught the celebrated Columbia Beer, acknowledged the best beer in Tbe Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SANDWICHES, all kinds, ON H ND Sail Francisco BEER HALL F. LEMKE, Proprietor. Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED. BEER, Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. Second Street, bet. Court and Union. Tlie WMteliouse CHA8. JUGHKLBAGB, Proprietor First-class Winea Liquors and Cigars Alwayn on Hand. Corner Second avid Court Streets, THE DALLES OREGON. BRANCH OEFICE Oregon Viavi Co. Room 7. over French -& Co's. Bank. Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m Charlotte F. Roberts, Local Manager CANTON DISCS HARROW. b all ted, which makes it renr strong and durable. It simple in construction and has less parts to wear than any Disc made. The chilled journal bearings are entirely dust-proof and can be easily oiled. There is absolutely no end thrust to wear on the bearings. ' The gangs are so arranged that they cannot raise out of the ground in the center, but easily adjust them selres to dead furrows or low places in rough ground. A trial will convince you that the Canton is without an equal. Manufactured by ' PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS. Canton Chilled Plows Are guaranteed to work perfectly. They have stood the test of years, are well finiihed. of good tcaterial, and have many points of superiority over other plows T'ry one and you will be satisfied. Made by -PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO.. CANTON. IILINOIS- T. Jos. THE Butche Farmers Ill gig inducements The above cut represents oue of hibition at our store which we propose free of charge, in consideratiou of their our prices, which are always rock-bottom for first class goods, will remain the same and this special offer, which will bold good for a limited time, only, is made for the purpose of increasing our cash trade. These clocks are made of bronze, are beautiful mantel ijrnament, as well as first class time keepers. Please give us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing you the clocks, and explaining in detail how you can secure We have a lot of damaged RUBBER GOODS, consisting of Men's hip and knee boots, snow excluders, Ataskas, storm rubbers, Ladies', Misses' and Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by water, and which will be closed out at a great sacrifice. J. P. McINERNY. One Price Cash House, American Carries the Best ..Vegetables Direct from the gardens and orchards FISH AND CAME IN SEASON. Chickens Dressed or Alive. Free Delivery to any part of the City. Call up Phone 69 and place your orders any time during the day. ..... J. A. Carnaby & V SO ARE TARM IMPLEMENTS. . . HANDLED BY.... W. A. JOHNSTON & COMPANY, Complete line of Plows, Harrows, Drills, Cultivators and Machine Extras. . . THE CELEBRATED Columbia Brewery AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop; This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will "be Bast Second Street The Dalles, : Oregon Get the Best for the Least Money..... For Sale by Peters DALLES, OREGON. for Cagli Trade. our handsome Bronze Clocks now on ex to give to our cash customers entirely liberal patronage. We beg to state that one of these useful gifts. Cor. Second and Court 8ts. : Market and Choicest and Fruits.. . Co , Proprietors the goUghtly klad. DUE THE BEST THE placed on the market CANTON Made with wood or sted beams Is all sues. Mold, Share and Landside is made of soft center, crucibio steel, thoroughly hardened, Double Shin Mold. They are the Carmen' friend, because they are well and sul stantially made and work perfectly -n all soils. list it PARLIS k ORKSDOEff CO, Culn, Dliistt. CANTON "U" v BAR LEVER v HARROWS Are the best because Km.v are made of tne best stee and are durable. The teeth can be adjusted as to u-asa oiau was .wkeii swkssk.u. a amies as uiihuuciuv Dracea. maae in au sizes, uaoe oy PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS. & Coll